Milo Canopener (August 1, 2000)

An archive of the Milo Canopener. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Archives at Milo Library to digitize and display this content. cIF^———— The following Items are free of charge Business Directory Quarter Page Half Page Full Page Classifieds Ad Rates $5.00 $6.00 $8.0...

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Format: Journal/Newspaper
Published: Milo Community Volunteers 2000
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Summary:An archive of the Milo Canopener. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Archives at Milo Library to digitize and display this content. cIF^———— The following Items are free of charge Business Directory Quarter Page Half Page Full Page Classifieds Ad Rates $5.00 $6.00 $8.00 $15.00 $2.00 Subscription Rates Picked up or delivered $14.00 Mailed USA Other Countries Single Copy $22.00 $26.00 $38.00 $2.00 Letters to the Can Opener Notices Announcements are Welcome Please sign them, no letter will (Wedding, Anniversary, Birth, Showers, etc) be printed if not signed. Cards of Thanks News Items Articles anonymous will be honored. Requests to remain Please sent Items to the following staff Notices, Announcements Levona Dixon - 599-2328 or Betty Lahd 599-2214 Thank you Carol Vooys 599-2123 or Zola Webber - 599-2304 Calendar Events Carol Henty - 599-2107 Cartoons or kids say the damdest things Marina Vannatta - 381-6389 or leave at Jamies AG Sympathy or Get Wells Carol Vooys - 599-2123 News Items, Articles or Ads Sheila Winch - 599-2223 or fax 599-2205 Can Opener Staff Sheila Winch, Levona Dixon, Marina Vannatta, Carol Vooys, Carol Henry, Ellen Watt, Sue lvers, Betty Lahd, Kay Zaytsoff, Zola Webber & Betty Armstrong Milo Can Opener Box 12, Milo, Alberta T0L 1L0 Fax # 599-2205 Items may be left at Jamies AG in the Can Opener Box0?fat'ri9Derfechon CATERING/SERVIC E Alim and Colleen Barlsch MILO. Alla, phone (403) 599- 2204 IG)lfo Go Mo IUs<£©!ID[b$ (403) 485-6005 P.O. Box 87, Vulcan, Alberta, Canada 934;2870 ■fll/w - 39?-£i<ZS-- -r/ZU/Lsr^ Bay #1, 410 Lakeside Blvd Strathmore, AB T1P 1K1 Terry Phillips Agricultural Products and Services Box 292 Lomond. Alberta TOL IGO Robert Phillips Telephone (403) 792-3757 Toll Free 1-800-387-3486 Cellular. (403) 485-0400 Fax (403) 792-3707 Sc Oilcan Sc INTERNATIONAL RECORDING ARTISTS Cell: (403) 485-1078 Fax: (403) 599-2338 LAH-MAR I'HOMO Pfl- (403) 381-63S9 Fax: (403) 381-6341 Keepin' the Country in music BUS. 599-373 1 -PES. 599-2 153 PAT GAUTHIER Petroleum Agent UNITED FARMERS OF ALBERTA CO-OPERATIVE LIMITED BOX 58. MILO. ALBERTA TOL I LO 2>r. 8 Or. OPTOMETRIST BOX 972 VULCAN ALBERTA TOL 2B0 telephones 485 2 1 77 485 2886 SCOTIA BANK THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA 599-3792 MANAGER.- DON KINNEY BUSINESS HOURS: MON - THURS 10:00 - 12:00 , 1:00 - 3:00 l FRIDAY 9:30 - 12:00 1:00 - 5:30We Would LikeToThank Our Advertisers ForTheir Continued Support . WithoutThem We Would Not Be AbleTo PrintThis Paper ForThe njoyment Of Our Readers. AGRICORE FOR all Your grain marketing needs Please call anytime Milo 599-3866 Queenstown 599-2151 GaJvin Egeland 599-2199 Rob Miller Chris Bartsch Ginger Deitz Your Patronage is Appreciated 5973013 RJEMCO ■ ;H.'.H.W.MKM:lLUnrrH The Monument Professionals Since 1924 Willy's Wheels 'N Deals VULCAN VILLAGE GAS BAR P O. DOX 425 VULCAN. ALTA. TOL 2 CO PHONE: 485-6000 FOOD TO CO Box 12 Bass a no. AB (403) 641-2225 Bill Schaffer Garry & Bernardine Nelson 485-2519 MILO SEED CLEANINO ASSOCIATION LTD 599r2l50 MILO CAFE CHINESE ^WESTERN TAKE OUT ORDERS * Cleaner Seed is Sown Cleaner Crops are Grown 599-3832 Ed Posein - Manager Closed Monday Tuesday-Sunday.8:30 am - 8:00 pm Beer&. Wine with° they ^ave drive-up ATM machines with Braille lettering. Only In Canad M.D. (Lori) Vooys, CIM, FCSI Personal Investment Manager Box 150 Milo, AB TOL 1L0 Tel: (403) 599-2333 Fax: (403) 599-2239 Cell: (403) 815-6002 M Scotiabank in-shop MOBILE Archambault Mechanical Dave Box 155, Milo, AB. TOL 1L0 Telephone: (403)599-2292 Cellular: (403)680-2947 mobile massage therapy Carla Winch Registered Massage Therapist Specialized in Relaxation, Therapeutic and Corporate Massage Res:(403) 599-2223 Cell:(403) 485-1405 ALAN VAILE TRIICKINr: Bulk GrajiL Highbov & tiohi LguTx>y I Lulling Box 64 Lomond AB TOL-ICO Ph. & Fax: (403) 792-2436 Siexo Vaile CVii: (403) 382-8000 Darcv Vaile Cell: (403) 382-800I dvailc6/)tel MLS Magnuson Realty "Make Your Winnina Move With Us" HAROLD & NORMA MAGNUSON FARM, RANCH A COMMERCIAL, RECREATIONAL A LEASING RESIDENTIAL A REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS Phone 403-485-6901 - Fax. 485-2911 - Cell. 403-485-7602 trur^i-c. r . P.O.Box 958 104 Centre Street East Vulcan. AKa. TOL 2B0 RENO BEXTE 'lAJeed Cdontroi (dentre P & H GRAIN LTD. AGENT FOR ALTA HAIL INS. TEUSFHONB: 53A-39C1 ANYTIME FAaj (103) 534-21S2 MOSSLEIGH, AB TOL IPO BUFFALO HILLS OILFIELD SERVICES LTD. Dave Sletto P.O. Box 164 Milo, AB. ToL iLo (Z4 Hour Service) Ph: (403) 485-ZZZ9 Ph: (403) S99-ZZI6 Fax: (403) 485-6699 valuventure travel Val Umscheid travel consultant/tour guide Box 88 Milo, AB T0L1L0 ph: 1-(403) 599-2406 fax: 1-(403) 599-2247 toll free: 1-(877) 599-2499 email: You can hire somebody to do most any thirty, except love you.