Current direction, benthic organisms, zooplankton, chemical, toxis substances, and other data from moored current meter casts and other instruments in the Gulf of Mexico during the Brine Disposal project, 24 March 1981 - 19 February 1982 (NODC Accession 8200129)

Current direction, benthic organisms, zooplankton, chemical, toxic substances, and other data were collected using moored current meter casts and other instruments in the Gulf of Mexico from March 24, 1981 to February 19, 1982. Data were submitted by Texas A&M University as part of the Brine Dis...

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Bibliographic Details
Format: Dataset
Published: NOAA NCEI Environmental Data Archive 2015
Online Access:{C668BDB4-4EC2-4F04-A220-D9592495C03F}
Summary:Current direction, benthic organisms, zooplankton, chemical, toxic substances, and other data were collected using moored current meter casts and other instruments in the Gulf of Mexico from March 24, 1981 to February 19, 1982. Data were submitted by Texas A&M University as part of the Brine Disposal project. Data has been been processed by NODC to the NODC standard F005- Current Meter Data, F069- Marine Chemistry, F123- Fish Shellfish Resource, F124- Zooplankton, F132- Benthic Organisms, and F144- Marine Toxic Substances formats. Full format and format code descriptions are available at The F005 format is used for time series measurements of ocean currents obtained using moored current-measuring instruments, principally Aanderaa current meters (manufactured by Aanderaa Instruments Inc.). These data represent the Eulerian method of current measurement, i.e., the meters are deployed at a fixed mooring point and measure flow past the sensor. Position, water depth, and sensor depth are reported for each station. The data record comprises values of current direction and speed at specified date and time. Data values may be subject to averaging or filtering and are typically reported at 10-15 minute time intervals. Other environmental parameters may also be reported. These include: water temperature, salinity, conductivity, and transmissivity; wind direction and speed; and dominant wave direction, height, and period. A text field is available for optional comments. The F069 format is used for data from chemical analyses of seawater samples. Cruise information, position, date, and time is reported for each station along with sample depth, temperature, salinity, and density (sigma-t). Chemical and biochemical parameters that may be reported include: dissolved oxygen, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, inorganic phosphate, and silicate; dissolved organic carbon, particulate organic carbon, and particulate organic nitrogen; and apparent oxygen utilization, percent oxygen saturation, adenosine triphosphate, total phaeophytin, total chlorophyll, total suspended matter, total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons, and total resolved light hydrocarbons. The F123 format is used for data from field sampling of marine fish and shellfish. The data derive from analysis of midwater or bottom tow catches and provide information on population density and distribution. Cruise information, position, date, time, gear type, fishing distance and duration, and number of hauls are reported for each survey. Environmental data may include meteorological conditions, surface and bottom temperature and salinity, and current direction and speed. Bottom trawl or other gear dimensions and characteristics are also reported. Catch statistics (e.g., weight, volume, number of fish per unit volume) may be reported for both total haul and for individual species. Biological characteristics of selected specimens, predator/ prey information (from stomach contents analysis), and growth data may also be included. A text record is available for comments. The F124 format is used for data from sampling and analysis of marine zooplankton. Information on zooplankton abundance, distribution, and productivity derived from these data support studies of marine populations and ecosystems. Data reported may include: cruise information, position, date, and time of sampling; bottom depth, sampling depths, temperature, and salinity; gear type, volume of water filtered, total dry and wet weight, and other data for total haul; and data for subsamples by species. Data on zooplankton catch by species may include subsample size, zooplankton concentration, life history code, and numbers of adults, juveniles, eggs, and larvae. Estimated density of holoplankton and meroplankton and data on ichthyoplankton may also be reported. A text record is available for comments. Note: there are two options for reporting subsample counts of individuals at different life history stages. If life history codes are used, only number of adults should be reported on that record. Additional separate records should then be used to report number of juveniles and so on. Alternatively, life history codes may not be used and number of adults, juveniles, and so entered in the proper fields of a single record. The F132 format contains data from field sampling or surveys of bottom dwelling marine organisms. The data provide information on species abundance, distribution, and biomass; they may have been collected by point sampling (grab or core), by tow (dredge, trawl or net), by photographic surveys, or by other methods. Cruise information such as vessel, start and end dates, investigator, and institution/agency; station numbers, positions and times; and equipment and methods are reported for each survey. Environmental data reported at each sampling site may include meteorological and sea surface conditions; surface and bottom temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen; and sediment characteristics. Number of individual organisms and total weight of organisms is reported for each species. A text record is available for comments. The F144 format contains data on ambient concentrations of toxic substances and other pollutants in the marine environment. The data derive from laboratory analyses of samples of water, sediment, or marine organisms. Samples may have been collected near marine discharge sites or during ocean monitoring surveys of large areas. Field observations of tar deposits on beaches may also be reported. Survey information includes platform type, start and end dates, and investigator and institution. If data are collected near a discharge site, discharge location, depth, distance to shore, average volume, and other characteristics are reported. Position, date, time and environmental conditions are reported for each sample station. Environmental data may include meteorological and sea surface conditions, tide stage and height, depth of the thermocline or mixed layer surface temperature and salinity, and wave height and periods. Sample characteristics, collection methods, and laboratory techniques are reported for each sample collected and analyzed. The data record comprises concentration values (or a code to indicate trace amounts) for each chemical substance analyzed. Chemical substances are identified by codes based on the registry numbers assigned by the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) of the American Chemical Society. Marine organisms from which samples have been taken are identified using the 12-digit NODC Taxonomic Code. A text record is available for optional comments.