The Log Vol. 10 No. 03

Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersv...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Champion Fibre Company;
Format: Text
Published: Hunter Library Digital Collections, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC 28723; 1927
Online Access:
record_format openpolar
institution Open Polar
collection Hunter Library Digital Collections (Western Carolina University)
op_collection_id ftwestcarolunidc
language English
topic Champion Fibre Company -- Periodicals
Employees' magazines
Industries -- North Carolina -- Canton -- Periodicals
Champion Fibre Company -- Employees
Industrial safety -- North Carolina -- Canton
Industrial equipment
Employees -- Education (Continuing education)
Fire fighters -- North Carolina -- Canton
Fire extinguishers
health and wellness
spellingShingle Champion Fibre Company -- Periodicals
Employees' magazines
Industries -- North Carolina -- Canton -- Periodicals
Champion Fibre Company -- Employees
Industrial safety -- North Carolina -- Canton
Industrial equipment
Employees -- Education (Continuing education)
Fire fighters -- North Carolina -- Canton
Fire extinguishers
health and wellness
Champion Fibre Company;
The Log Vol. 10 No. 03
topic_facet Champion Fibre Company -- Periodicals
Employees' magazines
Industries -- North Carolina -- Canton -- Periodicals
Champion Fibre Company -- Employees
Industrial safety -- North Carolina -- Canton
Industrial equipment
Employees -- Education (Continuing education)
Fire fighters -- North Carolina -- Canton
Fire extinguishers
health and wellness
description Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue. -- C NTO, , . C., MAY 1927 • Our Motto: · ' "Sa ety---Cleanliness---E iciency" • Geo. Calvin ·Morrow Six ffionths Old UJeiqht 20~ Lbs. Son of T. E. morrow of the ConstPucti~n Crew • A CIJampion of '£. M o1-·rotv • No.3 - • • • l • , I • • I , . Ire ' It 1 I i~ht side of n1ain entrance to Sul)>hite Wood Room . . ~ --"-:Ja<·k Pine. (~hipper Yard under: No . . 11 Conveyor. - --- ,D"oda I1igester Building, Loading Floor. · -2- · · ·n Flo r Patler 1\:f.ill l\lachine Room near Inspectors De ~k. • hi d F loor in inishing Room (near center of building) . . · 4 I~oar.d Mill near Dr)' End of No. 2 Machine. - In ( 'oart at F~xtract ~ . ell. . A. ~(t. 4- ~ Liqllid Jxtract, torage Building (Nortlt of Pulp Maehin~ RtlOm). 5 c·. kt\venue, Fibre il1e. ~ o. 5-l . .~ k'.\, rland Terrace, Fibreville, (near hf)USe of W. R. {'rut ) . • . o_. 6---Ea t Wood \ " ar:d \ ()ne box near \\rood YaTd ()ffic~ . One b6x, center of yard n ar HQ~ie Hou . ·u. 17. '( ()ne bo ·, N ot·t t of Main J)ump Rou e. f ()n~ bo , (1()0 yds. W . t of sou. •••. , fhle bo n~r. Ea t end of Main · One bOx nea \\' e t ot 1ft . lie)' I Oae ho cen fer of yard, fir. t aDe tt•QIIl one bo ttlnter of yanL ond alle.y aorth froM • • l • • I . MAY, 1927 (; ,\Zl11E I . " MADFJ I - o•JR PL_~NT OUT 01• WOOD FRO~t TJ-IB 1-'0RF~' TS OF ~' E . A:i l IL\CTl1RE M Y GHAU,.~S Olt' BLEACHED ~ULPHJTE PAPER.:·, ~\: " Hl ~t 1E FL JRH) NJ) SUPEU-CALEN DERED . • --- .~c --- ~ --- ~ --- T~ --- ~_. --- ~ --- 1 --- " fj. .,,. au' ( • :; • • ' ~UUI • •• . , • • I l l . .• l .·~ .• , ' . J • • ~;.,o.;tl URI ·c lh(· pa~t t·t'' wv("\1 ~ ~tnd 1nonlhs there hct~ ht• H a g-re~lt ~ ( -~d d{.a~d f,f t·nlhus ia. rn . hown in i hl' \\Orl for lJ ->tt<.:J· huu, ~k ··ping ;1 ll '> € J' tJ ~ }JkUl l. T hca n1ill Wal' f~t irl ) d P: tn, :11:\ l;t('lodc~ go, ultt th i~ \\,L~ rlri v~· . for H elc;·:.uH. l ' rnllJ. on ' ' lhat w ntld !·dH v ('lt:an . • • • ~ t (' c-lln p; u ~tn . n ftl ' 't •1 t,, actc>nlpli sh lth it \\~·~ nt.:C\"S~;u·~ t<) ··~·a~lJ' ' lite- "<.1 •;l tl tnifl i(-4 ·a·· Lt, c v• ,·r(,.,. ty tns fi•P ,i11l,, f'orec· of "clt'all up nten'' nti ~·ht he t•nl~ J,l lr' ·d , ;u,d tl, ,. ptan t ''"tdd I • pul in ti n~t l· ln." ~ h ._q'~t' (c ,. in . p '(.' l itlll, but •td M.'Jtdf.l st'Jt hav1· n;~u ll .c:.d in a <' lf •;n t tttill. oth · that. would ah,c-1.' ~ 1n:d\\.' · ~'l l~; . •n ;.lb l• · iJJ)} IJ' •• ·i.,n. 'f'h •4 '' *~_\ ,, ,, l~ll>f•• .~,·f lltll '' ''·' :-; t••)•(l P\t' I',\01H' p toltcll)l' tlu~' hPu ·­tt• }a S I J\'\ 11 J'1 H II( • . , J·"d Jdi·:• ht:t LtJ\, tt ,.<,o l :tttd t.:-. t:ullt t ;; lti J t)~. l•;vc•l \ '' l~t t t ' \\t' I'll \ \ t' • • !'li'' l·Vidc•w t> (li it. lu nltl JJ ~ ·t ,c,, , . ~ iu fiJ,. tndl r,;·iu:h of ll tt~ fill ·,· ~ x htU~ Itt~\~' ~\\UIIl Uutt th".~ \ttl lq V<· tlw t•)ont, :d. thP ' ''"I ot Lhdt ,,l11 rt, it\, , littlt Lt, t tPr PHl ~ r tl u t ll l b Y 1Uf, l j ' f'll.ll i:--. tis<• IH " I, tidH'llh' \\ l' 1\ ft t)\\ l •r'. I U:tfl ':• ir•g 1lri:o-, 1Jlt'r Jl. ' (,f 1 '\ fH P H~t ltJ~' t l11- . lfl!J• ~'\ l fttH I d' tin• tl\t\lli't\,.1' tr i~"Jtl . l,, •l fht· iY 'nd \\url ~o oH :tnd U1 ~ 11 ~ ult \\il l lu· 1hv ,H C'dH tplt h n\\• tll ,,r OHr' tth ~l '' , •. ,, L 1n h • v • ~ 'li t<· C h ·~oH·~ . t i\flll in 'llh· r:, HIIlt • • • • - • - 2 THE LOG --- ~ -~· --- ~---~--~-~--- . '~ • t 1927 NO.3 Published b)' ,,The Champion Family" as a Symbol of t he Co­operation and Good Fellowship Existing a t the Plant of the Chan1pion Fibre Company, Canton. North Car ol in a . Editors . 't\'OOD GRIFFITH PHILLIP REPORTER W. D. Jones _ --- --- --- - -· --- Book MHl Ben 'Villiams. --- Machines W. L. l\IcElrath --- --- Power ~. D. Pressl~y ---· --- --- --- - --- - - --- R. & A. F. M . Byer'i""\ ______ --- - --- Wood Yard )1iss ~fay Holtzclaw - --- - --- __ Main Office Fred Doutt __ --- ___ Laboratory THE PIC1" RE O.rJ THE OPPOSITE PAGE " 7e are indebted to "Forbes," t he \Ve11 kn o"t\rn bus]­ness and financial journal published weekly in N e \Y York City, for the picture on the opposite page. l c appeared in the Forbes issue of May fir st. It is very probable that the artist never a"' our Helder, Secr est or Dr. Schulz \vho are the heads of the departn1ents r epre en ted by i he t hree gua1·dians of business, so ·we are not going to claim t hat ih ere is any striking resemblance. But \Ve do "\.Van t to ca ll atten­tion to two paragraphs 'vhich appeared in t he last issue of Through The 1.\Ieshes, the organ of t he \N . . T :vle1· Co.: "Reseru. c11 is becoming the most impoj·tant \\'Ot·d in the dictionary of busjness." uSucceSS today is ach ieved by the efforts of a l1UJn­ber'" uf different groups of men of ,,·jdel.v dis ·in1ila.r t1·aining and education.'' So to the Chemist the Ref:ea1·ch man and the fello'"'' who is figuring jt aB out we say: 'More power to you.,. To the stray man or tvvo s till working in our organi za­tion under the ' r ule-of-thun1b" \\·e say: uoo and sen Spa Vv"Jl and he '11 get you in one of the clas:e$." ''A mule cannot pull v.'hile he is k icking and l1 can­not kicl{ '\\h ile he is pulling. Neither can any on ~.; of us.') Whe11 we tr:ied to illu ~tra tc our idea v· e did not have in rnind the per son ~rho otTers constructive ct·it icisrn. We do not can that kicking, nor do VJ • admit·e the f ·1- . lo l , ho is i(>O con1pJac nt. too w 11 satisfied \ViUh • • - • thing-~ :l ~ fh l.V : ll•j •. W'ho is fw t•f Ctl ~r ~l, ll1Ptll('d f t, 'J Wt . ll ' JH ul_.(h :-d one·" and w itiJ w htHlt .llnH · ~ f ~'" e"nrl r • l i OJ, i :-; "w (·ll c· n ( H t l" h . " • I t :11 pli c~ to t hP f•.11low \\Tho \ ~)n ·t I •. p hi. lH·;uJ H 1 bu t ,g-0e~ around lnol in $! f.c:>r ~ n1 . th ing k,V\-r down to· g run1ll • 4lbout. ll t 'f-\ lil, .) t he n1ul : •·• o l Jlls.( as his h ad ~ ta) · up hi. IH: ,t wiH ~ t a.v down. hut ' \'hen h i . head g·oe~ do\vn h h" h et; l ~ tl .' up.,. ( \Ve ~ot that vru . f r on1 the Professor up aL the higl, ~ch ool.) Several years ago son1e on e pulled a nothet· on abou t the ch1·onic kicker and the mule, ·Nben he said "' li1'e t hi: : ··c on ·ider the n1 u~e: He ha r eason fot· k i c k~n g ;no pl'ide in his a nc e~tr~· , no hope in his po. terity .' ' T f ~· ou ar<.> a~ hopele-~ s as that tell u ~, and vYe will rna ke son1e allo\vance for \ ou \\>'hen • ~'O ur heels go up, or '"e ,.viU at least know ,,~ hH t to ex-pect anrl 1<eep out of your range of action . r\ . ACCIDENT AND SEVERAL LE8~0 . H Early one night in AprH Earl Hall, and his cousii.l M. J. Hall, wet·e \\'Or king togeti:ler OJl a machine r e­winder. Earl had r ecently been pron1oted and was running the r ewinding machine. There \\·as a break in the paper and in a kind or overzealou '"'nes. Earl lay dO\VD under the machine and ran his arn1 up back of the 1·olls and among the guide belts in an ffort to lead the paper through \vithou t stopping the macltine. }lis arn1 was caught, and hi" cousin, 'fti. J. Hall, heard hi ~ cry and stopped the n1achlne. He harl "'ev­er al feet to go to g t to the ]ever but he n1ad€ it in time to save ·what n1ight have been a most seriou in­jury. lt took about 'fifteen minute to get lV[r. Hall liberated and he as i t ed the workmen and h<>ld him­self in splendid control. No lJones " ·et· ~ broken but he suffer etl from lace1·ation, on one ~u·m wh1ch put him in the ho ~ pjtal for several day:.;. \V aJ·e glad to report ih at ht! is _ou L of the hos pital a11cl '';alking about to,vn bui it \\dll be som ·· tin1 before he c~n \Vork a his .regular ·.fob. No'v auout the l esson ~ : IfNI. J . Ilall had b(.len anr- • '"1h er ~ else but '"ri g-ht on his job" l1i$ couRin l7tlig·ht have lo.·t his life. lf i\1. J. llall had not 1o1o,vn \\h e-re ihe 1 ' Ve r ' as . if h had not 1-\llOWn ho\\1 to pcrale it. hi ~ cou. in n1jght hHve paid thP d\::ath p nalt~· . lf ~J. J. Jlall had gon lnoking- tor h t: lp, in. 10ad Jf ACTIN prompll.v, h elp vv-uuld havt.: bPcll too latt. l "'n't it up to each on( or u:-; to t hink ~th 'ad, plan ah •ad. ex act}) ''.that tnoves we f.;hull m·llH 'vh en ~ll nt r~'"nCY ari~e~. \ c onghi lo l·nu\-\' ho\\' to ~ hut down ~tn y nl~t •hin in OLll' dO}IHrt rn .)ni. There if' a nnllt t l ~. · s\.•n \\t~ . huuld lt arn fr n1 FAr!. I on'L tal c chance~ . H tt t· <l littlP ··hrokc . than \ bt·oll'n lJOd.\ . l)i ~l't:·gard for th-.: ~af~ ty 1·ul\: ~ i~ lik<: py ul't he;:• four l,ul of fi vc St\ Ht t () ha \.\. it. l :-1n 't. it tin1e lo rlu . Ofl lf' "brushing up ?'· • - -~ --- ~--~--~ --- ~· --- ~ --- r-· --- ;.- _.,.,,---:-__ .,._,.___-.;_ .__ ~. -- • ODERN a\)S\"tSS • • THE LOG •• ) --- -- - --___ _._.,._. ____ '·, ,,,. __ , _______ __,_ _ ,.__ ___ . ___ _ J• orecasti11g • • • ~r.a.Y as thev usu~d t .P.l! l1~-" • ' • \ • • • • , - -· --- Til . B 'f r \ g-oin~· to W<) r1'- on ~1 n1achin ii t:-\ t lH: rule th at~ $ af ~t.\ " ) ~r1 STA.l 'r" ~ISH\ nl. ll ~ l ) pl:l,;~d at the . l n1·t er. anct th i~ ig:n tllURi h\1ar l.hL' n ~Ullt-> of th' p~r on putting it t.h r ~ . No ne k e ha · authnr­ity to rernov ~1 it. • Sotnetirn .\s \VC hnv een ns rnan., a~ i · signs on a . t eu· L~r; the electr ician. , th tt 1 ipe fitte r s . the n1ill­\\ ·rights . lhe belt llH'lll. the rn·achini --L and the ~. hifi for n1an. _-\ each one cJ ,ar hi job h l'emove his ~ign but I-IE LEA \1E~ TilE T'HER . . '' e n1ade a rni - talen1ent : ~ on1eti.n1e" he ch. es not r·en1ove h i. ig n even if t h \ job i~ con1pl >t ed: He ju t goe~ a \Ya~- and fo rgets a ll al out it. The n a long about n1 idnigh t on a unday night t he ~hift foren1an ge t s around and \Vants to "'ta1·t up. ccording to the safety ru l e~ he cR11not r en1ove the ig-n and he cannot star·t \Yhi1e it is ther e. l i is up to hun to get in touch with the rnan t bai f o1·got the sign and get him to remove it. The "afety signs are a nece ~ ar~· protection. Th ej• "·ould not be a pr otection if an~· one could take t hen1 do,a.·n. . o it is up to u to ee t hat the n1ill j not de­la red through forgetfu lne., on our part. V\f e might put a ign at the n1i1l exit reading: '' TOP! HA ' ' B -y-ot.· R E~lOVED "l-OCR ·no4 ~,T TART' IG1 '?' Let us have your uggestion as to ho"· the afety DON'T ~TA.RT sign can be u sed and ho'v the mill can be pro­tected against delays. h TOT A DAMNED THI .~. G'' ._ evera1 years have e l aps~rl ince Cu. htnan conduct­ed his fir t class in F or ema nship Training at Canto11 and -till, once in a1•1hile, ~orn e of the proceedings ot that ecret e sion will leak ou t. ' ·'~lhat Should a good for eman do \Vh en eve~- rthjr;g j ~nning a11 r ight'?" a sked Cushman one day. There were a number of an . 'ver. heard and di scu. S · ed and th en Cu t urned to one of the foTemen " tho had sajd nothing and put the quest ion to l1in1: ''What do you think a good foren1an 5thould do \Vhen everything is going an right?'' "j Tot a datnned thing/ ' . as t he an. \Ve t·. "Thai '. one of ihe ac:;i an swe1·~ J ever h ear·d,'J said Cushman, ''if ) ou ana J ~ ze LhP an "\Vel to get its full meaning.'' A . \\'e interpret it j t n1eun. t h:.~.t, \Vh ··n th ing. arC' going all 11~h t. a forcmau -houfd do nothing that rl t ­. e r ve · cond ~mna tJon. flc . hould n "i do a DAf -11\EO T f-fi . :t ~. 'rlH~re is plen t. 0f ))}JOrtunitv f.or the put.­t1ng fofth of ~ tro1t in a. ;vay that d c:,t~l'Vt; S ·onttn nda·~ tion. Cu hman was right. D011' t do th t: · damned th ina.'' • • Jl()\ Hl 1SY U~; \VI~ 0 OI)U .f()BS? <:oing th ru t hP rn ill tht: oliH-·1· 11iJ' ht t11Y ~ t f~> n lH> Y"• \Vas ca ll t'd t.n H ·' oung ft.'llO\.V \Vc•rl{inp r,n :t n > v .Jol, and f 'd 1\ ' V 1· ~c.,l"' n ~ lliH.n nn that pn ·1 jcuiH.r jt>b W(H 'h lf"lJ! as ha ni a~ l:h1 ~ y oung.·tc-z ·. Alcn1g abon l te1• ;.,d HigJ, t J sa'"' him again, ~till g()ing ~ lrOJ J g, and 1 ·t.i jrf t(J thr) forenutn : "Th:-1i .vnung fell.()\\', . ~· :-; thP .vetrd ht; . . tr:- t·d to say, ·~j ~ one ,) f the '\iVO.rki nest· n1 an r cv ·1· : aw. J1 "lie j u ~t. J< f\P :ls busy a~ a f eller ki ll in' r c. ttle­RnakEl~, · said the foren1an. ~' h en vou stud ' about it • • that's concentrating upon the job. [ t set me \vonrler -· ing ho'v n1any of us ever lose ourselves that rteep in our \VOrl<. TIME ,S AVING RECORD rr v\'a5 a ln1ost th-ree 0'clock on the afternoon of the 21st of A.ptil, s11ift-changing-tin1e, when the men in charge of the Board Departmen t decided that cylinder No. 1 should be lifted ou t of thP. machine anrl a spare cylinder put in its place. There was a n1u -tering of a Cl'ew of men to make the change and p1·omptly at three o'clocl< the n1achine \vas topped . Ben WiJlian1s, ihe expert machine tender, Roy rf'ram­n1eJl t he shift for en1an in the Board and lV[achine Dz­partn' 1ent, Jim Hardin and Ton1 Recto1·, the t,,.o board machine tenders, backtender s G1en Trull and Bass ~1oore and milhvrights Frank Best and Frank anlp­son \Vel·e lined up \vith a fevv h elper s r ead.v for action. Ropes, slings a.nd chain fans \vere swung ir.1to place rolls we1·e rem o'\~ ed and felts stretch ed out of the wa\ . • collars \Vere "Cen1oved and the ·wofn out cylindel' \,~ as soon on its '~'a.V to the r epair shOl). Then the new c~'lind er \vas placed in the vat and t he colla t'S, f elt. and r ol Is replaced. In exactly ONE JIOUR AND TEN Ml TE~ fr >nl the time the n1achine ·was '3h ut do\vn it 'vas in 011era­tion again. w(l cong rat ulate a ll ha nds in th i ~ cxc pt.ionnl l'~'(.' l'd and a re pJ•oud to call attention to it. in 'rh Lr,g. 'rb t. bcsi pctri of it all \V<l that evt'\J'Y nuu1 \\'n e~ as pfou l •i what had b C'n done cl!'i ltc v:ould b if h e- klh)cl\ t d a horne run in a l>ig leagn gan1t . lt i ~ fun tL'' X'\ (u-·k \Vith a tnan or in :rt t·1·c"\: ' that ht\s that kind ot' ~l s pn·n . • • 1'1f . rJnl e-t·:-- ;.t r nntn ' and . Pldon1 n1 \.~1ld tht· tl' "' ' . . • • 'rh rH f·cllll t.: • ·~ an· t.hc hraink•' s foll\ '' h ' u(· 1· o~n1 b n1adE:' to \ll'hl< 1'!'\tnnd that I efur tht.'·' · t·an bl' a[}~. bl t of heltJing in olht.'l' ]Jeopl-.:'' ~ uffair8. the~ should h~1' tlleir o''n li \·os go s:ucc •ss fully nd_iu . hd that th ·~ arc ~tlwt-.) ::; in perf c:t '\\'Od·dng- and '' orkal>l · \.)~"<'h~ r . THE LOG .~ --- ·- :--" --- · - -. - ~- «-·--· --- :;_._ __ .,. __ HERE i · an old say-ing anrl a ver.v irne on~' that a ~ta nding pooi gathers filth. A an ex­an1ple, tal<e any business. If it doe n't pro­gre.