
•• I t I Mt . S . i;y Cairo Dear Mt. Sami. June 14. 1960 Conf'il'Ding our con . tion. this ill to . t d . in as el . terms 4. po.aible the prosent mtatua ot our negotiations witb the buyerm of our ouburbau property. Wit bout Koing into all the detail. of the early negotiations. wh...

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Summary:•• I t I Mt . S . i;y Cairo Dear Mt. Sami. June 14. 1960 Conf'il'Ding our con . tion. this ill to . t d . in as el . terms 4. po.aible the prosent mtatua ot our negotiations witb the buyerm of our ouburbau property. Wit bout Koing into all the detail. of the early negotiations. whioh ware conoluded in a satisfactory way. let it suffic. to gay that V0 arranged & p~lininary oontract with Sheikh Abde1 ARia El Qanai to purchaa3 approxiDat~ly 95 f~daD" of land at LE.2500 per teddan for a total price ot LE.236.000. The final oontract . a" to b. .illDOd and the laed deli ye. on !!ov . ber 1. 19 S9 against a final cash payment tor the out . tandinK balance. This land . originally n3goti"tOO by a third PArty. Abdel Ghani Abdou . ho guaranteed ua a oash aale price of Ln. ZOO.oOO. He w.a to keep 8S hi. c~!B.ion any amount oYer this and v&s alno to b. reapoDaible ¥or any re14tcd c%pODnas durine the tran8- f~ of land including the indeHnity of tho tonent . we hmd nn the land. 'lbe original dovnpayacnt wad LE.SO,OOO and out of thi. Abdel Ghani recei.Gd LB.30.000 10aYinc hin a balQDce due of approx­la. taly LE.6.000. OD l'o.,., . b"r 1. 19 S9 .,e had ooaplat"d our part ot the contract bY arranpng to illd . ify tit . tenants T . "adros and Farrah in the sum of LE.5.000 and the AQarioan'Girls CollegQ for LBI.SOO. Dr thi . tim~ Abdel Ghani olafJOod to b. able to p~ only LE,S.OQO. lD th. inte . st of expod:1 . "" ". .at ahend and paid the LIl. 2.500 to the Gi . ls Collo., "ith I<h . und"r.t . dinlli that thi/8 . aunt . mld be tllk . " out of the leat LE. 6 .000 due Abdol Gh . i. FI'OIII this point th" difficulti . bOelUl to arille. n.el"jl' nann . ot axeu •• known to san haQ been ~.en to U. ou a reaaoD tor not bl"insJ,na the tran8acticn t,Q • C10BO. but we O'YentllAlly got a litO.,. thlt nGW appear. to be .a olo$~ to the truth . we arG going to ."t. It appears that Shaikh Quana! " . actuall,. obt"inina the property on behalf of one of the Kuvaiti I'rincoa. Acting in a""d ~.ith aDd in an eftcrt to ...