Biological, oceanographic and meteorological data collected as part of the Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program (OCSEAP) from 1946-01-01 to 1990-10-11

This collection contains physical, biological, chemical and meteorological data collected from various platforms by various organizations. Data were collected as part of the Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program (OCSEAP) from January 1, 1946, through October 11, 1990. Data were pr...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Fleming, Richard H., Gast, James A., Taylor, F.H.C., Barner, L.W., Miller, D.C.
Format: Dataset
Published: NOAA NCEI Environmental Data Archive 2017
Online Access:{3A032D80-9FFF-4484-ACD2-F0DA46A91466}
Summary:This collection contains physical, biological, chemical and meteorological data collected from various platforms by various organizations. Data were collected as part of the Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program (OCSEAP) from January 1, 1946, through October 11, 1990. Data were processed by NODC to the various NODC standard file formats: The F013 format is used for data from examinations of diseased fishes. Although these data may be from field observations, they derive primarily from laboratory analyses. Data include: location, and fishing duration, distance, and gear; catch statistics (e.g., total weight, number of individuals, age group, identity of diseases, and number of diseased individuals) by species for any number of species; and biological condition of selected specimens. The size, affected organ, location, and frequency of lesions may be reported for individual specimens. Specimens are identified with the NODC Taxonomic Code. These data may be characteristics of individual lesions or average lesion statistics. The F015 format contains time series measurements of ocean currents. These data are obtained from current meter moorings and represent the Eulerian method of current measurement, i.e., the meters are deployed at a fixed point and measure flow past a sensor. Position, bottom depth, sensor depth and meter characteristics are reported for each station. The data record includes values of east-west (u) and north-south (v) current vector components at specified date and time. Current direction is defined as the direction toward which the water is flowing with positive directions east and north. Data values may be subject to averaging or filtering and are typically reported at 10 - 15 minute time intervals. Water temperature, pressure and conductivity or salinity may also be reported. A text record is available for optional comments. The F017 format contains time series measurements of seawater pressure from anchored or bottom-mounted sensors. Measurements of variations at depth of seawater pressure provide information on tidal and storm flows, ocean circulation, and other phenomena that cause changes in sea surface elevation or slope and that can be detected from their pressure signature. Position, bottom depth, and gauge depth are reported for each station. The data record comprises values of total pressure at specified date and time. Data values may be subject to averaging or filtering and are typically reported at time intervals of 10-15 minutes. Seawater temperature may also be reported. Comments may be reported in a text record. The F022 format contains high-resolution data collected using CTD (conductivity-temperature-depth) and STD (salinity-temperature-depth) instruments. As they are lowered and raised in the oceans, these electronic devices provide nearly continuous profiles of temperature, salinity, and other parameters. Data values may be subject to averaging or filtering or obtained by interpolation and may be reported at depth intervals as fine as 1m. Cruise and instrument information, position, date, time and sampling interval are reported for each station. Environmental data at the time of the cast (meteorological and sea surface conditions) may also be reported. The data record comprises values of temperature, salinity or conductivity, density (computed sigma-t), and possibly dissolved oxygen or transmissivity at specified depth or pressure levels. Data may be reported at either equally or unequally spaced depth or pressure intervals. A text record is available for comments. The F025 format is designed to support studies of biological populations and ecosystems that are subject to impact from oil and gas development, marine pollution and other environmental disturbances. Information on marine animal populations, activities, migratory routes and breeding locales are obtained from either surface ship or aircraft surveys. The F025 format contains data from examinations of marine mammal specimens. The data are collected to define behavior, population dynamics and trophic relationships of marine mammals. In addition to species, position, time and environmental conditions at the collection site, data for each specimen may include weight and body dimensions, sex and reproductive status, age, primary cause of death and analysis of stomach contents. The species of both the specimen and its ingested prey are encoded using the NODC Taxonomic Code. Comments may be reported in a free-text record. The F026 format contains data from field observations of marine mammals. Obtained from ship or aircraft surveys, the data are collected to provide information on population density and distribution, migratory routes, and breeding locales. In addition to data on the survey track and observed environmental conditions (including ice conditions, if encountered), the file contains data for each species sighted. Parameters reported may include total number of individuals, number of pups, number of groups and number of mammals per group. The F028 format is used for data from the sampling and analysis of marine phytoplankton. Information on phytoplankton abundance, distribution, and productivity derived from these data support studies of marine populations and ecosystems. Data reported may include: position, date, and time of sampling; bottom depth and sampling depths; volume of water filtered; and concentration of cells, carbon concentration, wet and dry weight, and counts for each species reported. Comments may be relayed in a text record. The F029 format contains data from measurements of primary productivity. The data are collected to provide information on nutrient levels and nutrient flow in offshore areas. In addition to cruise information, position, date, time, sampling depths, bottom depth, and environmental information, this file may contain measured parameters including: concentrations of nutrients such as phosphate, nitrate, silicate, and ammonia; temperature and salinity; and carbon assimilation. Measurements of chlorophyll A, phaeopigment, and carbon assimilation may be reported as integrated values. A free-text record is available for comments. The F030 format is used for data from field sampling of marine organisms in intertidal or subtidal habitats. The data are collected to provide information about species abundance and distribution. Data from each observation may include: cruise and station information such as vessel name, senior scientist, position, date, and