~ s it "· h eel~ bccon1e clutter ed with old-fashioned ideas and old stock an.d gradually it lides into decay. Or~ take a house if 1t i not kept in repair, t he brol<en . tep oon becornes a n1 is ing one, the cracks in the pla. re ltlt in fallen ceilings, the neglect ed drain br eeds dLea e. the peeling pain l ruins the wood: in the enr.l. a \\'Teck blots the .scenery which a once well-reg­ulated house decorated. . \\'ith t he hun1an body the same legend holds true. I f t his \ ery hltricate and delicate n1echanisn1 is )eft • to tand \\ iihout proper overseeing, exercise, proper food a nd car e. it becomes a n1enace to ourselves and to "'Ociety. The s lightly decay-ed tooth might develop an uleer which 1nar cause l:loison to course through the srstenl> t he recu.rrent st-o1nach aeh e n1ay develop a can~el'. and so on. But , a little care at the beginning of the trouble n1ay eliminate the difficulties which are sure to 1ollow dis1·egard. One oi th.e chief "-ays to take care of the human btttlj is to have a thorough physical examination once a year Every per on should find out t he condition of hi. l>ods at least once in every 365 days, and set abou t to repait tho e parts which show signs of wear. 1n the spring, after the comparative confinem ent of the winte1·, nearly all of \L.<:> need some ove1·hauling and a con ·ideL·able amount of fresh ail' and exercise to 01 ;ng u. baeJ\ to condition. '.1 gr~at number of us \Vol•k hard phys ically so that we fe.el that wt get all the exercise we need. Often, in ~uch case~ a change in exercise, such as walking in the 01.w.n, sv,rimn1ing1 playing ball and other games js re­!< A.xation becau ·t it calls into play musd es \Vhich our occupation does not ordinar ily develop. To walk to \\'9rl\ or to walk home part of the way through ihe f resh a ir often clear!'; out our lungs and invite;) sound • • sleep1ng. Plent~ ;f frec.:h ail· and quantities of sleep in well-vent ih-lted t'norns are two of th~ main r equisites fol' ketping the bl>dy in 1·epair. The windows should be thrown wjde f>tJen ~o the lu11gs wi1l pump f:t·esh air in and on t of th~ hody and prev~nt :-> while we sl~r fJ. "fbe bodv shoul XC{· . .,~s o1 t(;rnp<?l ' a,lsc1 an.1 drains on o r vi ta1ity. rj he spring tirtH! h th~ JogiNI I tllYH' to 1· new OUt' ~tl- L' b'l _s and take stock f,f o\u· pll ysica1 tiln •sF. Jf r.tU l ' • I I "'""" -~ --- --- - - - -_________ _,__ b()(lies arc put jn condition now they wi JJ be better able to withstand the !-{(,rain of a hard hoi sun1mer to come. J:IE CliEATED HIM SELI~, By Pau1 Lownsberv • STHJKING story js t,old of a r ich man who wanted to help a poor carpenter and his fam­ily. He hired the ca1·pente1· to build a house on a hill side and then went a\vay on a long journey. The carpenter said to himseJf 1 ~:rviy boss is away anct I can use shoddy materials and neglect the s upporting \\'OTk that doesn't show. The house wlU be weak, but nobody will know it.'' So he built a ramshackle h ouse. When the rich man came back, the carpenter said, "Here is your house." "Thank you !' ' said the rich man. "Here is t he deed and the key. I'm giving it to you." And the carpentel' grieved that he had robbed him­self of a good house. • We reap what \¥e sow. We have to live in t he house of life we build. If we do shoddy work, if we "soJdier" on the boss, we pinch ou1·selves, shrivel up and lose ou.r ability to discern between right and 'vrong. We have to live in such a hoose withou t character . \Ve have to live with ourselves! . I t is a tren1endous fact that each one of us is buiid- . ing today the house we n1ust live in tomorro,,·, Vv'e can build a palace or a hovel, a tnansion or a jail or a pigpen, but we n1ust live in it . The S\,·as Til ~t to keep away f1 ·otn ih 'lU. The1•e for ·.v . c sugge~L that you gel out in son1t: pt'n space wh en' Lher·c a l'e no clectl·ic wir"s. Avoid tht:: h igh pOWt;!ted line on the Aghevill . \tVnyne:=;vilh.· highw,t.v, al ~o lin 'S \: h ich tonH~ ' vet ih ' hill by t.h' rtser\. <)h~ to· th lran~fvl'll1Cl' holl sf- on F' iul'ev lll ~ 1 Oetd. R anll'JnlJer lhcl'e 1s d;.tug r , llH . r P fOl '(\ lH~(l p away fro tn it. • • An able body Is lht~ reward of ~afcty- un t •ld lnist· t·v ~ tht' penalty vf <"arel -'ssn ss. • t -. -- . _ - (Cla ude \Yit t. Porter Hender"on and '·BiH'' Bry-on at \York) 1n the above p ict ure v;·e see three of the cre'v c·E nineteen men \\·ho \vork under the upervjsion of John fL l\Iilne, the \,.; t einmetz of the Champion Family at the Canton plan t. They are engaged in re\-vindjng a 75 J:I. P . motor. Th ere have been some remarkable record n1ade in thi '"'hop in the speedy r e\Yinding of motor . . · OL"R ELECTRIC SY TEM 1~he following info11nation may give the reader an idea of the , . a:""t electric system r equired to operate a plant like the C. F. Co.'s plant here at Canton. The plant's pre en t electric svstent con isL. of 5 large A. C. generators '~tith an output capacity of 7,300 K. ''' · or approxin1ately 107000 H. P. and ;; direct current generators '\\ith ar1 approximate output of 3,400 K W. or 5 000 H . P . In addition to the po1-\·er generated here in the pla:nt: the con1pan . gets 0\7el' 1,500 K. til. f ron1 the Ca1·olina Pow·er Co. Thi vast amount of power is used to operat ~ over. five hun dx·ed A. C. and D. C. motor:-; ranging in s ize fron1 a Sn1all XA rl. P. single phase motor to a huge 7GO II . P. mot or. . e~reral-thou sand amperes of D. C. cuf'­ren t a1 e also -upplied to t he E 16Ctrol.vtic Bl ach plant to make bleacl1 . The plan t's 1Jre. ent lig hting systen1 con: j t.· f more than 5,5tl0 lights including F il;Pr e\ill . TI1e li ~h L; u ed l aug . in s i Zf" fl·OIU a 40 7at t to a lal gc 7': vVatt flood lamp . This env tllOUS .amount of p JW · r i~ conducted fron1 tht gene1·ator st c.s it i. g rtcrated, o e1' l~l'"g coppe,· cahlts bo th~ s ,it c'h o:;u·d . flere a g,m ~1·al .;_ 'St•~nt of dL t i buti ll L gin . Ci rcuit- of \ i.-e and cabl·. are J'un fr on1 tJ d dL tJ~) buting cc·n ·e t1 aH dep;u·f­n1ents of th ~ 1n i1l to C't J.'Y cu.rrent to vl-' '! th'~ ar . ious mOL()t , li"11 t.s and c.J . ctricat eql ip1n . u~ 0 • • G - In di st ribuf.iug t hi ~ fU1\\' ·r fo th ~ v:; 1·i, u · rif'}Ja l)) ·nL ~V( •I '. · pr "t'<,lltio.u is u · ·d fn rnak it ~ =--de for lJ nJ rutor~. The l:u·~· r uhlt•:-) an: 1 un h igJ, PIJ agai.~ . ~.,, UH' roof' (•f fl,<· building-!"', 1Ju· rna lll •· on ~!4 n:l'e ,.-n "](J,. :. l in C\>nduit. AIJ Plc·ctt·i mcJt(tt·s and (H} tli pm l~ t "'n· ,. '' ('ll g 1·on nc·i<.\d and n ~rc< • t d<·g J·ce f c; ~-u · i. u. •d 1 '' ltandling th1s un ·con fot'Ct1 • • Th(' educational rh.t ~es :)~vc bctn of greHt ~u ·~j '-t• - anc to the n1en engagt)d ln th i · linr of \vo1·k . el ctricians ar ~ a11 inrlus triou.\ energ·etic a:nrl t>e . ·ourf•"P.­ful cJ·e,v. The.v attend the c las-es and apply the l\ DO\Yledge dovn1 on the job~ The clas es have been a h elp so far a "' afe l~r i ~ concerned and have reacted t " litninaie or les en d~lays due to electrical breakdown~. An article concerning the electrical equjpment i :.; hardly complete \Yithout n1entioning at least one DO_ T'T. o here it is. DON'T let the electrical equip­n1ent get \vet. Water in motOliS, wafer on starter . \Vater h el'e and there \viii put the equipment out of business. This will necessitate long hollrs of overtime · for repair men and long delays in the mill. It "ill cause motors to burn up and run the repair bill out of sight. Keep the motors dry. • R emember this: In case a motor ' starter or anY. electrical equipment gets on ih·e, use the extinguish . ers. They are in every roon1. Find out where yours i.' loca ted and be ready to use it. . LITTLE ECONOMIES THAT COUNT Dear Mr. Editor : In my work. ,yhich takes n1e all over the plant, I often have to us~ an "extension wire;' and after heaJ:­jng one of the discussions on Plant Economie I mad up my mind to put a little thought into the job 1 \Va handling~ and I began 'vith t he u e of the Exten~ion Cord. Your l·eaden~ al'e probably all ian1iliar ' ith the us~ of these "E "ten ions," but l will say for the benefit of those who do not kno'v what they ro·e~ that th ) aJ·e a portable electric 1ight. f~ v ry\\'hel:e th 1·e are re­pair joh you ,.,-ill :-,(~ theJn in usc, e~p cia.lly a t night. and they are bette-r, elcanc1· and ntorc effic-ient thfln the old tim · hand torches, and give rnol·l& light th n the "flash ligl1t.~' The fttting on on" end of t.h ,,·ire i ~ ~cre\veit into an ,•l letric lrunr ~o ·het an l n 4le\."tl'ic gl 1be is fitlc·d in th~ other nd. 'Ph · fin~ t econou1' I thou~ht of w~ ~ th • ~\ing uf l,i m-e, fo1· l h v • :-;cen "'h~1 · u.: n s"' "atTi d out n a rush job, a job \vh irh d 'Jllan ltd inttll ·diatt' ~ctl('f tit '~ould df'la. pt·oduct iou. l nl. to find tlh~ ~ u o tn bati ord ~t . '['h · light '' ulrl 1lit:ker :1nd ,r,) out £ nd llt: mn . \ ouJd he 1 •u "'y try ing tt hoi I . •rr• \\10 ~ '-:) ~.~ 'flnlt·ti tl\ tng<.:Lher ~· il \Vould s ta~ lit. ~l) 1n. tar;:;t t.:~' Pn 1n. • h~ to . e< . i hat l'H.\' . l~ xt~ll~ion ~' ii .)H ls ah\ ~l) ~ iJ'l \.l\l Ol'dt r. 'af,·t Fh· . f . hotllfl bp ·on~icl r~·tL }\n " c xt n'it~n· · • • THE LOG 7 ~' --- ,·--·_. , . . ~- · --- ·---·---~- lad ord r ani a n1an ·working "ith it in a wet plac ~ k l a d ng "rous e< n1bination and thert:''s llO t lling ·hat "ill l> t h ~ r~ "'ult. You n1igh l ldll lhe nun' or 8t=are h inl t death. J ,,·as told by a n1an 'vho ought to 1-tn.O\\' that the ill for ei cb·ic globe . replacen1ents n1adc nee . · ar~· through burnh1g out and br akage, ·1n1ounte<l to sjx or e· crht hundr ~ dollars a n1onth . Now a part of this b1·eakage ccur . through failure to equip the exten­sion~ ,,. ith "guards'' lo prevent breal-ag . Another thing 1 found out \Yas that a forty or fifty \Yatt la1np would tand n1uch n1ore handling and n1oving about than a h undred or hundred and fifty " 'att lan1p. Th~ fihn in the larger globe is easily jarred loose and brok­en. \vhile the .,1naller globe v.;ill "'tand a lot of puni h­ment. The big globes take n1ore po"rer , cos t seventy or eight.· cent. apiece more than the smaller and more serdceable gloues. V\.,hen the breakage is les ened thEn·e are f ., ·er dela~ s looking for globes after a lamp is brol-en. ""o l carry a fifty watt Ian1p, in a s uitable guar''-· attached to m:v " extensjon" and t his accom­Jl) isJ, <; thrt reaJ economies: 4-lVlng of tin1e: (delays caused by breakage) . .". 'aving of: 1naterials : (use of 1ess expen s ive globes). .~a,ring of P.o·wer: (u. e of les~ CLtrrent in s1naller g~ b ~.) 'i ~ce l have ueen fhlnking of these savings it hurts n1r eye to see large eleetric globes burning '"her e it is unnece:sat-y, and this is the time of year that we can all sa ·e current and globes by shutting off lights where thev are not in use. J have been told that it cos ts be­t'v~ en three and four centf- pe1· !<Howatt hour for cul~­l- ·Jlt (that:s the pt·ice on electdc 1·anges on Company 1i e . and about one third the prjce of current on linos u :J . r\ iu Canton) :o it will c0~t about three and on~ half ~ent~ an hour to burn ten one hundred wat t la1nps, , ven one hundred and fifty \vatt l arnps, or t·wo fave h ndred watt larap~. Burned one h unrlred hout~s they wot ld co. t threP rtollars and fifty centc: fol' Pach torn­bind. tiOlL In a thou~nd hours th js would amount t tJ t h i1·t \ -fJvP (iOHcu-. . And that is unl :v curren t . Th i ~ t"lr)e- . not tue ludr'! the lan1ps \-\r] dch we a re 1Jll11'ling out anll rhich wi ll have to be replaced. Signed, SAV l·~ A. LIT'fLE. t~IJ JTCJH~ . ~O'T'b: We a1·e glad indcc•d to vubH ~h th}: . lett 1. 'fbcr P's a lot of little jd< as :Vhic-.h will .-av~ rnCiiH?.Y f(J).~ the C. F. Co., if. lh€!y ::o ·<~ put in daily practice. Ci " '' liS vou'r jrl~a anrl l0t foul't<:·t'U hundn cl ·~ . ttleu use ) . • On• n1~''' trjld u~ thi.~ ou~: •·t ~aw ;;, IJl:lU con11n ~ fn:n:n the 1;1· ck ~t-· h depa r-bn ·11t with a wlt o.( . Jtmrtow 1 ad of 1ubbj. h :.uad la~ itunYped it in th . allc.!y. I ltH)kvd 1t r.JV c>r. '}'here wa~ a I,Jair <,f old . hOP-S , sc >n1<~ dirty wa te anti ~ . etal IJl•J(·ks o( w(,<;d. l fe had ju~t b· P-O t.ov iing n lot fJ1 . ba ving. ~Jnif WO()d, n ixP.d with th~ __ , ___ - coal, into bi. furnace. " \Vh .v didn•t you put that stuff int.o the furnace'? I asl<ed the rnan . ~et\c·ver thoug ht of it/' said the \VOrl.;.rrtan , " "''nuld it be all righ t to burn it'?" \Vhat are we doing, in your job and n1jne, whieh is n1.aJ\ing labor f or otbexs, and costing the Con1pany n1oncy, ju ~t bccaus:. . we ne ver thought of il.,. Give u.; your own ideas of how you are saving money for the con1pnny on your o~wn job. YE EDITORS. KEEPJNG PHYSICALLY FIT Health and Fil'e Ins pections. N darker ages people waited until iJlness had overtaken them before they consulted a doc­tor; then with impaiTed en ergy, they t.t·ied to regain heaJth through medical assistance. In these enlightened days, people '~i th fores ight r their good h ealth through periodical yj si ts to s pecialists, u ~- · ing preventive rath er than cntative measures. You are vitally interested in yotn· plant. Your tirt\e and your mind are engrossed with details of produc­tion. Fire would pla)f havoc \vith all your plans for uccess, just as some deadly g e1·m would plar havoc with your health. The Factory 1\lutual ins pector is a specia li 't, armed wi th knowledge and experience in fire preven tion. He can assi st you in maintaining the health of .vour bus i­ness. Through attention to his reconm1endations~ o~- • tablish for yon.rself in1tn uru ty f rom fire. • \ AN OLD SAYING The saying. ·1\~ind your Ps and Qs/! is ·aid to have stat·ted fron1 an old cu::;tont in English ale-houses of chalking up every cu stomer's drinks on a blackboanl. Cnder each rnan ·s nc:tnlc \\·ere two colunms, one heade ,u\d tcH u:-; to n;ind our P ~ and Q" '! --- -~ fL R. Owt"ll of ll ~ Pipe Fille s Cr \\ "''tnH.' to \ tO'l.'k the C•thet' tnornin~ wen ring a bro, d ~nalt\ iH\ l Ctl lTyin !-~: a. box oJ cigat's und •r hi !-> a rru. An eight tJtHHid o~ \\'RS the ca.SlHt. • • - -- - [) ~Rl\- gn Flt(l TTI1~ t U l N c; 'I'll I~ rr-==-._.-.:;, Ill ·~I l ent. '1'\_)d 1t1e '-"'la~s rc'otn , on thnt 0 et nb\ ·r n i}:.,ht in 1. 2!). l hnd nh1h . t r ~ae l 'cl tlH' c•>n e lu si011 tt) l i '' '<:'11 t'll< tHrh H ln1h: . 'Th q ·t' w a ~ S\.nl~ little d '\'il \Yh!st Pring· in rny enl·~: ''\Y h: should you giv ~ a Linl r'~ en s~? L~t Hill rlo .~ tl Ul' h inJd n~· or stud~ing. r u olrl "i itr: ~ ou h a \ t.' ll . n out of school t \Vt'h ·' ~ l~u ·~ do ,·ou ' ' ant lh t.l t'~ll o w ::> to i\'e you the 'ho.:s laugh· ··: so \\ Hh lh ~'- th ~. ur:ht . ll l·g­ing in n1.,. n1ind J uutd~ nly \·a .' to the ' lass l'Oc n1. i\1 .\ fi1 Bt l . ~ n \\·a arithnlet.ic . ' rf a k<.), an'\ OUe tha t ha ~ een out. of 8Cht <Jl f r a l0ng p .lriod . place a book of tna hen1ati(;s before hinl a nd you re:.1n tell ho\Y I fe1t. 1 t. renlinded me of n1~· first day in ~ ch ool. ,\-h en 1 ,,·as H chilo. only nO\JC; 1 " '(,lS gro\Yn up. The In ·b·uctor a . ked n1e ho" ' long I had be€n out o·r s.choo1 a.ui ,,·hat grade I ,,-as in \\·hen I quit he then gave rne some problems to do in fTactions. The third one sLuck nJe. then he can1.e to n1~ rescue. ''ell in the past tlu·ee term , ] haY·e covered n1ost of t he High .~c hool n1athen1atic_, including my corres­pondence coul'se al o. Th~n there \\·as n1y PapeY l\Iaking and Pa per Fin­i hing classes. I had just a haz_\ idea as to h o~' pa per \\'a "' made fron1 ·ood, rag~, etc. : but t hose cla '3es n1ade n1e ~it up and take notice. \ \ Te had :orne li\ e \vires for instructors. furth~n11 re ther had t he t hing at· hea1·t. They rlid not give an hour of dr~· lecture, j u ~t to pas~ off the time. and if you caught any of i t , a11 ,\-ell and good. if ~rou didn't, it \vas you r hard 1 uck. Those instructor . gave us the benefit of their lif t i n1f• expet iences in paper ntaking and finj~hin g . If you d id not understand, all ~-ou had to do \Cr'a ask, a nd they explained it for you. . . Our papeJ· making cla.-s -tarted \-jth the ear ly hts­tor.) of paper making, v;ith the ChinP.,. and a 11Ci n t Egyptians. their methods: and a t of produci n}!' papr-r. Then '.ve took UlJ ou1· every da~ }JJ oblern ·, that con­f1 ·ont the modtrn paper n1ake1-_ such as t.h · cere of his 111achine, th:) operation: quctlit. ', (Jltauity, ::tl. o t ht> vat·­ious duties of each I eJ-;on cannPct~cl v, ith tlt ~ opt··t·a - tion. . Next, Mre <>Utlioed ~\that it takes to H1a e a s~ t i.-~ft d custoJr1':$r and the d ut f vf .,aeh en1plO.Y e fo hnv~ a loo p, list of pt a (J eustotne;·s. . ~ext, my . nl Jhite cla -~ 1 i "-trtJt d \\ ith the n; . ut the fur . t, that "·ould giv l 1.11 I,t~t r .ult:s,: nd \Vl EY \\'it 1 Su lph it~ p1·nc ~.s . Then the i!llporla ~ . of <:1 anh1g tht: .v od of all i t~ baa'k. k I vts, le Th.; h:-tddn·· rnachj c> }· n J ·n < t~ tl ~ bat ker, th cltipp ~rg ;, uti x:v} . ., \ cut ttl ~ \VO<~C! in1n ehip . to a u1 1f( ,.n ~izt- , s·o, :1i-'( bj1 , vL iJ· PUYl,O .t · and , d v~tnt•tg .