The Log Vol. 25 No. 10

Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersv...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Champion Paper and Fibre Company;
Format: Text
Published: Hunter Library Digital Collections, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC 28723; 1943
Online Access:
record_format openpolar
institution Open Polar
collection Hunter Library Digital Collections (Western Carolina University)
op_collection_id ftwestcarolunidc
language English
topic Champion Paper and Fibre Company -- Periodicals
Employees' magazines
Industries -- North Carolina -- Canton -- Periodicals
Champion Paper and Fibre Company -- Employees
World War
Soldiers -- Correspondence
Employees -- Recreation
Industrial safety
spellingShingle Champion Paper and Fibre Company -- Periodicals
Employees' magazines
Industries -- North Carolina -- Canton -- Periodicals
Champion Paper and Fibre Company -- Employees
World War
Soldiers -- Correspondence
Employees -- Recreation
Industrial safety
Champion Paper and Fibre Company;
The Log Vol. 25 No. 10
topic_facet Champion Paper and Fibre Company -- Periodicals
Employees' magazines
Industries -- North Carolina -- Canton -- Periodicals
Champion Paper and Fibre Company -- Employees
World War
Soldiers -- Correspondence
Employees -- Recreation
Industrial safety
description Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue. • • Of HAMP -ION TIVITI ES CONTENTS ChampiQII. Incorporated Half Ce-ntury Aqo . . . . . . 2 Champions in the Armed Forces . . _ . _ . _ . 4-7 Editorials _ . _ . . _ .• _ 8 CRAMPtON FAMILY NEWS H am 1. 1.•.-,-. o·t VL· &·l On . _ . ___ • 1·0 ,._. .ant.o n .I. .A., VU. l.t on •• _. _ • .• 25 ffo1Dton Di. vision . . _ . . . . . 36 ande-rsviUe Division . " 40 0 IMBER 1943 VOL. XXV NUMBER 10 E. J. "Pete" Downey, Woods Manaqer of the Houston Plant. In the backqround is a stand of young pine w\lich should be ready for "harvest" in 1950. Thru Champion's cooperation thousands of local fanner.s are adding to their incomes by adding pulpwood to th.eir crop schedules. Timber. once wantonly destroyed is now being handled in such manner as to insure farmers an additional cas.h crop, to insure Champion an aU-time pulpwood supply and to insure Uncle Sam's fi9htinq men an ample supply of vltally needed pulp and paper war Items. PUBLISHED By· "THE C H A MP I 0 N F A M I L Y" HAMIL TON. OIUO Established 1914 : HOUSTON. l'EXAS : · CANTON, N. C. •• SANDERSVILLE, GA. - · - · • · · - · · · · · Twenty-Ninth Year ot Publication The paper for the cover of th·ia maCJa&ine ia Champion Cordwain, and irJ made in out Hamilfon Division plant out of wood lrom the loreata of the aoutbern states. The paper for the lnside pa9e• is Champion W'hlte Satin Refold Eneme\macle ill our H•mlJtoa plut. We aauWactun many grades of bleached papera, Machine Flaiabec:L Super Cl'•cl•,.S. pd Coatecl, • • 1amp1on Incorporcited Half Nov. 3, 1893 Century Ago . B'\' Eml'n o11. R obi t.ron ~ fore th.i is, u f THE L ~-ill han: · ta rted t he el ."\' ' . fi nall · i ~ di ributed ra tion of it g ldcn ham- • an 1- Kas on . ~m·em b r _ ~ 1 ' . . th t th 'h mpi n oat d ~ Com} any fo rmall . · v;·as inc rp · rat d b l~:;on, ,~-h ~ me time pri r t tlu t date had m to lton and b u,:ht con:;i rable a reaa ' rith th idea f '-- n a r al estate d e\· lopm nt. lder re-i 1t "'·ill reca ll th at tartina in th 1 ::> 0 in­ial development in H a milton t ok a rapid u pturn and new factories were beina I cat ·d here. The cit '~r as ing rapid ly. : al o ,,.a about then that a new development in paper )eing di cus ed coated paper. Nir. Thorn on , of course, intere~ ted in thi ~ becau e he had dealt with paper and in Cincinnat i. ~7 h i l e it i ~ n ot defi nitely known "''hen he first th ought of ing a paper coatina mill it must have been some time · he obtained property in Hamilton, and we, of this ration can \~ie1l imagine him standing, with some inter­l friend with whom he had discu sed the subject, on top ro pect Hill- now back of Champion-and pointing to :atiofl for a milL )uch a plant was built; as Champions gladly know to­but more about it as the months . jog along into the re. . ' :-Ia milton at that date was not the H amilton of today. It a total population of about 20,000 perhaps less-and :o rporati on limits on the north reached to about where ~rty Avenue now would be, if it were extended to the .mi Riv er. There was no such thing as a paved North B :et for it was a mud road, leading along an old hydraulic ch skirted the river bank. There was a brick yard and 1ap another small industry or two, none employing more n a few men. Attorney G~orge C. Cummins (Chaco legal representa­:) is probably the best informed person in H amilton on early hi story of Butler County. In his files are legal ers po se ed by no one else. Among them is the oriO'inal nt of the land part of which 1fr. Thompson bought and orne of which the Hamilton pl ant now stands. The total grant wa f r 1895 acre . It includ d two full tion , 20 and 30, and a part of 29. It ea stern boundary the miami Rive r; its south ern boundary a point extend­. west from ab ut the 1 w r end f 1o. 1 mill; jt no rth ern Jndary about opposite New . 1iami, and it west ern line bably near the Eaton road. It was made to "Henry Rh ea f P nr ylvania" by 1 r i­t Thoma Jeffer n. on 1arcb 3, 1807-or m re han y ears ago. The southern porti n wa · acquired by . T r~ Th m on. It tended from the south ru nd f the n \ ~ To. 1 mill to vo 1\!Iile, and we t five blocks. lncidenta.ll 1Ir. Cum min also ha ~ a tax rec ip t fr. ea for payment of tax on thi land for 1 ) 1 - nd th al tax bill \ a $1 .9r or a cent an a re! Both f the ri inal rcco:ds are f cour 'e badly fa ded . oto tatic c pie ar n. t uttable for clear reprodu tiol) in HE LocJ but th ording of th grant itself i intere tin . ay : (2) Thomas 1efferson~ President of the United States of America To All to Whom these presents shall come. Greeting: Know Y", that H enry Rhea of P ennsylvania, hav­in leposit d in the Tr asury a ce rtificate of the Reg­i tc.r of the land oflic at Cincinnati, wh ereby it ap­pears tha h ha made full paymen t for !ots or s · t ion number Twenty and Thirty and fra ction Sec­ti n Twenty-nine, f Town hip umber 2 in R ange Number three (east of a meridian line drawn from the mouth of the · reat Miami Ri ver) of the lands clirecte l to be sold at Cincinnati by act of Congres , entitled "An Act pr v iding for the sale of the lands of t he nited States in the territory florthwest of the Ohio and above tbe mouth of the Kentucky Riv ers," and of the acts amendatory of the same. There is granted, by the United States unto the said Henry Rhea, the lots or sections and fractions above described : To Have and to H old the said lots or sections and fractions of land, with the appurtenances, unto the said Henry Rhea his heirs and assigns forever. In testimony whereof, I have caused these letters to be made Patent, and the Seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed. Given under my hand at the City of vVashington, the Third day of March in the year of ou r Lord one thousand eight hundred and seven and of the 1nde­pendence of the United States of America, the thirty fir st. By the President, Thomas J effer on, James Madison, Secretary of State. .The Grant formally was received and recorded as follows in the cou r:t house of that d ate: Received and recorded on the 9th day of l\1arch, 1809, in Book B, Pages 85 and 86. John R eily, Recorder of Butler County, State of Ohio. Smiling Through To victory and. peace By-General MacArthur Hav you ever -chouaht about the valu of a smil ? It nriche th , e ., ho re eiv .• without makin0 poore r those who iv I tak but a moment~ but memory of it s rn - time la st f r v r. N ne is "O ri ch or s mighty that h can < et along without it, and n n · ·o poor that h can not b made ri ch by it. A mil ·r atcs happine s in th home, f t r d will in busine an I i the c unter ign of friend­ship. Nf rc than Lh bo , it bring rest to the weary cheer t be di l ura ed unshin t th sad, and is nature be t antidot for tr ub1 . Y it c n not b b uo-ht, be g d, bor-r ' ed , or . t l"'n I r it i. f n a lue until it is given away. ~ om ople a r t tir d r . ive u smil . · ive th m one of r u r ~ .a none n d a mil so muc.1 a h who ha no mo r to 1ve. . me,: ·hat com!, licat d machine had broken down and the illa ja 'k-o-f-all-trade wa, called in to look at it. ~Can ) ou fi .it? asked the m ner, doubtfully. "A man made it," an w red the local expen. ' ' ·, . I • I . ' . - . • ' . . . • ~ ~ • . r. -; . . • ,, . • • J.""'- c;l.""ll l. a , a. Latchrooor \\ a , GERRARD CRO · , Buck 1 t eptember: 1943 Reuben B. R b rt on. E q. Tb Champi · n Paper & Fibre C rnpa.ny, Canton Division, CANTO • . , N. C. l i . • A. Dear l\Ir. Robe ·t on: . I was pleased to receive your ca_ble r~a d1 n : . . , ''THROCGH THE CH. :NlPION LO(J WE HA \. E, , CG ;E "'TED TO CHA 1PIO:\ BO_Y l 1' THl~ ARMED FOR EL TH . T 1"'HEY . ALL t_ p . 1 Y01. 1 FOR 'FCH : . SI ~TA L CE AL' I. . WITHl~ RK \ SO~ A ~ D YOl~ Mj Y BE ABLE TO OFFER THEl\1 THL. IS FLLLY OVERED IN ~IY LA1E JULY LE~TTER ;' and in reply I telegraph d you a follows : ' YOUR LETTER i\OT YET REC ' IV D BUT HALL BE VERY PLE )\ ED GIVE ALL POS, I­BL£ , · I TA:\CE TO A . Y CHAl\JPION BOY~ OVEP HERE·" I have much p1ea:ure in a kn \vie l<rin r receipt no of your letter of July 23 r~; and n~ed less to a y I should ·welcome every opporn.m1ty of bemg a?le to be of .se r­\ ·ice to anv Champion bo \),7ho are m the Amencan armed {or~e.s over here. I am very glad indeed to know that vou have uo-o-e t d t uch Champion oldier . eo 1 . I throuo-h The Loo-'' that thev ca 1 on me or get tn touc 1 b Cr • . • • with me for any help l can g1ve them, and tf you w1ll kindly send me frorn time to time the and such addresses a you have- of tho~e Champtons who are in thi., countrv. I 'haU "b' e plea ed to .c ontact the.m and offer them a your offioal representatlve, m ass tstance, advice or per onal attention they might need. . 1 am mo t anxious to do ali I can in this connec­tion, so please do not he -itate _to can on m~ for a.ny vervice" I can render ~ no matter m what capaoty, whtcb you think would be of hel . Thin \Nil\ at the arne time also enable me to become more. generall y and mor~ d o . ely acquainted wjth the "Champion Family", which I hould appreciate very much and I am sure that the e contacts wili be pleasant and memorable. }\lay I be pardoned for addino m adrn iration of yet another example of the splendid and unrivaHed spirit of belpiulne, . , good-vt ill and inte rest at hea rt whic 1 the Champion mana ement has for it' employees and which i o characteri tjc of the Champion or- • • gan1zanon. 1 now look forwa rd to receiving from you at an early date t.he names of Champions in England and • rematn. Your very. truly ) PERCY U. PAETZ. ' Abraham Lincoln was noted for his pun(}ent and a:ppro~ priate wit. The Great Etn.anc1pat r was re~ting with his campaign manager i11 a hotel lobby. As usual the vi llage cut-ups congregated there, and one, bolder than the rest, remarked, ".M.r. Lincoln, yo\lr speech was go d, but there were r.ome points in it that are quite beyond my reach.'' Tbe 1mp1e Lincoln looked up and chuckled: "Then I am s~rry for you. I o~c~ had a dog that had the sam trouble With flea s." - A ssooatwn ~Men. , .O"tl in t.he Army Bomber Gunner Strangled To Death September 23 , a report b. the Public Relations pfficials at the vVendover Army Air Ba e, \\ endover, Utah d1 sclo ed a freak accid ent which resulted in the death of an Army bomber's gunner. It seems t hat Sergeant Wilford T. Henninger 1vas ch ke l to deat1t when his uniform became entano-led in revolving machine{·y in the tail turret of a heavy Army bon1,ber. •. T his reminds us of the hazard of wearing loo e clothing around .revolving machines . There ar thousand of cri pples today, as well as thou,.and of men and w men Y\h died an untin1ely death because they pe rsisted in wea ring loo·e dothin.g while vvork ing aro:und rnovin pa rts of machin es. Remember, safety is t.he best policy. Pia.· afe and you will nGt. be orry. (3) Mayor Nick Gregovich of Nick ville, .Arizona.-"they nam~ ed the town after him- has laun·ched a double-barrHled cam­paign to raise the tOwn's populati n from its pre ent 85, and also to keep tbe war effort in high gear through the sale of War Savings 13onds. lvlnyor Gregovich l~as off red a vVar Bond to every baby born in town. . o far the plan ha,s cost th mayor one Bond. . • • • • am IOU 10 rme orces Edit r' te: h t tal numb r ( f Cham pi n emplo time i 1054. s in the Armed S rvice of the Unit d State at the present ' ' g t. J ohn f'. Lingleton F.- i/1,-d i .lrtion. ,' 1/ c Clyde umst>r Lost ot Sea Lt . .:\Iichael Couzzi L rv:t. P hil I ip K irtder •rrs of War p,.l. H omer R. Adair - I< T ltos . Adel . pe.rger PFC rne,;t Allen ' - / c :'\l rnie Fay Allen PYt. Roy Allen Ca pt . Edward L. Anderson p,.t. Cliffo rd E. Apgar A/ S Leon Arm>trong PYt. , tephen rmstro"g Pvt. Cha rle F. Arnold . Pn. Charles \V. Arnold SF 3/ c Edward F . shfvrcl A / S Fred Augustine 1\1}.1 1 /c Ca rl A. Bachmann PVI. Clinton H. Baker p,-t. Edwa rd B<J ker P\'1. Erne t B&ker PFC Fred Baker W .JG John D . Baker Cpl. Llo)•d J. Baker Lt. Merle Baker SM 3 /c Charles W. Baldwin PF Eldon N. Ba rker Pvt . .1 hn H. Barna rd P t. Shelli Barnet t Cpl. Edward E . Ra rues Cpl. HaroLd Barn s Pv t. E arl B arrett PFC ' eil Bartel A/. P a rk Ba tson P vl. E.rnst Batler iss Pvt. Glenn H . Beck r l'vt. Lou is Beer WO J o6epb P. Beiwf()rd apr . 1-:tsxene Bennett P vt. Eugene W. Be". P\"l. ,era ld S. H e ~> I. L•. (jp) Co rneliu s Be1ten , Jr. Lt. J dck Hl <~ck ell Lt. R ay .] . Bl:; kwell S 2/c J oseph Blevens pl. H a rold B0ian PFC Rob rt 13< ian, J r. C pl. Earl Lou i Bar a r P vT. Osca r Bow ma r: S~ l. R iggs 'H . Doyd 'pi. John L. Boyle, l r , S /Sgt. TT.unld F. . Br ;r shl'J r Svt. E ~ rl Bra1rr1 PF · Cly le Tf. Bs ewer Lt. Ca-m er <>ks · 2/o. j ohn D. Bro"n p,.l. \ ill i,Jm J. Brown pt. \\ 'iLon f. Br wn PFC \"\i ii on Brownin Pvr . Ant ld Brun ner Cpl. H ub rt Brnnt t\ rmy Navy Army SP;\RS Army A rmy A rmy C G Army Ma.rir1es Anny N avy Navy Navy An uy A rmy Army Army Army Army Army Nrvy Army Army Army Army A rmy Anny Arm~· 1 1dV)1 Arm) rmy h (in c: Arrnr fOl)' Arm l ' Arm) . i .t V ~' Arm)' Arm)• ' d\')' /1. rmy Ar 011· Arm · Army Army Army 1\ rmy rn1y rmy Ar my A rill!' I Armt ~ .r.o1 r rro · • lari11 s ) lfil' HAMILTON ]',·t. .Jc h11 . Bryant p,.l . Wa lter L. Bn nge r· PF Ea 1'1 Burch pl. .J ohn H . Bun: s A/ Thomas C. B11rns I vt. '.V ill a rd Burns P vt. Lotes Butterfield Phm. • /c Berman R oy Calvert S 2/c H owa r I Wa lter Ca meron EM I I C urtis A. Campbell PFC Fred Campbell P vt . Demeree Campbell Sg t. H a rold E. Campbell Cpl . Hiram C. Campbell .HA I / c M a ry AI ice Campbell Cpl. Wilburn P a ul Ca mpbell L t. Edward J . Canning Cpl. Irvan D. Ca rberry Sgt. Addison L. Carpenter Sgt. H oward J. Carr P vt. Charl es Carter Cpl. Hurston ·ilrler A/ S Morris Cay. e Pvt. Herman C hai11 gt. Gordon K. C hambers EM 1 / c R obert K. Cheltz PFC .Fra 11k R. Chil es P vt. \;t,TiJJ in rn Clark l\ rm y Arrov Army Army Army Army Arm y N avy Navy Na vy Army Army Army Army WA VI':: Army Ar.iny Army Arm}· Army A rm y Army Navv Army Army N~vy Army Army P vt. Rudolph Clark LOn Al\{.l\lf 3/ Lawrence W. C pl. \!,' odr w Co.l ga •e l t. R idsar I V. (',, IJ opy Lt. \Vm. R. Coll opy ·M~rines Cochran Navy PF Bobby L. ConraJ Cpl. p 3U I J. (l11lk Pvt. Huben Corlesh Arm Army Army rmy t\ rruy i\rmy P vt. C has. i\.1alcolm Cox . Sgt. Maurice E. C · h ·t. R aymund C'oJ< , Jr . . r. Arm • p,.,. Raymond ra11 k. f'FC R nbert rawf<Jrd. J r. Cpl. .·berwr11 d rawfnrd S 1/t' T ho rntoo C rawlortl Pl'C Wii.Ji :am ( l . ·r~wft> rd ( 'pl. J o,;eph 'reech l'v!. Roh n C. \. ummin . PF · R icha rd F. D:.ll.owr Cpl . Willr .1m P. J);, lt()tt Pn. Pre• tnn l> :tndf l'l'r. Dt-•tlgla 1-\ , Dauid A I , l ~ rneo t Jv i.l f•!i .PF ' :\ m<rS D .n ' tS pl. I ~ rJ (, S L. J ~Jm I·C , lberl Djd , r IJ 1.1 I've . Edwin H . flodd• I.' FC Fr, 11cis L L>11 l!m,ul p\ I. n . ,s.:b• IJ•>nl ) P" . 1 ·'me> l. !),,~ n ey t. ·\>rli•s I >t.; e P vt. Ralph R . f)qng . r. F l /c Ri< lsJrd . D••rl• m PF · Jam D. Durm~. h ~L T h. m:.~ . ibel PF Ralp!r H. F.lliun ' 1 • Ro~l<Jor~ · , el An:ny Marines t\ rmy rmy rmy G rrn)' Ar nw Army Arm-,: . rruy i\nny i\ rroy rmy rmy Army rnt 1 nny f jJ ri 1e$ , rm \rQ>). .\ l'nl)' , \ r 1. G .\rm , (4) DIVISION C pl. Dou H. Eppemm PH. Webb Epperson Pvt. Ru ssell Ervin A/ C R ay Evans Pvt. William F. Eva ns Sgt . Wally F aber Pvt. Lurten S. F a hrn ey . Jr. • ~t. Kenneth L. Faist , Jr. PFC Cha rles F. F a lk PFC Wa.llace B. f annin ARM 3/c Edwa rd./ . F n . . R 3}' lltnnd L . IJ:rni ;~ J/ Rub · H rri Crl. J hn H rri n .'g1 . Tim H artnerr l'vt. Le y H . ll ~tzl Tt h t . E. rl Hed •s I fL Orl. Hc:ndcrs. n . ~ 1 S Lu.:ius Henry P\t. H o~n· ) Hen. ley Ph. :\f. /'- G . ton H rd ! C. }' ul l _hne rOJY . rmy Army Navy Army rm y Army Arm}· Army Army Navy r avy Army Army Arm y Army Navy Army Army Army rnl ·y Army Army rmy Army Army A rmy Army Army rmr rCJ V)' !