Географическое разнообразие растительности олиготрофных болот таежной зоны Европейской России и влияние на него орографического фактора

Vegetation of oligotrophic bogs belonging to the classes Vaccinietea uliginosi, Oxycocco – Sphagnetea, and order Scheuchzerietalia palustris to the class Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae changes zonal and meridional direction. The most significant changes occur on the northern – middle taiga border. Th...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Smagin, V. A., Смагин, В. А.
Format: Conference Object
Published: Издательство Уральского университета 2018
Online Access:http://elar.urfu.ru/handle/10995/96343
Summary:Vegetation of oligotrophic bogs belonging to the classes Vaccinietea uliginosi, Oxycocco – Sphagnetea, and order Scheuchzerietalia palustris to the class Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae changes zonal and meridional direction. The most significant changes occur on the northern – middle taiga border. They are due to a significant change in the species composition of plant communities. Therefore, it should be reflected at the level of the union – subunion. Changes on the border from the middle subzone to the southern taiga, and from the southern taiga to coniferous broad-leaved subzone, have more smooth character and are reflected at the level of the association and the subassociation. At the same level reflected, changes in the bogs vegetation occur in the meridional direction. When changing coastal mires provincial to continental. A great influence on the spread of bogs vegetation makes relief. On the uplands rising a few hundred meters, the vegetation of bogs is different from the, what placed on the bogs neighboring lowlands. It is similar to the one that typical for bogs in the western or northern regions. Работа выполнена при поддержке гранта РФФИ 17-04-01749.