Newsletter (Bexar Audubon Society) Vol. 02, No. 12

Newsletter began with Vol. 1, No. 1 (June 1983) and ceased with Vol. 3, No. 12 (December 1985). Continued by Bexar Tracks. BEXAR AUDUBON SOCIE1Y P.O. BOX 60H4 • SAN ANTONIO, TEXA'i 7H209 VOL. . .:::. NO. 1 .-, L:. DECE!YIBEF~ J.'J8Lt BEXAR AUDUBON GENERAL MEETING Thursday, December 20, 7:3...

Full description

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Bexar Audubon Society
Format: Text
Published: San Antonio, Tex. : Bexar Audubon Society, 1984
Online Access:
record_format openpolar
institution Open Polar
collection UTSA Digital Collections (The University of Texas at San Antonio)
op_collection_id ftutexasanantodc
language English
topic Birds--Conservation--Texas--Periodicals.
Nature conservation--Texas--Periodicals
Clubs and Organizations
Science and Technology
spellingShingle Birds--Conservation--Texas--Periodicals.
Nature conservation--Texas--Periodicals
Clubs and Organizations
Science and Technology
Bexar Audubon Society
Newsletter (Bexar Audubon Society) Vol. 02, No. 12
topic_facet Birds--Conservation--Texas--Periodicals.
Nature conservation--Texas--Periodicals
Clubs and Organizations
Science and Technology
description Newsletter began with Vol. 1, No. 1 (June 1983) and ceased with Vol. 3, No. 12 (December 1985). Continued by Bexar Tracks. BEXAR AUDUBON SOCIE1Y P.O. BOX 60H4 • SAN ANTONIO, TEXA'i 7H209 VOL. . .:::. NO. 1 .-, L:. DECE!YIBEF~ J.'J8Lt BEXAR AUDUBON GENERAL MEETING Thursday, December 20, 7:30 PM, Witte Museum Auditorium CONSERVING BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY - WHY AND HOW Species are going e x tinct at a rate in excess of one each day, thus relentlessly reducing global biological diversity. Maybe you ' ve never wondered how that might make a difference to you, maybe you've just never thought about it a.t a.ll, or· ma.:)'be you·'r·e concerned, but don·· t Knm . J , . ,ha.t you can do about it. At this meeting we will present an exquisite film focusing on the importance of perserving biological diversity, and introduce you to an organization 1••• •. 1hich i:. dedic.:ded tc• tha.t : .pecific 90a.l. Many of you may be generally acquainted with the work of the Nature Conservancy in Texas, thou9h you may not yet be aware that their central office is now a9ain in San Antonio. We want to provide an opportunity for you to meet Andy Sansom, Director of the Texas Nature Conservancy, and find out more precisely what parts of our State have been preserved throu9h the activities of this amazin9 organization and just how tMey mana9e to do it. ALSO: As is now our holidaY tradition, we hope that you wi 11 dupl ica.te the bountiful pr·oduction of ::···e.:r.r· .:r.nd br· ing to the meetin9 a sampling of goodies from your holiday bakin9 for· a.l 1 t c• sh .:r.r· e . \ ' Ut··1 ~ ~ ~ AND This wi 11 be your last opportunity before Christmas to purchase the non-game decals and stamps as 9ift items, and also the Audubon calendars (if there are any left > NON-GAME PROGRAM T e ::<: .:;. ·::. i s pr·o9r·am. I t I}.) i 1 1 ·::.u ppor· t thr·ouo;th pr·int. pioneering a brand-new type of wildlife funding A first~ not only for this State, but anywhere. 1 .:o.u n c h .:o. n o•._.o e 1 met h c•d for· the pub 1 i c to d i r· e c t 1 ::·· the conservation of non9ame and endan9ered species the pur· c h .:o. ·::.e of a. ·::.p e c i .:;.1 ·::. t , dec .:o.l , .:o.n d, . or· .:;.r· t For· ::.'ea.r·-::. non-consumpti•. Je ···-::.