Summary:Taken from sections of the Report:\r\n\r\nThe 2002-03 Mapping and Geographic Information Program (MAGIP) field season was undertaken from Davis Station. Nigel Peters from Sinclair Knight Merz undertook this season's fieldwork, the results of which are described in the following report.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nThe main objective for this season was to provide photo control mapping in the Rauer Group, with photo control also required at Davis Station and Marine Plains. A number of other tasks were undertaken in support of various scientific and engineering programs.\r\n\r\nThe tasks outlined in the surveyors brief are varied and numerous and have been included to provide the surveyor with a full and appropriate work program. The tasks are prioritised, usually with one or two major tasks with a number of minor tasks listed to be undertaken if the opportunity arises. This season's Survey Brief has been included in Appendix A with a summary of achievements listed in Appendix B.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nThe following report covers the fieldwork undertaken by myself during the 2002/2003 ANARE Summer Field Season. Data collected in support of other scientific programs has been included in this report primarily as a record of work undertaken by the mapping program. These data have been supplied to the various scientists for inclusion in their studies.\r\n\r\nSequence of Events\r\n\r\n# 4th November - 12th November 2002 - Pre-Departure Training\r\n\r\n - Field training for expeditioners at Bronte Park prior to the departure of V2.\r\n\r\n - Survey briefing at Antarctic Division by Mapping Officer, Mr Henk Brolsma\r\n\r\n# 20th November -5th December 2002 - Voyage 2\r\n\r\n - Final preparation and checking and replacement of damaged equipment\r\n\r\n - The Aurora Australis departed Hobart on the evening of 22nd November en route for Zhongshan, Davis and Mawson\r\n\r\n - The Aurora Australis arrived of Zhongshan on the 3rd December where Chinese personal were deployed\r\n\r\n - The Aurora Australis stopped approximately 1km off shore from ...