Magrath Store News (September 10, 2003)

An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. Vol 1-25 PEOPLE CONNECTING WITH PEOPLE September 10, 2003 Dr. Brewerton: Home Again His career has taken him to some exotic locations ar...

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Main Author: Magrath Trading Store
Format: Journal/Newspaper
Published: J. A. Ririe 2003
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Summary:An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. Vol 1-25 PEOPLE CONNECTING WITH PEOPLE September 10, 2003 Dr. Brewerton: Home Again His career has taken him to some exotic locations around the world, but Dr. Conway Brewerton, die new Medical Officer of Health for the Chinook Health Region is happy to be home again. Dr. Brewerton was born and raised in Magrath where he has again taken up residence - but when he talks about home he is talking about south­ern Alberta in general. Growing up in Magrath he became friends widi kids from Raymond, Cardston, Coaldale, Lethbridge and many other communities around the soudi through school, sports and other activities, he explains. The south became a kind of community of its own. Dr. Brewerton took over as Medical Officer of Health in August, filling the position held by Dr. Paul Hasselback from 1995. Previous stops included Medical Officer of Health at the Red Deer Regional Health Unit and Assistant Director of the Harris County Health Department in Houston, Texas. He has a Masters of Public Health from John Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland and his MD witfi Distinction in 1977 from the Faculty of • Medicine at the University of Alberta. Dr. Brewerton was in Saudi Arabia as Emergency Physician Specialist for the Saudi Aramco Medical Services Organization when he was recruited for the Lethbridge position. Dr. Conway Brewerton the new Medical Officer of Health for the Chinook Health Region The Conway Brewerton family; Back (L-R): Lee, Elizabeth, Nick, Laura, Melissa, Amie, Conway. Seated (L-R): Christy holding Samual, Dede holding Taylor, Christina holding Isabelle, John, and wife Carmen. His appointment was a bit of a coup for the Chinook Health Region, as competition is fierce for medical health officers, acknowledged CEO Gil Tourigny when his appointment was announced. • "Dr. Brewerton has an excellent reputation for his public health knowl­edge and his ability to lead and inter­act positively with staff and the pub­tic," said Tourigny. This is actually a second home- coming for Dr. Brewerton who had a general practice in Magrath from 1988 to 1992. He also worked in the emer­gency department at the Lethbridge Regional hospital. Dr. Brewerton says he has nothing but good memories of growing up in Magrath and attending Magrath High School where he graduated in 1968 as Class Valedictorian. . “I think it’s unusual for people these days to be able to grow up in that kind of setting,” he says. He remembers the special bond that existed between teachers and students during his time at school. The antago­nism between teachers and pupils often found in larger cen­tres simply wasn’t there, he said. “All the teachers were great. We had a good relation­ship,” he recalls. “We had fun with the teachers. They had fun with us. Not just academically, but socially as well.” He remembers one of his old teachers, David Lowry, with special affection. “He was superb,” he says. Although appreciating the opportunities he has had, he is happy to be living back on the prairies with his wife Carmen who was also born in Magrath, but grew up in Ontario. Three of his seven children are married, while four remain at home. His sister Bonnie West also lives in Magrath, as do his in-laws Jack and Peggy Harker. His parents, Steele and Loree Brewerton have recently retired to Cardston after living for many years in Texas and most recently in San Diego, California. Growing up in a small town has the added benefit of making him sympathetic to rural health