Bexar tracks : the newsletter of the Bexar Audubon Society, Vol. 12, No. 01

Bexar Tracks began with Vol. 4, no. 1 (January 1986). It continues Newsletter (Bexar Audubon Society). \" / . §racRs 21 0·822·4503 JANUARY 1994 BEXAR AUDUBON SOCIETY CHAPTER OF THE NATIONAL AUDUBON SOCIETY The Chapter's primary goals are to promote species and habitat conse.Vation and envi...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Bexar Audubon Society
Format: Text
Published: San Antonio, Tex. : Bexar Audubon Society, 1994
Online Access:
record_format openpolar
institution Open Polar
collection UTSA Digital Collections (The University of Texas at San Antonio)
op_collection_id ftutexasanantodc
language English
topic Birds--Conservation--Texas--Periodicals.
Nature conservation--Texas--Periodicals
Clubs and Organizations
Science and Technology
spellingShingle Birds--Conservation--Texas--Periodicals.
Nature conservation--Texas--Periodicals
Clubs and Organizations
Science and Technology
Bexar Audubon Society
Bexar tracks : the newsletter of the Bexar Audubon Society, Vol. 12, No. 01
topic_facet Birds--Conservation--Texas--Periodicals.
Nature conservation--Texas--Periodicals
Clubs and Organizations
Science and Technology
description Bexar Tracks began with Vol. 4, no. 1 (January 1986). It continues Newsletter (Bexar Audubon Society). \" / . §racRs 21 0·822·4503 JANUARY 1994 BEXAR AUDUBON SOCIETY CHAPTER OF THE NATIONAL AUDUBON SOCIETY The Chapter's primary goals are to promote species and habitat conse.Vation and environmental education in the community. The E4wards Aquifer: Water Q~ality & Quantity .Issues The January general meeting of BAS will be held at 7:30pm, Thursday, January 20, at the Ruble Center. The meeting is free, and open to the public. The program, which will begin. promptly at 7:30, wiil fe~ture George Veni, speaking about the Edwards 'Aquifer. Refreshments will be served. There will be a doorprize, too! As San At)tonio's sole source of drinking water, the Edwards has been one of the most discussed subjects of both· scientifi'c and political interest 1in the region for several years. How dqes the aquifer function? Why 'is its protection critical not only for the 1.3 _ million citizens of San Antonio and the central Texas region who depend upon it for drinking and other water needs, but also for the health of the regional ecosystem? Issues such as contamination of the <!_quifer, development over the aquif~r, and . resource conservation will also be considered. Our speaker: Veni is a hydrologist specializing in qwes and karst terrains. He will focus on water quality and qu<J.ntity issue:; regarding the Edwards Aquifer. Veni is active in San Antonio's scientific and environmental. community, and is regarded as a leading authority on the Edwards. He holds a masters degree from .,"-"--'-~ --- '~.-.;. . ~""'"'-'-""--"-l Western Kentucky .University, where his thesis treated the effects of urbanization on SAT.,JAN. 22 OUTING TO ' . . ' . GAVE WITHOUT A NAME Meet at the parking lot of Peri Foods (northeast corner of the· intersectiqn of Callaghan Road at IH-10 West) at 9am for a visit to Cave Witliout a Name. We'll see good examples of groundwater and karst form_ations in the cave. (Admission fee to the cave is $5 for adults.) , Time and weather permitting, we'll stop at Cibolo Wilderness ,Trail following our cave visit to enjoy a picnic lunch. Bring'your lunch and beverages along. - Contact Ma~:ge Fl the world have - \\;'hether .God's Country is beipg homog- ·Our'speaker, George V~ni, is ari authority continued to rise. All told,' two-thirds of · enized into the qrdinar~: our citie's a· on the Edwards Aquifer' and the threats to the planet's original natural forests liave · standardized U.S. ·chic, our villages gen-its water quality. 1 Please plan to 'attend. been cleared, fragmented, or converted . to trified and strip-mailed, our acreage put I also want to remind you that ballots are uniform stands ofcommerciql timber." ' - to the narrowest economic measure. ~ dur for -1994's new officers and board ,· "Durning concludes tpat past atte~pts "Dietrich is right. The question of forests - members (see page 5), and elections will to halt deforestation foundered because is as much about ourselves as it is about take plate at the Jan~at)"meeting. ' · they set their sights on the proximate, · -~um~er, water, ahd b.iologic,al diversity. It As this is my final. month a,s president, r rather than the ultimate, causes of defor- · Is a15out what we are and about what kind want to thank all of this year's10fficers, estation. They sought to halt those who of saciety we want to be: On the evolution-· board an:d committee members, and vol- · fell the trees-commercial cultivators ' ary stage; are we tragic o.r transcendent unte~rs for all the ha~d work they have . ranchers, real estate speculators: develop~.,. characters? Planetary locusts,.' or planetary done on behalf of Bexar Audubon Society. ers, loggers, miners, ~and slash-and-burn stewards? · - Itkis only through thes~ efforts thatr'e are farmers. ' But these are merely the leading ·. · "In the end, the fate of the earth's able to make any progress in fulfilling our . edge of a larger force. They are the teeth woodeq lands is 'tied to the fate of their · chapter's mission: comm11nity education of the saw; the saw is a money economy inhabitants. Either rights to a~c~stral . and species and habitat conservation. ' blind to its ecologicaJ roots. lands will be defended with the full force I urge all m~mbers of Bexar Audubon to . "Saving the forests will ~equire thre~) of the law, or the forest will fall. Either participate in you~ chapter's activities and fundamental changes: recognizing ri_ghts for'est dwellers wi!J gain'a share of the ~co­/ let your opinions and wishes be known on, to forests for millions of dlsposs~ssed for- · ·nomic worth of tpe ecoJogical services possible outings, programs, or issues, · est dwellers; shifting to· ecologically-basM their forests provide, or the forests will Thanks are due to our new board mem- p{icing of forest p'roducts; and breaking fall. Either forest .residents will be allowed hers anc~ officers for' 1994 and their com- . the viselike grip that big timber interests into· the corridors. of power, or tne forests .mi:tment to our goals. To them and to yo'u, and other resource extractors have on will fall. Other things can help save best wishes and happy new year. · natjonal forest policie·s." ' I· 1 forests, -but these are fundamental: prop- -Walter Barfield · . "In thejr disappearance or regeneration, erty rights; price, and power. As 'they are ' --;-~-=.-::;;;;;:-;:---;-.-;;~-=-===-=--=-=:--:=' ~-=- forests serve as an indicator of 'progress currently structured, the o'f sweep- ' NATIONAL AUDUBON towar<{ the paramount goal of reconciling ing deforestation that has grippea the So( the hJman enterprise with the Earth's · world since 1950 wiH only' continue." ' • · IETV -1994 biological des-ign. Bili'Dietrici)., science . (The Worldwatc:;h Institute, 1776 BIENNIAL CONVENTION corr.espondent for the Seattle Times con- Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC November 11-15, i994 eluded as much after chronicling th~ five- 20036-1904.) Sheraton Harbor Place Hotel&. year controversy that raged over the - Harborside Convention Center protection of old-growth forests in the E - Edwards Drive, Fort Myers, Florida u.s. Northwest. ndangered Spe<;:ies Act - . "The conflict can be seen as a test d se Act_ion Heats Up I · _ , · ·N Movoebmileb eLre al6rn-ilng Lab · ' · · ' 7 , 1994 - for the world. Would the 'richest nation in On November 9, a House MM&F subcom- · Flamingo 'Lodge on Floriqa Bay ~he history _,of th~ planet spare the last 5 miUee h'eld a hearing on the medicinal Everglades National Park, Florida percent of its natural forests from logging ' uses of plants and. protections provided to' Popj.liatiori Cpnfe~ence November 18-20, 1994 Hyatt Regency Hotel 400 SE S~cond Avenue, Miami, Florida Plan no\v to attend all or part -of thi~ , innova,tive conference. Hear provocative speakers. Enjoy a two-day expertly guided tour into the heart of