Summary: | Received letter of November 14. Read the Nowell story on the copper to "oldest men of Fort Rupert." The men laughed at the story, said it was wrong. Gives extensive story on background of price of the copper and how it inflated through being resold. Gives fuller background story of the copper and its meaning, and relation to his mother. Suggest Boas get the history of the Seattle totem pole to get "all the different storys" of what's on the copper. Hunt was asked to write it out with his mother after they put it up there. Gives detailed story of mother 's coming to Fort Rupert in 1850. Tells another detailed story of another copper made in secret by a Haida man hired by k!âde, and how k!âde sold it in 1873 in Victoria. This copper now owned by a Dzawada̱ʼenux̱w chief. Gives very detailed background on k!âde and his relations. Includes names of 5 signed witnesses who gave this background story. Ends with 2 full-page sketches of each copper, probably sent with letter of December 14. Contains the image Māmō'gwelēlā