-s. Op ·l'.L ilfJn of (li ) t . 1·s ., ith h • • • ( (•\ lllll ·•• •·cl wtt h ol lt(•J' • . v ~ t ·rn. \'V£• . t utli• d th · a.cu1 rual ·tuH pt'o''l\ ~' l'< 1q1lit•ed in ruakiu . ~- ulphif• • puf} ,, h blow pi 8 nud tht•ir ~un ·tion , (h ' scr .,.,. t (J t f.l , 'vith i t d1t t't1rt•nf <'Pl . t":ltlOII i~ and f h f' hl• n ·Jdnv pl'o ·••• f,,J . u} . philt', , nlpllift 1 :llH-f sr>dH J~llp. If y ou \Vtlllt 1n lt(•Hr Hbn11t Uu oth t~,t· c.:la ·.·c~. . , j us t :>t sl ~lHt'l P of {.ht1 h0.\ :4 :~lt"ll.ding t.JHJH<; Clas.· . 5!. l ' ti J t>lfr tll,V $ llltj e ('t Ul ' lh PJ'llU HHd t.'C)UJd not p:c·L s { n.r tf"~ d unt il l p:ot this otr Ill ) chc$t. I UdnJ all th, hr,.v.· will j f)iu n1 ~ in tuki ng- ofT"' our hat~ Lo the I ns1 ruc·lo•·~1 r,J' the rUff . 1 - c.'n t ClOSRC ~ . .Hack to n1y ·ubj ect, ']he Be•Jl()fHs f>c1·ivPd fro na At . l :)nding th ·' Cla.·se . Firs t , it aron ~ed in n:1e the arnbitioll that had l)( . en dorn1ant f or several y ea1· . Now don't gC't jt jnto youl' head t.hat I \\' rlS a s hiftle-s dl'ifter, fa1· fron1 it, but J \\'a j u t letting \,ve1l enough alone, like so n1any oth­er s, frorn the poorest rlay laborer to the high ~alari ed maH. In othe1· 'rVOrd s. 1 was in a rut and willing to stay ther e. . The v-et·y nrst lesson started. rne thinking as I had never thought before: What do I really O\\i'e to my fello\v men ? Will the woxld be better with the ef­forts 1 tnake ·? Not oniy that, it gave tne a goal t o work t o, a definite obj ectiv~ to strive to attain. . 1 ahvays had a desire foT a coUege training. and the L\,~ o thing colleges try to develop, horizon and rna ·­ter y. To kno\v . on1ething about everything, n1ast er y of the subj ects. 1 n1a~, never get that c;ollege train­ing , but 1 can b1·oaden my horizon by . tudying and thjnking for rny ·e.lf, 1 ca11 al so n1ast el' one :·ubj0ct l>y ha il1g a clennite obj ective to work to. The c1ctsses h elp to give me the right altitude tn.­war- ds n1y job, n1y 'fe1Jo,v.-\vorkman, lUY f o re nuan, ~ up~ erin tendent and our president. A ' ' orke1· that has not the right attitud t o\vard hL jol~. js not a ~afe employee. Not only \Yil1 he eut'hlnp: .)t' the Jif of hi ~ fello"' ''"orker but at o hi . tn p loyer '.s prope rty inlrU .: ted to his care and k P~ping. '~r"i th st1Ci. cn1ploy P<.l~ ~ t h ~ ir ohje-ctive.· art· only :; o'clt1Ck an I pas (la) . TIH,;) t la :~ v .· hr·lperl to rn<lk E.• n1e tnore al ·1·1. to fl •l '-l out tnf,l'<.~ about n1y job. ' vh.r <.:t •rlain things e-n·~ l!Ortt' a (.·c: t·t ildn '"a ,\ and \\-'h ) lo k ~L'P i\ lool~oul fnl irn pn)\ t · n1 t' l'1L , in fll .\' dc ' p~u ~ Ln1 ~ nt. 1h<=' c·ln: ·,};-, lu•)))c•d m • Lo third~, f<) find tHH tlH' \i " "' oC n1 \ ror<'tnan aud f~ H t'" \ \! urktrta:n :tnll t·t•ntp~u· ~: · tb~1~1 • w i1 h tnin f•. ln . (( •ad o f ~U .\ ' illg' th nt ,\ 1\H' fnn flH\ll l\ :1 ~ t ~l"l i• i11 ~ t on ll ill< h1 s \ ariuu . duti f::- au.! tl h 'l\ l"' l) P th J.l with .'·(,ut·s. al~o :--.ludr ~ontt • ol h 1s l•l'ol•l l f u ~ , ltlli >10A'" \'()ll l'~P II in hi po . itu>n. 11 t n u,; ht. ifl'\ r· ('ttfll•' ntt io 1, h n'' io \t t I" tud ~.J'ti ! . ,,~ith rtl •\ ' h : lln\\ l\\ • •t'"t ·l · . • f Jt \\ i t h nut ~th f t\ tt i'-•1\ U • inrllt ~ t , .~, t•nuld JH•="s il.t.\ n1.1hl· 'H) h, at ,,~ ay nr Jll )- (} I~) .1 T'f l l I·~\~ s. • THE LOG 9 --- - - By \Y. P. Crnte. Plant Engineer. _.:t;;:;.-.~ OlLE l , Digest~ r and Pl'e sure Ve s~l e~pl os­ions arc a ntollg t11e n)ost terrible and di~ as­trous of ~lll accidents which ha e been intro­by the ad\ <ll'lcen1.enl of ci·vihzation. Careful d igl) and operation have ~avcd us from tn re~"'-:;ure \VOuld be capable of doing eight ~I-~es a8 much damage. " ·ere it to r upt ure while under . r i~ pr~'- ~tu·e. In this connection it may be interesting to note that a ~e"'V Uttle of the de t1·uctive effect of an expJosion is • due to the sterun \.Vhicb is confined in the ve~sel at the tirne of the <.~:x plo~i-on, fo:r iu the boiler noted there is only 58.G p(.tunds st.eatn. The fG~ilure of the vessel is due to the expan sive • p~:n;\ er ()f the s team and water, both of \V·hich ate at a temp•;ra tur~ high ~1~ than the boi)jog poiuL When t he rupture ~le(;u>· . , t J e sicam escapes, releasing the pres­sm ·e 9n the \Vater \\ hich immedia~e1y fla~hes into 5t~am at a lo~\·e 1 · pres.::>ure; \\'hen th.Ls stea1n escapes • and fu ;tn~l· d in1inishes the pressurt, more !:;i~atn 1s g n ::rated; and .:.o on until ihe pres:-;tn·e js reduced to Zf•ro. So 't h'"'ern.:) ih:lt it is the enonnous quantity of stean1 p ·orltcPrl 1ro1o th~ wa.LEY· aftc:r tht ex-plosk•n t hat pro­du~ s th, ~ <H·St1ltr-'L1v~ ~ffeet of the explos ions of bc)il­rs, dig ·s tc:r!- and CJth •· pre.ssu1·~ vessels. . \1\"ith t}H.;. \;1 ft-J.cts btfol·e u-s let U8 21lJ lJP <:vt'-1' ftlt>rt to pt· 'l ·nt th , ex plo~1n11 of a h(>ilPl\ d i ge~1 f~r o t· n . ""'ourc vt-h·seJ Utan that f<,r \'. hich i1 wa~ de ignuL 3. lJo oot put : 'L< ·fl.tH r.~r~sfi t--1 ,. on old tank ~ 0r v R-s( sL )tJ,out kuc,wiug the fJt s U.t'<.: for whJch thc.v w. .1 ~ de~ignt>t:t " . 1. ff y911 llt•tir·<: ~·n Y . l~·al\0') OJ' C'la<·ks 111 J H'Cf~:-;u1~ ·f.;-s5 -;,!ti (Jf 11i pr·s ct.,ll n(,.cted ll) . ucl~ vr~:-. •#lli, call tn the a •ntiOll c1f y9tH' :fo~·t:rfU\.n ~ w1 n·la·v • U,t> l)l"'P~ Ul't'). a~ ,~won w·• p(l. hibh~. . f:)ynamit~ hs h~u·tllff' ~ lf properly handled so an~ pJ ~w·e ~s. els. • •.•.• ~ .·:~· + + -t• •·:••­•••• • ·~ ··•:·~. ·!-- •+••' ~ .•.••.• . .•.•. . • >t• "( ·~ •~••·• -!. . ~ . •.•••, .•. ~•·• ••• ~,• . .~. ~ •••• ~ •o•;•: -t· .~:_·. .~. .•. . •• ••• • ~.· • • 4 ~ tt• ~· +~· .•.••.•. :. .".'. . • ·.;,~. ·:.­. !. .i· ••.1 * {4 .,~. . -t• • . (N1ot h er 's Da~v ) We s0c a babe jn the cradle., ~ J u ·t a Jnite of h utnanily, ,J us.t a lHn·V ~oul God has g-iven For a lVIoth er·s t enrler care. A iVlolher 's arms enfold' him \iVben tear~ he can'-t restrain, A lu llaby she sings to h itn, Her ki ses soothes the pain . Lil~e clay with in the potter1s hand, This new life sent bv God above • Is molded, shaped, n1on? lovely n1ade • By God's g1~e~t gjft "A 1VIother Js Love.' ' And when in ·after years he leaves The old home, '\Vith a Mother's prayers , Life's burdens seem much lighter. When he knows · his 1vlother cat'es. \rVhat priceless gift is Mother's love, . \¥ hal cherished thoughts h er name recalls, It n1al\eS a fellow be a "man" Vlithstand temptations, shun pitfall ~. We can't expect or even hope Our 1\Iother·s love to e'er 1·epay , But l-Ie who gave this pl·ecjous gift. l-fer just reV\•ard ''vvHI give some day. • vVHliam J. l{etr .•. . ~ ~• · ••• .r;. II:• .•,. "· •·! . .:- .;. .·.:.·. • ·.=-:-.-, • --i" ·!· -•~ tC• ••• • -•••· •- ·:· .<·r · . .••. . -!· • .~ •••• ~· ·=· 0.:• .•. •:0 . ~ .-.•. ~. • ••• • ••• • ·~ ,Tt •• • •• ·=· ·!· .~ • •••• •••• {+ •.••.• ••• ••• • •.•.• .:. .•. . •·=.•.• · -~ ~ 0:· ~ * ~•·· •} .•. . •:• W m. .r. Kerr, th~ a uthor, is a nephew of Gen ~tn 1 :!: Supt. D. J . Ken·. This pof!m appeat cd ftr: t in Chicago • •!. . pnpe t·s and t·ece·ived ton s ide rabll! notice by lhe pl'ess. .:: :t fl e ts .A :sgistant Sccretflry of the . ecurity .Belting ·:4 -i- CflmptHty and s~cl' ettu·r of the Parent Kiwanis Club ~ ~ of Chitago. !• ~ ~ ~ ~. ~+~++O~+~+~++~+~+~++~++~+~ +•+~+~· ('LE ll VISION ·'Nolie ihal ~cotch o-uu1/' t> lll~ remal'l, f'd to lh1l' (.'~· cnrt as h cl' eye}; turued in the d in,c tion <l f n nH\n sf•H Ll'd ;:\ l ;J,noth(.lt' table a e ros~ th ,) ah;lt'. " I ~eE' a m(tll,,. r L·t)li 'd her c•scoJ"'t, " h u t 1 dnn'l kno'" t hat l ~t: ' s a !-;cotchrnnn. Vv~ h <\t rnak -~s ·'·ou think h ~ i ~ ·: . " lle licl •d ht ~ ~ PtClaci Ps aft ·l: Htinf~ hi" gntpc.A fru iL." F'c i ~co h tg. --- .,.,.=---· . -·· Strnngt't' - 'fc.'ll OH.', ha Vl' au.\ hig- nh·n t'Vf)l' bt>L'n born in thi ~ tHY ? • N ati v c ~· -No pc.•, onb hn.Li . • • • • l' • 0 ~ -- - . - # FlF'I'\ . Ll s(l ., S'It'Ll"' (.' . p~r U Hh@ ~'\ 1• 1~ \\' 'llhi~S FUOM ( :1\ 1'1()k This outfit ' -as captured and brought to Canton a few days ago and the photograph " "a obtajned through the courtesy of lVIayo1· 1\.err. The man in the picture i not the n1oon hiner (so far as \ve are able to a . certain) and n1any of ou1· readers 'vill r ecognize him as "'Tull" Jami on of the E lectrolvtic Bleach Plant. _ 1ote his p-ose, vvith the thumb of his le1t hand starting to,Tard hi · no e as if to give the gl'and hailing sign of the bleachmakers. BIG DA A.GE SUIT PE . mL. Tommy Dayton Seeking to Reco - er From. Frank Smathers. " n1oky" Joe ta "ord, of the I ·on Workers, , F\n·ni hes Details for t he Log. One of t.he most unique cases ~' er heard in a .~.,. orth Carolina cour ·. vvill be tried at \\'ay!l€ svill~ during tlae lay tern1, and one ca ~1 best fo1m his Ol)inion of t he mer­its of Dayton's clajm by listening to " . mokv•' Joe's ver·sion of the • occurranCf:>S which led up to th~ sujt. 1 t was the morning of t.he \\'a.' nesville conila.gra ion and an . 0. ~ · call h&d been . ent to the Cantvn Fir(:! I epa>"trnent for as­._ istallCe. The ··million dollar i.J uc~ ,. ,\.,a~ ~peedinLl· througb \Ve . t Canton rniuu~ one of its ~v . gular th· n1en:1 Frank Sn1atbeTs. Ft·,lnk had tni s~­ed tlH~ truck by abont ten econd · hut he g abbed his Pi11e "'J·ush t~li: ~ · the irnplen1enh witJ1 'vhich • • • • Frank r eceived his ea.r ly instrac­tions io how to put out a fire) and he. "took out after the truck.p O ve1~ in \vest Canto11 Ton11nv • Darton had started to do the n1ilk-ing. This was sorrJe t ime after fou, r -o'clock and Tomn1~' was hu1·- ~ l.ving to get this co~ 1nilked so he could get to the mill at seven . · It '\\ . a~ not y t daylight and fo1· a light Tomtny was earrying a Lwc,­quari r Ta. on ja1· fun of Hgh ll•ing bugs. .Just lJeyond i11c depot, as Frank was s p .-eding and cJo, jng the space 1Jet Necn hin•s< If Hnd Lhe t rt!lck he saw \vha;t he Look to J e n fi1·e over in the Hefd and, b1·nsl1 i rJ hand, he h eaded for it. f-Iis nnst, fierce nou d .' h wi th lh . pin l>ru h 1 e n lted lu th brea "­ing up or Dayton' ~ j;-o· of li htnin6 h ug , \\ hich fle · all •\· r r onun. , a ud ·l'o1., Fr nl{ di ·c v . r ·rf 1 i.:" lt1istal.e h. had ··put .h \ f on al­n: lo . t <>ut:J in his .fl oj·t to . ul due h ti l·e . • ::11.d~ did ·uot cuteh up \ irh th . t1·1wk until it \\,.J\ · ulttHH-1 lr1 t ;J.rd · aud hp \-\ •·nf on foof . '';)n tok t ' ' "'·n. ·~ IH t'Ould h :.tVP l i JrlPn 'J' , •• nY. a ftpr th<w · liy.l,lr,ing JJUJ~ ~·t "•ll nV(\ I' hjnt f nl· h • 'f\ c i S I h t~ tl l it~l • ' lHlg·gy. Da.v tou s corn phd n t a JJ ~p t·~ :tti_,. ~ault. painful in .itfJ'ic.~· , J(r .•'t \ f)r bnttj~ ancl hi ~ r·ow "ftH ~o ba.dlv d•o- • lul·bc rl t hat sh ~! difj nut gjve CJn y - thing fol' sevet·al days hut her· rnilk. HEARD HERE AND THERE W. C. Led ford of the wood roorn "vas put on duty the other day in the absence of the ''Water J ack "' J the man wl,lo delivers drinking wat~Jt. No'v Ledford is a "sgo­gettel', on any job he \Yorks at and he went and got the '\l::ateT. Alo-ng about noon Foren1an Tran­tharn ea&ed up to him and told hun he needn't get around quit~ so often as the men did not need s dl"'ink every five minute . But it made no difference. Along about three in the after·noon Trantham stopped hin1 again: "Boy. ease Ut> a bit, J Rick a l'd j u t phoned down that the ' vatel' in the re er­voir was getting lo"tv." One of our Canton doctors had a very sick patient recentl~. and wl1.en he left hirn at njght) h e- lef t a thern1ometcr \Vith hi ~ "if~ \Yho wa~ v.ratch ing at his ed ide. and told her to tal\c hi. t en\pet~1tUr· evet·y h our and to call hin1 if h(.l gol any \\'Ol' .S . " 'h en h c2- r tu n­ed to t l'h. house in t h. Hh>rnin~ th pati ~nl wab mlt-\Sing· tUH th doct 0J' asl, ·cl what hn<l h \J P"'Of'd. ·· t b t·ok<"' tht\ th rrn n~ f.'r,'' . ~ id t.h i) •on-Htlt ) "s I u t d t h ban ll · tel'. ft. n•g.l h 1 t d "\ l '~r d1.y'' L J:t a v _ h i m , l )\ ) u t p , n t . ) " r o 1'1i tiq thl · .:-.1nd l ~w ,t· u lh g t up :111 I wen u1 un 'Ht to h ll' l in · t the lx k held .'' "" b~tacl ·., he uJ to \' n ll t h •a n iUt h clff • ,our • ~1 an no • I \fl l • • • • • THE LO·G lf - --~--·- --. - .~ -. =-· •• _, --·-- - --._ . ____ ,. __ - - - __.---.- -·--·-.-.---·---.~ --- "'"'~- -·- - - --· I~tir in ight ··rs1s h·ou.el are j\:lst :\l~out out , · ~aid F r~t'dd it'. the b iy we ca.ll Doutt So he bought a ne\'\' pair And \\ e nt'\\' d•> declare That we'll ~·~e l&" of I outt. ther e's • no doubt.:• \Vait: a \>Veek OJ' Two hLet's get ~otn thing in the Lo'g about Iielder and his new automo- 1 ile. ·· . '·BetteP b ~ car eful what you sa.r . ot you11 "get in Dutch.'' Hr-ve nt'ver se~n him out in it. hut 1 hear that he rs using it in ihe game of 1put and tak e'.H .jH1)·w's he do t hat '?'' ·'He had it Pu1 in tl1e garage and he TAKES a look at it every daY:~ " ··But he did have it out a f e"'' wee:k~ ago. so the~ ay. He dr0\7e ,.11 the \\i2.) back fro·m Clyde ing­ing: '·Let th(~ rest of the world go by.'' Handling a Load On the aiternoon of i\11a.y thil'd thE' bo~5 at the Extract Plant w{exe kading a car of Extract for ship­ffit" llt jnio Canada, and th e:v put 627 vag . into one car. rrhese ba.g·s .,·~igl1 al;out 1 :){) pounds each ·and t h ~ way tho~e Ex:tJ·act m0.YS should- . r the:~r; anrl run j~ worth going to .,:.~ C~la. ·be :;ome of tlH~m " tlrae­ticed up·· 'Nhtn they were boy:;; ar1d u·~ ~d to tot(; a bag of n real back . up irttf' U e r11ountains .) ' Political Retu rnlS 'peaking of el €ction ~, that last Cit v eontc:st in Canton \ as 'r!iorn11 ' ~lec~Jon.H Dave K"n'l', General Sup~t·int' nd(;;, ran ful' 1\htyo1·, and tlv. re was l)Ot a n1an in t he milJ or t(JWn that voted a.g<.dnst. hin1. Th ~.v ,. ,_,.ulrln't; ih r.-rc '\vas no oth <H. Cf\11- JidcJtt:. 'fhe Boatd :.Of Alder-rncn \\'~ n~ -dt•cted in the samt wa y. Tt (•rP va:; n cuntcG)t on fot· P0l icc .J udg l . an<l ~.qu ire 11ea~e's fric~nds ralli,·d to !Yi aid anrl g-ave hi nJ a rnajorit·J <JVr;r th · t\~O np:ponenls ih t ll'.-· fie ld. A ~pr.;ctctl town ~] (:'c­tic.:, H 111L1Y be held this :prittg t.o , l ct a rlog e.;aiehc-rr. AuhH Sh ve u ~ h~s lH. JJ nH~Jltior1~d. 'l'l~(' raoclidn'i · • for this off'ice doe. hiR running after he i.:s elected. " Bill" l\1itchell was r e-elected . a • 1nen1 bet· of the school boaPd. lVltn·e power to the n1em bers of the Board. Bill ought te be abl ~' Lo keep th en1 in hot w-at er. rr 'APPENED TO 'ARRY =:::::::::::;;;) R. I-fattry Willian1son, the ver"&atile paper maker, who leads his crews on C and l) Jnachines. who i.s an expert on the pre]>aitation of waper stock in beaters and j0rdons, who teach­es paper rnaking in the Vocational Edu,oati0nal Classes and whose t echnical artieles on paper making problen1s are eagerly sought by the publishers of Paper trade jonrna:ls, has another aecomplish­rnent. He js an after dinner speaker. Iiarry can speak on many suo~ jects, but his peTsonal experience during the World War, in "7hieh he fought under t he English and Can~ ad.ian colors w·j th the r ank o.f Cap­tain , and his ideas concerning the ::service, a supei'-ser vice,, and tl ftcc set"vic.e '' of ex-soldiers, always in­te rests milHarr rnen. So when A .• • W. Allen of Asheville was looking for some one to tall\. to the "Le­gion" at the r~cent eonventiou in that city, he called on l:Iarry' and invit ed h irn to addre~s the boys at the lunch eon. Tl.,e rlav of t he luncheon found • Jla.JTY arnong the la ~t ones ~ervcd. It \"~s lat(,! and he was h u11g r y . J ust as he picked up his knife and f ol·k and toul\ th~ fi l'::tt slice off h js chop he h e~n·d ~orneone inttoduc­ing h in1. There ·was noth;ing else Lo do Lut gf>t up and stat t th t, spt" ch. 1 i was somE: thing like the oJ<l fat'Iner who fh:·ove to i he eit v • and thc11 adj usted the! nose hag full of oals un the hors~ . ln aboul two uti nut ~ he piclH·d up t he 1-~ h1s, f\nitl . G · up) I can't be f, a~d ­in) V<.HI fol' nolhin','' nnd rlt'O\'(' ;=nvay. JTai'T. ftu ishPfl hi ~-t MJ)Pcch ~Hnid ' • a round of applause, and ·at down. 