·' of v. t ildlife h.:;.·:. 1 c•udl ::•' a.r·9ued tha.t ::::t.:o.te a.nd Feder·.:;.l age ncies only addressed o;~ame species in their research and conservation efforts, and complained that non-9ame species v. te r· en·' t r· e c e i •._.o i n g .:o.n ::·· .:;. t tent i on . I. .J e 1 1 , v. th i 1 e some of the ·::.e points are true, the reason is largely because the huntin9 p u b 1 i c h e .:;. •._.o i 1 ::·' -=· u p p or· t s 9 .:o.m e -or· i e n t e d c on ·::. e r· •.o .:;. t i on p r· o ·~ r· .:o.m s t h r· ou 9h pur· c h .:o. se of hunt i n 9 -::;. t ·::. .:;.n d 1 i c en ·::.e ·::., .:o.n d the non-hunting public h.:;.s not ha.d .:;.n::•' me.:o.ns of 5-uppor· t i ng a. more balanced focus. Let me add that were it not for the concerned support of hunters for game-oriented programs, many non-game species and much of the habitat for all sp ecies would certainly have been lost. Now, thanks in large part to the efforts of Audubon Council of Texas, everyone has their mouth has been aspects of a Statewide through purchase of the a chance to put their money where and actively support the non-game research and conservation program nongame stamps, decals and prints. _Bexar Audubon, San Antonio Audubon, and Sierra Club are c ombining efforts to make the program a success in the San Antonio;. . I. .J e feel th.:o.t .:«.nyone who c.:o.ll him5.elf .:o.n environmentally concerned person must be compelled teo support the program at least minimally by purchase of a $5.00 stamp or decal, or with more dedication through an added donation of time to help market the art items in the community. You can begin bv placing your order now ! <see order form back page> * * * * * * * * * CONSERVATION NEWS As of this writing the number of Whooping cranes which have arrived at Aransas exceeds 79. This includes 10 chicks. The orange wire-insulating electrocuting hummingbirds m.;.r-ke t. balls which were effectively have been withdrawn from the At·.Jt·.J 0 Ut··.J c: Et-·1 Et"-·lT :3 Bexar Audubon wishes to extend thanks and a fond f .:.r· e1 . .1e 1 1 to CF.:A I G a.n d t·'1AV/ THot··JP~:::m·.J I.,.Jh o h a.• .o e mo•. .J e d t c• Wisconsin where Craig will be enter~ng Veterinarian -::.c hool. Cr·a. i g h.:.s : .er·•. . Jed u·:; l,<.lell .:.·:. ::::ecr·et.:.r·:~·· a.nd 1.'. .1 i 11 be much m i -::.·:.ed. Beginning in January, the Board of Bexar Audubon wi 11 be meeting on the 4th Thursdays of each month <except Nov. and Dec. > . Remember that these meetings are open to a.l 1 member··=·. At the December meeting members wi 11 be asked for comments on meeting places for our general meetings. We must decide whether to renew our contract with the 1. . .1 i t t e . If :;.-·ou 1,•. .1 i 1 1 not be .:. t tend i n •;t the Dec . meet i n •::;J, but have an opinion please send Bexar Audubon Soc., P.O. Box cal 1 one of the Board members. .:. note 6084, SA, TX 78209) or We hope you 1 ike bumper· ·:.t i c~:: er·, p r· om i n e n t 1 :~·· • Pr· e -r· e g i ·=· t r· .~. t i on fast approaching. At• . IA··( our· a.nd Hol ida.:~· •::;J if t t h.:. t ::•' OU of a Bexar Audubon l_.o.Ji 11 di ·;.-· it dea.dl i ne for· the Annu .~.l t···Jee t i ng i ·=· GET YOUR FORMS AND CHECKS IN RIGHT At last, OUTDOOR SAN ANTONIO is available just in t i me for· h o 1 i d.~J g i f t -·;;;~ i •.o i n g. Th i :. book de t .~. i 1 i n g outdoor recreational opportunities in San Antonio and bevond has been compl iled by the Alamo Chapter of ~:::; er·r·.~. C:lub a.nd I.J.Ji 11 be a.