concerns, agrees Dr. Brewerton. Small communities are always at risk of being lost in the funding shuffle especially when competing against larger centres like Calgary and Edmonton, he says. The Chinook Health Region however makes “a strong effort to support the rural communities as well,” he says. ♦ <MAGRHTK Published weekly on Wednesdays by Keyline Communications Box 179, Magrath, AB TOK 1J0 Ph: 758-6911 • Fx: 758-3661 email Ad deadline is Friday at 5pm and may be dropped off at the Magrath Pharmacy or at Keyline Communications’ office at 14 Centennial Place, Duane & Carma Thomson’s home. For permission to reprint any . material found in this publication please contact Keyline Communications. We appreciate our advertisers who make this paper possible. Please support them! EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Receptionist I Accounting Technician The ideal candidate for this position should: 1. Be a self-motivated individual with above aver­age organizational and computer skills. 2. Be able to work in an unsupervised environment. 3. Possess a basic knowledge of accounting procedures, payroll, and income tax preparation. 4. Have a desire to become proficient in one or more of the above areas. 5. Have a desire to work in a small town location. Interested individuals should submit a resume to: Ronald L. Johnson Professional Corporation Chartered Accountant Box 208 Magrath, AB TOK 1J0 FAX (403) 758-6411 E-MAIL RAINBOW REALTY RAINBOW REALTY Phone 329-9229 hrW.CiiiUKcFoxùMa*.« A National Day To Call Parliament For Canada's Future! September 16th, 2003 Protecting traditional marriage is critical to Canada's future. Yet, the government is advocating legalizing same sex marriage. The government's proposal MUST be fully debated by all Canadians But another bill, C-250, could make that free and open debate a hate crime subject to criminal penalties. This is UNACCEPTABLE! Please help us stop it! Defend Freedom of Expression in Canada — Debate is not Hate! Defend Traditional Marriage! AU of us calling our MP's on the same day multiplies our impact many times over! Time is short! A critical vote is likely as soon as September 17th! A number of concerned groups are encouraging every Canadian citizen to join in a nationwide "call-in" to Parliament on September 16th and express their opinion to their MP on two crit­ical issues: —they expect their MP to vote against the Hate Crime Bill, C-250, scheduled to be voted on Sept. 17th, because it would amend the hate crime sections of the Criminal Code and likely limit the rights of Canadians to freely debate and express their news on critical social issues related to sexual orientation. At the very least, pass­ing of the bill would have a "chilling" effect-and potentially crimi-nalize- free and open debate on such issues as legalizing same sex marriage that would profoundly impact the future of Canadian society. It is UNACCEPTABLE to Canadians for Parliament to attempt this at the very time we most need this national debate. —they expect their MP to stand by the intent of the resolution Parliament passed overwhelmingly in 1999 pledging support for preserving marriage as the union of one man and one woman. MPs need to understand that Canadians expect Parliament to fol­low through with doing whatever it takes to preserve traditional marriage. Mr. Rick Casson, M.P. (Canadian Alliance) Lethbridge, Alberta Room 504, Justice Building (613) 996-0633 Fax: (613) 995-5752 For more information, please call Lorraine Balderson, 758-6380 Elder Braeden Balderson, son of John & Ireta, will be returning from the Australia, Adelaide Mission on Sept. 15, 2003 and speaking in 1st Ward on Sept. 21st at 11:00 am. Elder Todd Wolsey, son of Scott & Falene, will return front his mission on Sept. 10th. He served in the South Carolina Columbia Mission. He will be speaking in Sacrament Meeting on Sept. 14, at the Garden Place Chapel at 9:00 am. Ryan Miller, son of Brian Miller and Rennaye Miller, returned