'r .bere was no·tb ing left on the ta . Lie but ash lt~ay s . After a"vhi l ~ h ~ went do\vn to a Hq~aicl< lunch . and got a sand·w ich. The next day his wife r ead of the excellent menu served at the luncheon and said to him: " I'm so glad .'' OU could go. The f ood must been wonrler­fu l. ' And Han·y sa id, ('Ye,·, I-Ii 'e~n·d hit vvas., ''Hark! From th~ Tomb pt l\1r. Fu·rness, "\Vi th part of his cre·w was putting conetete post~ and chajn arotind main office, a passerby stopped and was wateh­ing the work g oing on when pres­ently he inte:rr upted Mr. F urne · by asking \Vhat the posts and chrun · cost. Af t er he had been told ap­proximately the cost he hung do\\·n his head for a n1om ent as if think­ing then spoke up again: "You know,'1 he said, "I would 1i1{e to have enough of it to go around my own graveyard." · Right The tourist fi·om the East had stopped to change tires in a deso­late region of the fat South. ai suppose/ ' 1 he 1·erna1·ked to a native onJool\er. "that even in these isolated parts the bare necessit ies of Hfe have rLen tre-mendouslY in "" price.17 uYer right, s trangel\'J replied the n ative, gloon1l.\·, .tan' it ain1t ~orth dr·inkin1 when re get it ~' "Hemen1ber \Vhen we first met · in the revolving rloru· at the po. ~­office? ' ''-But that \vas n'l th first tim ~ we .met.'! " 'ell that~s when WE' b ~g·u1 1?."0~ ing arouncl tog·ethC>r :· .::.,. --- __.,.,. __ Teachrr: "l1~0 •can t r izet in n ~ "'n tenc~., Bill v: ··1 knew sh • • "as mt n-c:: tllP 1notn nt T (·uught h.(\t· E;!VCS. ,. - -·--' --- . HP-·-1 )O 'M ~h e tnoon atfec·.t th.(• t ide? Sh -No> only th td untied . • • • 12 - -- - - - -- Th ll'c:''. · " tor~ g ing the t~ uud ~ ·:.bout ,hi f \\y~'" 1.n1 l'' ~ la ud th~t n1i~h.t b ar t \Iling again: ~(lv t \1-~ll . cat·~ a ·o, \VlH; n Ch a die ' "'·:ts j u . r an ordin~ ry fir n1l1l1 in the d '-'p a t·t ­n1<:~ n.t. and a l>n "" ovct· the i ,·on " )rl,er, h1 th n1ill. he \\' ClS $ "l!t . .,.to T ' \\ - rk it~· fo r ·t con pltl of ".leks to Jearn a n ~,,. rnet hod >f '' t'lding. :\-h~n il \Yi:l 1n10\\'n th~ t h~ '' a8 going to the big city hi~ good friend bE'g-an t give h in1 all- • \ lC )- ·'V{h Be ~·ou are there b ~tu· . '< take in Cone~ I land, . . aid on . ··Go to the top of the \Voo!wo1 1i1 building," . aid another. ' 'Be s ure to, ta l{e in the l\1u eu1 n of Fine Art ." added anothe1·. "Don't n1iss seeingBron.x: Park and the anin1al · chhned in an­other. "\i\7ha tever you do,'' aid oH "' of hi fireman friends, ·if there's .:1 big fire \vhile ~ou ar~ there be s ure and . Pe it:· Cha1·1ie had been WTiting all th i · do,,·n and he had a list a long a ~ his avm. and v.·hen he finally ar­Yived jn the city h e vir.-jted p f ac~ after place on his li~t. But there ''"as no fire. Hi tin1e cante the night befora l1e vvas to start for home. He hao been out late and had ju t gone t0 his room, one flight up and "\\'it!. ~:indo\' s openino· on Broa(h~a v 0 • '\'hen . 11 e h eard ih e familiar . i reo signal of a coming fil~e truck. lfe 1·ush . a do \rrt th€ stairs and out in the strt-ei, coat h1 one hand, hat i1l the other. J~ngjn e after i:lng·n1e lJassPd, l1 ook a.nd lad del' trucl\s ·went Ly, Lut the drivers paid 110 att . ntion t(J Cllarlie. Thf~n n, h eaJ·d another ~ugjne coming. Out in the stt·e~t he 1 an1 vnldly "''avinv, hi; coar. Th · d1iv<:r had }Ji ~ choice of ~ lOJJJ)ing o1· t·un ing ove r- hu11. so Ju~ ~lopped. • • .J ist . ,·, ca.n y uu tell m(, \Vht·r•} 1 can go to s e a h ig fire-r~ ,\ f 1lc \1 ClHH 1i "· • • • THE~ L<.>(1 LETTER I''I{()M l.",.· o.t.t;. A. 11:M. O,f.r. . . l· . (' c • D l'~ r Sir: J t. i~ ·t ~l] · astn·.: to n. 'ad each n1on t il in l hl' Log \YIH n ' . on'H' dL' ·1 ar bn 'nt. or ~on,- e r ~ w of nH: tl ha;; brol\Cll ."on1e t''-=l<'Ord, ot· don«.' sont(j pi <"<:!). of worl, 1n a Rhort('r Lirne t.han h ~relofol'E? . Tt s h O\\. · ' vhat :1 ~pit·H of co-op r ation vvill do, vvhat lHe n ·an lo if lh y g -'t in the race a nd tight loyally to ' in. Eut '''h ih ~r '' e br a k a J' )cord or nol it is ,,·orth \vh ile to be 1·ace 1·un~ n ~1·s. It lead u "' to have confi­dence in our"elve. . We knO\\' that the fello\v in front had to tak,~ longer strides i.u o1·der to ~tav in f ront than if we had not run· t he race at all. We can't all be prize v';inner s. but "~e can be in the race doing our best . Jt matters little " 'h eth er \Ve are on the li "'t a up'el·intendentR. foremen, or laborers. The thing that r eally counts is h o''' a1·e " ' (.> erving the job that is assigned to u "'? Because Vle r ecejvc so much per h our i no r ea on v.rhy 've should \1\'0l ·k j u ·t so h a 1·d. l f . ,ve a re " 'orLhy of the nan1e o f n1an, i t. js our duty to w in, r ega1·dle. s of · the class of ~vork ~ve a re doing·. A (( 1. a '\\'-}1 1'd er tt can co-operate as much as a stockholde r: l n 't the fell ov.~ thai is d oing hit;; be~t, the roan that r eally recejv e~ the rnost out of life? When we get to feeling li ke cus.­ing Safety F irst, Co-oper ation, and all the r est, if w \vH1 examine oul·­ ·e1v . thorough l.v w. usua lly ftn rl th f: trouble is not wi th th P oth <.' r ff:>1low, hu i \o\1lth ou rr-;elves. \\'hat would we t·~all .v lh ink o fi the Company, if it had nv intt•J' ~-' t in OLH' \\'€:1 fare, ot:n· 1 if 0r on,. working C011<:fi tions? lf Y Jll have th (> renl co-op ·ra l1 vP s pil'it. vou \\'ill feel that Yon a t·(· • v. otl{ing for t hP bt·~i Con1pa11y in t hr~ \\>(J t'ld that ~·o u have th~ l>~·s t s u pi) l' in ten rl en t in tl. e 111 ill t h ~ 1 . our i.hJpa rtn·H~ltt is t h<.' v ·r.\ I Jt·~ t . fJ,::.~ i llf1 n 1aJa ha ~ ~ . uch f~llow wol"l\ c· t·. . c S .\10ll haV(\. I f y ou cl,>t ,' t !' . (. . ! . tfli"'> \\':.1 \ , ,\" HI :fY.P t•f• ' tiJ · ~ l tf J>.V. In tilh(·t· C' : t . • ~ ' :tl" ing· up. a . fc ·cp. '>J· , f ~ J tl~l'(-2 i ~ wJu lf ,~.,. ,,fJI 'f': ttiOr i1 dS do Jt e f o l' t h · lJ (·It d · p(, rlJ n, 11 , i n (· ,_. J El nun ry t ~t. During· Lh t.) paHt fjfl,(•f•)\ .VeHJ'S u.(l 'ornpan. · hH ~ ~pe nt o\ (' t" ~ 1 Su,- . 000.00 .f'or Ju . Jt f::\ illlr< ·::,. Ov )1' .'l 0.000.00 a yc: c:\ r, '' hich rrtcan3 an a erag0 of ov ;.•• $800. f!O per n1onlh. l ) uring 1 9z1l f o1· t.he fir::>1 four Jnonth--= tl1e co. t wa~ O\ ei· · 4500.00, an a ve.rage of $1100.0tl per tnonth . F'or the , an1e month·· in 1926 the cos t was over $5800.00, an ave1·age of ovel' $1400.00 per month. At the first of this year a dr·i ve was strarted to cut the cos t. For the fir st four n1onths the cos t has been only $1719.08. An average of about $430.00 per mont h . This could not have been done V\'ithou t the co-operation of the superin­t endents, the belt n1en, the n1e­chanjcs and other . During F ebruat·y n ot a failure \vas charged to the Roda or ul­p hate Departtnent . , a r ecord thaL had never been accon1pll h eel. 'rhe sta ndard cost for fif teen yea rs h:as he en over $800.0{) p ,. rnouth. We have lowc•·ed it a iJnost half. Let;s k eep the co~t do"·n. nnrl BREAK Tl-JT5 R8COl =tD thi ,·e;H· • boy , if you realJ~' '"i "'h to ''•in . Get in the race and . pin. rr'hro'v on the !tr'l~. tak(' (f Lh ~ U l'(;\ 1\PS. Lcc-u·n lh( 1 c -OT'F t ,~ • W h ·1 t v e 1· ' · l•U d,), rl o '' i t h , \ \\ ilL It t.n1'<'s ~lH:' 'd i , (· litnb th\;; hiJl Lf Y"tt ~; i ~ h t• hl' n 1nll~ g·w ll ~ ~tt b· Ht.·ttt·l l·at·t, tn ( O . t Pt ~ r -\'fl,; • ( • . \\' . l l;! I ·~ " t · . " l ' rn fa ~ t.· · th 111lh.\ 11apth·r ~h . Aru{ Iter \\ rist \\ a t<:h ~h\: "' l ' l • • ·· J' rTt s )U \\ ••• ~ait.l Itt;>. cuu. lllt1ll ht . ·•y ou· r.: l' igh t. " s: tid ~h. tl nd ~·~ ht·d . ' • • . . . • ~tompti~hment~ of R. and . . J)e­artment for .A pt~il. 192i. l' . huilding· ::. · . l he-aler for C rn ·tcl1 lne. Overhaul~tl nn w 1 Fini~h~ ~c<'onrlar.\ n1ach\n0. tra~ ~ • lll t~ . ffJ 1\ . . ln"'talled bafne in aeid tank. Putting u "'' t.ube1' in . o. 1 ~cot.t F\·at' rato1· Fir. t E.ffect. . etting ~cal I "" and 1n ving fan · ·nder Il tnachine. ln talled . uper heater in C n­ne11~ A boiler. Replug:ged K o. 3 Jordon. Ren~ ·ed t "''0 dischar·ge ~pout :-; for new ~melter:--. ' Put .:Lay bolts in Ko. lt)COn1o- .___.- .-. -.~- ' 'J~.; . v~ tlfOJI) ,iJlg agaiH." ~·1id .1\ darn '-\R h 1s pht.Y 1U~t t• · fc ll t 1ll t cd tl11~ at,fll<! treP. • • THE LC>G I f vou " ·ant ~· otYH.~ n u1.J data rn t • ~prit~ lton ~ec l ea nirt g. l know '-,f no expert , in b-etter pos j tion to n:'l~d cr vou ass i ·ianee than J. ~ . ' Slaughter and Pe1·ry Ch ildf'fl-\. ~' ith con1bined c rews, assist­~ rl l.>y the transportation crew, they have ju t con1pleied one ·>f the rnost Lhorough clean-up cam­paign~ known in the history of the plant. Of course evel:'y n1em ber of the Chan1pion fan1il.v de erv e~ con1mendation for his hearty co­operation in the clean-up job. but his share was confined Jnostl.v to his own roon1, office or immediat.e ~urroundings, vvhile t he crews mentioned above ·to·ok everything from attic to ceJJa;e and from main street· to river. No one, however, i Jooldng for flowers o1· lau~--el 'vr eaths for tbe small part he or she played in . the clean-up game, just one trip around the plant for t hose who were familiar with, con­ditions beforehand is enou gh to make one feel f ully repaid for whatever his share ntay have bceu in the good ·worlc Also it should be an incentive to all to exercise a little extra effoxt each day b1 h elp­ing to keep the plant t idy an(~ clean. uCHTRF WIDRTI\10RELANIJ :I' Frank, wh.v did you not catch tbt> fin.' t1·uck this morning wh.(:Jl w(-~ w<:!r.e called to help Waync~v i li t.) C)U t 'I ' ~·IJAPPY ~1vlA'T'F1RT{S:" 1 l'Hn (en ahead to see iC our host· would flt f.lHJll' tlre p1ug~. We iiU'l>'- HCt.trston1 d to l'<-~Ct ivi11g" m;,ny J)l~ctd i;1J' ord c~n·t in ~hP z.;y:-;­L<, hl nfl'iet:~ hut W(:rc .t'at H·r ~ t.utnl('d at an 'H' rlt>r lo rnal(c one ~c ttict>at :\. JH' l' Hc,yd ~ Lamey's pHtle rn, hut t.h(, h ~trt1cs~1 ot·der to till wa~ to Gl '<JOk t.w •lvt) l) CJ Anciy McChn·~. • --- -,.;.:.-.__.,._ - 1 ~orn to M1·. and A1l'A. ~ · ·n 1 Pr·cs ley u fin" girl. l '~rn<• sl \\7ot· k ~ '''ilh UH· ndllwt·ight crl'W. t • 13 ANO'rHER RF., ~ORO UROKE . f n Apdl, the boys of the Stiff­ing l~oiler Plan i b1·okc th <· l'ecorrl ol' 73.3'fi con1hined effjcic.'llt,\' t lle.Y n1ad ~ in Nla.v lU26. Gfficiency fot· the month of April war--. 73)~', , . Downs wa:-; high man with hi ~ partner, navis a cln~c secnnd. r~:v ­et'y one of the boys, however, de­serve a lot of credit for their good work, and we' re proud of then1 . l. C. S. CLUB ORGA 'IZEI> --- The students of the Intern viion­al Correspondence School · met at the Champion Y . M. C. A. Th urs­clay evening, April 21s t, 1927. and organized the Champion I. C. S. · Ch1b. O'ffjcers were eJected as fo lJ ov~ ~ : Geol'ge W. Reece President; J. [;etch Worle,v, Vice-Pr esident; J e­t er J . :Thllartin, ecretary: Fred L. Trull, TTeasurer. The n1eetjng was ve-ry inter esting. · The -pu1~pose of the club i to help men who try to help thern­selves. Representative C. E. Cor­ter n1ade a good talk, and the clo.­ing of the program was an addre . -.; by Superintendent B. B. Watson. The Club n1eets n1onthly. w~ will be glad to have a ll who are inter­ested h1 the ·work to be presenl. .J. L. '¥0RLE.Y. E. B . PLANT STILL G lNI 'G - -- Hleach production I' or April 15.1 ~l . tons daily. Caustic Sod<'~ pt·oduc ~ Li0n fo1· April 16 ton$ daily. Twt'n­L. pots of fused cau$tic were dip]H:•d during the UlOllth l>t Nlldng all pn."­vio u~ record ~. f>. fi. Yol'lt, Supt. or the l·;. I~. d pa1·trnent att nd€ 1 lh ~\ rt\0t tin~-~ 0 r th ~ An1.C'dC~an f~l ~c t l 'O"Ch€'1'\l icn.t Hocict.' at Henhnnin Fnn1klin llo­lcl, 1'\h iladt'Lphia. o 11 lh' ~7-28-2~t h ?tnd 30th o.r At fil. - -- lN OlfR Nl~ ~'f ~ ~lilt~ 'fh • 8lor~ •>f 1 ht- orgnnizati n1 of 'l'he Hay,vuod County F'ol 'l•n\e n \~ Clnb. vVhttt tht• chal> ·wi ll cto. Tort ab0ut t,h c lndoot· Fnh· to b~.· h •Id aL Lh(' •ryn during· ~f\J)lt\tnht.:w. • • 1 'fj • • • "Jlartmerlt \~ 1 itl • ~ n I <l F r· 11 • a 11t 11 tre Ill t . r I B:~ck Ro" .luyce Owc-_n. Man in mather$. Front-Frank mathe r "", Fred Williams. \ 1yde Hi1debrand, (C. F . ·o. Chief) 1 ro~ f rrow. Chal!>. "e~ tmoreland. (City hie f). T . Furne . , J. T. Hailey. Hobert Hardin, Ear! Tat . C. P. Sma th r , Rill • "a:--h. Po'" f\11 U<'weese Joe- M a . e, Bill M it<-hell. CLYDE ~ . HILDEBR _ D hampion ia·e Department Chief. . ~. ( hief a nton City Fire Dept. • • 1r. HiJ b aLd lacks ,,nly ~ f rfa\ f l. .~n r tv. nt iJl tl• • • eJ lo\ ' hn j )J".; Con .any und a aln .~st t re .t~ r ric ) a fi chief. n tl i · ll ,1~k e h:: ch· rf . I 1f the i S nd -"ll e c( l/• erer a force of about thirtv men . • Tn hi~ duties a Chief he ha the car . of al1 the fit fi!!hting eclujp­nH~ nt, including the prinkler sys­tem consisting of n1ore than fifteert thou and sprinkler heads, t\vo fifteen hunflred gallon \Vh eeler . t ·an1 Pump. , one (Jl1 thousand gallon Dayton Cent•·ifungn l pump, th- three hllndi·(lrf thou~and gt~ l­lon re~ervoir and all t h r> ho~t · and pecial appara tu~. Cly cfp \\'cL a cit,v fi em an (it h s ix \ t·a n P:X p~ r­i : nc ~ \\'h . n hr . PlltCr(Jrl thP (·nl plo.v of th . Corn pan~. 1 f(\ i ~ also a ~­: l. tant to hi c:f \\' ·. llrH>n.dand c;f th Canton City Fin· l •epal'lnH·nt. --- ·- .J . ,.~. S L I I (( H T E H F ire lns pcch>r . . lr. lc: ughtei' Ita:" Jw, n {\\ 1c-• · h th etn lov t>f til( · ('utn- • (or Iuauy .'c,t•:-; h '-'\ a · in ()( Purct c! iug . nd Jr s}' - t._ rtn1P.ut, tl aen \V lit .\i\ y fol· a ti" ' ·. "11 c · , · ~ . tu1·J1 h h ~ n und r Cl .n.n pi4 n hi. f Iild · and ~ · ir Tnsp l:f·nt· ,,, · t' h y a1 ply in hil1. lf n-th usiastically to t he \\'Ork , b~ n a factor in bringing thi ~ departn\ent to it ~ present high s tat._ of e ffi­cience. 1 n addition to his \VOl·k as }ll-.l" Ct. I h 0 Ll1. I it . (' l . :n ll I • l \\ \ l' n tt n t h.:-,. . I LLl ht•t i. t h l' } j ,.,IV'. h . nulL li} · --- =--· • """'-_.__.,.;., _____, - ---·-- · ••• ·-- --· lllilll- --- '-.___.__ __ -.a --- Cher11ical Fo~1mite Eqtti prnent. Chatnpion ''Y'' in Backgrot1nd " . ;;=;~·,, ~·.K l)t the nH~st up-to-date f)iece., of fire nghting t·qnii:~ment . J·no'':n as th~ v ~1 tGr ~ 1ozzle, La " l1een installed at th(;. ~·:a c;; })apPr storage .vard T 1e . tand l,;y ~ connPcted to thi~ not7le i. cor)necled to the. h vdrant • ~}: ~-.;n1 Cal'.t) ing a pre . sure of a ~ht,\· to one) ht ndred pound~ t(J t ~ ~[.jlUa'l e inch and w·iH deHve · th1·ei hun( r d and .jxt.r five t,, 'fn:e hur· t!r ~d r-ra lton ~ a :minutf; ttu «lUgh t.l(' rJJle ;:. nd 0 11(; q UaYlel" i.u;.h norzl . 'l'ht.- :nronjt~,r is plac .-d ::tt the . top of •m<~ of tlh~ fi iter vat ·r ~rlim ~u­tatioL tt:=n.!s and the :a lv~ f<~r con· troHjng san1 fc) • un1Dl€l' use 1'4 di­recth.: ' ndt"l D'JZZ-lP. Tht~ \ intr.·r ·alve i to b, an lurli(·;atr,l pn.-·t at t~te h: !; f;f 6ta ntl ;pip ·. 'l'h<; nm~zl<:­C} n Je c,pPl'ated l fY on n1an u.nd tlU1Jt:d in ::tny dare 1r1 ·~ J \i'~S . J o1, ottiY iN.tb dl; :n . "' mt;nito · no~t.lf~, out -w itll tt. tile ftglJting P ~ uip­men _ U,l (,ughQut t ll rnill and yalTds. CHARLES L. \\7ESTMOREL ND Canton Fire Dept. Chief. A'". . sistant Champion Fire Dept . Chief. • ~lr. \\' . . 1 rllor~1and h;. bL'en twenty o 1 . ~ t;ars in t h<· <~ ttlplu.\ r;f thP C lntJlll tJifH1 li iht l• Cotn­pHny. t<H' naHll,V ,\t:I I'~ II<.! ha.(l cL~u·g·p of i Jn' tl'uc:tll nd s \ •t·l and IH)i}fl)' nu.1 ~\<) J~ dt·paJ-tnwul . IJnt for ~:vP- ra 1 Y •~ar. has J ~P il a. ~i. ·f. a nt Mo ·.t( 't~ ]\:ff.:Citailic. Cl1h: f \ 'e."' l ­n or·ctand i,; .in tly- lWHUd of the • I Canton Fire UepartnH·nt. Jn the equipn1ent "·e find one ~e'en hun-· dred an rl fifty gallon American Lal.( ranee purnper. a· pictttre of \vhich appears in anoth e1· column, \Vhich carries fifteen
format Text
author Champion Fibre Company;
author_facet Champion Fibre Company;
author_sort Champion Fibre Company;
title The Log Vol. 10 No. 03
title_short The Log Vol. 10 No. 03
title_full The Log Vol. 10 No. 03
title_fullStr The Log Vol. 10 No. 03
title_full_unstemmed The Log Vol. 10 No. 03
title_sort log vol. 10 no. 03
publisher Hunter Library Digital Collections, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC 28723;
publishDate 1927
op_coverage 1920s; Haywood County (N.C.);
long_lat ENVELOPE(-85.633,-85.633,-78.617,-78.617)
geographic Canada
The Thumb
geographic_facet Canada
The Thumb
genre Papey
genre_facet Papey
op_relation Canton Area Historical Museum; Canton Area Historical Museum; Champion_TheLog_1927-05_Vol10_No03
op_rights All rights reserved. For permissions, contact the Canton Area Historical Museum, 36 Park St, Canton, NC 28716;