\ n l:l r Arm~ · rmy Arm r avy Army 1\ rmy rruy Army \VA ~ ~ vy Arm)' Army rm ' Arn1y t\ rrn ATm)r rns W E Army Am•l' Nav)r rmy w 1•: Army Army Arm ' Army rmy Nav J" ffi}' • a y Army Pvt. fred D. Herz0~ A I Harold E. Hill S/Sgt. Wiibur Hightower Lt. Willi am M. Hill S /Sg t. I bert R. Hi rsl h S/ gt; Leo \""/ . .Hires Cap . Walter llo lt ber.,cr P v t. G len Holden Pv . Earl Lou is Hood P vt. Donald H opkins P vt. Pea rl l:Ioski ns PFC Carl H o use PFC I saac Howard PFC Hubert H o u e S/Sg t. J erome S. H oward, J r . Pvt. H omer C. H owell , Jr. Pvt. Green Hubba rd Pvt. K ermit R . H ubbard Pvt. \Villiam L. Huem C pl . Thomas H u ndley Cap t. Jo eph S . H unter P1·t. H oward Hur ley Cpl. Mary Elleo H.u sey Pvt. Howard Hr de Coxswain William Jennewein Pvt. Albert E. Jerdon Pvt • ./ ame J ohnson Cpl. T homas D. J oiln on Lt. George J ohn t on , gt. Tho rnton R . J ohnson PFC Dill a rd J one S/ Sg-t. R obert J oyce Lt . [orris W. Kane A/ C J olsn D . K au el PFC Marvin Kees P t. Fred D. Kelley Pvt. Es le. K emplen PF ' e rge 4. K en da ll Pn. Merri ll W. Ketchem 'pl. William T . Ketchum 'pl. Ell ord S 1/ Cha rl es ti Kin nett · Cpl. Roh rt F. Kn odt~l , Jr . ] ' v t. <nnuel S. K no. ~!!L Orvi lle K oehler Pvc. J(i!Ji am F red Kr ~'!iCF L3Pt. Da n.iel J. Kucbel Lt. Da I.e Luq · S/ 'g t . J hn \ . L;uJd r I I Le ter Landrum P vt. Harold F. Lnnge PF Buford R. L n~p a rthY 2 / ilE.L nk Pn . Elbert Ledfo rd .PFC E lbert Led fo r I P1·t . R bert Lee ~pl. E lmer Lern1 P t. K enn eth D alt Lell'i P "t. Jo H . Lewis p, r . William .H . LN,-i ' gt. \Villi m A. l.ipph Pdt Pvl. P. J hn l.iltle F 2/ - J sepk Los hin fJ ·Pvt. h es1. ~;~r A . .l<•Wry Army 1-\ rm}' 1\rmy rmy tmy rnry Army rroy rmy Army Army :\!arint-s Army ·Iarines Marines Army Army Army Army i\rmy Arm y rmy WAC Army CG M;Hines rrnr rrur Arm}' Army rm)' J\ rm)' Army !~ rruy . rmy ,\rm Army At1ny .-\rmy .-\ rm rmy . a ,·y· Army "\rmy ,\ rmy 1\ r rny Army Arm)' rnl }' 1 £IV)' Arory M~ rine> N . ,. Ma rir1e. t\ rnt ' .\I k ~ '2Jc ~::,O.,etF·l1. Mt· .onnick S J ,,· \.\'iiii;;m H. McConnick I' l"t . o~eph MrC~;· J>-, t. Cl) de \!<Daniel .: 2/<. Hamh1 E. '\.lcD.miel t .n,lga Landon L. }.~cl), ' "'ell pl. Daa.rcl McF.lra\'e:y SJ e Mclnw~h (.:\f > jc F ranl ?\1l·K i11Mr PF TiNbe-rt i\1<Queen Pn. Homer Md2uee -, Cpl . Ah·a :\1cQuiole;• G"\1 ~ jc Cb.arle;; \ ·!add,,x .-\ I Marioo \1a¥gart P>·t. \\l endell F. Manring P\'1. J<>me; \ larcum PvL Ja:nes ~h rti n PFC Rtchard ;\{arvin .\ rm)' Army '" :.vy ;.;:·a,·r ."r.nn y Army ~a ' Y - • \ y Army Armr i\ rmv Army Na\'y Army Army :\rmy J avy Navr Army Army Am1y Army ' P1t. R ~.d l Penw-1;>{1 Lt, Lu'Lher JJ,_.ter Pvt. Ed win Petry F 1/c John Pfeil p ,.t. Ha rry C. Phar s ~ ~ /c Charle.s 0 . Phill ips p,.l. Tl>omas P hill i p~ PFC W ood·•·~;~w Phil! i p~ Pvt. Robert PieDer Cpl. RGhert L Plf.'rre APC £ ilee.n A. Pochard Pvt. Cort Pond r • ~ /c RoYy Ponder PVL. Jack P. P(•St Sl?t. Oda.s M. Pons PfC J;:J rner E. l'ot1 s P v t. McOdlan Powell S j gL Hust<m Powe-rs _pl. Robe rt F. Pugh Pvt. Robert Pyfrin :Pn . . Coyt B. a in t\ rroy Arm~­Armv " Nn'T Army 3 \--y Army Army Army Army WAC 1 ~ri·~>e aV)' A-r4nY Army Army AFmy A row Arm ~ nny • 1-n J>-v t . 'I iHord F. Srlt],;tt rhec-k C'I)L Donald l\ . Schmerr A I Edwin • chrnit-1 ';Spt. f'la.rold Scbtn1t.l J>vl. George -F. -~ h ne ide r )' t . Ed w~ rd cboening Pv . E.hlon ch 01>lc~' P\'L E.rV'en Schroer Cpl. Fra n c i ~ R. Schwab Lt. Wilf red R. S 1 Pn. John H. Se~ters l' YL Dallie ell cr. HA I /c john ~ emo n e.s S t. j oseph H. Senger , 2/c Evel)'n ha•·p Q\1: 3/i: James P. Sha rp pl. Earl Shepard PFC J artnes H. hi elds Cpl. James L. hollen ba.rger Cpl. T homas .F. Sholl en barger PF Charles Sjbe r( Pvt. \' j, ian R. Massie l<L\ I/( William L<'u1s Army Mat h ew~ ~1 /S g l. Alvio Ratliff P vt. Robert Reed : / Sgt. Chari "-' H. ReiH A rnw Army 1'Iar1nes Anny ~r a vy ~ av ;· Army. A.rmy Army Army Armv Arm)' . Army Arm•y Army Anhy Army N avy Army Amw Armv Army i\rmy Army Army A-rmy Army Navy ~a vy A/ Ke.nneth 13. Simps 11 PF'C St.anley W. ipe 'gt. Harry W. Slipher b--r . R a~- E. Sloneker A i Wi .lliam ~hu:; Pvt. George Smit h AF Peud ~ l ay Lt. G. E. leehan Pvt. Rahert R. :\i!eiYin Pvt. J a·k Merriu. , 2/c Don-a:ld f . MeLzler Cp.L Lou i~ G. Mey»er Pvt. Roderick Michael Cpl. 'R.tlph C. Miller PFC Robert Mil1er Pvt. (i;.a,rl es R. Mills , J / Raym011d W. \4 iltou P"t. f"mes MGG>re p,.,_ Freeman Mmt~n. Jr. p, 1. J;,Jr Mullen \'II . <lcrar \ lr1ll in< !'V1. L3ytoo A. Nant• J- FC 1-f;my L ]\ieal I'FC F.lme.- -:\ ewklrk <'ll>l. HEilry G. Nipper 1 1. hme;c E. ~ orrin' "i' l H. LulH ill e. :'-r ~ll ~f't- Otto ~llltnery ,:/C Wo«><:l-row 0 '.8 rie:n PvL Ro) I- Oaks PFC Htlt'bert Q , ens Pv1 . . ichard P a rm•~ P 'L \'l•x- Patt<Jn A/C R3lnh<>n Cpl. j •• -k l:'. .1\bb<lt! - Pvc J . hn C. AldtrSGn Pv-t. 'fhr.tna$ G. Al len T /5 ·Glenn W. AU eo Pn. L;;rk;n Allen , hts W Alli.;n.n, . F . 3 /C 0.>1!. ,flenry Jess A.nder><:m ,.,'\._ lhn~ B. Ashe 11·o~, . Atkin.s Cpl.>fi B. Bagwell Cpl. Dewey l. ll • iley, j r. .·fl . .lennin s B&.ll ( p1. j11m~$ W. Bardoor. i Lt. J~>hP ~.f. B am~ A;C 1k.ben .M. Beall \ 1ar ine.< Na\')1 !\ avy Army Arm-v Army :>\lvy Army Army Army Army Arnw . i ;l vy Army -:\L~rints Army ArmY Army Army A<roy Army Army Aru1y Army Armf Aruw Army .1\ rnw !\,I rines Army Ma-rin-es Army Army Army Army av·y Anuy Mariues Navy Marines Army Air Ce~s Army Army Air Corps · ' 2/c j ohn J. Reiff., Jr . A/ S Charles LeRoy Reimer S ~ t . Robert Cpl. WiUiam C. Ren tsch ler S!rt . Joseph Reyn0lds p,, L. George F. Rholil is P\•t . Dan ell Rich.nJson L . ~ . F. Riehem.::tnn A/C L0uis Rilel' P vt . Clarence Ringley Pn. Alb-ert Rlsh p, t . Homer E. Roarh Cpl. Robert T-i. Roa •·k .'\ l Carl Robbins T 7 'f'L Ch.a~les Robbi ns Sgt. Alvi:n C. Rober.ts Capt. Reo een Robert son . ] r. ' t. L.awrenre RobinsNI .gr. J.ouJ ~ M. R ~'hin$<1 11 p ~' ' ]ill'bn R I)Cfid I PH' .hu-vie Rook:; PvL Ed w<~ rd Rose l'• Pvt . J•mes \Villls Blalock Pvt. James Q. Blaloek W. A. :Blazer 'Pv\L Gerald C. !lllyd•e Lt. ] ad{ M. Bl yrhe La nil ie '131ylhe G. '> . Bobnsdabl ,~ lHc. :F c fc. John Brown ]>" ' - Williom R,oy Brown PI . l\.1u k l\'hrv in Brtlr-le 'Lr. P o ~ter A. B ruyl ~s LL W. f . .S:ry. on Pn, Russell Buckn er (5) rme orces Army Arm}' _ 1 a.vy rmy Army Arm;• At;my ?\'fartnes Army ;-\ rmy Army M;:uineR 1aV)' Army SPARS C G Army Army Army Arnw Army Army Army Army Army Army Army A row Army Army Marines Army WAVE avy Army Army Army Army Army CG Arm)' Army Army Army Ariny Army Army Army Arm)' Army Army Army Navy S e.~ .6.ees Air Cor!'$ Arnw avy Ar.roy Air Co.r.p~ A••rny Army rmy Ar-my Army Army i r C :l. Thomas Thnmpson A-/ William Thomp on Lt. D wight Th.;mson Cpl. John 1':. Ti ~e S ' 3/<c Harnld J. Timler P vt. Est.el Ti ncher A;, Rudy Tmvls ·gL D M\ Troutman PFC Will 1am Triplett Capt . J hn K. Truilt Army Marine$ Army rm.y 'avy Navy Army Navy Mar.ines N avy Army Arrny Army • Bi'v1' 1/c Will iam R. T urner. Jr. CG Sj Sgt. Walker Unger PfC E.vereLt \'an over Sgr. Ma r ~ha ll C. V~ u ghn Sgt. Dona ld \'i<lourck Cpl. R ay M. Wacr T / Sgt. Paul Waldrick P\'1 . ~I a renee \Veaver Sgt. John Weaver A/ S Orville Webb ' . I j c Delbert Eugene Webr lcy PFC Donald Weiss . Pvt. Charles Whi1.e, Jr . ' Sgt. Frank White P vt , Simon 'Wiersema Cpl. Raymon.d C. Wig·gins Pvt. Ralph Wilder Pvt. Harry P. Willis Cpl. Luther A. vVi_lloughby Pvt. Albert L. Wilson PYt. Denzil Wil ·on P vt. Lou ise Wilson P ,L Marvin Wil ;on Sgt. Ru s~ell E. Widuow Cpl. And•:ew Woedl Pv.t . J ~s eph T. \Voln er I'vr _ Thomas Wol ·tenholm C. Sp. M. Oakley Wooten Lr. Will .iam E. Wright Cpl. Harold W~nn T / Sgt . William E. Wysong Cpl. Vern on L. Zell ner Cpl. Fred Ziegeoh ardt RM 3 /e .Theodore Zilio·x PfC Tbos. L. Ziliox Pvt. Car[ ZiOibelm nn Pvt. Fred Liule Pvt. Lesrer Sebor11 · A/S Walter Sh-nr k ~y · f',•L [" rl Brock Pk J amesJ'. Buell PYt. Puul E. Bumg;>rdf\Ct M / Sgt . Jes e I qort B l ii' IH . Sebill B w rn.etl e Sgt. ,radl' L. Burrell C:lw rl ' N. B.u.rn~.l te C h.a~rl e~ Burri~ /C f rank B yer.s. Jr . Lt. E.a rl Ca.lile (.p l. 'hnrl e; <;:able Pvl; Evao ~a D:!~ Larry H. Callj - S 1/ C Pk. C.hig T. fl1tll.ld l Pic. Lee G, C~w t>b il T /S F r cl 1 m(lhell • • Army Army Army Army Army Army Arm)' Arrny CG Na vy Army Army Army A row Army Army Marines Mari1\es Army A row WAC ' Army Army Army Army A1·my - av,y Army Army Ar-mv- Army Marines CG Army Army Army Army Navy Army Army Arnt)' Army A:rmy . rnry Air oms Air C.Pt ps .J-r - oq')!) .II, rmy rml( N ctVY Army r\r!UY rmy • am IOU P\·t. ercy C1rnpbell Pfc. Wilburn ampbell Carroll app Pk. Elbert Carpenter Pfc. Rodney E. arr Cpl. Ed\ ard J a, per 'arswell P\'t. Clarence Cathey james \: •. Cathey Pvt. Robert Catber tajor Walter Kerr C.llhe. Cpi. l\ lat"t in J. Cavaua(lgh Lt. Weaver C. Cha man Sgt. Frank l\1. hilders Howard Childers, i\1 .i\11 ~ / C {a hall Childers. G.M. - / C Sgt. Charl es F. Clark Martha . Clark Lt. Paul S. Clark PYt. Perl G . 'Cla rk Pvt . F rank J . Clontz Cpl. S.amueL J. Codr Charles Cod)' J o~ n E . Cogd ill Lt. T homas L. Cogdill Pvt. Vi all ace 1 . Cole Capt. J ame, F. Coleman Cecil D . Coll et te L t. Robert Coleman , J r. Cpl. W. W. Collins Claude H. Conard, S 2 / C P vt. lVIonroe H . Conard P vt. R aymond E . Con a rd Pfc. Albert C. Conley P fc. C. C. Conley, J r. Pvt. J ames R . Cooke P vt. Bobby Coon Cpl. Grover W. Cooper J ames T . Cooper P vt. Loren J . Cooper M arshall G . Cooper Lt. Woodrow W. Cooper C. A. Corzine, S 2 / C P vt. Fred Crane Sgt. Charl es Arch ie Crisp P vt. Cromer Lee Cr isp Pvt. H a rlin Cay Crisp H arvey C. Crisp Cpl. H arry S. Crumley P vt . J ohn Curtis P vt. Cecil T. D arnell Lt. Carl B. Davis P vt. Robert E . Davis Ray M. Davis Cpl. L avnence A. Deaver Pfc. Charl le W. Devlin Cpl. Floyd Devl in Alfred J. Descha mps P. D . D ewetae, C.S .F. P vt . Rob ert J • DJ:weese J e~se Dillard Army rmy rm Army larines rmy rmy Air rp rmy rmy i'vbrints Air o rps Air Corps N avy a v ~r Air Corps WAVES Army Army Army lVfa rin es Army Air Corps Army Army Army Army N av-y !v1a rines Navy Army Army Army Air Corps Army Army Army Air Corps A rmy Sea Bees Army Navy Army Ai r Corps Marines Army Army Air Corps Air Corps Army Army Mariflcs Navy Marines M-arines Army Navy Navy AFrny Air orps Pfc. \.Vill iarn D on aldson Army A /S F loyd Dotson ' Army Cpl. H oward Dotson Ja k Dotson P t. J ames L. D rake P fc. J ohn C. Drake Pfc. J ames H arold Duckett P vt. John J, D uckett P vt. Edw3 rd D uc;k, orrh L t . redrick D ulaney, Jr. Ge rge L. E dgenon, 2 / C M ajor Gil s M il ton Ellis, Jr . Pvt. Joe C. Estes Cpl. Joe E vans M arble l\{arines Army rmy . Army If orps Army Army 'e Bees Army Air Corps Arm Lt . . M. F J irbroth er gt. H enry Bra nson F a rmer Lt. (jg) · red J. F ergu on Sgt. R oberl W ilburn f j her p ,q . .f. R. F lu ha rty I vt. J e. sc Troy f ord J Yt. R alph F ord \ 'oyd F ord G . N a t ha niel F o rtney, A.S. · gt. Geo rge 0. Frady Pfc. Glenn M. Frady J st Lt. Ol.ivcr Wade Franklin Air Air N· vy Corps N~ v y Army Army rmy Corps M J ri nes Navy Army Air Corps Army Pvt. Samu el A . Free Air Corps h mes Cha rl es Furness, S 2 / C Na vy P vt. 'Willi am A. Gaddis Sgt. M . Lee Gaffn ey Conl ey Gibbs, Y 3 / C Cpl. Clyde E . Gillis Lt. (j g ) Ed ward J. Gillespie P vt. J ohn W. Gl ance Pvt. D ock All en Gragg · P t . Ell is Gragg Pvt. M ack Gragg P vt. R alph Goforth Cpl. Charl es B. Gregory Pvt. Cl a rence E . Gregor-y Willi am McKinley Green, Jr. \V. A. Grigsby E . D . Gudger, S. F . 2 / C Pvt. Elbert B. Guy Sgt. George H. H all A./C J ames E. H all Pfc. Robert H . H a ll Zane G. H all , E.M. 3 / C Cpl. Cl a ude E n nis H ampton Chester H an ey , S 2 / C Charlie leo H arbin J ames Edwin H ardin Sgt. T. A. H arg rove 0. B. H arris Sgt. Clinton H a rr ison Edgar H awkins, Jr. Ha rold H. H aynes, S.F. 3 / C Roy H aynes Venron M . H ayne Howe'll G. H awkins Lt. Mathew Hea ly, Jr. Pfc. Mi!J ard H . H emph ill .pl. P au l R . H enderson Mel vin H en line Pvr. Glenn R . Henson Cpl. M rk Herren P vL. Willi am Herndon Pvt. MiJis H icks, J r. Pvt. Wilf rd L. Hicks Pvt. ]. B. Hill, Jr. Pvt. Clirtt R. Hipps ] ck M. l Iipps, . R.M . 2/C Pvt. Robert Hipps II. C. Hoi ombe, I /C Pvr. harlea W. Holl;md A/ thridg- Holl nd Sgt. ]. me$ . IIoll3nd Pfc. l i.:Jrry Holl:1nd Pvt, Paul Holland 'pi. RoJ . l Ioll n<l <Luy Holl nd Pvt. ·.JwJrd Huuslt>y, Jr. P •t. J ie P lm r I !oiWHd Arnold Ho II Bill B. llorton P r. -1Wl>O'd Ho ·el l P • Tilf rd C. Ho ell Cpl. Arnol.d Guy Hu hts Arnw Ar~y N :ivy Army N avy M arines Army Army Army Army Arm)' Army Army Army Sea Bees Marints Air Corps Air Corps Army N avy Army N avy Navy Army Army Army M a rin es N avy_ Navy Army Army Army Air Corp Army rmy Air or ps rmy Army Army M rin • Marines Army Anny .rmr . Lrit • w nn Army l'rll'Y rmy nny AI my A.nny (6) • IH e rme orces E nRlgr\ Will iam . Hulbert, Jr . Sg t. J ames B. H urley Navy Army Army Army Gera ld W. Muoney, M.M. Sherley F. Mooney 1/C Navy Navy P vt. George W. Hya lt P vt. J ames F red Hya tt I' vl. H aynes Inman S/ g t. J ack R. J ackson M/ Sgt. F rancis G. ]a ocks, L t. T homas J . J ames P vt. P au l Jam ison P vt. Sam J amison P vt. Wm. Ca rroll J o hns0n Athel J o nes P vr. Cha rl es M . J ones Pvt. Geo rge J o nes, J r. P v t. M ark J ones Pfc. M o rris L. Kelly, Jr. J ohn Le wi~ Kenly Pvt. Cha rles F . King Guston King Pvt. Laddie King Capt. Phillip Glenn Kinken Pvt. James C. Kirkpatrick Pvt. Vernon Knight Pfc. Augustus H. K1.1ykenda ll Pvt. Harold F. Lawrence Edward B'ruce Lea therwood, A .M.M. 2 / C Earl Leatherwood Sgt. W. B. Lee Sgt. James E. Lester Aux. Edith M. Lewis J. Gordon Lewis, S.K. 3/ C Albert Logan Eugene Logan "· Cecil ·Logan P fc . Leonard R . lovelace Pvt. Rich ard H. L owery E ns ign Fred W. M aiwurm P vt. D ae V. M ann Lt. G. P. Mann \ ill a rd L . M ashburn P fc . H. J. M atheson Pvt. Ro ~ A. :M a tteson pl. Grover T . . Mau ney P fc. William J. B. MJ o:Jn e.y D av id Jbert McCant s · pcn cer Matney P fc. teve M. M cCra cken Cpl. J ake MClu re Army ir Corps J r. Army Air Corps Army Army Army Sea Bees Army Ai r Corps Army Air Air Air Army Army Army Army Army A rmy Army Corps Army Army Navy Co rps Army Army WAC N avy rn:ay Army Navy Army Corps rmy Army Army Army Marines Pfc. Gr dy W. Moore Army Pvt. Maurice .lvioore rmy Pvt. Silvester Morgan Army Lt. Charles T. Morrison . If Cor!1$ Cecil Muse Navy P vt. Rayburn Eugene Moffitt K. Z. Moore rmy Army Sgt. E rnest W. Newman L t . Bodwell Doe Osborne D aniel Anderson Owen Gay Woodrow Ov.•en Pvt. G udger Y. Palmer Cpl. Lloyd P a rham, J r. P vt. J ames P ar ker P vt. Elmer A . P arker Major Wil liam F iske Patton J ames E. P axton i,.r Corps Navy Anncr Army Army Army Army ir Cor~s Army avy J ames W. P a:non , E M 2/C P vt. Roy J-L P ax ton a~y Marines Air Corps Army A/ C Geo rge C. Pegram , J r. Lawren ce Pembro ke L t. C. Cline Pet ers Lt. Preston Ca rl ton Peyton Capt. R oyal Ector Phil! ips Pvt. Claren ce P lemmons Cpl. J o hn E. Pless P vt. Clarence C. P oston Pfc. Ca.rl Edgerton P owell P vt . H<n old G . Pres ley Pvt. H ubert W. Pre sley J ames H . Pre sley P vt. Earl P . P r ice Air Corps Army Army Army M a rines Air Corps Army Ai r Corps Army N avy rmy Wa.lter Pr ice, J r ., S 2/ C Co.a st Guard Cpl. J ames L. Queen Marsha ll Queen Pvt. '\Vood row Queen S / Sgt. H azel W. R amsey Cpl. Ray J. R ector Pvt. J enn ings B. Reece P vt. Cra ig K . Reeves P vt. Will i;1m G. R ee es Pf . \.Vi ley Howard R eeves Albert J . R eno, Jr., S 2/ C T / 5 Gordon Glenn R eno Cadet D~ n H . Reno Lt. oL Caner L . R hinehart Pvt. Cla ude R hinehart ., Ma ri·n ~ ' Army Army Al:my Army Army ir Corps ir Corps Air Corps Navy Army Army 1 alcolm IcDor ::dd oa t rmy Army A rmy Gu .rd P fc . J efferson M . Rh ineh a rt Wayne R hi neh art n.ny Army . rmy rmy .ir Corp P vt . J hn R ay M cDowell Glean !JeD well R y M D owell , A. . 1/S r. R oy M . M K inn i h Pvt. Ge rge V. M cGee C.1p t . Hugh M eas!! Pvt. L roy 1ears P t. · rl tfedf ord Fra.nce .Medford I r. C. Medf rd Pn. J s ph L. 1 d fo:trd Pvc. JJm . 1elt n P/ . D w ey . Mec . ~H En I n Erne~c .!fe& ~r I . H n ry T . 1 'l i hael . t, •1m r 1ill r Pic. Roy . Miller \'illia-m !fi lne Pvc. hm s R. ·flnt?; Lt. fred Mir bell Pfc. 'forri E . Mitchell fr. Ru .it~h ell l. Cba:1es \\ . ifole • rmy A rmy avy Army rmy fT!l }l l'ffly Army WA Army rmy · Army Army Nav l\ rrn.y . rmy · · A rmy .' tr .orp;o Army Army M rines Army Marines /C R ymoncl T . R icka rds P vt. A. C. Rickm:u1 Pfc. Gr v er D . R ice Lt. Roht rt . Roberts Sg l. Floyd f. Robe'rt s p l. Jnck E rvin Roge rs M il ton S. R gers, S - / , . L. Roger h rl es Robinson, ' I / C Pvr. Ra lph R bercson pl. \V. D. Rober t~o n PvL Gl nn H . R 0binson Pvt. Glenn E. R ob inson P f . J ames Troy Rob inson g t. Li•ulon Robin on Pvt. R ussell R. Robiu son Lr. Way ne E. Robinson Cadet R. W. R t1 sh e~ pt. Georc8'e H . R yder Wil liam K. R P fc. George L. Sa under ' P fc. Stephen B. S arb rough Air Air rmy Corps Corps Army rmy IIVY avy Army l\-1 arm es rmy . rmy !farines rmy Army Army ir Corps Ai.r CoTcps Arm,Y Army­rm}' PI<. Joe S. Scheack. Howard Same tf. chiE J . Srott r: Gomer colt Pvt. Hildrffi Sootl P!c. Ja~s T. colt Cpl. Charle~ W. crogg5 Ja< G. OJ'&S Pk. J~eph E. Scroggs gt. Bruce D. Seeley P-et. Carl A. ctzer ~ !;t. ·charles J. Setzer. Jr. p,'t, ~Luv in H. etzer Cpl. Wi \1 is V. Setzer lames Sh.a.rp Pvt. Carey P. Sbep11ard Pic Charles L. Sheppard. Jr. Cpl. Alex A. Sbumolis, ]r. Pfc. Geurge W. Shumoli P•'l. Vi rgil C. Singleton Aaiur Barnett ]. ledge Pic. Ell is R. Smathers A.F.C. Esther L. Smathers C L Jack T. Smathers p,.t. J. T. Smathers Cpl. Oro. W. machers Cpl. Robert Alvin Aldridge Robert Loui~ Ammons, ~1.Q),.1.M. Znd H. . {. Ail derson Lt. M. L. Armentrout ~t. CbarJey Joseph Bigler Pic. WiUie E. Bilnoski j{)t! Blafk, SY. 2/C M.ajor Harold C . .l}lank J . \ Pvt. Charles E3,ial B ythe Cary Clifton BOOth ?