Magrath Store News (February 20, 1967)

An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. PHONES: OFFICE 758-3033 GROCERIES 758-3535 DRY GOODS 758-3252 HARDWARE 758-3O65 STORE HOURS: MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. . i.8...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Magrath Trading Store
Format: Journal/Newspaper
Published: J. A. Ririe 1967
Online Access:
Summary:An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. PHONES: OFFICE 758-3033 GROCERIES 758-3535 DRY GOODS 758-3252 HARDWARE 758-3O65 STORE HOURS: MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. . i.8 A,M. to 6 PCM, WEDNESDAY.8 AOM. to 1 P.M, .SATURDAY .8 A»M. to 7 P.M. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20th, 1?67 . MACEATH, ALBERT^. -Men’s Boys' UJear BOYS SPORT SHIRTS Gay cotton Sport shirt3 In pleasing plaids, stripes or plain colors» SIZES: 1 6 to 16 yrs .Ik. to GWG PANTS New twills in the new "Mod1’ look featuring the new wide belt loops and stove pipe legs. Colors include the fav­orite (’live and Chili. SIZES: 7 to 12 yrs . BOYS NEVER PRESS PANTS, wide belt loops» Cactus». . YOUNG MEN1 S NEW ’’MOD” G«W,G. PANTS — in popular Teen Kinga. and hopsack fabrics in Olive, Chili, Beige and Oatmeal . 325 Twills 695- IQ95 T SHIRTS Jr = BOYS LONG SLEEVED FLEECE LINED COTTON T SHIRTS IN WHITE, GREY, ISLE WITH ' 150 to 398 s FX £ BLUE AND NAVY. FINE KNIT COTTON T SHIRTS BY GLEN SHORT SLEEVES, PULLOVER OR OPEN THROaT STILES. White, Yellow, Blue, Red, Navy, Burgandy. GLOVES | watson’s famous glo-i ves including pop- I ULaR western ropelu 1 DRIVING & CURLING W I GLOVES, LINED AND UNLINED LEATHERS. ! PYJAMAS MEN’S A nice selection of Flannelettes, Cotton Broadcloth and Nylon Tricot Pyjamas in attractive patterns and colors. • DRESS SHIRTS Forsyth White Dress Shirts including Penna-Press No Iron and Recent Str- S> M, L, XS, 00 Ooo to ° BOYS’ WHITE DRESS SHIRTS Fine white cotton broad­cloth. SIZES; 8 to 16. Fiatinelettfe and Cotton bfroadciotii pyjamas in two piece styles . See also the popular cotton knit Pol*jam in assorted colors. 225t0 2 98 I98 398 MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. 36” wide DENIM S : Sports Denims in Brown, Blue and Sreeni 36” wide . .¿.¿¿¿•I. DryQoods T)ept. dls- SIZES; 8-14 1INSOI£S: Air cushion- Z ■ m ■ I ed for comfort. 590 [NOTIONS I DR. SCHORL'S FOOTCARE > é corn Remedy• 7$ qn~th ¡ remedy with cushion j pads for corns and = callouses.590 ÍHEEL CUSHIONS; Air I pillow. 350 I HERI LINERS; Contour— I ed, perfect fit. 290 j ONIX.GI; Relief from I ^ain of ingrowp toe I nails .$1.00 E FITS; Corn Piasters 3 ' " ' 3 X | BONDEX PRESS PATCHES j Available in a n^raber f colors. Simply I press on with a hot I iron. Repair Jeans, ,| Jackets., shii»u - | practically ail i wearing apparel. [ 150 to 980 X . I . I A N T R I X 0 3 i The new hand care | covery. Before you use | your hands use Antrixo I for dishwashing, painty i ing, etc. | RBGULaK 980 .690 7’>, ■■•■<■■■ CORDUROY WIDE WALE: Popular for Sportsweart Jumpers; Dusters; etc; _ Red, Black, Royal Blue, Brown; 36” wide t. >. • 1 •. i « t • O 9 O FINE WALE; Specially priced for Spring; Ideal for skirts, shirts kiddies wear as well as sports togs; COLORS: Aqua, Turquoise, Black, Brown and Royal Blue o9y TERRY TOWELING: Thickly napped Teriy in White, pink or floral printed |39to |98 STAMPED GOODS *. Tablecloths luncheon cloths, pillow cases, runners. White and colors.590 to PILLOW SLIPS: Embroidered Pillow slips in attractive colors and patterns. Gift packed. Included are Appliques, laoe trimmed, embroidered and maaeria . ANKLE SOCKS Nylon S-T-R-E-T-C-H Ankle Socks for Infants, Children, Misses and ladies. Assorted rolors [BOOKS 1 FOR THEY SHALL EE sCOMFORTED; by ATma land Clea Burton. p5 IA MaRVELOUS WORKS aND IA WONDER by LeGrand jRichards. 