from the Canada Toronto West Mission on Aug. 1st. He is now attending university in Edmonton. Obituaries.Q SHELTON RIRIE of Magrath, beloved husband of Audrey James, passed away on Monday, the Sth of September, 2003 at Magrath. He is survived by his wife and their six children. Shelton was born May 14,1923 at Magrath, the son to Edward Melvin Ririe and Ruby Shelton and married Audrey James on May 29,1943. The Funeral Service will be held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Magrath on Saturday, September 13th, 2003 at 11:00 am. Interment in the Magrath Cemetery. SARAH ANNE McKITTRICK passed away on Tuesday, the 9th of September, 2003 at the Magrath Hospital. Sarah was born 27 of September 1926 in Collingwood ON to Sarah Anne and Jack Wenslev. The Funeral Service will be held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Magrath Stake Centre in Magrath on Friday, September 12th, 2003 at 2:00 pm. Viewing at 1:30 pm. Interment in the Magrath Cemetery' A special thanks to the doctors, nurses and health care people and those who visited Freda Fletcher while in the hospital. Nyal and Freda Fletcher New Faces at Magrath High School by Lorn Smart Magrath High School has welcomed two Exchange stu­dents to Grade 11 this fall. JesSica Nastro and Jonathan Voigt are 16 year old students from Germany who are involved with CET Canada, a program that organizes student exchanges all over the world. Both students are pleased to be in Magrath and definitely excited about the prospects of improving their English and learning a bit about life in this part of Canada. JESSICA is staying with the family of Holt and Monica Zaugg. Her parents and two brothers are back home in Krefeld, a city of about 250,000 people in the western part of Germany. When asked about her first impression of Magrath, Jessica was quick to say, “It is small!” Jessica will spend 10 months in Magrath, attending high school and participating in as many community activities as possible. She is a talented young woman who plays both piano and accordion. She also likes to dance and enjoys both classic and Latin American dance. She is happy to be here and excited to learn as much as she can about the community and the rest of Canada. DSC Deep South Cloggers Will be running 3 eight week sessions this year FEES: 4-5yr olds - 30 min lessons - $25 / session 6 and older beginners - 45 min lessons - $40 / session 6 and older competition - 60 min lessons - $56 / session We will be accepting registration from now until Sept. 12. If you would like to register or ask any questions please call Jennifer Sabey (758-3327) or Maren Alston (758-3627) JONATHAN comes to Magrath from the city of Wurzburg which he explains is situated between Nürnberg and Frankfurt in Germany. His par­ents and two younger brothers will be anxious to hear about his Canadian adventure. Wurzburg is also much larger than Magrath and definitely older. The first thing Jonathan noticed upon arriving in Canada was that there are no “old” buildings. He has seen a bit of Calgary and Lethbridge and'has been impressed with how new and different the cities are compared to his hometown, which will celebrate its 1400 year anniversary next year. Jonathan is staying xvith Laura McRae and her family and hopes to be able to visit the Rocky Mountains for some snowboarding this winter. He enjoys many sports but admitted that he has not had a lot of experience with basketball. That is something sure to be remedied with 10 months in Magrath. Arriving in Magrath has been a huge change of scenery for both students but they are up to the challenge; ready to learn and anxious to enjoy what this community has to offer. ♦ Magrath Rod And Gun Club Meeting Friday, Sept. 12 at 7:30 Guest Speaker Guy L’tleureux will be showing information about Nunavut. Christensen Salmon Funeral Home & Crematorium Since 1927 Bus: (403) 329-1888 327 - 10th Street South Lethbridge, AB TU 2M7 'Wakeup 'With ^Make-upl Permanent Cosmetics FALL SPECIAL 1st procedure full price, 2nd procedure at 1/2 price for you or you and a friend. Tina D. Reid epet (403) 758-3930 Magrath, Alberta TOK 1 JO r Need Help with Your Hay?