-ct. Riehm! Brown. Jr. . A. Ell y.ard, S 1/C . Jori~.k !· Burch, S 1/C *'-"?ft. R. P. Burchfield St. W. M. Byers • Army Navy Army Arm)' Army Army Army Navy Air Corps Air Corps Army Army Marines Air Corps Army Arm)' Ai r Corvs Army Army Army Army Army WAC Army Army Army Army ' .!' . 1 avy Na,•y . ir Corps •• M . . nne.s ··~"t Se{ Bees Army Armv Army Arwv a'Bees Coa t Gua~d Army Army Sgt . Leland 0. Caldwell Army Capt. Roben J. Calvin Army P rt. C. L. Cas~ Army Cecil Cammack, A.S .• ~ · Army P\~. . h-nin C.Vne;n A.rmy. L . Charles . Col¢ Ar!nt Pic. ChaTies . (;(ltQ'!! A.~my Cpl. R. K. Coulson Anrry George Allord Cravey N>tval Reserv.e Cle.w B. Cribbs, S.F. 2/C avy L.t . .1 - F. Cunis >Af;my gt. Jam S. Daniels Lt. (jg) Jamef H. Degnan p, . Floyd P. Delo.'ly Sgt. Lorenz H. Diers Ronald P . Dymke, C.C M. Cpl . Eddie Eaton l'vt. but Arm trong· Pvt . Ra:lph W allfer .!" aval A~mt N~y Army Army Armv Anny • 1n rme orces Harold Sma thers Pvt. Ralph ~ m at hers Sgt. Sigmon \ ayne rna thers Marteen m<~the rs Cpl. Ed ard B. ·mith PYt . Francis B. Smith Sgt. Leonard C. · mith P.·t. Zeb Smirh P t. James C. Snyder p, l. Harry W. n~· der J. B. oesbee, A. S. Garret Sorrells Cpl. Walter pence Cpl. Glenn Stame)• Pfc. Guy Stamey Pvt. ] ames R. Stamey Pfc. T . J. Stamey Geo. Simpson Ea ·;gn John R. depllens W. A. tamey Le5ter R . . ti l e~. F Z/C P t. Floyd to::kton Lester J. tockton, S 2/C S / Sgt. William i'vf. Stockton Cpl. David B. Lone Cpl. Kenneth H. uter Army Army Army \\ AVE Army rmy Army Army rmy Army Navy • 1avy Annl' Armr Army rmy Army Army .N av,.· Army Navy Army Navy Armv Army Army HOUSTON C. L. Eaves, S l /C Lt. Will iam h an Eaves Lr. Horace W. f ;ri rbrother r aval Pfc. Edg-ar .T. Fehr.engamp Jack W. Fisher, S 1/ C Cpl. John amuel Fo\\·le Pfc. Fred S. Furness Nathan Gamble. S 2/C .l . · l!m' A. Gard 'P fc. Jame Ward Gibson Cp1. U]ysse Green I gt. Eugen.e Hamu ek Lt. Robert Joe H and Pvt. R. B. Harris Navy Army Reser-ve Ar-my Navy Army Army Navy Army A rn;~y Army Army Army Army A/C Will iam Kenne.t.h Harr is Air Corps Army Army A Eil)Y Navy Sgt. J. A. Hemphill Pvt. Kermit Henniger Pfc. E!wQod J ames Iljn delang ~1. h~Yl C. Hollo,vay, Jr. .Bemard E. Hooker, S I /C :Ptt . George R. l rad Cpl. Arneu Johnson Army Army !) /< Buck Johnson aval Air Service : gt . Will iam Johnson :F'V't. Andrew Jones E. H. Jones, C.Bld . Frank Hen ry Jones, S 2 JC Army Army Navy N-avy Pvt. Walter Kaul Army U.S.S.C. Chester bvlonroe Knight, M.M. 1/C Navy Lt. Robert A. Koenig Army Pvt. R-oy J. u 1 ties Alfred wanger Pvt. Gear e H. Th mpson H race \V oodro ~>· T nompson Pn. James A. ThompJ;on p ,,t. l'vla.Jt Thonwson Cpl. Rufus E. Thompson .Lt. George R. Tr:unmell P vt. Fred ritk J. T rantham Pvt. Billy Throneburg Pvt. Grady A. Trantham Mari nCli Army Navy Army Army Armr Air Corps Army Army Army Army Army Tech. gt. Beni. Harmon Trull p,.t. Donald T urner Pvt. David B. Vance Pfc. Frank Vetoe, Jr . Army Army Lt. Ca rl '· Wallnau. J r. Air Corps Lester L. Ward, A.K.M . 3/C Navy John P. Wa rd Navy Pvt. Eugene Warren Sgt. Charl ie Warren Cpl. William Warren gt . Gordon C. Watts, Jr. Pfc. John R. Wells Pvt. J oseph G. West .Lt. J. R. Westmoreland DIVISION ]. H. Krohn , S 1/ C Cpl. Woodrow Land Army Air Corps Army Air Corps Army Air Co ~ps Navy N avy Air Corps A/C Roberl Harvey Lavery Naval Lt. ( jg) George A. Lilley Travis F. Mathis Cpl. J ack M. Maywald Pfc. Robert W. McCraw A / S Robert L. McCray Ha•rold Clifford McFarl and, M.O.M.M. 1/ C T / 4 D. G. McWhort en P'\·r. ]. N. Mease, J r. A. / C Robert A. Mil am Pvt . Morris R. Milford P fc. Cl iff o rd I vy :l\l[e l1 p,>t, Pa·t N. Moo re Sgt. John C . . 1.orner Lt. Alfred Mil ton Morri son Navy Marin es Army Mrny Navy Army Army Air Corps Army Army Army Army Army \Vill iam Henry NeH.I es, , I /C Sea Bees Cl ifton Lott 1ixon, CM 3 /C Navy p ,rt. Mose W. orton, J r. Army Pic. George Olive Army P vt. Ralph Palmer Marines Ens ign John 0. Parrott Naval Reserve S/ gt. Harold H. P anerson rmy Pvt. Edwin \ . Pe;~rson Army Pvt. Walter E. Philpot Army A. J. Pitre, Jr., Pb.M. 2/C Navy John Warner Prestridge, .M. 2/C Navy Lt. f-h1gh B. Rainey Naval R crv SANDERSVILLE DIVISION l&t Lr. Jam <;.~ Buford ·npis Pfc. II artlld Hughes !·lodges (7) P vt. Walla e Wheeler Pfc. Way L. \· hitaker Lt. Robert H. White Pvt. John Harold \c hittcd Cpl. Hall B. Whit\'' rth Pvt. .1 . C. Wigg in Lt. A. L. Wiley Pf . Clarence W. Williams laff Sgt. Robert Williams T roy L. Will iams, F 1/C Robert Ray Will iams Edward F. Williams Pk. John R. Wi ll iamson Cpl. Alvi n L. Willis Herschel P<?.u l Will is Ray Wilson T homas E . Wilson, S 2/C Pn. Art hu r D. Woody Cpl. J ack D. Woody Pvt. GL•dger S. Worley Pfc . Percy Woodruff Pvt. Guy G. Wright . . Cpl. James Howard Wright P fc. Lewis A. Wright A /C Ralph B. Wright Sgt. Hel:muth Otto Ritter Sgt. Claude A. Robinson P f c. Coy Rogers Cpl. J. T. Rosamond Cpl. 01 iver C. Roye Cpl. Leon Shepherd Earl Smath ers J. H. Smiley, S 3/ C Pvt. Will iam Warden Spear Sgt. Algie Ramon Spears Cpl. Char les W. Spears Sgt. Herman Weldon Stiles • ·Pvt . William K. Wesley Thompson S/ Sgt. Elwood R. T ysor P fc . Lenn ie Ven t resca Cpl. Stan ton Wagers P vt. Wi.ll iam Walker P vt. Marsha ll Warren Army Ai r Corps Army Air Corps Army Army Army Army rmy 'avy Air Corps Army Army rmy Army Army. Air Corps avy Army Arm)' Army Army Army Army Army Air Corps Ar-my Army Army Air Corps Air Corps, krmy Army N avy Army Army Army Army Ai r Corps Army Army Ai r Corps Air Corp ~ Army Army Cpl. Kennedy W. Weaver Army Warren L. Wat son, .O.M. 2/ C Thomas Webb av y Navy Charlie Webb, C.M. 2/ C P vt . Leoo Wigg ins CQJ . Clarence J. We) Cpl. Pau l Elrod Wil liams George f . Willi ams Pvt . Ll ())'d A. Wil son Pvt. William F. Win ter Charles B. Worthin gton. . Sp. Sea Bees Army Army Army Marines ir Corps J'm)' Navy Leonard 0 . Zeiger, G.M. 3/ C Navy Pvt. Erbie 1 ~ John $(>n pl. · om \Vat '•' ll Tan•>er Army Anny Published by (The Champion F amily" as a Symbol <Jf the Cooperation and G.ood Fellow hip Exi~ti ng at the Plants of The ChampiOn Paper and Ftbre Company, Hamilton, Ohio; Canton, North Carolina Houston Texas, and Sandersville, Georgia. G. W. PHILLIPS _______ ____ ________ ____ _ . Editor, Canton. North Carolina REUBEN B. ROBERTSON. JR. ____ ______ _______ ___ -- __ __ Associate Editor DWIGHT J. THOMSON __ ____ ___ ___ _____ ___ __ _______ _ . Associate Editor EMERSON ROBINSON ______ ____ _______ . Assistant Editor. Hamilton. Ohio A. M. KOURY ___ ____ _______ ___ ______ __ Assistant Editor. Houston. Texu A ll articles ~n this magazine are written by the editor except those which carry the name of the author. ' Thank~ giving -1621 and 1,943 "Thanksgiving Day is only our annual time for saying grace at the table of eternal goodness" Thanksgiving Day ! Its observance ought to be in the be t ense religiou s,- to leave God out is to make the day an empty name without meaning. Thanksgiving is nothing if not a glad and reverent liftin g of the heart to God in honor and praise for His goodness . Of cou r e the t rue Chris tian life is one whose thanksgiv­ing fi ll every day of the year with soncr and gladness but, as George Washington sai d in the Fi rst Presidential Thanks­gjving Proclamation: "Whereas, it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of almighty God, to obey his will to be grateful for his benefit , and humbly to implore hi protection and favor: and \;v·hereas, both hou es of Congre s have by t hei. r joint committeee requested me 'To recommend to the people of the United States a day of Public Thank givin and Prayer to be observed by acknow]edging with grat ful heart the many signal fa vors of almighty od,'-Ther f re, I do recommend and ass ign Thur day the twenty-s ixth da of November next, to be devot d by the p opl of th state to tb . ervice of that rea t and glori us being, wh i th benencent aut h r of all the ood that \Va , that i , or tha will be : t ha t w may then a ll onite in ren lering unto him our sin ce re and humble hanks for his kinclne , care and pro-tect. t n, " . . ~ tting apart an annu al day for n ti<Jn- l giving of thank · is a public reco niti n of J cl as the auth< r )f all our ble.:::;­in . It i tb erection, s t · peak, of a m•m ri I to th h n r f him who has I d u af Jy th r IU ·h noth ·r r r. It reminds u of our inde t dness to d and tir in wr mind and heart em tion of err t itude nd 1 r i , whi h th erwi se mi ht not find xpr :-ion. T oda , when the pe pie' f all th ' rid re rapplin ' at a h ther throat , and th life-blo d f fath r , hu - bands on and sweethean is b in p ur d ut on the battle£ ld to ati fy th ambi tion of a f w he, ttl " · ar m n er ., '"'e ma ' fe 1 that th r i n thin t b · th nkfuJ ~ [ r, buc when ·we r c 11th cir un , t. n ~of he fir~t TI1 nk.::-- ivin Da ·, i nuv en:e t . remind u, f h · mu h 1 re • (8) ~ h v . 'lo he thar ful for uday. than had tho e eady se - Ll · rs at PI m u b, lVJas·a h 1 ett · 1n 162 l. cc rdin to the hi stori al a coun t of · h . n · hunJr d anJ wo emigrant~ th t land d on th r ky· CJa t of ape 'oJ Bav in the wi nt ·r of 1 2 , lm st h 1f of th ni died before th~ folio\ ·­ing win er. T day in our comfortable h me we cann t ev ·n itnagine he stdT rings ~Jf the Pilgrims both from hunger ' nd th cold wea th er for wJuch they 1;o~,·ere not prepared ei her a , to sufficient cloth ing r housing facilities. ' V\Thii the m st of these brave people were not u ed to ha rdships, y t, ·oon a fter heir arrival on he merican contin nt they built h 1ts for the nineteen familie in the . t lement, but within the fi rst year they had to make even ~ i ,m es more .g rave~ for the dead than hm1 es for tbe Jiving. l he houses m wh1ch they pent the fir t year on the Ameri­can conti nent, we re log hu ts with ·wampgrass roofs and dirt fl oors. And th eir food consi ted of barley, Indian corn fish and wild game. Notwith tand ing all their hard hip these brave founders of a great nation, felt they had o much to b~ thankful for, they appointed "an especial day on which to g1ve especial thank for all f God's ble ·sin _'' Can we to­day, afford to be les thankful t han they? The early settlers li ved on less than half ration , uffered all sort of hardshi ps, surrounded by sava e Indians and ferociou wjld bea t , bu t, we occupy good home , Jive on the fat of the land and enjoy peace and comfort, in a land of plenty, while our enemie a re th ree thou and miles away. Therefore, we should 'P ra ise the Lord for hi ~ good ne and for his wonderful works to th e children of men. nter into hi.s gates with thanksgiving, and into hi court vvith prai e: be thankful unto him and bless his name." "Cyclewelding" A new process for maki ng a continu ous b nd between alluminum alloys, magne ium and allo reel s, t hrot~crh u e of S) nthetic adhesive which produces cemented j.oint of greater strength than riveting or ~p o t\i\ eldin cr ha been in­vented by the Chry ler !j'otor Corporation en ineers, d vel­oped by the Goodyear T ire and R ubber Company \,·e are informed. According to re port Cycle' elded earn - can be made li q uid ticrht and airtight. Cycl weldincr, it seems. c n, i t · of a ort of sandwich in whi ch a seer t adh si · e b.inds .to ther metal wood YDt hetic rubber, or t.h r materi al. It is aid that the new pro e i r placi ng ri ets and potw 1ding in airplane con tru ction. ' It i e pe t d t a ll v.,; simrli·fi ed nd ch ap r con tru cti n method of p ·t-vi tor a Litomobile , refrigerator and th u ~ and of ther th ing-s ." Tolerance The m ~ t l abl a nd li able qu .li t t.h::~c an, human bein g- an po i· t lera n ·. T 1 ran c i the isi .n that enabl u t tl in fr m notJ1 er person's p int f view. It i the g ne ros ity t hat on ede t th ·r " th e right t th eir o •n opini n · c n l th ir own pe u li riti es . It is tb bignes that ena ll U,' to ' am th ' we lov , t b harp in th ir c,wn •·ay in r ad f ur \ ay.- Philad lr hi a Publi ~ Ledg r. A Thought For the Mon~}J: . ' B r~.;thern , if a man be ve rtaken in a f ·,ult ·. \Vhtch r , pi ritua l. re~ tore vU h a n one in the spiri t of m~ . kne" . C 11 - idcrin thy- lf. l ~ t t hou be tempted . . Bea r- y ne an-other' bu rd n ·. and o fu lf1 ll the h1w f Chris t. . . . - - The B"'l:b l c · 1 ti.e· I a n : 1 2 , e Pentagon Building In Arlington, Virginia The nerve center of the Army Y u ha ·e, n doub , heard a ._,reat deal about the Penta ­-.,. - Bu'ldi , headquarter of the l'nited tates \Var De- n2.1tmen . locateJ aero s the Potomac Ri' er from \' a hin - ~ · . D. C. in Arlin ton, \ 'irgi nia. 'I' u- enormou building, completed in the early part of 1o .2. o~ ing • 000,000, provide office pace for about ~ 3~ eople. total of 3 • 000 people are employed i·n e building. There are 00 janitor~ 300 civilian guards and 50 mili ar: police who look after thi~ huge tructure and the people in it. \Ye arc informed tha it- private telephone exchano-e e .• f-!loys ~00 operator . That it i equipped with 1, 00 elec­- ric clocks. 200 re t room·, 6 0 ~ater founta in 21, 00 de k 1 .000 chair, a bank, railroad ti-cket office taxicab and bu errninal, cafeteria seating ,000 per ow, and the longe t oda bar i the world-thi bar i 500 feet long and at thi bar are sen·ed mo ethan 20,000 cup- of coffee a day. The building is oundproofed throughout and in its lona wi e corridors there i no ound of an echo or di rurbing oi~e even when the great ma s of emplo ee u-h and fi ht their way in and out of the building, or the cafeteria a noon. \Yhile there ha not been an_- official report on ab entee­i ·m of the emplo. ee in the Penta on building it ha been hinted that it might run as high a ten percent. If that j­the average rate in the entire buildin there would be about 3,~ per on absent each day. \ "ho orio-inated the idea of building uch a buo-e struc­ture a the Pentagon to hou e the ' ·ar Department it ha not been made public. One congres 'roan i reponed to have :aid ~hoever thought of the Pentagon hould be proclaimed the man vtitl1 the greate t imagination in the '"-·orld. "He's - e ame type a the fellow who planned the Tower of BabeL" Rep. John Dingell, (Democrat from 1\lichio-an) is re­fOrted a having aid recently in speakino of the Pentagon bu7lding, "I think it i about as eo ible as- well, I do not h ve anything to compare with it, to b perfectly candid. But to me it v. a ju 't sensele· . . Improved Machines Are Helping Us Win the War • b 1933, ju t ten years a o orne good con cientiou ci izeru; decided that impwved machinery wa the ca u e of tabor condition in thi country and wanted a law passed f rohibitino- the ).lse of such machine . If they had had their ·aY-. we ·ould have Jo~t tl1e war lon ran icec,lcl <)t e of coke out of one Jf th-o ' t O'O d • ,Jd machi ne t the mill r We haYe looked far ancl wide into tbese tbou. ands of fa ces in an effort to find fac s that remi11 l u of home . .1a "" one fellow wh wa. a dead ringer for O, car Bible of Inspection. Anoth ­er rellow re·emble · Elmer Sons of the Calender r om bm this fellow is from Iowa and i · exceedingly quiet and doe n t like to a rg11e. You know that could not. be your Elmer! )) )) (( (( Our c mic man remind · us a lot of your wn itJ imitable Joh nny Hollister. He i . a cream a wa .!Vfr. Holli ster. This cell-mate comed ian of our is nam­ed J oh n al.sD-johnny Rowmpakis, and hails from We t Virgi ni a. )> )) (( (( All rbe boy in this boot training ut:fit have Lho e well-ni o-h bald hair­cut and a \-V .aze upon their shinin noggins in thi. h t Idaho sun we can almo, t ee tho e nohle heads of Charles Thoma , Le:ter ·Macinty re and ood old mailman am Collier, not to men- · Li on Bart Benge. }) )) {{ ( '(: \\~ ell , gang, we are entirely t bu y to coJTcsponcl with you individually · but will try t do so mr nthly throu <'rh thi, very column if you and the go d old Chamrion wi1l pennit. And in ca ve an)" of you bould b ki tld ~-e wou ld app reciate it treme ndouJy if you will drop your old buddy otrw lctt.