2^ I THE CANDLE OF THE LORD fby Adam S. Bennion. PANTIES li35d Franklin, age 45« Others in a library. Who founded the first library in America? B. Franklin, age 25» Some get their copy through the U.S* mail. Its father? B, Franklin, age Now, think fire. Who smarted the first fire department, invented the lightening rod, designed a heating stove still in use today? B, Franklin, age 31, 43, Wit, Conversationalist, Economist, Philosopher, Diplomat, favorite of the Capitals of Europe, Journalist, Printer, Publishers, Linguist (spoke and wrote five languages), Advo­cate of Paratroopers (from baloons) a Century before the airplane was invented. All this until age 84, and he had exactly two years of normal schooling. It is a good bet that you already have more sheer knowledge than Franklin ever had when he was your age. Perhaps you think there’s no use trying to think of anything now, that’' everything’s been done, Wrongl The simple Agrarian American of Franklin’s day didn’t begin to need the answers we need today. Go do something about it I Tear out this page and read it on your 84th birthday. Ask yourself what took over in your life — indolence of1 ingenuity? ’’Sometimes I gather poses from thee and from thine Only the thread that binds them is mine «/* Hf Bridge* A pretty winter wedding of interest to Ifegrath and district residents took place in the Raymond 2nd Ward LDS Chapel Saturday, February 4th when Bishop Bert Hall united in matriage Barbara Finch and Teddy J. Witbeok, The bride is the daughter of Mrs, El•»nnrs Finch of Raymond and Mr. Keith Finch of Edmonton. The groom is the son of Mr, Ted Witbeok of Ray­mond and Mrs. Luella witbeck of Edmonton, Mrs, Betty Evans played the wedding musie and the bride’s grandfather, Mr. John Moors gave her in marriage. Attending the bride were Senior Bridesmaids Renska Visser, Sheila King and Stephanie Roberts, Junior Bridesmaids were Joanne Finch and Wary Lou Witbeck. Jfergaret Fineh was flower girl. Groomsmen were Greg and Billy Witbeck and Douglas Edwards, Ushers were Gary Edwards and Michael Hill. The mother of the bride and father of the groom assisted the bridal party in receiving the guests at the reception held in the Recreation Hall. Greeting the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Finch of Picture Butte and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Christensen of Raymond, Mrs, Elene Johnson was in charge of the luncheon assisted by Minnie Terry, Sarah Hippard, Lula Bakken, Minnie Litchfield, Verla Cress and Bertha Anderson* Gifts were arranged by Vallory Void, Elaine Peterson, Ann Terry and Betty Fawns, Paulette Witbeck was in charge of the guest book. At present the groom is attending Lethbridge Junior College but the happy couple plan to make their home in Calgary. Patients in the Magrath Municipal Hospital during the past week include Mr, Lawrence Ririe, Mr. Vincent De Georgio, Mr. Carl Strate, Mr, Leon Van Leary, Mr, Rulon Thomson, Mr, John Minor, Mr. Ray Bullock, Ifatie Hofer, Mrs. Lucille Seward, Mrs. Helga Rose, Johnnie Small Epes, Vincent Harker, Ronnie McCoy, B^by Bora Entz, Mrs, Hope Jensen, Mrs, Sarah Entz and twin sons’, and Mrs. Mildred Schneidt, Friends will be sorry to hear of the death of Richard Ratcliff, 5 month old son of Mr* and Mrs. Larry Ratcliff on Conrich, Alberta, ihö. passed away February 15th, Mrs. Ratcliff is the former Jessie Bohnet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bohnet of Calgary and former Mjgrath residents. The infant’ is also survived by a brother Bruce and sister Cheryl, Funeral services were held Saturday, February 16th* Mrs. Geraldine Andersen returned to her home in Salt Lake City, Utah Wednesday followiftg a ten day visit with relatives and friends in Magrath where she was the guest of her patents Mr* and Mrs* J* H* Bridge. Mrs. Melba Morley and daughter Tammy of Burley, Idaho have been visiting friends and relatives, the guest of her mother Mrs* Vinessa Tanner* Mrs. Luke Murikami and daughter Linda left Saturday, February 11th to spend a two month holiday in her native Japan. Mr. Murikami travelled as far as