_version_ 1766244720076390400
spelling 2023-05-15T18:50:57+02:00 The Log Vol. 10 No. 03 Champion Fibre Company; 1920s; Haywood County (N.C.); 1927-05; newsletters; 11.75" x 8.75"; 20 pages pdf; eng; eng Hunter Library Digital Collections, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC 28723; Canton Area Historical Museum; Canton Area Historical Museum; Champion_TheLog_1927-05_Vol10_No03 All rights reserved. For permissions, contact the Canton Area Historical Museum, 36 Park St, Canton, NC 28716; Champion Fibre Company -- Periodicals Employees' magazines newsletters etc. Industries -- North Carolina -- Canton -- Periodicals Champion Fibre Company -- Employees Industrial safety -- North Carolina -- Canton Industrial equipment Employees -- Education (Continuing education) Fire fighters -- North Carolina -- Canton Fire extinguishers industry health and wellness events Text; 1927 ftwestcarolunidc 2019-01-22T18:26:20Z Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue. -- C NTO, , . C., MAY 1927 • Our Motto: · ' "Sa ety---Cleanliness---E iciency" • Geo. Calvin ·Morrow Six ffionths Old UJeiqht 20~ Lbs. Son of T. E. morrow of the ConstPucti~n Crew • A CIJampion of '£. M o1-·rotv • No.3 - • • • l • , I • • I , . Ire ' It 1 I i~ht side of n1ain entrance to Sul)>hite Wood Room . . ~ --"-:Ja<·k Pine. (~hipper Yard under: No . . 11 Conveyor. - --- ,D"oda I1igester Building, Loading Floor. · -2- · · ·n Flo r Patler 1\:f.ill l\lachine Room near Inspectors De ~k. • hi d F loor in inishing Room (near center of building) . . · 4 I~oar.d Mill near Dr)' End of No. 2 Machine. - In ( 'oart at F~xtract ~ . ell. . A. ~(t. 4- ~ Liqllid Jxtract, torage Building (Nortlt of Pulp Maehin~ RtlOm). 5 c·. kt\venue, Fibre il1e. ~ o. 5-l . .~ k'.\, rland Terrace, Fibreville, (near hf)USe of W. R. {'rut ) . • . o_. 6---Ea t Wood \ " ar:d \ ()ne box near \\rood YaTd ()ffic~ . One b6x, center of yard n ar HQ~ie Hou . ·u. 17. '( ()ne bo ·, N ot·t t of Main J)ump Rou e. f ()n~ bo , (1()0 yds. W . t of sou. •••. , fhle bo n~r. Ea t end of Main · One bOx nea \\' e t ot 1ft . lie)' I Oae ho cen fer of yard, fir. t aDe tt•QIIl one bo ttlnter of yanL ond alle.y aorth froM • • l • • I . MAY, 1927 (; ,\Zl11E I . " MADFJ I - o•JR PL_~NT OUT 01• WOOD FRO~t TJ-IB 1-'0RF~' TS OF ~' E . A:i l IL\CTl1RE M Y GHAU,.~S Olt' BLEACHED ~ULPHJTE PAPER.:·, ~\: " Hl ~t 1E FL JRH) NJ) SUPEU-CALEN DERED . • --- .~c --- ~ --- ~ --- T~ --- ~_. --- ~ --- 1 --- " fj. .,,. au' ( • :; • • ' ~UUI • •• . , • • I l l . .• l .·~ .• , ' . J • • ~;.,o.;tl URI ·c lh(· pa~t t·t'' wv("\1 ~ ~tnd 1nonlhs there hct~ ht• H a g-re~lt ~ ( -~d d{.a~d f,f t·nlhus ia. rn . hown in i hl' \\Orl for lJ ->tt<.:J· huu, ~k ··ping ;1 ll '> € J' tJ ~ }JkUl l. T hca n1ill Wal' f~t irl ) d P: tn, :11:\ l;t('lodc~ go, ultt th i~ \\,L~ rlri v~· . for H elc;·:.uH. l ' rnllJ. on ' ' lhat w ntld !·dH v ('lt:an . • • • ~ t (' c-lln p; u ~tn . n ftl ' 't •1 t,, actc>nlpli sh lth it \\~·~ nt.:C\"S~;u·~ t<) ··~·a~lJ' ' lite- "<.1 •;l tl tnifl i(-4 ·a·· Lt, c v• ,·r(,.,. ty tns fi•P ,i11l,, f'orec· of "clt'all up nten'' nti ~·ht he t•nl~ J,l lr' ·d , ;u,d tl, ,. ptan t ''"tdd I • pul in ti n~t l· ln." ~ h ._q'~t' (c ,. in . p '(.' l itlll, but •td M.'Jtdf.l st'Jt hav1· n;~u ll .c:.d in a <' lf •;n t tttill. oth · that. would ah,c-1.' ~ 1n:d\\.' · ~'l l~; . •n ;.lb l• · iJJ)} IJ' •• ·i.,n. 'f'h •4 '' *~_\ ,, ,, l~ll>f•• .~,·f lltll '' ''·' :-; t••)•(l P\t' I',\01H' p toltcll)l' tlu~' hPu ·­tt• }a S I J\'\ 11 J'1 H II( • . , J·"d Jdi·:• ht:t LtJ\, tt ,.<,o l :tttd t.:-. t:ullt t ;; lti J t)~. l•;vc•l \ '' l~t t t ' \\t' I'll \ \ t' • • !'li'' l·Vidc•w t> (li it. lu nltl JJ ~ ·t ,c,, , . ~ iu fiJ,. tndl r,;·iu:h of ll tt~ fill ·,· ~ x htU~ Itt~\~' ~\\UIIl Uutt th".~ \ttl lq V<· tlw t•)ont, :d. thP ' ''"I ot Lhdt ,,l11 rt, it\, , littlt Lt, t tPr PHl ~ r tl u t ll l b Y 1Uf, l j ' f'll.ll i:--. tis<• IH " I, tidH'llh' \\ l' 1\ ft t)\\ l •r'. I U:tfl ':• ir•g 1lri:o-, 1Jlt'r Jl. ' (,f 1 '\ fH P H~t ltJ~' t l11- . lfl!J• ~'\ l fttH I d' tin• tl\t\lli't\,.1' tr i~"Jtl . l,, •l fht· iY 'nd \\url ~o oH :tnd U1 ~ 11 ~ ult \\il l lu· 1hv ,H C'dH tplt h n\\• tll ,,r OHr' tth ~l '' , •. ,, L 1n h • v • ~ 'li t<· C h ·~oH·~ . t i\flll in 'llh· r:, HIIlt • • • • - • - 2 THE LOG --- ~ -~· --- ~---~--~-~--- . '~ • t 1927 NO.3 Published b)' ,,The Champion Family" as a Symbol of t he Co­operation and Good Fellowship Existing a t the Plant of the Chan1pion Fibre Company, Canton. North Car ol in a . Editors . 't\'OOD GRIFFITH PHILLIP REPORTER W. D. Jones _ --- --- --- - -· --- Book MHl Ben 'Villiams. --- Machines W. L. l\IcElrath --- --- Power ~. D. Pressl~y ---· --- --- --- - --- - - --- R. & A. F. M . Byer'i""\ ______ --- - --- Wood Yard )1iss ~fay Holtzclaw - --- - --- __ Main Office Fred Doutt __ --- ___ Laboratory THE PIC1" RE O.rJ THE OPPOSITE PAGE " 7e are indebted to "Forbes," t he \Ve11 kn o"t\rn bus]­ness and financial journal published weekly in N e \Y York City, for the picture on the opposite page. l c appeared in the Forbes issue of May fir st. It is very probable that the artist never a"' our Helder, Secr est or Dr. Schulz \vho are the heads of the departn1ents r epre en ted by i he t hree gua1·dians of business, so ·we are not going to claim t hat ih ere is any striking resemblance. But \Ve do "\.Van t to ca ll atten­tion to two paragraphs 'vhich appeared in t he last issue of Through The 1.\Ieshes, the organ of t he \N . . T :vle1· Co.: "Reseru. c11 is becoming the most impoj·tant \\'Ot·d in the dictionary of busjness." uSucceSS today is ach ieved by the efforts of a l1UJn­ber'" uf different groups of men of ,,·jdel.v dis ·in1ila.r t1·aining and education.'' So to the Chemist the Ref:ea1·ch man and the fello'"'' who is figuring jt aB out we say: 'More power to you.,. To the stray man or tvvo s till working in our organi za­tion under the ' r ule-of-thun1b" \\·e say: uoo and sen Spa Vv"Jl and he '11 get you in one of the clas:e$." ''A mule cannot pull v.'hile he is k icking and l1 can­not kicl{ '\\h ile he is pulling. Neither can any on ~.; of us.') Whe11 we tr:ied to illu ~tra tc our idea v· e did not have in rnind the per son ~rho otTers constructive ct·it icisrn. We do not can that kicking, nor do VJ • admit·e the f ·1- . lo l , ho is i(>O con1pJac nt. too w 11 satisfied \ViUh • • - • thing-~ :l ~ fh l.V : ll•j •. W'ho is fw t•f Ctl ~r ~l, ll1Ptll('d f t, 'J Wt . ll ' JH ul_.(h :-d one·" and w itiJ w htHlt .llnH · ~ f ~'" e"nrl r • l i OJ, i :-; "w (·ll c· n ( H t l" h . " • I t :11 pli c~ to t hP f•.11low \\Tho \ ~)n ·t I •. p hi. lH·;uJ H 1 bu t ,g-0e~ around lnol in $! f.c:>r ~ n1 . th ing k,V\-r down to· g run1ll • 4lbout. ll t 'f-\ lil, .) t he n1ul : •·• o l Jlls.( as his h ad ~ ta) · up hi. IH: ,t wiH ~ t a.v down. hut ' \'hen h i . head g·oe~ do\vn h h" h et; l ~ tl .' up.,. ( \Ve ~ot that vru . f r on1 the Professor up aL the higl, ~ch ool.) Several years ago son1e on e pulled a nothet· on abou t the ch1·onic kicker and the mule, ·Nben he said "' li1'e t hi: : ··c on ·ider the n1 u~e: He ha r eason fot· k i c k~n g ;no pl'ide in his a nc e~tr~· , no hope in his po. terity .' ' T f ~· ou ar<.> a~ hopele-~ s as that tell u ~, and vYe will rna ke son1e allo\vance for \ ou \\>'hen • ~'O ur heels go up, or '"e ,.viU at least know ,,~ hH t to ex-pect anrl 1<eep out of your range of action . r\ . ACCIDENT AND SEVERAL LE8~0 . H Early one night in AprH Earl Hall, and his cousii.l M. J. Hall, wet·e \\'Or king togeti:ler OJl a machine r e­winder. Earl had r ecently been pron1oted and was running the r ewinding machine. There \\·as a break in the paper and in a kind or overzealou '"'nes. Earl lay dO\VD under the machine and ran his arn1 up back of the 1·olls and among the guide belts in an ffort to lead the paper through \vithou t stopping the macltine. }lis arn1 was caught, and hi" cousin, 'fti. J. Hall, heard hi ~ cry and stopped the n1achlne. He harl "'ev­er al feet to go to g t to the ]ever but he n1ad€ it in time to save ·what n1ight have been a most seriou in­jury. lt took about 'fifteen minute to get lV[r. Hall liberated and he as i t ed the workmen and h<>ld him­self in splendid control. No lJones " ·et· ~ broken but he suffer etl from lace1·ation, on one ~u·m wh1ch put him in the ho ~ pjtal for several day:.;. \V aJ·e glad to report ih at ht! is _ou L of the hos pital a11cl '';alking about to,vn bui it \\dll be som ·· tin1 before he c~n \Vork a his .regular ·.fob. No'v auout the l esson ~ : IfNI. J . Ilall had b(.len anr- • '"1h er ~ else but '"ri g-ht on his job" l1i$ couRin l7tlig·ht have lo.·t his life. lf i\1. J. llall had not 1o1o,vn \\h e-re ihe 1 ' Ve r ' as . if h had not 1-\llOWn ho\\1 to pcrale it. hi ~ cou. in n1jght hHve paid thP d\::ath p nalt~· . lf ~J. J. Jlall had gon lnoking- tor h t: lp, in. 10ad Jf ACTIN prompll.v, h elp vv-uuld havt.: bPcll too latt. l "'n't it up to each on( or u:-; to t hink ~th 'ad, plan ah •ad. ex act}) ''.that tnoves we f.;hull m·llH 'vh en ~ll nt r~'"nCY ari~e~. \ c onghi lo l·nu\-\' ho\\' to ~ hut down ~tn y nl~t •hin in OLll' dO}IHrt rn .)ni. There if' a nnllt t l ~. · s\.•n \\t~ . huuld lt arn fr n1 FAr!. I on'L tal c chance~ . H tt t· <l littlP ··hrokc . than \ bt·oll'n lJOd.\ . l)i ~l't:·gard for th-.: ~af~ ty 1·ul\: ~ i~ lik<: py ul't he;:• four l,ul of fi vc St\ Ht t () ha \.\. it. l :-1n 't. it tin1e lo rlu . Ofl lf' "brushing up ?'· • - -~ --- ~--~--~ --- ~· --- ~ --- r-· --- ;.- _.,.,,---:-__ .,._,.___-.;_ .__ ~. -- • ODERN a\)S\"tSS • • THE LOG •• ) --- -- - --___ _._.,._. ____ '·, ,,,. __ , _______ __,_ _ ,.__ ___ . ___ _ J• orecasti11g • • • ~r.a.Y as thev usu~d t .P.l! l1~-" • ' • \ • • • • , - -· --- Til . B 'f r \ g-oin~· to W<) r1'- on ~1 n1achin ii t:-\ t lH: rule th at~ $ af ~t.\ " ) ~r1 STA.l 'r" ~ISH\ nl. ll ~ l ) pl:l,;~d at the . l n1·t er. anct th i~ ig:n tllURi h\1ar l.hL' n ~Ullt-> of th' p~r on putting it t.h r ~ . No ne k e ha · authnr­ity to rernov ~1 it. • Sotnetirn .\s \VC hnv een ns rnan., a~ i · signs on a . t eu· L~r; the electr ician. , th tt 1 ipe fitte r s . the n1ill­\\ ·rights . lhe belt llH'lll. the rn·achini --L and the ~. hifi for n1an. _-\ each one cJ ,ar hi job h l'emove his ~ign but I-IE LEA \1E~ TilE T'HER . . '' e n1ade a rni - talen1ent : ~ on1eti.n1e" he ch. es not r·en1ove h i. ig n even if t h \ job i~ con1pl >t ed: He ju t goe~ a \Ya~- and fo rgets a ll al out it. The n a long about n1 idnigh t on a unday night t he ~hift foren1an ge t s around and \Vants to "'ta1·t up. ccording to the safety ru l e~ he cR11not r en1ove the ig-n and he cannot star·t \Yhi1e it is ther e. l i is up to hun to get in touch with the rnan t bai f o1·got the sign and get him to remove it. The "afety signs are a nece ~ ar~· protection. Th ej• "·ould not be a pr otection if an~· one could take t hen1 do,a.·n. . o it is up to u to ee t hat the n1ill j not de­la red through forgetfu lne., on our part. V\f e might put a ign at the n1i1l exit reading: '' TOP! HA ' ' B -y-ot.· R E~lOVED "l-OCR ·no4 ~,T TART' IG1 '?' Let us have your uggestion as to ho"· the afety DON'T ~TA.RT sign can be u sed and ho'v the mill can be pro­tected against delays. h TOT A DAMNED THI .~. G'' ._ evera1 years have e l aps~rl ince Cu. htnan conduct­ed his fir t class in F or ema nship Training at Canto11 and -till, once in a1•1hile, ~orn e of the proceedings ot that ecret e sion will leak ou t. ' ·'~lhat Should a good for eman do \Vh en eve~- rthjr;g j ~nning a11 r ight'?" a sked Cushman one day. There were a number of an . 'ver. heard and di scu. S · ed and th en Cu t urned to one of the foTemen " tho had sajd nothing and put the quest ion to l1in1: ''What do you think a good foren1an 5thould do \Vhen everything is going an right?'' "j Tot a datnned thing/ ' . as t he an. \Ve t·. "Thai '. one of ihe ac:;i an swe1·~ J ever h ear·d,'J said Cushman, ''if ) ou ana J ~ ze LhP an "\Vel to get its full meaning.'' A . \\'e interpret it j t n1eun. t h:.~.t, \Vh ··n th ing. arC' going all 11~h t. a forcmau -houfd do nothing that rl t ­. e r ve · cond ~mna tJon. flc . hould n "i do a DAf -11\EO T f-fi . :t ~. 'rlH~re is plen t. 0f ))}JOrtunitv f.or the put.­t1ng fofth of ~ tro1t in a. ;vay that d c:,t~l'Vt; S ·onttn nda·~ tion. Cu hman was right. D011' t do th t: · damned th ina.'' • • Jl()\ Hl 1SY U~; \VI~ 0 OI)U .f()BS? <:oing th ru t hP rn ill tht: oliH-·1· 11iJ' ht t11Y ~ t f~> n lH> Y"• \Vas ca ll t'd t.n H ·' oung ft.'llO\.V \Vc•rl{inp r,n :t n > v .Jol, and f 'd 1\ ' V 1· ~c.,l"' n ~ lliH.n nn that pn ·1 jcuiH.r jt>b W(H 'h lf"lJ! as ha ni a~ l:h1 ~ y oung.·tc-z ·. Alcn1g abon l te1• ;.,d HigJ, t J sa'"' him again, ~till g()ing ~ lrOJ J g, and 1 ·t.i jrf t(J thr) forenutn : "Th:-1i .vnung fell.()\\', . ~· :-; thP .vetrd ht; . . tr:- t·d to say, ·~j ~ one ,) f the '\iVO.rki nest· n1 an r cv ·1· : aw. J1 "lie j u ~t. J< f\P :ls busy a~ a f eller ki ll in' r c. ttle­RnakEl~, · said the foren1an. ~' h en vou stud ' about it • • that's concentrating upon the job. [ t set me \vonrler -· ing ho'v n1any of us ever lose ourselves that rteep in our \VOrl<. TIME ,S AVING RECORD rr v\'a5 a ln1ost th-ree 0'clock on the afternoon of the 21st of A.ptil, s11ift-changing-tin1e, when the men in charge of the Board Departmen t decided that cylinder No. 1 should be lifted ou t of thP. machine anrl a spare cylinder put in its place. There was a n1u -tering of a Cl'ew of men to make the change and p1·omptly at three o'clocl< the n1achine \vas topped . Ben WiJlian1s, ihe expert machine tender, Roy rf'ram­n1eJl t he shift for en1an in the Board and lV[achine Dz­partn' 1ent, Jim Hardin and Ton1 Recto1·, the t,,.o board machine tenders, backtender s G1en Trull and Bass ~1oore and milhvrights Frank Best and Frank anlp­son \Vel·e lined up \vith a fevv h elper s r ead.v for action. Ropes, slings a.nd chain fans \vere swung ir.1to place rolls we1·e rem o'\~ ed and felts stretch ed out of the wa\ . • collars \Vere "Cen1oved and the ·wofn out cylindel' \,~ as soon on its '~'a.V to the r epair shOl). Then the new c~'lind er \vas placed in the vat and t he colla t'S, f elt. and r ol Is replaced. In exactly ONE JIOUR AND TEN Ml TE~ fr >nl the time the n1achine ·was '3h ut do\vn it 'vas in 011era­tion again. w(l cong rat ulate a ll ha nds in th i ~ cxc pt.ionnl l'~'(.' l'd and a re pJ•oud to call attention to it. in 'rh Lr,g. 'rb t. bcsi pctri of it all \V<l that evt'\J'Y nuu1 \\'n e~ as pfou l •i what had b C'n done cl!'i ltc v:ould b if h e- klh)cl\ t d a horne run in a l>ig leagn gan1t . lt i ~ fun tL'' X'\ (u-·k \Vith a tnan or in :rt t·1·c"\: ' that ht\s that kind ot' ~l s pn·n . • • 1'1f . rJnl e-t·:-- ;.t r nntn ' and . Pldon1 n1 \.~1ld tht· tl' "' ' . . • • 'rh rH f·cllll t.: • ·~ an· t.hc hraink•' s foll\ '' h ' u(· 1· o~n1 b n1adE:' to \ll'hl< 1'!'\tnnd that I efur tht.'·' · t·an bl' a[}~. bl t of heltJing in olht.'l' ]Jeopl-.:'' ~ uffair8. the~ should h~1' tlleir o''n li \·os go s:ucc •ss fully nd_iu . hd that th ·~ arc ~tlwt-.) ::; in perf c:t '\\'Od·dng- and '' orkal>l · \.)~"<'h~ r . THE LOG .~ --- ·- :--" --- · - -. - ~- «-·--· --- :;_._ __ .,. __ HERE i · an old say-ing anrl a ver.v irne on~' that a ~ta nding pooi gathers filth. A an ex­an1ple, tal<e any business. If it doe n't pro­gre.~ s it "· h eel~ bccon1e clutter ed with old-fashioned ideas and old stock an.d gradually it lides into decay. Or~ take a house if 1t i not kept in repair, t he brol<en . tep oon becornes a n1 is ing one, the cracks in the pla. re ltlt in fallen ceilings, the neglect ed drain br eeds dLea e. the peeling pain l ruins the wood: in the enr.l. a \\'Teck blots the .scenery which a once well-reg­ulated house decorated. . \\'ith t he hun1an body the same legend holds true. I f t his \ ery hltricate and delicate n1echanisn1 is )eft • to tand \\ iihout proper overseeing, exercise, proper food a nd car e. it becomes a n1enace to ourselves and to "'Ociety. The s lightly decay-ed tooth might develop an uleer which 1nar cause l:loison to course through the srstenl> t he recu.rrent st-o1nach aeh e n1ay develop a can~el'. and so on. But , a little care at the beginning of the trouble n1ay eliminate the difficulties which are sure to 1ollow dis1·egard. One oi th.e chief "-ays to take care of the human btttlj is to have a thorough physical examination once a year Every per on should find out t he condition of hi. l>ods at least once in every 365 days, and set abou t to repait tho e parts which show signs of wear. 1n the spring, after the comparative confinem ent of the winte1·, nearly all of \L.