time; environmental conditions such as surface temperature and salinity, wind speed and direction, and sea state; sediment and habitat descriptors; and species identification and organism counts and measurements. Data may be reported for either individual or composite samples. A text record is available for reporting comments. The F031 format contains data from laboratory examination of marine bird specimens collected in the field and analysis of food sample contents to determine prey species and characteristics. These data provide information on population dynamics and trophic relationships. Position, date and time are reported for each sample station, along with environmental data at the sample site including ice conditions, if appropriate. Environmental data may include air temperature and pressure, wind direction and speed, sea surface temperature, tide conditions and habitat and microenvironment descriptors. Species identification, general biological condition (e.g., age, sex, color), weight, and body dimensions are reported for each specimen (multiple specimens may be collected at each sample site). If food samples are taken, food sample source and characteristics are reported. From food sample analysis, prey species are identified and for each such species further detailed data may be presented including frequency distribution of prey or prey part length and weight. The F033 format contains data from field observations of marine birds made along ship or aircraft survey tracks. These data are collected to provide information on population density and distribution. Start and end position, date and elapsed time, speed and course, platform type and observing techniques are reported for each survey. Environmental information may include meteorological and sea surface conditions, distances to the shoreline and shelf break, ice characteristics within and outside each transect and surface debris, including oil slicks. Species data may include age, sex, color, plumage, number of individuals, direction of flight, behavior and food source association. Any number of species may be reported within one observation time span. The F034 format contains data from field observations of marine birds made along land survey tracks. These data are collected to provide information on population density and distribution and breeding locales. The contents and structure of data type file are similar to Marine Bird Sighting, Aircraft Census (F033), although the transect distance of land surveys will normally be shorter than that of ship and aircraft surveys. In this data type the investigator defines the lateral dimension of survey distance unit (a specified number of whole meters). Start and end position, date and elapsed time, and number of distance units are reported for each survey. Environmental information may include meteorological and adjacent sea surface conditions, distance to nearest shoreline, ice characteristics, and debris, including oil slicks. Species data may include age, sex, color, plumage, number of individuals, flight direction, behavior, and food source association. Any number of species may be reported within one observation time span. The F037 data type contains data from field observations of marine bird feeding flocks made during air or ship surveys. These data are collected to provide information on marine bird feeding dynamics, community structure, and trophic relationships. Start and end positions, date and elapsed time, course, speed, distance, altitude, platform type and observing techniques are reported for each survey. Environmental information may include meteorological and sea surface conditions, distances to the shoreline and shelf break, ice characteristics, and surface debris, including oil slicks. Flock information may include flock height and dimensions, number of species, number of individuals per species, distance to land, species and number of associated marine mammals, flock behavior, interaction with other species, and arrival/departure activities. The F038 format contains data from field observations of migratory bird species made at fixed offshore positions. These data are collected to provide information about migratory routes and breeding locales of principal marine bird species. Position, date, start and end times, elapsed time, distance from shore, platform type, counting method and sampling technique are reported for each series of observations. Environmental information may include meteorological and sea surface conditions, ice cover, and tide height and trend. Species information may include age, sex, color, plumage, molt, behavior, number of individuals and number of species. The F040 format contains data from field observations of marine bird species and their associated habitats. The data are collected to provide information about species abundance, distribution and behavior. Position, date, time, elapsed survey time, area and distance, platform type and sampling technique are reported for each survey. Environmental information may include meteorological conditions, sea surface temperature and salinity, tide conditions and ice characteristics. Species and habitat information may include number of species, number of individuals per species, age, sex, color, molt, behavior, physiographic features, substrate, cover and distances to shore, barrier islands, or river deltas. The F057 format contains data from aircraft surveys of herring schools. These data were collected to provide information on herring population density and distribution. Start date and time, start and end positions, and aircraft type, altitude and airspeed were reported for each survey. Surveys were conducted for preassigned areas; mid-point positions of census areas were reported. environmental information may include meteorological conditions, sea state, air roughness and water clarity. Census data include species identification, school position and activity, school size index and number of schools sighted. Predominant beach type, biota type and escarpment type may also be indicated. The F063 format contains data from examinations of diseased marine invertebrates. Although these data maybe from field observations, they derive primarily from laboratory analyses. Data include: catch statistics (e.g., total weight, number of individual, identity of disease and number of diseased individuals) by species for any number of species; and biological condition of selected specimens. The size location, and frequency of lesions may be reported for individual specimens. Specimens are identified by an NODC Taxonomic Code. A text record is available for comments. The F101 format contains time series measurements of wind and other surface meteorological parameters taken at fixed locations. The instrument arrays may be deployed on automated buoys, ships, or towers. The data record includes values of east-west (u) and north-south (v) wind components at specified date and time. Wind values may have been averaged or filtered and are typically reported at time intervals of 10-15 minutes. Air temperature, atmospheric pressure, and dew point temperatures may also be reported. The F123 format is used for data from field sampling of marine