Summary:Parent node for data sets for the Antarctic Free Ocean Carbon Dioxide Enrichment experiment (antFOCE), AAS project 4127. Project Summary: Currently, a quarter of the CO2 we emit is absorbed by the ocean. CO2 absorption in seawater changes its chemistry – reducing ocean pH (raising its acidity) – which has significant impacts on biological processes and serious implications for the resilience of marine ecosystems. As CO2 is more soluble in cold water we expect polar ecosystems to bear the heaviest burden of this 'ocean acidification'. We will perform the first in situ polar CO2 enrichment experiment to determine the likely impacts of ocean acidification on Southern Ocean sea-floor communities under increasing CO2 emissions. Parent node to which antFOCE data sets are linked. Also contains a report titled 'antFOCE 2014/15 - Experimental System, Deployment, Sampling and Analysis' and a diagrammatic representation (mind-map) of how each data set relates to the various experimental components.