<:> need some ove1·hauling and a con ·ideL·able amount of fresh ail' and exercise to 01 ;ng u. baeJ\ to condition. '.1 gr~at number of us \Vol•k hard phys ically so that we fe.el that wt get all the exercise we need. Often, in ~uch case~ a change in exercise, such as walking in the 01.w.n, sv,rimn1ing1 playing ball and other games js re­!< A.xation becau ·t it calls into play musd es \Vhich our occupation does not ordinar ily develop. To walk to \\'9rl\ or to walk home part of the way through ihe f resh a ir often clear!'; out our lungs and invite;) sound • • sleep1ng. Plent~ ;f frec.:h ail· and quantities of sleep in well-vent ih-lted t'norns are two of th~ main r equisites fol' ketping the bl>dy in 1·epair. The windows should be thrown wjde f>tJen ~o the lu11gs wi1l pump f:t·esh air in and on t of th~ hody and prev~nt :-> while we sl~r fJ. "fbe bodv shoul XC{· . .,~s o1 t(;rnp<?l ' a,lsc1 an.1 drains on o r vi ta1ity. rj he spring tirtH! h th~ JogiNI I tllYH' to 1· new OUt' ~tl- L' b'l _s and take stock f,f o\u· pll ysica1 tiln •sF. Jf r.tU l ' • I I "'""" -~ --- --- - - - -_________ _,__ b()(lies arc put jn condition now they wi JJ be better able to withstand the !-{(,rain of a hard hoi sun1mer to come. J:IE CliEATED HIM SELI~, By Pau1 Lownsberv • STHJKING story js t,old of a r ich man who wanted to help a poor carpenter and his fam­ily. He hired the ca1·pente1· to build a house on a hill side and then went a\vay on a long journey. The carpenter said to himseJf 1 ~:rviy boss is away anct I can use shoddy materials and neglect the s upporting \\'OTk that doesn't show. The house wlU be weak, but nobody will know it.'' So he built a ramshackle h ouse. When the rich man came back, the carpenter said, "Here is your house." "Thank you !' ' said the rich man. "Here is t he deed and the key. I'm giving it to you." And the carpentel' grieved that he had robbed him­self of a good house. • We reap what \¥e sow. We have to live in t he house of life we build. If we do shoddy work, if we "soJdier" on the boss, we pinch ou1·selves, shrivel up and lose ou.r ability to discern between right and 'vrong. We have to live in such a hoose withou t character . \Ve have to live with ourselves! . I t is a tren1endous fact that each one of us is buiid- . ing today the house we n1ust live in tomorro,,·, Vv'e can build a palace or a hovel, a tnansion or a jail or a pigpen, but we n1ust live in it . The S\,·as Til ~t to keep away f1 ·otn ih 'lU. The1•e for ·.v . c sugge~L that you gel out in son1t: pt'n space wh en' Lher·c a l'e no clectl·ic wir"s. Avoid tht:: h igh pOWt;!ted line on the Aghevill . \tVnyne:=;vilh.· highw,t.v, al ~o lin 'S \: h ich tonH~ ' vet ih ' hill by t.h' rtser\. <)h~ to· th lran~fvl'll1Cl' holl sf- on F' iul'ev lll ~ 1 Oetd. R anll'JnlJer lhcl'e 1s d;.tug r , llH . r P fOl '(\ lH~(l p away fro tn it. • • An able body Is lht~ reward of ~afcty- un t •ld lnist· t·v ~ tht' penalty vf <"arel -'ssn ss. • t -. -- . _ - (Cla ude \Yit t. Porter Hender"on and '·BiH'' Bry-on at \York) 1n the above p ict ure v;·e see three of the cre'v c·E nineteen men \\·ho \vork under the upervjsion of John fL l\Iilne, the \,.; t einmetz of the Champion Family at the Canton plan t. They are engaged in re\-vindjng a 75 J:I. P . motor. Th ere have been some remarkable record n1ade in thi '"'hop in the speedy r e\Yinding of motor . . · OL"R ELECTRIC SY TEM 1~he following info11nation may give the reader an idea of the , . a:""t electric system r equired to operate a plant like the C. F. Co.'s plant here at Canton. The plant's pre en t electric svstent con isL. of 5 large A. C. generators '~tith an output capacity of 7,300 K. ''' · or approxin1ately 107000 H. P. and ;; direct current generators '\\ith ar1 approximate output of 3,400 K W. or 5 000 H . P . In addition to the po1-\·er generated here in the pla:nt: the con1pan . gets 0\7el' 1,500 K. til. f ron1 the Ca1·olina Pow·er Co. Thi vast amount of power is used to operat ~ over. five hun dx·ed A. C. and D. C. motor:-; ranging in s ize fron1 a Sn1all XA rl. P. single phase motor to a huge 7GO II . P. mot or. . e~reral-thou sand amperes of D. C. cuf'­ren t a1 e also -upplied to t he E 16Ctrol.vtic Bl ach plant to make bleacl1 . The plan t's 1Jre. ent lig hting systen1 con: j t.· f more than 5,5tl0 lights including F il;Pr e\ill . TI1e li ~h L; u ed l aug . in s i Zf" fl·OIU a 40 7at t to a lal gc 7': vVatt flood lamp . This env tllOUS .amount of p JW · r i~ conducted fron1 tht gene1·ator st c.s it i. g rtcrated, o e1' l~l'"g coppe,· cahlts bo th~ s ,it c'h o:;u·d . flere a g,m ~1·al .;_ 'St•~nt of dL t i buti ll L gin . Ci rcuit- of \ i.-e and cabl·. are J'un fr on1 tJ d dL tJ~) buting cc·n ·e t1 aH dep;u·f­n1ents of th ~ 1n i1l to C't J.'Y cu.rrent to vl-' '! th'~ ar . ious mOL()t , li"11 t.s and c.J . ctricat eql ip1n . u~ 0 • • G - In di st ribuf.iug t hi ~ fU1\\' ·r fo th ~ v:; 1·i, u · rif'}Ja l)) ·nL ~V( •I '. · pr "t'<,lltio.u is u · ·d fn rnak it ~ =--de for lJ nJ rutor~. The l:u·~· r uhlt•:-) an: 1 un h igJ, PIJ agai.~ . ~.,, UH' roof' (•f fl,<· building-!"', 1Ju· rna lll •· on ~!4 n:l'e ,.-n "](J,. :. l in C\>nduit. AIJ Plc·ctt·i mcJt(tt·s and (H} tli pm l~ t "'n· ,. '' ('ll g 1·on nc·i<.\d and n ~rc< • t d<·g J·ce f c; ~-u · i. u. •d 1 '' ltandling th1s un ·con fot'Ct1 • • Th(' educational rh.t ~es :)~vc bctn of greHt ~u ·~j '-t• - anc to the n1en engagt)d ln th i · linr of \vo1·k . el ctricians ar ~ a11 inrlus triou.\ energ·etic a:nrl t>e . ·ourf•"P.­ful cJ·e,v. The.v attend the c las-es and apply the l\ DO\Yledge dovn1 on the job~ The clas es have been a h elp so far a "' afe l~r i ~ concerned and have reacted t " litninaie or les en d~lays due to electrical breakdown~. An article concerning the electrical equjpment i :.; hardly complete \Yithout n1entioning at least one DO_ T'T. o here it is. DON'T let the electrical equip­n1ent get \vet. Water in motOliS, wafer on starter . \Vater h el'e and there \viii put the equipment out of business. This will necessitate long hollrs of overtime · for repair men and long delays in the mill. It "ill cause motors to burn up and run the repair bill out of sight. Keep the motors dry. • R emember this: In case a motor ' starter or anY. electrical equipment gets on ih·e, use the extinguish . ers. They are in every roon1. Find out where yours i.' loca ted and be ready to use it. . LITTLE ECONOMIES THAT COUNT Dear Mr. Editor : In my work. ,yhich takes n1e all over the plant, I often have to us~ an "extension wire;' and after heaJ:­jng one of the discussions on Plant Economie I mad up my mind to put a little thought into the job 1 \Va handling~ and I began 'vith t he u e of the Exten~ion Cord. Your l·eaden~ al'e probably all ian1iliar ' ith the us~ of these "E "ten ions," but l will say for the benefit of those who do not kno'v what they ro·e~ that th ) aJ·e a portable electric 1ight. f~ v ry\\'hel:e th 1·e are re­pair joh you ,.,-ill :-,(~ theJn in usc, e~p cia.lly a t night. and they are bette-r, elcanc1· and ntorc effic-ient thfln the old tim · hand torches, and give rnol·l& light th n the "flash ligl1t.~' The fttting on on" end of t.h ,,·ire i ~ ~cre\veit into an ,•l letric lrunr ~o ·het an l n 4le\."tl'ic gl 1be is fitlc·d in th~ other nd. 'Ph · fin~ t econou1' I thou~ht of w~ ~ th • ~\ing uf l,i m-e, fo1· l h v • :-;cen "'h~1 · u.: n s"' "atTi d out n a rush job, a job \vh irh d 'Jllan ltd inttll ·diatt' ~ctl('f tit '~ould df'la. pt·oduct iou. l nl. to find tlh~ ~ u o tn bati ord ~t . '['h · light '' ulrl 1lit:ker :1nd ,r,) out £ nd llt: mn . \ ouJd he 1 •u "'y try ing tt hoi I . •rr• \\10 ~ '-:) ~.~ 'flnlt·ti tl\ tng<.:Lher ~· il \Vould s ta~ lit. ~l) 1n. tar;:;t t.:~' Pn 1n. • h~ to . e< . i hat l'H.\' . l~ xt~ll~ion ~' ii .)H ls ah\ ~l) ~ iJ'l \.l\l Ol'dt r. 'af,·t Fh· . f . hotllfl bp ·on~icl r~·tL }\n " c xt n'it~n· · • • THE LOG 7 ~' --- ,·--·_. , . . ~- · --- ·---·---~- lad ord r ani a n1an ·working "ith it in a wet plac ~ k l a d ng "rous e< n1bination and thert:''s llO t lling ·hat "ill l> t h ~ r~ "'ult. You n1igh l ldll lhe nun' or 8t=are h inl t death. J ,,·as told by a n1an 'vho ought to 1-tn.O\\' that the ill for ei cb·ic globe . replacen1ents n1adc nee . · ar~· through burnh1g out and br akage, ·1n1ounte<l to sjx or e· crht hundr ~ dollars a n1onth . Now a part of this b1·eakage ccur . through failure to equip the exten­sion~ ,,. ith "guards'' lo prevent breal-ag . Another thing 1 found out \Yas that a forty or fifty \Yatt la1np would tand n1uch n1ore handling and n1oving about than a h undred or hundred and fifty " 'att lan1p. Th~ fihn in the larger globe is easily jarred loose and brok­en. \vhile the .,1naller globe v.;ill "'tand a lot of puni h­ment. The big globes take n1ore po"rer , cos t seventy or eight.· cent. apiece more than the smaller and more serdceable gloues. V\.,hen the breakage is les ened thEn·e are f ., ·er dela~ s looking for globes after a lamp is brol-en. ""o l carry a fifty watt Ian1p, in a s uitable guar''-· attached to m:v " extensjon" and t his accom­Jl) isJ, <; thrt reaJ economies: 4-lVlng of tin1e: (delays caused by breakage) . .". 'aving of: 1naterials : (use of 1ess expen s ive globes). .~a,ring of P.o·wer: (u. e of les~ CLtrrent in s1naller g~ b ~.) 'i ~ce l have ueen fhlnking of these savings it hurts n1r eye to see large eleetric globes burning '"her e it is unnece:sat-y, and this is the time of year that we can all sa ·e current and globes by shutting off lights where thev are not in use. J have been told that it cos ts be­t'v~ en three and four centf- pe1· !<Howatt hour for cul~­l- ·Jlt (that:s the pt·ice on electdc 1·anges on Company 1i e . and about one third the prjce of current on linos u :J . r\ iu Canton) :o it will c0~t about three and on~ half ~ent~ an hour to burn ten one hundred wat t la1nps, , ven one hundred and fifty \vatt l arnps, or t·wo fave h ndred watt larap~. Burned one h unrlred hout~s they wot ld co. t threP rtollars and fifty centc: fol' Pach torn­bind. tiOlL In a thou~nd hours th js would amount t tJ t h i1·t \ -fJvP (iOHcu-. . And that is unl :v curren t . Th i ~ t"lr)e- . not tue ludr'! the lan1ps \-\r] dch we a re 1Jll11'ling out anll rhich wi ll have to be replaced. Signed, SAV l·~ A. LIT'fLE. t~IJ JTCJH~ . ~O'T'b: We a1·e glad indcc•d to vubH ~h th}: . lett 1. 'fbcr P's a lot of little jd< as :Vhic-.h will .-av~ rnCiiH?.Y f(J).~ the C. F. Co., if. lh€!y ::o ·<~ put in daily practice. Ci " '' liS vou'r jrl~a anrl l0t foul't<:·t'U hundn cl ·~ . ttleu use ) . • On• n1~''' trjld u~ thi.~ ou~: •·t ~aw ;;, IJl:lU con11n ~ fn:n:n the 1;1· ck ~t-· h depa r-bn ·11t with a wlt o.( . Jtmrtow 1 ad of 1ubbj. h :.uad la~ itunYped it in th . allc.!y. I ltH)kvd 1t r.JV c>r. '}'here wa~ a I,Jair <,f old . hOP-S , sc >n1<~ dirty wa te anti ~ . etal IJl•J(·ks o( w(,<;d. l fe had ju~t b· P-O t.ov iing n lot fJ1 . ba ving. ~Jnif WO()d, n ixP.d with th~ __ , ___ - coal, into bi. furnace. " \Vh .v didn•t you put that stuff int.o the furnace'? I asl<ed the rnan . ~et\c·ver thoug ht of it/' said the \VOrl.;.rrtan , " "''nuld it be all righ t to burn it'?" \Vhat are we doing, in your job and n1jne, whieh is n1.aJ\ing labor f or otbexs, and costing the Con1pany n1oncy, ju ~t bccaus:. . we ne ver thought of il.,. Give u.; your own ideas of how you are saving money for the con1pnny on your o~wn job. YE EDITORS. KEEPJNG PHYSICALLY FIT Health and Fil'e Ins pections. N darker ages people waited until iJlness had overtaken them before they consulted a doc­tor; then with impaiTed en ergy, they t.t·ied to regain heaJth through medical assistance. In these enlightened days, people '~i th fores ight r their good h ealth through periodical yj si ts to s pecialists, u ~- · ing preventive rath er than cntative measures. You are vitally interested in yotn· plant. Your tirt\e and your mind are engrossed with details of produc­tion. Fire would pla)f havoc \vith all your plans for uccess, just as some deadly g e1·m would plar havoc with your health. The Factory 1\lutual ins pector is a specia li 't, armed wi th knowledge and experience in fire preven tion. He can assi st you in maintaining the health of .vour bus i­ness. Through attention to his reconm1endations~ o~- • tablish for yon.rself in1tn uru ty f rom fire. • \ AN OLD SAYING The saying. ·1\~ind your Ps and Qs/! is ·aid to have stat·ted fron1 an old cu::;tont in English ale-houses of chalking up every cu stomer's drinks on a blackboanl. Cnder each rnan ·s nc:tnlc \\·ere two colunms, one heade ,u\d tcH u:-; to n;ind our P ~ and Q" '! --- -~ fL R. Owt"ll of ll ~ Pipe Fille s Cr \\ "''tnH.' to \ tO'l.'k the C•thet' tnornin~ wen ring a bro, d ~nalt\ iH\ l Ctl lTyin !-~: a. box oJ cigat's und •r hi !-> a rru. An eight tJtHHid o~ \\'RS the ca.SlHt. • • - -- - [) ~Rl\- gn Flt(l TTI1~ t U l N c; 'I'll I~ rr-==-._.-.:;, Ill ·~I l ent. '1'\_)d 1t1e '-"'la~s rc'otn , on thnt 0 et nb\ ·r n i}:.,ht in 1. 2!). l hnd nh1h . t r ~ae l 'cl tlH' c•>n e lu si011 tt) l i '' '<:'11 t'll< tHrh H ln1h: . 'Th q ·t' w a ~ S\.nl~ little d '\'il \Yh!st Pring· in rny enl·~: ''\Y h: should you giv ~ a Linl r'~ en s~? L~t Hill rlo .~ tl Ul' h inJd n~· or stud~ing. r u olrl "i itr: ~ ou h a \ t.' ll . n out of school t \Vt'h ·' ~ l~u ·~ do ,·ou ' ' ant lh t.l t'~ll o w ::> to i\'e you the 'ho.:s laugh· ··: so \\ Hh lh ~'- th ~. ur:ht . ll l·g­ing in n1.,. n1ind J uutd~ nly \·a .' to the ' lass l'Oc n1. i\1 .\ fi1 Bt l . ~ n \\·a arithnlet.ic . ' rf a k<.), an'\ OUe tha t ha ~ een out. of 8Cht <Jl f r a l0ng p .lriod . place a book of tna hen1ati(;s before hinl a nd you re:.1n tell ho\Y I fe1t. 1 t. renlinded me of n1~· first day in ~ ch ool. ,\-h en 1 ,,·as H chilo. only nO\JC; 1 " '(,lS gro\Yn up. The In ·b·uctor a . ked n1e ho" ' long I had be€n out o·r s.choo1 a.ui ,,·hat grade I ,,-as in \\·hen I quit he then gave rne some problems to do in fTactions. The third one sLuck nJe. then he can1.e to n1~ rescue. ''ell in the past tlu·ee term , ] haY·e covered n1ost of t he High .~c hool n1athen1atic_, including my corres­pondence coul'se al o. Th~n there \\·as n1y PapeY l\Iaking and Pa per Fin­i hing classes. I had just a haz_\ idea as to h o~' pa per \\'a "' made fron1 ·ood, rag~, etc. : but t hose cla '3es n1ade n1e ~it up and take notice. \ \ Te had :orne li\ e \vires for instructors. furth~n11 re ther had t he t hing at· hea1·t. They rlid not give an hour of dr~· lecture, j u ~t to pas~ off the time. and if you caught any of i t , a11 ,\-ell and good. if ~rou didn't, it \vas you r hard 1 uck. Those instructor . gave us the benefit of their lif t i n1f• expet iences in paper ntaking and finj~hin g . If you d id not understand, all ~-ou had to do \Cr'a ask, a nd they explained it for you. . . Our papeJ· making cla.-s -tarted \-jth the ear ly hts­tor.) of paper making, v;ith the ChinP.,. and a 11Ci n t Egyptians. their methods: and a t of produci n}!' papr-r. Then '.ve took UlJ ou1· every da~ }JJ oblern ·, that con­f1 ·ont the modtrn paper n1ake1-_ such as t.h · cere of his 111achine, th:) operation: quctlit. ', (Jltauity, ::tl. o t ht> vat·­ious duties of each I eJ-;on cannPct~cl v, ith tlt ~ opt··t·a - tion. . Next, Mre <>Utlioed ~\that it takes to H1a e a s~ t i.-~ft d custoJr1':$r and the d ut f vf .,aeh en1plO.Y e fo hnv~ a loo p, list of pt a (J eustotne;·s. . ~ext, my . nl Jhite cla -~ 1 i "-trtJt d \\ ith the n; . ut the fur . t, that "·ould giv l 1.11 I,t~t r .ult:s,: nd \Vl EY \\'it 1 Su lph it~ p1·nc ~.s . Then the i!llporla ~ . of <:1 anh1g tht: .v od of all i t~ baa'k. k I vts, le Th.; h:-tddn·· rnachj c> }· n J ·n < t~ tl ~ bat ker, th cltipp ~rg ;, uti x:v} . ., \ cut ttl ~ \VO<~C! in1n ehip . to a u1 1f( ,.n ~izt- , s·o, :1i-'( bj1 , vL iJ· PUYl,O .t · and , d v~tnt•tg .-s. Op ·l'.L ilfJn of (li ) t . 1·s ., ith h • • • ( (•\ lllll ·•• •·cl wtt h ol lt(•J' • . v ~ t ·rn. \'V£• . t utli• d th · a.cu1 rual ·tuH pt'o''l\ ~' l'< 1q1lit•ed in ruakiu . ~- ulphif• • puf} ,, h blow pi 8 nud tht•ir ~un ·tion , (h ' scr .,.,. t (J t f.l , 'vith i t d1t t't1rt•nf <'Pl . t":ltlOII i~ and f h f' hl• n ·Jdnv pl'o ·••• f,,J . u} . philt', , nlpllift 1 :llH-f sr>dH J~llp. If y ou \Vtlllt 1n lt(•Hr Hbn11t Uu oth t~,t· c.:la ·.