Magrath Trading Co. Ltd. Store News (December 18, 1953)

An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. THE MAGRATH TRADING CO. LTD. STORE NWS STORE HOURS: 8 am. to 6 pm, WEDNESDAY: 8 am. to 1 pm. SATURDAY: 8 am. to 7 pm. TELEPHONES: Office...

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Main Author: Magrath Trading Store
Format: Journal/Newspaper
Published: J. A.�Ririe 1953
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Summary:An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. THE MAGRATH TRADING CO. LTD. STORE NWS STORE HOURS: 8 am. to 6 pm, WEDNESDAY: 8 am. to 1 pm. SATURDAY: 8 am. to 7 pm. TELEPHONES: Office 21j Dry Goods Dept. 124j Groceries 4} Hardware Dept. 34. MAGRATH , ALBERTA.Friday, Dec. 18, 1953. NYLONS LINGERIE BEAUTY / SEEN / . Orient Nylon- MlfyliY SIIK unciERi There is no finer gift than Beauty- Skin Orient NYLONS. 2 pr. Nylons packed in lovely gold box. Come in 66, 60, 54 and 51 gauge Nylons for every occasion. Priced from $1.95 to $1.25 An Ideal Xmas Gift NYLON NIGHT GOWNS $7.50 to $12.95 LOVELY BED BACKETS by Stanfield Priced at.$3.95 Panties In attract­ive colors and ■ • designs. 790 to $1.95 SUPS., in rayon, nylon, satin and taffetta. $3.95 to $8.50 BE WISE AND SHOP NOW SO YOU WILL HAVE A IARGE CHOICE COSMETICS Tbngee Dusting Powder-~ancl-Cologne 1 T Set.Priced at.$2.25 Cashmere Bouquet Sets in attractive gift boxes.$1.75 to $5.00 Mens Seaforth Shaving Lotion.$1.75 Stick Cologne. $1.50 Musical Powder Boxes - $5.00 & $5.50 Evening in Paris.Cologne and stick perfume in attractive gift packages.750 to $2.60. Cutex Nail Polish Sets.displayed in a gift case. $3.95 We have a large selection of jewlery. .Necklace & matching ear­rings in gift box.,$2,98. Also necklaces, earrings bracelets etc. Mr, Geroge Raiit and Mr. J. E. Gawne fruit growers from Naramata, B.C. were in the store recently. They received 60^ per case for C grade Me Intosh apples, that cost the store $3,00 f.oib., Lethbridge; 15£ for a 15 lb. lug of Italian prunes, that cost us $1.85. They received 3£ a lb. for Apricots and a lb for peaches. The fruit is marketed by the B.Ci Gov­ernment Tree and Fruit Growers Ltd* All D.C. fruit has to be sold through tins organization. With over one hundred thousand bushels of feed wheat still in MagTath Elevators, (25(i a bushel, storage against it^ tax­payers should tfiink twice before they stick their necks out asking for more government interference in their business affairs. ROD .-xND GUN CLUB EXECUTIVE NOMINBTIONS: Any Club Member may nominate another mem­ber or members for executive positions. Hand your nominations into Jr. Turner at Hardware Dept, FOR SALE: 1 Jersey Bull-2 years, 1 Hol­stein Pul1-2 years* Clyde A. Bennett, R309. I have loaned my View Master with a dozen feels to someone in town and would apprec­iate it very much if it was returned be­cause it was a gift. Mrs. J. F. Hamilton. NOTICE: The United Church Sunday School is holding their Christmas program on Tues. Dec. 22 at the church hall at 7:30 ofcclock sharp. Everyone Welcomei S. J. Rarick, Sec. WANT ADS FOR SALE: Boy’s Skates, Size 8-£ complete with Tendon Guard. Used one winter. W, J. Wocknitz, Phone R117. FOR SALE: 25 Ton Alfalfa Hay, $15.00 a ton. Joe Muzer. LOST: Gold Colored Silk Head Scarf at Basketball game last Friday in new gym. Ruth Norton, FOR SALE: Dining Room Table (round.) $10.00. Mrs. Alice Schultz. SPECIAL: on Watkin’ s Face Powder. 35£ a box. Fred Riel. MaGiuiTH HIGH SCHOOL CHRISTMAS PROM: M. H. S. would like to take this opportun­ity to welcome the public out to their Christmas Dance. We Guarantee This Dance Will Be The Pest One of the Christmas Season. COME OUT AND SUPPORT YOUR HI-SCHOoL. Date-Wed.,Dec. 23rd, Time 9:00 P.M. Price $1,00 jher couple. 