Magrath Store News (August 4, 1944)

An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. iss V SSO'iT STORE 8. to- 6 MAGRATM, ALBERTA, FRIDAY, August 4, 1944 3U. 8 to 1. HOURS .-P to 7. C:. A Hi it V C PARAGON CHINk -A S...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Magrath Trading Store
Format: Journal/Newspaper
Published: J. A.�Ririe 1944
Online Access:
Summary:An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. iss V SSO'iT STORE 8. to- 6 MAGRATM, ALBERTA, FRIDAY, August 4, 1944 3U. 8 to 1. HOURS .-P to 7. C:. A Hi it V C PARAGON CHINk -A S/ A A moot.popular line of decorative and useful items of china-ware in naw and popular deflorations in pleasing colours of yellow, tan and white. *3.?0 7& 7$rus^i <fS< In Blue & Brown only— Large—$1,95 Medium—$1,49 Small—$149 a pair Cups p -Saucer's, In the finest COLD-BOUGH & PARAGON Chna,. beautiful designs in colours rose, sea-green, yellow, whhte, blush pink, and black. Prices: 85(s to $1.65 fit BW 4vA«e 31 pc. HEATHEUBuRE China Set in the fin est English Chhna.« Beautiful Design ^11 K Blown crystal glass with asported designs and pat­terns. a e o A "The PRaCTICaL Fruit DI SHI” Lorelyl -zr/ Hi ■ ! Mesdames Sarah Ehcet, Gertrude Hawkey and the Misses Pearl EilceM and Alice Komm of Port Coquitlam, B.C. motored to Waterton Saturday. Messrs, Bruce Baldorson and Gordon Blumel went on a fishing trip to Beazer., JUST ARRIVED: Children's G.w.G, Mole­skin OVERALLS—tie ideal oveeall for playtime—SIZES g to St-OOLOURS; Khaki, Chiocor/te Brown, Roya .Blue, Beige— PRICE il,69. 3 Gooddlooking shirts whose careful tailoring, and dur­able mmaerial are sure to make a lit for work! Of sturdy HABITANT ^nd CHjMBRAY mat eri ale. Cooourss Blue and Grre-. Mrs. Peter Aiddrson receive'' a tel­egram from France that her nephew, Clar­ence CClistedsod was wounded in the BaTtle of Normandy. He is now in Eng­land and recovering favourably. —.——V. -. Mr, & Mrs, Ddlas Minnion, Mr. & Mrs, Bill Jasnan and Mr. Ralph Jasnan returned home on Monday after holidaying at Cres­ton, B.C, . .—V. -.— Mr. S Mrs. Sam Milner of Vancouver are the guests of Mr, & Mss, Auggist Wil-cinsky, COTTON BxSY VESTS: Sleeveless in sizes 9 months, 1 yr., 1 yr. & -g'» . • = 190 each. --- r --- --- Mr. & Mrs, G» WooLford, and the Miss es La Vita Wooff^rd and Mary Heninger of Cardston, were Mtarath visitors Friday. . --V --- - --- - --- Boys in the Service here on Leave include: V&eter Heap, John AuuSit, Or­ville Brown, Lester P-umaafo, and Cllen Henderson, — Ml of the R.C^A.F, S^r^<^«^;y, being the Silver Weeding &lndver□z.ry of Mr, & Mrs. C, A, Passey, a party was held in their honour at the home of Mr, & Mrs, La Mar Bennet, Guuets included; Mr. & Mrs. Ray Olm­stead, Mr. & Mrs* Herb Coleman, Mr, & Mrs. Dale Shelton, Mr. & Mrs, Vic Hill-mer, Mrs, Essella Karren, Mr. Tom Perry, Mr. S, Sorenson, Misses Mabie Coleman, and Haroldeon Sorenson; Mr. George Cole­man Jr., and Mr, Allen Long of CCares-holm. The evening was spent playing Court Whis, A very delicious lunch was served by the hostesses, Mesdames Ber­tha Bonrntt and Ruth Shelton. --- -V-. --- --- Mr. James Strang of Claresholm is visiting vdth his grandpaa'cnns, Mr. & Mrs, J, J. Strang, To brighten up that old v.'Oor--tlir. In assorted, gay colour cLLmintaitnt. Miss Edith Shepherd of Cardston is in Maarath, employed as a stenographer at the Golden Fleece Woomen Mils. Mr, & Mrs. Glen Meeks and son of Raymond were Maagath visitors on Tuesday. --- --- —. --V.