the Everglades. Follow-up on the U.N. International Conference on Population and Developm~nt in Cairo. And more: a'nd volunt uld be required . to buy, out affected newsletter.' · The Tauzin-Fields bill (HR 1490) and its _property owners. The. ban on DDT-with- · . A war.m weicome to Penny Davis, who • 1companion bi11 in the Senate, the Shelby out which the recovery of the baid . eagle has agreed to serve -as finance chair! ' - Caryl Swann has resigned as secretary of bill (S1521), both opposed by ·the . would·hever have occurred-might never the board due to family and business com- Coalition, would make both 'major· sub- ~ have. been won if thb 'r~forms' now being mitments.,Anita Reeves has stepped in. ~stantive and procedural changes to the advocated had been' law a quarter century- Thapks to Caryl for many years of service Act, reducing the prptections of the act ag<;>." - \to Bexar Audubon and San Antonio's envi-and burdening its implementation. Please W.rite to your ,U.S. representa- ronmental community. : · hpagine this scenario, drawn by Michael · tive (Honorable _:__, U.S. House of ' Dan & Kristy Davis .have done a great J. Bean of the Environmental· D'efense Represent(ltives, Washingto.n, ·DC . job this year bringin,g our membership list Fund: if the. Tauzin-Fields proposals (Hit' 205115) and ask ftim to co-sponsor HR management in house, (saving the chapter 1490) had been in force earlier, when we 2043. If he is· alre.ady a co~sponsor of .a significant amount of money). Their · friendly greetings at the door for out . r~cognize·d the plight of the ba]d eagle, HR 1490, urge him to withdraw support meetings help make everyone feel wel- "just getting the bald eagle onto ·the pro- from ·tha(bill and co-sponsor HR 2043. come. Dan & Kristy are a real asset to the tected list would have been no su:r.eJhing. chapter. Congratulations to Dan, who has That's because the eagle is 'in trouble in, ll'1'rite tb .:flrbted ]!f,eJi.if,r been appointed to the City of New Only pa[· tot its range.(the lower 48 states), ' . Bra).lnfels' Recycling Committee. but stil tJ.?.t imped\ed in C:anada ~Alaska. ebuntr, (!~tve JnvertePr~tte.s. , . Ha~lan Patterson. yrobab~y dese0'es this The T~z1~ and Shelby_ btlls r~qmre ~hat The deadlme for. c,omments has b~en 1 ~ears honorabl,~ title of member most · such dtstmct population segments b~ , extended to January 31 .for a petition to hkely to attend_. And Harlan u~es VIA to acco.r d, ed the lowest pr, iority in adding 1t.s t m· ·n e. .:~ 11. g · 1 f d · get to our meetings. It's always good to see cave-~:~we m amrna s oun m him each month species to the threatened and endang~red north and .northwest Bexar County, Texas. · · li~,ts. , . . .• 'The· invertebrates (5 spiders, 3 beetles, --- .,. --- . ~ssummg t~e eagle dtd eventually g:t and a harvestman) ar.·e threatene-d by ,., .· . ' l · hsted, prepanng1 a recovery plan for tt • ·destruction and/or deterio'ra~ion of habi- , -~own Meeting Plans· ' w•o uld ·h ·. av'te t co·n sumed enormous · d · . · f"ll" f ·' Leta Bi.en is heading up our town meet- 1 "th th tat ue to constructiOn, . 1 mg o caves, resources JUS o comp Y WI e new pro- d th. ff t ·f b · • , · ' ing project preparatory to the U.S. ce du ra I \reqm,. remen t s, . I ["~ nc 1u d"m g] h 0 ld - a1.1 t o t' eIr e· te c . s. ot ' .u,r amzda t1h0 n; Network for Cairo and the v.K Conference ' ing ,~ public; hearini in each affecte'd • po en ta con amm~ wn arou~ t e~e on Population and Development: If you. county or parish to consider ,both draft rec~arge fe~tu~es, _w,htch compnse thetr wish tg help with this effort (scheduled for and final recovery planli. 'fhe bald eagle h~bttats, from ~e?hc ~ffluent, sewer leaks, late Fepruary), please contact L~ta at 653- • . occurs in about 1 495 different counties run-offs, & p~shctdes; . 3971 or Susan Hughes at .696-.6868. For . and parishes. Th~s, nearly 3,000 publiC' '•. p,red. ati~n ,b~ and compe~-¥ more volunteer needs, see p~ge 5. hearings would be required throughout ttt10n w.tth tmported ftre th~ country, all within 18 months of the ,ants; and ~ . - ,! E , . . time of the bird's listing. Th~t's d~e every . • cave vandal!sm. 'j . • • • r arth Wise Living Day 4_ hours arollQ!i the 'Clock, · m a dtfferent · The ecological resour~es of t~ese rare Help work the Bexar Audub~n booth at 1 ctty, 7 days a week, 365 days 'a year, f0r }8 · an'9 enda?ge~ed ,cave ecosystems a~.e only the Leon Valley "Earth Wise Living Day," months. - . now begmmng to be known and have Saturday, Febtmiry 26 from -10 to- 2. Call "If these procedural1 .requirements did 1 much to teach e.cologists and evolutionary Susan Hughes at 696~6868' to voluntee[. not fuJ!y cons~me · the~ resources of the biologists. Additionally, protection of the · 'th~, e\le~t, which is free and open to the government that' might otherwise go to caves helps preserve the quality and quan- PVbhc, wtll feature 'Pexas 2000 ·on hous~­protect the bird, other 'reforms' would tity of this region's, drinking water' and hold h~zardous waste, Garpage Gobbl~r. on hobble the ,government's protective ' pow- protects important archeological sites han~ ftgs, _SA K Hlr:bd~o~te~y on ers. Today, eagle nesting habitat is effec- Send you·r comments urging• ti~ely Wer s,h onn d . e Y !Scgussm~ nutntl~ong, t. 1 t t d b t: t ·d 1, . . · · . . eyer a user tscus~m paper recyc m , IVe Y pro. ec e · Yen orcemen gm e mes action tb Fteld Supervisor, Bexar County, and MalColm Beck discussing organic gar-· that _reqmre a modest buffer _around e~gle_ TX, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 611 ~ast · dening: · · nestmg trees. Under1 the proposed btlls! 6th St., Room 407, Austin, TX 78701. r • , . • I ' • I ' - 'I I I B~R TJL\.CKS, January 1994 Patty . Leslie Pasztor made all the were a big ttit and especially beautiful and arrangements for field trips antlled some. unique .items qt the auction. - . - As well, Dick and Joyce Pipes assisted with I know we may ave overlooked some of field trips and a multitude of other activi- our auction donors. If you were a donor ties.J David Bamberger arranged for and and do not see your name here, please call 1 My most sincere apologies ar? due to all led our Bracken bat cave outing-the hot Susan Hughes at 696-6868. , the volunteers, donors, and supporters -ticket for the conference. Thanks for field Mark Oehlert, CMG&O Advertising u;ho-made the SW Regional Conference trip success is also due to Carolyn Ser_vices designed the conference logo.' and Auction possible . and a great sue- Chipman-Evans of Cibolo Wilderness Chapparal Travel offered travel assistance. cess, at that. While there is never justifi- Trail, Ernie Roney, Kijn Hoskins, Greg Rollin' Recording (Lou &·Molly Houck) ~ cation for ignoring the people who make Pasztor, Walt Schumann, Dick Pipes, , recorded Qur conference for posterity: things possible, I will ask your indulgence Jennifer Coleman, Leta Bien, Molly Tapes are still available for purchase (210 and forgiveness, citing the lengthy illness Hovck, Reba Collins, Susan Rust, Penny Altgelt, San Antonio, TX 78201). · · and death in Decem,ber of my mother-in- Solis of Honey Creek State Natural Area Thanks to our banquet .speaker, Senator . law and a second surgery for me in and Joan Nitschke of -Guadalupe. River Carlos Tn,tan, and our special guest, San December (following one in Sept.).Oh, and State Park; Larry White of the Agricultural Antonio Mayor Pro Tern Bob Ross, and to ten days' vacation the end of October, too. Extensio,n Service in Uvalde; Martha and - the City of San Antonio for jts warm wei- . -Susan Hughes Bebe Fenstermaker of the Maverick come and proclamation. , On to the thank yous! . ' Ranch; Harold Stokes and others at ·the Dede Armentrout, alias Sister Connie C. The conference volunteers and staff: Bill 711 Ranch; Capp's van rental; and Aladdin Vayshun, and John Borneman, alias Sain, who_ managed logistics and coordi- catering. . .' - Brother Green, provided unrelenting nated volunteers during the conference- - The staff of the Holiday Inn Airport·, entertainmenLduring the banquet, and my right hand!;· Leta IHen, who solicited especially Joanne Piro and Penny Smith, John was a first-rate auctioneer! business donations; Susan Rust, who coor-. were a wonderful help.