^1/7/IOP/SyOJBft 'PuJohgd filL&WsJ' d'D'UP (403) 599-3922 BUS. (403) 599-3941 RES. (403) 599-3835 FAX h/ ■' r. r j. \ ■ FOODS JAMIE’S A. G. FOODS JAMES & CAROL ROBERTSON Proprietors P.O. BOX 38 MILO. ALBERTA TOL 1L0 GRANT. KRYSTALOWICH & BENNETT CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANTS FULL ACCOUNTING SERVICES AND CONSULTING P.O. Box 239 Vulcan, Alberta TOL 2B0 Phone: 485-2996 485-2681 M A R V KA’ Donna Bennett Deitz independent Beouty Consultant P.O. Box 37. Milo, Alto. TOL 1LO *■ (403)599-2140 MEDALTA INDUSTRIES SI EG SOHN Business 734-2652 Box 5 Clunv. Albcria TOJ (ISO “We’re here to do the Whole Job Right! United AUTO REFINISHING (division of Charma Holdings Ltd.) "We meet by accident" COMPLETE AUTO BODY & REFINISHING LOCATED IN MOSSLEIGH. JohN 8AT/-/ BESIDE J.D."s CAFE (403)534-2155 LCAN GLASS COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTIAL & AUTO Including Farm Machinery Vulcan, Alberta TOL 2B0 Tel: (403) 485-2926 Cell: (403) 612-8955 CORNER STORE & GARAGE OH. - GAS - DIESEL - REPAIRS - WELDING A.M.A. TOWING MEHV & FRANCES GOLDTHORPE 485-6671 FAIRBANKS DENTURE CLINIC 125 Centre Street, Vulcan, Alberta TOL 2B0 485-2368 Scott D. Fairbanks - Denturist Wliy don't men have mid-life crises9 fhey're stuck in adolescenceMinutes from the June 19, 2000 Meeting The regular meeting of the Village of Milo was held on Monday, June 19, 2000 at 7.00 p m at the Village Office Present were Mayor Bath, Councillor Nelson, Councillor Voovs, Municipal Administrator Dorothy Way Jarrue Robertson, Dene Peterson and Reg Cusick. The minutes of the meeting held on Monday, May 15, 2000 were read. Mayor Bath moved the adoption of these minutes. The townman Chns Bartsch mentioned that the landfill is always full. It is emptied everv week. Mavor Bath to check with the County Solid Waste Authority on this. Mr. Wilson wants to use the village tractor to move cement at the school. Councillor Voovs will let Mrs. Wilson know that he can use the tractor. The pass needs to be cut behind Monnei's and betw een Dave Sletto's and Ken Vooys. The old dump needs to be cleaned up. Mr. Reg Cusick attended this meeting to discuss the assessment for Agricore for the vear 2000 The assessor ^ giwn them 3 15% dl5C0unt on their elevators and 20% to the elevator offices thii year, but they want . /0-The^ ^ newer faciMes the new Blaciae and Vulcan elevators that are replacing and or impacting the older elevators. He also explained the Gram Handling Facilities Economrc Obsolescence Guide where obsolescence is given based on the elevator's capacity. They also received a discount on then 1999 assessment MOVED by Mayor Bath that the assessment on Roll it's 122 12"S and po not be mven any further discount. CARRIED. 5 Councillor Vooys talked to Glenn McCalluin and he can not do the digging for the hydrants. Council decided to leave the fire hydrants until it is necessary to replace them. There is notlung to report at this time on the funding for the street inprovement. Jamie Robertson and Dene Peterson attended the meeting to discuss the Milo Fire Department Also under discussion was if they should have a defibalator. Roger Steel would do the framing on this Also discussed was the fire co-ordmator positron. It was decided that the fire department will have a executive board meeting and then there will be a Public Information Meeting on July 4th. 2000. to decide on these issues. Jamie will put notices in the mailboxes about this meeting. The Altberta Emergency Public Warning System has to be renewed every year This will have to be under onr disaster bylaw The Municipal Administrator to find out whether we could be under the County for tins warning system. The decsion on the assessor was tabled to the next meeting. Resumes were received from three people for the STEP Student Posistion. MOVED by Mayor Bath that .yan Way be lured effective July 3, 2000 for the Village of Milo Step student. CARRIED. Tire Municipal Administrator to contact Harry Ziel and find out whether lie can meet with the Village Council on Tuesday, June 27, 2000 at 9 00 a m. Ihe Village Council set a reserve bid of $4,000.00 and a date of September, 28, 2000 for the auction land owned bv Butoffs. on the The Village Council discussed changing the name of 2nd A Ave. N to Milo Close MOVED bv Mavor Bath that tire name be changed to Milo Close. CARRIED. Ihe E911 street signs will be picked up on Tuesday. June 20th by Milo Transport. They should be ready to oe put up by the weekend. Tne next Council meeting for the Village of Milo was set for Monday Julv 17 2000 at Village Office. ' ’ 7:30 in the fhe meeting adioumed at 9:30 p.mECONOMIC IEVEIOPMENT WALKER'S COUNTRY N’ WESTERN _____________STORE_____________ currently located in the arrowwooi) muse um Will be MOVING to the new prairie west center, #2 Railway Avenue, Arrowwood the END OF AUGUST BIG moving WE NEED TO REDUCE INVENTORY BEGINS AUGUST 1st. CLEARANCE ON MEN’S, WOMEN’S AND CHILDREN’S CLOTHING, TOYS, SLEEPWEAR AND COATS COME SEE OUR $5.00 JEAN CLEARANCE RACK PMCESLnffiYOU: HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE. OPEN: Tnes-rri. 10:00 to 5:00 1 8«t 9:00 to 12:00 --- —_____________834-3341 " I ' 1 C'MON IN & GET A HEAD START ON BACK TO SCHOOL