—-- Mrs. A, R. Briggs returned home from Lehi, Utah, wmre she has been visiting for the past two months her moHier, who is very ill. She says the climate is very hot and dry down there. . . ?:.- HELP THE WAR EFFORT! S.VE PAPERS V Mr. & Mrs, Max Bradshaw of Beazer were recent visitors of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Harker. . -V. Mrs. A. Spiers of Bow Island is the guest of Mr, & Mrs, Willian Jasman. — --- --- V—.-. NEW jxHRIVj-iliSIl Ladies TWEED SUITS. HANDKER Novelty Handkerchiefs. Ladies Silk Handkerchiefs. •15/ .250 Mr. & Mrs, C, V. Harris and Mrs. Earl Holman returned Wednesday from Salt Lake City after a month’s visit with friends and relatives. They reported a very en­joyable time. . -.—V. . Mrs. George O’Connor of Vancouver is visiting with her mother, Mrs, Anna Wil-cinsljy aad-JiflE. son, Douglas. nprnrpQM scrim for LOVELY CURTAINS'. IN COLOURSs Ecru and Yellow 25/ a vd Miss Viola Lienes who has been employ-ed for the past three weeks at the Miladi Beauty S^lon returned Wednesday to her hone at Lethbridge. Hair RINSES in assorted Hair OIL. „ , „ HQZ Hair LUSTRE.Jc . shades, 250. O 0 rt O o o .350 announcement*Miss Leitha Miller, a graduate of Jacobson’s Beauty School, Calgary, would like to announce the op­ening of her new Beauty Parlor, ’’The Charm Shop," at her hone. Hours? 9 to 6. Please make appointments personally. RAI ON BEDSPREADS in Blue, Green, & Rose 80" x 100". Price $3.75 each.,. •M4-ss Rita Robinson is spending her summer holidays in Spokane, Washington, with her grandmother, Mrs, R. Owen. Friends will be sorry to hear that Miss Mary Gibb has Scarlet Fever. WHITE FLANNELETTE SHEETING.75^ a yd< WHITE CANVAS.30" Wide. -.590 a yd^ ECRU SATEEN.35" wide.,450 a yd, Mrs, J, 0. Bridge returned home from Calgary on Tuesday, where she received medical treatment. ANKLETSn yx- For Women and Children. Just the type of hose '7- - you’ll need for sum-^’- mer vacation wear • SIZES: to 104. SOLUURS * Red. Blu e • • • White. Yellow. IQ/, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Cook of Lethbridge are visiting with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Borhyn, Miss Avril Supina of Lethbridge, is the guest of her grandparents, Mr, & Mrs, Wyg.rd -tfoodn._______________________________ GLASS TEA TOWELLING -»Green Stripe or Blue Border --- 330 a yd, 450 a yd, & 5^/ LINEN TEA TO WELLING--Red Check, $1,10 a yjd Mr, & Mrs. S. C. Sorenson and daughter, Haroldean are visiting in Calgary. . --- --- V. Mrs, Art Caughuy of Field, B.C. is t guest at the hone of Mr. & Mrs, J. C, Robinson,____________________________________ THISTLEBLOuM W00L--25/ 0. ball or 2 for P.K. WOuL.200 a ball. Mrs, Katie Kaiser and daughter, Bar­bara of Taber are visiting with her par­ents, Mr. £ Mrs. Mike Czerfus. . i List Thursday, Mr. Roy Toonor enter­tained the following on the oc­casion of his birthdays Misses Marylou Ririe, Dorcon Harker, Karon Ririe, Mar­ian Norton, Joan Rrie, Helon Harker, Marilyn Nooton, Shirley Gloria Harker, La Verne Harais, Lovina Koeler, and tie Mesirs, Janes Toorner, Allan And­erson, Burns Sabey, Gordon Hudson, Wat­son Ririe, Koi-ti Benneet, Donald Law, Bill Ri^rLe, A1 Norton of Salt Lake City, and Gordon Hoaris of Chin. Both ganas and a lovely lunch were greatly enjoyed, --- --- V.