Magrath Store News (January 6, 1972)

An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. PHONES: STORE HOURS i OFFICE 758-3033 GROCERIES 758-3535 DRY GOODS 758^3252 HARDWARE 758-3065 TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY I.8 A.M. to S...

Full description

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Magrath Trading Store
Format: Journal/Newspaper
Published: J. A. Ririe 1972
Online Access:
record_format openpolar
institution Open Polar
collection University of Lethbridge Digitized Collections
op_collection_id ftunlethbridgedc
language English
topic Magrath (Alta.) -- Newsletters
spellingShingle Magrath (Alta.) -- Newsletters
Magrath Trading Store
Magrath Store News (January 6, 1972)
topic_facet Magrath (Alta.) -- Newsletters
description An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. PHONES: STORE HOURS i OFFICE 758-3033 GROCERIES 758-3535 DRY GOODS 758^3252 HARDWARE 758-3065 TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY I.8 A.M. to S PJte WEDNESDAY U.U»i8 A|M4 to 1 P*Mi .¿.u**SATURDAY ¿¿¡.8 AJT. to 7 P.M. THURSDAY, JANUARY ¿th, 1972 .MAGRATH, ALBERTA Brpwna. ^iiiiiiiiiHiiiillliliiliiiiinuilii. .iiiiiiiiiiii„i„i„„i„ „„„„.„„„. „„„mi. . . | MEN’S CARDIGAN SWEATBRS IN HANDSOME STYLES AND COLORS. PLAIN I I OR FANCY CABIE KNIT FRONTS, MATCHING OR BRASS BUTTON TRIM. i I REGULAR $19.95.JANUARY CLEARANCE - $15.95 I ,1llUI„lllll„IHI„»UHIIIi„|1H|„|„„U»(1l(„1||ll„|llH1„1,„|U)„„,1„|||„„»„,. nil. MAGRATH TRAD ING COMPANY LTD. A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE . high school basketball news Sugar h^day^ Magrath Zeniths participated in the annual Raymond 637] rpl 0 urnament. In their first game, they were defeated by Regina Martin Monarchs 3"5 SC°rer f0r MaSrath «as ^hn Balderson with 18 points. monarchs final TaaS thSlr gamS Cardston 52-44 and advanced into the Consolation nsccr®rs were John Balderson with 15 and Bob Rice with U points? 72 38Ton Consolatl°n/jnal, Zeniths emerged victorious .ver Calgaiy with a score of M the end 24 and John telde^on with 15 pfints. John felder.on w^f t0Uma^nt Zeniths were presented with the’C.nsolation trophy. leSi^ Sophy. “ <LL"Star SWard and the MaSrath Cheerleaders won the Che^ days.SVSmberh2^hh Ma^’F1’ ?°^Basketball Tournament during the Christmas holi- ys. on December ¿8th, Magrath Eagles defeated St. Mikes by a score of 42-^7 Tim rtO±^SDecSbeJi29thC°-eriWith Brad Wilde brouSht x3 point!? high enoountered the WarriOTS and 1»A 77-47. Brad Wilde team XTTsSrXfT^ X-X against St. Marfa 22 points each. - Anderson’"sWpffor+« °hainPionshdP game, trophies were handed out. Xe Soph^f rSWarded A11 Star aWardS and the team bro^ht home bbird Franci^LvitationpX^21*31,11 f®"^3 traVel to CalSary to I^rticipate in the St. JaX rv i-r P 1 ToVrna"1®nb« The League game that was scheduled for this Friday, ^nuary 7th with Raymond will be rescheduled for Wednesday, January 12th and will take Place m the Big Gum with the ”B" game at 6 P.M. and the "A" garnering at 7:30 P.m! was — --- x --- —&xxtxxj^s Faun Again inn Rollingson and Brad Wilde were high scorers with Brad Wilde and Kevin A goodly number of interested citizens of Magrath and district were present in the £X Se Xnt for a Public Meeting. Mr. XhaEton X cX in questS ^ut to Min? XX "asfo™’ilated «d presented - not to condemn the man question, but to point out the peimissiveness in our judiciary system. , - , *.S* C’ hrewerton spoke of his experiences and that of others’ experiences within also addrlsfedathe°githiiiir trag^ies as MaSrath recently experienced. Other citizens Bp f ? gathering speaking of