fish and shellfish. The data derive from analysis of midwater or bottom tow catches and provide information on population density and distribution. Cruise information, position, date, time, gear type, fishing distance and duration, and number of hauls are reported for each survey. Environmental data may include meteorological conditions, surface and bottom temperature and salinity, and current direction and speed. Bottom trawl or other gear dimensions and characteristics are also reported. Catch statistics (e.g., weight, volume, number of fish per unit volume) may be reported for both total haul and for individual species. Biological characteristics of selected specimens, predator/ prey information (from stomach contents analysis), and growth data may also be included. A text record is available for comment. The F124 format is used for data from sampling and analysis of marine zooplankton. Information on zooplankton abundance, distribution, and productivity derived from these data support studies of marine populations and ecosystems. Data reported may include: cruise information, position, date, and time of sampling; bottom depth, sampling depths, temperature, and salinity; gear type, volume of water filtered, total dry and wet weight, and other data for total haul; and data for subsamples by species. Data on zooplankton catch by species may include subsample size, zooplankton concentration, life history code, and numbers of adults, juveniles, eggs, and larvae. Estimated density of holoplankton and meroplankton and data on ichthyoplankton may also be reported. A text record is available for comments. Note: there are two options for reporting subsample counts of individuals at different life history stages. If life history codes are used, only number of adults should be reported on that record. Additional separate records should then be used to report number of juveniles and so on. Alternatively, life history codes may not be used and number of adults, juveniles, and so entered in the proper fields of a single record. The F127 format is used for data from field observations of marine animals. Data may be reported either for individual, random sightings or for sightings made as part of systematic ship or aircraft surveys along specified tracks. These data provide information on animal population densities and distributions, activities, migratory routes and breeding locales. Cruise or survey information, start and end positions, start and end times, and platform speed, direction, and altitude are reported for each observation or series of observations. Position, date and time are reported for each sighting location, along with a code indicating presence or absence of animals and, if present, their distance to the observer, shoreline, and ice edge and heading direction. For each sighting location, animal sighting data are reported by species for all observed species. Species identification, total number of individuals, and counts by age group (adults, subadults, juveniles, unknown) may be reported in summary for all animals sighted or by subgroups distinguished by sex, behavior, markings, or other characteristics. A text record is available for comments. The F132 format contains data from field sampling or surveys of bottom dwelling marine organisms. The data provide information on species abundance, distribution, and biomass; they may have been collected by point sampling (grab or core), by tow (dredge, trawl or net), by photographic surveys, or by other methods. Cruise information such as vessel, start and end dates, investigator, and institution/agency; station numbers, positions and times; and equipment and methods are reported for each survey. Environmental data reported at each sampling site may include meteorological and sea surface conditions; surface and bottom temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen; and sediment characteristics. Number of individual organisms and total weight of organisms is reported for each species. A text record is available for comments. The F144 format contains data on ambient concentrations of toxic substances and other pollutants in the marine environment. The data derive from laboratory analyses of samples of water, sediment, or marine organisms. Samples may have been collected near marine discharge sites or during ocean monitoring surveys of large areas. Field observations of tar deposits on beaches may also be reported. Survey information includes platform type, start and end dates, and investigator and institution. If data are collected near a discharge site, discharge location, depth, distance to shore, average volume, and other characteristics are reported. Position, date, time and environmental conditions are reported for each sample station. Environmental data may include meteorological and sea surface conditions, tide stage and height, depth of the thermocline or mixed layer surface temperature and salinity, and wave height and periods. Sample characteristics, collection methods, and laboratory techniques are reported for each sample collected and analyzed. The data record comprises concentration values (or a code to indicate trace amounts) for each chemical substance analyzed. Chemical substances are identified by codes based on the registry numbers assigned by the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) of the American Chemical Society. Marine organisms from which samples have been taken are identified using the 12-digit NODC Taxonomic Code. A text record is available for optional comments. The F156 format is used for time series data on ocean circulation determined by the tracking of drifting buoys, drogues, or other instrumented devices as they are carried with the flow. Movement is reported as point-to-point geographic locations determined by shore-based, surface ship, aircraft, or satellite observations. Data from both ocean currents and ice movement can be reported in this format over time periods ranging from minutes to months. Directions and speeds between individual observations may be computed from these data and presented in graphic or summary listing form to provide information on circulation patterns and mass transport in offshore and near- shore regions. Platform name (for platform acquiring data or deploying device), drogue characteristics, start and end positions and times, and observation frequency (if constant time interval) are reported for each series of observation. Other surface meteorological or oceanographic parameters (e.g., water temperature and salinity, air temperature and pressure, wind, waves) and subsurface data (depth, pressure, temperature) may also be reported. Text records may be used to report general comments or to describe individual drogue observations. The UBT format contains temperature-depth profile data obtained using expendable bathythermograph (XBT) instruments. Cruise information, position, date and time were reported for each observation. The data record are comprised of pairs of temperature-depth values. The XBT data files contain temperature values at non-uniform depths. These depths were recorded at the minimum number of points ("inflection points") required to accurately define the temperature curve.