·c~. . , j us t :>t sl ~lHt'l P of {.ht1 h0.\ :4 :~lt"ll.ding t.JHJH<; Clas.· . 5!. l ' ti J t>lfr tll,V $ llltj e ('t Ul ' lh PJ'llU HHd t.'C)UJd not p:c·L s { n.r tf"~ d unt il l p:ot this otr Ill ) chc$t. I UdnJ all th, hr,.v.· will j f)iu n1 ~ in tuki ng- ofT"' our hat~ Lo the I ns1 ruc·lo•·~1 r,J' the rUff . 1 - c.'n t ClOSRC ~ . .Hack to n1y ·ubj ect, ']he Be•Jl()fHs f>c1·ivPd fro na At . l :)nding th ·' Cla.·se . Firs t , it aron ~ed in n:1e the arnbitioll that had l)( . en dorn1ant f or several y ea1· . Now don't gC't jt jnto youl' head t.hat I \\' rlS a s hiftle-s dl'ifter, fa1· fron1 it, but J \\'a j u t letting \,ve1l enough alone, like so n1any oth­er s, frorn the poorest rlay laborer to the high ~alari ed maH. In othe1· 'rVOrd s. 1 was in a rut and willing to stay ther e. . The v-et·y nrst lesson started. rne thinking as I had never thought before: What do I really O\\i'e to my fello\v men ? Will the woxld be better with the ef­forts 1 tnake ·? Not oniy that, it gave tne a goal t o work t o, a definite obj ectiv~ to strive to attain. . 1 ahvays had a desire foT a coUege training. and the L\,~ o thing colleges try to develop, horizon and rna ·­ter y. To kno\v . on1ething about everything, n1ast er y of the subj ects. 1 n1a~, never get that c;ollege train­ing , but 1 can b1·oaden my horizon by . tudying and thjnking for rny ·e.lf, 1 ca11 al so n1ast el' one :·ubj0ct l>y ha il1g a clennite obj ective to work to. The c1ctsses h elp to give me the right altitude tn.­war- ds n1y job, n1y 'fe1Jo,v.-\vorkman, lUY f o re nuan, ~ up~ erin tendent and our president. A ' ' orke1· that has not the right attitud t o\vard hL jol~. js not a ~afe employee. Not only \Yil1 he eut'hlnp: .)t' the Jif of hi ~ fello"' ''"orker but at o hi . tn p loyer '.s prope rty inlrU .: ted to his care and k P~ping. '~r"i th st1Ci. cn1ploy P<.l~ ~ t h ~ ir ohje-ctive.· art· only :; o'clt1Ck an I pas (la) . TIH,;) t la :~ v .· hr·lperl to rn<lk E.• n1e tnore al ·1·1. to fl •l '-l out tnf,l'<.~ about n1y job. ' vh.r <.:t •rlain things e-n·~ l!Ortt' a (.·c: t·t ildn '"a ,\ and \\-'h ) lo k ~L'P i\ lool~oul fnl irn pn)\ t · n1 t' l'1L , in fll .\' dc ' p~u ~ Ln1 ~ nt. 1h<=' c·ln: ·,};-, lu•)))c•d m • Lo third~, f<) find tHH tlH' \i " "' oC n1 \ ror<'tnan aud f~ H t'" \ \! urktrta:n :tnll t·t•ntp~u· ~: · tb~1~1 • w i1 h tnin f•. ln . (( •ad o f ~U .\ ' illg' th nt ,\ 1\H' fnn flH\ll l\ :1 ~ t ~l"l i• i11 ~ t on ll ill< h1 s \ ariuu . duti f::- au.! tl h 'l\ l"' l) P th J.l with .'·(,ut·s. al~o :--.ludr ~ontt • ol h 1s l•l'ol•l l f u ~ , ltlli >10A'" \'()ll l'~P II in hi po . itu>n. 11 t n u,; ht. ifl'\ r· ('ttfll•' ntt io 1, h n'' io \t t I" tud ~.J'ti ! . ,,~ith rtl •\ ' h : lln\\ l\\ • •t'"t ·l · . • f Jt \\ i t h nut ~th f t\ tt i'-•1\ U • inrllt ~ t , .~, t•nuld JH•="s il.t.\ n1.1hl· 'H) h, at ,,~ ay nr Jll )- (} I~) .1 T'f l l I·~\~ s. • THE LOG 9 --- - - By \Y. P. Crnte. Plant Engineer. _.:t;;:;.-.~ OlLE l , Digest~ r and Pl'e sure Ve s~l e~pl os­ions arc a ntollg t11e n)ost terrible and di~ as­trous of ~lll accidents which ha e been intro­by the ad\ <ll'lcen1.enl of ci·vihzation. Careful d igl) and operation have ~avcd us from tn re~"'-:;ure \VOuld be capable of doing eight ~I-~es a8 much damage. " ·ere it to r upt ure while under . r i~ pr~'- ~tu·e. In this connection it may be interesting to note that a ~e"'V Uttle of the de t1·uctive effect of an expJosion is • due to the sterun \.Vhicb is confined in the ve~sel at the tirne of the <.~:x plo~i-on, fo:r iu the boiler noted there is only 58.G p(.tunds st.eatn. The fG~ilure of the vessel is due to the expan sive • p~:n;\ er ()f the s team and water, both of \V·hich ate at a temp•;ra tur~ high ~1~ than the boi)jog poiuL When t he rupture ~le(;u>· . , t J e sicam escapes, releasing the pres­sm ·e 9n the \Vater \\ hich immedia~e1y fla~hes into 5t~am at a lo~\·e 1 · pres.::>ure; \\'hen th.Ls stea1n escapes • and fu ;tn~l· d in1inishes the pressurt, more !:;i~atn 1s g n ::rated; and .:.o on until ihe pres:-;tn·e js reduced to Zf•ro. So 't h'"'ern.:) ih:lt it is the enonnous quantity of stean1 p ·orltcPrl 1ro1o th~ wa.LEY· aftc:r tht ex-plosk•n t hat pro­du~ s th, ~ <H·St1ltr-'L1v~ ~ffeet of the explos ions of bc)il­rs, dig ·s tc:r!- and CJth •· pre.ssu1·~ vessels. . \1\"ith t}H.;. \;1 ft-J.cts btfol·e u-s let U8 21lJ lJP <:vt'-1' ftlt>rt to pt· 'l ·nt th , ex plo~1n11 of a h(>ilPl\ d i ge~1 f~r o t· n . ""'ourc vt-h·seJ Utan that f<,r \'. hich i1 wa~ de ignuL 3. lJo oot put : 'L< ·fl.tH r.~r~sfi t--1 ,. on old tank ~ 0r v R-s( sL )tJ,out kuc,wiug the fJt s U.t'<.: for whJch thc.v w. .1 ~ de~ignt>t:t " . 1. ff y911 llt•tir·<: ~·n Y . l~·al\0') OJ' C'la<·ks 111 J H'Cf~:-;u1~ ·f.;-s5 -;,!ti (Jf 11i pr·s ct.,ll n(,.cted ll) . ucl~ vr~:-. •#lli, call tn the a •ntiOll c1f y9tH' :fo~·t:rfU\.n ~ w1 n·la·v • U,t> l)l"'P~ Ul't'). a~ ,~won w·• p(l. hibh~. . f:)ynamit~ hs h~u·tllff' ~ lf properly handled so an~ pJ ~w·e ~s. els. • •.•.• ~ .·:~· + + -t• •·:••­•••• • ·~ ··•:·~. ·!-- •+••' ~ .•.••.• . .•.•. . • >t• "( ·~ •~••·• -!. . ~ . •.•••, .•. ~•·• ••• ~,• . .~. ~ •••• ~ •o•;•: -t· .~:_·. .~. .•. . •• ••• • ~.· • • 4 ~ tt• ~· +~· .•.••.•. :. .".'. . • ·.;,~. ·:.­. !. .i· ••.1 * {4 .,~. . -t• • . (N1ot h er 's Da~v ) We s0c a babe jn the cradle., ~ J u ·t a Jnite of h utnanily, ,J us.t a lHn·V ~oul God has g-iven For a lVIoth er·s t enrler care. A iVlolher 's arms enfold' him \iVben tear~ he can'-t restrain, A lu llaby she sings to h itn, Her ki ses soothes the pain . Lil~e clay with in the potter1s hand, This new life sent bv God above • Is molded, shaped, n1on? lovely n1ade • By God's g1~e~t gjft "A 1VIother Js Love.' ' And when in ·after years he leaves The old home, '\Vith a Mother's prayers , Life's burdens seem much lighter. When he knows · his 1vlother cat'es. \rVhat priceless gift is Mother's love, . \¥ hal cherished thoughts h er name recalls, It n1al\eS a fellow be a "man" Vlithstand temptations, shun pitfall ~. We can't expect or even hope Our 1\Iother·s love to e'er 1·epay , But l-Ie who gave this pl·ecjous gift. l-fer just reV\•ard ''vvHI give some day. • vVHliam J. l{etr .•. . ~ ~• · ••• .r;. II:• .•,. "· •·! . .:- .;. .·.:.·. • ·.=-:-.-, • --i" ·!· -•~ tC• ••• • -•••· •- ·:· .<·r · . .••. . -!· • .~ •••• ~· ·=· 0.:• .•. •:0 . ~ .-.•. ~. • ••• • ••• • ·~ ,Tt •• • •• ·=· ·!· .~ • •••• •••• {+ •.••.• ••• ••• • •.•.• .:. .•. . •·=.•.• · -~ ~ 0:· ~ * ~•·· •} .•. . •:• W m. .r. Kerr, th~ a uthor, is a nephew of Gen ~tn 1 :!: Supt. D. J . Ken·. This pof!m appeat cd ftr: t in Chicago • •!. . pnpe t·s and t·ece·ived ton s ide rabll! notice by lhe pl'ess. .:: :t fl e ts .A :sgistant Sccretflry of the . ecurity .Belting ·:4 -i- CflmptHty and s~cl' ettu·r of the Parent Kiwanis Club ~ ~ of Chitago. !• ~ ~ ~ ~. ~+~++O~+~+~++~+~+~++~++~+~ +•+~+~· ('LE ll VISION ·'Nolie ihal ~cotch o-uu1/' t> lll~ remal'l, f'd to lh1l' (.'~· cnrt as h cl' eye}; turued in the d in,c tion <l f n nH\n sf•H Ll'd ;:\ l ;J,noth(.lt' table a e ros~ th ,) ah;lt'. " I ~eE' a m(tll,,. r L·t)li 'd her c•scoJ"'t, " h u t 1 dnn'l kno'" t hat l ~t: ' s a !-;cotchrnnn. Vv~ h <\t rnak -~s ·'·ou think h ~ i ~ ·: . " lle licl •d ht ~ ~ PtClaci Ps aft ·l: Htinf~ hi" gntpc.A fru iL." F'c i ~co h tg. --- .,.,.=---· . -·· Strnngt't' - 'fc.'ll OH.', ha Vl' au.\ hig- nh·n t'Vf)l' bt>L'n born in thi ~ tHY ? • N ati v c ~· -No pc.•, onb hn.Li . • • • • l' • 0 ~ -- - . - # FlF'I'\ . Ll s(l ., S'It'Ll"' (.' . p~r U Hh@ ~'\ 1• 1~ \\' 'llhi~S FUOM ( :1\ 1'1()k This outfit ' -as captured and brought to Canton a few days ago and the photograph " "a obtajned through the courtesy of lVIayo1· 1\.err. The man in the picture i not the n1oon hiner (so far as \ve are able to a . certain) and n1any of ou1· readers 'vill r ecognize him as "'Tull" Jami on of the E lectrolvtic Bleach Plant. _ 1ote his p-ose, vvith the thumb of his le1t hand starting to,Tard hi · no e as if to give the gl'and hailing sign of the bleachmakers. BIG DA A.GE SUIT PE . mL. Tommy Dayton Seeking to Reco - er From. Frank Smathers. " n1oky" Joe ta "ord, of the I ·on Workers, , F\n·ni hes Details for t he Log. One of t.he most unique cases ~' er heard in a .~.,. orth Carolina cour ·. vvill be tried at \\'ay!l€ svill~ during tlae lay tern1, and one ca ~1 best fo1m his Ol)inion of t he mer­its of Dayton's clajm by listening to " . mokv•' Joe's ver·sion of the • occurranCf:>S which led up to th~ sujt. 1 t was the morning of t.he \\'a.' nesville conila.gra ion and an . 0. ~ · call h&d been . ent to the Cantvn Fir(:! I epa>"trnent for as­._ istallCe. The ··million dollar i.J uc~ ,. ,\.,a~ ~peedinLl· througb \Ve . t Canton rniuu~ one of its ~v . gular th· n1en:1 Frank Sn1atbeTs. Ft·,lnk had tni s~­ed tlH~ truck by abont ten econd · hut he g abbed his Pi11e "'J·ush t~li: ~ · the irnplen1enh witJ1 'vhich • • • • Frank r eceived his ea.r ly instrac­tions io how to put out a fire) and he. "took out after the truck.p O ve1~ in \vest Canto11 Ton11nv • Darton had started to do the n1ilk-ing. This was sorrJe t ime after fou, r -o'clock and Tomn1~' was hu1·- ~ l.ving to get this co~ 1nilked so he could get to the mill at seven . · It '\\ . a~ not y t daylight and fo1· a light Tomtny was earrying a Lwc,­quari r Ta. on ja1· fun of Hgh ll•ing bugs. .Just lJeyond i11c depot, as Frank was s p .-eding and cJo, jng the space 1Jet Necn hin•s< If Hnd Lhe t rt!lck he saw \vha;t he Look to J e n fi1·e over in the Hefd and, b1·nsl1 i rJ hand, he h eaded for it. f-Iis nnst, fierce nou d .' h wi th lh . pin l>ru h 1 e n lted lu th brea "­ing up or Dayton' ~ j;-o· of li htnin6 h ug , \\ hich fle · all •\· r r onun. , a ud ·l'o1., Fr nl{ di ·c v . r ·rf 1 i.:" lt1istal.e h. had ··put .h \ f on al­n: lo . t <>ut:J in his .fl oj·t to . ul due h ti l·e . • ::11.d~ did ·uot cuteh up \ irh th . t1·1wk until it \\,.J\ · ulttHH-1 lr1 t ;J.rd · aud hp \-\ •·nf on foof . '';)n tok t ' ' "'·n. ·~ IH t'Ould h :.tVP l i JrlPn 'J' , •• nY. a ftpr th<w · liy.l,lr,ing JJUJ~ ~·t "•ll nV(\ I' hjnt f nl· h • 'f\ c i S I h t~ tl l it~l • ' lHlg·gy. Da.v tou s corn phd n t a JJ ~p t·~ :tti_,. ~ault. painful in .itfJ'ic.~· , J(r .•'t \ f)r bnttj~ ancl hi ~ r·ow "ftH ~o ba.dlv d•o- • lul·bc rl t hat sh ~! difj nut gjve CJn y - thing fol' sevet·al days hut her· rnilk. HEARD HERE AND THERE W. C. Led ford of the wood roorn "vas put on duty the other day in the absence of the ''Water J ack "' J the man wl,lo delivers drinking wat~Jt. No'v Ledford is a "sgo­gettel', on any job he \Yorks at and he went and got the '\l::ateT. Alo-ng about noon Foren1an Tran­tharn ea&ed up to him and told hun he needn't get around quit~ so often as the men did not need s dl"'ink every five minute . But it made no difference. Along about three in the after·noon Trantham stopped hin1 again: "Boy. ease Ut> a bit, J Rick a l'd j u t phoned down that the ' vatel' in the re er­voir was getting lo"tv." One of our Canton doctors had a very sick patient recentl~. and wl1.en he left hirn at njght) h e- lef t a thern1ometcr \Vith hi ~ "if~ \Yho wa~ v.ratch ing at his ed ide. and told her to tal\c hi. t en\pet~1tUr· evet·y h our and to call hin1 if h(.l gol any \\'Ol' .S . " 'h en h c2- r tu n­ed to t l'h. house in t h. Hh>rnin~ th pati ~nl wab mlt-\Sing· tUH th doct 0J' asl, ·cl what hn<l h \J P"'Of'd. ·· t b t·ok<"' tht\ th rrn n~ f.'r,'' . ~ id t.h i) •on-Htlt ) "s I u t d t h ban ll · tel'. ft. n•g.l h 1 t d "\ l '~r d1.y'' L J:t a v _ h i m , l )\ ) u t p , n t . ) " r o 1'1i tiq thl · .:-.1nd l ~w ,t· u lh g t up :111 I wen u1 un 'Ht to h ll' l in · t the lx k held .'' "" b~tacl ·., he uJ to \' n ll t h •a n iUt h clff • ,our • ~1 an no • I \fl l • • • • • THE LO·G lf - --~--·- --. - .~ -. =-· •• _, --·-- - --._ . ____ ,. __ - - - __.---.- -·--·-.-.---·---.~ --- "'"'~- -·- - - --· I~tir in ight ··rs1s h·ou.el are j\:lst :\l~out out , · ~aid F r~t'dd it'. the b iy we ca.ll Doutt So he bought a ne\'\' pair And \\ e nt'\\' d•> declare That we'll ~·~e l&" of I outt. ther e's • no doubt.:• \Vait: a \>Veek OJ' Two hLet's get ~otn thing in the Lo'g about Iielder and his new automo- 1 ile. ·· . '·BetteP b ~ car eful what you sa.r . ot you11 "get in Dutch.'' Hr-ve nt'ver se~n him out in it. hut 1 hear that he rs using it in ihe game of 1put and tak e'.H .jH1)·w's he do t hat '?'' ·'He had it Pu1 in tl1e garage and he TAKES a look at it every daY:~ " ··But he did have it out a f e"'' wee:k~ ago. so the~ ay. He dr0\7e ,.11 the \\i2.) back fro·m Clyde ing­ing: '·Let th(~ rest of the world go by.'' Handling a Load On the aiternoon of i\11a.y thil'd thE' bo~5 at the Extract Plant w{exe kading a car of Extract for ship­ffit" llt jnio Canada, and th e:v put 627 vag . into one car. rrhese ba.g·s .,·~igl1 al;out 1 :){) pounds each ·and t h ~ way tho~e Ex:tJ·act m0.YS should- . r the:~r; anrl run j~ worth going to .,:.~ C~la. ·be :;ome of tlH~m " tlrae­ticed up·· 'Nhtn they were boy:;; ar1d u·~ ~d to tot(; a bag of n real back . up irttf' U e r11ountains .) ' Political Retu rnlS 'peaking of el €ction ~, that last Cit v eontc:st in Canton \ as 'r!iorn11 ' ~lec~Jon.H Dave K"n'l', General Sup~t·int' nd(;;, ran ful' 1\htyo1·, and tlv. re was l)Ot a n1an in t he milJ or t(JWn that voted a.g<.dnst. hin1. Th ~.v ,. ,_,.ulrln't; ih r.-rc '\vas no oth <H. Cf\11- JidcJtt:. 'fhe Boatd :.Of Alder-rncn \\'~ n~ -dt•cted in the samt wa y. Tt (•rP va:; n cuntcG)t on fot· P0l icc .J udg l . an<l ~.qu ire 11ea~e's fric~nds ralli,·d to !Yi aid anrl g-ave hi nJ a rnajorit·J <JVr;r th · t\~O np:ponenls ih t ll'.-· fie ld. A ~pr.;ctctl town ~] (:'c­tic.:, H 111L1Y be held this :prittg t.o , l ct a rlog e.;aiehc-rr. AuhH Sh ve u ~ h~s lH. JJ nH~Jltior1~d. 'l'l~(' raoclidn'i · • for this off'ice doe. hiR running after he i.:s elected. " Bill" l\1itchell was r e-elected . a • 1nen1 bet· of the school boaPd. lVltn·e power to the n1em bers of the Board. Bill ought te be abl ~' Lo keep th en1 in hot w-at er. rr 'APPENED TO 'ARRY =:::::::::::;;;) R. I-fattry Willian1son, the ver"&atile paper maker, who leads his crews on C and l) Jnachines. who i.s an expert on the pre]>aitation of waper stock in beaters and j0rdons, who teach­es paper rnaking in the Vocational Edu,oati0nal Classes and whose t echnical artieles on paper making problen1s are eagerly sought by the publishers of Paper trade jonrna:ls, has another aecomplish­rnent. He js an after dinner speaker. Iiarry can speak on many suo~ jects, but his peTsonal experience during the World War, in "7hieh he fought under t he English and Can~ ad.ian colors w·j th the r ank o.f Cap­tain , and his ideas concerning the ::service, a supei'-ser vice,, and tl ftcc set"vic.e '' of ex-soldiers, always in­te rests milHarr rnen. So when A .• • W. Allen of Asheville was looking for some one to tall\. to the "Le­gion" at the r~cent eonventiou in that city, he called on l:Iarry' and invit ed h irn to addre~s the boys at the lunch eon. Tl.,e rlav of t he luncheon found • Jla.JTY arnong the la ~t ones ~ervcd. It \"~s lat(,! and he was h u11g r y . J ust as he picked up his knife and f ol·k and toul\ th~ fi l'::tt slice off h js chop he h e~n·d ~orneone inttoduc­ing h in1. There ·was noth;ing else Lo do Lut gf>t up and stat t th t, spt" ch. 1 i was somE: thing like the oJ<l fat'Iner who fh:·ove to i he eit v • and thc11 adj usted the! nose hag full of oals un the hors~ . ln aboul two uti nut ~ he piclH·d up t he 1-~ h1s, f\nitl . G · up) I can't be f, a~d ­in) V<.HI fol' nolhin','' nnd rlt'O\'(' ;=nvay. JTai'T. ftu ishPfl hi ~-t MJ)Pcch ~Hnid ' • a round of applause, and ·at down. 'r .bere was no·tb ing left on the ta . Lie but ash lt~ay s . After a"vhi l ~ h ~ went do\vn to a Hq~aicl< lunch . and got a sand·w ich. The next day his wife r ead of the excellent menu served at the luncheon and said to him: " I'm so glad .'' OU could go. The f ood must been wonrler­fu l. ' And Han·y sa id, ('Ye,·, I-Ii 'e~n·d hit vvas., ''Hark! From th~ Tomb pt l\1r. Fu·rness, "\Vi th part of his cre·w was putting conetete post~ and chajn arotind main office, a passerby stopped and was wateh­ing the work g oing on when pres­ently he inte:rr upted Mr. F urne · by asking \Vhat the posts and chrun · cost. Af t er he had been told ap­proximately the cost he hung do\\·n his head for a n1om ent as if think­ing then spoke up again: "You know,'1 he said, "I would 1i1{e to have enough of it to go around my own graveyard." · Right The tourist fi·om the East had stopped to change tires in a deso­late region of the fat South. ai suppose/ ' 1 he 1·erna1·ked to a native onJool\er. "that even in these isolated parts the bare necessit ies of Hfe have rLen tre-mendouslY in "" price.17 uYer right, s trangel\'J replied the n ative, gloon1l.