Summary:From the project summary: Both satellite products and climate models have large biases in the energy and water budgets over the Southern Ocean (SO), which is not surprising given this environment's unique nature. The air is free of dust and pollution, and the surface is governed by strong winds, large waves and heavy sea spray. These conditions lead to the greatest fractional cloud cover over any place on the globe. Much of these biases are a direct consequence of a poor understanding of the structure and dynamics of the SO atmospheric boundary layer, which in turn is a consequence of the sparse observations being available due to the harsh conditions. This proposals call for employing unmanned aerial vehicles/systems from Macquarie Island to make unprecedented observations of the boundary layer processes over the SO. These observations will be used to both model the boundary layer dynamics and clouds and evaluate satellite products and numerical simulations of surface fluxes, cloud properties and sea spray. The data was recorded at lat: -54.5, lon:158.935. The observations include fluxes for Absolute Humidity, Heat, and Carbon. The data is in netcdf4 format with medium compression, and have all available information in the attributes of each variable. The data can be easily previewed with an application like Panoply ( The variable names are: 7500_Warn AGC_7500_Avg Amph_CSAT_Tot Ampl_CSAT_Tot CSAT_Warn Chopper_7500_Tot DelT_CSAT_Tot Detector_7500_Tot Fc_Avg Fc_raw_Avg Fe_Avg Fe_raw_Avg Fh_Avg Fm_Avg Pll_7500_Tot Sync_7500_Tot Track_CSAT_Tot covAhAh covAhTv covCcAh covCcCc covCcTv covTvTv covUxAh covUxCc covUxTv covUxUx covUxUy covUyAh covUyCc covUyTv covUyUy covUzAh covUzCc covUzTv covUzUx covUzUy covUzUz n_Tot time time_YYYYmmDDHHMMSS