— Misses Dorothy-Dean Anerson, Dor­een Harker, JanM-i Traer, Helen Harker, Maarorie Olstead and Meesrs, AJay Aider-son and Janes Torneer, and Ms, Blanche ALdcrsoh motored to Waterton, Tuesday, We have a good assortment of KIDDIES RUNNING SHOOO.si2es 8 to 13, 1 to 5: also KIDDIES C-AhPERS, Mss Joe-Anne Poulsen of Raymond is visiting her grandpaae!!^, Mr, & Mrs, J, J, Strang, --- V—.-.- Mr, Allen Long of Clrrl8holm was the week-end guest of Miss Haroldenn Sorenson, Obtainable in all sizes And both narrow and wide widths, i Black m-tunnied L^^^thL^r, Standard Screw ConeSr^uctine, Outside Count- , er --- Are fitted with Am^enna-proof uppers which make them ideal for barnyard service, --- --- Price--$4.95 a, ot Friends Mil be sorry to hear of the death of Ms, A, 0, Peterson, who passed away in a Lethbridge hospital Wemnesday afternoon, August 2nd, Mis, Peterson's death foioowed. gn operation which took nlaoe two weeks ago, --- V. . <? Z Z'ZZ'? -7- '/-■ z777-7 / it ■ !• Have full Mr, & Mrs, James Sharp, both of the R.C.A.F, statu onad at Vuloan, are y.sit­ing wth his grandmooher, Mrs, J, Spence and his unde, Mr, Clifford R« Spence, . V --- Mr, & Mrs, Jack BlnIretl (nee Mary-lin Minor) are the proud parents of a baby girl, born Tuesday, August 1st, at Salt Lake City, --- V --- --- Mr, & Ms, Ed Clifton left Tuesday for a three weeks vis­it wth- relatives at Wyoo;mng, HELMETS', Covered Mth heavy starched Fabric-'-Cork-Lined— COLOURS; Green, Whte, Beige? & Ivooro’?Iderl SUMMER Haai" Price 30$/ to $1,25 --- Corded Silk and Satin Mat^ials in Colours* Blue, Red, Fern Green, non-stn-tch belt and loops and ie-tn.foicld front, Assoorted sizes, and Black, <5i95 a nr0 Mss Ruby Sortum returned home Sun­day from Cdgary, where she has been wo irk­ing for the' past few m^r^nt^i3, --- --- V --- — Mrs, Phil Sheer (nee Glad­ys Peterson) of Toronto ar­rived in Maarath Weennsday, to attend the funeral of her moHier, Mrs, A, 0, Peterson, --- V --- Meesrs, Dennis Fletcher, --- • KhnneihMiller, Isarlk- Ack-royd, and Blaine Harker spent the wack-end fishing mt Wall Lake and Kitchinny River, They reported a good catch, and a very en­joyable time, Royce W^man of the R.C,A»F, left last week 'for a holiday at Va^c^c^o^T^v^i', --- V.—-. Oh, life is full of ups and downs’ it's foolish to be tearful, so chase away the useless frowns—you might as weH be cheerful, --- V—.— Mss Vorn Nielson returned to Salt Lake City Sunday, by plreli after spend­ing a months holiday at home, —. . V --- - One ear to another; "Funny we haven't met; we live on the same block," / s AA For "DELICIOUS" Sncrncr Mealsl BEEF ' • ot' Roasts Par lb. .-•••••••••.•.P5/ ort Ribs Par lb Veal' Stew’ ' Par lb.■. Shouldar Roasts Per lb. . • • PORK Pork Sausage LINK ( Pure) Par lb. . S^c^o^J^ldar Ro.aaits Par lb. . Sida Pork •IK/ 1R/ 27/ 3Oc 25/ Par lb». •. LAKE Lags of Lacb> . . Lacb Shoulda]? Par lb, .25t • ?5/ Roasts .77/ PISH' Salncb-^-illet-Haliiut- A lb. 30/ a i». 