Summary: | CHIRP subsurface seismic data These data are raw .sgy and .xys files of CHIRP subsurface data collected from LeConte Bay, AK in September 2017. More than 45 km of sub-bottom sonar profiles were acquired across- and along-fjord using an Edgetech 3100 CHIRP profiler. Energetics of the fjord were weak and minimal noise was introduced by surface gravity waves. Parabolic artifacts from the steep fjord walls were manifest in the water column and were not removed. Parabolic features observed subsurface typically represented artifacts created by surfaces of greater density. A .nc (netcdf) file of aggregated xy location data and other metadata is also included for ease in viewing data extents. Reference and more details: Eidam, E.F., Sutherland, D.A., Duncan, D., Kienholz, C., Amundson, J.M., Motyka, R.J. Morainal bank evolution and impact on terminus dynamics during a tidewater glacier stillstand. In revision for JGR-Earth Surface, August 2020.