Summary: | An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. PHONES: OFFICE 758-3033 GROCERIES 758-3535 DRY GOODS 758-3252 HARDWARE 758-3065 STORE HOURS: WNDAY, TUESDAY/THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. WEDNESDAY .8 A.M. to 1 PiM. SATURDAY 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. 8 A.M. to 7 P.Mi THURSDAY, AUGUST 24th, 19Ó7 MAGRATH, ALBERTA. SPORT SHIRTS NEW ARRIVALS Handsome new Cottons in regular and never press, gay paisleys with gold underlay, popular checks. Button down collars, long sleeves. Plain shades, LANCER SPECIALS CORDUROY; Short sleeved Sport Shirts, western cut yoke with pearl snap button fasteners. COLORS: Tan, Brown. Small* Medium, £95 Large. REGULAR $9.95 . V 2 ' CORDUROY; Short sleeves, double breasted front with brass Q95 button fasteners. White dickie. REGULAR $12.95 . . 1 BOYS SPECIALS counter of Boys Cotton Sport Shirts in assorted styles in plain and figured prints. Long and short sleeve fashions included. REGULAR $2.25 up . . 20% OFF SPORT PANTS BOYS •; G.W.G. Cowboy Kings. Teen Kings and Never Press: Tee e |Kays in popular twills; Monarch Brushed Denims. ^00 Assorted colors. SIZES; 6tol6.• • to / UNDERWEAR ¡Stanfields Cotton I Underwear for "Back- I to-School". YOUTHS ' Never-Press, : G.W.G. Slim Kings, Teen Kings an Tee Kays in Twills and Hopsack .^95 fco |q50 | SHORTS; Rib knit, f double seat, Ihclud- | ed are the X-20 Briefs I to wear with Hipster | Pants. | ¿(J iBOYS.«••.■■••• Q 5 0 - T SHIRTS; Fine inter- | lock knit eombed cot*, j £ f= ton. Nylon reinforced | neck. Short sleeves. I S.M.L. XL. 1 MEN'S; $1.75 & $1.95 I BOYS; $1.25 & $1.50 I LOAFERS Smart brown leather Loafers so popular this season for school St campus wear. Plain vamp, moccasin vamp and Penny loafer vamp. |Q95t02|95 HUSH PUPPIES; Swede or smooth tanned leather in ties or slip-ons in assorted colors. REGULAR $10.95 St $12,95» 20% OFF. BOYS SHOES; 1 rack of Boys Oxfords and Slip-ons in "Odds St Ends". HALF PRICE MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. Jdardware RED BARN PaINT / 24 FOOT For your outside paint jobs, etc $32.95 IQ95 Simon's "Back Care" Quality construction. REG. $79.50. 5495 I Simon's DELUXE Back Care I with handsome quilted A WRENCHES JUST ARRIVED: Fully guaranteed TRUECRAFT 11 piece COMBINATION WRENCH SET. Complete set of all sizes of wrenches for your harvesting needs. Securely fitted in . st plastic roll. COMPLETE . EXTENSION LADDERS GREEN SHINGIE PaINT 1/2" DRIVE SOCKET SET: 16 piece set - 7/16" to 1 1/8" sockets, 15" fled handle spark plug socket, ratchet and extension. Complete in heavy steel box. A HARVEST BUI 3/g't DRIVE SOCKET SET 1/4" DRIVE SOCKET SET SAVE $5.00 a GALLON ON LINKTONE EXTERIOR HOUSE PaINT SCHOOL TOTE BAGS Girls nylon fabric "TOTE" BAGS, for carrying books, 1 c lunches, gym clothes. O Shoulder strap style. LUNCH KITS Square metal Lunch kits finished in pleasing plaid enamel _ q design. Complete with D L)c7 thermos . .HIIIIUHIUllllilHUUltlmUHhlllUlHHtUllllllltlltlMUUiMuKIlHkniHWI MATTRESS SALE SAVE $24.55 0N THIS FALL MATTRESS SPECIAL SALE ENDS AUGUST 31st. LOOSE LEAF FOLDERS PENCILS BINDERS. pencil cases RECLINER CHAIRS IEATHER "REGLINER" CHaIR - 3 POSITION FOR FERFECT RELAXATION. FINISHED IN HANDSOME DEEP WINE IEaTHER. CUSHION* ED BACK, COMFORTABLE SLOPED ARMS PERFECT FOR ÏOUR LIVINGxOOM, DEN OR RUMPUS ROOM BEDROOM SUITE SPECIALS SAVE 30°° Smart Walnut 3 piece Suite - Double Dresser Chest of Drawers, Bookcase bed. < $219.95 8995 VALUE. . SANE AS ABOVE WITH _ PLAIN HEAD- 17095 ili1BOARD'i"i";"U"rin"i""'ihi^. . s Î I i MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. Dry d/oods Dept. SU TINGS: "Jack & Jill" Suitings in handsone bonded knit« Teathertones of Blue, Forrest Green and Gold<> 795 58” wide •3 PRINTED CHALLIS.