35/ A li.JF,^ SPECIAL--LARD RENDERED par lb. A doting young f^cala st^c^ppa^d-. a young R.C'.A.F. fliar in front of tha Staga Door Cuitm ona night, "I think it is perfactly Wlbddrf‘ul," sha gushad, "to think that you go into tha air to dia for your country," *The'hock I do, cn’an,'* said tha heto- "I go up to sbcr othar faioow dia for hist" aa-V--—--—— --- NOTICE: Tad*® Oposcant Drncr O^chietrl will ba playing Friday, August 4th, at ( Bd floM/ta. Everybody CO&El Recent Waterton visitors from Kaarath includes Mr. & Mrs, Janos Harker, Mr.,& Mrs, Floyd Toonc-a, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Chhistanson, Mr. & Mrs. N.E, Blettall, Mr. & Mrs. Roby Faulkner, Mr, & Mrs, Lloyd Sabay, Dr. & Mrs, A. Magid, Mr, & Ms. J. C, Robinson, Mr. & Mrs, Laa Harker, Mr, & Mrs. Lawanca Eilert, Mr.’ & Mrs. Lao Cook and family, Mrs. Ruby Despain, Mrs, Mairoria Dickson, and tha Mssas Kathlaan Jicas and Geraldaan Bridg< . V. Friands wll ia sorry to haar that Mrs, 0,A. Woooiay, aga 83 yaars, passad away Monday corning, July 31s±. Her husband, Mr. 0. A. Woodsy, pra-dacaasad har four yaars ago. Sha laavas to courn har thraa sons, Grunt of Mearath, Vern of Vancouver, Kirt of Wpod j/' Cross., Utah', and tlraa-dlughlars, ' Mrs, Norca AAston of Maagath, Mrs. Alica Poulsan of Creston, B.C, and Mrs, Graca Olsan Salt Laka City, Mr. & Mrs, David Clifton of Granule ara visiting hara Mth Mrs. Marinda Bradshaw and Dooothy. ___ --- --- V—, --- Mrs. Mary Maagaret Blucel. who has iaan spanding tha past: Taw conths Mth har husiand at Saskatoon raturnad hoca Tuesday. -—-■.-V-. Mss Maajoria Olstand of Stettlar is visiting har aunt, Mrs. Blancha Aderson. • .V. Mss Msad-na Neva of Lethbridga is tha guast of har cousin, Mss Cooim B'one. • . . V.— Mss Graca Morris of Leth-bridga was tha week-and guest pf Mr. Bert Tooner. .-V --- --- I Mss Drothy-Daan A^n^drs^i^nof Calgary is spanding har holidays with har cootier, Mss. Blancha Ader-soni --- V. Mr. & Mrs. Mark Olsan and two childran, of Salt Laka City, Mr. « Mrs. Kirt Wopl-ay of Wood Cross, Utah, Mr. & Mrs, Ba^’ton Poulsan _____ of Creston, 3,C., Mrs, Myytla Wobb-lay and doughtor Janica of Vaanoowr, ara in Magrath to attend tha funeral of Mrs. Alica Wod-ay. --- V-. . HaVE YOU a VOTE? if you hava, ba sura your naca is on tha Vcrter's list. For « myona w-shing to hava thair naer put on I Mil bo at tha Town Had on Thurs­day and Friday, Auggst 3-rd & 4th ba-twaan tha hours of 10 A.M. and 4 P.M. , Mrs* Jaan Ddlay, Enuncraaor. JUST aRRIVED; a beautiful assort­ment of the finest TjSED JACKETS in Her­ring- Bone end Doxiesgal Tweeds. Colours: Tubbaco Brown, Medium Blue, Beige, Fern Green. Sizes 12 to 20. Price $14,25. Tiis is the finest assortment of JACKETS we have hud for u long time* EE SURE and SEE TKJ2-J . Mrs. A. Fox of Steetler is the gu©s"t of her daughher and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Dooggias Bourne. -V-Miss Jennie Booaaeski of the Miser-cordia Hoopiial, WinnpeggMisL. spending her holidays vvith"-her parents, Mr, & Mrs. J. Booaaeski. --- --- y.—. . Mrs. Ada Drer of Portland, Oregon, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A.M. --- . --- j Berkley. STRAW HATS for T o Come and see ;our large.Assortment of delightful STRaW HATS. Peanut-coloured straw trinmed wth bright bands in RED, BLUE, GREEN, & ORATE.Price 29. to 79. Mr. Malcolm Bridge and Mss Eelda Lox-ton have accepted teaching positions on the Raymond Public School staff. —— --- -v—. .