^ Round Bales $8.00 per bale twine $8:00 per bale net New John Deere 567 Baler Derrick Passey 330-6767 Invites applications for the positions of: EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANT at HUTTERVILLE COLONY SCHOOL (1.0 FTE) (Competition No. HUTT-09-2003-EA) To work with students who have special needs. EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANT at RAYMOND JR. HIGH SCHOOL (1.0 FTE) (Competition No. RJHS-09-2003-EA) To work with students who have special needs. TERM OF EMPLOYMENT: BOTH POSITIONS ARE FOR THE 2003/2004 SCHOOL YEAR. Please forward letter of application and resume to: Dr. Leroy Walker Superintendent of Schools Westwind School Division No. 74 Box 10,445 Main Street Cardston, Alberta T0K0K0 FAX: (403) 653-4641 or email to: Applications to be received no later than: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2003 o RESTAURANT Mag rath Golf Club September Hours 8:00 am - 7:00 pm daily Closing for the Season at End of September Audiovox * * * » * Two FR-1438 Radios with ’ Hands Free VOX 14 channels 38 privacy codes up to 2 Mile Range Rechargeable NIMH Batteries Dual Desktop Charger included reg $67.50 (H Z Q95 NOWip JL J s-c CV-H32 Lightweight L-shaped mini-plug L¿) 72J9 9While supplies last DIGITAL STEREO HEADPHONES High Performance Rechargeable SPOTLIGHT * 1,500,000 Candlepower * Home/AC and Car/DC Adapters included Mcigi'cith ■■■ 80 South 1st Street West Mon-Fri 9:00am - 6:00pm Ph: 758-3001 • Fax 758-3505 After Hours: 758-6222 • 382-0749 S/^/^UShorts r FOOTBALL The Magrath Wolverines ventured to Claresholm to play the Raiders and lost the contest by a score of 33-15. The game was tied as 13 -13, when Claresholm opened the offensive gates and scored 20 unanswered points to lead the half at 33-13. Magrath scored on a 2 pt. conversion in the second half to round out the scoring. Ryan Cook scored both of the touchdowns for Magrath. Braedon Keeler kicked a convert on the second major. The next game for the Wolverines is this Saturday at the Wolverines Football Field at 11 am. HELP! ATTENTION ALL MOTHERS OF FORMER FOOTBALL PLAYERS In our 10th year, we realize that we have replaced over the years may sets of football equipment.why is this? Because some of the team equipment is still in your basements and closets.Please help keep the program alive and less costly by calling me and I will pleas­antly visit you and bring you a plate of cookies for equipment not retumed.I will be so grateful and understanding to your dilemma.but you will also be getting rid of unwanted junk in your me at 758-3134 - Bullet Clark aka David Clark or ceil 331-3802 ITEMS COULD INCLUDE: Helmets, shoulder pads, pants, girdles, jerseys belts. Please call.I am begging!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BANTAM FOOTBALL SCHEDULE (Grade 8 & 9) Sept. 13 - Pincher Creek Mustangs @ Magrath Wolverines -11 am Sept. 20 - Kainai Eagles @ Magrath Wolverines -10 am Sept. 27 - Magrath Wolverines @ Cardston Cougars -11 am October 1 - Raymond Comets @ Magrath Wolverines - 5 pm October 4 - Magrath Wolverines @ Coaldale Golden Bears -11 am October 11 - Taber Rebels @ Magrath Wolverines - 2 pm October 18 - Round One Playoffs October 25 - Playoffs PEE WEE FOOTBALL SCHEDULE (Grade 6 & 7) Sept. 15 - Magrath @ Cardston - 5:00 pm Sept 18 - Magrath @ Raymond #1 - 6:30 pm Sept 22 - Magrath @ Raymond #2 - 6:30 pm Sept 25 - Cardston @ Magrath - 5:30 pm Sept 29 - Raymond #1 @ Magrath - 5:30 pm October 1 - Lethbridge Rams @ Magrath - ????? October 6 - Raymond #2 @ Magrath - 5:30 pm October 8 - Magrath @ Taber - 6:00 pm October 16 - Taber @ Magrath - 5:30 October 18 - Football Jamboree - All Day - 3 games GOLF The Magrath Ladies Scramble was held on August 30, 2003 and was a great success. Thanks to the many sponsors for their contributions and helping to make the tournament a success. VOLLEYBALL Southern Alberta High School Volleyball league2003 Schedule Regular Season: Junior Varsity matches are three sets, starting at 6 pm; Varsity goes best-of-five following, approx. 