Northwest History. Sociology of Whitman County. Dramatics. United States

Byrd To Talk, Show Pictures At W. S. C. BYRD TO TALK, SHOW PICTURES AT W. S. C. WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE, PULLMAN, Oct. 7.—Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, antarctic explorer for the government, will address students here January 12, according to Earl V. Foster, graduate manager. Two addresses will be...

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Published: 1935
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Summary:Byrd To Talk, Show Pictures At W. S. C. BYRD TO TALK, SHOW PICTURES AT W. S. C. WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE, PULLMAN, Oct. 7.—Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, antarctic explorer for the government, will address students here January 12, according to Earl V. Foster, graduate manager. Two addresses will be made, afternoon and evening. Motion pictures of the antartic expedition shown.