50; extra ladies. - M.H.S. Executive. FOR SALE OR EXHHANGE; Skates, Size 2 and 4. Wants Size 5. Larry Deglow. NOTICE: There is an old White Boar in the stray pen, wish owner would come and get him. W. T. Passey. DON'T FORGET THE CSEANT LION’S BINGO— Saturday evening, Dec. 19th in the new gym. FOR RENT: A three rom House, one block south of the hotel. De Vere Chipman. FOR SALE: 40 Hamp Barred Rock Cross Pul­lets. Ajao milk fed roasting Rooster. Vic Larson. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT: Fully equipped with propane. Also large si*e, Deepfreeze for sale. I have a number of school books, both public and high sshocl. - Mrs. J. Max Sabey, Phone 44. STORE OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY, Dec. 23rd. LOST: A canvas Tarp between Magrath and Spring Coulee. Wayne Ripley, Phone R621. CARD OF THANKS: We wish to thank all those who assisted in making Betty* s reception a complete success and a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. Dorothy Wocknitz and Nona Bly. ATTENTION KIDDIES: Children’s Dance, Satur­day, Dec. 26th at 2 P.M. in the Assembly Hall - Sponsored by the 1st "t 2nd Ward Sunday Schools. FOR SALE: 1 pr. Ladies White Rubber Over­shoes, never worn, Size 7. $4.00.1 Flat, heel. Mrs. Julia Dean Bondy, FOR SALE: Pair of Whit® Skates, Size 5. Like new. Gwen Harker. FOR SALE: House. Also baby buggy, Beach Coal Range, Quaker Oil Burner, Me Lary Electric Stove, Wash stand, Lawn Mower. - Fred Bourgeois. NOTICE: The Rod and Gun Club Turkey Shoot is now on at Sherba’s Cafe. Come in and get your turkey. L. N. Turner. KIDDIES* QdN’T FORGET ABOUT SANTA at the Magrath Trading Co on Saturday, Dec. 19th, at 3 P.M. Treats for All’ An authority on Insurance Policies says: ’’The large print gives it to you and the small takes it away from you.” Farm prices were at their highest in July 1951 and in the past two years have decreased by 19 per cent. The price of man­ufactured goods is down 7 per cent and wages and salaries have gone up 10 per cent. Ken Hindley had a talk with ”Hal" Mel*- drum, employee of Sears Roebuck in Salt Lake City. ’’Hal1’ told hi® Sears was lay­ing off 500 employees after Christmas, 800 are now employed. LUNCH COUNTER SPECIAL, Sat. Dec. 19th "TURKEY with all the Trimmings.” 85# a plate. DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING at the Krading Co*.FOR THE WEEKEND Friday & Sat. Dec, 18 & 19, CHRISTMAS CARDS 12 RELIGIOUS CORDS in box Regularly priced, at 49tf SPECIAL THIS WEEKEND for.3 boxes- $1.00 gowr?5 a pantl as lingerie will be at a red*’ notion thi weekend. INCLUDING A VARIETY OF slips; NIGHTIES, and PANTIES. reduced to make your shopping problems easier. Come aerly and take advantage of the offer HI O r; r c r r yzpjj, smart taffetta dresses to make a certain Miss very proud --- ONE HALF DOZEN DRESSES including sizes 7, 10 and 14. In navy, nile greej, pink, blue, and charcoal and white stripe, all daintily trimmed. Reg. $7.95 to $11.95 ALSO: Wool Plaid s SKIRTS SERVICEABLE AND DRESSY FOR THE KIDDIES We have them in red or green plaid all pleated for style., SIZES: 4, 5, 6, 6x and 0. Reg. $3.50 ALL AT 1/3 OFF SEE THEM UPSTAIRS IN THE LADIES-ready - to - Wear Dept, Uj\E j jL j /. Special- 1/3 OFF DLashc Das t Dans-large size pans in colors red. and • Dego DDee 75c SZPCGSL4L at 581 Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Stevensen entertained the following at their home Friday evening at a Rook party: Mr. A Mrs. Graih Wheeler, Mr. & Mrs. L. B. Tanner, Mr. & Mrs. Ken­neth Gibb, Dr. ft Mrs. Steole Brewerton, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Balderson, Mr. ft Mrs. Ping­ree Tanner, Mr. & Mrs. Gerrge Hamilton, Mr. & Mrs. Blair Sabey, Mr. & Mrs. James Blumel, Dr. ft Mrs. Mark Dahl and Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Coleman. The