NEEDS I _________ QR YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING!!! j Serving Vulcan County Communities Our Mission: To enhance the quality oj lije and to pursue a -diversified, sustainable econ­omy'tnrough entrepreneurial growth. Be sure to drop by, or call tor an appointment to meet uith a specialist for your needs. For added convenience, during the year 2000, we are traveling to county communities monthly. • Small business 8c start-up counseling • Tounsm promotion <Sc development • Career counseling 8c job database centre • Coming events databasing/planning • Gov’t Sc alternate lending agenev liaison • Community and marketing profiles Kmnoini 1 >C' clo|H!K‘,»t 115. Center Street. Vulcan for call to book an *on-site* appointment) Teieohone 403-185 2992 ra«: 403-185-2878 E-mail: vulcaned^telusplanet net Georfie Pooov.tcn County Economy Oeveiooment Coord ■ Lon Gregory: Issitant. z D St Tourism -JMicheile Beener-—Vulcan f:eh Snuna Tourism Conrn.namrJCifc in the 1S00 & 'H.rt p.ofl. ,1 in Jnn. k,.„„ they look Ik,I, ,,„l, bnlk I, M,v «i «.r. Mill ,m«lli», p„H, by Jan,. However, they were darting to smell, so brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the b.o, *Baths equaled a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water, then all the other sons and men, then the women and finally the children. Iasi of all the babies. By then the water was so dirty you could actually loose someone in it. Hence the saying, "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water" ‘Houses had thatched roofs. Thick straw, piled high with no wood underneath. It was the only place for animals to get warm, co all the pets.dogs, cats and other small animals, mice, rats, bugs lived in the roof. When it rained it became slippery and comet,mes the animals would slip and fall off the roof. Hence the saying, “It's raining cats and dogs". ‘There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house. This posed a real problem in the bedroom where bugs and other droppings could really mess up your nice clean bed. So they found if they made beds with big posts and hung a sheet over the top, ,t addressed that problem. Hence those beautiful big 4 poster beds with canopies. The floor was uirt. Only the wealthy had aomsthing-other than dirt, hence the saying "dirt poor". The wealthy had slate floors which would get slippery in the winter when wet. So they spread thresh on the floor to help keep their footing. As the winter wore on they kept adding more thresh until when you opened the door It would all start slipping outside.' A piece of wood was placed at the entry way, hence a "thresh hold". * They cooked la Ik, kil«h,n la . klg M. Ik,I kang Ik, fire. E,„, d,y ,k,y ||, ,k, li„ ,„g * „ lh, frt. They modi, ,od dijn'l g„ e,,.k Tko, weald „l Ik, n.w fc, dl»„, |„,|„g |,f,„,„ )h, pot „ g,l uld mmgbl ,ad Ik,a rt,rl .«, Ih, day. Samelia.,, Ik, <1,. had food la II Ik,I kad keen la lk,„ hr , maalh. enee the rhyme: "peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old". 'Sometimes Ih.y coaid okhia fork ,ad woald h,l „,ll, ,p„|,| ,k„ ,k„ k,pp,«„l. Wh,a comp,a, „m, o«r, lk,y woald knag k,,„ ,„d kaag |, «kow |, off. „ .„||h „d ,h„ , ras„ ,(l||y w<9 ^ ,h( They would cut off a little to share with guests and would all sit around and "chew the fat". *Th7 1,1,1 plll,t ”«le 01 >'“*"• ** ■» > Mgk acid „„„d s.m, ,he |,,d )ht fco(f This happened most often with tomatoes, so they stopped eating tomatoes.for 400 years. * fo.fl, dida'I k,», f,wt„ fl,l„, k„, k,d ,„„,k„s ., fi,,,,f«Md wilb Ik, middl, scoped oal Ilk, , kowl Trenchers were never washed and a lot of times worms got into the wood. After eating off wormy trenchers, they would get "trench mouth". ‘Bread was divided according to status. Workers got the burnt bottom of the loaf, the family got the middle, ana guesfs jul the fop, or the "upper crust”. ‘Lead cups were used to,drink ale or whiskey. The combination would sometimes knock them out for a couple of days Someone walking along the road would take them for dead and prepare them for burial. They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and the family would gather around and eat and drink and waif and see if they would wake up. Hence the custom of holding a "wake". r ‘England is old and small and they started running out of places to bury people. So, they would dig up coffins and would take their bones to a house and re-use the grave. In reopening these coffins, one out of 25 coffins were found to have scratch marks on the inside and they realized they had been burying people alive. They thought of a solution -to tie a string on their wrist and lead it through the coffin and up through the ground and fie it to a bell. Someone would have to sit out in the graveyard all night to listen for the bell. Hence on the "graveyard shift" they would know that someone was "saved by the bell or he was a "dead ringer". -Aren't we fortuiutc to be liv>inc( in the 2lot Centiirv!The Terry Fox Run 74a o«t// ^ cue cvie gectfina t6e next 4u» s. v ^ ^ cafci&z ruiu&i $61 ^wfifiedtive// *** tT*"* ***** 2000 * & _ 7<W^, Sefi *——. ^frrr v~ ~// T*a (Joruutc TKotuu* 5^9-3771 lm<* ?