- What's a conference· without speakers? dinated the conference b0okstore/gift Special thanks to our eXhibitors and auc- Thanks to Lynne Aldrich, Houston· AS; - store and assisted' with outings; Jenelle tion donors: 4 Star Enterprises Bird Baths Walter Barfield, BAS; Suzanne' Cline, Trevanthan, who managed the hospitality and Bird Feeders (Martin Smith), Bird Art ' Orleans AS; Carol Edwards, Travi:; AS; suite; and Tom Wilson, who ably handled ' Exclusively (Laura Hulbert), Martin Merriwood Ferguson, Frontera AS; the PR and media relations, not only for Travels (Martin Frost), Swarovski -Optiks Charles Fryling, Baton Rouge AS; Susan the conference itself, but also for NAS (Bruce Pfuhl), and the Texas General Land Gary, Orleans AS; Maurie Haas, Frontera; President Peter Berle. Michael McMahon Office (Janie Velazquez). Special donors of Susan Hughes, Bf\S; Reggie Jame-s, helped with. press releases and feature sto- auction items, doorprizes, ang.'Other gifts Consumer Unio1n; Mary , Kelly, Texas ries. Anita Reeves assisted with pre-auc- included USAA, Entemann-Oroweat, Center for Policy Studies; Jim Marston, tion item management. Betty Minyard, Prude Guest Ranch, Kids' World; Leupold Environmental Defense Fund; KTisty Thelma Nungesser, Marge Flanaermeyer, scopes,' Northeagt Harbor, and· the· Texas Davis, BAS; Marisa Oliva, International \Kristy Davis, Bill Woller, Walt Schumann, Parks & Wildlife Department. Youth Alliance; Robert Patterson, MD, Walter Barfield, and Tatjana Terauds i~!I··········IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICentral Texas Perinatal Associates; helped whereyer needed. · iii . Clyde Pikes, Texas Natural Resource Barb£!. not only prepared BORDERS fC6nservation Commission; the conference evaluation form, , Thelma Nungesser, BAS; John but stepped in and organized - Robert Prude, Prude Guest1 ' the AV requirements with Bear Ranch; Cathie Sandell and . Audio-Visual,· who were most ~Lorraine Schulte, Mesilla Valley helpful and generous. Other AS; Susan Porter Smith, San valued volunteers include. Carol National Audubon soclety·Southwest Regional conference Miguel de Allende AS; and Carole Lavelle, Shanna Moore, 'Deborah sexarAud~bon society·San Antonio, Texas·Sept. 29-0ct. 3, 1993 Wilmoth, Brairie & Timbers AS. Robinson, Barbara. Scott, Jennifer 1111111111 Speci_al thanks to National Coleman, Cassandra Dickson, Valerie, ' • Audu,bon Society staff, who partiGi- Ri.char-d & Julia· Camilli,· Caryl Swann, Lisa Ham coordinated donations by pated in the conference, including: Nick DeLuca, Bruce Hughes, Cal Eichler, ceramists from th'e Southwest Craft President Peter Berle, New York;-John' Audrey ·Cooper, Reba Collins, Joanne Center:, including Ma:ry Fischer, Lpuise Borneman, California? Beth Burns, New Strentzsch, Doris Ftench, Marcus Beyerle, Friesen, Don Olsen, Jose Luis Reyes, York; Karen Copeland-Williams, Randall Vitki Belcher, Molly Houck, and Mary Ottillia Hodgkinson, and herself. F-rontera Davey Audubon Center; Dr. Susan Roney Lumbreras. , Audubon donated many items for the auc:: Drennan, New York; Mike Farmer, Texas · Ernie Villarreal o'f Texas Public Radio tion, ·as did NAS. Other auction jtem Coast~! Sanctuaries; Rose Farmer, Saba! reconfed. portions of the program for · donors include .Randall Davey Audubon 1 Palm -Grove Sanctuary; David Henderson, rebroadcast on the KSTX Newsmaker Center, the . San Miguel de Allende Randall Davey; Liz Raisbeck, 'Washington, Hour. Bryce Harper snapped photos on Audubo_n Society, Peggy van Hulsteyn DC; Kathleen Rogers, Washington, DC; Saturday morning. Thanks to Claire (author of The Birdf!r's Guide to Bed and Karen Spragle, New York; Tanya Thomas, Drenowatz and Carroll Printing for pro- Breakfasts, John Muir Publications). Washington, DC; and Jim Waltman, ducing out conference flyers and to ' Thanks for auction items t<;> Joyce' Pipes, Washington, DC. FasClampitt for a good paper deal. Pottery by Lois of Austin, AI Hoeksema, We couldn't have done it without the .J-. The San Antonio Convention & Visitors Audrey Cooper, Thelma Nungesser, Jack great staff at SW Regi?,na:l Audubon: Dede tmreau arid Mike Dominguez of VIA pro- Howard, Joanne Strentzsch,1Richard Armentrout, Sandra Skrei, Judy Spack, vided ma.terials for our conference regis- Marshall, Susan Rust, Betty Minyard, and and volunteer Connie Gottlund. tration packets. The Dallas Nature Center Guy Co leach. - _ Thanks to you . one and· all. I hope· you handle~ all our credit card charges. Special thanks to Harold and Emily Scott enjoyed it even half as much as I.did. If so, Randall Davey Audubon Center in Santa for the donation of several years of mint it was an unqualified success. ·• Fe, NM brought the bookstore/gift. store to sets of coins and stamps featuring the - · -skh the conference. - birds of the British Virgin Is,latfds. These .BEXAR TRACKS, January 1994 and mind Habitat lo s s threatens the HoriJ.e-d .L i :~;ard , once plentiful in ,South Central Texas . Red Ants (Pogohomyrmex spp.), its natural food, ha ve been deplet.ed by pesticides and the invasion of imported ,fire ants , Solenops is invi'cta. · · . I' ' I • ORDER FORM [100% natur:al caHard TEXAS HORNED UZARD T·SHIRT: . QUANTilY & SIZE:.___S __ M _ ' _L_· _. XL __ XXL T!HAL SHIRTS ORDERED x $15.00 = $ .00 [ 1 00% colton black] WHOOPING CRANE T ·SHIRT: ' QUANTITY & SIZE: __ Is __ M -~L __ XL __ XXL TOTAL SHIRTS ,ORDERED . x $15.00 = S .00 SHIPPING/HANDLING: ' $3.00 minimum lor 1 shirt . = S 3.00. $1 .50 lor eoth additional shirt= S .00 YOUR CHECK FOR THE TOTAL AMOUNT $_.00 PAYABLETO: BEXAR AUDUBON SOCIETY. MAIL TO: ilW«r AI.UDin, POB 6084, ~ Mfori, 78209. Prites indudasolestox. Pre-paid on~. Allow 2 weeks. NAME:_.:._ ____ PHONE: ( SHIPPING ADDRESS;. __________ _ CllY/STATE/ZIP:___,.---~ --- ~· ' American Birds to Alter Format NAS has "concluded that American Birds, which has ~small and dedicated audienc~, \ \ NationaVBexar Audubon Society Joint Membership Application 0 $20 introduc;tory membership for my~elf. 0 ____ Gift memberships to those listE}d separately ($~0 eac~). , is no longer financially viable in its current form. · We have therefore reluctantly · NAME decided to scale back this magazine and continue it in a form which includes essential .;:. --- , --- ,-.:._­and :tim. ely information abdut birds but. without' the color, features, columns, and pho'- ADDRESS ~ --- ;:-+--- ' ) tography that have made it attractive to our readers. • 1 · "The last, issue of American Birds, in its current format, will be publi~l1.ed in the CITY/STATE/ZIP _.:._ __ ___:._.,.---.,.--- spring of 1994. lfhe publication will continue a's a quarterly ahd .wiH include ,the regionaLTeports under their old and estaplished title, Audubon Pii!ld Notes. We will AC/PHONE --- ., --- ­also continue to publish the annual Christmas Bird. Count as we have for the past, 93 ¥ears," ac~ording to Dr. Su.san Roney Drennan, 'editor pf American Birqs. . Ppyable to: National Audubon ~ociety. Send this form arid your check to: Tb honor our subscription obligations we will be offering American Birds subscribers .one of several choices, probaoly including subscriptioJ;J.s to · quarterly Auc/ubon Field o(es, the Christmas Bird Count1mnual, or a subscription to Audubon magazine." r --- :-=:-=:--'--1 Bexar Audubon Sodet)r . W19 · P.O.Box 6084 Local Chapter San Antonio, TX 78209 .Code ]XCHA BAs to Elect Officers, Board I'ler,bers ' . . .I . 'At right is the slate of candidates present~d by the BAS ~ominating Committee. The election will occur at the BAS General Meeting,, Thursday, January 20 at 7:30 pm. Please be there to s};low your support for the BAS Board, to make your. interests and concerns known, and to take an active role in the future of BAS. ' . . MAIL TO: BAS 'Teller,, PO Box 6084, SATx 78209 BALLOT BAS 1994 BOARD ELECTION President. . 0 Susan K. Hughes (LVrite-in) , Vice President. ·o Marge Flandermeyer-Lumpe (LVrite-ihJ· · . / . Secretary; . .' · 0 Anita L. Reeves - ( LVrife-in) = --- =c-::-:---: --- ' --- Treasuret. . . . . . 