
I I I Nt . , Sami Fahmy Cairo Dear Mtrc Sam.i I June 14. 1960 Confiradng our cOD?eraatioDs this 1& to set down in aa clear term. 4S possible the pre.ent atatus o¥ our negotiations ~th the buyers of our suburban propertyo Without going u .to all the details o~ the early negotiations, which were...

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Summary:I I I Nt . , Sami Fahmy Cairo Dear Mtrc Sam.i I June 14. 1960 Confiradng our cOD?eraatioDs this 1& to set down in aa clear term. 4S possible the pre.ent atatus o¥ our negotiations ~th the buyers of our suburban propertyo Without going u .to all the details o~ the early negotiations, which were concluded in a sat1afactor.y way. let it suffice to Bay that we arranged a prelimi nary contract with Sheikh Abdel A.ia El Qanai to purehaae approximately 95 feddans of land at LE,2S00 per feddan for a total price of LE,236,OOO The f i nal contract vas to be signod and the land delivered on Nov~ber 1, 1959 8cai n.t a final cash payment tor the outstanding balance This land vas originally negotiated by a third party , Abdol Chani Abdou, who guaranteed us a oaAh sale price of LBoZOO,OOOa He vas to keep as hi. COMMission any amount over thi s and was alem to be reaponlliblo tor any related expensas durin.: the trana'" fer of land i ncluding the indemnity of the tenants we had on the l and, The origi nal d_npaymont va. LE, 50,OOO and out of thim Abdel Ghani recei ved LE.30, OOO leaYine hia a balance due of approx­imately LE. 6, OOO , On Noyeaber 1 , 19S9 we had oompleted our par t of the contract by arranging to i ndemnify the tenant. Tawadr o. and Farrah i n the .am of LE, S, OOO and the American Girls College for LE2, SOO . By this tiee Abdel Ghani claieed to be able to pay onl y LE I S, OOO , In the interest of expedi enoy we vent ahead and pai d the LE. 2,SOO to the Girl,. Collsce vith the _antandine that this . ount would be taken out of the laat LE, 6, ooo due Abdel Ghani, Froa thi s point the difficultiea bagan to ariae. Every aanner of excu.e known to _an h •• beea p.Yen to U8 a. a NallOD tor' Dot bringing the tranaaction to a "lo"e , but we e . ntually got . story that now appear. to bo as cloae to the truth .a we ar~ £oine to pt. It appears that Sheikh Quanai wall actually obtai ni ng the proper ty on behalf of one of the Kuwaiti Princes, Acti ng i n "oed fai th and i n an effort to coaclude the ...