°* &" Ov^uUmFOX TALES gether, We Went The Distance April 12, 1980 was the beginning of a journey that would end in an amazing legacy. That was the day Ter­rance Stanley Fox, age 21, dipped his artificial leg into the Atlantic ocean and began his run across Canada to raise money and awareness about the need for cancer research. No one could have imag­ined that in the time since, one young man's vision would develop into a world wide effort to find a cure for cancer. It may seem hard to imag­ine, but as we begin the new millennium we are also celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the mara­thon of hope and the 20th Annual Terry Fox Run. The proof that Terry Fox's vi­sion is alive today is evi­denced by our fantastic 1999 run results. (Check out the back page for the 1999 Community Terry Fox Run results!) The 19th Annual Terry Fox Run represented an amaz­ing year for cancer re­search, 1.2 million people at 5,000 Run Sites in Can­ada participated in their local Terry Fox Run, raising more than 17.5 million dol­lars and averaging a 15% increase in money raised. Around the world more than 600 runs took place in 1999. Almost 60 countries participated including Ire­land, Israel, Japan, and Al­geria. These countries combined raised more than 6 million dollar^ for cancer research. In Alberta the story is equally as impressive. Close to 1.2 million dollars was raised in 172 commu­nities and 381 schools. What a truly amazing feat. There is no question that the marvelous results for 1999 are a direct result of all the fantastic volunteers who organize runs, events and teams in their compa­nies, schools and communi­ties. Thank you for "Going the Distance' to keep Terry's dream alive. The 1999 Results Are In TOP IO COMMUNITIES Calgary Edmonton Yellowknife CFB Suffield St. Albert Sherwood Park Lamont Red Deer Milo Drayton Valley TOP 10 PKtt CAPITA $116,423.18 % Milo $76.58 $65,640.94 Nanisivik $15.03 $24,313.90 Standard $14.48 $17,538.25 Hughendon $12.21 $15,893.77 Newbrook $11.87 $13,735.37 Derwent $10.42 $13,212.00 Water Valley $9.82 $11,622.22 Veteran $8.62 $9,266.40 Caroline $8.42 $9,195.10 Lamont $8.36Frank Mclnenly Auctions Ltd. Vulcan, AB Serving The Agriculture Industry Since 1967 [403] 485-2440 Frank Mclnenly Stacey Mclnenly Les McIntyre Foothills Livestock Auction Stavely, AB (403) 549-2120 Regular sales every Friday Special Calf Sales Bred Sales as announced For up to date marketing call: Frank Mclnenly (403) 485-2440 cell: (403) 540-5147 Les McIntyre (403)485-6003 cell: (403)485-0344 F M Trailer World Located at Foothills Livestock Auction Southern Algeria's ExclusJVorhert Dealer N0RBERT DEX TRAILTECH Stock, Horse, Flatdecks New & Used Gall Stacey 1-800-205-1999Milo Municipal Library NEWS a member of the Chinook Arch Regional Library System Summer Hours We are open our usual hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays all summer long. iwowmm: §toi«^§ WfXMMC; General and Oilfield Repair Custom Mowing New & Used Steel Sales Custom Built Trailers B-Pressure Welding Summer Reading Program See our separate ad for all the details. July Bestsellers “Granny Dan” by Danielle Steel “Tears of the Moon” by Nora Roberts “Ashes to Ashes” by Tami Hoag “Mr. X” by Peter Straub “Lightning Strikes” by V.C. Andrews “Dangerous Kiss” by Jackie Collins Divide and Conquer” by Tom Clancy Acts of Malice” by Perri O’Shaughnessy “Gideon” by Russell Andrews “Boy in the Water” by Stephen Dobyns Unusual Articles in the Library The library keeps some items of local interest including school yearbooks and photo albums of Milo’s 60 Anniversary, Milo Grade Nine Graduations, and one presented to Carl Johnson in 1971 from his “bus riders". We also have local township maps from around 1918 and 1927. Interested in genealogy? For those of you interested in family history, etc. there are some interesting online sources. The National Archives of Canada has the Dominion Land Grants (homestead grants) for the prairies and the 1871 Census ot Ontario. You can search by names, land locations, etc. The 1901 Census of the Alberta region is also ontine at the Alberta Genealogical Society site. LIBRARY HOURS Tuesdays 9:30am-12:30pm Thursdays 9:30am-l 2:30pm 1:30pm- 4:30pm 6:30pm- 8:00pm Phone and Fax: 599-3850 email messages to libmil(ft>chinookarch.ah cn Norm Ph. 792-2255 Cell. 485-0365, Wade Ph. 792-2478 Craig Ph.792-3314 Cell. 485-0288 Bottled Drinking Water (Barley & V^ Est. 1995 j --- Y • Supplies for the j home Vintner & Brewer All At ONE Location 119 Centre St Vulcan, AB TOL 2B0 485-6900 485-6888Milo Lions Club Coming Events for August August 2 - Regular meeting 8:00 pm 9 - Executive meeting 8:00 pm 13 - Unveiling of Milo School Sign 10:00 am - Unveiling of Corbie Hall School Sign 11:00 am - Milo Lions Barbecue 1:30 pm 16 - Regular meeting 8:00 pm 23 - Executive meeting 8:00 pm Fnrhan/ Tho^f h d by a 112 people who attended the Community Camp Out on July7- 9 at “t There were approximately 36 units parked in the campground. The weather was excellent with the tournaments, golfing and water, everyone enjoyed the weekend It was reported that for the first time Bill Deitz and Dennis Cyr won the men's horseshoe tournament. It was also reported that they were the only team tha?enfemd h°rSeSh°e David D?itzareoo^ed thpf!the Celmet1ary to mow grass and maintain the areas. h^rK Ue'tz reported that