• . •a. i 1.~. bl e .~.t the BA:::; 9ener·a.l meetings for $7.39. * * * * * * * * * * DAVID McKELVEY, for a fun, practical, and very informative program at our November General Meeting. JUDY KOGER and LARRY DUERSON, for their help and support with the newsletter mailing. SUSAN RUST, for taking over in my absence and putting the November newsletter together. WE COULDN'T DO IT WITHOUT YOU Pla.ns ar-e Audubon to BEXA.R AUDUBON ANNUAL MEETING . completed be held fQr- the 1985 Annual Meeting of Be x ar­at the r-ustic Vista Camps near- Hunt, Texas on Januar-y 26 - 27. The meeting will begin with concur-r-ent worKshops on finding and identif y ing bir-ds in Texas conducted by one of the most knowledgable bir-der-s in the State, Ed Kutac, and on identifying woody plant species even in winter without the benefit of leaves and flower-s conducted by hor-ticultural ist, P.::o.ul Co:>: , fr-om the Sa.n Antonio Bota.nica.l Center· . The after-noon wi 11 continue with concur-r-ent seminar-s on the most effective way to influence decision maker-s presented by one of National Audubon ' s most effective lobbyists, Dede Ar-mentr-out, and the problems and pleasur-es of development and oper-ation of a regional natur-e pr-eserve pr-esented by David Mahler-, who in lar-ge part is responsible for the : .uccessful functionin•;;.l of l_.o.lild in Austin. By mid-after-noon Dar-r-ell Holt fr-om Texas Par-ks and Wild! ife wil 1 be giving us a presentation on an extr-emel y e xciting envir-onmental education program which is to be introduced into the Texas school curr-iculum next year-. Following the presentation •.A.•e \J,Ii 11 1 c•ok at 2 a.l ter·na.t i ve tools \•,•h i ch ca.n be used effectively in envir-onmental education -games and ·:.tor·ie ·:. These concur·r·ent "hand:. on" t•Jor·Kshops •.AJill be conducted by Rhea Copening who is in char-ge of Audubon ' s educational progr-am for- the Southwest Region, and by Gail Ross, pr-ofessional story-teller, and Jon Johnson who is wor-King on an or-al histor-y of the Hill Countr-y. Films and a pre-dinner- social will round out the after-noon. Following dinner, we will recap the year's events at the annual meeting, and have the privlege of a special progr-am pr-esented by Jim Steiert, Dir-ector of Texas Water-fowlers Association, on the critical importance of wetland habitat in nor-thern Te xas, Sunda.y mor·ning . ill begin l_.o.Jith option .::o.l bir·ding, then br-eakfast, followed by concurr-ent field trips to Kerr Wildlife Management Ar-ea to discuss pr-ospects for- improving Hi 11 Countr·;•' tat for· wi 1 dl i fe 1 ed by l•Ji 1 dl i fe Ecol c•gi st Bil 1 Ar-mstrong, and to the YO Ranch to discuss their­Envir- onmental Awareness Pr-ogr-am led by Program Director, Cal Newman. After lunch a field tr-ip to the beaut i ful Herff Falls Ranch to discuss pr-ogr-essive land stewar-dship will be led by Owner-/Land Stewar-d, Bill Lende, will conclude the Annual Meeting events for 1985. BEXAR AUDUBON SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING PRE-REGISTRATION FORM Please return no later than December 31, 1984 t· Addr· e ·:. ·:.: <::::tr·ee t > <C ity > Number· P a.r· t i c i p a. t i n g Reg i str·a. t ion: ($8.00 member/ $12.00 non-member·> Dinner· : Br· e a.k f.~.·:. t : Bo:=< Lunch: P.JENTS: Indicate number of participants: How to Find Birds How to Know the Plants Effective Communication Nature Preserve Development Project WILD Presentation F' l .