7:30 pm. BOYS (Tuesday unless otherwise noted) Sept 9 - Magrath at Winston Churchill . Sept 16 - Kate Andrews at Magrath Sept 23 - Magrath at LCI Sept 30 - Catholic Central at Magrath Oct 7 - Magrath at St. Mary’s Oct 14 - Picture Butte at Magrath Oct 21 - W.R. Myers at Magrath Oct 28 - Magrath at Cardston Nov 4 - Erie Rivers at Magrath GIRLS (Wednesday unless otherwise noted) Sept 10 - Picture Butte at Magrath Sept 17 - Magrath at St. Mary’s Sept 24 - Magrath at Raymond Sept 30 (Ities) - Magrath at W.R. Myers Oct 8 - Erie Rivers at Magrath Oct 9 (Thurs) - Catholic Central at Magrath Oct 15 - LCI at Magrath Oct 22 - Magrath at Cardston Oct 29 - Kate Andrews at Magrath Nov 5 - Magrath at Winston Churchill ♦ Holland Insurance (Magrath) LTD. AGENTS FOR INGÄ) I CtMXU ftUXUCT (QWMVi Motor Vehicle Trivia 1912 - First licence plate was issued July 1,1929 - First drivers licence was issued. The fee 50 cents. In the first year 136,365 licences were issued. GARDEN CITY I John Latham realty 758-6060 or 758-3131 COMMISSION ¡K gUL Putting Real SBUCKSS “ * back into your pocket Low Down • No Qualifying ■ IE $99,900 Low Down Payments to existing financing, No Mortgage Qualification Necessary Do you want a starter home or a rental property? If so, have you looked at this one? Home includes garage and carport. All for only $59,900 $126,900 this is the “Dr. Brewerton home” and is a fully developed bungalow on 1.2 acre lot. J" u $129,900 Looking for an eco­nomical 4/5 bed­room home with 3 baths, fireplace, large lot with large garage and mother-in-law suite. Come and see this one. ~7 Li. Ideal Family Business for sale May 1,1985 - Personalized plates were introduced. In 2002, there were 2.3 million licenced drivers in Alberta. There were 3-1 million vehicles licenced in Alberta in 2002 . . r.' ¿it viteria REGISTRIES Driver's Licenses, Plate Renewals, Driver's Testing, Pay Fines, Birth Certificate, Marriage Licence, Death Certificate, Annual Returns, Corporate Searches, Eta WE SELL TRAVEL INSURANCE, $1.00/day (restrictions apply) Pat Cees Windchimes Restaurant and Drive-in For Further Information and showing, Call John at 758-3131 Phone: Ted, Kathy, Jewelene or Mike at 1-403-758-3391 Fax:1-403-758-6607 J We have plenty more for you to look at Come see. Call John at 758-6060 or residence 758-3131 Grant R. Stevenson Simply Too Good at Navigation by D. Brook *Harker * Brook Harker is writing a biography based on the diary of his uncle Blair M. Harker, a nightfighter pilot shot down and killed during WW II. Included throughout are the recollections of a number ofMagrath and area veter- Twenty year-old Grant R. Stevenson was in the RCAF equivalent of boot camp in Brandon, Manitoba during WWII, when Pearl Harbor got hit in December, 1941. Hoping to become a pilot, he later first ‘flew’ in the ground-based Link trainer, the forerunner of today’s flight simulator. The Link had extremely sensitive controls, and poor performance on it could end your career as a pilot before it ever started. In the beginning, Grant did not do well on the Link. “As they plotted my flight,” he chuck­led, “technically I was flying underground!” Flying training was meant to be a tough slog and one pilot student in four could be expected to fail at the elemen­tary level. That’s what happened to Grant, but it was not his poor performance as a flier that got him, it was his excellent grades in navigation. When the two fellows later riding the train with him to navigator school in Trenton, Ontario got comparing their marks, they found they all had the highest grades in their class! They were simply too good at naviga­tion to be allowed to generalize as pilots. About to head overseas in December 1942, Grant was stationed at Y Depot