Magrath Store News (August 22, 1947)

An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. *' ~ roasts . . . , Chuck, per lb. 29^ Prime Rib, per lb. 32^ Round 'Steak, per lb.35^ Ribs to Stew, per #,22^ GOLD KATS: . Bo...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Magrath Trading Store
Format: Journal/Newspaper
Published: J. A.�Ririe 1947
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Summary:An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. *' ~ roasts . . . , Chuck, per lb. 29^ Prime Rib, per lb. 32^ Round 'Steak, per lb.35^ Ribs to Stew, per #,22^ GOLD KATS: . Bologna (Reg.). 27^ 6arlic Ring Bol. 32^ Plain Ring Bol. 28^ Cheese Loaf. 35X WANTED: Veal.Meat Market. - For the purpose of declaring a Local Golf Champion each year The Garden City Times have presented A Trophy to the Magrath Golf Club. The Trophy will be played for each year in a Tournament run in the seeded draw, non-handicap basis. No entry fee charged and all matches are Medal play. All Club members are drawn and no non-members are allowed to comp­ete. Each round is given one week to play their matches, week to end on Tuesday night. The first round ends next Tues­day, Aug. 26th. Each match until the 8’s are reached will be 9 holes. Four cups have been donated as perman­ent mementos of the Trophy. These will . be given to the winner, These cups are J donated by: J.F. Kamil.on & Sons, Roy Sheridan. Ehlsrt's Radio Shop, Lunch Bar. This first round will eliminate down to the best 32 golfers in the club. The play on the next round will start Wednes­day, Aug. 27th and will eliminate down to the best 16 golfers. For the convenience of the golfers a draw will be placed in Glen's Lunch Bar and will be kept up to date during the entire six weeks of play. It is expected that all golfers will be interested in arranging their matches and each round must be completed by Tues. nite.j Please co-operate with the Tournament Com- _n.i ttee. . . » * * • . . ■ ■ Even the best Family Tree has its Sapl p^'Anon. Judge Bingham celebrated his 90th birthday Tuesday. He rode Lee Carter’s horse, "Silver” up townJ Sunday around 80 relatives called on him at the home of his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Toomer, to offer congratulations. Out of town guests were: Mr. & Mrs. Dave Bingham, Stirling, Mrs. Rulon Bingham and children, Cardston, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Jensen and daughter, Raymond, Mr. & Mrs, David Bingham, Woolford, Mr. & Mrs. Have Hall and daughter-in- / law, Taber, Mr. & Mrs. Mirza r Pack and family, Welling, Mr. & Mrs, Fred Strate and daughter of Etzikom, and Mrs. Carl Kumlin & son, Eiran of High River. Mrs. Hattie DeMeulenaere motored to Bellevue on Saturday to attend the Wedding of her bro­ther, James Bone, to Frances Zar of Blairmore. The wedding took place Monday, August 18th at the Blairmore United Church. Th© couple will reside in Bellevue. A very delightful Bonfire Party was held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. George Loxton, Tues­day evening, In honor of their grandsons, Masters Randall and Kendall Strong’s birthdays. Guests include: Mrs. Ella Han-, -•cock and children, Merna, Gil­————— bert and Keith, Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Harrison, Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Palmer & son, Mr. £ Mrs. Arnold Garrett and children, Misses La Dean, Berna and Janet Cook, and Mr. Lee Bullock, all of Raymond; and Miss- Dorothy Bradshaw, Nelda Loxton, Mr. & Mrs. Bud Strong, and Mr. & Mrs. George Loxton. Hog Dogs, Birthday Cake and Punch were served and an enjoyable time was had by all. LADIES’ HAVE YOU SEEN the NEW "HOME COMFORT" SHOES that have JUST ARRIVED Upstairs? THIS is the PERFECT SHOE for-long hours of COMFORT around the HouseI Comes in E, EE, EEE, Widths. PRICE $5»5O Mr. & Mrs. Arden Olmstead, Mr. & Mrs. Lindon Bone, Mr. Walter Wannacott and Miss Jill Gibb spent the week-end at Waterton Lakes. . . Hospital Patients this week include: Mrs. Luella Gurney, Mrs, Y. Yamamato, Miss June DeGinnis and Mr. R. McKenzie- of Spring Coulee. