
, ~. -J ," . , I t I !·!EliORANDUN TOl President McLain From r Comptroller Subject ' Suburban Property Snle .July 4, 1960 As you are Aware, tor the past few week., Sami, Abdel Messih and my.e,lf have boon breaking our necklJ to try and write a c onclusion to the sa1e o~ the IJUburban prop...

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Summary:, ~. -J ," . , I t I !·!EliORANDUN TOl President McLain From r Comptroller Subject ' Suburban Property Snle .July 4, 1960 As you are Aware, tor the past few week., Sami, Abdel Messih and my.e,lf have boon breaking our necklJ to try and write a c onclusion to the sa1e o~ the IJUburban property CI As I write this I belie~e we h •• e ~inally come to an understanding that io •• good as ",e cam. possibly gElt " Tod.,. at 12'00 noon we are to eo to the offiee of Sheikh Abdel Aai. E1 Qanai and receive a caah paymont of LE6,soOo We ~1 also dr. up a contract that allows hiD to use the land but we will keep the t itle in our name. In ~turn for this he i a to give us pr~i8ory notos in the amounts indicated on the attach­ed schedulo. We are also agreeine that i f he i a able to 5011 any part of the land to one ot tho Kuwaiti Pri nces, which ~e sti ll hopes to do, we will receiyo the entire paymcnt as a result of that &aleo Thi s could well mean that we will re­cei~ e full payment before the tiae limit of April 1 5. 1962. . am. nov settit., u~ all Account" Recei . able in the nUle of Sheikb Qaosi and ¢tear1ng this .atter on our books from the 9O:f.'C't. ('I' "i.ew of' the a<;e.ount • ., Thi. tran . ction will be deacrib.J ~ 4 det.~l on tha Journal Voucher that acca-pliah.a tJd . o Th~ reaain. what . y yet develop into a •• rioue probl . _ that i. to decide the best way to cat the __ off the land but thb i. a probl_ that rill hne to be settled after Ilene. Sui ha. a letter fr_ the Girls Sobool and we ha~e the Girl . Sobool a •• urance they will oooperate with u. ia lUll)' way to ._ that thi. probl_ b handled in our fa"or. Sui and Ahdel Me".ih are both up to date on all of the . neeotiation. and . ach will do hi. part to brine thi. sale to a cODcluaioDo I would like to . ind . ~eJ'YODe that the third part,. in­~ ol ~ed in thi. transaction, Ahd . l Ghani Abdou. should not reeeiye one piaater of the l' . ount due hia Witil we ha"e the fnll -.nt of the _le and thi. will be 1 . the ...