in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Most soldiers left directly from there via convoy across the Atlantic. But when it came time for him to head overseas, Grant was marched down to the docks—and boarded a train. His route was via New York city, from where he sailed overseas aboard the Queen Elizabeth. The convoy leaving Halifax about the same time that Grant left New York, was torpe­doed. In England, Stevenson was first stationed in Bournemouth, a seaside resort used as a holding area. On a fine Sunday afternoon, a group of low-flying aircraft approached, bearing black (enemy) crosses, and they were dropping bombs! The local park was full of people and a few of the planes put their noses down and machine gunned the inhabitants, children and all. Lord ‘Ha-Ha’ of Germany sarcastically addressed the Canadian troops the next day via short wave radio, to say that he hoped they had not been too badly frightened by the experience. One night, Grant was returning from a flight over the English Channel aboard a twine engine Whitley bomber. As navigator, he was responsible for determining their proper heading, but had to get the pilot to follow his directions. Grant passed over a note, advising the pilot to alter course and turn due north. But some time later, Stevenson was alarmed to see a series of ground fires and searchlights approaching in the distance. He found they were still head­ing northwest, directly into the flak over Bristol, England! Said Stevenson, “The pilot was letting a friend fly the aircraft and they had traded seats just as I passed the note over.” Grant Stevenson would later serve as a navigational instructor in England, returning to Canada in March 1944 and discharged in Calgary five months later. ♦ CANADIAN EXPRESS (LOI,1,1RS Still accepting registration until September 15 Classes begin September 18 phone 752-3172 or 758-3992 Classes from Beginner to Championship taught. $50 - $75 (12 weeks) Brent Ehlert Family Service Advisor Free Estate-Planning Guide Prearranged Funerals Planning Group of Alberta 1003 - 4th Avenue South (Lower Level) Lethbridge, Alberta T1J 0P7 Bus: 403-327-3195 • Res: 403-758-3712 • Cell: 403-308-4838 Representing: Christensen Salmon Funeral Home & Crematorium and Salmon Funeral Home STORAGE SHED AND FOUNDATION KIT - 8’ x 10’ shed - Foundation kit included ($109 value) Roughneck Storage Containers 16”x10”x7” 3.17 24”x16”x9” 6.33 Storage Cases 74”x8”x4” 3.47 17”x14”x6” 6.97 24”x16”x12” 7.47 24x16”x16” 7.97 14”x10”x4” 5.44 Latchtop Tote 32”x20”20” 16.97 All Purpose Container U’’x18”x19” 9.44 Magrath Trading Company fili] Phone: 758-3065 Devonshire Realty Inc. Jim Anderson agent RESIDENTIAL - FARM ACREAGE - COMMERCIAL IN MAGRATH AND AREA ___________ 2 Houses for Sale in Del Bonita__________ 2 Br., 1600 sq.ft. bung^Qf^kached 1 car garage $129,000 REDUCED!! 3 Br, walkout wig^^^Bied garage. $153,000 1st Ave North & 1st St. East 2 bedroom, single bungalow - $34,900 Comparative Market Analysis (No Charge) - For people interested in getting an evaluation of marketability of your property Phone 758-6725 (leave message) 331-8882 (cellular) Community Calendar - September 2003 The Community Calendar is yours to post any upcoming events FREE OF CHARGE that others might want to know about Please phone in your information to the Magralh News at 758-6911. Wed 10 Thur 11 Fri 12 Sat 13 5 pm - Seniors’ Supper 8:45am-12 noon - Infant & Preschool Clinic @ Community Health Office 9am-5pm - Garage Sale @ Rieglings 8am-4pm - Moving Sale @ Stoutjesdvks 6pm - High School girls volleyball home games vs Picture Butte Last day for Deep South doggers registration 9am-5pm - Garage Sale @ Rieglings 7:00pm - Elementary School "Back to School" night @ Auditorium 11am - Bantam Football home game vs Pincher Creek Last day to sign the “Deer Petition” @ MTC Hardware Store 11am-Funeral for 7:30pm - Rod & Shelton Ririe Gun Club meeting with guest speaker 1pm - Funeral for Stan Hoare Sun 14 Mon 15 Tties 16 Wed 17 Thur 18 Fri 19 