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Murray of Lethr-bridge are the guests of his mother, Mrs. Elsie Murray. Mrs. Grant Blumel is visiting with her husband’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. &. Mrs. Ross Steed of Woolford. Mrs. Gilbert Cook and son of Leth­bridge are the guests of her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Borhyne. Mr. R. Nigro of Edmonton is a Bus­iness Visitor at New West Construction Co. MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. MAGRATH, ALBERTA. SPECIALS FOR: FRIDAY, AUGUST 22nd . . SATURDAY, AUGUST 23rd, 1947. AT LUNCH COUNTER SATURDAY, AUGUST 23rd. "POTATO SALAD" & "MINCED - OLIVE SANDWICHES" 300 FRESH VEGETABLES: CAULIFLOUR, CABBAGE, a lb.50 CARROTS, a lb. 50 CUKES (Slicers), 2 lbs. for. 110 PEPPERS (Red & Green), a lb. 240 FRESH FRUITS: GRAPES (Red & Blue) a lb. '.270 PEARS—1OO(S) to 15O(S). $4.60 ROCHESTER PEACHES, 1 case.1.70 APPLES (Wealthy & Rob Roy’s).2.85 a Box. CRAB APPLES, 3 lbs for 250, $2.85 a Box. ORANGES', a doz.410 GRAPEFRUIT, 2 for.150 APPLES, 3 lbs. for. 250 PEARS, 20# Lugs.,.$2.45 FLY COILS, Areoxse, a doz.190 FLY TOX, a Bottle.450 S.O.S. SCOURING PADS, a ctn. 130 ARCTIC DUBBIN, per tin.150 EEM RUBBER RINGS, 2 doz.130 TABLE SYRUP, quart bottle. 520 CHEESE (Canadian Yellow) GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 48 oz tins.310 Z BLUE RIBBON BAKING POWDER.210 POSTUM, Instant, Large.460 APRICOT JAM, 4 lb. tin.820 HONEY, NEW CROP CANADIAN, 2 lbs.470 SHREDDED WHEAT, 2 pkg. 210 WAX PAPER, 40 Foot, a roll. 110 FRY'S COCOA, 1-lb. Tin.350 CREAMETTES, 3 lb.520 ALPHA MILK, 2 tins.250 LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC.470 PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM, Giant Size.480 PALMOLIVE SHAMPOO POWDER, 3 pkgs.l30 MAGRATH TRADING CO. LTD. "A Good Place to Trade I" f MAGRATH, ALBERTA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1947. STORE HOURS: TELEPHONES; 8 to 6, Wed. 8 to 1, Sat. 8 to 7. Office 21, Hardware 34, Dry Goods 4r3, "A Good Place To Trade1" Grocery 4r2. HOUSECOATS! Cool, crisp, Printed Cotton in Floral designs Velvety-piled Baby Chenille HOUSECOATS to wrap he: , in warm lu: VERY SWISH RaYON and BENGALINE in Blue, Black, & Turquoise for A- Pl-JCEI_______________ " ‘ Mrs*, Julia Gagan returned home Monday . evening after a lengthy visit with Mr. & Mrs. Jimmie MacDonald and Mr., Hugh Griffiths, of Sicamous, B.C.-A good time is reported! Mrs. Olive Heap is visiting in Cardston where she is the guest of her daughters, Mrs. Ethyl Harker and Mrs, Myrtle Forscyth. Mr,. G, H. Barr of Regina is the guest of Mr. Steve Liptak and Miss Mary Leeworthy. THE IDEAL GIFT FOR THE NEW BABY. Dainty little Sweater, Bonnet, and Bootee Set in Pink, White, & Blue. Made from Highest Quality Wool, in lovely Gift Box. For only $2.85. "A NEW ARRIVAL in the UPSTAIRS DEPT. for a NEW ARRIVAL in the R-BY DEPT!" Mr. & Mrs, Horace Ririe left Wednesday for Oakland. California where they will vis' it Mrs. Ririe1*' s relatives. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Clifton and daughter of MaOleod are visiting relations in Magrath. Mrs. Peter Anderson, Mrs. M. Culp, and Mrs. Soren Anderson spent last week in Wat­erton. They reported a lovely time!. Mr. Chester Minor has as his guests his sister-in-law., Mrs. Alfred Minor'and her daughter Bernice of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Masters Gordon & Wayne French are vacationing at the Ross Steed home in Wool­ford. . I ! Mrs. E. E. Pharis returned Sunday eve­ning from Edmonton. Mr. Pharis remained for Medical Treatment at the La Monte Clin­ic. While there they visited Mr. Wallace Dudley whom they think is progressing quite favorably, Mrs. Pharis says: "The Algamation is on the way!”. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Balderson have as their guest Mr. Roy Hammond who is an /X employee of the Firm of Consulting Engin­eers, Montreal. Mr. Hammond (Cont’d below/ ed Design, in Colours Olive Green,. Blush Pink, and Sinbad Blue, JUST ARRIVED—-—Price $2.98. (Cont’d from Above) worked with Kenneth in the Oil Fields in Trinidad. He is al­so affiliated with the Royal Canadian Nav­al Volunteer Reserve. . Mr. & Mrs. Jack Jessop of Cutbank, Montana, were week-end guests of her par­ents, Mr. & Mrs. Soren Anderson^ , Mrs. Lorin Low and daughter, Lorine of Cardston were recent Magrath visitors, ment of Printed Jersey Silks, Fig- /W ured Crepes, "Bar- ■ | bara Joyce" ClassiS'Sbo and many other ;■ t/ y i A lovely assort- i r attractive styles, /z for PRICE! TAKE ADVANT­AGE of these TREMENDOUS VALUES "NOW" LADIES READY TO WEAR DEPT! Upstairs. Copy of statement from Johnson Brothers Sawmills Macleod, Alberta, Aug. 13, 1947. Mr, J.A. Ririe, Magrath, Alta. Aug. 13. 5 cords Fire Wood. $5.00 Hauling 50.00 Total 55.00 Please remit. Timber, cement, lime, coal, oil, miner­als, salt and hundred of other products ■ (natural resources) are worthless until man­ufactures and delivered to place where need­ed. Most things we use are like firewood. Jesse Smith will be remembered by the Ninety-Niners. His father had a contract on the canal, railroader, etc. Their home was on the spot where Mr. & Mrs. Peter Dow now live, J Jesse was a gay young lad in the nine­ties! Expert horseman!—A year older than ourselves. Dob-sleighing and turning fast corners was his specialty. Ha is now en­gaged in a shoe repairing establishment in Los Angeles. The Spring Wheat of Matt Schneyder, 32 bushels per acre from a 45 acre field. "The big Municipality Flood left the ground baked and with cracks you could put your arm down; otherwise it would have yielded/ 40 bushels," said Matt. The flood left / us a wonderful crop of fox-tail! LOST; One pair of Brown Oxfords at Ball Park. Eugene Rice. FOR SALE: My Farm—3 miles North and 3 miles west of Magrath. West half of 17­622. —Martha Esser Dawson. FOR SALE; Man's double bar C.C.M. Cleve­land Bicycle. Excellent condition. New­ly painted. Forrest Balderson (Phone 8407) FOR SALE: One Oil Heater (Better cond­ition than new) Arnold Ririe. FOR SALE; Set of World’s Popular Encyclo­pedia, old Mantle Clock, and Phonograph. Mrs. Fel Balderson. Phone R4O7. FOR SALE: McClary Cook Stove and Viking Battery Set Radio. Enid Coleman. FOR SALE; Girl’s Gold Color red "Certina" wrist watch. Phone R407. Grace Balderson. PUBLIC NOTICE — TOWN OF MAGRATH All residents of the Town of Magrath. please take notice that dating 31st, 1947, at midnight the Town off Mag­rath will return to standardtime, called day-light saving time will be dis­continued, as from that date and hour. A motion to this effect was passed at the meeting of the Council held on the 18th of August, 1947. "The Story of the McIntyre Ranch" by W.H. McIntyre Jr. now appearing in the Lethbridge Herald is most interesting! Borrow the Herald from your neighbour! The first instalment appeared in Monday’s issue. --- -• — WW M M —» «■ * «• — NOTICE; All those who have been employed at the Alberta Canning Co. this summer, are to leave their names at the Canning Co. Office if they wish to go to Water- ton (Canning Factory Reunion) this Sat­urday, August 23rd. — W.E. Brown. FOR SALE; Cucumbers. Mr. Peter Borhyn. NOTICE: There’ll be services held in Un­ited Church at 7:30 Sunday. Rev. Ward from Barons will be speaker. FOR SALE: 5-Roomed House. (Former C.H. Dudley House) $1275.00 Miles Spencer. LOST: One Ring of Keys, contains 8 or 10. Joseph Critchfield. FOR SALE: Two Jersey Cows. Glen Gurney. ■ "EAGLES" EDGE "DELBONIWTWICE. 