~r s way up here in the t I eauti ful mountain and lakes. (11) • Mr. and Mrs. Lester s .weeney Our address is: . \Villiam H. Thompson A. S. Co. 763-43, U. S. N. T. S. Camp Waldron Idaho. \\ill guarantee to try and answer all we can thrm.tgh your column. Thanx. SOUDERS ON VISIT l\1en fron1: Unloading_, vvho visited tbci r friend , ther during the month, included Sgt. Robert Boiun, Jr. sta­tioned at Salt Lake City. He is a gunner n a B-24, recently ompleted hi training and rece ived hi , win~s; pl. John Bum , Camr Rit hie Md.; Crl. Tornm v J ' t .nh olm , No. 1 ;la­chine .Room, in cam1 in Penn ylvania foil wing hi f rmer mploy.m nt; Pvt. R hert Pf iffer frotn Carnp Sb n. y. --· --- Eri ca--D n t ym; think J arn ttettin()' youn ger very day? · Flsa \' s; l sh uldn the suqri. ed to · your n ~ltne ln the births column· . Tech. Sqt. Albert (Al.) McGee. somewhere in the South Pacific, was formerly with C M Cal­enders. His wife is Zena McGee. C M Cutters. More Hamilton Division Men Join Armed Forces The following Hamilton Division men entered the armed services during eptember: Orville \\ ebb " alter L. Getz Stanley Campbell Fred Augu tine, Jr., U. S. Navy Roy Allen Donald Hopkins Norman Stafford Lester Sebora, Army Howard Hurley, Army Robert Lee, l\1arines Curt Ponder Louis Beer Rudy Towles, l 1. S. ~avy Clarence D. Chandler LIEUT. WARDER HOME ON LEAVE Robert R. \Varder Fir t Lieu t nant in th, Air Corps, has return d to Bush­nell Fi ld, AF T, near Orlando, Fla., following a h rt leav of ab ence spent with hi parents, . 1r. and Mr-. Robert \Va rder, 1257 High Str t. Lieutenant \Varder, who h s been thr u h the batt! s of . 'Iidwav, u1al Sea and the 'olonwn · a:, a gunner on a < lyina For1 r ss, had hi bapti m of fi re at Hickam Field , Ha vaii. wh n Lhc J apan e taged rheir attack \ ·hich ta rled th war. H I a. been in 1 rida f r om time a enginecrina ffic r in bar e of a quad ron of plane . He al:.-o took pilot training and \\·a commi·.ioned a. Fir t Lieutenant. He e.·l t to be ~en to th • urop an tl e.ttr f r r ti n.:- oon. NOT A BAD IDEA AT THAT n f th m ny 1 tter receiv d from l: y · in the crvi e during the m nth was { r m th o ri ginal om my Th mp on, ' h uggestcd it wo11ld n t be a bad idea to hav tlH.: ca rpenter sh 1 build a l ox o he and ] obby Knodel can bring Hitl er back with th m as a h ri stma present for the l Tnited State . T ommy says he and his buddies didn t get in on the Sici lan d al btlt they hope to get in he next crack at Hitler on his home diamond. He cites the fact that be is CG which Pfc. Robert Odell. Gowan Field, Boise. Idaho. is the brother of Ruth Odell, C M So,rtinq. mean in char e of headquarters nd probably ha mething t l with him cuing up , o ea rly. r-.Juch f the I tt r wa · cen -ored, e. p ci llv that re­I a tin tor • iblc futur operation . 'pl. J Cre •cb, ar P tmc t r, rew ) ork, write· th, t han pi n is J1i ~ ·cond h me < nd he ha - read in THI. LoG :1l out girls w rkin in K r11nwkote. 1 hi: ·id ntlr brin back man)· pi ·a .• nt m moric nd h , ~k- for a 1 iuurc nf th dtpJrtm nt. th r 1 tt r indude: . rt. . L. \nder. n Ber trom Fi ld, \ u tin. T ,;-J h ve b en ~ l a­ti n at _ li mi H ~.h , Indianapolis, and here "·h r it appt:ar l mi ~ht tay or me man h- . I urin he few ime" I h \·e b en ba k hom , it ha o n! ~· b en fo a fc ;y hour::. ~ turday and ~u day. 1 m no\' n instructor, (12) reaching graduate of rmy fl ying sch ol h w to fly C-47s which are Dou las tran p rts, imilar to the hip u sed on airlines. They are really won­derflll hip to fly, not nearly so cum­ber orne as one migb think, and I am enjoying the work. u tin is a nice town hough it gets hot, but I do not ret hay fever. Lawrence W. Cochran, AM. 1 3/c, Care Fleet Postoffice ew York, •. Y. -:\.1any thank for the gifts I have re­ceived. I also get THE Loc and it is a pleasu re to read it and keep p with my buddi es in the mill. 1 am working as a mechanical engineer in a fighter squadron here at Norfolk. From the number of planes we have here and over ea and in the o~her parts of the country, it eems we hould be able to do a quick job of it. Ruby Harris, S2/c, Building J, Apt. 2c, -sN T. S. (WR) Bronx, ~ T ew York, N. Y.-I want to thank the Champion for tationery and other gi fts. I really enjoy getting THE Loc and CHIP and it makes one feel better to know they are not forgotten by friends. Cpl. Doyle Lee Hale, Btry B, l 97th AAAm uto \YP T Bn A TC, Fort Bliss, Texa.:--Let all keep buy­ina bond ~ o V\'e can keep 'ern running. I want to thank you for the gifts. It Ruby Harris, S 2/ , Bldq. }. Apt. 2c, U S N T S. (WR) Bronx. New York. N. Y .• wu formerly with C M Sortinq. make. a fellow feel "l)OJ 1 kn w he ~ i. remember d. P\t. l' . dwin It' ll'\, ,'th ~·c . 1 -9-.', F.\RT ', Fort Bc.l ~<~ , . ·. C.-I am in the medium arti lkr . and really- like it. \lanv. , manv. thanks for all th •ift.- CHAMPION SERVICE ASSOCIATIO The regular meeting of the 'ham­pioJJ • en·icl' .\:,s "'~_· iation was held in the Br ke B : October 6 with Presi­dent Robert C ra) ·raft presiding. T\\'0 cat-es f relil f ' ere apprm ed. It was unanimously v ted to :enJ a Chri · ma.· bo t each f rmer m-rlo~ ee no\\ in the armed sen·ice:. Treasurer': re~'ort: Bal nee n hand .'ep. L ____ f; l. '46. 14 Depwit --- --- - - - --- 6 1.40 '1' ota I --- - - - -i:>-.,.':-1.) ~'·- ~. Check . ______________ _____ .·s. 3 Balance 0 t. ! ________ __ ___ 2.+.'1 il Ouo t~::int'r. .'err tar -Treu.-urn. Watching the op notch rs in anticipation oi the day when be wiU do the same tricks With a plane: Aviation Cadet Donald H. Steiien. 19, son ot Ray SteUen. R search, and Mra. SteUen. 705 Gray Avenue. Don now is at Greenville, Texas, in special training lor lhe AAF. H u Vtaduated from RamUton Hi9h School n l 9t2 and entered service ln March. 1943, wh le att.nd!Bq Ohio Stat. Unln ralty. l>vt. Eldon L . .'ch mle r, \Vanl . -17. ,· t:n ion H o~ ]l i ta l , Canq 13< rkeley, T :­as- l am'' ritinr'r t h i~ lett ·r while 1. in ~ ( n m ~· l a k i1 the lH spital. 1 hurt Ill) J ·~ a .·h n time bdnre 'nt•rinO' the ar'm y ani it was both •ring me sq nHl ·b 1 he: !lit me in the hus1 ital until they t"an k~catc and rem ·Jv the trouble . • LIEUT. COLE WOOD KILLED .'c · nd Lieutenant Cc le \\ '( ul, '' lw \\ orhd on ' ~f l3kndcrs during a :;ummer YacatiLn bd1lre g in.,. to c l­Iege, wa:; killed when the plan he was 1 ilotin \\ ent into a spin :tnd fell n a Pacific Ltanu. Hi · par•nt., ~lr. on l \Ir· . .'\tJ il'LI::\tll' \ ·ol}U. \Y ' te notified of l1i, de· d1. le i~ remembered l many on the l' :1\end rs 1s a happy< nd t;keable 'ouJw man. • Pie. Raymond Cox. Jr . Dectroyer B e. Malin Barracks. Sa.n Diego. Calll., w formerly iD No. 2 Mac ine Room. Ke ia th nephew of Fame Hall Pierso ot th ampl Department. S1 SGT. ALLEN ILL :-,taff , ., ~taut Paul I. il n brothr-1 ' ( f St n lit ll Cltanl(·l 11 t:mp!uyt ·a Pa ad n , h L er 111 t 1 Hillin' ( .er era] • Jilitary lJ,, 1•it·l, Jnli Jt.:q'­li Ind. fr)r m:atmrr f<•r n I ria, c n ractcd \ hil ' ·ill • in the ' rmt J, Pa cifi(;. H i. tlte I) ( r 1 . ,, i fl. .·. 'j . Allt'r•. He · I o h · lat T, aft r un11 u lly tht illin~T e peri ·nccs. Red Cru-. auivitie at a <.1 neat 'ai ru ha l' bcl'll rn.luccd, , nd because of t hi :\It· t nde1< d hi r~.:si •n ~ ti n. I r r 'lUI Tl d t ) Ill !'I i~.a by pi nc­cvcn Ja) ' t 1 ip. U ·ll ~ ·ll( a!lll ( d \\ .i t • d ·t-c · rc~ dl p ttt}' by l i b Hldie o [I ,\J r j, a r \ . 1 I f I r h ' I cf I) b ~.:c ru a l . . · I· lltte. [), n pr ·• t ·J i l ru ll b lt · n h. Second Lieutenant Clarence S. Chaney, now -APO 761, Care Postmaster, New York, N. Y. His wife. JewelL formerly was in No. 2 Sort­ing. His father, Chris Chaney, is in No. 2 Ship­ping. Lieutenant Chaney served 14 months in Iceland a.nd also served in the African cam-pcu• qn. Cpl. J. ,D. Laycock. son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Laycock, 849 Vine Street. He enlisted in the Marine Corps July 23, 1941, and now is on a battleship. His address is care Fleet Post­master, N. Y. By Otto Reid Oscar Barnes gets a kick out of re­lating his own success story which runs like this: 'This system of taking different grades each year is fooli sh as you skip here and there and don't learn well. Now I went to school 17 years and spent the last 15 of them in the third grade and I defy anyone to say I don't know that grade." T o prove it, Oscar is a smooth talk­er, a first class electrician and a suc­cessful farmer, so we hesitate to dis­pute his word. )) )} (( (( Total War- Total war is regimentation But by the saints of all creation, The happy man is only he Who bows in grace to necess ity With hope of selfless good to all. A sane man st ps when duties calL )))>(((( \Vhilc on the s ubject of succe ful farmers, it is well to mention our wn reeler, Tilden Thompson, a pr 'perous one. He owns n of the best 70 acre tracts near Hamilton and he knows how to make it pay. With him its perpetual money instead of perpetual • motiOn. » » (( (( Roscoe Thomas st ill comes down the aisle swaggering, nodding, milir1o- and waving. What a politician that fellow would make with a few cigars and · something to run for. ))))« ( If you have a small farm for sale, reasonably close to Han1ilton, t lk it ov r with ncl am ll n, 13-14 Reel . Sanford Garrison. formerly of th alenders, was home r c nrly. He i' the son of Jim 1arrison~ Pipe 'itt r. Sanford says hat when you Li k to a plane or a tank or a gun consistently, ther i a fe ling f c mrad ship for that p tticular \ u on and y u tak pride in givin it m ti ul us are nnd ften talk to it v.-hile doing o. P er­hap that's the rea on they all have pet names. ucce s- At the li hte t rebuff to vour effort l ever lie do rn with a moan. (14) Pvt. P. J. Little, formerly on No. 9 Machine. son of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Little, who reside near the golf course. His address now is care Postmaster, Los Angeles, Calif. He is in the Tanks. His father is on No. 2 Machine Room. Just think of the taste at t!.e bottom As you work your lip throuo-h the foam. )) >> Cl (( Andy Shepherd returned from a nice vacation, pent near l\1inneapo1is, vis­iting his son, Ralph, stationed there with the arm . )) » « ({ Pat Collopy reports hi much trav­eled son} Lieut. Dick Collopy, now is in u tralia. » )) (( (( \ ell, it's go db to Bill Thompson and his humor u marks and r marks bout calend rdom. He is in the Na y for th dura ti n. Y u J nm , that name . homp on ounds f miEar a r und this plac , no matt r how yc 1 spell it. ,» )) « ( Take an Am rican to Mars and he still talk n l thinks in bas baH t rms. Anent this: A bri ef V letter {rom El­mer Th mp on, br ther f Bill and Jim, m ntions casually that he' been fi ghting all over th - Pa ifi and r - mark he missed a f w high inside pitches. (P.S.~E vi dentl y ne of the pitches nick d him after this letter was written, as he was reported slightly WOUDded.) Card Parties Cha . pion gi rl- enjo ed novel card ra · ie , held in the Broke B.ox and C ) '[ Lou n e of the rojlJ on October 7 and I"' . T he decorations were in _ lexican color red, o-reen and yellow and trings of peppers gourd and platter of oreen and red peppeL to­m. atoe~ and gourd adorned the walJ and able . P riz~s were hand-made pottery a ·h tray ~ following the tl!erne of the party. The following o-irls at­tended : I\lary Ma on, Dm:oth Craig Ruth Henley, Nina Hamm@rle, Jo Puma, Nancy Gardner, tlary Gift, Blanche Newman Lottie v\ illiamson, Doris Kolibob Iola v\ eber r-k.1,rgaret Ley­don, Emma Philpot, Alma Sutton, 1icky hireman, Ada Karr, Wanda Bultman, Kathryn Schmidt, Naomi David on, Helen Lowes, Muriel Allen, Helen Ro t1 Sis Weiland, Margaret Wise Akie Andrews, Emma Grey, I\ilargaret Beckham, Romilda \Vi se­man, L:il Cam pbel, Cla1re Wolfe E1aine ~1erz Pat Hammerle, Frances Sort­man, France Sutphen, Florence Sche­ben Clara Belle Hall. lime Service Brings Pay Boost to 37 More A total of 3 7 more Champion in the Hamilton Divi·ion came in, during o~tober, for the pay boo t, due to the policy which automaticall y adds five percent increa e at the end of each five year of employment. In the list are 16 who completed their fir t five yea r four who completed ten year nine cc.mpleting fifteen yea rs; six complet­in twenty years, and two who were a le to ob erve their ilver anniversary a, Cbampimi . They are : Completing Five Y:ears: : 1artin Bernard Mick Edgar Geo. Wi eman \V1ll1am E. Quinn Carland _ I. \ 1unz . 1arion 1 1cCollu rn ~ 1erle _ Jc wain Fred 0 Dell • 1a · Boell Clarence Dully Hubert Morri iUiam H. Marvin R 1 h Harri Robert Begley Edmund \Volif Earl Elbert Baker C1a renee Mes er Completing Ten Years: Jacob Newman "William Undeutsch Stev.e Gasten Ella Shepard Completing Fifteen Years: Mary E. Jones Otto T. Reid -Tacob Lainhart Earl J. May Sta nley Ri edel Jane Angel Alva Hurdle Chester Mundinger Beck Laney Completing Twenty Years: Catherine F. Kemper James L. Collier J. Tevis Ftetcber garJ. Parker Ewing D. mold Carl C. Reiff Completing Twenty-Five Years: Tohn D. Hardwick bra P. Miller (15) --- ~ --- CARTOON DUE ON THIS Carl Buehling, Scheduiing, had his chance for fame a few days ago and grq.bbed it. . In the cafeteria, with a long line of folk ahead of him and al o behind him, Carl dropped a tray filled with dishes of the choicest mors 1 erved that day. He is usually bashful, became more so, and vvalked out. INVITED TO LODGE The 11nore than 200 Mas~ns in the Hamilton mill are being invited by James Pelley, chairman of an a rrange­ments committee, to attend the meeting sGhedul ed for mid-November, when Dr. Charles A. Keith, Richmond, Ky., one of the lead ing T\'lasons in that state, will speak. The <1;ffa ir is being spon­sored by the Past Master Assodatien. Tbiree Champions who played baseball on the Champion team before they entered the service. The Log told about their unusual al')d happy reu.nion in Africa last month. Left. to right they are Bobby Knodel. Tommy Thomp· so.n and Wally Faber, "the best tnfield that ever hit Hamilton." · • n c:L:. LIt . J.,I.) ~ " ~ - l~t. c:.,._yq. ~ ~. ou." ~"'s v.,._,pt,o"' ~ Ma. v: Jl l.'I'Y Is h .kH kt l wl.t '!E( stt~.nd.•~ u.p + OYYq,,.t ~y, 1'1. w•lcl, 1'\ta.J Ill- .1\o;,, (, h. CI';.U cl b y HI.~ oll C: . . ~ 1 U t . e.r.l u . ~ . ~oils to i:l. ( . ~ .t~. ~. so . otl. to ~.11 up o" an By Tommie J1;[ a11 ring Pinch hitting for Bill fbompson who ha reported this column so well in the past. Bill is now in the Navy so yours truly will try to carry on. ) ) )) (( (( Bill will undergo limited training fo r the next {ew weeks to condition h im for duty with the U. S. Navy, at the train­ing station at Farragut, Id aho. GooJ luck from one and all. )> )) {{ ({ P earl 1\t1ay, R unner on • - >. 21 fur Abie Barger, has also been cho en for the Navy. Pearl is taking his b ot train ing at :r reat L ake . Add r ' SS : James P ea rl May, AS, C0. 1383 C. S. . T. S., Crcat Lak s, Ill. )) )) (( (( A military fune ral as h lei in St. N[ary Cath lie Church Tuesday, Sep­tember 28, for Lawrence J. \Vcl ·
format Text
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author_facet Champion Paper and Fibre Company;
author_sort Champion Paper and Fibre Company;
title The Log Vol. 25 No. 10
title_short The Log Vol. 25 No. 10
title_full The Log Vol. 25 No. 10
title_fullStr The Log Vol. 25 No. 10
title_full_unstemmed The Log Vol. 25 No. 10
title_sort log vol. 25 no. 10
publisher Hunter Library Digital Collections, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC 28723;
publishDate 1943
op_coverage 1940s; Haywood County (N.C.);
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genre_facet Iceland
op_relation Canton Area Historical Museum; Canton Area Historical Museum; Champion_TheLog_1943-11_Vol25_No10
op_rights All rights reserved. For permissions, contact the Canton Area Historical Museum, 36 Park St, Canton, NC 28716;
_version_ 1766044175650783232