- Beautifully designed fabric in double knit appearance. Colors of Brown, Beige and Navy. 36" wide. . . SILK ORGANZA: Blue, White, 42" wide . MAGIC patterned. 45” wide ., Filny organza in plain shades of Pink, CREPE : Printed Green silk crepe, beautifully Does not wrinkle. POLISHED COTTONS: "Granny" prints in tiny floral designs on background colors of Blue, Navy, Brown, Oxford Grey, Red. Q P A 36" wide. oOy | Becoming "half" Aprons in pretty polished f cotton. Reversible. | Assorted colors. COSTUME 25 AND BATH Jacquard designed, screen printed and sculptured Terry in beautifully designed towels. Assorted colors. I2\.325 HAND 75 Screen printed terry hand towels in lovely floral patterns. White background. Assorted colors . DISH Terry Dish Towels with attractive screen printed designs5 Checked cotton Dish towels, wonderfully absorbent. LOCKETS Handsome gold filled Lockets open up for two photos. 750,9- SETS Necklace and Earring sets in beautif designed matching sets. Nicely gift boxed.;. EARRINGS New "Swinger" Earrings in pierced and "the pierced look". Attractively designed to add that touch of glamour to your en&fe.' 99C emble to Three piece knitted Outfit for Bqby - Sweater, Bonnet and Bootees. Pink, Blue or White. Nicely boxed, make ideal gifts for the "new arrival". 450 MAGRATH. TRADING COMPANY LTD. Funeral services for the late Mrs. Emma Judd were held in the L.D.S. Chapel in Tacoma, Washington on Tuesday, August 15th at 11 A.M. Mrs. Judd passed away Saturday, August 12th at the age of 93 years. She was bom May 10th, 1874, She leaves to mourn her passing three sons and five daughters all of whom were in attendance - Charles of Raymond, Alberta; Frank of Tacoma, Wash.; Ervin of Sacramento, Cali forn-ia.; Mrs. Nettie Burke of Tacoma, Washington; Mrs. Olive James and Mrs. Iferie law of Magrath; Mrs. Cora Tveter of Walnut Creek, California; Mrs. Irene Koplin of Sacramento^ Calif o She was predeceased by her husband and three children. Besides her eight children she has forty four grandchildren, one hundred great grandchildren and thirteen great great grandchildren. She was lmid to rest in the Mountain View Memorial Park in Tacoma, Washington. F.l der Bryce Gurney has returned home from the East Central States Mission Field having filled a two year mission. He spent a short visit with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Waldon Gurney before leaving to attend college. Mr. and Mrs. James A Heggie and family of Lethbridge left this week for Rexburg, Idaho where James will attend Rick’s College to complete his education. A going away party was held in their honor at their home Friday afternoon when friends from Taber, Wrentham, Magrath, Raymond and Lethbridge called to extend their best wishes. Mrs. Fay Cook attended a party honoring her mother Mrs. Emma Ovard on the occasion of her eighty ninth birthday. Friends and relatives met at the home of Mrs. Ovard’s son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilmot Sunday for the event. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jensen of Youngstown, Alberta are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter, Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Eqrl Neilson of Magrath and Mr. Ed Jensen of Raymond. Mrs. Louise James of Ontario, California is visiting with relatives and friends in Magrath and South Alberta. Mr. and Mrs, Henning Anderson and family of Salt Lake City, Utah are visiting relatives and friends in Magrath and district including her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bridge. Dr. and Mrs. Mark Dahl and family left during the weekend for Eastern Canada and a visit to Expo. Neil Harker, son of Mr. and Mrs* Keh Harker of Ifegrath, while holidaying in Waterton Park, heard a small boy scream and immediately ran to his rescue. The boy, son of Mr. Bryant M. Bennett of Oakland, California, had fallen into the Waterton Lake by the docks. Neil put his boy scout training to use and pul1 ad the four year old lad from the water. His father and mother were a short distance away when the accident happened. Mr. Bennett, a prominant lawyer in Oakland, awarded Neil $50*00 and a letter stating his gratitude for saving his son’s life, commending Neil for his level head— edness. Miss Ottolene Gast has arrived from Kansas City to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs Otto Gast. Miss Gast has just returned from a six week U.S.O, tour of musicians and entertainers who performed for servicemensin Greenland, Iceland, Newfoundland and labrador, also visiting Expo enroute home. She plans to return to Kansas City to complete her last year in studying accordian. Mr. and Mrs. Waldon Gurney Jr. of Dugway, Utah are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter bom Wednesday August 16th. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Waldon Gurney Sr. of Magrath. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bossert and family of Grand Centre Alberta were recent visitors at the home of his mother Mrs. Ardella Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis King of Seattle, Washington were recent visitors at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Afton Anderson, enroute to Montreal and Expo. Miss Terry Yamamoto of Calgary is visiting with friends in Magrath. Miss Victoria Briggs is enjoying a visit with her parents Mr. and Mi's. Ernest Briggs. Victoria is taking nurses training in Salt Lake City, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ehlert of Logan, Utah are visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Ririe and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ehlert. According to informed sources, it wasn’t the apple that caused the trouble in the Garden of Eden, it was a green pair.MAGRATh TRADING CGJPANY LTD. "Upstairs Step out in style this ’67 Fall season in a smart new Dress by Aljean or Spi-Bor. Beautifully styled in plain and figured Wools, Double Knits, Crimp Knits* latest Fall colors too - Gold, Cranberry, Bronze, Forrest Green, Rust.«. . 95 U P PLAY SETS ! •’HOT POTATOES" - THE POPULAR CASUAL SHOE IN SUEDE TIE. MATCH THE NEW TEE KAY SLIMS. | IDEAL TO WEAR TO SCHOOL, FOR SPORT AND CASUAL WEAR. Only $4.95 BABY DRESSES Dainty new Baby Dresses in a nice selection of fabrics including nylon tricot with lace and ribbon trimj Wash and wear Teiylene with self ruffle trim; beautiful velvets with lade sleeve - r QC and scallop hem* to SLEEPERS Snuggly Terxy S-T-R-E-T-C-H Sleepers for Infants and children. White, Pink, Mint, Yellow. Larger O98 sizes are lace trimmed» • up. BOYS 1 GROUP OF BOYS PANTS - JUST THE THING FOR BACK TO SCHOOL - A G.W.G, Twills, Cowboy Kings, Cotton Sheens, Dehins, and Cords in assorted colors and styles’ 6 and 61 Tee Kay Smart new Slims by Tee Kay in becoming new colors - Rust, Gold, Teal. Plain or belted waists* SIZES: 7 to 15. BLOUSES Tee Kay Blouses in plain or paisley prints. -, | KIDDIES SWEATERS I 1 Girls and Boys Orlon Sweaters in Pullover I and Cardigan styles. r, __ OP I Norwegian knits in.