~. ::•' i n g Telling Stor·ies E•.' en i n g F'r· o•;tr· -~.m <Zip> 0:::.5 ::::-:::: 1 0 5 . < 7 : 0 0 - ::;: : 0 0 a.m i ·:. a good time to catch me, otherwise just be persistent > AMENDMENTS TO BY-LAWS The Board of Bexar to the By-Laws. Audubon recommends The membership will these changes at the December meeting: ARTICLE V - BOARD OF DIRECTORS Recommended change: the following changes discuss and vote on add the following sentence to Section 1, "The immediate past President shall serve as advisor to the Board of Directors for a term not to exceed one year." ART I C:LE 1-.) I - t··.JOt-'1 H-·lAT I NG Cot--H··H TTEE Cur·r·en t 1 >· r·ea.d ·::.: "The Bo.:.r· d ·::.h a.l 1 fev.Jer· th.:.n thr·ee annually appoint a committee consisting of members <exclusive of the Board> Recommended change: no WILD Stimulating career-oriented B.S . M.S . secondary and jr. high school or summer expedition degree AMERII'A programs. Newfoundland to California. ~ Practical. cross-cultural, I· to 4-years. I~ OUR small group camping. Field studies and 1.'7 encounters with deep ecological prob· ~'AMPu·~ !ems. society and self. Financial aid ~ 1.'7 and postgraduate grants available. NATIONAL AUDUBON SOCIElY EXPEDITION INSfiTIJfE Sharon, Ct. ()()()69 ( 20.~) )64-0522 BEXAR AUDUBON OUTINGS: FF: I EDF: I CH PAF:f< SPECIAL '' \ n w \ \ d a_r n e.<;<; t s thCL\or\ of .\'h Q_ Wo ~ \ d. t, - (December· .-. ·=- ' P.:. t t::··· Les.l i e 824-1235) This is a chance to become better acquainted with the herbaceous plants which thrive and bloom in the cooler months. With the leaves off the decidious trees, ljght can better penetrate the canopy and a number of species really 11 come to 1 i fe, 11 ·::.o p 1 .:.n to come out .:.nd 1 ea.r·n ,_ . Jho the::··· .:.r·e. 1. . 1.;:,·'11 .:.l·::.o be pr·o• . Jiding .:. 1 ittle ,_ . .linter· s.ur·pr·i·::.e in the for·m of f e e d a. n d ·::. e e d f or· · e of t h e r· e ·=· i de n t ,,.J i 1 d 1 i f e , a. n d perhaps we'll put up some nest boxes for Spring. Plan to me e t i n the p a. r· k i n •;J 1 o t .:. t 1 0 : 0 0 .:.m • Be ·::. u r· e to p .:. c I< .:. picnic lunch. BEXAR AUDUBON ANNUAL t"'JEETING (January 26-27 Susan Rust 653-3105) See centerfold, this newsletter. DECEMBER CALENDAR 1 .-, .-' 1::' L.··· ·-' 1 2 . ~. 12 . 8 1 2 . .-··'11 1 2 . 11 -1 4 12 . 1 :::: 12 . .-·' 1 .~. 12./'1 9 12 . ···'20 BAS Conservation Committee 7:00 pm, Holly Morgan ' s, 2515 Moss Branch BAS Board Meeting 7:30 pm, Susan Rust ' s, 3802 Briarhi 11 H-9.pp ::·' Hol i d-9 ~·· s. -9.t Fr i edr· i c:h P-9.r·k -· Le ·:.l i e ::::24-1235 Autograph Party <Native Plant Soc.) 6:30 pm, SA Botanical Center De 1 I_.Jen i 9er·, "E:q::o 1 or·er··: . · Te ::-::.9.s", "c::.9.c tus Fie 1 d Guide" t··1 e e t i n g of the t"-·l .9. t 1 . En tom o 1 o ·~ i c -9. l ::;; o c . , ::;; -9. n An ton i o San Antonio Audubon General Meeting SA Garden Center, 7:30 pm · Christmas Bird Count <SAAS) Sumner Dana 349-1732 Ha.p p y Ch .9.n u k a.h ~ Be xar Audubon General Meeting Witte Museum Auditorium, 7:30 pm An dr· ev. .1 :3a.n som, "Pr· e se r· •. i n g E: i o 1 o·~ i c .::.1 D i '.' e r· ·:. i t ::.'" 12/25 . Merr y Christmas JANUARY CALENDAR 1 . 1 1 . ··'1 0 1 . 1 9 1./22 1 . ··'24 1 . / 2.5-27 Native Plant Soc. General Meeting San Antonio Audubon General Meetin9 Happy New Year Friedrich <ZIP > Enclosed is rnv tax - deduc t ab l e ch ecK for: --- ma de paya bl e to BEXAR AUDUBC~ SOCI ETY. Send to Be xar Audu bon Soc i e ty, P .O. Box 6084, Sa n Antonio, Te xas 78209.