6 - 5!" Fans were treated to two thrilling ball games here last Sunday when Magrath gained a measure of revenge for their pre­vious defeat by turning the Del Bonita Cubs back twice by identical scores of 6-5. Crowd reaction showed that the large turn-out of fans were well satisfied, with the snappy ball displayed. The Cubs grabbed early lead in both features, but were unable to hold the determined Magrath boys. Russel Rice came through splendidly, . when he smuggled in the tying and winning runs in the first game. Alston, in outer field for Magrath, came through with 2 spectacular running c&tches in the even­ing game. The "Cubs" again showed that they are a very good ball club’, Magratl^s play was much nearer the high calibre ofT*1 they are capable. W. Rice and W. Ripley formed an infield combination which per­formed spectacularly, especially in the evening game. Fans are advised to watch for the * dates of the BIG BASEBALL TOURNAMENT to be ' held in Magrath early in September. --- J.E.B. ‘ AT THE PARK THEATRE: FRI. & SAT. Dennis O’Keefe in "GETTING GERTIE’S GARTER". See Who Gets The Garter! A Great Laugh Hit! MON. & TUES: "MY DARLING CLEMENTINE." WED:-"IT HAPPENED IN BROOKLYN" with Frank Sinatra, Kathryn Grayson, Gene Kelley.X/- ^••’WELLER-JERSEY- (READY TO MAKE) DRESSES! MAKE YOUR OWN DRESS in | HOUR! EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN ONE PACKAGE! Out of the FINE FRENCH SPUN WORSTED JERSEY! SIMPLE DIRECTIONS RIGHT on the PACKAGE! BEAUTIFUL COLOURS! DAZZLING GOLD STUDS at the NECKLINE! Nile Green, Chocolate Brown, Black, Maroon, Scimitar Grey, Decorum Blue, Beige, Chartreuse PRICE— X / / /'W J I t Mr. & Mrs. John Gibb have as their guests Mrs, Gibb’s brothers, Jessie Smith ' of Los Angeles, California, and Dewwy Smith of Hillspring._________________________ HAVE YOU TRIED the new DIAPER LINERS? DISPOSABLE, SAVES LAUNDRY. SANITARY. MADE of Soft, Absorbent Processed PAPER— 500 20 in ONE PACKAGE! Great BARGAIN! Miss Jean Cook was hostess to the following young lad­ies at a Slumber Par' ty Monday evening at her farm home: Miss-1 es Jolayne Thomson, Sharley Smith, Maur­een Brown, Shirley- | Anne Toomer, and Jean Toomer. The girls returned to their homes Tuesday evening after a delightful time«.•••.•••»• The marriage of Dorothy, youngest daughter of Mr, &nd Mrs, V. H. Deglow of Magrath to Mr, Arth­ur Savage of Tisdale, Saskatchewan took place at Melfort, Sasic., Friday, Aug 8 The couple will re­side at Melfort, Community extends its best wishesl HOMESPUN:Rose, Blue, & Green. PRICED: $8.95 to $15.50 Miss Pearl Ehlert of Waterton Lakes is visiting her parents in Magrath. '< • THE IDEAL DUSTER for DUSTING, WIPING,. • & POLISHING is the POROUS KNIT DUSTER! " 4-Double Yard Pieces for only--50$ a pkg. Mr. N, J. McLean, Toronto, General Manager of Canada Packers, with Mrs, Mo- Lean & Son, and Mr. Moore, Alberta Man­, ager made a half hour eall at the store Tues­day, en route to the McIntyre Raneh. Mr, Lloyd Sheen of Jefferson was the week-end guest of Mr, and Mrs, A, Hovey.,. FOR THE KIDDIES’ THOSE GREAT BIG BALLOONSf All Colours! Just 5$ CAT BALLOONS with EARS & FACE. PRICE —25$ f Mr, & Mrs, Ed Lac^" quement have as their guests this