spelling 2023-05-15T16:53:35+02:00 The Log Vol. 25 No. 10 The Log of Champion Activities Champion Paper and Fibre Company; 1940s; Haywood County (N.C.); 1943-11; newsletters; 11.75" x 8.75"; 41 pages pdf; eng; eng Hunter Library Digital Collections, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC 28723; Canton Area Historical Museum; Canton Area Historical Museum; Champion_TheLog_1943-11_Vol25_No10 All rights reserved. For permissions, contact the Canton Area Historical Museum, 36 Park St, Canton, NC 28716; Champion Paper and Fibre Company -- Periodicals Employees' magazines newsletters etc. Industries -- North Carolina -- Canton -- Periodicals Champion Paper and Fibre Company -- Employees World War 1939-1945 Soldiers Soldiers -- Correspondence Employees -- Recreation Sports Fires Industrial safety industry events Text; 1943 ftwestcarolunidc 2019-01-22T18:25:41Z Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue. • • Of HAMP -ION TIVITI ES CONTENTS ChampiQII. Incorporated Half Ce-ntury Aqo . . . . . . 2 Champions in the Armed Forces . . _ . _ . _ . 4-7 Editorials _ . _ . . _ .• _ 8 CRAMPtON FAMILY NEWS H am 1. 1.•.-,-. o·t VL· &·l On . _ . ___ • 1·0 ,._. .ant.o n .I. .A., VU. l.t on •• _. _ • .• 25 ffo1Dton Di. vision . . _ . . . . . 36 ande-rsviUe Division . " 40 0 IMBER 1943 VOL. XXV NUMBER 10 E. J. "Pete" Downey, Woods Manaqer of the Houston Plant. In the backqround is a stand of young pine w\lich should be ready for "harvest" in 1950. Thru Champion's cooperation thousands of local fanner.s are adding to their incomes by adding pulpwood to th.eir crop schedules. Timber. once wantonly destroyed is now being handled in such manner as to insure farmers an additional cas.h crop, to insure Champion an aU-time pulpwood supply and to insure Uncle Sam's fi9htinq men an ample supply of vltally needed pulp and paper war Items. PUBLISHED By· "THE C H A MP I 0 N F A M I L Y" HAMIL TON. OIUO Established 1914 : HOUSTON. l'EXAS : · CANTON, N. C. •• SANDERSVILLE, GA. - · - · • · · - · · · · · Twenty-Ninth Year ot Publication The paper for the cover of th·ia maCJa&ine ia Champion Cordwain, and irJ made in out Hamilfon Division plant out of wood lrom the loreata of the aoutbern states. The paper for the lnside pa9e• is Champion W'hlte Satin Refold Eneme\macle ill our H•mlJtoa plut. We aauWactun many grades of bleached papera, Machine Flaiabec:L Super Cl'•cl•,.S. pd Coatecl, • • 1amp1on Incorporcited Half Nov. 3, 1893 Century Ago . B'\' Eml'n o11. R obi t.ron ~ fore th.i is, u f THE L ~-ill han: · ta rted t he el ."\' ' . fi nall · i ~ di ributed ra tion of it g ldcn ham- • an 1- Kas on . ~m·em b r _ ~ 1 ' . . th t th 'h mpi n oat d ~ Com} any fo rmall . · v;·as inc rp · rat d b l~:;on, ,~-h ~ me time pri r t tlu t date had m to lton and b u,:ht con:;i rable a reaa ' rith th idea f '-- n a r al estate d e\· lopm nt. lder re-i 1t "'·ill reca ll th at tartina in th 1 ::> 0 in­ial development in H a milton t ok a rapid u pturn and new factories were beina I cat ·d here. The cit '~r as ing rapid ly. : al o ,,.a about then that a new development in paper )eing di cus ed coated paper. Nir. Thorn on , of course, intere~ ted in thi ~ becau e he had dealt with paper and in Cincinnat i. ~7 h i l e it i ~ n ot defi nitely known "''hen he first th ought of ing a paper coatina mill it must have been some time · he obtained property in Hamilton, and we, of this ration can \~ie1l imagine him standing, with some inter­l friend with whom he had discu sed the subject, on top ro pect Hill- now back of Champion-and pointing to :atiofl for a milL )uch a plant was built; as Champions gladly know to­but more about it as the months . jog along into the re. . ' :-Ia milton at that date was not the H amilton of today. It a total population of about 20,000 perhaps less-and :o rporati on limits on the north reached to about where ~rty Avenue now would be, if it were extended to the .mi Riv er. There was no such thing as a paved North B :et for it was a mud road, leading along an old hydraulic ch skirted the river bank. There was a brick yard and 1ap another small industry or two, none employing more n a few men. Attorney G~orge C. Cummins (Chaco legal representa­:) is probably the best informed person in H amilton on early hi story of Butler County. In his files are legal ers po se ed by no one else. Among them is the oriO'inal nt of the land part of which 1fr. Thompson bought and orne of which the Hamilton pl ant now stands. The total grant wa f r 1895 acre . It includ d two full tion , 20 and 30, and a part of 29. It ea stern boundary the miami Rive r; its south ern boundary a point extend­. west from ab ut the 1 w r end f 1o. 1 mill; jt no rth ern Jndary about opposite New . 1iami, and it west ern line bably near the Eaton road. It was made to "Henry Rh ea f P nr ylvania" by 1 r i­t Thoma Jeffer n. on 1arcb 3, 1807-or m re han y ears ago. The southern porti n wa · acquired by . T r~ Th m on. It tended from the south ru nd f the n \ ~ To. 1 mill to vo 1\!Iile, and we t five blocks. lncidenta.ll 1Ir. Cum min also ha ~ a tax rec ip t fr. ea for payment of tax on thi land for 1 ) 1 - nd th al tax bill \ a $1 .9r or a cent an a re! Both f the ri inal rcco:ds are f cour 'e badly fa ded . oto tatic c pie ar n. t uttable for clear reprodu tiol) in HE LocJ but th ording of th grant itself i intere tin . ay : (2) Thomas 1efferson~ President of the United States of America To All to Whom these presents shall come. Greeting: Know Y", that H enry Rhea of P ennsylvania, hav­in leposit d in the Tr asury a ce rtificate of the Reg­i tc.r of the land oflic at Cincinnati, wh ereby it ap­pears tha h ha made full paymen t for !ots or s · t ion number Twenty and Thirty and fra ction Sec­ti n Twenty-nine, f Town hip umber 2 in R ange Number three (east of a meridian line drawn from the mouth of the · reat Miami Ri ver) of the lands clirecte l to be sold at Cincinnati by act of Congres , entitled "An Act pr v iding for the sale of the lands of t he nited States in the territory florthwest of the Ohio and above tbe mouth of the Kentucky Riv ers," and of the acts amendatory of the same. There is granted, by the United States unto the said Henry Rhea, the lots or sections and fractions above described : To Have and to H old the said lots or sections and fractions of land, with the appurtenances, unto the said Henry Rhea his heirs and assigns forever. In testimony whereof, I have caused these letters to be made Patent, and the Seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed. Given under my hand at the City of vVashington, the Third day of March in the year of ou r Lord one thousand eight hundred and seven and of the 1nde­pendence of the United States of America, the thirty fir st. By the President, Thomas J effer on, James Madison, Secretary of State. .The Grant formally was received and recorded as follows in the cou r:t house of that d ate: Received and recorded on the 9th day of l\1arch, 1809, in Book B, Pages 85 and 86. John R eily, Recorder of Butler County, State of Ohio. Smiling Through To victory and. peace By-General MacArthur Hav you ever -chouaht about the valu of a smil ? It nriche th , e ., ho re eiv .• without makin0 poore r those who iv I tak but a moment~ but memory of it s rn - time la st f r v r. N ne is "O ri ch or s mighty that h can < et along without it, and n n · ·o poor that h can not b made ri ch by it. A mil ·r atcs happine s in th home, f t r d will in busine an I i the c unter ign of friend­ship. Nf rc than Lh bo , it bring rest to the weary cheer t be di l ura ed unshin t th sad, and is nature be t antidot for tr ub1 . Y it c n not b b uo-ht, be g d, bor-r ' ed , or . t l"'n I r it i. f n a lue until it is given away. ~ om ople a r t tir d r . ive u smil . · ive th m one of r u r ~ .a none n d a mil so muc.1 a h who ha no mo r to 1ve. . me,: ·hat com!, licat d machine had broken down and the illa ja 'k-o-f-all-trade wa, called in to look at it. ~Can ) ou fi .it? asked the m ner, doubtfully. "A man made it," an w red the local expen. ' ' ·, . I • I . ' . - . • ' . . . • ~ ~ • . r. -; . . • ,, . • • J.""'- c;l.""ll l. a , a. Latchrooor \\ a , GERRARD CRO · , Buck 1 t eptember: 1943 Reuben B. R b rt on. E q. Tb Champi · n Paper & Fibre C rnpa.ny, Canton Division, CANTO • . , N. C. l i . • A. Dear l\Ir. Robe ·t on: . I was pleased to receive your ca_ble r~a d1 n : . . , ''THROCGH THE CH. :NlPION LO(J WE HA \. E, , CG ;E "'TED TO CHA 1PIO:\ BO_Y l 1' THl~ ARMED FOR EL TH . T 1"'HEY . ALL t_ p . 1 Y01. 1 FOR 'FCH : . SI ~TA L CE AL' I. . WITHl~ RK \ SO~ A ~ D YOl~ Mj Y BE ABLE TO OFFER THEl\1 THL. IS FLLLY OVERED IN ~IY LA1E JULY LE~TTER ;' and in reply I telegraph d you a follows : ' YOUR LETTER i\OT YET REC ' IV D BUT HALL BE VERY PLE )\ ED GIVE ALL POS, I­BL£ , · I TA:\CE TO A . Y CHAl\JPION BOY~ OVEP HERE·" I have much p1ea:ure in a kn \vie l<rin r receipt no of your letter of July 23 r~; and n~ed less to a y I should ·welcome every opporn.m1ty of bemg a?le to be of .se r­\ ·ice to anv Champion bo \),7ho are m the Amencan armed {or~e.s over here. I am very glad indeed to know that vou have uo-o-e t d t uch Champion oldier . eo 1 . I throuo-h The Loo-'' that thev ca 1 on me or get tn touc 1 b Cr • . • • with me for any help l can g1ve them, and tf you w1ll kindly send me frorn time to time the and such addresses a you have- of tho~e Champtons who are in thi., countrv. I 'haU "b' e plea ed to .c ontact the.m and offer them a your offioal representatlve, m ass tstance, advice or per onal attention they might need. . 1 am mo t anxious to do ali I can in this connec­tion, so please do not he -itate _to can on m~ for a.ny vervice" I can render ~ no matter m what capaoty, whtcb you think would be of hel . Thin \Nil\ at the arne time also enable me to become more. generall y and mor~ d o . ely acquainted wjth the "Champion Family", which I hould appreciate very much and I am sure that the e contacts wili be pleasant and memorable. }\lay I be pardoned for addino m adrn iration of yet another example of the splendid and unrivaHed spirit of belpiulne, . , good-vt ill and inte rest at hea rt whic 1 the Champion mana ement has for it' employees and which i o characteri tjc of the Champion or- • • gan1zanon. 1 now look forwa rd to receiving from you at an early date t.he names of Champions in England and • rematn. Your very. truly ) PERCY U. PAETZ. ' Abraham Lincoln was noted for his pun(}ent and a:ppro~ priate wit. The Great Etn.anc1pat r was re~ting with his campaign manager i11 a hotel lobby. As usual the vi llage cut-ups congregated there, and one, bolder than the rest, remarked, ".M.r. Lincoln, yo\lr speech was go d, but there were r.ome points in it that are quite beyond my reach.'' Tbe 1mp1e Lincoln looked up and chuckled: "Then I am s~rry for you. I o~c~ had a dog that had the sam trouble With flea s." - A ssooatwn ~Men. , .O"tl in t.he Army Bomber Gunner Strangled To Death September 23 , a report b. the Public Relations pfficials at the vVendover Army Air Ba e, \\ endover, Utah d1 sclo ed a freak accid ent which resulted in the death of an Army bomber's gunner. It seems t hat Sergeant Wilford T. Henninger 1vas ch ke l to deat1t when his uniform became entano-led in revolving machine{·y in the tail turret of a heavy Army bon1,ber. •. T his reminds us of the hazard of wearing loo e clothing around .revolving machines . There ar thousand of cri pples today, as well as thou,.and of men and w men Y\h died an untin1ely death because they pe rsisted in wea ring loo·e dothin.g while vvork ing aro:und rnovin pa rts of machin es. Remember, safety is t.he best policy. Pia.· afe and you will nGt. be orry. (3) Mayor Nick Gregovich of Nick ville, .Arizona.-"they nam~ ed the town after him- has laun·ched a double-barrHled cam­paign to raise the tOwn's populati n from its pre ent 85, and also to keep tbe war effort in high gear through the sale of War Savings 13onds. lvlnyor Gregovich l~as off red a vVar Bond to every baby born in town. . o far the plan ha,s cost th mayor one Bond. . • • • • am IOU 10 rme orces Edit r' te: h t tal numb r ( f Cham pi n emplo time i 1054. s in the Armed S rvice of the Unit d State at the present ' ' g t. J ohn f'. Lingleton F.- i/1,-d i .lrtion. ,' 1/ c Clyde umst>r Lost ot Sea Lt . .:\Iichael Couzzi L rv:t. P hil I ip K irtder •rrs of War p,.l. H omer R. Adair - I< T ltos . Adel . pe.rger PFC rne,;t Allen ' - / c :'\l rnie Fay Allen PYt. Roy Allen Ca pt . Edward L. Anderson p,.t. Cliffo rd E. Apgar A/ S Leon Arm>trong PYt. , tephen rmstro"g Pvt. Cha rle F. Arnold . Pn. Charles \V. Arnold SF 3/ c Edward F . shfvrcl A / S Fred Augustine 1\1}.1 1 /c Ca rl A. Bachmann PVI. Clinton H. Baker p,-t. Edwa rd B<J ker P\'1. Erne t B&ker PFC Fred Baker W .JG John D . Baker Cpl. Llo)•d J. Baker Lt. Merle Baker SM 3 /c Charles W. Baldwin PF Eldon N. Ba rker Pvt . .1 hn H. Barna rd P t. Shelli Barnet t Cpl. Edward E . Ra rues Cpl. HaroLd Barn s Pv t. E arl B arrett PFC ' eil Bartel A/. P a rk Ba tson P vl. E.rnst Batler iss Pvt. Glenn H . Beck r l'vt. Lou is Beer WO J o6epb P. Beiwf()rd apr . 1-:tsxene Bennett P vt. Eugene W. Be". P\"l. ,era ld S. H e ~> I. L•. (jp) Co rneliu s Be1ten , Jr. Lt. J dck Hl <~ck ell Lt. R ay .] . Bl:; kwell S 2/c J oseph Blevens pl. H a rold B0ian PFC Rob rt 13< ian, J r. C pl. Earl Lou i Bar a r P vT. Osca r Bow ma r: S~ l. R iggs 'H . Doyd 'pi. John L. Boyle, l r , S /Sgt. TT.unld F. . Br ;r shl'J r Svt. E ~ rl Bra1rr1 PF · Cly le Tf. Bs ewer Lt. Ca-m er <>ks · 2/o. j ohn D. Bro"n p,.l. \ ill i,Jm J. Brown pt. \\ 'iLon f. Br wn PFC \"\i ii on Brownin Pvr . Ant ld Brun ner Cpl. H ub rt Brnnt t\ rmy Navy Army SP;\RS Army A rmy A rmy C G Army Ma.rir1es Anny N avy Navy Navy An uy A rmy Army Army Army Army Army Nrvy Army Army Army Army A rmy Anny Arm~· 1 1dV)1 Arm) rmy h (in c: Arrnr fOl)' Arm l ' Arm) . i .t V ~' Arm)' Arm)• ' d\')' /1. rmy Ar 011· Arm · Army Army Army 1\ rmy rn1y rmy Ar my A rill!' I Armt ~ .r.o1 r rro · • lari11 s ) lfil' HAMILTON ]',·t. .Jc h11 . Bryant p,.l . Wa lter L. Bn nge r· PF Ea 1'1 Burch pl. .J ohn H . Bun: s A/ Thomas C. B11rns I vt. '.V ill a rd Burns P vt. Lotes Butterfield Phm. • /c Berman R oy Calvert S 2/c H owa r I Wa lter Ca meron EM I I C urtis A. Campbell PFC Fred Campbell P vt . Demeree Campbell Sg t. H a rold E. Campbell Cpl . Hiram C. Campbell .HA I / c M a ry AI ice Campbell Cpl. Wilburn P a ul Ca mpbell L t. Edward J . Canning Cpl. Irvan D. Ca rberry Sgt. Addison L. Carpenter Sgt. H oward J. Carr P vt. Charl es Carter Cpl. Hurston ·ilrler A/ S Morris Cay. e Pvt. Herman C hai11 gt. Gordon K. C hambers EM 1 / c R obert K. Cheltz PFC .Fra 11k R. Chil es P vt. \;t,TiJJ in rn Clark l\ rm y Arrov Army Army Army Army Arm y N avy Navy Na vy Army Army Army Army WA VI':: Army Ar.iny Army Arm}· Army A rm y Army Navv Army Army N~vy Army Army P vt. Rudolph Clark LOn Al\{.l\lf 3/ Lawrence W. C pl. \!,' odr w Co.l ga •e l t. R idsar I V. (',, IJ opy Lt. \Vm. R. Coll opy ·M~rines Cochran Navy PF Bobby L. ConraJ Cpl. p 3U I J. (l11lk Pvt. Huben Corlesh Arm Army Army rmy t\ rruy i\rmy P vt. C has. i\.1alcolm Cox . Sgt. Maurice E. C · h ·t. R aymund C'oJ< , Jr . . r. Arm • p,.,. Raymond ra11 k. f'FC R nbert rawf<Jrd. J r. Cpl. .·berwr11 d rawfnrd S 1/t' T ho rntoo C rawlortl Pl'C Wii.Ji :am ( l . ·r~wft> rd ( 'pl. J o,;eph 'reech l'v!. Roh n C. \. ummin . PF · R icha rd F. D:.ll.owr Cpl . Willr .1m P. J);, lt()tt Pn. Pre• tnn l> :tndf l'l'r. Dt-•tlgla 1-\ , Dauid A I , l ~ rneo t Jv i.l f•!i .PF ' :\ m<rS D .n ' tS pl. I ~ rJ (, S L. J ~Jm I·C , lberl Djd , r IJ 1.1 I've . Edwin H . flodd• I.' FC Fr, 11cis L L>11 l!m,ul p\ I. n . ,s.:b• IJ•>nl ) P" . 1 ·'me> l. !),,~ n ey t. ·\>rli•s I >t.; e P vt. Ralph R . f)qng . r. F l /c Ri< lsJrd . D••rl• m PF · Jam D. Durm~. h ~L T h. m:.~ . ibel PF Ralp!r H. F.lliun ' 1 • Ro~l<Jor~ · , el An:ny Marines t\ rmy rmy rmy G rrn)' Ar nw Army Arm-,: . rruy i\nny i\ rroy rmy rmy Army rnt 1 nny f jJ ri 1e$ , rm \rQ>). .\ l'nl)' , \ r 1. G .\rm , (4) DIVISION C pl. Dou H. Eppemm PH. Webb Epperson Pvt. Ru ssell Ervin A/ C R ay Evans Pvt. William F. Eva ns Sgt . Wally F aber Pvt. Lurten S. F a hrn ey . Jr. • ~t. Kenneth L. Faist , Jr. PFC Cha rles F. F a lk PFC Wa.llace B. f annin ARM 3/c Edwa rd./ . F n . . R 3}' lltnnd L . IJ:rni ;~ J/ Rub · H rri Crl. J hn H rri n .'g1 . Tim H artnerr l'vt. Le y H . ll ~tzl Tt h t . E. rl Hed •s I fL Orl. Hc:ndcrs. n . ~ 1 S Lu.:ius Henry P\t. H o~n· ) Hen. ley Ph. :\f. /'- G . ton H rd ! C. }' ul l _hne rOJY . rmy Army Navy Army rm y Army Arm}· Army Army Navy r avy Army Army Arm y Army Navy Army Army Army rnl ·y Army Army rmy Army Army A rmy Army Army rmr rCJ V)' !\ n l:l r Arm~ · rmy Arm r avy Army 1\ rmy rruy Army \VA ~ ~ vy Arm)' Army rm ' Arn1y t\ rrn ATm)r rns W E Army Am•l' Nav)r rmy w 1•: Army Army Arm ' Army rmy Nav J" ffi}' • a y Army Pvt. fred D. Herz0~ A I Harold E. Hill S/Sgt. Wiibur Hightower Lt. Willi am M. Hill S /Sg t. I bert R. Hi rsl h S/ gt; Leo \""/ . .Hires Cap . Walter llo lt ber.,cr P v t. G len Holden Pv . Earl Lou is Hood P vt. Donald H opkins P vt. Pea rl l:Ioski ns PFC Carl H o use PFC I saac Howard PFC Hubert H o u e S/Sg t. J erome S. H oward, J r . Pvt. H omer C. H owell , Jr. Pvt. Green Hubba rd Pvt. K ermit R . H ubbard Pvt. \Villiam L. Huem C pl . Thomas H u ndley Cap t. Jo eph S . H unter P1·t. H oward Hur ley Cpl. Mary Elleo H.u sey Pvt. Howard Hr de Coxswain William Jennewein Pvt. Albert E. Jerdon Pvt • ./ ame J ohnson Cpl. T homas D. J oiln on Lt. George J ohn t on , gt. Tho rnton R . J ohnson PFC Dill a rd J one S/ Sg-t. R obert J oyce Lt . [orris W. Kane A/ C J olsn D . K au el PFC Marvin Kees P t. Fred D. Kelley Pvt. Es le. K emplen PF ' e rge 4. K en da ll Pn. Merri ll W. Ketchem 'pl. William T . Ketchum 'pl. Ell ord S 1/ Cha rl es ti Kin nett · Cpl. Roh rt F. Kn odt~l , Jr . ] ' v t. <nnuel S. K no. ~!!L Orvi lle K oehler Pvc. J(i!Ji am F red Kr ~'!iCF L3Pt. Da n.iel J. Kucbel Lt. Da I.e Luq · S/ 'g t . J hn \ . L;uJd r I I Le ter Landrum P vt. Harold F. Lnnge PF Buford R. L n~p a rthY 2 / ilE.L nk Pn . Elbert Ledfo rd .PFC E lbert Led fo r I P1·t . R bert Lee ~pl. E lmer Lern1 P t. K enn eth D alt Lell'i P "t. Jo H . Lewis p, r . William .H . LN,-i ' gt. \Villi m A. l.ipph Pdt Pvl. P. J hn l.iltle F 2/ - J sepk Los hin fJ ·Pvt. h es1. ~;~r A . .l<•Wry Army 1-\ rm}' 1\rmy rmy tmy rnry Army rroy rmy Army Army :\!arint-s Army ·Iarines Marines Army Army Army Army i\rmy Arm y rmy WAC Army CG M;Hines rrnr rrur Arm}' Army rm)' J\ rm)' Army !~ rruy . rmy ,\rm Army At1ny .-\rmy .-\ rm rmy . a ,·y· Army "\rmy ,\ rmy 1\ r rny Army Arm)' rnl }' 1 £IV)' Arory M~ rine> N . ,. Ma rir1e. t\ rnt ' .