two of the school signs will be erected on Auqust 13 before the sfud\Xw&deln9 ere0,ed Wi" be Mi'° and COrbie Hal' SCh001' He is hopigtat former Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable summer. here wont be any supper meetings in the summer, they will start up again in September.Agent: Laurie Umscheid Plione: 599-3852 Fax - 599-2366 Lome: 599-2381 Lome Cell - 485-8026 UMSCHEID’S HAIL INSURANCE Representing Henderson Hail Insurance and Farmers Hail Insurance Very Competitive Rates Deferred Payment to October 2000 Credit Card Payment also accepted - Collect those air miles!!Where: Hope Luthern Church in Milo Who: You, your friends and us! (We are a group of young people from Southern Alberta Bible Camp that want to give you a good time.) Time: From 6:30-8:00 pm Date: July 30-August 3, 2000 Contact person: Jessica (403) 792-3644m m a i iii VALUVENTURE TRAVEL and COSTA CRUISES INVITE YOU TO ATTEND A FREE EVENING OF FUN AND INFORMATION A5 WE INTRODUCE THIS FABULOUS FUN ft NO SUrfCRUISF TUESDAY, AUGUST 15,2000 7:30 PM. ‘MILO CURUNS CLUB' ES ■ i mG. D’s REPAIR FOR ALL YOUR MECHANICAL MEEDS & REPAIRS if"”* _— Call: Gerald Deitz 599-2354 or 599-2464 4. (403) 897-3880 Toll free: 1 (888)337-0170" Vinyls Check out the new and somewhat exotic colours, patterns and finishes! Who says vinyl has to be boring? 120 Main Street Champion, AB JJj He who laughs last thinks slowest.Patient Services Nitrous gas for anxious patients Electronic freezing (no needle) Televisions & Walkmans Highest standard of sterilization for your protection Financing and payment plans , available OAC Quality Dental Services • Comprehensive preventative exams including periodontal and oral cancer screening • Gentle hygiene care • Toothcolorcd & silver fillings • Cosmetic Bonding and Veneers to cover chips, cracks and stains • Tooth whitening to brighten your smile • Crown and Bridge • Complete and Partial Dentures All members of our Cavity Free Club are pntcrcd into a monthly draw for a S25 Gift Certificate Redeemable at , Wolfe's Hardware Toy and Sporting Goods Department NIiW PATIENTS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Randy Tiegen who competed in the Southern Alberta Games in Medicine Hat on July 5 to 9 and received Gold Medals in Discus and Javelin. He then went on to the Alberta Games in Grande Prarie July 20-23, and won a bronze in Discus. Great work. Randy. i \ NiD&TH & COMPANY BARRISTERS and SOUCiTDRS SERVICING ALL YOUR LEGAL NEEDS Dr. Robert J. (Bob) Langridge will be in attendance at the Village Office In Milo the first Friday of each month from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Appointments may be made by calling 485-2070 Brian J. Murray and Robert J. (Bob) Langridge servicing our Vulcan office 104 Centre Street Vulcan, Alberta Phone: (403) 485-2070 Areas of Law: Real Eslate. Personal Injury. Divorce and Family Law. Wills and Eslates. Dependent Adults. Employment Law. Criminal Law. Business and Corporate Law. Mediation. Litigation and Tax Law LETHBRIDGE OFFICE #600, 220 - 401 Street South Phone: 403) 278-7781 Fax: (403) 320-8958 Toll Free: 1-800-552-8022 SOUTHERN ALBERTA'S REGIONAL LAW FIRMSome women don't have to get up and go to work. They just have to get out of bed and its all around them. Box 93 Vulcan, AB Bus: 485-2667 TOW TRUCK 14X4 Service "24 Hour Emergency Long & Short Distance Winching & Recovering Fuel, Flats & .Lockouts R.V. Towing Small Repairs Boosting Used Parts for sale I Scrap Cars hauled away EMERGENCY Mobile Reasonable Rates 10% off for Students & Seniors 0 VACUUM TRUCK oervice** Septic Tank Cleaning Mud Pits, Sumps Holding Tanks Portable Toilets Flooded Basements Irrigation Lines Water Problems Bigger Tank - Faster Service 485-0500 C OUNTRY C ARPET C ARE Specializing In; Carpels. Upholslory. Water Oamage. RV’s. Autos. Farm Machinery L'arry & Judy Dudley Box 823. Vulcan. AB TOL 280 - (403) 485-2906 Cel. (403) 485-7704 - Cel (403) 485-7722 ^ ;V/-T. '.WTAi'T/ J & L PAINTING hunter VULCAN, ALBERTA "SPECIALIZING IN ALL Y0uU$ INTERIOR A EXTERIOR NEEOS | FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL LARRY DUDLEY Ph: 485-2906 Cell: 485-7722 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALVIN SHIELD WHO WILL BE 60 ON AVGVST 29TH.o>U,v'e, Milo Municipal Library SUMMER READING PROGRAM This year's theme is: MISSION 2000: BUGS IN SPf)C€ Children can register any time during the summer. Win prizes for spending time reading! We are also going to identify as many “bugs” as we can this summer. Bring in your specimens any time. You are welcome to come join us on any or all of our special days (Thursdays): August 3 -Moon Day, 2:00 p.m. Activities: We are going to learn about our solar system. Activities include making "moon craters" August 10 - Movie night, 7:00 p.m. Activities: Join us to watch "Muppets in Space" and enjoy popcorn and juice. August 17 - Story Day, 10:00 a.m. Activities: the summer students from Chinook Arch will be coming to have fun with you! Stories and crafts. August 24 -Wind-up Day, 2:00 p.m. Activities: Join us for spoce bingo, space "food" and other activities. PEOPLE ARE LIKE TEA BAGS YOU DON'T KNOW THEIR STRENGTH TILL THEY GET INTO HOT WATER!Custom Made House Numbers Cedar Bronze Brass Acrylic Vinyl Every house