Summary:In The Goode Olde Days: Twenty Years Ago: The Lynden Tribune August 17, 1916. In The Olde Days TWENTY YEARS AGO The Lynden Tribune August 17, 1916 Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Booman celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary Tuesday at their home north of Lynden. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Zylstra returned to Lynden Saturday and are now living in their new home on Front Street. Butter jumped four cents in price this morning, and local dairymen are receiving 37c a pound now for butterfat. Walter Muenscher will leave August 23 for Ithaca, N. Y., where he will serve as an instructor in botany, and work for his doctor's degree. Marriage licenses were issued Tuesday to Arthur L. Hickey of Lynden and Edith E. Marr of Laurel, and Walter Lankhaar and Alice Helen Honcoop of Lynden. The campaign of the Lynden Volunteer Fire Department to raise funds to purchase an auto fire truck to carry apparatus and men to blazes in outlying districts is meeting with a hearty response. The Potowatomie Camp Fire Girls returned to Lynden Saturday evening after eleven days' camping at Birch Bay. Those making the trip were Doris Gale, Ruby Parrish, Ruth Stuart, Edna Daniels and Nellie Ecker. TEN YEARS AGO The Lynden Tribune August 19, 1926 Ed Hofman returned to Lynden Tuesday from Ketchikan. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. George Brink broke his arm Saturday. J. T. McPhail was seriously injured when he fell while at work in the woods Monday. Miss Helen Boerhave and Berry G. Wright were married Friday afternoon in Bellingham. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Breen at the Lynden Maternity Hospital Sunday. A shower was held for Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Royal Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Verduin. Edna Horton entertained for a number of her friends Saturday afternoon in honor of her birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Maricle gave a dance in their new chicken house for their neighbors and friends Tuesday evening. A fire caused by spontaneous combustion broke out in the hay in Raymond Bajema's barn Tuesday, and through the efforts of neighbors and friends was put out before much damage was done.