\I k ~ '2Jc ~::,O.,etF·l1. Mt· .onnick S J ,,· \.\'iiii;;m H. McConnick I' l"t . o~eph MrC~;· J>-, t. Cl) de \!<Daniel .: 2/<. Hamh1 E. '\.lcD.miel t .n,lga Landon L. }.~cl), ' "'ell pl. Daa.rcl McF.lra\'e:y SJ e Mclnw~h (.:\f > jc F ranl ?\1l·K i11Mr PF TiNbe-rt i\1<Queen Pn. Homer Md2uee -, Cpl . Ah·a :\1cQuiole;• G"\1 ~ jc Cb.arle;; \ ·!add,,x .-\ I Marioo \1a¥gart P>·t. \\l endell F. Manring P\'1. J<>me; \ larcum PvL Ja:nes ~h rti n PFC Rtchard ;\{arvin .\ rm)' Army '" :.vy ;.;:·a,·r ."r.nn y Army ~a ' Y - • \ y Army Armr i\ rmv Army Na\'y Army Army :\rmy J avy Navr Army Army Am1y Army ' P1t. R ~.d l Penw-1;>{1 Lt, Lu'Lher JJ,_.ter Pvt. Ed win Petry F 1/c John Pfeil p ,.t. Ha rry C. Phar s ~ ~ /c Charle.s 0 . Phill ips p,.l. Tl>omas P hill i p~ PFC W ood·•·~;~w Phil! i p~ Pvt. Robert PieDer Cpl. RGhert L Plf.'rre APC £ ilee.n A. Pochard Pvt. Cort Pond r • ~ /c RoYy Ponder PVL. Jack P. P(•St Sl?t. Oda.s M. Pons PfC J;:J rner E. l'ot1 s P v t. McOdlan Powell S j gL Hust<m Powe-rs _pl. Robe rt F. Pugh Pvt. Robert Pyfrin :Pn . . Coyt B. a in t\ rroy Arm~­Armv " Nn'T Army 3 \--y Army Army Army Army WAC 1 ~ri·~>e aV)' A-r4nY Army Army AFmy A row Arm ~ nny • 1-n J>-v t . 'I iHord F. Srlt],;tt rhec-k C'I)L Donald l\ . Schmerr A I Edwin • chrnit-1 ';Spt. f'la.rold Scbtn1t.l J>vl. George -F. -~ h ne ide r )' t . Ed w~ rd cboening Pv . E.hlon ch 01>lc~' P\'L E.rV'en Schroer Cpl. Fra n c i ~ R. Schwab Lt. Wilf red R. S 1 Pn. John H. Se~ters l' YL Dallie ell cr. HA I /c john ~ emo n e.s S t. j oseph H. Senger , 2/c Evel)'n ha•·p Q\1: 3/i: James P. Sha rp pl. Earl Shepard PFC J artnes H. hi elds Cpl. James L. hollen ba.rger Cpl. T homas .F. Sholl en barger PF Charles Sjbe r( Pvt. \' j, ian R. Massie l<L\ I/( William L<'u1s Army Mat h ew~ ~1 /S g l. Alvio Ratliff P vt. Robert Reed : / Sgt. Chari "-' H. ReiH A rnw Army 1'Iar1nes Anny ~r a vy ~ av ;· Army. A.rmy Army Army Armv Arm)' . Army Arm•y Army Anhy Army N avy Army Amw Armv Army i\rmy Army Army A-rmy Army Navy ~a vy A/ Ke.nneth 13. Simps 11 PF'C St.anley W. ipe 'gt. Harry W. Slipher b--r . R a~- E. Sloneker A i Wi .lliam ~hu:; Pvt. George Smit h AF Peud ~ l ay Lt. G. E. leehan Pvt. Rahert R. :\i!eiYin Pvt. J a·k Merriu. , 2/c Don-a:ld f . MeLzler Cp.L Lou i~ G. Mey»er Pvt. Roderick Michael Cpl. 'R.tlph C. Miller PFC Robert Mil1er Pvt. (i;.a,rl es R. Mills , J / Raym011d W. \4 iltou P"t. f"mes MGG>re p,.,_ Freeman Mmt~n. Jr. p, 1. J;,Jr Mullen \'II . <lcrar \ lr1ll in< !'V1. L3ytoo A. Nant• J- FC 1-f;my L ]\ieal I'FC F.lme.- -:\ ewklrk <'ll>l. HEilry G. Nipper 1 1. hme;c E. ~ orrin' "i' l H. LulH ill e. :'-r ~ll ~f't- Otto ~llltnery ,:/C Wo«><:l-row 0 '.8 rie:n PvL Ro) I- Oaks PFC Htlt'bert Q , ens Pv1 . . ichard P a rm•~ P 'L \'l•x- Patt<Jn A/C R3lnh<>n Cpl. j •• -k l:'. .1\bb<lt! - Pvc J . hn C. AldtrSGn Pv-t. 'fhr.tna$ G. Al len T /5 ·Glenn W. AU eo Pn. L;;rk;n Allen , hts W Alli.;n.n, . F . 3 /C 0.>1!. ,flenry Jess A.nder><:m ,.,'\._ lhn~ B. Ashe 11·o~, . Atkin.s Cpl.>fi B. Bagwell Cpl. Dewey l. ll • iley, j r. .·fl . .lennin s B&.ll ( p1. j11m~$ W. Bardoor. i Lt. J~>hP ~.f. B am~ A;C 1k.ben .M. Beall \ 1ar ine.< Na\')1 !\ avy Army Arm-v Army :>\lvy Army Army Army Army Arnw . i ;l vy Army -:\L~rints Army ArmY Army Army A<roy Army Army Aru1y Army Armf Aruw Army .1\ rnw !\,I rines Army Ma-rin-es Army Army Army Army av·y Anuy Mariues Navy Marines Army Air Ce~s Army Army Air Corps · ' 2/c j ohn J. Reiff., Jr . A/ S Charles LeRoy Reimer S ~ t . Robert Cpl. WiUiam C. Ren tsch ler S!rt . Joseph Reyn0lds p,, L. George F. Rholil is P\•t . Dan ell Rich.nJson L . ~ . F. Riehem.::tnn A/C L0uis Rilel' P vt . Clarence Ringley Pn. Alb-ert Rlsh p, t . Homer E. Roarh Cpl. Robert T-i. Roa •·k .'\ l Carl Robbins T 7 'f'L Ch.a~les Robbi ns Sgt. Alvi:n C. Rober.ts Capt. Reo een Robert son . ] r. ' t. L.awrenre RobinsNI .gr. J.ouJ ~ M. R ~'hin$<1 11 p ~' ' ]ill'bn R I)Cfid I PH' .hu-vie Rook:; PvL Ed w<~ rd Rose l'• Pvt . J•mes \Villls Blalock Pvt. James Q. Blaloek W. A. :Blazer 'Pv\L Gerald C. !lllyd•e Lt. ] ad{ M. Bl yrhe La nil ie '131ylhe G. '> . Bobnsdabl ,~ lHc. :F c fc. John Brown ]>" ' - Williom R,oy Brown PI . l\.1u k l\'hrv in Brtlr-le 'Lr. P o ~ter A. B ruyl ~s LL W. f . .S:ry. on Pn, Russell Buckn er (5) rme orces Army Arm}' _ 1 a.vy rmy Army Arm;• At;my ?\'fartnes Army ;-\ rmy Army M;:uineR 1aV)' Army SPARS C G Army Army Army Arnw Army Army Army Army Army Army Army A row Army Army Marines Army WAVE avy Army Army Army Army Army CG Arm)' Army Army Army Ariny Army Army Army Arm)' Army Army Army Navy S e.~ .6.ees Air Cor!'$ Arnw avy Ar.roy Air Co.r.p~ A••rny Army rmy Ar-my Army Army i r C :l. Thomas Thnmpson A-/ William Thomp on Lt. D wight Th.;mson Cpl. John 1':. Ti ~e S ' 3/<c Harnld J. Timler P vt. Est.el Ti ncher A;, Rudy Tmvls ·gL D M\ Troutman PFC Will 1am Triplett Capt . J hn K. Truilt Army Marine$ Army rm.y 'avy Navy Army Navy Mar.ines N avy Army Arrny Army • Bi'v1' 1/c Will iam R. T urner. Jr. CG Sj Sgt. Walker Unger PfC E.vereLt \'an over Sgr. Ma r ~ha ll C. V~ u ghn Sgt. Dona ld \'i<lourck Cpl. R ay M. Wacr T / Sgt. Paul Waldrick P\'1 . ~I a renee \Veaver Sgt. John Weaver A/ S Orville Webb ' . I j c Delbert Eugene Webr lcy PFC Donald Weiss . Pvt. Charles Whi1.e, Jr . ' Sgt. Frank White P vt , Simon 'Wiersema Cpl. Raymon.d C. Wig·gins Pvt. Ralph Wilder Pvt. Harry P. Willis Cpl. Luther A. vVi_lloughby Pvt. Albert L. Wilson PYt. Denzil Wil ·on P vt. Lou ise Wilson P ,L Marvin Wil ;on Sgt. Ru s~ell E. Widuow Cpl. And•:ew Woedl Pv.t . J ~s eph T. \Voln er I'vr _ Thomas Wol ·tenholm C. Sp. M. Oakley Wooten Lr. Will .iam E. Wright Cpl. Harold W~nn T / Sgt . William E. Wysong Cpl. Vern on L. Zell ner Cpl. Fred Ziegeoh ardt RM 3 /e .Theodore Zilio·x PfC Tbos. L. Ziliox Pvt. Car[ ZiOibelm nn Pvt. Fred Liule Pvt. Lesrer Sebor11 · A/S Walter Sh-nr k ~y · f',•L [" rl Brock Pk J amesJ'. Buell PYt. Puul E. Bumg;>rdf\Ct M / Sgt . Jes e I qort B l ii' IH . Sebill B w rn.etl e Sgt. ,radl' L. Burrell C:lw rl ' N. B.u.rn~.l te C h.a~rl e~ Burri~ /C f rank B yer.s. Jr . Lt. E.a rl Ca.lile (.p l. 'hnrl e; <;:able Pvl; Evao ~a D:!~ Larry H. Callj - S 1/ C Pk. C.hig T. fl1tll.ld l Pic. Lee G, C~w t>b il T /S F r cl 1 m(lhell • • Army Army Army Army Army Army Arm)' Arrny CG Na vy Army Army Army A row Army Army Marines Mari1\es Army A row WAC ' Army Army Army Army A1·my - av,y Army Army Ar-mv- Army Marines CG Army Army Army Army Navy Army Army Arnt)' Army A:rmy . rnry Air oms Air C.Pt ps .J-r - oq')!) .II, rmy rml( N ctVY Army r\r!UY rmy • am IOU P\·t. ercy C1rnpbell Pfc. Wilburn ampbell Carroll app Pk. Elbert Carpenter Pfc. Rodney E. arr Cpl. Ed\ ard J a, per 'arswell P\'t. Clarence Cathey james \: •. Cathey Pvt. Robert Catber tajor Walter Kerr C.llhe. Cpi. l\ lat"t in J. Cavaua(lgh Lt. Weaver C. Cha man Sgt. Frank l\1. hilders Howard Childers, i\1 .i\11 ~ / C {a hall Childers. G.M. - / C Sgt. Charl es F. Clark Martha . Clark Lt. Paul S. Clark PYt. Perl G . 'Cla rk Pvt . F rank J . Clontz Cpl. S.amueL J. Codr Charles Cod)' J o~ n E . Cogd ill Lt. T homas L. Cogdill Pvt. Vi all ace 1 . Cole Capt. J ame, F. Coleman Cecil D . Coll et te L t. Robert Coleman , J r. Cpl. W. W. Collins Claude H. Conard, S 2 / C P vt. lVIonroe H . Conard P vt. R aymond E . Con a rd Pfc. Albert C. Conley P fc. C. C. Conley, J r. Pvt. J ames R . Cooke P vt. Bobby Coon Cpl. Grover W. Cooper J ames T . Cooper P vt. Loren J . Cooper M arshall G . Cooper Lt. Woodrow W. Cooper C. A. Corzine, S 2 / C P vt. Fred Crane Sgt. Charl es Arch ie Crisp P vt. Cromer Lee Cr isp Pvt. H a rlin Cay Crisp H arvey C. Crisp Cpl. H arry S. Crumley P vt . J ohn Curtis P vt. Cecil T. D arnell Lt. Carl B. Davis P vt. Robert E . Davis Ray M. Davis Cpl. L avnence A. Deaver Pfc. Charl le W. Devlin Cpl. Floyd Devl in Alfred J. Descha mps P. D . D ewetae, C.S .F. P vt . Rob ert J • DJ:weese J e~se Dillard Army rmy rm Army larines rmy rmy Air rp rmy rmy i'vbrints Air o rps Air Corps N avy a v ~r Air Corps WAVES Army Army Army lVfa rin es Army Air Corps Army Army Army Army N av-y !v1a rines Navy Army Army Army Air Corps Army Army Army Air Corps A rmy Sea Bees Army Navy Army Ai r Corps Marines Army Army Air Corps Air Corps Army Army Mariflcs Navy Marines M-arines Army Navy Navy AFrny Air orps Pfc. \.Vill iarn D on aldson Army A /S F loyd Dotson ' Army Cpl. H oward Dotson Ja k Dotson P t. J ames L. D rake P fc. J ohn C. Drake Pfc. J ames H arold Duckett P vt. John J, D uckett P vt. Edw3 rd D uc;k, orrh L t . redrick D ulaney, Jr. Ge rge L. E dgenon, 2 / C M ajor Gil s M il ton Ellis, Jr . Pvt. Joe C. Estes Cpl. Joe E vans M arble l\{arines Army rmy . Army If orps Army Army 'e Bees Army Air Corps Arm Lt . . M. F J irbroth er gt. H enry Bra nson F a rmer Lt. (jg) · red J. F ergu on Sgt. R oberl W ilburn f j her p ,q . .f. R. F lu ha rty I vt. J e. sc Troy f ord J Yt. R alph F ord \ 'oyd F ord G . N a t ha niel F o rtney, A.S. · gt. Geo rge 0. Frady Pfc. Glenn M. Frady J st Lt. Ol.ivcr Wade Franklin Air Air N· vy Corps N~ v y Army Army rmy Corps M J ri nes Navy Army Air Corps Army Pvt. Samu el A . Free Air Corps h mes Cha rl es Furness, S 2 / C Na vy P vt. 'Willi am A. Gaddis Sgt. M . Lee Gaffn ey Conl ey Gibbs, Y 3 / C Cpl. Clyde E . Gillis Lt. (j g ) Ed ward J. Gillespie P vt. J ohn W. Gl ance Pvt. D ock All en Gragg · P t . Ell is Gragg Pvt. M ack Gragg P vt. R alph Goforth Cpl. Charl es B. Gregory Pvt. Cl a rence E . Gregor-y Willi am McKinley Green, Jr. \V. A. Grigsby E . D . Gudger, S. F . 2 / C Pvt. Elbert B. Guy Sgt. George H. H all A./C J ames E. H all Pfc. Robert H . H a ll Zane G. H all , E.M. 3 / C Cpl. Cl a ude E n nis H ampton Chester H an ey , S 2 / C Charlie leo H arbin J ames Edwin H ardin Sgt. T. A. H arg rove 0. B. H arris Sgt. Clinton H a rr ison Edgar H awkins, Jr. Ha rold H. H aynes, S.F. 3 / C Roy H aynes Venron M . H ayne Howe'll G. H awkins Lt. Mathew Hea ly, Jr. Pfc. Mi!J ard H . H emph ill .pl. P au l R . H enderson Mel vin H en line Pvr. Glenn R . Henson Cpl. M rk Herren P vL. Willi am Herndon Pvt. MiJis H icks, J r. Pvt. Wilf rd L. Hicks Pvt. ]. B. Hill, Jr. Pvt. Clirtt R. Hipps ] ck M. l Iipps, . R.M . 2/C Pvt. Robert Hipps II. C. Hoi ombe, I /C Pvr. harlea W. Holl;md A/ thridg- Holl nd Sgt. ]. me$ . IIoll3nd Pfc. l i.:Jrry Holl:1nd Pvt, Paul Holland 'pi. RoJ . l Ioll n<l <Luy Holl nd Pvt. ·.JwJrd Huuslt>y, Jr. P •t. J ie P lm r I !oiWHd Arnold Ho II Bill B. llorton P r. -1Wl>O'd Ho ·el l P • Tilf rd C. Ho ell Cpl. Arnol.d Guy Hu hts Arnw Ar~y N :ivy Army N avy M arines Army Army Army Army Arm)' Army Army Army Sea Bees Marints Air Corps Air Corps Army N avy Army N avy Navy Army Army Army M a rin es N avy_ Navy Army Army Army Air Corp Army rmy Air or ps rmy Army Army M rin • Marines Army Anny .rmr . Lrit • w nn Army l'rll'Y rmy nny AI my A.nny (6) • IH e rme orces E nRlgr\ Will iam . Hulbert, Jr . Sg t. J ames B. H urley Navy Army Army Army Gera ld W. Muoney, M.M. Sherley F. Mooney 1/C Navy Navy P vt. George W. Hya lt P vt. J ames F red Hya tt I' vl. H aynes Inman S/ g t. J ack R. J ackson M/ Sgt. F rancis G. ]a ocks, L t. T homas J . J ames P vt. P au l Jam ison P vt. Sam J amison P vt. Wm. Ca rroll J o hns0n Athel J o nes P vr. Cha rl es M . J ones Pvt. Geo rge J o nes, J r. P v t. M ark J ones Pfc. M o rris L. Kelly, Jr. J ohn Le wi~ Kenly Pvt. Cha rles F . King Guston King Pvt. Laddie King Capt. Phillip Glenn Kinken Pvt. James C. Kirkpatrick Pvt. Vernon Knight Pfc. Augustus H. K1.1ykenda ll Pvt. Harold F. Lawrence Edward B'ruce Lea therwood, A .M.M. 2 / C Earl Leatherwood Sgt. W. B. Lee Sgt. James E. Lester Aux. Edith M. Lewis J. Gordon Lewis, S.K. 3/ C Albert Logan Eugene Logan "· Cecil ·Logan P fc . Leonard R . lovelace Pvt. Rich ard H. L owery E ns ign Fred W. M aiwurm P vt. D ae V. M ann Lt. G. P. Mann \ ill a rd L . M ashburn P fc . H. J. M atheson Pvt. Ro ~ A. :M a tteson pl. Grover T . . Mau ney P fc. William J. B. MJ o:Jn e.y D av id Jbert McCant s · pcn cer Matney P fc. teve M. M cCra cken Cpl. J ake MClu re Army ir Corps J r. Army Air Corps Army Army Army Sea Bees Army Ai r Corps Army Air Air Air Army Army Army Army Army A rmy Army Corps Army Army Navy Co rps Army Army WAC N avy rn:ay Army Navy Army Corps rmy Army Army Army Marines Pfc. Gr dy W. Moore Army Pvt. Maurice .lvioore rmy Pvt. Silvester Morgan Army Lt. Charles T. Morrison . If Cor!1$ Cecil Muse Navy P vt. Rayburn Eugene Moffitt K. Z. Moore rmy Army Sgt. E rnest W. Newman L t . Bodwell Doe Osborne D aniel Anderson Owen Gay Woodrow Ov.•en Pvt. G udger Y. Palmer Cpl. Lloyd P a rham, J r. P vt. J ames P ar ker P vt. Elmer A . P arker Major Wil liam F iske Patton J ames E. P axton i,.r Corps Navy Anncr Army Army Army Army ir Cor~s Army avy J ames W. P a:non , E M 2/C P vt. Roy J-L P ax ton a~y Marines Air Corps Army A/ C Geo rge C. Pegram , J r. Lawren ce Pembro ke L t. C. Cline Pet ers Lt. Preston Ca rl ton Peyton Capt. R oyal Ector Phil! ips Pvt. Claren ce P lemmons Cpl. J o hn E. Pless P vt. Clarence C. P oston Pfc. Ca.rl Edgerton P owell P vt . H<n old G . Pres ley Pvt. H ubert W. Pre sley J ames H . Pre sley P vt. Earl P . P r ice Air Corps Army Army Army M a rines Air Corps Army Ai r Corps Army N avy rmy Wa.lter Pr ice, J r ., S 2/ C Co.a st Guard Cpl. J ames L. Queen Marsha ll Queen Pvt. '\Vood row Queen S / Sgt. H azel W. R amsey Cpl. Ray J. R ector Pvt. J enn ings B. Reece P vt. Cra ig K . Reeves P vt. Will i;1m G. R ee es Pf . \.Vi ley Howard R eeves Albert J . R eno, Jr., S 2/ C T / 5 Gordon Glenn R eno Cadet D~ n H . Reno Lt. oL Caner L . R hinehart Pvt. Cla ude R hinehart ., Ma ri·n ~ ' Army Army Al:my Army Army ir Corps ir Corps Air Corps Navy Army Army 1 alcolm IcDor ::dd oa t rmy Army A rmy Gu .rd P fc . J efferson M . Rh ineh a rt Wayne R hi neh art n.ny Army . rmy rmy .ir Corp P vt . J hn R ay M cDowell Glean !JeD well R y M D owell , A. . 1/S r. R oy M . M K inn i h Pvt. Ge rge V. M cGee C.1p t . Hugh M eas!! Pvt. L roy 1ears P t. · rl tfedf ord Fra.nce .Medford I r. C. Medf rd Pn. J s ph L. 1 d fo:trd Pvc. JJm . 1elt n P/ . D w ey . Mec . ~H En I n Erne~c .!fe& ~r I . H n ry T . 1 'l i hael . t, •1m r 1ill r Pic. Roy . Miller \'illia-m !fi lne Pvc. hm s R. ·flnt?; Lt. fred Mir bell Pfc. 'forri E . Mitchell fr. Ru .it~h ell l. Cba:1es \\ . ifole • rmy A rmy avy Army rmy fT!l }l l'ffly Army WA Army rmy · Army Army Nav l\ rrn.y . rmy · · A rmy .' tr .orp;o Army Army M rines Army Marines /C R ymoncl T . R icka rds P vt. A. C. Rickm:u1 Pfc. Gr v er D . R ice Lt. Roht rt . Roberts Sg l. Floyd f. Robe'rt s p l. Jnck E rvin Roge rs M il ton S. R gers, S - / , . L. Roger h rl es Robinson, ' I / C Pvr. Ra lph R bercson pl. \V. D. Rober t~o n PvL Gl nn H . R 0binson Pvt. Glenn E. R ob inson P f . J ames Troy Rob inson g t. Li•ulon Robin on Pvt. R ussell R. Robiu son Lr. Way ne E. Robinson Cadet R. W. R t1 sh e~ pt. Georc8'e H . R yder Wil liam K. R P fc. George L. Sa under ' P fc. Stephen B. S arb rough Air Air rmy Corps Corps Army rmy IIVY avy Army l\-1 arm es rmy . rmy !farines rmy Army Army ir Corps Ai.r CoTcps Arm,Y Army­rm}' PI<. Joe S. Scheack. Howard Same tf. chiE J . Srott r: Gomer colt Pvt. Hildrffi Sootl P!c. Ja~s T. colt Cpl. Charle~ W. crogg5 Ja< G. OJ'&S Pk. J~eph E. Scroggs gt. Bruce D. Seeley P-et. Carl A. ctzer ~ !;t. ·charles J. Setzer. Jr. p,'t, ~Luv in H. etzer Cpl. Wi \1 is V. Setzer lames Sh.a.rp Pvt. Carey P. Sbep11ard Pic Charles L. Sheppard. Jr. Cpl. Alex A. Sbumolis, ]r. Pfc. Geurge W. Shumoli P•'l. Vi rgil C. Singleton Aaiur Barnett ]. ledge Pic. Ell is R. Smathers A.F.C. Esther L. Smathers C L Jack T. Smathers p,.t. J. T. Smathers Cpl. Oro. W. machers Cpl. Robert Alvin Aldridge Robert Loui~ Ammons, ~1.Q),.1.M. Znd H. . {. Ail derson Lt. M. L. Armentrout ~t. CbarJey Joseph Bigler Pic. WiUie E. Bilnoski j{)t! Blafk, SY. 2/C M.ajor Harold C . .l}lank J . \ Pvt. Charles E3,ial B ythe Cary Clifton BOOth ?-ct. Riehm! Brown. Jr. . A. Ell y.ard, S 1/C . Jori~.k !· Burch, S 1/C *'-"?ft. R. P. Burchfield St. W. M. Byers • Army Navy Army Arm)' Army Army Army Navy Air Corps Air Corps Army Army Marines Air Corps Army Arm)' Ai r Corvs Army Army Army Army Army WAC Army Army Army Army ' .!' . 1 avy Na,•y . ir Corps •• M . . nne.s ··~"t Se{ Bees Army Armv Army Arwv a'Bees Coa t Gua~d Army Army Sgt . Leland 0. Caldwell Army Capt. Roben J. Calvin Army P rt. C. L. Cas~ Army Cecil Cammack, A.S .• ~ · Army P\~. . h-nin C.Vne;n A.rmy. L . Charles . Col¢ Ar!nt Pic. ChaTies . (;(ltQ'!! A.~my Cpl. R. K. Coulson Anrry George Allord Cravey N>tval Reserv.e Cle.w B. Cribbs, S.F. 2/C avy L.t . .1 - F. Cunis >Af;my gt. Jam S. Daniels Lt. (jg) Jamef H. Degnan p, . Floyd P. Delo.'ly Sgt. Lorenz H. Diers Ronald P . Dymke, C.C M. Cpl . Eddie Eaton l'vt. but Arm trong· Pvt . Ra:lph W allfer .!" aval A~mt N~y Army Army Armv Anny • 1n rme orces Harold Sma thers Pvt. Ralph ~ m at hers Sgt. Sigmon \ ayne rna thers Marteen m<~the rs Cpl. Ed ard B. ·mith PYt . Francis B. Smith Sgt. Leonard C. · mith P.