0 Betty Minyard If you cannot attend the meeting, but wish to vote by mail ballot, please-mark .and cut out this, ballot and mail, it to the addre~s at right. Your name arid address as jt appears on your newsletter label must be clea?ly marked on the outside of your mailing enve1ope in order to vali- ' date your vote, but need not appear on ~our ballot to protect the privacy ' of your 'vote. You ma:y wish to enclose your ballot in another ,envelope inside your mailing envelope. Mail ballots inust be received by January 19 (extended due to postal holiday Jan. 17) in order to be counted. (Write-in candidates must be current members of BAS, and ballots with write-ins must be accompanied by a statement signed by the candidate indicating willingness to serve if eJected.) _ (write7in) ·= --- = --- =--'---~-- ' Board Member. 0 Jim Garriott A Few Hours a :Month Could Mean So Much.-• .' . BAS n~eds people to accept responsibility for .doing 'or coorcjlnatlng public relations,, speaker's bureau, meeting refreshments, student liaison, ' ahd newsletter mail­Ing. Helpers are available. Call Susan at 696-6868. (write-in)=-=-=-~--' --- Board Member . O_Bill Sain (wr.ite-in) --- '--~'- [Patty Leslie Pas.ztor, Richard Pipes, and Bill Woller will serve the second y~ars of their two-year terms.] til Page 6 BEXAR TRACKS, January 1994 Winter/Spring Planning' Calentlar .fanuarg' 18 Sierra Club General Meeting, 7:30pm. Unitarian Church, 807 Beryl. 20 "Edwards Aquife.r." BAS General Meeting. Ruble Center. 7:30pm. Conserv~tion committee meeting, 6:30pm. 22 BAS Outing to Cave Without a Name. See page 1 for details. 22 · Primitive tour of Kickapoo Cavern, Kickapoo Cavern State Natural Area near . Uvalde (2'10)563-2342. Conservation Passport event. ~ 22 San Antonio Audubon monthly, field trip to Mitchell Lake. Ernie Roney-656- . 4239. Entrance gate is on the east side of · Moursund Blvd., 0. 7 miles south of SE Loop ·410 (exit 46). 8am. 9 ' 10 12 Partners in Policy Forum V: Agriculture & Clean Water. LBJ Auditorium, UT Austin. (512)473-'4085. BAS Board meeting, 7pm. Second Saturday at Friedrich Wildem~s Park. "Geology of Friedrich Park." 9am, Free, but reservations advised, 698-1057. 12. San Antonio Audubon beginner's bird walk. _ 15 Sierra Club Meeting. 7:30pm. Unitarian Church, 80TBeryl. 16-19 Foundation for North American Wild Sheep. San Antonio. 17 BAS General Meeting. Ruble Center. 7:30pm. Conservation committee meet­ing, 6:30pm. 19-21 San Antonio Audubon field trip to Rio 17-23 National Wildlife Week. NWF Wildlife Week kits will begin to be distributed to teachers in January. Free, but a $2 contribution is requested for shipping & handling. Contact SCOT Kits, 800' Bra.ios, Ste. 311, Austin, TX 78701: 21-22 1994 EDF Symposium-The Global Environment: International Issues & ' Institutions: New York {:ity. (212)505- 2100 Mag 22-27 Toward Earth Community: Ecology, · .Native Wisdol,ll, and Spirituality. Killarney, Co Kerry, Ireland. 13th Annual International Transpersonal Association Conference. (8~0)533-3641. September 22,29.Bald eagle boat tour, Fairfield Lake . State Park near Fairfield (903)389-2216. Conservation Passport event. - Grande Valley. , 19-22 Breast Cancer Epidemic and Nuclear ' Radiation. A conference and public hear­ing. Joe C. Thompsoq Center at UT Austin. CoQtact Sparky Anderson , United Nations International Conference on . Population & Development. Cairo, Egypt.- \ 23,30 Birdwatchilig at Pedernales Falls State Park in Blanco County (210)868-7304. Conservation Passport event. (512)474-0605. 26 City of Leon Valley "Earth Wise Living November 11-20 NAS Biennial Conventi~n: Florida. 29 . Birding ·field trip to Boerne. San Antonio Audubon. Call Tina Gilson--496-5797- for details. 8am. 26 ~:~·~f~2A~1~Monthly field trip - ·. Ongoing ac~ivities to Mitchell-Lake. · Texas Parks & Wildlife Department offers ,· Texas is seeking nominations for its second annual Governor's Awards for Environ­mental Excellence. The awards recognize individuals, gro).lpS, businesses, agricul­turists, the media, education efforts, and governmental entries for projects that exhibit leadership in pollution prevention arid/or reduction in Texas-: For an appli­cation: Clean Texas 2000 Environmental Information Center, 1-800-64-TEXAS. February . 5 First Saturday Hike-general natural history ljike. Friedrich Wilderness Park. 9-llam. Free.' - 5 San Anttmio Audubon trip to Cartwright Ranch. 5-May 15-"Masters of the Night: Tb.e True Story of Bats," Witte Museum. ' OFFICERS AND BOARD March 4-6 National Wildlife Federation annual -meeting, Austin Hyatt Regency. (202)791-5440. 5 First Saturday Hike-:-general natural history hike. Friedrich Wilderness Park. 9-llam. Free. April 1-30 National Wildlife Federation Earth . Action Month . 15-17 15th Annual Texas Wilderness Pow­Wow, Davy Crockett National Forest with guided walks to the Big Slough, Wilderness. Headquarters at Ratcliff Lake Recreation Area,· Ratcliff, Texas. (214)368-1 ~91. many nature activities f<9r annual Texas Conservation Passport holders ($2!5 per · year). A few are listed in this,calendar. Call (800)937-9393'for listing of events. Every Thursday, 1 pm, San Antl:mio City Councilmeetings, City Hall. National Audubon Society's Actjonline. Dial (202)54 7 -9009; ask tor Actionlihe; after hours, press 4 on a touch-tone phone. Audubon Activist. Free .with your commit­ment to make a minimal number of issue-oriented contacts per year. Write NAS, 700 Broadway, New York 10003. Bexar Audubon Society general meetings are 3rd Thursdays at 7:30pm; Conservation Committee meetings at 6:30)'lm. BAS Board meetings are generally held on 2nd · Thursdays at 7:30pm. Outings are usually the Saturday following the meeting. Walter Barfield President 736-0355 BE~ AUD!JBON SOCIETY Marge Flandermeyer-Lumpe Vice President 657-1665 P.O. BOX 6084 NON-PROFIT ORG. . U.S. POSTAGE , Betty Minyard ' Treasurer , 344-6128 · , Anita L. Reeves Acting Secretary 308-9254 SAN ANTONIO, 1TX 78209 Patty Leslie Pasztor Boar,d Member 824-1235 Address Correction Requested Susan K. Hughes Richard Pipes Bill Woller Board Member . \, ~ Board Me~ber 696-6868 ~\r>" ~ Board Member 210-569.2452 ~ ~ ~ Conservation Education Finance Membership Outings Progranis Publicity · Board Member 696-3186 ~ ~Ql COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS I' ~ 0 , - . Richard Pipes 210-569-2452 ~ c:.~ ~ Betty Minyard 344-6128 .a~" , Penny Davis 804~0099 ~V' Dan & Kristy Davis ·- 210-625-5678 Marge Flandermeyer-Lumpe 657-1665 Thelma Nungesser 824-8199 Backyard Habitat ' 1 Barb DeLuca· 492-4291 Bexar Tracks Editor Susan K. Hughes ' 696-6868 PO Bo){ 690028; San Antonio, TX 78269-0028•fAX 696-8053 The editor believes the information In tliis publication to be accurate as of January I:i. • We w~come contributions of interest to members. Suqnussions may be edited. ft 'Deadline is the day after the general meeting. rJt.A.:arr.== ._. . · -· , Printed with soy-based ink on acid-free paper II~II~SIOIVTEIDNMTK~II made of 100, percent post-<:onsumer waste. / ) .PAID SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Permit No. 59Q /
format Text
author Bexar Audubon Society
author_facet Bexar Audubon Society
author_sort Bexar Audubon Society
title Bexar tracks : the newsletter of the Bexar Audubon Society, Vol. 12, No. 01
title_short Bexar tracks : the newsletter of the Bexar Audubon Society, Vol. 12, No. 01
title_full Bexar tracks : the newsletter of the Bexar Audubon Society, Vol. 12, No. 01
title_fullStr Bexar tracks : the newsletter of the Bexar Audubon Society, Vol. 12, No. 01
title_full_unstemmed Bexar tracks : the newsletter of the Bexar Audubon Society, Vol. 12, No. 01
title_sort bexar tracks : the newsletter of the bexar audubon society, vol. 12, no. 01
publisher San Antonio, Tex. : Bexar Audubon Society,
publishDate 1994
op_coverage 2012-07-02
long_lat ENVELOPE(158.217,158.217,-80.117,-80.117)
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Big Slough
Grande Valley
San Miguel
geographic_facet Aldrich
Big Slough
Grande Valley
San Miguel
genre Alaska
genre_facet Alaska
Newsletter (Bexar Audubon Society)
QL684.T4 B49
_version_ 1766242718734876672