hostess served a delicious lunch. PANTRY SALE in Sherba’s Cafe at 1 P.M. on Saturday, Dec. 19th. Sponsored by the Catholic Women’s League. Mrs. Steve trun-inger Sr. NOTICE: A Christmas Program will be held at the Magrath Lutheran Church at 7:30 P.M., Monday nite, Dec. 21st. As each child re­cites his piece a colored picture will be shown in the background. Mrs. J. L. Felger. THE FOLLOWING IS MERLIN HARRISON’S ADDRESS: Elder Merlin Harrison, 412 Mont Albert Road, Mont Albert E10, Victoria, Australia, — None of us is perfect, but the worst of it is; some of us are impossible. - The Gay Philosopher. FOR SALE: A Singer Tredlle Sewing Machine. Very Cheap. Mrs. Gwen Harker. IOST: Brown Leather Wallet, with initials C.H.N. on. Reward for return. Clair Norton. FOR SALE: Skates, Size 4« $2.50. Jean Steele. FOR SALE: Bed. Mrs. J. H. Bridge. ONLY 6 SHOPPING DAYS LEFT ’TIL CHRISTMAS! A TABLE OF MENS & YOUNG BOYS HANDKERCHIEFS MEN’S OXFORDS An excellent gift for the son or father of the family. Sizes 6 to 10’s. Regular $10.95 and $11.95 for only $5.95 All ready to giveIII Three Handkies all wrapped in Christmas designed cello­phane rdady to make a smart little gift. Priced at. . .50^ A telegram was received yesterday by C. V. Harris that his brother George Harris, aged 96zyears, of Rexburg, Idaho passed away on Monday, Dec. 14th. Dorn to Mr. & Mrs. Albert' Gast, a daught­er, Monday, Dec. 14th at the local hospital. Elder Don Dennett arrived home Sunday from a 2 year L.D.S. Mission in the East Central States. His parents, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Dennett met him in Salt Lake City. Don will give his home-coming address in the First Ward Church, Sunday evening, Dec. 2gth. STORE *,WILL DE QPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY, Dec.23 TIES for MEN We have a large selection now ties for Xmas giving. Colorful designs to add to that shirt and suit.$1.00 to $2.50 Leo Coleman was only 10 minutes out on the Raymond Sugar Factory Pool, guess­ing the time of the last of the beets go­ing into the slicer. Leo’s time was 5 P.M. Dec. 11th and the actual time was 4;50 P.M. He won approximately $75.00. MENS DRESS SHIRTS Good Quality D^ess shirts for Dad’s favorite present. whites, priced at.$4.95 Also: Mens Dress Shirts with French cuffs.$4.95 Constable D. G. Coleman and Art Devlin, R.S.M.P. are attending a ’’Civil Defense” Convention in Edmonton this week. IN THE DRY GOODS DEPT. WHERE ARE LOVELY MENS HOUSE SLIPPERS at a big reduc Romeo and opera and other styles to choose from. Priced low to make your Christmas shopping easy. Regular values up to $6.50 for only HOSPITAL PATIENTS THIS WEEK INCLUDE: Douglas R. Dly, Mrs. Hazel Cook, Mrs. Ma­bel Anderson and son, Anton Gruninger, Wm. Taylor, Maxine Gast and daughter, Mrs. August Wilcinsky, Elias Wipf, Annie Klein-sausser and baby boy, Old Elm Colony; Clifford Merkley, Mrs. Margaret Meldrum, Mrs. Sadie Rice, W. J. Perry, Ernest Til-lock. ATTENTION KIDDIES: Santa will be at the Magrath Trading Co., Saturday, Dec. 19th at 3 ?.M. DON’T MISS HIM. HE HAS A TREaT FOR EVERYONE’ DRESS SCARVES Choose a fine quality silk or wool scarf for ’’him” this Christmas. Colorful plaids stripes or plains. Smart in appearance plenty of Jteck protection too. $2.25 ___ _ LUNCH COUNTER SPECIAL THIS WEEK: Dec. 19th, (Ssturday)—Turkey with all the Trimmings. 