One hundred new species of lichenized fungi: a signature of undiscovered global diversity

WOS: 000294428700001 The number of undescribed species of lichenized fungi has been estimated at roughly 10,000. Describing and cataloging these would take the existing number of taxonomists several decades; however, the support for taxonomy is in decline worldwide. In this paper we emphasize the di...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Lumbsch, H. Thorsten, Ahti, Teuvo, Altermann, Susanne, Amo De Paz, Guillermo, Aptroot, Andre, Arup, Ulf, Luecking, Robert
Other Authors: Anadolu Üniversitesi, Fen Fakültesi, Biyoloji Bölümü
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Magnolia Press 2011
Online Access:
Summary:WOS: 000294428700001 The number of undescribed species of lichenized fungi has been estimated at roughly 10,000. Describing and cataloging these would take the existing number of taxonomists several decades; however, the support for taxonomy is in decline worldwide. In this paper we emphasize the dire need for taxonomic expertise in lichenology. We bring together 103 colleagues from institutions worldwide to describe a total of 100 new species of lichenized fungi, representing a wide taxonomic and geographic range. The newly described species are: Acarospora flavisparsa, A. janae, Aderkomyces thailandicus, Amandinea maritima, Ampliotrema cocosense, Anomomorpha lecanorina, A. tuberculata, Aspicilia mansourii, Bacidina sorediata, Badimia multiseptata, B. vezdana, Biatora epirotica, Buellia sulphurica, Bunodophoron pinnatum, Byssoloma spinulosum, Calopadia cinereopruinosa, C. editae, Caloplaca brownlieae, C. decipioides, C. digitaurea, C. magnussoniana, C. mereschkowskiana, C. yorkensis, Calvitimela uniseptata, Chapsa microspora, C. psoromica, C. rubropulveracea, C. thallotrema, Chiodecton pustuliferum, Cladonia mongkolsukii, Clypeopyrenis porinoides, Coccocarpia delicatula, Coenogonium flammeum, Cresponea ancistrosporelloides, Crocynia microphyllina, Dictyonema hernandezii, D. hirsutum, Diorygma microsporum, D. sticticum, Echinoplaca pernambucensis, E. schizidiifera, Eremithallus marusae, Everniastrum constictovexans, Fellhanera borbonica, Fibrillithecis sprucei, Fissurina astroisidiata, F. nigrolabiata, F. subcomparimuralis, Graphis caribica, G. cerradensis, G. itatiaiensis, G. marusa, Gyalideopsis chicaque, Gyrotrema papillatum, Harpidium gavilaniae, Hypogymnia amplexa, Hypotrachyna guatemalensis, H. indica, H. lueckingii, H. paracitrella, H. paraphyscioides, H. parasinuosa, Icmadophila eucalypti, Krogia microphylla, Lecanora mugambii, L. printzenii, L. xanthoplumosella, Lecidea lygommella, Lecidella greenii, Lempholemma corticola, Lepraria sekikaica, Lobariella sipmanii, Megalospora austropacifica, M. galapagoensis, Menegazzia endocrocea, Myriotrema endoflavescens, Ocellularia albobullata, O. vizcayensis, Ochrolechia insularis, Opegrapha viridipruinosa, Pannaria phyllidiata, Parmelia asiatica, Pertusaria conspersa, Phlyctis psoromica, Placopsis imshaugii, Platismatia wheeleri, Porina huainamdungensis, Ramalina hyrcana, R. stoffersii, Relicina colombiana, Rhizocarpon diploschistidina, Sticta venosa, Sagenidiopsis isidiata, Tapellaria albomarginata, Thelotrema fijiense, Tricharia nigriuncinata, Usnea galapagona, U. pallidocarpa, Verrucaria rhizicola, and Xanthomendoza rosmarieae. In addition, three new combinations are proposed: Fibrillithecis dehiscens, Lobariella botryoides, and Lobariella pallida. National Geographic Research Grant [8162-07]; Universidad Nacional del Comahue; CONICET; Academy of CR [AV0Z60050516]; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports [0021620828]; Swedish Research Council (VR) [621-2006-3760, 621-2009-5372]; Carlsberg Foundation [2008_01_0645]; Myndel Botanica Foundation; Societe de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Geneve; Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) [K81232]; CONACYT [35008-V]; PAPIIT-UNAM [IN025808]; Spanish Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia [CGL2007-66734-C03-01]; BSCH-UCM [GR58/08-910773]; EOL initiative; NSF Giralt et al. are grateful to Harrie Sipman for his assistance with the Latin diagnosis of Amandinea maritima. The Galapagos National Park Service provided specimens permits for analysis of the new species in the genera Buellia, Calopadia, Coccocarpia, and Megalospora by Bungartz et al. Specimens were collected in the Galapagos Islands with support from a National Geographic Research Grant # 8162-07 to F. Bungartz. This publication is contribution number 2030 of the Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands. Maria Ines Messuti thanks Universidad Nacional del Comahue and CONICET for financial support. ZP acknowledges support of a project of Academy of CR (AV0Z60050516) and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of CR (no. 0021620828). P. Lambley kindly