Ojibwa word slips

Typed word slips in Ojibwe, with a few occasional terms identified by Jones as Woods Cree. Location where terms were recorded does not always accompany the notes, though most were likely recorded in northern Minnesota or southwestern Ontario. Part 2 of 2 in Folder 5 of the collection.

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Jones, William, 1871-1909
Format: Manuscript
Published: 1903
Online Access:https://diglib.amphilsoc.org/islandora/object/ojibwa-word-slips
Summary:Typed word slips in Ojibwe, with a few occasional terms identified by Jones as Woods Cree. Location where terms were recorded does not always accompany the notes, though most were likely recorded in northern Minnesota or southwestern Ontario. Part 2 of 2 in Folder 5 of the collection.