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author_facet Bexar Audubon Society
author_sort Bexar Audubon Society
title Newsletter (Bexar Audubon Society) Vol. 02, No. 12
title_short Newsletter (Bexar Audubon Society) Vol. 02, No. 12
title_full Newsletter (Bexar Audubon Society) Vol. 02, No. 12
title_fullStr Newsletter (Bexar Audubon Society) Vol. 02, No. 12
title_full_unstemmed Newsletter (Bexar Audubon Society) Vol. 02, No. 12
title_sort newsletter (bexar audubon society) vol. 02, no. 12
publisher San Antonio, Tex. : Bexar Audubon Society,
publishDate 1984
op_coverage 2012-07-02
long_lat ENVELOPE(170.483,170.483,-83.583,-83.583)
geographic Austin
geographic_facet Austin
genre Newfoundland
genre_facet Newfoundland
Newsletter (Bexar Audubon Society)
QL684.T4 B49
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spelling 2023-05-15T17:23:13+02:00 Newsletter (Bexar Audubon Society) Vol. 02, No. 12 Bexar Audubon Society 2012-07-02 1984-12 pdf Periodicals eng eng San Antonio, Tex. : Bexar Audubon Society, University of Texas at San Antonio Newsletter (Bexar Audubon Society) QL684.T4 B49 Birds--Conservation--Texas--Periodicals. Ornithology--Texas--Periodicals. Nature conservation--Texas--Periodicals Clubs and Organizations Science and Technology text 1984 ftutexasanantodc 2019-02-19T18:10:25Z Newsletter began with Vol. 1, No. 1 (June 1983) and ceased with Vol. 3, No. 12 (December 1985). Continued by Bexar Tracks. BEXAR AUDUBON SOCIE1Y P.O. BOX 60H4 • SAN ANTONIO, TEXA'i 7H209 VOL. . .:::. NO. 1 .-, L:. DECE!YIBEF~ J.'J8Lt BEXAR AUDUBON GENERAL MEETING Thursday, December 20, 7:30 PM, Witte Museum Auditorium CONSERVING BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY - WHY AND HOW Species are going e x tinct at a rate in excess of one each day, thus relentlessly reducing global biological diversity. Maybe you ' ve never wondered how that might make a difference to you, maybe you've just never thought about it a.t a.ll, or· ma.:)'be you·'r·e concerned, but don·· t Knm . J , . ,ha.t you can do about it. At this meeting we will present an exquisite film focusing on the importance of perserving biological diversity, and introduce you to an organization 1••• •. 1hich i:. dedic.:ded tc• tha.t : .pecific 90a.l. Many of you may be generally acquainted with the work of the Nature Conservancy in Texas, thou9h you may not yet be aware that their central office is now a9ain in San Antonio. We want to provide an opportunity for you to meet Andy Sansom, Director of the Texas Nature Conservancy, and find out more precisely what parts of our State have been preserved throu9h the activities of this amazin9 organization and just how tMey mana9e to do it. ALSO: As is now our holidaY tradition, we hope that you wi 11 dupl ica.te the bountiful pr·oduction of ::···e.:r.r· .:r.nd br· ing to the meetin9 a sampling of goodies from your holiday bakin9 for· a.l 1 t c• sh .:r.r· e . \ ' Ut··1 ~ ~ ~ AND This wi 11 be your last opportunity before Christmas to purchase the non-game decals and stamps as 9ift items, and also the Audubon calendars (if there are any left > NON-GAME PROGRAM T e ::<: .:;. ·::. i s pr·o9r·am. I t I}.) i 1 1 ·::.u ppor· t thr·ouo;th pr·int. pioneering a brand-new type of wildlife funding A first~ not only for this State, but anywhere. 1 .:o.u n c h .:o. n o•._.o e 1 met h c•d for· the pub 1 i c to d i r· e c t 1 ::·· the conservation of non9ame and endan9ered species the pur· c h .:o. ·::.e of a. ·::.p e c i .:;.1 ·::. t , dec .:o.l , .:o.n d, . or· .:;.r· t For· ::.'ea.r·-::. non-consumpti•. Je ···-::.