Sat 20 Last day for Canadian Express Cloggers registration National“Call-in” to Parhament Day re: defend traditional marriage (see arti­cle in paper) 12:45pm-4pm - Infant & Preschool Clinic @ Community Health Office 6pm - High School boys volleyball home games vs Kate Andrews 5 pm - Seniors’ Supper 8:45am-12 noon - Infant & Preschool Clinic @ Community Health Office Magrath Parent Preschool Program begins 7pm - Museum Board meeting 9am-2pm - Garage Sale @ Centennial Place cul-de-sac 10am - Bantam football home game vs Kainai IMAGE IDEALS PHOTOGRAPHY (403) 758-3939 ideals / Moving Sale Saturday, September 13 from 8-4pm at Jim and Darcey Stoutjesdyks IMMEDIATELY FOR SALE: Maple table & chairs with two leaves, double bed, bunk bed, weider home gym, 14 freezer and a “Chariot” bike trailer. Call Jim or Darcey 758-3192 Directions to sale: from Hwy 5, turn right (north) at Gurney's Garage. \ Then take next left, go 2 miles, then turn right, go 1/2 mile. Wee R Kids Family Day Home, is now accepting applications for day home providers In Magrath Set your own hours, choose munber of children, be your own boss. Local provider is looking for responsible, caring person to take over clientele. Please contact Tracey Filtness at 758-6030 or call the agency at 320-5711, ask for Stacey (owner) or Didi. : CUSTOM WINDOWS & DOORS INC. Calvin & Michelle Heggie Magrath, Alberta Ph: 758-3233 TOK 1 JO Fax: 758-6206 5,000,000 Splashes Last day of swimming at the Magrath pool, August30,2003. “This summer was a huge success at the Magrath pool. Attendance seemed to climb from last year and even remained relatively high in the usually slow month of August. The new programs such as Parent ’n’ Tots and 7:00 AM lane swim were used and enjoyed by those in attendance and attendance at these programs should rise in the coming year as more people realize the chances offered to them. “More people and families took advantage of rental opportunities at the pool and had a great time!! We had a really excellent staff which helped make my job easier and provided a great atmosphere for people to swim and enjoy themselves,” says James Smith, the Magrath Pool Operator/ Manager. THE UNOFFICIAL COUNTS ARE AS FOLLOWS: Public Swim: • 2 weeks of June - 1958 patrons, an average of 140/day • July - 423 patrons, an average of 157/day • August - 2726 patrons, an average of 104/day Swim Lessons: . . • 47 classes in 4 sessions, with a total of 273 students • 2 Life Saving classes and One Aqua Leader class, xvith a total of 32 students, including many from Raymond where the advanced program is not available. Private Pool Rentals: 19 A highly unofficial estimate: Each person in the pool created an average 439 splashes, resulting in an estimated grand total of 5,000,000 splashes. ♦ STEELE SHERIDAN RR8-20-18, Lethbridge. Alberta T1J 4P4 No Sunday Deliveries Domestic & Commercial Waler Hauling Cistern Cleaning * Road Spraying Bus: 328-2460 *Qoyote Rockport Flour Mill Inc. Phone: 758-3077 Fax: 758-3340 Smiles south and 2 miles east of Magrath —Coyote Pancake & Waffle Mix Made from pure natural whole wheat flour. Four flavors: regular, buttermilk, blueberry and chocolate chip. Use for family reunions, pancake breakfasts, etc. Also available: Coyote Pure Natural Whole Wheat Wheatlets - Germade Breakfast Cereal. Available at all stores or buy direct MAXWELL REALTY - LETHBRIDGE MARY ANNE / KOSMAN 320-6969 215 S - 1st Street East - $154,900 Located in Magrath, this beautiful 1.24 acre lot has every­thing anyone could want; 1377 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, Maple cabinets, new carpet, laminate floors, private location, paved driveway. A MUST SEE BREATH TAKING PROPERTY. Call Mary Anne Kosman 320-6969 for all the details (MLS). Sew Your Dream Will Come True Ever dream of sewing, but never learned how? Want your children to learn to sew? The opportunity is coming to Magrath this fall. is now taking registrations for all ages 8 to 88. All levels of sewing ability welcome. For information, S 758-6127. Instructors are Stephanie Humphreys and Donna Thompson. Lost & Found Automotive LOST - Bike got up and rolled out of our yard. If anyone has seen a BMX black & silver bike with Trapper written on the bar, please send it home. (Parents, please check your yard.) Call 758-6162 LOST-Children's SCOOTER Was taken from the swimming pool area on Sat. Aug 30th, the last day the pool was open. Please return. Call 758-6899 Buy & Sell WANTED - used automatic WASHER in good working condition. 