- , ■ -Mr, Doogllas Bennett left Monday for a two weeks vacation at Salt LU-c City. He was accompanied by .his cousin, .Miss Shirley Coombs who has been visiting horo with her j grandmooher, Mrs,. Phoebe.Ho Imran. ' --- V—-. . DON'T FORGET*, go % OFF on SUMMER COATS; r ? J WEN’S 'WHHTNG A • play sum-- Whether you specialize \ in sea or sun bathing, yoo'll feel equally at home in one of these flatt erirg SWDu SUITS;. Made from rayon satin, and corded . silks.Sizes 12 to 22.Red, Green, White. \ H \ .j r « JERSEY - D&SSSES Snaariy styled Sumner Jersey-Silk Dresses for -holiday wear. White Background with Beeautful Floral Design in Blue, Cgerse, Green, Red, Yellow and Deep Beige. SIZES: -13 to 18. PRICE: Mrs. J, Atkins of St, George, Utah,, is the guest of her -s-i-ster---Mrs, D.W, Hoodda; Meesrs, Joe', Water Pashuk, and Glen Passey left Friday on pack horses- for Winton Lakes, .-. V—-. Mr, & Mrs. Howard Fletcher and family are' spending .their holidays at Coo-adafe. Little Boys aRMY & AIR-FORCE SUITS:. ( • The practical little suht.for Summer Playtime .Size 6,.EKECE| $2.25. Mi-ss ELLoh Fergeson spent the. week­end with Mr, & Mrs. Alfred Capewell of Lethbridge. --- V --- Mr. & Mrs. J. T. Heninger of Lucky- Striko were the. guests of Mss Pearl Heninger Sunday, upon their return from W---i-n-to--n- -L-a-k-e-s-.--- V__ --- ___ --- Olin Henderson, R.C.A.F,, his wife and dauggher, Heaney-Anne, of Trenton, Ornario are spending a two weeks vacation his parents, Mr. & Hrs. O.C, Henderson. JUST ARRIVED; HAMPTON'S Spun-Ray on Drespes- in big sizes. Cooours: Navy & White, Sea-Gmn, Yellow & Broom,i. SIZES: ,42 to 4.Price $3,«25 Misses Sharley Heap and Ruth Mcdain spent the past week in Raymond, the gues-ts of Lisle MooCn-in. . . V. Mr. & Mrs. Moses Fromm (nee Ruth Minor) of Raymond, are receiving coIglatulu-tiens on- a new daygl^er, born Monday, July 31st. --- - --- - ,y --- --- Mrs. Barbara Peterson and dali^g^e<^^,, of Redmmnd, Utah, are visiting wth Mrs, Peterson's sister, Mrs. Eldon CCeistotson.,,• - WANT xXDS _ LOSTa i snail iron- wheel/ fron side of • delivery rake from Town but to ny place* Wallace Ddley .V—. FOR SttUhi. Spring Fryers @ 50^ each, live-weight. Average weight: 2-r lbs, Mrs,. Peter Dow. WANTED by the MaG- KITH trading co* . A good reliable, boy to deliver the Store Mews on east side of town. Please call at TRADING CO. OFFICE. — --- v --- FOR SALE; 200 bu­shels Feed Weat. Dave Whit, WAITED: steady Job until sohool starts. (Preferably on farm) Please Connect Dan Brown. Phone 30, --- V --- FOUNjD: A bill (mon­ey) by Meat Couuner, Ttss, , Aeg. ]?t, a­round- 4:30 .P.M, —.-V --- FOR SALE; House & Lot. Fred Trache --- V --- .V—. WANTED TO BUY IM­MEDIATELY: A Bi­cycle. Gordon Hudson. --- V—. LOST; Valuable, Small, Black Puppy. Anyone knowing where it is please . notify: II. E. Ririe --- V --- "ELECTION DAY” AUGUST 8th-- Only a few days now. The . Hoorn 1LU, Tan­ner will' speak in the As s embl y HaH, MOND AY AUGUST 7th at 8 P.M, Mr. Tanner is your member and every voter should turn out- and hear him give an account of his '’STEW- .ARD-SHIPU'. Mr. Jo Jo Bowlen, ML; Ao for Calgary, _ told us Mr. Fanner was the most able mintstsr in the Govt, and high­ly respected by all m^r^bber^, . regardless of "Parry AAfiliatom! Last Weenosday night the F.rst and Sec­ond War Senior Sunday-School Classes en­joyed a river party at Goose Beach, The evening was spent in games program, after which lU$eh was served. Guests included: Misses: Nelda Loorton, Dorot-Oy Bradshaw, Pearl Ebhuet, Martha Hsakdr, Leiva Car£, Edna-Mae Haarls, Norma Ride, Norma Thom­son, Ella.