·' of v. t ildlife h.:;.·:. 1 c•udl ::•' a.r·9ued tha.t ::::t.:o.te a.nd Feder·.:;.l age ncies only addressed o;~ame species in their research and conservation efforts, and complained that non-9ame species v. te r· en·' t r· e c e i •._.o i n g .:o.n ::·· .:;. t tent i on . I. .J e 1 1 , v. th i 1 e some of the ·::.e points are true, the reason is largely because the huntin9 p u b 1 i c h e .:;. •._.o i 1 ::·' -=· u p p or· t s 9 .:o.m e -or· i e n t e d c on ·::. e r· •.o .:;. t i on p r· o ·~ r· .:o.m s t h r· ou 9h pur· c h .:o. se of hunt i n 9 -::;. t ·::. .:;.n d 1 i c en ·::.e ·::., .:o.n d the non-hunting public h.:;.s not ha.d .:;.n::•' me.:o.ns of 5-uppor· t i ng a. more balanced focus. Let me add that were it not for the concerned support of hunters for game-oriented programs, many non-game species and much of the habitat for all sp ecies would certainly have been lost. Now, thanks in large part to the efforts of Audubon Council of Texas, everyone has their mouth has been aspects of a Statewide through purchase of the a chance to put their money where and actively support the non-game research and conservation program nongame stamps, decals and prints. _Bexar Audubon, San Antonio Audubon, and Sierra Club are c ombining efforts to make the program a success in the San Antonio;. . I. .J e feel th.:o.t .:«.nyone who c.:o.ll him5.elf .:o.n environmentally concerned person must be compelled teo support the program at least minimally by purchase of a $5.00 stamp or decal, or with more dedication through an added donation of time to help market the art items in the community. You can begin bv placing your order now ! <see order form back page> * * * * * * * * * CONSERVATION NEWS As of this writing the number of Whooping cranes which have arrived at Aransas exceeds 79. This includes 10 chicks. The orange wire-insulating electrocuting hummingbirds m.;.r-ke t. balls which were effectively have been withdrawn from the At·.Jt·.J 0 Ut··.J c: Et-·1 Et"-·lT :3 Bexar Audubon wishes to extend thanks and a fond f .:.r· e1 . .1e 1 1 to CF.:A I G a.n d t·'1AV/ THot··JP~:::m·.J I.,.Jh o h a.• .o e mo•. .J e d t c• Wisconsin where Craig will be enter~ng Veterinarian -::.c hool. Cr·a. i g h.:.s : .er·•. . Jed u·:; l,<.lell .:.·:. ::::ecr·et.:.r·:~·· a.nd 1.'. .1 i 11 be much m i -::.·:.ed. Beginning in January, the Board of Bexar Audubon wi 11 be meeting on the 4th Thursdays of each month <except Nov. and Dec. > . Remember that these meetings are open to a.l 1 member··=·. At the December meeting members wi 11 be asked for comments on meeting places for our general meetings. We must decide whether to renew our contract with the 1. . .1 i t t e . If :;.-·ou 1,•. .1 i 1 1 not be .:. t tend i n •;t the Dec . meet i n •::;J, but have an opinion please send Bexar Audubon Soc., P.O. Box cal 1 one of the Board members. .:. note 6084, SA, TX 78209) or We hope you 1 ike bumper· ·:.t i c~:: er·, p r· om i n e n t 1 :~·· • Pr· e -r· e g i ·=· t r· .~. t i on fast approaching. At• . IA··( our· a.nd Hol ida.:~· •::;J if t t h.:. t ::•' OU of a Bexar Audubon l_.o.Ji 11 di ·;.-· it dea.dl i ne for· the Annu .~.l t···Jee t i ng i ·=· GET YOUR FORMS AND CHECKS IN RIGHT At last, OUTDOOR SAN ANTONIO is available just in t i me for· h o 1 i d.~J g i f t -·;;;~ i •.o i n g. Th i :. book de t .~. i 1 i n g outdoor recreational opportunities in San Antonio and bevond has been compl iled by the Alamo Chapter of ~:::; er·r·.~. C:lub a.nd I.J.Ji 11 be a.• . •a. i 1.~. bl e .