Northwest History. Liberty Loans, War Stamps and War Funds, Libraries, Licenses, Livestock. Liberty Loans, War Stamps and War Funds.

District Total 51.5 Per Cent: Quota Little Over Half Taken, Although Liberty Day Appeals Bring Results: $206,708,250 In Bank: Official Report Shows Subscriptions By Districts--Washington's Now $36,357,900. District Total 51.5 Per Cent: Quota Little Over Half Taken, Although Liberty Day Appeals...

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Published: 1918
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Summary:District Total 51.5 Per Cent: Quota Little Over Half Taken, Although Liberty Day Appeals Bring Results: $206,708,250 In Bank: Official Report Shows Subscriptions By Districts--Washington's Now $36,357,900. District Total 51.5 Per Cent: Quota Little Over Half Taken, Although Liberty Day Appeals Bring Results: $206,708,250 In Bank: Official Report Shows Subscriptions By Districts--Washington's Now $36,357,900. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 12,—Responding to urgent appeals from Liberty loan headquarters and answering the promptings of "Liberty day," San Francisco subscribed $6,382,910 to the fourth Liberty loan today, bringing her total to $49,647,130. The total for the twelfth federal reserve district at 5 p. m. today was $206,708,25 0 or 51.5 per cent of the total allotment. Northern California reported 16 counties had exceeded their quotas. The official' bank totals for the major divisions of the district were: Alaska, $1,370,000; Arizona, $3,007,150: northern California, $71,615,850; southern California, $37,119,350; Hawaii, $3,153,850; Idaho, $9,517,500; Nevada, $1,897,950; Oregon, $27,688,550; Utah, $10,900,250; Washington, $36,357,900. Wireless Order From Arctic. SEATTLE, Oct. 12—A wireless order for $2050 in Liberty bonds reached here today from the crew of a Seattle steamer in the Arctic ocean. Lane County Over Subscribed. SENE, Ore., Oct. 12.—Lane county has over-subscribed its fourth Liberty loan quota by over $30,000, official announcement having been made by the campaign committee this afternoon. The county's quota was $695,520, and it was announced that Lane county people have subscribed $725,000 to the loan. Aviators "Bomb" Los Angeles. LOS ANGELES, Cal„ Oct. 12.—A fleet of more than 100 Airplanes from March field, 70 miles east of here, flew over Los Angeles in precise military formation today and landed at a point southwest of the city, after having dropped a cargo of Liberty loan literature. The fleet was said to be the largest ever flown in one formation in this country. The air parade was the one feature of Los Angeles' celebration of Liberty day. Kansas. City Celebrates. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Oct. 12.—When announcement was made at a meeting of the Liberty loan committee tonight that Kansas City had gone nearly a million over its quota of $26,000,000 in six days of canvassing, and simultaneously word came from Washington of the apparent acceptance of President Wilson's terms, an impromptu parade was organized. A band was found somewhere and the parade gained in numbers until more than a. thousand persons were in line singing patriotic songs and shouting and cheering. All street traffic was interrupted while the round of the newspaper offices was made. Denver Exceeds Allotment. DENVEL, Col., Oct. 12—Denver went over the top in the fourth Liberty loan campaign begun Monday morning, when' early tonight pledges totaling $17,950,000 were reported to the state committee. The city's quota war $17,950,750. The number of subscribers as approximately 73,000.