will require individual numbers. Order yours today! Large selection and samples to choose from. Present this advertisement for 10% Discount Prior to Aug. 31,200 H & SGteatiue jbeAian (403) 599-2466 T Toll free: 1-888-599-8908 Fax(403)599-2467 P.O. Box 99, Milo, Alberta TOL 1L0 Open - Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday ohsifft1 VILLAGE OF MILO NOTICE OF DEVELOPMENT Nonce is hereby given that the following application for Development Permits have been received. ! ' Lot 2 Block 22 PLAN 2930DM, building to be built for the u<;e of gift shop. Any person who deems he or she may be affected by the issuance of this Development Permit and proposes to mah* a written submission to the Municipal Planning Commission must notify the Municipal Planning Commission within iourteen (14) days to the date of first publication of this advertisement, if his/her submission is to be considered p ouces are to be filed in wndng addressed to die Municipal Planning Commission, Village of Milo. Box 65, Milo, Alberta I tb L 1L0. Any submission meeting the deadline for notificaUon will be deard at the meeting of the Municipal Planning Commission on or about 9:00 am on August 24, 2000 in the Village of Milo Office. Dated tins 27th day of July 2000. Dorothy Way, Municipal Administrator Milo Village Office Hours: Tuesday 8:30 a.m. - 11:30a.m. 1-4 p.m. Thursday 8:00 - 11:00 a.m. PHONE: 599-3883 FAX: 599-2201 NOTICE THE NEXT VILLAGE COUNCIL MEETING WILL BE ON MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 2000 AT 7 70 P M AT THE VILLAGE OFFICE. ANYONE INTERESTED IN LEGAL STREET ADDRESS PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE may UK.CHARLOTTE BATH COUNCILLORS --- ART NELSON .KEN VOOYS MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATOR-DOROTHY WAY Just a reminder that the Snake Valley ll History Books will be on sale al the Lion's Bar-B-Q on August 13 for $50.00. (u’t one now if you are interested.Lutheran Church Announcements joint United - Lutheran Sunday School will be starting in the fall. Kelly Nelson is the new superintendent. Helpers are needed. If you are willing to help out please give Kelly a call. Confirmation classes will start in September. Please contact Pastor Ed for further details. A reminder that Vacation Bible School will be held at Hope Lutheran Church on July 30 to August 3 from 6:30 - 8:00 pm. All children up to and including grade 6 are welcome. Pastor Ed would like the community to know that if you need pastoral care either at home or the hospital, please contact him in Gleichen at 734-2702 or at the office at 599-3767. hope mum emeu, mo MARVIN WINCH WILL BE SPEARING S SHOWING PICTURES AND SLIDES OF HIS RECENT TRIP TO INDIA EVERYONE IS WELCOME somuiinmu. Miio United Church The Milo United Church is pleased to welcome Rob Moore D.M. for pulpit supply. There will be services every Sunday of the month (except the fifth Sunday.)at 11:30 A.M. Rob is living in Calgary and is 3/4 time ministry in Arrowood. He is looking forward to serving the Milo area's ministry needs. Please feel free to come out and meet Rob and his wife, Bev, as we join for worship. Sympaj HY Wor\o HAS BEEN RfCfWt'O of The- Pnss/a/c, of J o h n Cft r\ro John a operatl-d the Milo C.p,fe Se-VfcAflk YfAfiS AGO.485-2926 cell: 612-8955 FULL MOBILE SHF VICE 10; i1 v\\ T irv LAMI - ALL FLAT OLA, <3$ #MmFarm^ Catering to the Milo Areao r g a n i z e d f o r s a v i n g s CO-OP NOT FOR F A 0 FI T ' ARROWWOOD CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION LTD. I pn PHY 19D 1 PHONE: 534-3803 P.O. BOX 120 ARROWWOOD, ALBERTA TOL 0B0 PHONE: 534-3803 Hours: 8-12 noon 1-5:30pm Mon - Fri 8-12 noon Saturday Your Farm Supply Store ‘Lawn ^Garden Supplies ‘Lumber ‘Hardware ‘Paint ‘Hydraulic Hoses ‘Belts ‘Bearings ‘Tires ‘Batteries ‘Accessories ‘Feed ‘Salt ‘Propane ‘Bulk Fuel Lubricants ‘Housewares ‘Plumbing ‘Sporting Goods LEFT OVER- 'rom work party at school play ground- ne measuring tape. Phone Lon at 599- IVlobile Massage Therapy is continuing it’s Sale!! 1 Hour Massage for only $30 you save SIO For the Month of August Enjoy the benefits of massage in your own home! CALL: CARLA WlNCH 485-1405Milo Graduates - 2000 Amy Northcott, Jennifer Monner, Kale McMorns, Brooke Nelson & Lacey Holoboff The Milo Graduates of C.C.H.S. had their banquet, exercises and dance June 29, 2000 at the Vulcan C.R.C. Amy Northcott, daughter of Neil and Muriel Northcott of Milo, plans to attend Rocky Mountain Bible College in Calgary to take a one year program called “The Edge” with some music electives. She plans to join the choir and after a year of studies, may decide to go to university, college or stay at Rocky awhile longer. Jennifer Monner, daughter of Mike and Monica Monner of Milo, plans to continue working at the Vulcan Extendacare for the rest of the summer after which she will attend Delmar College of Hair Design in Calgary this fall. After the completion of the course, she plans on apprenticing for two years in the Calgary area. She also hopes to travel the world cutting hair. Brooke Nelson, daughter of Ken and Charlotte Nelson of Milo, is working as a day camp leader for the town of High River for the summer months. She is then attending Red Deer College to obtain her Bachelor of Arts