Northwest History. Aviation 8. Rescue & Searching Parties, United States.

Fairbanks Waiting Word From Barrow About Relief Plane: Nieminer And Heyser Were In Search Of Missing Picture Airplanes./Another Craft Ready To Start On Rescue. WORD FROM BARROW ABOUT RELIEF PLANE Nieminer and Heyser Were in Search of Missing Picture Airplanes ANOTHER CRAFT READY TO START ON RESCUE F...

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Published: 1928
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Summary:Fairbanks Waiting Word From Barrow About Relief Plane: Nieminer And Heyser Were In Search Of Missing Picture Airplanes./Another Craft Ready To Start On Rescue. WORD FROM BARROW ABOUT RELIEF PLANE Nieminer and Heyser Were in Search of Missing Picture Airplanes ANOTHER CRAFT READY TO START ON RESCUE FAIRBANKS, Alaska, June 1.—(AP) —Airport officials here today were hopefully awaiting word from Point Barrow of the safe arrival there of a relief plane flown by Matt Niemlnen, and carrying as a passenger Richard Heyser, a radio operator. The plane left Kotzebue on Bering strait a week ago today in cloudy weather and was believed to have been halted by fog at Walnwrlght. about 100 miles southwest of Point Barrow. Latest advices from Kotzebue, where the government maintains a radio station, indicated that the weather had cleared and It was hoped here that cleared and it was hoped here that the north. Nieininen and Heyser left here to seek the two missing planes of the Fox Film corporation Point Barrow expedition, which left here May 11 and were last seen at Wiseman, about half way to Point Barrow, two days later. Five men were in the planes, piloted by Noel Wien and R. S. Merrill. Their passengers were Jack Robertson and L. Virgil Hart, directors, and Charles G. Clarke, cameraman. Meanwhile. the. largest cabin plane in Alaska, piloted by A. A. Bennett of Fairbanks, was ready on the airport here to take off In search of the three planes if Heyser is not heard from soon. Bennett's plane is equipped with wheels, but he planned, to take skills along and put them on his ship at. Kotzebue. It was thought that the other planes might have come to grief because they were not equipped with F-kles and the ground at Point Barrow is still covered with snow.