Model input: hydro-meteorological forcing from the R/V Tangaroa 61TG_3052cruise in the Southern Ocean during 1999 (SOIREE project)

SOIREE Modeling - hydro-meteorological forcings<br> Time series of daily averaged wind velocity (m s-1), sea<br> surface temperature (&#176;C), and mixed layer depth (m).<br><br> <b>SOIREE Modeling</b><br> Updated October 2000<br> Authors: E. Hanno...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Dr Christiane Lancelot, Philip W. Boyd, Doug Mackie
Format: Dataset
Published: Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) 2008
Online Access:
Summary:SOIREE Modeling - hydro-meteorological forcings<br> Time series of daily averaged wind velocity (m s-1), sea<br> surface temperature (&#176;C), and mixed layer depth (m).<br><br> <b>SOIREE Modeling</b><br> Updated October 2000<br> Authors: E. Hannon, C. Lancelot, P.W. Boyd<br> Contact: Prof. C. Lancelot (ESA-ULB, CP221, Campus Plaine, Bd du Triomphe, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium,<br> <br> Note: these model runs were performed with the SWAMCO model.<br><br> See details relative to model concepts, parameterization and adaptation to SOIREE in:<br> Lancelot, C., E. Hannon, S. Becquevort, C. Veth, and H. J. W. de Baar. 2000.<br> Modelling phytoplankton blooms and related carbon export production in the Southern Ocean:<br> application to the Atlantic sector in Austral spring 1992. Deep-Sea Res., Part I, 47, 1621-1662.<br> <br> Hannon, E., P. W. Boyd, M. Silvoso and C. Lancelot. (this issue). Modeling the bloom evolution<br> and carbon flows during SOIREE: Implications for future in situ iron-enrichments in the Southern Ocean.<br> Deep-Sea Res. II.<br> <br><br> <i>Model results are compiled in the file \"SOIREEmodel.xls\"</i><br> This file includes 7 sheets:<br> Var.out: state variables time series (outside the patch)<br> state variables time series (inside the patch)<br> Act.out: activities (biogenic elements fluxes) time series (outside the patch)<br> activities (biogenic elements fluxes) time series (inside the patch)<br> BudgetC: integrated carbon budget<br> pCO2: surface pCO2 time series<br> Forcing: hydro-meteorological forcings<br> <br><br> <i>Comments:<br> Sheet 1 (Var.out):</i><br> 60 days (10/02/1999 to 10/04/1999) time series of the state variables values, averaged daily<br> and over the upper mixed layer (UML)<br> See state variables list in Table 1 below.<br> Diatoms and autotrophic nanoflagellates chlorophyll a (columns AH, AI) are estimated on the<br> basis of the functional and structural metabolites concentration (state variables DAF and NFF),<br> using a conversion factor of 0.5 mg chla / mmol C<br> <br> <i>Sheet 2 (</i><br> see Sheet 1<br> <br> <i>Sheet 3 (Act.out):</i><br> activities time series (outside the patch)<br> 60 days (10/02/1999 to 10/04/1999) time series of the activities (biogenic elements fluxes)<br> values, integrated over the upper mixed layer (UML) and daily averaged.<br> See activities list in Table 2 below.