·t. Zeb Smirh P t. James C. Snyder p, l. Harry W. n~· der J. B. oesbee, A. S. Garret Sorrells Cpl. Walter pence Cpl. Glenn Stame)• Pfc. Guy Stamey Pvt. ] ames R. Stamey Pfc. T . J. Stamey Geo. Simpson Ea ·;gn John R. depllens W. A. tamey Le5ter R . . ti l e~. F Z/C P t. Floyd to::kton Lester J. tockton, S 2/C S / Sgt. William i'vf. Stockton Cpl. David B. Lone Cpl. Kenneth H. uter Army Army Army \\ AVE Army rmy Army Army rmy Army Navy • 1avy Annl' Armr Army rmy Army Army .N av,.· Army Navy Army Navy Armv Army Army HOUSTON C. L. Eaves, S l /C Lt. Will iam h an Eaves Lr. Horace W. f ;ri rbrother r aval Pfc. Edg-ar .T. Fehr.engamp Jack W. Fisher, S 1/ C Cpl. John amuel Fo\\·le Pfc. Fred S. Furness Nathan Gamble. S 2/C .l . · l!m' A. Gard 'P fc. Jame Ward Gibson Cp1. U]ysse Green I gt. Eugen.e Hamu ek Lt. Robert Joe H and Pvt. R. B. Harris Navy Army Reser-ve Ar-my Navy Army Army Navy Army A rn;~y Army Army Army Army A/C Will iam Kenne.t.h Harr is Air Corps Army Army A Eil)Y Navy Sgt. J. A. Hemphill Pvt. Kermit Henniger Pfc. E!wQod J ames Iljn delang ~1. h~Yl C. Hollo,vay, Jr. .Bemard E. Hooker, S I /C :Ptt . George R. l rad Cpl. Arneu Johnson Army Army !) /< Buck Johnson aval Air Service : gt . Will iam Johnson :F'V't. Andrew Jones E. H. Jones, C.Bld . Frank Hen ry Jones, S 2 JC Army Army Navy N-avy Pvt. Walter Kaul Army U.S.S.C. Chester bvlonroe Knight, M.M. 1/C Navy Lt. Robert A. Koenig Army Pvt. R-oy J. u 1 ties Alfred wanger Pvt. Gear e H. Th mpson H race \V oodro ~>· T nompson Pn. James A. ThompJ;on p ,,t. l'vla.Jt Thonwson Cpl. Rufus E. Thompson .Lt. George R. Tr:unmell P vt. Fred ritk J. T rantham Pvt. Billy Throneburg Pvt. Grady A. Trantham Mari nCli Army Navy Army Army Armr Air Corps Army Army Army Army Army Tech. gt. Beni. Harmon Trull p,.t. Donald T urner Pvt. David B. Vance Pfc. Frank Vetoe, Jr . Army Army Lt. Ca rl '· Wallnau. J r. Air Corps Lester L. Ward, A.K.M . 3/C Navy John P. Wa rd Navy Pvt. Eugene Warren Sgt. Charl ie Warren Cpl. William Warren gt . Gordon C. Watts, Jr. Pfc. John R. Wells Pvt. J oseph G. West .Lt. J. R. Westmoreland DIVISION ]. H. Krohn , S 1/ C Cpl. Woodrow Land Army Air Corps Army Air Corps Army Air Co ~ps Navy N avy Air Corps A/C Roberl Harvey Lavery Naval Lt. ( jg) George A. Lilley Travis F. Mathis Cpl. J ack M. Maywald Pfc. Robert W. McCraw A / S Robert L. McCray Ha•rold Clifford McFarl and, M.O.M.M. 1/ C T / 4 D. G. McWhort en P'\·r. ]. N. Mease, J r. A. / C Robert A. Mil am Pvt . Morris R. Milford P fc. Cl iff o rd I vy :l\l[e l1 p,>t, Pa·t N. Moo re Sgt. John C . . 1.orner Lt. Alfred Mil ton Morri son Navy Marin es Army Mrny Navy Army Army Air Corps Army Army Army Army Army \Vill iam Henry NeH.I es, , I /C Sea Bees Cl ifton Lott 1ixon, CM 3 /C Navy p ,rt. Mose W. orton, J r. Army Pic. George Olive Army P vt. Ralph Palmer Marines Ens ign John 0. Parrott Naval Reserve S/ gt. Harold H. P anerson rmy Pvt. Edwin \ . Pe;~rson Army Pvt. Walter E. Philpot Army A. J. Pitre, Jr., Pb.M. 2/C Navy John Warner Prestridge, .M. 2/C Navy Lt. f-h1gh B. Rainey Naval R crv SANDERSVILLE DIVISION l&t Lr. Jam <;.~ Buford ·npis Pfc. II artlld Hughes !·lodges (7) P vt. Walla e Wheeler Pfc. Way L. \· hitaker Lt. Robert H. White Pvt. John Harold \c hittcd Cpl. Hall B. Whit\'' rth Pvt. .1 . C. Wigg in Lt. A. L. Wiley Pf . Clarence W. Williams laff Sgt. Robert Williams T roy L. Will iams, F 1/C Robert Ray Will iams Edward F. Williams Pk. John R. Wi ll iamson Cpl. Alvi n L. Willis Herschel P<?.u l Will is Ray Wilson T homas E . Wilson, S 2/C Pn. Art hu r D. Woody Cpl. J ack D. Woody Pvt. GL•dger S. Worley Pfc . Percy Woodruff Pvt. Guy G. Wright . . Cpl. James Howard Wright P fc. Lewis A. Wright A /C Ralph B. Wright Sgt. Hel:muth Otto Ritter Sgt. Claude A. Robinson P f c. Coy Rogers Cpl. J. T. Rosamond Cpl. 01 iver C. Roye Cpl. Leon Shepherd Earl Smath ers J. H. Smiley, S 3/ C Pvt. Will iam Warden Spear Sgt. Algie Ramon Spears Cpl. Char les W. Spears Sgt. Herman Weldon Stiles • ·Pvt . William K. Wesley Thompson S/ Sgt. Elwood R. T ysor P fc . Lenn ie Ven t resca Cpl. Stan ton Wagers P vt. Wi.ll iam Walker P vt. Marsha ll Warren Army Ai r Corps Army Air Corps Army Army Army Army rmy 'avy Air Corps Army Army rmy Army Army. Air Corps avy Army Arm)' Army Army Army Army Army Air Corps Ar-my Army Army Air Corps Air Corps, krmy Army N avy Army Army Army Army Ai r Corps Army Army Ai r Corps Air Corp ~ Army Army Cpl. Kennedy W. Weaver Army Warren L. Wat son, .O.M. 2/ C Thomas Webb av y Navy Charlie Webb, C.M. 2/ C P vt . Leoo Wigg ins CQJ . Clarence J. We) Cpl. Pau l Elrod Wil liams George f . Willi ams Pvt . Ll ())'d A. Wil son Pvt. William F. Win ter Charles B. Worthin gton. . Sp. Sea Bees Army Army Army Marines ir Corps J'm)' Navy Leonard 0 . Zeiger, G.M. 3/ C Navy Pvt. Erbie 1 ~ John $(>n pl. · om \Vat '•' ll Tan•>er Army Anny Published by (The Champion F amily" as a Symbol <Jf the Cooperation and G.ood Fellow hip Exi~ti ng at the Plants of The ChampiOn Paper and Ftbre Company, Hamilton, Ohio; Canton, North Carolina Houston Texas, and Sandersville, Georgia. G. W. PHILLIPS _______ ____ ________ ____ _ . Editor, Canton. North Carolina REUBEN B. ROBERTSON. JR. ____ ______ _______ ___ -- __ __ Associate Editor DWIGHT J. THOMSON __ ____ ___ ___ _____ ___ __ _______ _ . Associate Editor EMERSON ROBINSON ______ ____ _______ . Assistant Editor. Hamilton. Ohio A. M. KOURY ___ ____ _______ ___ ______ __ Assistant Editor. Houston. Texu A ll articles ~n this magazine are written by the editor except those which carry the name of the author. ' Thank~ giving -1621 and 1,943 "Thanksgiving Day is only our annual time for saying grace at the table of eternal goodness" Thanksgiving Day ! Its observance ought to be in the be t ense religiou s,- to leave God out is to make the day an empty name without meaning. Thanksgiving is nothing if not a glad and reverent liftin g of the heart to God in honor and praise for His goodness . Of cou r e the t rue Chris tian life is one whose thanksgiv­ing fi ll every day of the year with soncr and gladness but, as George Washington sai d in the Fi rst Presidential Thanks­gjving Proclamation: "Whereas, it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of almighty God, to obey his will to be grateful for his benefit , and humbly to implore hi protection and favor: and \;v·hereas, both hou es of Congre s have by t hei. r joint committeee requested me 'To recommend to the people of the United States a day of Public Thank givin and Prayer to be observed by acknow]edging with grat ful heart the many signal fa vors of almighty od,'-Ther f re, I do recommend and ass ign Thur day the twenty-s ixth da of November next, to be devot d by the p opl of th state to tb . ervice of that rea t and glori us being, wh i th benencent aut h r of all the ood that \Va , that i , or tha will be : t ha t w may then a ll onite in ren lering unto him our sin ce re and humble hanks for his kinclne , care and pro-tect. t n, " . . ~ tting apart an annu al day for n ti<Jn- l giving of thank · is a public reco niti n of J cl as the auth< r )f all our ble.:::;­in . It i tb erection, s t · peak, of a m•m ri I to th h n r f him who has I d u af Jy th r IU ·h noth ·r r r. It reminds u of our inde t dness to d and tir in wr mind and heart em tion of err t itude nd 1 r i , whi h th erwi se mi ht not find xpr :-ion. T oda , when the pe pie' f all th ' rid re rapplin ' at a h ther throat , and th life-blo d f fath r , hu - bands on and sweethean is b in p ur d ut on the battle£ ld to ati fy th ambi tion of a f w he, ttl " · ar m n er ., '"'e ma ' fe 1 that th r i n thin t b · th nkfuJ ~ [ r, buc when ·we r c 11th cir un , t. n ~of he fir~t TI1 nk.::-- ivin Da ·, i nuv en:e t . remind u, f h · mu h 1 re • (8) ~ h v . 'lo he thar ful for uday. than had tho e eady se - Ll · rs at PI m u b, lVJas·a h 1 ett · 1n 162 l. cc rdin to the hi stori al a coun t of · h . n · hunJr d anJ wo emigrant~ th t land d on th r ky· CJa t of ape 'oJ Bav in the wi nt ·r of 1 2 , lm st h 1f of th ni died before th~ folio\ ·­ing win er. T day in our comfortable h me we cann t ev ·n itnagine he stdT rings ~Jf the Pilgrims both from hunger ' nd th cold wea th er for wJuch they 1;o~,·ere not prepared ei her a , to sufficient cloth ing r housing facilities. ' V\Thii the m st of these brave people were not u ed to ha rdships, y t, ·oon a fter heir arrival on he merican contin nt they built h 1ts for the nineteen familie in the . t lement, but within the fi rst year they had to make even ~ i ,m es more .g rave~ for the dead than hm1 es for tbe Jiving. l he houses m wh1ch they pent the fir t year on the Ameri­can conti nent, we re log hu ts with ·wampgrass roofs and dirt fl oors. And th eir food consi ted of barley, Indian corn fish and wild game. Notwith tand ing all their hard hip these brave founders of a great nation, felt they had o much to b~ thankful for, they appointed "an especial day on which to g1ve especial thank for all f God's ble ·sin _'' Can we to­day, afford to be les thankful t han they? The early settlers li ved on less than half ration , uffered all sort of hardshi ps, surrounded by sava e Indians and ferociou wjld bea t , bu t, we occupy good home , Jive on the fat of the land and enjoy peace and comfort, in a land of plenty, while our enemie a re th ree thou and miles away. Therefore, we should 'P ra ise the Lord for hi ~ good ne and for his wonderful works to th e children of men. nter into hi.s gates with thanksgiving, and into hi court vvith prai e: be thankful unto him and bless his name." "Cyclewelding" A new process for maki ng a continu ous b nd between alluminum alloys, magne ium and allo reel s, t hrot~crh u e of S) nthetic adhesive which produces cemented j.oint of greater strength than riveting or ~p o t\i\ eldin cr ha been in­vented by the Chry ler !j'otor Corporation en ineers, d vel­oped by the Goodyear T ire and R ubber Company \,·e are informed. According to re port Cycle' elded earn - can be made li q uid ticrht and airtight. Cycl weldincr, it seems. c n, i t · of a ort of sandwich in whi ch a seer t adh si · e b.inds .to ther metal wood YDt hetic rubber, or t.h r materi al. It is aid that the new pro e i r placi ng ri ets and potw 1ding in airplane con tru ction. ' It i e pe t d t a ll v.,; simrli·fi ed nd ch ap r con tru cti n method of p ·t-vi tor a Litomobile , refrigerator and th u ~ and of ther th ing-s ." Tolerance The m ~ t l abl a nd li able qu .li t t.h::~c an, human bein g- an po i· t lera n ·. T 1 ran c i the isi .n that enabl u t tl in fr m notJ1 er person's p int f view. It i the g ne ros ity t hat on ede t th ·r " th e right t th eir o •n opini n · c n l th ir own pe u li riti es . It is tb bignes that ena ll U,' to ' am th ' we lov , t b harp in th ir c,wn •·ay in r ad f ur \ ay.- Philad lr hi a Publi ~ Ledg r. A Thought For the Mon~}J: . ' B r~.;thern , if a man be ve rtaken in a f ·,ult ·. \Vhtch r , pi ritua l. re~ tore vU h a n one in the spiri t of m~ . kne" . C 11 - idcrin thy- lf. l ~ t t hou be tempted . . Bea r- y ne an-other' bu rd n ·. and o fu lf1 ll the h1w f Chris t. . . . - - The B"'l:b l c · 1 ti.e· I a n : 1 2 , e Pentagon Building In Arlington, Virginia The nerve center of the Army Y u ha ·e, n doub , heard a ._,reat deal about the Penta ­-.,. - Bu'ldi , headquarter of the l'nited tates \Var De- n2.1tmen . locateJ aero s the Potomac Ri' er from \' a hin - ~ · . D. C. in Arlin ton, \ 'irgi nia. 'I' u- enormou building, completed in the early part of 1o .2. o~ ing • 000,000, provide office pace for about ~ 3~ eople. total of 3 • 000 people are employed i·n e building. There are 00 janitor~ 300 civilian guards and 50 mili ar: police who look after thi~ huge tructure and the people in it. \Ye arc informed tha it- private telephone exchano-e e .• f-!loys ~00 operator . That it i equipped with 1, 00 elec­- ric clocks. 200 re t room·, 6 0 ~ater founta in 21, 00 de k 1 .000 chair, a bank, railroad ti-cket office taxicab and bu errninal, cafeteria seating ,000 per ow, and the longe t oda bar i the world-thi bar i 500 feet long and at thi bar are sen·ed mo ethan 20,000 cup- of coffee a day. The building is oundproofed throughout and in its lona wi e corridors there i no ound of an echo or di rurbing oi~e even when the great ma s of emplo ee u-h and fi ht their way in and out of the building, or the cafeteria a noon. \Yhile there ha not been an_- official report on ab entee­i ·m of the emplo. ee in the Penta on building it ha been hinted that it might run as high a ten percent. If that j­the average rate in the entire buildin there would be about 3,~ per on absent each day. \ "ho orio-inated the idea of building uch a buo-e struc­ture a the Pentagon to hou e the ' ·ar Department it ha not been made public. One congres 'roan i reponed to have :aid ~hoever thought of the Pentagon hould be proclaimed the man vtitl1 the greate t imagination in the '"-·orld. "He's - e ame type a the fellow who planned the Tower of BabeL" Rep. John Dingell, (Democrat from 1\lichio-an) is re­fOrted a having aid recently in speakino of the Pentagon bu7lding, "I think it i about as eo ible as- well, I do not h ve anything to compare with it, to b perfectly candid. But to me it v. a ju 't sensele· . . Improved Machines Are Helping Us Win the War • b 1933, ju t ten years a o orne good con cientiou ci izeru; decided that impwved machinery wa the ca u e of tabor condition in thi country and wanted a law passed f rohibitino- the ).lse of such machine . If they had had their ·aY-. we ·ould have Jo~t tl1e war lon ran icec,lcl <)t e of coke out of one Jf th-o ' t O'O d • ,Jd machi ne t the mill r We haYe looked far ancl wide into tbese tbou. ands of fa ces in an effort to find fac s that remi11 l u of home . .1a "" one fellow wh wa. a dead ringer for O, car Bible of Inspection. Anoth ­er rellow re·emble · Elmer Sons of the Calender r om bm this fellow is from Iowa and i · exceedingly quiet and doe n t like to a rg11e. You know that could not. be your Elmer! )) )) (( (( Our c mic man remind · us a lot of your wn itJ imitable Joh nny Hollister. He i . a cream a wa .!Vfr. Holli ster. This cell-mate comed ian of our is nam­ed J oh n al.sD-johnny Rowmpakis, and hails from We t Virgi ni a. )> )) (( (( All rbe boy in this boot training ut:fit have Lho e well-ni o-h bald hair­cut and a \-V .aze upon their shinin noggins in thi. h t Idaho sun we can almo, t ee tho e nohle heads of Charles Thoma , Le:ter ·Macinty re and ood old mailman am Collier, not to men- · Li on Bart Benge. }) )) {{ ( '(: \\~ ell , gang, we are entirely t bu y to coJTcsponcl with you individually · but will try t do so mr nthly throu <'rh thi, very column if you and the go d old Chamrion wi1l pennit. And in ca ve an)" of you bould b ki tld ~-e wou ld app reciate it treme ndouJy if you will drop your old buddy otrw lctt.~r s way up here in the t I eauti ful mountain and lakes. (11) • Mr. and Mrs. Lester s .weeney Our address is: . \Villiam H. Thompson A. S. Co. 763-43, U. S. N. T. S. Camp Waldron Idaho. \\ill guarantee to try and answer all we can thrm.tgh your column. Thanx. SOUDERS ON VISIT l\1en fron1: Unloading_, vvho visited tbci r friend , ther during the month, included Sgt. Robert Boiun, Jr. sta­tioned at Salt Lake City. He is a gunner n a B-24, recently ompleted hi training and rece ived hi , win~s; pl. John Bum , Camr Rit hie Md.; Crl. Tornm v J ' t .nh olm , No. 1 ;la­chine .Room, in cam1 in Penn ylvania foil wing hi f rmer mploy.m nt; Pvt. R hert Pf iffer frotn Carnp Sb n. y. --· --- Eri ca--D n t ym; think J arn ttettin()' youn ger very day? · Flsa \' s; l sh uldn the suqri. ed to · your n ~ltne ln the births column· . Tech. Sqt. Albert (Al.) McGee. somewhere in the South Pacific, was formerly with C M Cal­enders. His wife is Zena McGee. C M Cutters. More Hamilton Division Men Join Armed Forces The following Hamilton Division men entered the armed services during eptember: Orville \\ ebb " alter L. Getz Stanley Campbell Fred Augu tine, Jr., U. S. Navy Roy Allen Donald Hopkins Norman Stafford Lester Sebora, Army Howard Hurley, Army Robert Lee, l\1arines Curt Ponder Louis Beer Rudy Towles, l 1. S. ~avy Clarence D. Chandler LIEUT. WARDER HOME ON LEAVE Robert R. \Varder Fir t Lieu t nant in th, Air Corps, has return d to Bush­nell Fi ld, AF T, near Orlando, Fla., following a h rt leav of ab ence spent with hi parents, . 1r. and Mr-. Robert \Va rder, 1257 High Str t. Lieutenant \Varder, who h s been thr u h the batt! s of . 'Iidwav, u1al Sea and the 'olonwn · a:, a gunner on a < lyina For1 r ss, had hi bapti m of fi re at Hickam Field , Ha vaii. wh n Lhc J apan e taged rheir attack \ ·hich ta rled th war. H I a. been in 1 rida f r om time a enginecrina ffic r in bar e of a quad ron of plane . He al:.-o took pilot training and \\·a commi·.ioned a. Fir t Lieutenant. He e.·l t to be ~en to th • urop an tl e.ttr f r r ti n.:- oon. NOT A BAD IDEA AT THAT n f th m ny 1 tter receiv d from l: y · in the crvi e during the m nth was { r m th o ri ginal om my Th mp on, ' h uggestcd it wo11ld n t be a bad idea to hav tlH.: ca rpenter sh 1 build a l ox o he and ] obby Knodel can bring Hitl er back with th m as a h ri stma present for the l Tnited State . T ommy says he and his buddies didn t get in on the Sici lan d al btlt they hope to get in he next crack at Hitler on his home diamond. He cites the fact that be is CG which Pfc. Robert Odell. Gowan Field, Boise. Idaho. is the brother of Ruth Odell, C M So,rtinq. mean in char e of headquarters nd probably ha mething t l with him cuing up , o ea rly. r-.Juch f the I tt r wa · cen -ored, e. p ci llv that re­I a tin tor • iblc futur operation . 