Summary:Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlanned Statement: Biogeochemical model PISCES, in 1D configuration, forced with an idealised seasonal cycle. More details: Llort, Joan. 2015. Bloom Phenology, Mechanisms and Future Change in the Southern Ocean. Phdthesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6. Llort, Joan, Marina Lévy, Jean-Baptiste Sallée, and Alessandro Tagliabue. 201 Onset, Intensification, and Decline of Phytoplankton Blooms in the Southern Ocean. ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal Du Conseil 72 (6): 197184. Nicholson, Sarah-Anne, Marina Lévy, Joan Llort, Sebastiaan Swart, and Pedro M. S. Monteiro. 2016.Investigation into the Impact of Storms on Sustaining Summer Primary Productivity in the Sub-Antarctic Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, January, 2016GL069973. Bopp, L., O. Aumont, P. Cadule, S. Alvain, and M. Gehlen. 2005. Response of Diatoms Distribution to Global Warming and Potential Implications: A Global Model Study: DIATOMS AND CLIMATE CHANGE. Geophysical Research Letters 32 (19): n/a-n/a. Credit NEMO Ocean Engine' Gurvan Madec, and the NEMO team (2008) Credit Bopp, L., O. Aumont, P. Cadule, S. Alvain, and M. Gehlen. 2005. “Response of Diatoms Distribution to Global Warming and Potential Implications: A Global Model Study: DIATOMS AND CLIMATE CHANGE.” Geophysical Research Letters 32 (19): n/a-n/a. This repository contains data files (netCDF format) related to the model configuration developed and used by Joan Llort between 2011 and 2019. The model is a 1D configuration based on PISCES v1 and the specific routines and namelist are here: The data in this repository is organised in two groups: - The first group contains the forcing files used to create and idealised representation of Southern Ocean water columns. Forcing files were ...