85p a Plate. -- • . __ __ HI NYLON SOX LOVELY CHRISTMAS GIFTS ON DISPLAY at the Ti*dg. Co In full length or ankle good colors designs, to *siit and man’s lengih. A choice of TICKETS Ql.OO - Extra Cards 500 - Proceeds to equip New Gym. - Enjoy Lingo. Your Western Dance Night with Gordon Dudley calling will be held Friday, December lGth at Assembly Hall. Starts promptly at 8:30 P.M. Free Sandwiches.Everybody welcome. Mr. Mick Minnion and wife Alice are in town from Brooks visiting her father Mr. H. S. Cooper. Said Mick, "There were 5000 pheasant hunters at Brooks on the opening day of the hunt. The estimate was 10,000 pheasants killed, (two for each man)." He mentioned that there were no cattle or pheasants left. The cattle feeders all went broke and what birds (nnntJ fl .below.) TOWN OF MAGRATH Total taxes paid to November 30th current (>39,049.00 arrears 10.995.00 Total 050,044.00 Balance of current taxes, unpaid 020,594.00 Balance of arrears taxes unpaid 015,705.00 Rate payers who have not paid their taxes are urged to make every effort to do so within the next two weeks. 6% penalty added to all unpaid taxes January 1st, 1954. —TOWN COUNCIL (P.S. cont’d below) CHRISTMAS SPECIAL FOR THE WEEKEND TURKEYS (GRADE A) "Broadbreast" REGULAR HAMS . Swift & Union skinned 12 to 15 lb. avg.per lb. 55$ 13 to 16 lb. avg. per lb. 63$ PICNIC HAMS 6 to 8 lb. avg. per lb. 45$ COTTAGE ROLLS BACON Lean, whole or half.per lb. 65$ By the piece. per lb. 69$ (Cont’d from above) were left after the hard winter were slaughtered the first few days of the kill. "The odd pheasant is now creeping back from the prairie." RILEY LARSON—"There Is no such thing as good judgment. If you try to use your head you’re just off." Farm prices were at their highest in July 1951 and in the past two years have decreased by 19 per cent. The price of manufactured goods is down 7% and wages and (Cont’d from above) P.S. The town council has an enormous pay role. The wages are sandwiched under different headings. In this way the tax payer doesn’t get a true picture of the salaries paid. One thing that is very noticeable Is that when manual labor is required help from the outside is always procured. FLASH FROM NORTH POLE: Santa will be at the Magrath Trading Co. Saturday, 3 P.M. salaries have gone up 10%. for SHO Christmas NEW - HEW - NEW Black split suede and velvet. Sizes 4 to Bi. $4.75 Your young daughter will love a new nylon blouse. This new shipment brought some outstanding styles in sizes 2 to 14, dainty colors - pink, mauve, maize, white, turquoise and pale blue. Price is right. $2.65 to $3.95. THE MAGRATH TRADING CO. Saturday afternoon, 3 P.M. He is bringing treats for all the kiddies. is coming to All wool "scoop neck" cardigans for baby.each, $2.95 Dear Editor: I have been wondering for sometime what has been the cause of an apparent mellowing of the caustic comments that we used to read in your paper as well as the odd bit of praise for worth while efforts by different groups in our community. The "hidden ad" in last week’s paper regarding the Lion’s Dingo this Saturday brought the above opinion to my attention. Your paper is becoming just a conservative news sheet which is scanned rather than read. Here is a news item which I think your readers will appreciate. Did you know: The W.C. Girl’s Club raised .$250.00 (cont’d below)' (from above) by the constructive use of their leisure time and donated it to pay for the new glass back boards in the new gym. There are only twelve ladies in that organization and for them to lead the way in equipping the gym which is being used by all of our children and grandohildren is worthy of the highest praise. They also equipped a room in the Hospital which event I believe was omitted from your paper. The theme of the above forces me to hope that the Lion Members will really get out and push this Bingo so that our contribution will not look too small in relation to what twelve enthusiastic young women have done. Thank you for your space, Jay A. Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Fred Myatt have as their guests, their daughter, Mrs. Elsie Barr and son of Vancouver, B.C. She arrived Monday by train. 