*. eluded. PULLOVERS Short sleeve Orlon died to match y o o slims. MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD, WEEKLY LAW REMINDER HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT «YIELDING AND STOPPING« - SECTION 118: Except as otherwide provided in this part, when two vehicles approach or enter an intersection from different highways at approximately the same time, the driver of the vehicle to the left shall yield the right of way to the vehicle on the right. 2. A driver approaching an intersection shall yield the right of way to any vehicle that haw entered the intersection from another direction. 3. A driver intending to turn to the left across the path of any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction may make such left turn only if he affords a reasonable opportunity to the driver of the othei vehicle to avoid a nollisi on, Mr. and Mrs. Nyal Fletcher attended the graduation of their son Allen in Logan, Utah Thursday, August 17th. They were present for Commencement Exercises Thursday morning which took place in the Joseph Smith Field House when Richard L. Evans, Gouncil of the Twelve Apostles, delivered the address Thursday evening diplomas were presented by the Dean of Arts. Allen graduated in Speech and Dramatic Arts. He and his wife will make their home in Regina where he will be Seminary Instructor. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Austin have as their guests her brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sorensen of Swan River, Ifen. also her sister Mrs. Ife,ry Hansen of Theadore, Sask. Mr, and Mrs. Jim Winterton and family of Provo, Utah are visiting relatives and renewing acquaintances in Magrath. Mr. Dan Khi left Sunday for Calgary to visit his wife Greta who underwent surgery on her back in the Calgary General Hospital last week. While in Calgary Mr. Mai will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Morris, former Ifegrath residents. FOR SALE: Fender Tremolux Amplifier - like new. $350.00. Kent Guitar - like new $80,00 Gibson Fuzz Tone $25.00. Craig Tanner, Ph. 758-3082 Home 758-3404. FOR SALE: 4:10 gauge Shot gun. Like new. Bill Wood, Spring Coulee. MAGRATH PARK THEATRE NEWS: Friday and Saturday August 24th and 26th «BATTLE OF THE BULGE starring Henry Fonda and Robert Ryan. SEE THE NEW JUMPERS WITH MATCHING SWEATERS FOR GIRIS - 8 - 12. Upstairs. Patients in the Lfegrath Municipal Hospital this week include Mrs. Nellie Ririe, Mr. John Austin, Mr. George Heathershaw, Mrs. Geneva Wood, Mr. John Minor, Mr, John Weing, Wayne Borley, Iatfer Seward, Mrs. Carol McCoy, Mrs. Rebecfa Waldner, Terry Sam, Sandra Bird, Linda Bengry, Mrs. Sarah Entz and son, Mrs. Cheryl Hansen and Vicki Powalesland. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fletcher left Monday morning for Rexburg, Idaho. Accompanying them were Nylene Fletcher, Wendy Coleman, Ross Coleman and Bryce Gurney, .all of whom will attend Rick’s College. Also leaving this week to attend Rick’s College were David Tanner, Brent Harker, Craig Tanner, Susan Nelson of Spring Coulee) Bill Bullock, Rill Peterson, David Bullock and Ronald Peterson all of Welling. Mrs. Olive Gruninger and daughter Diane left this week for Rexburg, Idaho where Diane will attend Rick’s College. ' Mr. and Mrs. Watson Ririe entertained in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keeler of Guelph, Ontario. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Keeler, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Haynes and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stevenson. A number of Magrath ladies motored to Coaldale Wednesday afternoon to visit with Mrs. Elizabeth Pfeffel. Those attending included Mesdames Belle Harker, Nhry Sera, Josie Erickson, Florence Moors, Kate Lforrow, Mabel Anderson, Louise James of Ontario, California, Afton Anderson, Jfery Nelson, Jennie Bone, Twila Steed, Jean Dudley and Elsie Owens. A social afternoon and refreshments were enjoyed by the ladies who were friends and members of the ladies Hospital Auxiliary of Magrath of which Mrs. Pfeffel was a former member. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stevenson are holidaying and visiting relatives in Victoria and West Coast points. Mrs. Juliadean Bondy, Starr and Jeffrey and Mrs. Velma Godfrey left Tuesday for Rexburg Idaho, Jeffrey will enroll in Forestry and Mrs. Godfrey will return to her home in Provo following a visit with relatives in Ifegrath. Recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Jennie Bone were her son and daughter-inlaw Mr. and Mrs. Dean Bone of Calgary. They also visited with Mrs. Zola Whitehead. Mrs. Elsie Johnson of Dixon, T11inois is visiting her brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wood. Mr. Robert Fox, father of Mrs. Marion Bourne passed away in the Magrath Hospital Tuesday morning. He was 78 years of age.MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. “ <“/> r\ ■J* rr NOTICE: I will be teaching piano lessons again this year. Anyone interested please phone 758-3102. Patsy Harker. WANTED; Custom combining. Have truck if necessary. Ph. ¿53-2317 or 758-3128. F0R SALE: Economy Electric Washer, kitchen chrome set, miscellaneous articles. Orson Bridge. 6HANGE OF SWIMMING HOURS - At the Magrath Lions Swimming Pool - beginning Friday, August 24th, hours for swimming will be 1 P.M. to 7 P.M. Pool Management. FAREWELL PARTY - Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Robinson and family will be held in the Lfegrath United Church Hall Saturday evening, August 26th at 8 P.M, Everyone welcome. FOR SALE; 1948 Plymounth. Excellent condition. $150.00. Melvin Blumell. 758-3485. WANTED; Babysitter Mondays through Fridays. Mrs. LaRae Gostola. Ph, 758-3194« FOR SALE; 30" gas range like new, also fridge in good condition. Margaret Thomson. Ph. 758-6525 after 4:30 P.M. NOTICE; Applications are being received for a Secretarial position at Tanner Building Supplies. Experience in Accounting preferred. Apply Norma ZoBell, Hi. 758-3233, NOTICE: The Induction service for Mr. J. Thiessen, minister of the Magrath United Church Pastoral Charge - Magrath, Spring Coulee, Del Bonita points - will be held tonight, Thursday, August 24th at 8 P.M. in the Jfegrath United Church. Everyone is invited to attend. WANTED; Riders to go to B.Y.U. Ph. 758-3485 Melvin Blumell. FOR SAIB; Diamond Chaff Saver - used one season. Ph. 758-6573« Ernest Briggs. NEEDED - one house suitable for two parents three children, one dog and one cat. Ph. 758-3492 evenings, FOR SaLE OR RENT; N.W. 13-5-22-4 157 acres dry land. Available after Sei?tember 1/67. Eaery Gurney, FOR SaLE; 8 dozen Gem quart fruit jars, $1.00 dozen. Mrs. Lloyd Meldrum. 758-3239« MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. I TOMATO SOUP I YORK TOMATOES Xi Í HEINZ 10 oz 8 for PINEAPPLE CRUSHED, TID BITS, SLICED KON TIKI 20 oz 4 for oo Xl : : 20 oz* tins •••««•••••• 3/ 79CÌ MARGAR I NR 00 TOP VALUE 2/5901 ion LnJ HUNT’S 15 oz - BLUE STAR 3^# cans . ICINCH CLEANER 3 III JAVEX BLEACH 8901 SURF i KLEENEX GIANT SIZE 690 AOO’s 2/5901 IK PEARS- B. C. Bartlett it. 300 CAULIFLOWER - Snowy white heads each 290 CABBAGE -fresh, CANTELOUPE green - ripe Mediuns PEPPERS - Green - for pickling lb. 390