758-6879 FOR SALE - 2500 watt Homelite GENERATOR - never used. $500. 758-6879 FOR SALE - 2000 Chrysler Town & Country LXI, dual slid­ing doors, leather interior, rear A/C & heat, quad captain seats, fully loaded. Asking $16,000. Phone 758-6568 leave message or cell: 331-9320 Garage Sales GARAGE SALE - Friday, Sept. 12, 9am - 5 pm and Saturday, Sept. 13, 9am - 5 pm. 5 So. - 2 St. East, on corner - Rieglings. 758-6840 K.S.L Piano Tuner (Stan Keeling) is coming to Magrath in Sept. Call Sharon Ragan at 758-3427 to make an appointment The Kelly Kirby Kindergarten Piano Method - A simple & attractive approach to the study of music for children around Kindergarten age. Also, limited space for beginner adults and students. Phone Sharon Ragan (A.A.R.C.T.T., K.K.K. Piano Method) 758-3427 Math TUTORING available. Call Jessie @ Zauggs for more information. 758-3832_______ PIANO LESSONS - If you are interested in taking piano lessons I will be teaching in my home starting in Sept. For more info, contact Megan Bourne at 758-6707 Real Estate - for Rent FOR RENT - Farm house for rent to responsible adults. No inside pets or smoking. 3 bedroom, dining room, den, 2 baths, 5 appliances. $600 + utilities. 758-6601 APARTMENT FOR RENT - Trading Co. Duplex - Available Nov. 1 st. 960 sq.' - 2 bed­rooms, laundry room, wash-er/ dryer/fridge/ stove all included. No stairs. Rent $550/mth. Phone Wes Balderson 758-6380 or Ken Balderson 758-3452 or at the Trading Co. office.___________ FOR RENT - 4 bedroom home, bath & a half, close to schools, large family room with wood burning stove. Available Sept. 1. Call 758-3166 or 758-3700 Real Estate - for Sale ’ HOUSE FOR SALE - Newly Renovated 2 bedroom home. Maple laminate floors, low maintenance exterior, fenced, great value at $62,500. 172 Harker Ave. Call Lance Miller at Sutton 382-8995 Parent Preschool Program of Mag rath Our Program offers a free high quality early childhood education program for children age 16 months to four years. Children who are age 4 by September 1, 2003 are invited to enroll in the Preschool Program at the Magrath Elementary School. The program is based on a learning through play philosophy. It focuses on the development of the whole child. Each week different activities are planned to stimulate the children using the “spice” recipe: S - Social P - Physical . I - Intellectual C - Creative E - Emotional Water tables, kitchen centres, sand tables, craft centres, reading corners, science centres, climbing apparatuses and much more create a fun and exciting learning atmosphere. The Child Development Professional and Lethbridge Community College students introduce new vocabulary, recognize new discoveries and provide positive guidance for the children. Parent Preschool provides parents an opportunity to observe their child's play and generate ideas for age appropriate activities that can be implemented at home. Parents participate in an interactive speaker program. Topics include parenting, personal growth and wellness, relationship issues, child safety, community issues and home developing ideas. This free program is offered Thursday mornings for 2 "¡6 hours and begins September 18, 2003. The location will be at the Magrath Civic Building. 758-6009 320-3499 For information and to register call: Parent Representative - Angie Vayro . Please leave your name and telephone number and you will be contacted. Sponsored by the Town of Magrath’s Family and Community Support Services