Summary: | The Weather. The Weather. Forecast or Washington—Generally fair Monday and Tuesday, but consider able cloudiness Monday; rising temperature in interior; moderate northwest wind off the Coast. Forecast for Idaho—Fair Monday and Tuesday, but considerable cloudiness Monday; moderate temperature. Spokane temperatures: Highest, 63 lowest, 52; mean, 57. One year ago Highest, 64; lowest, 50; mean, 61. Precipitation the last 24 hours, .01. 5 a.m. Noon. 5 p.m. Dry temperature. 53.5 59.9 60.8 Wet temperature. 51.3 54.1 53.3 Relative humidity. 87 70 61 Observations taken 5 p.m., Pacific standard time, October 4, 1936. By Associated Press. High Low Prec. Stations. Temp. Temp. 24 Hrs. Boston. 60 44 .00 Chicago. 72 52 .00 Denver. 68 44 .00 Galveston. 80 . .00 Kansas City. 78 62 .00 Los Angeles. 80 58 .00 Minneapolis. . 56 .00 New Orleans. 86 70 .00 New York. 68 52 .00 Portland. 60 58 .02 Salt Lake City. 70 42 .00 San Francisco. 70 54 .00 Seattle. 65 54 .03 Spokane. 63 52 .00 Walla Walla. 70 56 .00 Washington. 70 44 .00 Yakima. 74 52 .00 Cordova. 48 40 .01 Fairbanks. 38 24 .00 Ketchikan. 54 50 .01 Nome. 44 30 .00 Vancouver. 64 52 .00 Boise. 68 44 .00 Eureka. 60 48 .00 Havre. 72 36 .00 Helena. 62 48 .00 Kalispell. 62 46 .00 Lander. 70 36 .00 North Head. 58 50 .00 Rosenburg. 78 54 .00 Tatoosh Island. 56 50 .00 Winnemucea. 74 7.6 .00 Calgary. 62 44 .01 Edmonton. 62 42 .01 Ksmloops. 60 46 .02 Prince Albert. 50 30 .00 Prince Rupert. 56 48 .26 Swift Current. 68 40 .00