Summary: | Hydrographic and current time series data from outside the southern side of the Isfjorden Mouth during 19 August 2016 to 2 October 2017 at 78°03.667’ N; 013°31.492’ E, and 205 m depth. The mooring was deployed by the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) as a part of the AGF course “Polar Ocean Climate” to monitor inflow of Atlantic Water to Isfjorden, and was equipped with one Aanderaa Instruments recording Doppler current profiler (RDCP) and two Aanderaa Instruments recoding current meters (RCMs) with auxiliary CTD sensors covering the upper, the intermediate, and the bottom layer. Additionally, three SBE 37 MicroCAT CTDs and five VEMCO mini temperature loggers were evenly distributed over the water column. For further details of the mooring and data, see Skogseth et al. (2020).