in Recreation, which is a two year course. Lacey Holoboff, daughter of Joe and Darbra Holoboff of Milo is working at the Milo Lakeside Services for the summer. She is enrolled at the Lethbridge Community College taking Public Relations and Advertising. Kale McMorris, son of Gary and Brenda McMorris of Milo is home working on the farm for the summer. He is enrolled at the University of Alberta in Edmonton in the faculty of Engineering. '82 GMC 1/2 ton for sale. New motor last winter. $2,000.00 OBO Ph: 485-4533 Getting old You're getting old when you forget names. You're getting even older when you forget,faces. You're definitely getting long in the tooth when you forget to zip up. But there's no denying you re old when you forget to zip down!Phone: 485-2036 • Fax: 485-6938 E-Mail: Web site: SHARE the NEWS MILO CORRESPONDENT LORRAINE STUMPF 599-3748 DEADLINE FOR NEWS AND ADVERTISING Monday Noon - including holidays Office Manager Lynn Huzan CLASSIFIED AD RATES $5.50 for 20 words + .100 each additional word 2nd week half price (Minimum $3.00) SUBSCRIPTION RATE $23.00 per year (within county)WINNERS OF AGRO CENTRE SPRING DRAW Chad Milligan, representing Dupont Canada, Winners of draw - Grant & Betty Lahd & Wes Deitz. Lome Umscheid, Agro Center For every 80 acres of Dupont product purchased, the producers' name was entered in the draw box. The winners received Tickets and Accomodations for tw'o to the Canadian Finals Rodeo in Edmonton i MILO LIONS CLUB ANNUAL ROAST BEEF BARBECUE Sunday, August 1 1:30 p.m. At Milo Community Hall Everyone welcome!^g.septemb** PRAIRIE WEST CENTER IN ARROWWOOD, AB FIVE UNIQUE BUSINESSES EXCITEDLY OPEN IN A SHOPPING ATMOSPHERE AND CENTER WITH THE FLAVOUR, HOSPITALILTY AND PRIDE OF OUR WESTERN PRAIRIE HERITAGE ' PROJECTS DESIGNER: DALE STEPHENS DEVELOPERS/OWNERS: PRAIRIE WEST HOLDINGS INC BUILDER: MARQUIS CONSTRUCTION____________________ Come to Arrowwood and experience the Village where entrepreneurs excitedly open shops. Where behind the door of every business on any street, you will find a friendly country welcome with shopping and eating experiences you’ll long remember but thought no longer existed. This is a Village with Vitality!!!/4GRIC0RE CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAY This year, Agricore Milo / Queenstown held their annual Customer Appreciation Day on Thursday July 13. We had an awesome turn out for golfing this year! Fifteen teams of men and six teams of women golfers teed off at 9:00 a.m. at the Vulcan Golf Course and enjoyed a beautiful, hot day. A slight breeze and efficient refreshment carts tried to keep everyone cool (and mostly succeeded) although a few golfers sported sunburns by tournaments' end (not to mention a few thick heads the next day!). Following the tournament, supper was held at the Milo Community Hall. About 230 people enjoyed barbecued beef and all the fixings. Our special thanks go to Ian Thomson and Eugene Bushell who did a superb job again this year on the meat and the potatoes. A BIS THANKS also to Christine Egeland, Monnie Fetkenher, Maxine Deitz and Ethel Heather who all helped us to prepare and serve the meal and clean up after and to Sary Middlestead, Corey Burgess and Ian Thompson who helped us to set up tables and chairs Wednesday night. Finally we would like to thank Sheldon Webber for getting the refreshments to the hall and on ice so we could all cool down from the heat of the day. We certainly appreciate all the help - we couldn't have done it without these people. When supper finished, Galvin welcomed everyone and introduced special guests at the tournament and supper: Pete VanKasteren, Manager - Blackie and Ken Rollheiser, Producer Service Rep - Blackie. Our corporate sponsors from Aventis, BASF, Cyanamid, Dow Agro, Monsanto, Novartis, Philm Bios, Westco Fertilizer and Zeneca were also recognized for their generous cash and prize donations to this year's Customer Appreciation Day. The winners in the Tournament were announced as follows: Ladies Winners Marlys Henry Lorraine Marshall Jennifer Gore Penny Heather Ladies Runner Ups* Virginia Beckner Susan Ivers Carol Vooys Sharon Smith Men's Winners Brady Nelson Kyle Lahd Corey Burgess Shaun Umscheid Men's Runner Ups Pete Beckner Gordon Gore Warren Heather Darren Hamp, Aventis Rep *We had a 2 way tie and a chip off was held to determine the winner Men's Long Drive: Women's Long Drive: Longest Putt: Closest to the Pin: Lome Umscheid Ginger Deitz Sharleen Bushell (17' 7") Tammy Lahd (20")This year also saw the addition of some fun prize presentations, in recognition of the spirit of the day: Longest Body Roll off a Go If Cart: Best Golf Cart in a Sandtrap: Don't tell the SPCA / Meanest Golfer: Deepest Divot: Worst Drive (negative yards): Jody Burgess (courtesy of Ginger's bad driving) Doug Marks (don't tell the course marshall!) Penny Heather ("that muskrat has to go") Warren Heather (6" deep - does he even summerfalllow that deep?!) David Armstrong (hits the rocks and lands 20 feet behind the tee box in the water!) Following these presentations, Chad Milligan representing Dupont Canada drew the names of the lucky winners of the Dupont contest that ran this spring at the Agro Center. For every 80 acres of Dupont product