<br> <br> <i>Sheet 4 (</i><br> see Sheet 3<br> <br> <i>Sheet 5 (BudgetC):</i><br> Carbon budget of the Upper Mixed Layer, calculated over 13 days (site occupation of SOIREE) and<br> 60 days since the initial iron release (inside and outside the fertilized patch)<br> <br> <i>Sheet 6 (pCO2):</i><br> Time series of daily averaged surface water pCO2 (in situ temperature, 100% wet) (inside and<br> outside the fertilized patch)<br> <br> <i>Sheet 7 (Forcing):</i><br> Time series of daily averaged wind velocity (m s-1), sea surface temperature (&#176;C), and<br> mixed layer depth (m).<br> <br> <pre> <i><b>Table 1. SWAMCO state variables</b> <b>activity code unit</b></i> diatoms photosynthesis photDA mmol m-2 day-1 diatoms respiration respDA mmol m-2 day-1 diatoms growth sDAF mmol m-2 day-1 diatoms lysis l ysDA mmol m-2 day-1 nanoflagellates photosynthesis photNF mmol m-2 day-1 nanoflagellates respiration respNF mmol m-2 day-1 nanoflagellates growth sNFF mmol m-2 day-1 nanoflagellates lysis lysNF mmol m-2 day-1 NO3 uptake NO3upt mmol m-2 day-1 NH4 uptake by phytoplankton NH4upt mmol m-2 day-1 mesozooplankton grazing on diatoms MSgDA mmol m-2 day-1 mesozooplankton grazing on microzoo MSgMC mmol m-2 day-1 MCZ grazing on autotrophic nanofalg. MCgNF mmol m-2 day-1 MCZ grazing on heterotrophic nanoflag. MCgHNF mmol m-2 day-1 HNF grazing on bacteria HNFgBAC mmol m-2 day-1 bacteria growth muBAC mmol m-2 day-1 ammonification NregBAC mmol m-2 day-1 NH4 regeneration by protozooplankton NregZOO mmol m-2 day-1 PO4 regeneration by protozooplankton Preg mmol m-2 day-1 Fe regeneration by protozooplankton Fereg &#0181;mol m-2 day-1 POC export production (110m) sed mmol m-2 day-1 diatoms (C) export production (110m) sedDA mmol m-2 day-1 diatoms (Si) export production (110m) sedBSi mmol m-2 day-1 sea to air CO2 flux CO2flux mmol m-2 day-1 DIC upwelling upwDIC mmol m-2 day-1 Fe upwelling upwFe &#0181;mol m-2 day-1 bacteria autolysis lysBAC mmol m-2 day-1 HNF autolysis lysHNF mmol m-2 day-1 MCZ autolysis lysMCZ mmol m-2 day-1 POC export production out of the UML sedUML mmol m-2 day-1 <i><b>Table 2. SWAMCO activities (fluxes of biogenic elements)</b> <b>activity code unit</b></i> Functional and structural metabolites (diatoms) DAF mmol C m-3 Monomeric substrates (diatoms) DAS mmol C m-3 Reserve material (diatoms) DAR mmol C m-3 Functional and structural metabolites (nanoflag.) NFF mmol C m-3 Monomeric substrates (nanoflag.) NFS mmol C m-3 Reserve material (nanoflag.) NFR mmol C m-3 Microzooplankton MCZ mmol C m-3 Heterotrophic nanoflagellates HNF mmol C m-3 Bacteria BAC mmol C m-3 monomeric substrates for bacteria (C) BSC mmol C m-3 dissolved organic C (high biodeg.) DC1 mmol C m-3 dissolved organic C (low biodeg.) DC2 mmol C m-3 particulate organic C (high biodeg.) PC1 mmol C m-3 particulate organic C (low biodeg.) PC2 mmol C m-3 monomeric substrates for bacteria (N) BSN mmol N m-3 dissolved organic N (high biodeg.) DN1 mmol N m-3 dissolved organic N (low biodeg.) DN2 mmol N m-3 particulate organic N (high biodeg.) PN1 mmol N m-3 particulate organic N (low biodeg.) PN2 mmol N m-3 dissolved organic P (high biodeg.) DP1 mmol P m-3 dissolved organic P (low biodeg.) DP2 mmol P m-3 particulate organic P (high biodeg.) PP1 mmol P m-3 particulate organic P (low biodeg.) PP2 mmol P m-3 nitrate NO3 mmol N m-3 ammonium NH4 mmol N m-3 phosphate PO4 mmol P m-3 silicic acid DSi mmol Si m-3 biogenic Si BSi mmol Si m-3 total dissolved iron DFe &#0181;mol Fe m-3 total dissolved inorganic carbon DIC &#0181;mol kg-1 total alkalinity ALK &#0181;mol kg-1 </pre><br><br>