spelling 2023-05-15T18:49:11+02:00 Bexar tracks : the newsletter of the Bexar Audubon Society, Vol. 12, No. 01 Bexar Audubon Society 2012-07-02 1994-01 pdf Periodicals eng eng San Antonio, Tex. : Bexar Audubon Society, University of Texas at San Antonio Newsletter (Bexar Audubon Society) QL684.T4 B49 Birds--Conservation--Texas--Periodicals. Ornithology--Texas--Periodicals. Nature conservation--Texas--Periodicals Clubs and Organizations Science and Technology text 1994 ftutexasanantodc 2019-02-19T18:10:37Z Bexar Tracks began with Vol. 4, no. 1 (January 1986). It continues Newsletter (Bexar Audubon Society). \" / . §racRs 21 0·822·4503 JANUARY 1994 BEXAR AUDUBON SOCIETY CHAPTER OF THE NATIONAL AUDUBON SOCIETY The Chapter's primary goals are to promote species and habitat conse.Vation and environmental education in the community. The E4wards Aquifer: Water Q~ality & Quantity .Issues The January general meeting of BAS will be held at 7:30pm, Thursday, January 20, at the Ruble Center. The meeting is free, and open to the public. The program, which will begin. promptly at 7:30, wiil fe~ture George Veni, speaking about the Edwards 'Aquifer. Refreshments will be served. There will be a doorprize, too! As San At)tonio's sole source of drinking water, the Edwards has been one of the most discussed subjects of both· scientifi'c and political interest 1in the region for several years. How dqes the aquifer function? Why 'is its protection critical not only for the 1.3 _ million citizens of San Antonio and the central Texas region who depend upon it for drinking and other water needs, but also for the health of the regional ecosystem? Issues such as contamination of the <!_quifer, development over the aquif~r, and . resource conservation will also be considered. Our speaker: Veni is a hydrologist specializing in qwes and karst terrains. He will focus on water quality and qu<J.ntity issue:; regarding the Edwards Aquifer. Veni is active in San Antonio's scientific and environmental. community, and is regarded as a leading authority on the Edwards. He holds a masters degree from .,"-"--'-~ --- '~.-.;. . ~""'"'-'-""--"-l Western Kentucky .University, where his thesis treated the effects of urbanization on SAT.,JAN. 22 OUTING TO ' . . ' . GAVE WITHOUT A NAME Meet at the parking lot of Peri Foods (northeast corner of the· intersectiqn of Callaghan Road at IH-10 West) at 9am for a visit to Cave Witliout a Name. We'll see good examples of groundwater and karst form_ations in the cave. (Admission fee to the cave is $5 for adults.) , Time and weather permitting, we'll stop at Cibolo Wilderness ,Trail following our cave visit to enjoy a picnic lunch. Bring'your lunch and beverages along. - Contact Ma~:ge Fl the world have - \\;'hether .God's Country is beipg homog- ·Our'speaker, George V~ni, is ari authority continued to rise. All told,' two-thirds of · enized into the qrdinar~: our citie's a· on the Edwards Aquifer' and the threats to the planet's original natural forests liave · standardized U.S. ·chic, our villages gen-its water quality. 1 Please plan to 'attend. been cleared, fragmented, or converted . to trified and strip-mailed, our acreage put I also want to remind you that ballots are uniform stands ofcommerciql timber." ' - to the narrowest economic measure. ~ dur for -1994's new officers and board ,· "Durning concludes tpat past atte~pts "Dietrich is right. The question of forests - members (see page 5), and elections will to halt deforestation foundered because is as much about ourselves as it is about take plate at the Jan~at)"meeting. ' · they set their sights on the proximate, · -~um~er, water, ahd b.iologic,al diversity. It As this is my final. month a,s president, r rather than the ultimate, causes of defor- · Is a15out what we are and about what kind want to thank all of this year's10fficers, estation. They sought to halt those who of saciety we want to be: On the evolution-· board an:d committee members, and vol- · fell the trees-commercial cultivators ' ary stage; are we tragic o.r transcendent unte~rs for all the ha~d work they have . ranchers, real estate speculators: develop~.,. characters? Planetary locusts,.' or planetary done on behalf of Bexar Audubon Society. ers, loggers, miners, ~and slash-and-burn stewards? · - Itkis only through thes~ efforts thatr'e are farmers. ' But these are merely the leading ·. · "In the end, the fate of the earth's able to make any progress in fulfilling our . edge of a larger force. They are the teeth woodeq lands is 'tied to the fate of their · chapter's mission: comm11nity education of the saw; the saw is a money economy inhabitants. Either rights to a~c~stral . and species and habitat conservation. ' blind to its ecologicaJ roots. lands will be defended with the full force I urge all m~mbers of Bexar Audubon to . "Saving the forests will ~equire thre~) of the law, or the forest will fall. Either participate in you~ chapter's activities and fundamental changes: recognizing ri_ghts for'est dwellers wi!J gain'a share of the ~co­/ let your opinions and wishes be known on, to forests for millions of dlsposs~ssed for- · ·nomic worth of tpe ecoJogical services possible outings, programs, or issues, · est dwellers; shifting to· ecologically-basM their forests provide, or the forests will Thanks are due to our new board mem- p{icing of forest p'roducts; and breaking fall. Either forest .residents will be allowed hers anc~ officers for' 1994 and their com- . the viselike grip that big timber interests into· the corridors. of power, or tne forests .mi:tment to our goals. To them and to yo'u, and other resource extractors have on will fall. Other things can help save best wishes and happy new year. · natjonal forest policie·s." ' I· 1 forests, -but these are fundamental: prop- -Walter Barfield · . "In thejr disappearance or regeneration, erty rights; price, and power. As 'they are ' --;-~-=.-::;;;;;:-;:---;-.-;;~-=-===-=--=-=:--:=' ~-=- forests serve as an indicator of 'progress currently structured, the o'f sweep- ' NATIONAL AUDUBON towar<{ the paramount goal of reconciling ing deforestation that has grippea the So( the hJman enterprise with the Earth's · world since 1950 wiH only' continue." ' • · IETV -1994 biological des-ign. Bili'Dietrici)., science . (The Worldwatc:;h Institute, 1776 BIENNIAL CONVENTION corr.espondent for the Seattle Times con- Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC November 11-15, i994 eluded as much after chronicling th~ five- 20036-1904.) Sheraton Harbor Place Hotel&. year controversy that raged over the - Harborside Convention Center protection of old-growth forests in the E - Edwards Drive, Fort Myers, Florida u.s. Northwest. ndangered Spe<;:ies Act - . "The conflict can be seen as a test d se Act_ion Heats Up I · _ , · ·N Movoebmileb eLre al6rn-ilng Lab · ' · · ' 7 , 1994 - for the world. Would the 'richest nation in On November 9, a House MM&F subcom- · Flamingo 'Lodge on Floriqa Bay ~he history _,of th~ planet spare the last 5 miUee h'eld a hearing on the medicinal Everglades National Park, Florida percent of its natural forests from logging ' uses of plants and. protections provided to' Popj.liatiori Cpnfe~ence November 18-20, 1994 Hyatt Regency Hotel 400 SE S~cond Avenue, Miami, Florida Plan no\v to attend all or part -of thi~ , innova,tive conference. Hear provocative speakers. Enjoy a two-day expertly guided tour into the heart of the Everglades. Follow-up on the U.N. International Conference on Population and Developm~nt in Cairo. And more: a'nd volunt uld be required . to buy, out affected newsletter.' · The Tauzin-Fields bill (HR 1490) and its _property owners. The. ban on DDT-with- · . A war.m weicome to Penny Davis, who • 1companion bi11 in the Senate, the Shelby out which the recovery of the baid . eagle has agreed to serve -as finance chair! ' - Caryl Swann has resigned as secretary of bill (S1521), both opposed by ·the . would·hever have occurred-might never the board due to family and business com- Coalition, would make both 'major· sub- ~ have. been won if thb 'r~forms' now being mitments.,Anita Reeves has stepped in. ~stantive and procedural changes