supplied interesting Bunodophoron-collections from Papua New Guinea. M. Wedin acknowledges financial support from The Swedish Research Council (VR 621-2006-3760, VR 621-2009-5372). U. Arup thanks G. Thor for placing the material of Caloplaca decipioides at his disposal and letting him describe this new species. He also thanks P. Lassen for help with the Latin and L. Christiansen for help with the chemical analysis. Sogaard et al. (authors of Caloplaca digitaurea) appreciate the assistance of L. Knudsen for production of the ITS sequences, L. Christiansen for operating the HPLC analyzer, and A. Elvebakk, Tromso, for the possibility to study his collections from Torres del Paine; the work was supported by grant 2008_01_0645 from the Carlsberg Foundation. A. Frisch kindly wrote the Latin diagnosis for Calvitimela uniseptata. L. Ferraro and A. Michlig, authors of Coenogonium flammeum, are grateful to the Myndel Botanica Foundation for financial support of our fieldwork and to the authorities of the National Park of Argentina for collection permits. D. Ovstedal and J. A. Elix are indepted to Mrs. B. Helle and Mr. J. Berge, both Bergen, for help with the illustration, and to Mr. L. Silva, Recife, for donation of the material of Echinoplaca pernambucensis. Goward et al. thank T. Spribille and C. Miller for performing TLC of Hypogymnia samples and Platismatia wheeleri, and Tim Wheeler for providing a photograph. E. Timdal would like to thank the curator of NY for the loan of the West-Indian Phyllopsora material in which the new species of Krogia was discovered. A. Elvebakk would like to thank the staff at CANB for kind help and for possibility to study their material of Pannaria phyllidiata, P. P. Aspaas, the University Library of Tromso, for translating the diagnosis, and J. A. Elix, National University of Australia for hospitality and company in the field, together with G. Kantvilas and P. McCarthy. D. Galloway is grateful to P. M. Jorgensen for providing the Latin diagnosis of Placopsis imshaugii; to J. A. Elix for chemical help, and to A. Fryday (MSC) for the loan of specimens. A. Nordin (Uppsala) kindly wrote the latin diagnosis of Sagenidiopsis isidiata. Bibiana Moncada and Robert Lucking thank David Galloway for valuable comments on the taxonomy of Sticta venosa. Fieldwork on the genus Usnea on the Galapagos Islands by C. Truong and P. Clerc was supported by a grant "Augustin Lombard" from the Societe de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Geneve. The work was made in collaboration with F. Bungartz and the Charles Darwin Foundation, and Maria de los Angeles Herrera-Campos participated in the field trip. The ministry of environment of the Parque Nacional Galapagos provided collection permits. N. Wirtz thanks M. I.; Messuti for organizing and accompanying her on a field trip t Tierra del Fuego. Andre Aptroot and Holger Thus thank U. Passauer and A. Igersheimer (W) for the loan of the type of Verrucaria lignicola Research in Hungary on foliicolous lichens is supported by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA K81232). Edit Farkas is also grateful for the loan of type specimens to the director Dr. Jan Kirschner, the curator Dr Zdenek Palice and the staff at herbarium PRA-V (Pruhonice, Czech Republic). K. Papong thanks Mahasarakham University for support of her study on Thai foliicolous lichens. M. A. Herrera-Campos, A. Barcenas, R. Miranda, and R. Lucking are grateful for grants by CONACYT (# 35008-V) and PAPIIT-UNAM (# IN025808). Victor J. Rico acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia (Flora Liquenologica Iberica project, CGL2007-66734-C03-01) and from BSCH-UCM (GR58/08-910773). This publication was also supported by a grant of EOL initiative to support a meeting entitled "Parmeliaceae-Improving our understanding of taxonomy, classification and biogeography of the largest family of lichen-forming fungi". Material of some of the new species was collected and studied in the frame of the NSF-funded projects TICOLICHEN (DEB 0206125 to The Field Museum; PI Robert Lucking), "Phylogeny and Taxonomy of Ostropalean Fungi, with Emphasis on the Lichen-forming Thelotremataceae" (DEB 0516116 to The Field Museum; PI H. T. Lumbsch; Co-PI R. Lucking), and "Neotropical Epiphytic Microlichens - An Innovative Inventory of a Highly Diverse yet Little Known Group of Symbiotic Organisms" (DEB 715660 to The Field Museum; PI R. Lucking). The Caterpillar (R) company provided funds to study lichens and other cryptogams from Panama. Maarten Christenhusz is thanked for editing the final version of this manuscript. This publication initiates our worldwide and community-wide revision of the lichen family Graphidaceae in the frame of the NSF-funded project "ATM - Assembling a taxonomic monograph: The lichen family Graphidaceae" (DEB-1025861 to The Field Museum; PI T. Lumbsch, CoPI R. Lucking).