Vancouver and has now re­turned home. Mrs, Jennie Johnson has returned home following a visit in Ltoydmihster where she was the guest of her son—in—law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Afchie Campbell, Mrs, Jennie Bone left Monday i?o holiday in Hawaii where she will visit her granddaughter Miss Darlene Whitehead in Honolulu.MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. While our Town Council has committed themselves to drill for gas and to own their own distributing system, etc,, they should take over the Calgary Power and the Alberta Govern­ment Telephones, It would not be amiss for them to digest the words of U.S. Atturney General Nicholas Katzenbach: ’’The proof of a truly educated person, no matter how convinced he is of the rightness of his own position, is that he never loses a seed of skepticism, a, grain of suspicion or a germ of doubt". The annual "Thinking Day" program of the Magrath Brownies and Guides was held in the United Church Hall Monday evening. The program opened with 0 Canada followed by the pres­entation of colors, and the Guides forming their horseshoe, the Brownies their Fairy Ring. Mrs. Iaura Harker told the history of Guiding with Jfergaret Brown giving the life story of Lord Baden-Powell and Beverly Owens tailing of lady Baden-Powellj. Iinda Rollingson told how Brownies began and Carol Harker explained the trifoil. The Brownie and Guide Chorus sang "Four Strong Winds". Four countries were studied by the girls i which included Holland, Mexico, China and since it is the Centennial - Canada. Darlene Currie gave the history of Holland followed by a Brownie Chorus "little Dutch Boy" and Dutch dance. The Mexican history was told by Debra Harker with the Guides doing a Mexican dance and Katherine Harker and Lynn .Gibb singing "South of the Border". Elberta Christensen gave the history of China and Sharon Sam sang a Chinese solo followed by the Guides dancing a; Chinese dance. Mrs. Bertha Wakely narrated on a Canadian pageant telling some of the history of Canada and girls dressed to represent the different parts Canadians played in the history of our land with Betty Bird representing the Indian, Beverly Owens - Explorer; Elberta Christensen the Trapper, Gail Navratil and Darlene Currie - early pioneers, Father of Confederation - Shannon Lee; Miner - Sylvia Larson Mounted Police - Margaret Brown and the Cowboy - Vicki Kado. Colleen Sims read a poem of Panline Johnson on Canada. "When] You and I Were Young, lfe.ggie" was sung by Diane Harker and Marie Larson assisted by Kathy] Harker and Lynn ELbb following the dancing of the Minuet by Diane and Marie in costume. The girls chorus sang "This Land Is Your land", "They All Call It Canada" and "Canada", The closing number was a comical pantomime by Mrs. Edith Scott and Mrs. Nancy Scott. Miss Jane Kadanaga presided at the piano for all the musical numbers, Miss Melonie Harker was in charge of teaching the dance numbers and the program was arranged by Mrs. Iaura Harker^ Mrs. Bertha Wakely, Guide leaders; Mrs. Nancy Scott, Misses Katharine Harker, Phyllis Lbng and Iinda Rolling- son. The hall was decorated throught with pictures of Canada, Mexico,! China and Holland and a display of early Canadian household items, clothing, weapons, etc. along with part of Mr. J.A. Spencer’s Indian collection, Mr. C.S. Matkin’s Arctic trophies and Mrs. Iila Sam’s display on China were very much enjoyed. Mrs. Harker wishes to express her thanks to the rbownies, Guides], leaders and anyone who helped in any way to make the evening the success it was. NOTICE; AH dogs running at large will be tran- quilized with the Town’s new tranquilizer gun and those without licenses will be destroyed. Town of Nkgrath. NOTICE;The annual meeting for the Lhgrath Irrigation District will be held Friday, Feb, 24th at 2 o'clock in the Magrath Town Hall. B. Neilson. SPECIAL YOUTH SERVICE - will be held in the Magrath United Church Sunday, Februaiy 