to the advocated had been' law a quarter century- Thapks to Caryl for many years of service Act, reducing the prptections of the act ag<;>." - \to Bexar Audubon and San Antonio's envi-and burdening its implementation. Please W.rite to your ,U.S. representa- ronmental community. : · hpagine this scenario, drawn by Michael · tive (Honorable _:__, U.S. House of ' Dan & Kristy Davis .have done a great J. Bean of the Environmental· D'efense Represent(ltives, Washingto.n, ·DC . job this year bringin,g our membership list Fund: if the. Tauzin-Fields proposals (Hit' 205115) and ask ftim to co-sponsor HR management in house, (saving the chapter 1490) had been in force earlier, when we 2043. If he is· alre.ady a co~sponsor of .a significant amount of money). Their · friendly greetings at the door for out . r~cognize·d the plight of the ba]d eagle, HR 1490, urge him to withdraw support meetings help make everyone feel wel- "just getting the bald eagle onto ·the pro- from ·tha(bill and co-sponsor HR 2043. come. Dan & Kristy are a real asset to the tected list would have been no su:r.eJhing. chapter. Congratulations to Dan, who has That's because the eagle is 'in trouble in, ll'1'rite tb .:flrbted ]!f,eJi.if,r been appointed to the City of New Only pa[· tot its range.(the lower 48 states), ' . Bra).lnfels' Recycling Committee. but stil tJ.?.t imped\ed in C:anada ~Alaska. ebuntr, (!~tve JnvertePr~tte.s. , . Ha~lan Patterson. yrobab~y dese0'es this The T~z1~ and Shelby_ btlls r~qmre ~hat The deadlme for. c,omments has b~en 1 ~ears honorabl,~ title of member most · such dtstmct population segments b~ , extended to January 31 .for a petition to hkely to attend_. And Harlan u~es VIA to acco.r d, ed the lowest pr, iority in adding 1t.s t m· ·n e. .:~ 11. g · 1 f d · get to our meetings. It's always good to see cave-~:~we m amrna s oun m him each month species to the threatened and endang~red north and .northwest Bexar County, Texas. · · li~,ts. , . . .• 'The· invertebrates (5 spiders, 3 beetles, --- .,. --- . ~ssummg t~e eagle dtd eventually g:t and a harvestman) ar.·e threatene-d by ,., .· . ' l · hsted, prepanng1 a recovery plan for tt • ·destruction and/or deterio'ra~ion of habi- , -~own Meeting Plans· ' w•o uld ·h ·. av'te t co·n sumed enormous · d · . · f"ll" f ·' Leta Bi.en is heading up our town meet- 1 "th th tat ue to constructiOn, . 1 mg o caves, resources JUS o comp Y WI e new pro- d th. ff t ·f b · • , · ' ing project preparatory to the U.S. ce du ra I \reqm,. remen t s, . I ["~ nc 1u d"m g] h 0 ld - a1.1 t o t' eIr e· te c . s. ot ' .u,r amzda t1h0 n; Network for Cairo and the v.K Conference ' ing ,~ public; hearini in each affecte'd • po en ta con amm~ wn arou~ t e~e on Population and Development: If you. county or parish to consider ,both draft rec~arge fe~tu~es, _w,htch compnse thetr wish tg help with this effort (scheduled for and final recovery planli. 'fhe bald eagle h~bttats, from ~e?hc ~ffluent, sewer leaks, late Fepruary), please contact L~ta at 653- • . occurs in about 1 495 different counties run-offs, & p~shctdes; . 3971 or Susan Hughes at .696-.6868. For . and parishes. Th~s, nearly 3,000 publiC' '•. p,red. ati~n ,b~ and compe~-¥ more volunteer needs, see p~ge 5. hearings would be required throughout ttt10n w.tth tmported ftre th~ country, all within 18 months of the ,ants; and ~ . - ,! E , . . time of the bird's listing. Th~t's d~e every . • cave vandal!sm. 'j . • • • r arth Wise Living Day 4_ hours arollQ!i the 'Clock, · m a dtfferent · The ecological resour~es of t~ese rare Help work the Bexar Audub~n booth at 1 ctty, 7 days a week, 365 days 'a year, f0r }8 · an'9 enda?ge~ed ,cave ecosystems a~.e only the Leon Valley "Earth Wise Living Day," months. - . now begmmng to be known and have Saturday, Febtmiry 26 from -10 to- 2. Call "If these procedural1 .requirements did 1 much to teach e.cologists and evolutionary Susan Hughes at 696~6868' to voluntee[. not fuJ!y cons~me · the~ resources of the biologists. Additionally, protection of the · 'th~, e\le~t, which is free and open to the government that' might otherwise go to caves helps preserve the quality and quan- PVbhc, wtll feature 'Pexas 2000 ·on hous~­protect the bird, other 'reforms' would tity of this region's, drinking water' and hold h~zardous waste, Garpage Gobbl~r. on hobble the ,government's protective ' pow- protects important archeological sites han~ ftgs, _SA K Hlr:bd~o~te~y on ers. Today, eagle nesting habitat is effec- Send you·r comments urging• ti~ely Wer s,h onn d . e Y !Scgussm~ nutntl~ong, t. 1 t t d b t: t ·d 1, . . · · . . eyer a user tscus~m paper recyc m , IVe Y pro. ec e · Yen orcemen gm e mes action tb Fteld Supervisor, Bexar County, and MalColm Beck discussing organic gar-· that _reqmre a modest buffer _around e~gle_ TX, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 611 ~ast · dening: · · nestmg trees. Under1 the proposed btlls! 6th St., Room 407, Austin, TX 78701. r • , . • I ' • I ' - 'I I I B~R TJL\.CKS, January 1994 Patty . Leslie Pasztor made all the were a big ttit and especially beautiful and arrangements for field trips antlled some. unique .items qt the auction. - . - As well, Dick and Joyce Pipes assisted with I know we may ave overlooked some of field trips and a multitude of other activi- our auction donors. If you were a donor ties.J David Bamberger arranged for and and do not see your name here, please call 1 My most sincere apologies ar? due to all led our Bracken bat cave outing-the hot Susan Hughes at 696-6868. , the volunteers, donors, and supporters -ticket for the conference. Thanks for field Mark Oehlert, CMG&O Advertising u;ho-made the SW Regional Conference trip success is also due to Carolyn Ser_vices designed the conference logo.' and Auction possible . and a great sue- Chipman-Evans of Cibolo Wilderness Chapparal Travel offered travel assistance. cess, at that. While there is never justifi- Trail, Ernie Roney, Kijn Hoskins, Greg Rollin' Recording (Lou &·Molly Houck) ~ cation for ignoring the people who make Pasztor, Walt Schumann, Dick Pipes, , recorded Qur conference for posterity: things possible, I will ask your indulgence Jennifer Coleman, Leta Bien, Molly Tapes are still available for purchase (210 and forgiveness, citing the lengthy illness Hovck, Reba Collins, Susan Rust, Penny Altgelt, San Antonio, TX 78201). · · and death in Decem,ber of my mother-in- Solis of Honey Creek State Natural Area Thanks to our banquet .speaker, Senator . law and a second surgery for me in and Joan Nitschke of -Guadalupe. River Carlos Tn,tan, and our special guest, San December (following one in Sept.).Oh, and State Park; Larry White of the Agricultural Antonio Mayor Pro Tern Bob Ross, and to ten days' vacation the end of October, too. Extensio,n Service in Uvalde; Martha and - the City of San Antonio for jts warm wei- . -Susan Hughes Bebe Fenstermaker of the Maverick come and proclamation. , On to the thank yous! . ' Ranch; Harold Stokes and others at ·the Dede Armentrout, alias Sister Connie C. The conference volunteers and staff: Bill 711 Ranch; Capp's van rental; and Aladdin Vayshun, and John Borneman, alias Sain, who_ managed logistics and coordi- catering. . .' - Brother Green, provided unrelenting nated volunteers during the conference- - The staff of the Holiday Inn Airport·, entertainmenLduring the banquet, and my right hand!;· Leta IHen, who solicited especially Joanne Piro and Penny Smith, John was a first-rate auctioneer! business donations; Susan Rust, who coor-. were a wonderful help.