experiences or expressing opinions .f what should be done in situations that are becoming more prevelent in our society. was the opinion of those present that weaknesses in our iudicial s-rc+an ^XXf MrXr“ ’¿X'XT °eneral'S “d h0PefUUy iWe’tlgat- 01 tne meeting which were aired over the radio the fol lowing day. . Requests from many places in Southern Alberta to have **pies of the petition sent to heir particular town and city for signatures have been sent to Magrath. Mr. Hamilton bioaSst Mr PaJfclCtPate °n the ”Phone Bill11 show Tuesday morning and fillowing ?he sent to H^b°n received numerous phone calls for copies of the petition to be ‘ sent to various places including Monarch, Barons, Fort Macleod and lethbridge. who h ve X SSTai P^1*10115 in the Town Magrath at local businesses and those f J already done so are invited to sign their names. These petitions will be gathered and sent to the Attorney General’s office for his consideration. • <-uA ^esid®"t °f Del Bonita for a number of years, Mrs. Florence Foggin passed awav Su^teiS^giiS^he^t^^ DeC?nber 3Jst at the a§e of 83 years. Bern, raised and bridgeMrs. Foggin became a Registered Nurse. She came to Leth- -J nfn ? I?12 a ahort tlme kter to’k up residence with her husband en a homestead D p wbe£e they resided until 1947, retiring then to Lethbridge. n-f* n ec®ascd by her husband Joseph, she is survived ly three sons P.well and George R»v AX Tl;Vl.^d “ So^tainster United Church Wednesday afternoon with XA1SX? »«iciatmg. Interment took place in the family plr^ of ArctaX A former Spring Coulee resident Maurice Marsden, passed away in Lethbridge Fr-iHpv December 31st at the age of 53 years. Survivors include three daughters Donna Rae StX>“ XhXX SiSte™ A °ne brother- Funeral services were held TuXdiy officu^e-MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. DRY GOODS DEPT. HOUSECOATS & DUSTERS: Quilted Nylons and Orlon Piles in assorted styles and «olors, DON’T MISS THIS BIG CLEARANCE ON FaHRICS, AT.T. OUR SUITINGS, dress Fabrics, corduroys, velveteens, arneis, bonded fabrics, FORTREIS, etc. (with the exception of Nylon Tricot) NOW ON SALE O 0 / I- £“ ‘ CLEARING AT. C. U /O U 1“ I" REGULaR $12.95 PRICE SALE I HERE ARE BARGAINS GALORE Hl I Children’s T Shirts.Leotards I KIDDIES PYJAMAS.LADIES SLIPPERS Kids’ Pants,.,.Boys’ Shirts, I And Many, Many More Items. ¿.ItlllUultllllllllllHHIIIlUitinillltlKHUIIillllllluUHlHHtHHIUUllinitllltimiHUtlHIUHItUulUHU"» DON’T MISS THE HALF PRICE SAIE ON NOTIONS - SaNITaRY ITEMS INCLUDED. ORLON PHE & (______________ deep piles, becoming style . . • • REGULAR $1,00 - $1.25 uHiiHiHiiiuiihiHihiMHimiititiiHiNHiiiHiMiiiuiiiHnhtittiiiimimmHiiumiwiiiiimiiupiiiiimfiii DUSTERS CORDaNa dusters: Beautifully floral patterned corded cotton in becoming styles. REGULAR $3.98 . REGULAR $9.95 QUILTED NYLON DUSTERS: Lovely Ql 9 'ecoming styles. REGULaR $12,95. Ladies & Misses Stretch Denim Slacks featuring the new saddle stitching on pocket Children’s, Misses and Ladies Wool and Orlon Blended Toques in assorted styles. Misses and Ladies Tams and Soarfs in fashion­able colors. JHIIliinihlHnhllltUIIIHIIIUIIllHIUnnHUllilHIIUllllHUIHUIIUhllHIHIIIUIIiUHIlHlHtlUnilllUiiiniHIUlHIIIIIIHi ! MITTS AND GLOVES FOR CHILDREN, MISSES I I AND LADIES CIEARING AT 20% OFF. dHIUHUtllllllllHIIHHIIIIIII Ladies Nylon Panties - assorted styles - plain and lace trimmed. Assorted sizes. MAGRATH .RADINO COI., PA N Y LTD. A GOOD PLACE TOTRADE The Lion’s Club draw for the Steer donated, by Mr» Ralph Thrall of the McIntyre Ranch was made by Mayor E, Pingree Tanner at the New Year’s Eve dance