59GX Uictor ConsoleBu. Combination Shad 7 tube radio - 3 speed automatic record changer. I XegX259D0 Sp°S798°OQ HOOVER UPRIGHT VACUUM CLEANER - complete with all attachments. REGULAR PRICE $79.50 XMAS SPECIAL $55.00 ENGLISH TOFFEE 1 can Eagle Brand Milk 1 cup Lily White Syrup 2 cups Brown Sugar Butter METHOD: Put on to cook and stir constantly or it will bum. Boil 20 minutes or til it forms a hard-ball stage, add 1 in. square of wax, 1 pkg. of Brazil Nuts, chopped up. Pour in greased pan and cut into squares. This is a delicious candy recipe for your Christmas. - Mrs. Susie Mikado Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hindley arrived Sat­urday evening from a three week trip to San Francisco and Salt Lake City. SEE THESE IN THE HARDWARE DEFT. REGULATION SEE LT-GKZT LPALL suede leather cover for outside use O Thhhe aeugtomMat2ic 5'' COLEMAN Canada’s fastBst*sclliiig oil healer* — When your knees are knocking, it may help to kneel on them. * COLEMAN MASTER CIRCULATOR HEATER. 50,000 B.T.U, capacity. Automatic air control. HEAT REFLECTOR SIDE DOORS. , ■ . REGULAR PRICE $134.50 XMAS SPECIAL $109.50 ALSO. COLEMAN SUPER CIRCULATOR OIL HEATER AUTOMATIC AIR CONTROL. Saves up to 25% on FUEL BILIS. Big furnace type heat exchanger. REGULAR PRICE $169.50. SPECIAL $129.50 PAY OUR HARDWARE DEPT. A VISIT: ZL/o Q7V/Z (J beautiful electric Christmas spec ials. Both have light ed bases &.3 way swit­ches < Reg. pricedjat Oil25 3p. ^7.93 and Rsg. ,,13.95 3p. ,9.98 Mr. 0 Mrs. KcnnatL ^nderson are the” parents of a son A .m Tuesday, Dec. 15th at the local hospital. DON’T FORGET KIDDIES: Santa Claus will be at the Magrath Trading Co. at 3 P.M. on Saturday, Dec. 19th. DON’T MISS HIM! Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Harris are receiv­ing congratulations on the birth of a so^, bom, Saturday, Dec. 12th in Lethbridge. SHOP AND SAVE at the MAGRATH TRADING CO’. An engoyable evening-was spent at 'the 2nd Ward M.I.A, on Tuesday evening when around three hundred people enjoyed the fine Christmas program which consisted of two-one., act. plays ^Why The Chimes Rang, Dust’ of the Road and a Pageant, 0 Holy Night.Community Singing was enjoyed be­tween the Acts with Isabelle Bofcnetjaccomp­anied by Iris Fullmer. — Next Mutual will " be Jan. 5th, 1954. - E.H. £3 Psssssst • • Wanta uy tip clip, Mac? ar d, I?ai sins. .puffed seeded muscots.*.293 FIG 3. .Holdings white Calimyrue.,12 oz.313 . 323 f i n O.Sunripe California., .J2 oz. MinC6fflGSl"b. (rich n* Splay). .24 oz. .53p Marachino cherries. red .6 oh.,.,.,.,. 29 1IUX1C L? i'!L LETS.,.,. 2 tins for.51 3 Grape Juice,. • • • • • m.i3 FRUIT 'o'-ia -J .2 lb. with Xmas decorations,,. . , ,, . 4.50 >IJ3 CAKE (fruit). ,2-g- lb.,,,,ieed with de ©orations,,,,,,,, 62.00 Vi otor . ’’wot pack" 3HRIIE. . tm. • »«' OLIVES “clue house party pack 16 ounce jar. ( A FULL ASSORT­MENT OF OTHER VzAUETIES TOO) Club House variety. .750 Heinz Ketchup .per bottle. OC>3 a pkg 20 p ■ • • r CLIVES- LILLY’S MAMMOUTH SIZED RIPE OLIVES, CONTAINS AROUND 40 OLIVES, ' Mammouth size olives. . 343 H. P. Sauce,,. per bottle,,vUp Potato Chips. . pkg. .230 Kraft Cheese--.hf-n'iisnaek.iib.310 Monev’s MUSHPCCM.j.10 oz. tins. Miracle-whip- 32 oz< a jar 393 Fruit Cocktail -'“2o oz LIBBY’S tins L 493 Mr-’r~Mi(—1 ec" rI . rrG'r, r q J G c V rU -i r 0 r ang e S . Japanese . .per box. , / 1.69 ilOnl e S .McL.tosh Cee’s. Jf j~ 3.65 i y\ a hr h" Y_UvGJ.2 pounds for Cel ery. .green stalks,,. ,353 353 Gr ap e S . .red Emperor 2 /// 39 3 Lettuce. .firm green heads. TUp ea, Cranberri es.Fresh.5?3| P1 ant ers Party Puts. Gingeraie.4 qt bome.pi.i9| plus deposit. WE ALSO HAVE A LOVELY ASSORTMENT OF YOUR TAVORITE CHOCOLATES PRICED FROM 990 to $1.75 PER POUND DOX. Mixed Nuts.per tin.790 - $1.25. Pecans.per tin.570