- What's a conference· without speakers? dinated the conference b0okstore/gift Special thanks to our eXhibitors and auc- Thanks to Lynne Aldrich, Houston· AS; - store and assisted' with outings; Jenelle tion donors: 4 Star Enterprises Bird Baths Walter Barfield, BAS; Suzanne' Cline, Trevanthan, who managed the hospitality and Bird Feeders (Martin Smith), Bird Art ' Orleans AS; Carol Edwards, Travi:; AS; suite; and Tom Wilson, who ably handled ' Exclusively (Laura Hulbert), Martin Merriwood Ferguson, Frontera AS; the PR and media relations, not only for Travels (Martin Frost), Swarovski -Optiks Charles Fryling, Baton Rouge AS; Susan the conference itself, but also for NAS (Bruce Pfuhl), and the Texas General Land Gary, Orleans AS; Maurie Haas, Frontera; President Peter Berle. Michael McMahon Office (Janie Velazquez). Special donors of Susan Hughes, Bf\S; Reggie Jame-s, helped with. press releases and feature sto- auction items, doorprizes, ang.'Other gifts Consumer Unio1n; Mary , Kelly, Texas ries. Anita Reeves assisted with pre-auc- included USAA, Entemann-Oroweat, Center for Policy Studies; Jim Marston, tion item management. Betty Minyard, Prude Guest Ranch, Kids' World; Leupold Environmental Defense Fund; KTisty Thelma Nungesser, Marge Flanaermeyer, scopes,' Northeagt Harbor, and· the· Texas Davis, BAS; Marisa Oliva, International \Kristy Davis, Bill Woller, Walt Schumann, Parks & Wildlife Department. Youth Alliance; Robert Patterson, MD, Walter Barfield, and Tatjana Terauds i~!I··········IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICentral Texas Perinatal Associates; helped whereyer needed. · iii . Clyde Pikes, Texas Natural Resource Barb£!. not only prepared BORDERS fC6nservation Commission; the conference evaluation form, , Thelma Nungesser, BAS; John but stepped in and organized - Robert Prude, Prude Guest1 ' the AV requirements with Bear Ranch; Cathie Sandell and . Audio-Visual,· who were most ~Lorraine Schulte, Mesilla Valley helpful and generous. Other AS; Susan Porter Smith, San valued volunteers include. Carol National Audubon soclety·Southwest Regional conference Miguel de Allende AS; and Carole Lavelle, Shanna Moore, 'Deborah sexarAud~bon society·San Antonio, Texas·Sept. 29-0ct. 3, 1993 Wilmoth, Brairie & Timbers AS. Robinson, Barbara. Scott, Jennifer 1111111111 Speci_al thanks to National Coleman, Cassandra Dickson, Valerie, ' • Audu,bon Society staff, who partiGi- Ri.char-d & Julia· Camilli,· Caryl Swann, Lisa Ham coordinated donations by pated in the conference, including: Nick DeLuca, Bruce Hughes, Cal Eichler, ceramists from th'e Southwest Craft President Peter Berle, New York;-John' Audrey ·Cooper, Reba Collins, Joanne Center:, including Ma:ry Fischer, Lpuise Borneman, California? Beth Burns, New Strentzsch, Doris Ftench, Marcus Beyerle, Friesen, Don Olsen, Jose Luis Reyes, York; Karen Copeland-Williams, Randall Vitki Belcher, Molly Houck, and Mary Ottillia Hodgkinson, and herself. F-rontera Davey Audubon Center; Dr. Susan Roney Lumbreras. , Audubon donated many items for the auc:: Drennan, New York; Mike Farmer, Texas · Ernie Villarreal o'f Texas Public Radio tion, ·as did NAS. Other auction jtem Coast~! Sanctuaries; Rose Farmer, Saba! reconfed. portions of the program for · donors include .Randall Davey Audubon 1 Palm -Grove Sanctuary; David Henderson, rebroadcast on the KSTX Newsmaker Center, the . San Miguel de Allende Randall Davey; Liz Raisbeck, 'Washington, Hour. Bryce Harper snapped photos on Audubo_n Society, Peggy van Hulsteyn DC; Kathleen Rogers, Washington, DC; Saturday morning. Thanks to Claire (author of The Birdf!r's Guide to Bed and Karen Spragle, New York; Tanya Thomas, Drenowatz and Carroll Printing for pro- Breakfasts, John Muir Publications). Washington, DC; and Jim Waltman, ducing out conference flyers and to ' Thanks for auction items t<;> Joyce' Pipes, Washington, DC. FasClampitt for a good paper deal. Pottery by Lois of Austin, AI Hoeksema, We couldn't have done it without the .J-. The San Antonio Convention & Visitors Audrey Cooper, Thelma Nungesser, Jack great staff at SW Regi?,na:l Audubon: Dede tmreau arid Mike Dominguez of VIA pro- Howard, Joanne Strentzsch,1Richard Armentrout, Sandra Skrei, Judy Spack, vided ma.terials for our conference regis- Marshall, Susan Rust, Betty Minyard, and and volunteer Connie Gottlund. tration packets. The Dallas Nature Center Guy Co leach. - _ Thanks to you . one and· all. I hope· you handle~ all our credit card charges. Special thanks to Harold and Emily Scott enjoyed it even half as much as I.did. If so, Randall Davey Audubon Center in Santa for the donation of several years of mint it was an unqualified success. ·• Fe, NM brought the bookstore/gift. store to sets of coins and stamps featuring the - · -skh the conference. - birds of the British Virgin Is,latfds. These .BEXAR TRACKS, January 1994 and mind Habitat lo s s threatens the HoriJ.e-d .L i :~;ard , once plentiful in ,South Central Texas . Red Ants (Pogohomyrmex spp.), its natural food, ha ve been deplet.ed by pesticides and the invasion of imported ,fire ants , Solenops is invi'cta. · · . I' ' I • ORDER FORM [100% natur:al caHard TEXAS HORNED UZARD T·SHIRT: . QUANTilY & SIZE:.___S __ M _ ' _L_· _. XL __ XXL T!HAL SHIRTS ORDERED x $15.00 = $ .00 [ 1 00% colton black] WHOOPING CRANE T ·SHIRT: ' QUANTITY & SIZE: __ Is __ M -~L __ XL __ XXL TOTAL SHIRTS ,ORDERED . x $15.00 = S .00 SHIPPING/HANDLING: ' $3.00 minimum lor 1 shirt . = S 3.00. $1 .50 lor eoth additional shirt= S .00 YOUR CHECK FOR THE TOTAL AMOUNT $_.00 PAYABLETO: BEXAR AUDUBON SOCIETY. MAIL TO: ilW«r AI.UDin, POB 6084, ~ Mfori, 78209. Prites indudasolestox. Pre-paid on~. Allow 2 weeks. NAME:_.:._ ____ PHONE: ( SHIPPING ADDRESS;. __________ _ CllY/STATE/ZIP:___,.---~ --- ~· ' American Birds to Alter Format NAS has "concluded that American Birds, which has ~small and dedicated audienc~, \ \ NationaVBexar Audubon Society Joint Membership Application 0 $20 introduc;tory membership for my~elf. 0 ____ Gift memberships to those listE}d separately ($~0 eac~). , is no longer financially viable in its current form. · We have therefore reluctantly · NAME decided to scale back this magazine and continue it in a form which includes essential .;:. --- , --- ,-.:._­and :tim. ely information abdut birds but. without' the color, features, columns, and pho'- ADDRESS ~ --- ;:-+--- ' ) tography that have made it attractive to our readers. • 1 · "The last, issue of American Birds, in its current format, will be publi~l1.ed in the CITY/STATE/ZIP _.:._ __ ___:._.,.---.,.--- spring of 1994. lfhe publication will continue a's a quarterly ahd .wiH include ,the regionaLTeports under their old and estaplished title, Audubon Pii!ld Notes. We will AC/PHONE --- ., --- ­also continue to publish the annual Christmas Bird. Count as we have for the past, 93 ¥ears," ac~ording to Dr. Su.san Roney Drennan, 'editor pf American Birqs. . Ppyable to: National Audubon ~ociety. Send this form arid your check to: Tb honor our subscription obligations we will be offering American Birds subscribers .one of several choices, probaoly including subscriptioJ;J.s to · quarterly Auc/ubon Field o(es, the Christmas Bird Count1mnual, or a subscription to Audubon magazine." r --- :-=:-=:--'--1 Bexar Audubon Sodet)r . W19 · P.O.Box 6084 Local Chapter San Antonio, TX 78209 .Code ]XCHA BAs to Elect Officers, Board I'ler,bers ' . . .I . 'At right is the slate of candidates present~d by the BAS ~ominating Committee. The election will occur at the BAS General Meeting,, Thursday, January 20 at 7:30 pm. Please be there to s};low your support for the BAS Board, to make your. interests and concerns known, and to take an active role in the future of BAS. ' . . MAIL TO: BAS 'Teller,, PO Box 6084, SATx 78209 BALLOT BAS 1994 BOARD ELECTION President. . 0 Susan K. Hughes (LVrite-in) , Vice President. ·o Marge Flandermeyer-Lumpe (LVrite-ihJ· · . / . Secretary; . .' · 0 Anita L. Reeves - ( LVrife-in) = --- =c-::-:---: --- ' --- Treasuret. . . . . . 0 Betty Minyard If you cannot attend the meeting, but wish to vote by mail ballot, please-mark .and cut out this, ballot and mail, it to the addre~s at right. Your name arid address as jt appears on your newsletter label must be clea?ly marked on the outside of your mailing enve1ope in order to vali- ' date your vote, but need not appear on ~our ballot to protect the privacy ' of your 'vote. You ma:y wish to enclose your ballot in another ,envelope inside your mailing envelope. Mail ballots inust be received by January 19 (extended due to postal holiday Jan. 17) in order to be counted. (Write-in candidates must be current members of BAS, and ballots with write-ins must be accompanied by a statement signed by the candidate indicating willingness to serve if eJected.) _ (write7in) ·= --- = --- =--'---~-- ' Board Member. 