Northwest History. Aviation 8. Church Affairs: Chruches, Pastors & Missionaries, United States.

Aged Pastor Uses Airplane: Episcopal Bishop Of Alaska Flies To Portions Of His Field. AGED PASTOR USES AIRPLANE Episcopal Bishop of Alaska Flies to Portions of His Field. SEATTLE, Feb. 15. (7P)—His 71 years will not deter the Rev. Peter Trimble Rowe, bishop of Alaska of the Episcopal church, from co...

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Published: 1928
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Summary:Aged Pastor Uses Airplane: Episcopal Bishop Of Alaska Flies To Portions Of His Field. AGED PASTOR USES AIRPLANE Episcopal Bishop of Alaska Flies to Portions of His Field. SEATTLE, Feb. 15. (7P)—His 71 years will not deter the Rev. Peter Trimble Rowe, bishop of Alaska of the Episcopal church, from covering portions of his field by airplane, the "bishop of all- outdoors" indicated here today when he sailed for Alaska on his annual four. When Bishop Rowe made his first perilous pilgrimage into interior Alaska, 32 years ago, he went in by dog team. He still uses dogs to reach some of the distant and isolated places on his itinerary, but development of modern transportation by rail and air have made his task lighter. At Ketchikan, Bishop Rowe will consecrate a new church. Proceeding by steamer to Seward, he will travel railroad to Fairbanks plane journeys will begin. By using an airplane Bishop Rowe will reach such points as Koyukuk and Point Hope in a day or less, as compared with a month or six weeks by dog team. Bishop Rowe made his first airplane trip last year when lack of time would have, prevented him from visiting some of his missions if he had to rely on do« team transportation.