26th at 7:30 P,M. The Rev. Rod Andrews, Rector of Okotoks Anglican Church will be the guest speaker. All youth groups are invited to attend. BaSKETBaLL SEMI FINAL "A" TEAMS - Magrath vs Cardston, Magrath Big (^m Friday night, Feb. 24th. Winners will compete in the Basketball Finals Friday, and Saturday, March 3rd and 4th in the Ifegrath Big Gym. Winners of this 8 team tournament will go to Edmonton. Mr. and Mrs. George Foggin of Del Bonita visited the past weekend in Rexburg, Idaho where their sons are attending University. ^On SALE; Chesterfield, drapes, lamps. Mrs. Alex Poulsen. SEEN AND HEARD Jim Cook, the successful applicant for Secretaiy—Treasurer ¡for the Town of Magrath. Jacob Weing has purchased the Wqllace Dudley farm. • • • • Wi Hie Satrang receiving a perfect 29 hand in playing crib with Rollo Harris. John Austin, son]of Mr, and Mrs. John Austin Sr. was among 31 South Alberta graduates who received their private pilots licenses at the annual Wings Parade of the Lethbridge Flying Glub Friday evening, Feb. 17th. Mr. and Mrs. Garth Coleman had as their weekend guests her daughter Mrs. Randall Meeks and children of Edmonton. Friends will be sorry to hear of the death in Vancouver Sunday morning of Paul Plourd, husband of th«.former Haroldine Sorensen of Magrath. He was 39 years of age. Survivors include his wife, three sons and one daughter.MAGHATH RADINO COMPANY LTD. lilac and 2Q98 MATCHING WOOL SABRE SLIM SKIRT ,,.». « „ "Ups fairs RUNNING SHOES BhR - FLEX New "Celery” color along with Black and white KAUFMAN1 S; Popular Denims; in Faded Blue and Navy and white and black, ^49 to ^49 LADIES - THE NEW KAUFMAN SLIPPERS AND HOUSE SH0E3 HAVE ARRIVED Two piece Celanese figured Shirt with poplin SIi ms Q98 in Pink or Aqua, Sizes 12 to 18 SLIMS SABRE SLIMS in lycra stretch and Fortrel easy care washable cotton, COMBS; Aquaj Ifeuve, Pink. Beige, SIZES: 8 to 16 Beautiful new styles for Spring in easy-care fabrics - printed silks, crepes, amels, jerseysg POOR B0Y3 Cotton knit Poor Boy T Shirts in White, Pink, Red and Aqua« SIZES: 2-4. | 49 CENTENNIAL T SHIRTS flhitc ále éìeeired T Shifts with gay Cettt-etmlal design« Sizes Lovely Cotton Dusters with laee trimmed dollar and pockets» Assorted floral patterns« J<st the thing to relax lil afid' Slip ¿Ver yoi$f dress when yott affitte home from wofk« CENTENNIAL SWEAT SHIRTS Long sleeved fleece .lined, 8 - 12, ^98 MAGRATH ’RADING COMF. sNY LTD. ^Hardware Dept. 4?6" SLEEPCREST SPRING FILLED SIMMONS,MATTRESS WITH MATCHING BOX. SPRINGS AND £ HABtHjOB L&CSi Simmons exclusive Adjust*—Rest ®oil* gently adjust to your body contours, then firm ttp to support your weight» Lovely new classic floral print coverj deep white layer felt4 Smooth t*p| 8995 COMPLETE SET ,ì*o, HtHlItiiUlIlUihlUiliilllliHiHIUIIHIiniMIHtHHHHiHrHIIIIUHIII CLOTHES ¡HAMPERS È z M4t MM »M'MM MM W«»M WWM « X X M r EE Ii iE £ i î t t lI vcxuA.® piaouic; uuaucu bodies and enamelled steel frame. Also Vinyl covered hamper with steel frame. Oval or square, lids are attractively padded, lovely colors 1488 TO 1649 I i 5 Ç I ri r (c? WESTFALIA bl ILA ¿5T 450# CAPACITI WESTFALIA ELECTRIS SREaM SEPARATOR, ALL STAINLESS STEEL. - WEEKEND SPECIALS (THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE ON SPECIAL FRIDAY AND SAT­URDAY SINCE THEY DIB NOT ARRIVE FOR THE RED TAG FLYER SPECIAL) PaRING KNIFE & SLICER? Wayne paring knife and 8^" roast slicer. REGULAR $1.78. 2 ior I39 I COCO — MAT 3? Heavy duty. REGULAR $1.39 | C1AW HAMMERSf Hardwood handle, tempered head, | 39 X t 4 iUH ■ I O 4 £ÉK g EÍ 990 IE Í J * 53 PIECE "&JUMkN ROSEll BÎNNLR S&T? Beiwtif Ql pink rose desighj Sertibe fel 8» 9Ô 55 PIECE SERVICE FOR >8* "Carla" defeigh f*atW ing a single rose pattehn 1# fiise ehinR| (2 extra cups). 55 PIECE SERVICE FOR t? "Battalion" garland tiny rose design in Mlkaba fine China• •’ . 34M "PRESTO" PRESSURE COOKER? CoekS foed faster, gives more flavour. 5Qe. _2|95 3 <Jt. - |Q95 BOTH SETS 4 • • • • •