0 Jim Garriott A Few Hours a :Month Could Mean So Much.-• .' . BAS n~eds people to accept responsibility for .doing 'or coorcjlnatlng public relations,, speaker's bureau, meeting refreshments, student liaison, ' ahd newsletter mail­Ing. Helpers are available. Call Susan at 696-6868. (write-in)=-=-=-~--' --- Board Member . O_Bill Sain (wr.ite-in) --- '--~'- [Patty Leslie Pas.ztor, Richard Pipes, and Bill Woller will serve the second y~ars of their two-year terms.] til Page 6 BEXAR TRACKS, January 1994 Winter/Spring Planning' Calentlar .fanuarg' 18 Sierra Club General Meeting, 7:30pm. Unitarian Church, 807 Beryl. 20 "Edwards Aquife.r." BAS General Meeting. Ruble Center. 7:30pm. Conserv~tion committee meeting, 6:30pm. 22 BAS Outing to Cave Without a Name. See page 1 for details. 22 · Primitive tour of Kickapoo Cavern, Kickapoo Cavern State Natural Area near . Uvalde (2'10)563-2342. Conservation Passport event. ~ 22 San Antonio Audubon monthly, field trip to Mitchell Lake. Ernie Roney-656- . 4239. Entrance gate is on the east side of · Moursund Blvd., 0. 7 miles south of SE Loop ·410 (exit 46). 8am. 9 ' 10 12 Partners in Policy Forum V: Agriculture & Clean Water. LBJ Auditorium, UT Austin. (512)473-'4085. BAS Board meeting, 7pm. Second Saturday at Friedrich Wildem~s Park. "Geology of Friedrich Park." 9am, Free, but reservations advised, 698-1057. 12. San Antonio Audubon beginner's bird walk. _ 15 Sierra Club Meeting. 7:30pm. Unitarian Church, 80TBeryl. 16-19 Foundation for North American Wild Sheep. San Antonio. 17 BAS General Meeting. Ruble Center. 7:30pm. Conservation committee meet­ing, 6:30pm. 19-21 San Antonio Audubon field trip to Rio 17-23 National Wildlife Week. NWF Wildlife Week kits will begin to be distributed to teachers in January. Free, but a $2 contribution is requested for shipping & handling. Contact SCOT Kits, 800' Bra.ios, Ste. 311, Austin, TX 78701: 21-22 1994 EDF Symposium-The Global Environment: International Issues & ' Institutions: New York {:ity. (212)505- 2100 Mag 22-27 Toward Earth Community: Ecology, · .Native Wisdol,ll, and Spirituality. Killarney, Co Kerry, Ireland. 13th Annual International Transpersonal Association Conference. (8~0)533-3641. September 22,29.Bald eagle boat tour, Fairfield Lake . State Park near Fairfield (903)389-2216. Conservation Passport event. - Grande Valley. , 19-22 Breast Cancer Epidemic and Nuclear ' Radiation. A conference and public hear­ing. Joe C. Thompsoq Center at UT Austin. CoQtact Sparky Anderson , United Nations International Conference on . Population & Development. Cairo, Egypt.- \ 23,30 Birdwatchilig at Pedernales Falls State Park in Blanco County (210)868-7304. Conservation Passport event. (512)474-0605. 26 City of Leon Valley "Earth Wise Living November 11-20 NAS Biennial Conventi~n: Florida. 29 . Birding ·field trip to Boerne. San Antonio Audubon. Call Tina Gilson--496-5797- for details. 8am. 26 ~:~·~f~2A~1~Monthly field trip - ·. Ongoing ac~ivities to Mitchell-Lake. · Texas Parks & Wildlife Department offers ,· Texas is seeking nominations for its second annual Governor's Awards for Environ­mental Excellence. The awards recognize individuals, gro).lpS, businesses, agricul­turists, the media, education efforts, and governmental entries for projects that exhibit leadership in pollution prevention arid/or reduction in Texas-: For an appli­cation: Clean Texas 2000 Environmental Information Center, 1-800-64-TEXAS. February . 5 First Saturday Hike-general natural history ljike. Friedrich Wilderness Park. 9-llam. Free.' - 5 San Anttmio Audubon trip to Cartwright Ranch. 5-May 15-"Masters of the Night: Tb.e True Story of Bats," Witte Museum. ' OFFICERS AND BOARD March 4-6 National Wildlife Federation annual -meeting, Austin Hyatt Regency. (202)791-5440. 5 First Saturday Hike-:-general natural history hike. Friedrich Wilderness Park. 9-llam. Free. April 1-30 National Wildlife Federation Earth . Action Month . 15-17 15th Annual Texas Wilderness Pow­Wow, Davy Crockett National Forest with guided walks to the Big Slough, Wilderness. Headquarters at Ratcliff Lake Recreation Area,· Ratcliff, Texas. (214)368-1 ~91. many nature activities f<9r annual Texas Conservation Passport holders ($2!5 per · year). A few are listed in this,calendar. Call (800)937-9393'for listing of events. Every Thursday, 1 pm, San Antl:mio City Councilmeetings, City Hall. National Audubon Society's Actjonline. Dial (202)54 7 -9009; ask tor Actionlihe; after hours, press 4 on a touch-tone phone. Audubon Activist. Free .with your commit­ment to make a minimal number of issue-oriented contacts per year. Write NAS, 700 Broadway, New York 10003. Bexar Audubon Society general meetings are 3rd Thursdays at 7:30pm; Conservation Committee meetings at 6:30)'lm. BAS Board meetings are generally held on 2nd · Thursdays at 7:30pm. Outings are usually the Saturday following the meeting. Walter Barfield President 736-0355 BE~ AUD!JBON SOCIETY Marge Flandermeyer-Lumpe Vice President 657-1665 P.O. BOX 6084 NON-PROFIT ORG. . U.S. POSTAGE , Betty Minyard ' Treasurer , 344-6128 · , Anita L. Reeves Acting Secretary 308-9254 SAN ANTONIO, 1TX 78209 Patty Leslie Pasztor Boar,d Member 824-1235 Address Correction Requested Susan K. Hughes Richard Pipes Bill Woller Board Member . \, ~ Board Me~ber 696-6868 ~\r>" ~ Board Member 210-569.2452 ~ ~ ~ Conservation Education Finance Membership Outings Progranis Publicity · Board Member 696-3186 ~ ~Ql COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS I' ~ 0 , - . Richard Pipes 210-569-2452 ~ c:.~ ~ Betty Minyard 344-6128 .a~" , Penny Davis 804~0099 ~V' Dan & Kristy Davis ·- 210-625-5678 Marge Flandermeyer-Lumpe 657-1665 Thelma Nungesser 824-8199 Backyard Habitat ' 1 Barb DeLuca· 492-4291 Bexar Tracks Editor Susan K. Hughes ' 696-6868 PO Bo){ 690028; San Antonio, TX 78269-0028•fAX 696-8053 The editor believes the information In tliis publication to be accurate as of January I:i. • We w~come contributions of interest to members. Suqnussions may be edited. ft 'Deadline is the day after the general meeting. rJt.A.:arr.== ._. . · -· , Printed with soy-based ink on acid-free paper II~II~SIOIVTEIDNMTK~II made of 100, percent post-<:onsumer waste. / ) .PAID SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Permit No. 59Q / Text Alaska Skrei UTSA Digital Collections (The University of Texas at San Antonio) Aldrich ENVELOPE(158.217,158.217,-80.117,-80.117) Ari ENVELOPE(147.813,147.813,59.810,59.810) Audrey ENVELOPE(-67.100,-67.100,-68.133,-68.133) Austin Bebe ENVELOPE(153.695,153.695,59.843,59.843) Beck ENVELOPE(67.017,67.017,-71.033,-71.033) Belcher ENVELOPE(-94.172,-94.172,57.936,57.936) Big Slough ENVELOPE(-113.152,-113.152,58.817,58.817) Blanco ENVELOPE(-55.233,-55.233,-61.250,-61.250) Carroll ENVELOPE(-81.183,-81.183,50.800,50.800) Cartwright ENVELOPE(-57.018,-57.018,53.708,53.708) Coleman ENVELOPE(163.400,163.400,-77.533,-77.533) Crockett ENVELOPE(-155.067,-155.067,-86.017,-86.017) Davey ENVELOPE(-58.567,-58.567,-61.967,-61.967) Dominguez ENVELOPE(-57.233,-57.233,-63.900,-63.900) Ferguson ENVELOPE(-168.583,-168.583,-84.933,-84.933) Gar’ ENVELOPE(162.014,162.014,57.140,57.140) Grande Valley ENVELOPE(-58.990,-58.990,-62.198,-62.198) Harper ENVELOPE(-57.050,-57.050,-84.050,-84.050) Hoskins ENVELOPE(159.050,159.050,-81.833,-81.833) Hyatt ENVELOPE(-65.833,-65.833,-65.750,-65.750) Kathleen ENVELOPE(-116.836,-116.836,55.617,55.617) Marston ENVELOPE(162.200,162.200,-76.900,-76.900) McMahon ENVELOPE(65.148,65.148,-70.835,-70.835) Myers ENVELOPE(170.033,170.033,-72.117,-72.117) Oliva ENVELOPE(-60.783,-60.783,-62.450,-62.450) Orleans ENVELOPE(-60.667,-60.667,-63.950,-63.950) Randall ENVELOPE(167.667,167.667,-72.800,-72.800) Reeves ENVELOPE(-67.983,-67.983,-67.133,-67.133) Saba ENVELOPE(149.417,149.417,66.617,66.617) San Miguel ENVELOPE(-57.467,-57.467,-63.650,-63.650) Schumann ENVELOPE(-73.691,-73.691,-71.641,-71.641) Shelby ENVELOPE(-65.815,-65.815,-68.134,-68.134) Sheraton ENVELOPE(-125.470,-125.470,54.167,54.167) Swann ENVELOPE(-62.967,-62.967,-73.867,-73.867) Tive ENVELOPE(12.480,12.480,65.107,65.107)