Summary: | These ESI data were collected, mapped, and digitized to provide environmental data for oil spill planning and response. The Clean Water Act with amendments by the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 requires response plans for immediate and effective protection of sensitive resources. The ESI data include information for three main components: shoreline habitats, sensitive biological resources, and human-use resources. ESI MAPS SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR NAVIGATIONAL PURPOSES. Source data used in the development of these regional atlases range from 1900 to 2005 with much of the data dated from the 1980s, 1990s, to 2005. Source data dates are extensively documented in the included metadata and include the following DE_NJ_PA, data range 1969-1995, compiled 1995, HudsonRiver data range 1942-2005, compiled 2005, Massachusetts data range 1978-1998, compiled 1998, New Hampshire data range 1948-2003, compiled 2003, and RI_CT_NY_NJ data range 1900-2001, compiled 1999. This atlas update adds data formats to those originally released to accommodate new technologies of digital mapping. The underlying data have not been updated since the atlas publication dates shown. Each ESI atlas listed is provided in a variety of GIS formats, including a personal Geodatabase for use with the ESRI ArcGIS product line. An .mxd file, created in ArcMap 9.3 is also included. This mapping document provides links to all of the data tables and symbolization of the layers using the standardized ESI colors and hatch patterns. Layer files are also supplied. These, together with the associated geodatabase, can be used in other mapping projects to define the symbology and links established in the original ESI .mxd file. PDF files of the map pages are also included. These PDFS now have the seasonality pages attached to the appropriate map document. This should make it easier to print and distribute individual maps and insure that the supporting information is always included. The GIS data are also provided in ARC Export .e00 format, as shape files with an ArcView 3.x project and in MOSS format. Database files are included in text and .e00 format. Each area directory contains a readme file which shows the area of coverage and gives a bit more description of the various file formats included.