week his nephews, Messrs. Clyde and Orville Lacquement j of Kearney, Nebraska. Miss Nora Carter of Edmonton is spend­ing a months vacation with her parents,. Mr, and Mrs. T. A. Carter before writing her R.N, Exams at the University Hospital, Edmonton.,. ■M --- •1 VISE GRIP PLIER WRENCH BOLT ASSORTMENT _ TRUCK CLEARANCE LIGHTS Practical is the word for this plier wrench. Gives a tight non-slip grip on any object that will fit into the jaws. PRICE 33.95 This box of 100 ass­orted machine and car­riage bolts contains machine bolts { x 2 to 3/8 x 6 in. sizes. PRICE 31.60 Red or Green Lens. Sol­id bracket type with 2% Inch lens. Heavy guage steel. Complete with bulb. PRICE A5d - TRACTOR SPARK PLUGS PUNCH and CHISEL SET The handy man around the home will find many uses for this drop forged set of three punches and 2 cold chisels. 11 All Sizes to fit all Pop­ular Tractors* Guarant­eed highest quality and to give long service, *' CHAMPION" 1 i PRICE 75d PRICE A36 1 J ! Az --- . tty Church ’ ding took place in the United Church, Friday, August 15, at Kamloops, B,C*, when Miss Win-nifred Hallam, and Mrs. Harry Hallam of Kamloops, B.C. be­came the bride of Mr. Grant Palmer, son of Mr. & Mrs. Fred Palmer of Magrath. The bride looked lovely in a White sheer and satin gown and carried a bouquet of roses and carnations. Mr. Douglas Nelson of Mag­rath acted as Best Man, while M?-ss Josephine Pancherry was bridesmaid, Everett Wayne Knowlin, a nephew of the groom, was page-boy and Miss Beverley Collier, Flower-Girl. A large reception held on the lawn of the bride’s home, followed the ceremony. The bride and groom are spending their honey- 1 moon at Calgary and Magrath, before taking up residence in Kamloops.x.z' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Palmer and daughter, / Flora returned home''Tuesday evening, accomp-t anied by Mr. and Mrs. Grant Palmer, from Kamloops, B.C,, where they attended the latter's wedding. . . . Mr. R. W. Bradshaw was guest of hon­our at a Bradshaw Reunion held Sunday at the home of his daughter and son-in-law, Mr-. & Mrs. Charles Harker, A delicious tukkey dinner with all the trimmings was served to about 30 guests which included: Mr. & Mrs. Evand Bradshaw and Family, Cald­well, Mr. & Mrs. Max Bradshaw and daugters, Maxine and Ray-Marie of Bird’s Eye, Mr. & Mrs. R.D. Bradshaw, Cardston, Mr. & Mrs. James W. Smith, Caldwell, Mr. & Mrs. N. E. Blaxall and son James, Mrs. Duane Harker and Family, Mr. & Mrs. Max Harker, Mrs, Earl Tomilson and sons, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Harker, and Miss Lticille Matkin. . Mrs. Carl Kumlin and son Einar of High River were recent guests of her daught-and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. James Ririe. Charming ! — that’s the one word that describes this beautiful Tapistry-covered- Parkhill Suite! Converts easily to your comfort. Very attractive in a deep BOY’S SCHOOL PANTS IN BROWN, GREEN, & BLACK* OUT OF DURABLE COTTON-, APE FABRIC. $3.29 & $3.95 We have a good supply of Kiddies Runners for Gym. SIZES: 11, 12, & 13— $1.38 1 to 5’s-$1.48 12 BOY'S SCHOOL SHOE WITH CALFSKIN UPPER TOE CAP—BOX KIP. SIZES: 1 to 5. $3.75 BOY’S SCHOOL - SHIRTS . "G.W.G." j In Blue, Red, and Brown Plaid. to 14 years. $1.85 G.W.G "ZERO-MOLE" OVERALLS for School. SIZES 4 to 8. COLOURS: WINE & BLUE. PRICE $?19 W E A T E R S Stripe Pullover sweaters for school. BOY'S WOOL PLAID WINDBREAKERS: J .b u. . ’ ' —f For boys "rough" and tough" play. Has an extra brown Flannel lining for extra warmth, a brown corduroy trim on sleeves. Comes in Green Plaid only. Be sure to invest In one of these for long sturdy wear, and for an i* • deal School Jacket, Sizes: 6 to 16. $4,50