\·, .tan' it ain1t ~orth dr·inkin1 when re get it ~' "Hemen1ber \Vhen we first met · in the revolving rloru· at the po. ~­office? ' ''-But that \vas n'l th first tim ~ we .met.'! " 'ell that~s when WE' b ~g·u1 1?."0~ ing arouncl tog·ethC>r :· .::.,. --- __.,.,. __ Teachrr: "l1~0 •can t r izet in n ~ "'n tenc~., Bill v: ··1 knew sh • • "as mt n-c:: tllP 1notn nt T (·uught h.(\t· E;!VCS. ,. - -·--' --- . HP-·-1 )O 'M ~h e tnoon atfec·.t th.(• t ide? Sh -No> only th td untied . • • • 12 - -- - - - -- Th ll'c:''. · " tor~ g ing the t~ uud ~ ·:.bout ,hi f \\y~'" 1.n1 l'' ~ la ud th~t n1i~h.t b ar t \Iling again: ~(lv t \1-~ll . cat·~ a ·o, \VlH; n Ch a die ' "'·:ts j u . r an ordin~ ry fir n1l1l1 in the d '-'p a t·t ­n1<:~ n.t. and a l>n "" ovct· the i ,·on " )rl,er, h1 th n1ill. he \\' ClS $ "l!t . .,.to T ' \\ - rk it~· fo r ·t con pltl of ".leks to Jearn a n ~,,. rnet hod >f '' t'lding. :\-h~n il \Yi:l 1n10\\'n th~ t h~ '' a8 going to the big city hi~ good friend bE'g-an t give h in1 all- • \ lC )- ·'V{h Be ~·ou are there b ~tu· . '< take in Cone~ I land, . . aid on . ··Go to the top of the \Voo!wo1 1i1 building," . aid another. ' 'Be s ure to, ta l{e in the l\1u eu1 n of Fine Art ." added anothe1·. "Don't n1iss seeingBron.x: Park and the anin1al · chhned in an­other. "\i\7ha tever you do,'' aid oH "' of hi fireman friends, ·if there's .:1 big fire \vhile ~ou ar~ there be s ure and . Pe it:· Cha1·1ie had been WTiting all th i · do,,·n and he had a list a long a ~ his avm. and v.·hen he finally ar­Yived jn the city h e vir.-jted p f ac~ after place on his li~t. But there ''"as no fire. Hi tin1e cante the night befora l1e vvas to start for home. He hao been out late and had ju t gone t0 his room, one flight up and "\\'it!. ~:indo\' s openino· on Broa(h~a v 0 • '\'hen . 11 e h eard ih e familiar . i reo signal of a coming fil~e truck. lfe 1·ush . a do \rrt th€ stairs and out in the strt-ei, coat h1 one hand, hat i1l the other. J~ngjn e after i:lng·n1e lJassPd, l1 ook a.nd lad del' trucl\s ·went Ly, Lut the drivers paid 110 att . ntion t(J Cllarlie. Thf~n n, h eaJ·d another ~ugjne coming. Out in the stt·e~t he 1 an1 vnldly "''avinv, hi; coar. Th · d1iv<:r had }Ji ~ choice of ~ lOJJJ)ing o1· t·un ing ove r- hu11. so Ju~ ~lopped. • • .J ist . ,·, ca.n y uu tell m(, \Vht·r•} 1 can go to s e a h ig fire-r~ ,\ f 1lc \1 ClHH 1i "· • • • THE~ L<.>(1 LETTER I''I{()M l.",.· o.t.t;. A. 11:M. O,f.r. . . l· . (' c • D l'~ r Sir: J t. i~ ·t ~l] · astn·.: to n. 'ad each n1on t il in l hl' Log \YIH n ' . on'H' dL' ·1 ar bn 'nt. or ~on,- e r ~ w of nH: tl ha;; brol\Cll ."on1e t''-=l<'Ord, ot· don«.' sont(j pi <"<:!). of worl, 1n a Rhort('r Lirne t.han h ~relofol'E? . Tt s h O\\. · ' vhat :1 ~pit·H of co-op r ation vvill do, vvhat lHe n ·an lo if lh y g -'t in the race a nd tight loyally to ' in. Eut '''h ih ~r '' e br a k a J' )cord or nol it is ,,·orth \vh ile to be 1·ace 1·un~ n ~1·s. It lead u "' to have confi­dence in our"elve. . We knO\\' that the fello\v in front had to tak,~ longer strides i.u o1·der to ~tav in f ront than if we had not run· t he race at all. We can't all be prize v';inner s. but "~e can be in the race doing our best . Jt matters little " 'h eth er \Ve are on the li "'t a up'el·intendentR. foremen, or laborers. The thing that r eally counts is h o''' a1·e " ' (.> erving the job that is assigned to u "'? Because Vle r ecejvc so much per h our i no r ea on v.rhy 've should \1\'0l ·k j u ·t so h a 1·d. l f . ,ve a re " 'orLhy of the nan1e o f n1an, i t. js our duty to w in, r ega1·dle. s of · the class of ~vork ~ve a re doing·. A (( 1. a '\\'-}1 1'd er tt can co-operate as much as a stockholde r: l n 't the fell ov.~ thai is d oing hit;; be~t, the roan that r eally recejv e~ the rnost out of life? When we get to feeling li ke cus.­ing Safety F irst, Co-oper ation, and all the r est, if w \vH1 examine oul·­ ·e1v . thorough l.v w. usua lly ftn rl th f: trouble is not wi th th P oth <.' r ff:>1low, hu i \o\1lth ou rr-;elves. \\'hat would we t·~all .v lh ink o fi the Company, if it had nv intt•J' ~-' t in OLH' \\'€:1 fare, ot:n· 1 if 0r on,. working C011<:fi tions? lf Y Jll have th (> renl co-op ·ra l1 vP s pil'it. vou \\'ill feel that Yon a t·(· • v. otl{ing for t hP bt·~i Con1pa11y in t hr~ \\>(J t'ld that ~·o u have th~ l>~·s t s u pi) l' in ten rl en t in tl. e 111 ill t h ~ 1 . our i.hJpa rtn·H~ltt is t h<.' v ·r.\ I Jt·~ t . fJ,::.~ i llf1 n 1aJa ha ~ ~ . uch f~llow wol"l\ c· t·. . c S .\10ll haV(\. I f y ou cl,>t ,' t !' . (. . ! . tfli"'> \\':.1 \ , ,\" HI :fY.P t•f• ' tiJ · ~ l tf J>.V. In tilh(·t· C' : t . • ~ ' :tl" ing· up. a . fc ·cp. '>J· , f ~ J tl~l'(-2 i ~ wJu lf ,~.,. ,,fJI 'f': ttiOr i1 dS do Jt e f o l' t h · lJ (·It d · p(, rlJ n, 11 , i n (· ,_. J El nun ry t ~t. During· Lh t.) paHt fjfl,(•f•)\ .VeHJ'S u.(l 'ornpan. · hH ~ ~pe nt o\ (' t" ~ 1 Su,- . 000.00 .f'or Ju . Jt f::\ illlr< ·::,. Ov )1' .'l 0.000.00 a yc: c:\ r, '' hich rrtcan3 an a erag0 of ov ;.•• $800. f!O per n1onlh. l ) uring 1 9z1l f o1· t.he fir::>1 four Jnonth--= tl1e co. t wa~ O\ ei· · 4500.00, an a ve.rage of $1100.0tl per tnonth . F'or the , an1e month·· in 1926 the cos t was over $5800.00, an ave1·age of ovel' $1400.00 per month. At the first of this year a dr·i ve was strarted to cut the cos t. For the fir st four n1onths the cos t has been only $1719.08. An average of about $430.00 per mont h . This could not have been done V\'ithou t the co-operation of the superin­t endents, the belt n1en, the n1e­chanjcs and other . During F ebruat·y n ot a failure \vas charged to the Roda or ul­p hate Departtnent . , a r ecord thaL had never been accon1pll h eel. 'rhe sta ndard cost for fif teen yea rs h:as he en over $800.0{) p ,. rnouth. We have lowc•·ed it a iJnost half. Let;s k eep the co~t do"·n. nnrl BREAK Tl-JT5 R8COl =tD thi ,·e;H· • boy , if you realJ~' '"i "'h to ''•in . Get in the race and . pin. rr'hro'v on the !tr'l~. tak(' (f Lh ~ U l'(;\ 1\PS. Lcc-u·n lh( 1 c -OT'F t ,~ • W h ·1 t v e 1· ' · l•U d,), rl o '' i t h , \ \\ ilL It t.n1'<'s ~lH:' 'd i , (· litnb th\;; hiJl Lf Y"tt ~; i ~ h t• hl' n 1nll~ g·w ll ~ ~tt b· Ht.·ttt·l l·at·t, tn ( O . t Pt ~ r -\'fl,; • ( • . \\' . l l;! I ·~ " t · . " l ' rn fa ~ t.· · th 111lh.\ 11apth·r ~h . Aru{ Iter \\ rist \\ a t<:h ~h\: "' l ' l • • ·· J' rTt s )U \\ ••• ~ait.l Itt;>. cuu. lllt1ll ht . ·•y ou· r.: l' igh t. " s: tid ~h. tl nd ~·~ ht·d . ' • • . . . • ~tompti~hment~ of R. and . . J)e­artment for .A pt~il. 192i. l' . huilding· ::. · . l he-aler for C rn ·tcl1 lne. Overhaul~tl nn w 1 Fini~h~ ~c<'onrlar.\ n1ach\n0. tra~ ~ • lll t~ . ffJ 1\ . . ln"'talled bafne in aeid tank. Putting u "'' t.ube1' in . o. 1 ~cot.t F\·at' rato1· Fir. t E.ffect. . etting ~cal I "" and 1n ving fan · ·nder Il tnachine. ln talled . uper heater in C n­ne11~ A boiler. Replug:ged K o. 3 Jordon. Ren~ ·ed t "''0 dischar·ge ~pout :-; for new ~melter:--. ' Put .:Lay bolts in Ko. lt)COn1o- .___.- .-. -.~- ' 'J~.; . v~ tlfOJI) ,iJlg agaiH." ~·1id .1\ darn '-\R h 1s pht.Y 1U~t t• · fc ll t 1ll t cd tl11~ at,fll<! treP. • • THE LC>G I f vou " ·ant ~· otYH.~ n u1.J data rn t • ~prit~ lton ~ec l ea nirt g. l know '-,f no expert , in b-etter pos j tion to n:'l~d cr vou ass i ·ianee than J. ~ . ' Slaughter and Pe1·ry Ch ildf'fl-\. ~' ith con1bined c rews, assist­~ rl l.>y the transportation crew, they have ju t con1pleied one ·>f the rnost Lhorough clean-up cam­paign~ known in the history of the plant. Of course evel:'y n1em ber of the Chan1pion fan1il.v de erv e~ con1mendation for his hearty co­operation in the clean-up job. but his share was confined Jnostl.v to his own roon1, office or immediat.e ~urroundings, vvhile t he crews mentioned above ·to·ok everything from attic to ceJJa;e and from main street· to river. No one, however, i Jooldng for flowers o1· lau~--el 'vr eaths for tbe small part he or she played in . the clean-up game, just one trip around the plant for t hose who were familiar with, con­ditions beforehand is enou gh to make one feel f ully repaid for whatever his share ntay have bceu in the good ·worlc Also it should be an incentive to all to exercise a little extra effoxt each day b1 h elp­ing to keep the plant t idy an(~ clean. uCHTRF WIDRTI\10RELANIJ :I' Frank, wh.v did you not catch tbt> fin.' t1·uck this morning wh.(:Jl w(-~ w<:!r.e called to help Waync~v i li t.) C)U t 'I ' ~·IJAPPY ~1vlA'T'F1RT{S:" 1 l'Hn (en ahead to see iC our host· would flt f.lHJll' tlre p1ug~. We iiU'l>'- HCt.trston1 d to l'<-~Ct ivi11g" m;,ny J)l~ctd i;1J' ord c~n·t in ~hP z.;y:-;­L<, hl nfl'iet:~ hut W(:rc .t'at H·r ~ t.utnl('d at an 'H' rlt>r lo rnal(c one ~c ttict>at :\. JH' l' Hc,yd ~ Lamey's pHtle rn, hut t.h(, h ~trt1cs~1 ot·der to till wa~ to Gl '<JOk t.w •lvt) l) CJ Anciy McChn·~. • --- -,.;.:.-.__.,._ - 1 ~orn to M1·. and A1l'A. ~ · ·n 1 Pr·cs ley u fin" girl. l '~rn<• sl \\7ot· k ~ '''ilh UH· ndllwt·ight crl'W. t • 13 ANO'rHER RF., ~ORO UROKE . f n Apdl, the boys of the Stiff­ing l~oiler Plan i b1·okc th <· l'ecorrl ol' 73.3'fi con1hined effjcic.'llt,\' t lle.Y n1ad ~ in Nla.v lU26. Gfficiency fot· the month of April war--. 73)~', , . Downs wa:-; high man with hi ~ partner, navis a cln~c secnnd. r~:v ­et'y one of the boys, however, de­serve a lot of credit for their good work, and we' re proud of then1 . l. C. S. CLUB ORGA 'IZEI> --- The students of the Intern viion­al Correspondence School · met at the Champion Y . M. C. A. Th urs­clay evening, April 21s t, 1927. and organized the Champion I. C. S. · Ch1b. O'ffjcers were eJected as fo lJ ov~ ~ : Geol'ge W. Reece President; J. [;etch Worle,v, Vice-Pr esident; J e­t er J . :Thllartin, ecretary: Fred L. Trull, TTeasurer. The n1eetjng was ve-ry inter esting. · The -pu1~pose of the club i to help men who try to help thern­selves. Representative C. E. Cor­ter n1ade a good talk, and the clo.­ing of the program was an addre . -.; by Superintendent B. B. Watson. The Club n1eets n1onthly. w~ will be glad to have a ll who are inter­ested h1 the ·work to be presenl. .J. L. '¥0RLE.Y. E. B . PLANT STILL G lNI 'G - -- Hleach production I' or April 15.1 ~l . tons daily. Caustic Sod<'~ pt·oduc ~ Li0n fo1· April 16 ton$ daily. Twt'n­L. pots of fused cau$tic were dip]H:•d during the UlOllth l>t Nlldng all pn."­vio u~ record ~. f>. fi. Yol'lt, Supt. or the l·;. I~. d pa1·trnent att nd€ 1 lh ~\ rt\0t tin~-~ 0 r th ~ An1.C'dC~an f~l ~c t l 'O"Ch€'1'\l icn.t Hocict.' at Henhnnin Fnn1klin llo­lcl, 1'\h iladt'Lphia. o 11 lh' ~7-28-2~t h ?tnd 30th o.r At fil. - -- lN OlfR Nl~ ~'f ~ ~lilt~ 'fh • 8lor~ •>f 1 ht- orgnnizati n1 of 'l'he Hay,vuod County F'ol 'l•n\e n \~ Clnb. vVhttt tht• chal> ·wi ll cto. Tort ab0ut t,h c lndoot· Fnh· to b~.· h •Id aL Lh(' •ryn during· ~f\J)lt\tnht.:w. • • 1 'fj • • • "Jlartmerlt \~ 1 itl • ~ n I <l F r· 11 • a 11t 11 tre Ill t . r I B:~ck Ro" .luyce Owc-_n. Man in mather$. Front-Frank mathe r "", Fred Williams. \ 1yde Hi1debrand, (C. F . ·o. Chief) 1 ro~ f rrow. Chal!>. "e~ tmoreland. (City hie f). T . Furne . , J. T. Hailey. Hobert Hardin, Ear! Tat . C. P. Sma th r , Rill • "a:--h. Po'" f\11 U<'weese Joe- M a . e, Bill M it<-hell. CLYDE ~ . HILDEBR _ D hampion ia·e Department Chief. . ~. ( hief a nton City Fire Dept. • • 1r. HiJ b aLd lacks ,,nly ~ f rfa\ f l. .~n r tv. nt iJl tl• • • eJ lo\ ' hn j )J".; Con .any und a aln .~st t re .t~ r ric ) a fi chief. n tl i · ll ,1~k e h:: ch· rf . I 1f the i S nd -"ll e c( l/• erer a force of about thirtv men . • Tn hi~ duties a Chief he ha the car . of al1 the fit fi!!hting eclujp­nH~ nt, including the prinkler sys­tem consisting of n1ore than fifteert thou and sprinkler heads, t\vo fifteen hunflred gallon \Vh eeler . t ·an1 Pump. , one (Jl1 thousand gallon Dayton Cent•·ifungn l pump, th- three hllndi·(lrf thou~and gt~ l­lon re~ervoir and all t h r> ho~t · and pecial appara tu~. Cly cfp \\'cL a cit,v fi em an (it h s ix \ t·a n P:X p~ r­i : nc ~ \\'h . n hr . PlltCr(Jrl thP (·nl plo.v of th . Corn pan~. 1 f(\ i ~ also a ~­: l. tant to hi c:f \\' ·. llrH>n.dand c;f th Canton City Fin· l •epal'lnH·nt. --- ·- .J . ,.~. S L I I (( H T E H F ire lns pcch>r . . lr. lc: ughtei' Ita:" Jw, n {\\ 1c-• · h th etn lov t>f til( · ('utn- • (or Iuauy .'c,t•:-; h '-'\ a · in ()( Purct c! iug . nd Jr s}' - t._ rtn1P.ut, tl aen \V lit .\i\ y fol· a ti" ' ·. "11 c · , · ~ . tu1·J1 h h ~ n und r Cl .n.n pi4 n hi. f Iild · and ~ · ir Tnsp l:f·nt· ,,, · t' h y a1 ply in hil1. lf n-th usiastically to t he \\'Ork , b~ n a factor in bringing thi ~ departn\ent to it ~ present high s tat._ of e ffi­cience. 1 n addition to his \VOl·k as }ll-.l" Ct. I h 0 Ll1. I it . (' l . :n ll I • l \\ \ l' n tt n t h.:-,. . I LLl ht•t i. t h l' } j ,.,IV'. h . nulL li} · --- =--· • """'-_.__.,.;., _____, - ---·-- · ••• ·-- --· lllilll- --- '-.___.__ __ -.a --- Cher11ical Fo~1mite Eqtti prnent. Chatnpion ''Y'' in Backgrot1nd " . ;;=;~·,, ~·.K l)t the nH~st up-to-date f)iece., of fire nghting t·qnii:~ment . J·no'':n as th~ v ~1 tGr ~ 1ozzle, La " l1een installed at th(;. ~·:a c;; })apPr storage .vard T 1e . tand l,;y ~ connPcted to thi~ not7le i. cor)necled to the. h vdrant • ~}: ~-.;n1 Cal'.t) ing a pre . sure of a ~ht,\· to one) ht ndred pound~ t(J t ~ ~[.jlUa'l e inch and w·iH deHve · th1·ei hun( r d and .jxt.r five t,, 'fn:e hur· t!r ~d r-ra lton ~ a :minutf; ttu «lUgh t.l(' rJJle ;:. nd 0 11(; q UaYlel" i.u;.h norzl . 'l'ht.- :nronjt~,r is plac .-d ::tt the . top of •m<~ of tlh~ fi iter vat ·r ~rlim ~u­tatioL tt:=n.!s and the :a lv~ f<~r con· troHjng san1 fc) • un1Dl€l' use 1'4 di­recth.: ' ndt"l D'JZZ-lP. Tht~ \ intr.·r ·alve i to b, an lurli(·;atr,l pn.-·t at t~te h: !; f;f 6ta ntl ;pip ·. 'l'h<; nm~zl<:­C} n Je c,pPl'ated l fY on n1an u.nd tlU1Jt:d in ::tny dare 1r1 ·~ J \i'~S . J o1, ottiY iN.tb dl; :n . "' mt;nito · no~t.lf~, out -w itll tt. tile ftglJting P ~ uip­men _ U,l (,ughQut t ll rnill and yalTds. CHARLES L. \\7ESTMOREL ND Canton Fire Dept. Chief. A'". . sistant Champion Fire Dept . Chief. • ~lr. \\' . . 1 rllor~1and h;. bL'en twenty o 1 . ~ t;ars in t h<· <~ ttlplu.\ r;f thP C lntJlll tJifH1 li iht l• Cotn­pHny. t<H' naHll,V ,\t:I I'~ II<.! ha.(l cL~u·g·p of i Jn' tl'uc:tll nd s \ •t·l and IH)i}fl)' nu.1 ~\<) J~ dt·paJ-tnwul . IJnt for ~:vP- ra 1 Y •~ar. has J ~P il a. ~i. ·f. a nt Mo ·.t( 't~ ]\:ff.:Citailic. Cl1h: f \ 'e."' l ­n or·ctand i,; .in tly- lWHUd of the • I Canton Fire UepartnH·nt. Jn the equipn1ent "·e find one ~e'en hun-· dred an rl fifty gallon American Lal.( ranee purnper. a· pictttre of \vhich appears in anoth e1· column, \Vhich carries fifteen Text Papey ren Ruff Hunter Library Digital Collections (Western Carolina University) Canada Slaughter ENVELOPE(-85.633,-85.633,-78.617,-78.617) Sion ENVELOPE(13.758,13.758,66.844,66.844) Thumb ENVELOPE(-64.259,-64.259,-65.247,-65.247) Rho ENVELOPE(-63.000,-63.000,-64.300,-64.300) Forbes ENVELOPE(-66.550,-66.550,-67.783,-67.783) Griffith ENVELOPE(-155.500,-155.500,-85.883,-85.883) Kerr ENVELOPE(65.633,65.633,-70.433,-70.433) Calvin ENVELOPE(165.100,165.100,-71.283,-71.283) Sav’ ENVELOPE(156.400,156.400,68.817,68.817) Morrow ENVELOPE(-81.566,-81.566,50.550,50.550) Nes ENVELOPE(7.634,7.634,62.795,62.795) Nes’ ENVELOPE(44.681,44.681,66.600,66.600) Dy ENVELOPE(11.369,11.369,64.834,64.834) Ari ENVELOPE(147.813,147.813,59.810,59.810) Ure ENVELOPE(13.733,13.733,68.100,68.100) Allo ENVELOPE(-61.800,-61.800,-63.967,-63.967) Suo ENVELOPE(23.924,23.924,66.145,66.145) Dayton ENVELOPE(-158.683,-158.683,-85.733,-85.733) Rath ENVELOPE(-62.461,-62.461,-74.320,-74.320) Vio ENVELOPE(-61.283,-61.283,-64.083,-64.083) Vance ENVELOPE(-139.567,-139.567,-75.467,-75.467) Rif ENVELOPE(-16.172,-16.172,66.526,66.526) Orne ENVELOPE(-62.533,-62.533,-64.633,-64.633) Orga ENVELOPE(132.295,132.295,61.750,61.750) The Thumb ENVELOPE(-126.747,-126.747,56.163,56.163) Reece ENVELOPE(-58.533,-58.533,-63.833,-63.833) Vay ENVELOPE(-62.600,-62.600,-62.267,-62.267) Aen ENVELOPE(9.750,9.750,62.983,62.983) Papey ENVELOPE(-14.167,-14.167,64.591,64.591) Rual ENVELOPE(147.021,147.021,62.252,62.252) Horne ENVELOPE(8.098,8.098,62.640,62.640)