'pl. J Cre •cb, ar P tmc t r, rew ) ork, write· th, t han pi n is J1i ~ ·cond h me < nd he ha - read in THI. LoG :1l out girls w rkin in K r11nwkote. 1 hi: ·id ntlr brin back man)· pi ·a .• nt m moric nd h , ~k- for a 1 iuurc nf th dtpJrtm nt. th r 1 tt r indude: . rt. . L. \nder. n Ber trom Fi ld, \ u tin. T ,;-J h ve b en ~ l a­ti n at _ li mi H ~.h , Indianapolis, and here "·h r it appt:ar l mi ~ht tay or me man h- . I urin he few ime" I h \·e b en ba k hom , it ha o n! ~· b en fo a fc ;y hour::. ~ turday and ~u day. 1 m no\' n instructor, (12) reaching graduate of rmy fl ying sch ol h w to fly C-47s which are Dou las tran p rts, imilar to the hip u sed on airlines. They are really won­derflll hip to fly, not nearly so cum­ber orne as one migb think, and I am enjoying the work. u tin is a nice town hough it gets hot, but I do not ret hay fever. Lawrence W. Cochran, AM. 1 3/c, Care Fleet Postoffice ew York, •. Y. -:\.1any thank for the gifts I have re­ceived. I also get THE Loc and it is a pleasu re to read it and keep p with my buddi es in the mill. 1 am working as a mechanical engineer in a fighter squadron here at Norfolk. From the number of planes we have here and over ea and in the o~her parts of the country, it eems we hould be able to do a quick job of it. Ruby Harris, S2/c, Building J, Apt. 2c, -sN T. S. (WR) Bronx, ~ T ew York, N. Y.-I want to thank the Champion for tationery and other gi fts. I really enjoy getting THE Loc and CHIP and it makes one feel better to know they are not forgotten by friends. Cpl. Doyle Lee Hale, Btry B, l 97th AAAm uto \YP T Bn A TC, Fort Bliss, Texa.:--Let all keep buy­ina bond ~ o V\'e can keep 'ern running. I want to thank you for the gifts. It Ruby Harris, S 2/ , Bldq. }. Apt. 2c, U S N T S. (WR) Bronx. New York. N. Y .• wu formerly with C M Sortinq. make. a fellow feel "l)OJ 1 kn w he ~ i. remember d. P\t. l' . dwin It' ll'\, ,'th ~·c . 1 -9-.', F.\RT ', Fort Bc.l ~<~ , . ·. C.-I am in the medium arti lkr . and really- like it. \lanv. , manv. thanks for all th •ift.- CHAMPION SERVICE ASSOCIATIO The regular meeting of the 'ham­pioJJ • en·icl' .\:,s "'~_· iation was held in the Br ke B : October 6 with Presi­dent Robert C ra) ·raft presiding. T\\'0 cat-es f relil f ' ere apprm ed. It was unanimously v ted to :enJ a Chri · ma.· bo t each f rmer m-rlo~ ee no\\ in the armed sen·ice:. Treasurer': re~'ort: Bal nee n hand .'ep. L ____ f; l. '46. 14 Depwit --- --- - - - --- 6 1.40 '1' ota I --- - - - -i:>-.,.':-1.) ~'·- ~. Check . ______________ _____ .·s. 3 Balance 0 t. ! ________ __ ___ 2.+.'1 il Ouo t~::int'r. .'err tar -Treu.-urn. Watching the op notch rs in anticipation oi the day when be wiU do the same tricks With a plane: Aviation Cadet Donald H. Steiien. 19, son ot Ray SteUen. R search, and Mra. SteUen. 705 Gray Avenue. Don now is at Greenville, Texas, in special training lor lhe AAF. H u Vtaduated from RamUton Hi9h School n l 9t2 and entered service ln March. 1943, wh le att.nd!Bq Ohio Stat. Unln ralty. l>vt. Eldon L . .'ch mle r, \Vanl . -17. ,· t:n ion H o~ ]l i ta l , Canq 13< rkeley, T :­as- l am'' ritinr'r t h i~ lett ·r while 1. in ~ ( n m ~· l a k i1 the lH spital. 1 hurt Ill) J ·~ a .·h n time bdnre 'nt•rinO' the ar'm y ani it was both •ring me sq nHl ·b 1 he: !lit me in the hus1 ital until they t"an k~catc and rem ·Jv the trouble . • LIEUT. COLE WOOD KILLED .'c · nd Lieutenant Cc le \\ '( ul, '' lw \\ orhd on ' ~f l3kndcrs during a :;ummer YacatiLn bd1lre g in.,. to c l­Iege, wa:; killed when the plan he was 1 ilotin \\ ent into a spin :tnd fell n a Pacific Ltanu. Hi · par•nt., ~lr. on l \Ir· . .'\tJ il'LI::\tll' \ ·ol}U. \Y ' te notified of l1i, de· d1. le i~ remembered l many on the l' :1\end rs 1s a happy< nd t;keable 'ouJw man. • Pie. Raymond Cox. Jr . Dectroyer B e. Malin Barracks. Sa.n Diego. Calll., w formerly iD No. 2 Mac ine Room. Ke ia th nephew of Fame Hall Pierso ot th ampl Department. S1 SGT. ALLEN ILL :-,taff , ., ~taut Paul I. il n brothr-1 ' ( f St n lit ll Cltanl(·l 11 t:mp!uyt ·a Pa ad n , h L er 111 t 1 Hillin' ( .er era] • Jilitary lJ,, 1•it·l, Jnli Jt.:q'­li Ind. fr)r m:atmrr f<•r n I ria, c n ractcd \ hil ' ·ill • in the ' rmt J, Pa cifi(;. H i. tlte I) ( r 1 . ,, i fl. .·. 'j . Allt'r•. He · I o h · lat T, aft r un11 u lly tht illin~T e peri ·nccs. Red Cru-. auivitie at a <.1 neat 'ai ru ha l' bcl'll rn.luccd, , nd because of t hi :\It· t nde1< d hi r~.:si •n ~ ti n. I r r 'lUI Tl d t ) Ill !'I i~.a by pi nc­cvcn Ja) ' t 1 ip. U ·ll ~ ·ll( a!lll ( d \\ .i t • d ·t-c · rc~ dl p ttt}' by l i b Hldie o [I ,\J r j, a r \ . 1 I f I r h ' I cf I) b ~.:c ru a l . . · I· lltte. [), n pr ·• t ·J i l ru ll b lt · n h. Second Lieutenant Clarence S. Chaney, now -APO 761, Care Postmaster, New York, N. Y. His wife. JewelL formerly was in No. 2 Sort­ing. His father, Chris Chaney, is in No. 2 Ship­ping. Lieutenant Chaney served 14 months in Iceland a.nd also served in the African cam-pcu• qn. Cpl. J. ,D. Laycock. son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Laycock, 849 Vine Street. He enlisted in the Marine Corps July 23, 1941, and now is on a battleship. His address is care Fleet Post­master, N. Y. By Otto Reid Oscar Barnes gets a kick out of re­lating his own success story which runs like this: 'This system of taking different grades each year is fooli sh as you skip here and there and don't learn well. Now I went to school 17 years and spent the last 15 of them in the third grade and I defy anyone to say I don't know that grade." T o prove it, Oscar is a smooth talk­er, a first class electrician and a suc­cessful farmer, so we hesitate to dis­pute his word. )) )} (( (( Total War- Total war is regimentation But by the saints of all creation, The happy man is only he Who bows in grace to necess ity With hope of selfless good to all. A sane man st ps when duties calL )))>(((( \Vhilc on the s ubject of succe ful farmers, it is well to mention our wn reeler, Tilden Thompson, a pr 'perous one. He owns n of the best 70 acre tracts near Hamilton and he knows how to make it pay. With him its perpetual money instead of perpetual • motiOn. » » (( (( Roscoe Thomas st ill comes down the aisle swaggering, nodding, milir1o- and waving. What a politician that fellow would make with a few cigars and · something to run for. ))))« ( If you have a small farm for sale, reasonably close to Han1ilton, t lk it ov r with ncl am ll n, 13-14 Reel . Sanford Garrison. formerly of th alenders, was home r c nrly. He i' the son of Jim 1arrison~ Pipe 'itt r. Sanford says hat when you Li k to a plane or a tank or a gun consistently, ther i a fe ling f c mrad ship for that p tticular \ u on and y u tak pride in givin it m ti ul us are nnd ften talk to it v.-hile doing o. P er­hap that's the rea on they all have pet names. ucce s- At the li hte t rebuff to vour effort l ever lie do rn with a moan. (14) Pvt. P. J. Little, formerly on No. 9 Machine. son of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Little, who reside near the golf course. His address now is care Postmaster, Los Angeles, Calif. He is in the Tanks. His father is on No. 2 Machine Room. Just think of the taste at t!.e bottom As you work your lip throuo-h the foam. )) >> Cl (( Andy Shepherd returned from a nice vacation, pent near l\1inneapo1is, vis­iting his son, Ralph, stationed there with the arm . )) » « ({ Pat Collopy reports hi much trav­eled son} Lieut. Dick Collopy, now is in u tralia. » )) (( (( \ ell, it's go db to Bill Thompson and his humor u marks and r marks bout calend rdom. He is in the Na y for th dura ti n. Y u J nm , that name . homp on ounds f miEar a r und this plac , no matt r how yc 1 spell it. ,» )) « ( Take an Am rican to Mars and he still talk n l thinks in bas baH t rms. Anent this: A bri ef V letter {rom El­mer Th mp on, br ther f Bill and Jim, m ntions casually that he' been fi ghting all over th - Pa ifi and r - mark he missed a f w high inside pitches. (P.S.~E vi dentl y ne of the pitches nick d him after this letter was written, as he was reported slightly WOUDded.) Card Parties Cha . pion gi rl- enjo ed novel card ra · ie , held in the Broke B.ox and C ) '[ Lou n e of the rojlJ on October 7 and I"' . T he decorations were in _ lexican color red, o-reen and yellow and trings of peppers gourd and platter of oreen and red peppeL to­m. atoe~ and gourd adorned the walJ and able . P riz~s were hand-made pottery a ·h tray ~ following the tl!erne of the party. The following o-irls at­tended : I\lary Ma on, Dm:oth Craig Ruth Henley, Nina Hamm@rle, Jo Puma, Nancy Gardner, tlary Gift, Blanche Newman Lottie v\ illiamson, Doris Kolibob Iola v\ eber r-k.1,rgaret Ley­don, Emma Philpot, Alma Sutton, 1icky hireman, Ada Karr, Wanda Bultman, Kathryn Schmidt, Naomi David on, Helen Lowes, Muriel Allen, Helen Ro t1 Sis Weiland, Margaret Wise Akie Andrews, Emma Grey, I\ilargaret Beckham, Romilda \Vi se­man, L:il Cam pbel, Cla1re Wolfe E1aine ~1erz Pat Hammerle, Frances Sort­man, France Sutphen, Florence Sche­ben Clara Belle Hall. lime Service Brings Pay Boost to 37 More A total of 3 7 more Champion in the Hamilton Divi·ion came in, during o~tober, for the pay boo t, due to the policy which automaticall y adds five percent increa e at the end of each five year of employment. In the list are 16 who completed their fir t five yea r four who completed ten year nine cc.mpleting fifteen yea rs; six complet­in twenty years, and two who were a le to ob erve their ilver anniversary a, Cbampimi . They are : Completing Five Y:ears: : 1artin Bernard Mick Edgar Geo. Wi eman \V1ll1am E. Quinn Carland _ I. \ 1unz . 1arion 1 1cCollu rn ~ 1erle _ Jc wain Fred 0 Dell • 1a · Boell Clarence Dully Hubert Morri iUiam H. Marvin R 1 h Harri Robert Begley Edmund \Volif Earl Elbert Baker C1a renee Mes er Completing Ten Years: Jacob Newman "William Undeutsch Stev.e Gasten Ella Shepard Completing Fifteen Years: Mary E. Jones Otto T. Reid -Tacob Lainhart Earl J. May Sta nley Ri edel Jane Angel Alva Hurdle Chester Mundinger Beck Laney Completing Twenty Years: Catherine F. Kemper James L. Collier J. Tevis Ftetcber garJ. Parker Ewing D. mold Carl C. Reiff Completing Twenty-Five Years: Tohn D. Hardwick bra P. Miller (15) --- ~ --- CARTOON DUE ON THIS Carl Buehling, Scheduiing, had his chance for fame a few days ago and grq.bbed it. . In the cafeteria, with a long line of folk ahead of him and al o behind him, Carl dropped a tray filled with dishes of the choicest mors 1 erved that day. He is usually bashful, became more so, and vvalked out. INVITED TO LODGE The 11nore than 200 Mas~ns in the Hamilton mill are being invited by James Pelley, chairman of an a rrange­ments committee, to attend the meeting sGhedul ed for mid-November, when Dr. Charles A. Keith, Richmond, Ky., one of the lead ing T\'lasons in that state, will speak. The <1;ffa ir is being spon­sored by the Past Master Assodatien. Tbiree Champions who played baseball on the Champion team before they entered the service. The Log told about their unusual al')d happy reu.nion in Africa last month. Left. to right they are Bobby Knodel. Tommy Thomp· so.n and Wally Faber, "the best tnfield that ever hit Hamilton." · • n c:L:. LIt . J.,I.) ~ " ~ - l~t. c:.,._yq. ~ ~. ou." ~"'s v.,._,pt,o"' ~ Ma. v: Jl l.'I'Y Is h .kH kt l wl.t '!E( stt~.nd.•~ u.p + OYYq,,.t ~y, 1'1. w•lcl, 1'\ta.J Ill- .1\o;,, (, h. CI';.U cl b y HI.~ oll C: . . ~ 1 U t . e.r.l u . ~ . ~oils to i:l. ( . ~ .t~. ~. so . otl. to ~.11 up o" an By Tommie J1;[ a11 ring Pinch hitting for Bill fbompson who ha reported this column so well in the past. Bill is now in the Navy so yours truly will try to carry on. ) ) )) (( (( Bill will undergo limited training fo r the next {ew weeks to condition h im for duty with the U. S. Navy, at the train­ing station at Farragut, Id aho. GooJ luck from one and all. )> )) {{ ({ P earl 1\t1ay, R unner on • - >. 21 fur Abie Barger, has also been cho en for the Navy. Pearl is taking his b ot train ing at :r reat L ake . Add r ' SS : James P ea rl May, AS, C0. 1383 C. S. . T. S., Crcat Lak s, Ill. )) )) (( (( A military fune ral as h lei in St. N[ary Cath lie Church Tuesday, Sep­tember 28, for Lawrence J. \Vcl · Text Iceland ren Hunter Library Digital Collections (Western Carolina University) Aho ENVELOPE(29.167,29.167,66.050,66.050) Allo ENVELOPE(-61.800,-61.800,-63.967,-63.967) Almo ENVELOPE(15.306,15.306,66.954,66.954) Arlington ENVELOPE(-139.171,-139.171,64.024,64.024) Babel ENVELOPE(-61.401,-61.401,-63.885,-63.885) Baldwin ENVELOPE(163.300,163.300,-72.250,-72.250) Battleship ENVELOPE(-160.917,-160.917,-76.917,-76.917) Beck ENVELOPE(67.017,67.017,-71.033,-71.033) Blanche ENVELOPE(140.018,140.018,-66.663,-66.663) Bor ENVELOPE(126.850,126.850,61.750,61.750) Bryant ENVELOPE(-60.942,-60.942,-71.236,-71.236) Burch ENVELOPE(164.417,164.417,-70.817,-70.817) Byers ENVELOPE(-60.283,-60.283,-63.900,-63.900) Caldwell ENVELOPE(-101.500,-101.500,-72.083,-72.083) Calvin ENVELOPE(165.100,165.100,-71.283,-71.283) Carr ENVELOPE(130.717,130.717,-66.117,-66.117) Carroll ENVELOPE(-81.183,-81.183,50.800,50.800) Chaco ENVELOPE(-60.583,-60.583,-63.033,-63.033) Chandler ENVELOPE(-59.682,-59.682,-64.490,-64.490) Clifford ENVELOPE(-63.167,-63.167,-70.467,-70.467) Coleman ENVELOPE(163.400,163.400,-77.533,-77.533) Collier ENVELOPE(-61.864,-61.864,-70.221,-70.221) Dewey ENVELOPE(-64.320,-64.320,-65.907,-65.907) Doyle ENVELOPE(-65.300,-65.300,-66.000,-66.000) Dy ENVELOPE(11.369,11.369,64.834,64.834) Edith ENVELOPE(-57.617,-57.617,-63.583,-63.583) Emerson ENVELOPE(168.733,168.733,-71.583,-71.583) Esther ENVELOPE(-57.700,-57.700,-61.917,-61.917) Ewing ENVELOPE(-61.257,-61.257,-69.924,-69.924) Furness ENVELOPE(-55.000,-55.000,-61.033,-61.033) Gardner ENVELOPE(65.903,65.903,-70.411,-70.411) Getz ENVELOPE(-145.217,-145.217,-76.550,-76.550) Gunner ENVELOPE(169.633,169.633,-83.533,-83.533) Hale ENVELOPE(-86.317,-86.317,-78.067,-78.067) Harri ENVELOPE(24.417,24.417,66.483,66.483) Hemphill ENVELOPE(165.100,165.100,-70.983,-70.983) Henson ENVELOPE(-168.350,-168.350,-84.833,-84.833) Hicks ENVELOPE(64.763,64.763,-71.144,-71.144) Hines ENVELOPE(13.035,13.035,66.243,66.243) Hollen ENVELOPE(8.601,8.601,62.909,62.909) Hollo ENVELOPE(29.070,29.070,65.601,65.601) Hooker ENVELOPE(-62.050,-62.050,-63.283,-63.283) Hurley ENVELOPE(51.350,51.350,-66.283,-66.283) Icha ENVELOPE(155.983,155.983,55.567,55.567) Illia ENVELOPE(14.267,14.267,66.337,66.337) Indian Isi ENVELOPE(-38.550,-38.550,65.617,65.617) Kane ENVELOPE(-63.038,-63.038,-73.952,-73.952) Kerr ENVELOPE(65.633,65.633,-70.433,-70.433) Leland ENVELOPE(12.943,12.943,66.064,66.064) Lester ENVELOPE(-62.583,-62.583,-64.900,-64.900) Lone ENVELOPE(11.982,11.982,65.105,65.105) Loren ENVELOPE(-171.669,-171.669,65.509,65.509) Maki ENVELOPE(-179.078,-179.078,67.632,67.632) Mathew ENVELOPE(159.950,159.950,-81.683,-81.683) Maurice ENVELOPE(-55.817,-55.817,-63.133,-63.133) McGee ENVELOPE(164.550,164.550,-74.050,-74.050) Merle ENVELOPE(139.933,139.933,-66.679,-66.679) Milton ENVELOPE(-84.800,-84.800,-78.800,-78.800) Moan ENVELOPE(9.843,9.843,62.881,62.881) Mooney ENVELOPE(-145.800,-145.800,-86.567,-86.567) Morrison ENVELOPE(-63.533,-63.533,-66.167,-66.167) Mullen ENVELOPE(-84.600,-84.600,-78.800,-78.800) Ner ENVELOPE(6.622,6.622,62.612,62.612) Nes ENVELOPE(7.634,7.634,62.795,62.795) Nes’ ENVELOPE(44.681,44.681,66.600,66.600) Orne ENVELOPE(-62.533,-62.533,-64.633,-64.633) Orville ENVELOPE(-63.000,-63.000,-75.167,-75.167) Osborne ENVELOPE(-84.767,-84.767,-78.617,-78.617) Pacific Percy ENVELOPE(-55.883,-55.883,-63.250,-63.250) Reece ENVELOPE(-58.533,-58.533,-63.833,-63.833) Reeves ENVELOPE(-67.983,-67.983,-67.133,-67.133) Reimer ENVELOPE(-86.200,-86.200,-77.800,-77.800) Reno ENVELOPE(-117.003,-117.003,56.000,56.000) Rida ENVELOPE(40.916,40.916,64.815,64.815) Ringer ENVELOPE(162.050,162.050,-77.250,-77.250) Roa ENVELOPE(14.869,14.869,68.446,68.446) Rudolph ENVELOPE(-62.433,-62.433,-64.900,-64.900) Sheppard ENVELOPE(-56.967,-56.967,-63.367,-63.367) Snyder ENVELOPE(-121.386,-121.386,56.917,56.917) Tabor ENVELOPE(150.284,150.284,71.277,71.277) Tay ENVELOPE(-55.750,-55.750,-63.367,-63.367) Theodore ENVELOPE(-62.450,-62.450,-64.933,-64.933) Turret ENVELOPE(-57.951,-57.951,-62.088,-62.088) Ura ENVELOPE(6.679,6.679,62.600,62.600) Urin ENVELOPE(6.909,6.909,62.583,62.583) Vance ENVELOPE(-139.567,-139.567,-75.467,-75.467) Vay ENVELOPE(-62.600,-62.600,-62.267,-62.267) Waldron ENVELOPE(115.083,115.083,-66.500,-66.500) Warden ENVELOPE(-146.617,-146.617,-86.000,-86.000) Weaver ENVELOPE(-153.833,-153.833,-86.967,-86.967) Webb ENVELOPE(146.867,146.867,-67.867,-67.867) Whit ENVELOPE(-65.916,-65.916,-66.033,-66.033) Willis ENVELOPE(159.450,159.450,-79.367,-79.367)