~.t the BA:::; 9ener·a.l meetings for $7.39. * * * * * * * * * * DAVID McKELVEY, for a fun, practical, and very informative program at our November General Meeting. JUDY KOGER and LARRY DUERSON, for their help and support with the newsletter mailing. SUSAN RUST, for taking over in my absence and putting the November newsletter together. WE COULDN'T DO IT WITHOUT YOU Pla.ns ar-e Audubon to BEXA.R AUDUBON ANNUAL MEETING . completed be held fQr- the 1985 Annual Meeting of Be x ar­at the r-ustic Vista Camps near- Hunt, Texas on Januar-y 26 - 27. The meeting will begin with concur-r-ent worKshops on finding and identif y ing bir-ds in Texas conducted by one of the most knowledgable bir-der-s in the State, Ed Kutac, and on identifying woody plant species even in winter without the benefit of leaves and flower-s conducted by hor-ticultural ist, P.::o.ul Co:>: , fr-om the Sa.n Antonio Bota.nica.l Center· . The after-noon wi 11 continue with concur-r-ent seminar-s on the most effective way to influence decision maker-s presented by one of National Audubon ' s most effective lobbyists, Dede Ar-mentr-out, and the problems and pleasur-es of development and oper-ation of a regional natur-e pr-eserve pr-esented by David Mahler-, who in lar-ge part is responsible for the : .uccessful functionin•;;.l of l_.o.lild in Austin. By mid-after-noon Dar-r-ell Holt fr-om Texas Par-ks and Wild! ife wil 1 be giving us a presentation on an extr-emel y e xciting envir-onmental education program which is to be introduced into the Texas school curr-iculum next year-. Following the presentation •.A.•e \J,Ii 11 1 c•ok at 2 a.l ter·na.t i ve tools \•,•h i ch ca.n be used effectively in envir-onmental education -games and ·:.tor·ie ·:. These concur·r·ent "hand:. on" t•Jor·Kshops •.AJill be conducted by Rhea Copening who is in char-ge of Audubon ' s educational progr-am for- the Southwest Region, and by Gail Ross, pr-ofessional story-teller, and Jon Johnson who is wor-King on an or-al histor-y of the Hill Countr-y. Films and a pre-dinner- social will round out the after-noon. Following dinner, we will recap the year's events at the annual meeting, and have the privlege of a special progr-am pr-esented by Jim Steiert, Dir-ector of Texas Water-fowlers Association, on the critical importance of wetland habitat in nor-thern Te xas, Sunda.y mor·ning . ill begin l_.o.Jith option .::o.l bir·ding, then br-eakfast, followed by concurr-ent field trips to Kerr Wildlife Management Ar-ea to discuss pr-ospects for- improving Hi 11 Countr·;•' tat for· wi 1 dl i fe 1 ed by l•Ji 1 dl i fe Ecol c•gi st Bil 1 Ar-mstrong, and to the YO Ranch to discuss their­Envir- onmental Awareness Pr-ogr-am led by Program Director, Cal Newman. After lunch a field tr-ip to the beaut i ful Herff Falls Ranch to discuss pr-ogr-essive land stewar-dship will be led by Owner-/Land Stewar-d, Bill Lende, will conclude the Annual Meeting events for 1985. BEXAR AUDUBON SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING PRE-REGISTRATION FORM Please return no later than December 31, 1984 t· Addr· e ·:. ·:.: <::::tr·ee t > <C ity > Number· P a.r· t i c i p a. t i n g Reg i str·a. t ion: ($8.00 member/ $12.00 non-member·> Dinner· : Br· e a.k f.~.·:. t : Bo:=< Lunch: P.JENTS: Indicate number of participants: How to Find Birds How to Know the Plants Effective Communication Nature Preserve Development Project WILD Presentation F' l .