purchased, the producers' name was entered in the draw box. Congratulations went to Wes Deitz and Grant Lahd on winning tickets and accommodations for two to the Canadian Finals Rodeo in Edmonton this fall! The evening ended with Door Prize draws, and we were pleased that many attending 'went home not only with full bellies, but also a nice prize from our sponsors! In closing, we would like to thank everyone for joining us and making this so much fun and such a great success. Your continuing support of Agricore in Milo is what makes this day possible, and we sincerely appreciate your patronage this past year and look forward to doing business with you in the new crop year!! Galvin, Rob, Ginger, Chris, Lome and Leanne Only In drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front.MENS WINNERS Lome Umscheid , Agricore Cory Burgess Brady Nelson Kyle Lahd Shaun Umscheid Rob Miller, Agricore LADIES WINNERS Lome Umscheid, Agricore Jennifer Gore Lorraine Marshall Marlys Henry Penny Heather Rob Miller, Agricore Wffl MiMEN’S RUNNER UP Lome Umsclieid, Agricore Peter Beckner, Gord Gore, Warren Heather Missing - Darren Hamp Rob Miller, Agricore LADIES RUNNER UP Lome Umscheid, Agricore Carol Voovs, Sue Ivers. Virginia Beckner & Sharon Smith Rob Miller, Agricore LONGEST PUTT Sharlene Bushell 1T 7” CLOSEST TO PIN Tammv Lahd 20" BEST GOLF CAR 1 IN A SAND TRAP Doug Marks LONGEST BODY ROLL OFF A GOLF CART Jody BurgessUnveiling of School Signs Sunday, August 13 MILO SCHOOL SIGN CORBIE HALL SCHOOL SIGN (11/2 miles east & 1 mile south of Milo) 11:00 am Ail former students prior to 1952 please attend. Photos will be taken at both sites. 16 signs have been ordered. The funding has been provided by the Milo Lions Ciub and the Miio Ag Society. When the other signs are completed there will be other unveilings. For more information contact: Dave: 599-2244 Larry: 599-2263GET WELL THANK YOU Glad to have Jimmy Pete home after a stay in the Vulcan Hospital. Get well wishes go out to Tom Beckner who fell shortly after moving to Vulcan and fracturing his hip. He was moved to Calgary and at last report has had successful surgery and is learning to get around again on crutches. Hope to see you at home again soon, Tom. Best wishes to both Ross Nelson and Nancy Bertschy, who underwent shoulder surgery last month. Nancy had a complete shoulder replacement. Mabel Gooch spent some time in hospital with low blood pressure in July. Best wishes go out to her. Hoping Laurie Umscheid is feeling better after coming in second while horse wrangling. We understand she had a few stitches in her face and some bruises. Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate our 25th anniversary at the campout. Thanks for the cake, gifts, cards and good wishes and to those who stopped by for a piece of cake. Special thanks to those who organized it. It was very much appreciated. Thomas and Donna THANK YOU A big thank you to the kind souls who are faithfully dropping off Heinz baby food labels in the purple box at Jamies. The Brownies pass them on to the Childrens Hospital where each one is worth several cents. Thank you!!! I would like to send a huge thank you to the Umscheid family for presenting me with the Bob Umscheid Memorial Plaque. I was very honored to receive this award. Thank you Best wishes go out to Jim Prentice, who is spending some time in the Foothills Hospital, being treated for dehydration, while undergoing treatments at the Tom Baker Center. CONGRATULATIONS Happy Birthday to Corrie Taggart on August 12, 2000, celebrating her 102nd birthday! Happy Birthday to Sheila Peterson who is celebrating her 60th birthday with family and friends at the home of Helen Robertson on July 29, 2000. Happy 75th Birthday to Merv Goldthorpe on August 2, 2000. Jordan Hingley Thank you so much to every one who helped us move on July 1. - to Marsha, for the horse trailer and help,-to Dale, Sheldon and all our family, who worked so efficiently and helped make it a quick move. Thanks to Doug for the use of your ‘dolly”. - to Lawrence, who helped is in so many ways. Thanks to the girls who unpacked boxes, made beds, and made our new home instantly liveable. Thanks to each one who helped pack before our move And last but not least, to Tom Bateman, for the delicious lunch he provided. May G each one of you. Tom and June Beckner Box 434 Vulcan, Alberta T0L 2B0 Phone 485-4533AUGUST 2000 Sun r\ * Mon Tue Wed________Thu Fri Sat 1 rvA i v\\\ iiSv & w 1 Br id Gf Drop JR/ 1 * 30 Vhcatioa/ Biblis School LUTHERN C//UAcB'M' 2 LutH Church Vacation Bible 6choolG3o-?:oo p /PI. Lions Beg Mrs £V 00 3 Vacrt/o/v Bible Schoo l£:3o - t:oo Bn. Lure. CtiUl\C.l-i 4 5 ABO Lorn EM Church United Church i l: 3o 7 8 Bridge Dnopyr 1:30 9 t.L.w. ms. 2; oo Lions Lxcutive 2". 00 10 11 12 13Luthern Ch//a q; oo Uniter Church 11 ERECTION of^c-Houl Sic>n /o\oo + il: oo Lions Bak-B-Q /AO M 15 B/UDGE Drop /W i:30 16 Lions ~Reg Mtg ?\ OO 17 18 19 20 Ll/thern Church A :o o Un ited C HURC.H II -'30 21 22 Bridge Droa //V l‘.3 0 23 Ljo/js Ext. Mtg. S’: 0 0 24 25 Caa/ Opener Pub l 1 shed 26 27 Lutherw Church °i : oo United Church i 1: 3o 28 29 Bridge Drop /* / -Jo 30 31 'TaLj 30 A-rv\ N"\\ Lo LutHecW C4aAcU N\f\Q.H}N VJ iNCrt Nis Recent Trip To Ihdir B\JER.s OHf \aJ£1-0o 0 "