Summary: | II . THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIRO BOARD OF TRUSTEES CAMPUS PLANNING & HOUSING COMMITTEE Wednesday 12:00 AM May 18 , 1988 Ri ve r Club Present: Mr. Bacon (Acting chairperson), Mr~ Crary, Mr. Kruger, Dr. Lamont, Dr. Pelowski, Dr. Pedersen, Dr. Toepf'er, Mrs. Davidson. 1. Approval of agenda · The agenda was approved. 2. Approva l of the minutes of the last meeting Minutes of the February 2, 1988 meeting in Cairo we r e approve d. 3. Progress report on the Jameel Building Construction on the Jameel Center is slightly behind schedule , but the architect expects the Center to be ready for partial occupanc y Augus t 15 . Further delay in installation of the air conditioning s y s tem and the e l evators is expected because of the importation of equipment. Bids h ave gone out for furnishing s with preference being given to solid wood ite ms . It i s expected that such furnishings will cost about $500,000. Furnishings will be made locally and should be able to be delivered within two mo nths of o r der ing . Dr. Toepfer is confident that there will be no problems with de live r y . ConÂstructioncosts are not final as Dar Al-Handasah has not provide d us with a comprehensive revision of projected expenses based on on the current conÂstruction status of the building. While expected to e xceed the o rigina l proÂjected cost, the final cost should be covered by the orig i n a l gift plu s c.ccrued interest. 4. Report on do rmitory contract Five bids for construction of the dormitory we r e rece i e ve d and reviewed . The two lowes t bids were from the Italian firm SCI a nd from Sami Saad , a n Egyp t i an contractor who was originally pre-qualified in a j o int v e n t u re "lith SCI which was terminated. Based on a report prepared in March with the assista nce o f the AUC Chief Financial Officer on continued deterioration of the exchange rate, the bid from Sami Saad was dete~ined to be better financially. We are now c onduc ting a final review of Sami Saa's qualifications, and contract documents a r e being ...