-Mae Nielson of Great Falls, Dcarlene Sebey, Hope Alston, Ione Clifton, and Doois Kay of Snipe Lake, Quebec; and the Messrs: Charles-Ackroyid, Don Woodey,: Bill Gibb, ’Water Pashuk, Joe K^s^S<^]", / Ken Harker, and Kenneth Miler, --- V. AT THE PARK THEATRE: Thursday, Friday, & Saturday The most HOWAARIOUS Laugh Hit of the Ag --- Stairnng those over-popular comedians: BUD ABBOTT £ LOU COSTELLO in "IT AIN'T HA^»: _ "A must-see of your movie sntertaitment!' Patients in the Mearath Muuniipal Hos- 'piial include: Mrs. Roocrt Rainbow, Mrs. M. E. Busin, Messrs. Carl P^i^l- sen and Kenneth Gaat. Funeral Services for the late. Mrs. A, 0. Peterson wll take place Sunday, at 2 P.M, in the First Ward Chhpep . Friday the McIntyre Ranching Co. shipped 24 cars' of cattle (600 head). Lee Carter shipped 4 cars (100 head). Mr. A. Loy (Station AAan^) had this to say of the Mc­Intyre shipment: "Those people load 24 cars of cattle much easier than most ship­pers load one. No muddle or scramble-eY- ! ery detail is meehoU.dcally a.rra.tgsiJM Mrs. Hanna Rasmussen •age 90 years, pioneer resident of Maarath, passed away Thursday mooning, AAugsb 3rd at the home of hor daugliher, Mrs. Mary Clifton, Fun­eral’ Services will take place at Cardston. Mayor Andy Daavdson, Calgary, spoke Monday night, on behalf of tho Independ­ent Ctainddate, Willim G, Mason. Mr, Isaac Sobey was in the chair. The Mayor made^o lrubbses, nor is he given to ex- triroeation. He referred to imported voices (C.C.F,) promising everything from fr•ss soup to "Pies from the Skies’." The Mayor is the Independent Miab)eF from Cbgary. A fair size crowd was present. Bobby (tme 9 a.m, Sundayy: "Dad, did you go to Sunday School when you were e little boy?" Dad: "I sure did-never missed a Sundayl" Bobby: "There, Mom, don’t you .see? It won't do me any good, si•thsr." --- V --- . BE SURE and SEE that your NAME is or the VOTER*S LIST* See Jean Bdley •FRIDaY & SATURDaY^ 4th & 5th. 0 W&< MA^LE SYRUP 1 Coupon 16 O£. 42/ >\ '•2 k. - •< J •W'' 7Z>, NABOB COFFEE Quality Bland x u. .47/ RED PLUMS Ensign 1 Coupon P.jr Tin. 1 5f 1 5 v "HOT DOGS" Steaming hot > .7 ' ' " and kennelad in rolls supplied by Mrs. Ceciiir Dudley •• / Try n DOG" Saturday a dish / / of tasty "vegetable set jaLaT1 for < only at the Lunch Gautttc* < 15/ ' I >/V\ z. A.' v: v^A/\Z < K ;/ RASPBERRY JAM 34 01. 2 Coupons. 39/ CHRISTIES RITZ Flavor Perfect 2 Fke’. 33/ ALL-WHEAT The Nuttitioas Breakfast Food 2?< 23/ TOIITE CHEESE Oitario Per lb, .29/ SPAGI^I^T^t^T or Veerichlli 10 ib* ■ 09/ OXYDOL Regular- Size* 3 boxea. 79j/7 OLIVES Stuffed 9 oz. Booties Etch, 49/ CERT0 CRYSTALS for Canning 2 Pkg.25/ G]<F RINGS 2 doz.13/ FRUIT POWER Syytheeii.Grape or Lemon 2 f.' 5/ IVORY SOAP 2 bars."15/ SRRSUDEDUWHEA'T "The DeliSio'h □ Mooning Cereal” 2 Pk-£l' 21/ BUCBKPEBT FLOUR Aunt Jemima Per Pkg.*. .22/ NOODLE SOUP LLp’tons 2 pkgs.-.23/ FRUITS and vegetables RED PLUMs.iefr.ib.23/ WATERMELON por lb.7/ • 'NEW CABBaGE' Per lb. .5/ NEW POTATOES io lbs-.25/ CUKES 2 lbe.b. 230 x-