held in Magrath on December 31st* The holder of the lucky ticket, number 208f was Mr; Tom Perry of Magrath. Mr. Perry has been invited to attend the next meeting of the Lions Club in Mag­rath when he will be presented with the steer by Lion H. C, Poulsen, President of the Magrath Lions Club. We wish to thank one and all for their support to the Club in this venture which was quite successful, and to all the Lions for their co—operation. Again our best thanks to one and all, Magrath Lions Club, Mr, and Mrsi Robert Wooknitz and daughters of Logan* Utah have been holiday visitors at the homes «f their parents Mr* and Mrs* Wm, Wocknitz and Mr* and Mrs* Dean Wilde of Welling* Mr, and Mrs, Earl Wocknitz were Calgary visitors during the holiday season* guests of their son-in-law and daughter* Mr, and Mrs, Grant Fyfe, Mr, and Mrs, Orville Hillmer accomp­anied by son-in-law and daughter Mr, and Mrs, Terry Graham and family tf Milk River spent Christmas in Rainbow Lake with son and daughter-in-law Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Hillmer, Enroute home, they spent New Years in Calgary with son-in-law and daughter Mr, and Mrs, Roy Cook and family* Mr, and Mrs. Rulon Thomson have as their guest her sister Mrs, Millie Dyson of Kelowna, B.C, Also visiting at the Thomson home dur­ing the holiday season was larry Christensen -'f Milad, Idaho, Miss Arlene Reil of Logan, Utah spent the holiday season visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs, Fred Reil, Mr, and Mrs, Ron Ehlert and family of Calgary were holiday visitors at the homes of their parents Mr, and Mrs, Leonard Mehew of Welling and Mr, and Mrs, Lawrence Ehlert in Magrath, Mrs, Nylene Morrison and son of Diegft <> are visiting at the heme of her par­ent s’Mr, and Mrs, Nyal Fletcher* Mr. and Mrs. Brian Balderson are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son bom in the Magrath Municipal Hosp­ital Sunday, December 26th. Proud grandparents are Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Coleman and Mr. and Mrs, Forrest Balderson. Mr, and Mrs. Keith Braithwaite and family of Blaiimore were holiday guests at the home of his mother Mrs, Ethel Braithwaite, Mr. and Mrs, Len Whitt had as their Sunday dinner guests his brother-in-law and sister Mr, and Mrs, Sheldon Weatherhead and family of Claresholm; Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Handley of Branbrook, B.C, and Mr, and Mrs, Lester Handley of Coaldale. Miss Adeline Schmidt, nurse-in-train­ing at Foothills Hospital, Calgary, is visiting friends and relatives in Magrath, a guest at the hvme of Mr, and Mrs, Mark Passey, DON’T MISS THIS BIG SALE UPSTAIRS: $5 SALE RaCK WHICH INCLUDES LABYBIRD BLOUSES, GIRLS’ DRESSES (good quality including Panda brand) SLACKS AND HOUSEDRESSES, Mr. and Mrs, George Minor had as their guests for the New Year’s holiday their son-in-law and daughter Mr, and Mrs. Colin Risk and son Jason of Calgary, MISSES, GIRIS? AND LADIES DRESSES - $10,00 RaCK, SMART STYLES AND FABRICS. Upstairs. Mr, and Mrs, Loren Hansen of North Bay, Saskatchewan were New Year’s visitors at the hemes ,^f Mr, and Mrs, Walt Pashuk and Mr, and Mrs, H. C, ^Eustin, Mr? Hansen is a nephew jf Mrs, Austin, « M • l CHIEF MOUNTAIN HEALTH CLINIC NEWS; Regular pre-school and Adult Clincis for the month of January will be held in CARDSTON - Thurs­days from 10 te 11;3J AJI. and 1:30 to 3;3O P.M, at the M.D, Building in the Clinic Off­ice, MAGRATH - Tuesdays from 10;00 to ll;30 ají. at the Clinic Office* FOUND: A pair of Child’s red mitts. Owner may claim at News Office. FOUND: 3 keys (one broken) on 1965 key tag, ('Ford car key) News Office, Mr. and Mrs, Mark Pasley are enjoying a holiday in California, Nevada and Mexico. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Long <f Lethbridge are proud parents of a baby daughter bom Tuesday, January 4th. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Allan Long of Magrath and Mr, and Mrs, Workman of Hillspring. . / CAPSULE SEBMON: The smallest deed is better than the grandest intention.MAGRATH TRADING CC’IPANY LTD UPSTAIRS DEPT Dont m.iss these Sales 1/3 OFF FASHIONABLE PANT SUITS AND DRESSES - THE SEASON’S MOST BECOMING AND SMARTEST STYLES - IN THE LATEST FABRICS - FORTREIS, KNITS - CLEARING AT THIS GREAT REDUCTION. 1 RACK ONLY - MANY ITEMS YOUR CHOICE . REMAINING DRESSES & PANT SUITS 20$ OFF ~ JACKETS CHILDRENIS, LADIES & MISSES JACKETS IN PILES, NYLONS, WOOIS. OfA G/ P]|_|Z JANUARY SALE. . £- kJ /0 V I HANDSOME' - DRESSY BRITISH TWEED COATS MIDI COATS WITH FUR TRIM. LATEST STYLES AND COLORS SALE TABLE LINGERIE,.SWEATERS,,, PANTS T SHIRTS,,,SLEEPWEAR, etc. I UIIIIIIIUlillllUIHIIIIIIIIIIll SHOE SALE 1 Table of Shoes including Ladies and Children’s styles. 1/2 PRICE lllllhHIIIIIHHIItlHUIUIIHiMHHIHlHIilHililllilllliit liilHHIHIHIIIfllif HIHIIHIIH111 Snow Boots 0“ Curling Boots including Kaufman "Sno Belles’1 and ’’Drifters. Pile lined for wairoth and comfort REGULAR $9.00; $12.95: $21.00 1 DON'T MISS THE BIG I SAVINGS ON THE 1/2 PRICE | TaBLE - Playtex Girdles, | Blouses, Sweaters and f T Shirts. . PLAYTEX A good stock of PLAYTEX 18 HOUR GIRDLES and PLAYTEX "CROSS YOUR HEART" BRA’S. "FREE SPIRIT" STRETCH BRA - with the underwire cup support. MAGRATH TRADING CO' 'PA NY LTD HARDWARE DEPT ’ AQUA-PORE rfeowffl DRINK [Ul r a b »m grain of talc water. p~| inn Tri n TASTS/ODOR FILTER : Hkmu mu ij “LW u_£ ~ YOU DON’T HAVE TO PUT UP WITH BAD WATER ANY i MORE! . ¿¡-he best pair of Heine Water Filters in the whole wide world! Jj jRT/RUST FILTER: Water enters filter and flows down and all around outside S^ace cartridge. Water flows through cartridge where cartridge wfije t^PpTng the larger particles. Water then flows deepfr into p01r!S get trapping fine articles - some as small as a single Frrplipnf1 ^terS dr?P Of water entering the home* Producing sparkling clean -axxx but also a necessary protection for all your XXAUUTcSt j( Ur> . -V --- , ?ad tasting, bad-smelling water enters the filter cartridge and pass­es through a pure white pre-filter disc, then a special grade of activated charcoal, water continues through a post-filter disc and flows up the center column and out, fresh, nd good tasting. It removes the chlorine, sulphur or other chemicals which cause bad tastes or odors. This filter makes water taste like mountain-fresh bottled water.,. Qf!! Lfhere isQtftware, Laundry Bags, ^Novelty Sttems, etc. you wont want tc miss. ALUMINUM TRELLIS.- MELNOR TRAVELLING Winds up the hose as it waters, matically (with optional shut - Light weight, sturdy. Ideal for your flower garden this coming Spring. REGULAR $4.98 each. SPRINKLERS , Will water off valve). - : Travels as it waters your garden, any shape, any size lawn. Shuts off auto­REGULAR $29.95 ■ ' L- ' Tt RS : HERE IS A REAL BUY. Popular makes of Electric Hair Setters including Samson - Dominion, "Kindness 20", "Kurl Stylist" by Venus. Assorted sized included111 aSS°rted sized sets* Conplete with case - some with handy carrying case ’ REGULAR PRICE: $11.88 to $39.88 MORE ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. NEW ITEMS ARE BEING ADDED HOURLY AS STOCK-TAKING PROGRESSES. WATCH THE SALE TA RTFS, WW2/ Included in the JUTOARY SUNBEhM SaIE is this SUNBEAM MIX MASTER with heavy duty stand, 2 heavy duty bowls. REGULAR $59.98 . 