~. ::•' i n g Telling Stor·ies E•.' en i n g F'r· o•;tr· -~.m <Zip> 0:::.5 ::::-:::: 1 0 5 . < 7 : 0 0 - ::;: : 0 0 a.m i ·:. a good time to catch me, otherwise just be persistent > AMENDMENTS TO BY-LAWS The Board of Bexar to the By-Laws. Audubon recommends The membership will these changes at the December meeting: ARTICLE V - BOARD OF DIRECTORS Recommended change: the following changes discuss and vote on add the following sentence to Section 1, "The immediate past President shall serve as advisor to the Board of Directors for a term not to exceed one year." ART I C:LE 1-.) I - t··.JOt-'1 H-·lAT I NG Cot--H··H TTEE Cur·r·en t 1 >· r·ea.d ·::.: "The Bo.:.r· d ·::.h a.l 1 fev.Jer· th.:.n thr·ee annually appoint a committee consisting of members <exclusive of the Board> Recommended change: no WILD Stimulating career-oriented B.S . M.S . secondary and jr. high school or summer expedition degree AMERII'A programs. Newfoundland to California. ~ Practical. cross-cultural, I· to 4-years. I~ OUR small group camping. Field studies and 1.'7 encounters with deep ecological prob· ~'AMPu·~ !ems. society and self. Financial aid ~ 1.'7 and postgraduate grants available. NATIONAL AUDUBON SOCIElY EXPEDITION INSfiTIJfE Sharon, Ct. ()()()69 ( 20.~) )64-0522 BEXAR AUDUBON OUTINGS: FF: I EDF: I CH PAF:f< SPECIAL '' \ n w \ \ d a_r n e.<;<; t s thCL\or\ of .\'h Q_ Wo ~ \ d. t, - (December· .-. ·=- ' P.:. t t::··· Les.l i e 824-1235) This is a chance to become better acquainted with the herbaceous plants which thrive and bloom in the cooler months. With the leaves off the decidious trees, ljght can better penetrate the canopy and a number of species really 11 come to 1 i fe, 11 ·::.o p 1 .:.n to come out .:.nd 1 ea.r·n ,_ . Jho the::··· .:.r·e. 1. . 1.;:,·'11 .:.l·::.o be pr·o• . Jiding .:. 1 ittle ,_ . .linter· s.ur·pr·i·::.e in the for·m of f e e d a. n d ·::. e e d f or· · e of t h e r· e ·=· i de n t ,,.J i 1 d 1 i f e , a. n d perhaps we'll put up some nest boxes for Spring. Plan to me e t i n the p a. r· k i n •;J 1 o t .:. t 1 0 : 0 0 .:.m • Be ·::. u r· e to p .:. c I< .:. picnic lunch. BEXAR AUDUBON ANNUAL t"'JEETING (January 26-27 Susan Rust 653-3105) See centerfold, this newsletter. DECEMBER CALENDAR 1 .-, .-' 1::' L.··· ·-' 1 2 . ~. 12 . 8 1 2 . .-··'11 1 2 . 11 -1 4 12 . 1 :::: 12 . .-·' 1 .~. 12./'1 9 12 . ···'20 BAS Conservation Committee 7:00 pm, Holly Morgan ' s, 2515 Moss Branch BAS Board Meeting 7:30 pm, Susan Rust ' s, 3802 Briarhi 11 H-9.pp ::·' Hol i d-9 ~·· s. -9.t Fr i edr· i c:h P-9.r·k -· Le ·:.l i e ::::24-1235 Autograph Party <Native Plant Soc.) 6:30 pm, SA Botanical Center De 1 I_.Jen i 9er·, "E:q::o 1 or·er··: . · Te ::-::.9.s", "c::.9.c tus Fie 1 d Guide" t··1 e e t i n g of the t"-·l .9. t 1 . En tom o 1 o ·~ i c -9. l ::;; o c . , ::;; -9. n An ton i o San Antonio Audubon General Meeting SA Garden Center, 7:30 pm · Christmas Bird Count <SAAS) Sumner Dana 349-1732 Ha.p p y Ch .9.n u k a.h ~ Be xar Audubon General Meeting Witte Museum Auditorium, 7:30 pm An dr· ev. .1 :3a.n som, "Pr· e se r· •. i n g E: i o 1 o·~ i c .::.1 D i '.' e r· ·:. i t ::.'" 12/25 . Merr y Christmas JANUARY CALENDAR 1 . 1 1 . ··'1 0 1 . 1 9 1./22 1 . ··'24 1 . / 2.5-27 Native Plant Soc. General Meeting San Antonio Audubon General Meetin9 Happy New Year Friedrich <ZIP > Enclosed is rnv tax - deduc t ab l e ch ecK for: --- ma de paya bl e to BEXAR AUDUBC~ SOCI ETY. Send to Be xar Audu bon Soc i e ty, P .O. Box 6084, Sa n Antonio, Te xas 78209. Text Newfoundland UTSA Digital Collections (The University of Texas at San Antonio) Austin Ida ENVELOPE(170.483,170.483,-83.583,-83.583) Kerr ENVELOPE(65.633,65.633,-70.433,-70.433) Koger ENVELOPE(159.550,159.550,-77.833,-77.833) McKelvey ENVELOPE(-87.300,-87.300,-85.350,-85.350) Sumner ENVELOPE(-63.727,-63.727,-74.499,-74.499)