9G MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD NOTICE: The Yemen’s Hospital auxiliary will hold it’s regular meeting Thursday after­noon, January 13th at 2 p.M. in the hospital, n good attendance is requested. NOTICE: Worship Services in the Del Bonita United Church will be held each Sunday morn­ing at 11 A.M, LOST: Long white, grey and tan mix crocheted scarf. Finder please contact Mrs. I^la Harker, Phone 758-3110. FOR SALE: Electric Cream Separator. Mrs. Evelyn Bourne. Ph. 758-3501 NOTICE: Worship Services in the Magrath United Church are at 11:30 A.M. each Sunday morning with Sunday School at this same hour. LaDLES KEEP FIT CLASSES — each Monday night in the Big Qym, 8 P.M. sharp. Beauty hints, Badminton. All interested ladies welcome. ' LOST: A pair of Men’s stretchy rubbers size S. at the Public Meeting in the Big Gym last Wednesday night. Initial "W" on instep. Finder please contact Wm. Wocknitz. Phone 758-6596. Get all you can without hurting your soul, your body, or your neighbor. — John Wesley. °H0E SALES, DRESS SALES, COAT SaLES UPSTAIRS. SKATING SCHEDULE: The Skating Rink is now open. PUBLIC SKATING: Weekdays - 4 to 6 P.M. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday - 7 to 9 P.M. Monday and Thursday - 7:30 to 9 P.M. Weekends and Holidays - 2 to 4 P.M. and 7 to 9 P.M. Junior Hockey Practise - Mondays & Thursdays 6 to 7:30 P.M. - Boys 12 to 15 years of age. FEES: Family - $6 per season. Individual - $3 per season, Per Session - 250. ATTENTION SNOWMOBILERS: The Magrath Golf Club, with the help of God, has been 25 years building the present course to it’s obvious excellent condition. For this reason the Club would sincerely appreciate it if all snowmobilers would stay off the Golf course until summer. We would then invite you to come and enjoy, with us, this excellent facility, so that you too, would appreciate the supreme effort of past members. Thank you. The Executive. MAGRATH PARK THEATRE NEWS: Friday and Saturday, January 7th and Sth "DON'T LOOK NOW, WE’RE BEING SHOT aT" starring Terry Thomas Bourvil in an uproarious Wartime adventure. Family. Running time - 117 minutes. Coming - "Boatniks". Ichabod came home from his first day in kinderga rt en• MOTHER: "Did my little man learn many things today?" & ICH: "Not enough - that fussy old teacher says I got tr> go back trmorrow. MAGRATH TRAD I Nu CC 'IRAN/ LTD. w I . . . . . .imHnmi.iinin. i i I TOMATO CATSUP CAMPBELL'S Ki SOUP S 11 oz 4 for 100 : TOMATO or VEGETABLE nn< 6/890 PORK BEANS LIBBY’S 32 OZ 79 0 FLAKED TUNA TOMAIO JUICE OZo 2/850 : AYLMER £ 48 oz. 2/8 9 0 R E OJ y X? A G A L APPLE St ST R A W B E R R Y 48 o z • • • • gg c W L_ _ FRESH PL ORANGES -wcrop. PINK GRAPEFRUIT JUMBO ONIONS . TURNIPS - local. TOMATOLS -totes. KING fe I \ 7 V- "J 2 PLY 4 Cx © ß> tin ROLL PACK LARGE OLO BOXES 4 lb. bags 780 48’s 8/890 ea. 43 0
format Journal/Newspaper
author Magrath Trading Store
author_facet Magrath Trading Store
author_sort Magrath Trading Store
title Magrath Store News (January 6, 1972)
title_short Magrath Store News (January 6, 1972)
title_full Magrath Store News (January 6, 1972)
title_fullStr Magrath Store News (January 6, 1972)
title_full_unstemmed Magrath Store News (January 6, 1972)
title_sort magrath store news (january 6, 1972)
publisher J. A. Ririe
publishDate 1972
op_coverage Canada; Alberta; Magrath
long_lat ENVELOPE(163.400,163.400,-77.533,-77.533)
geographic Alta
North Bay
geographic_facet Alta
North Bay
genre Rainbow Lake
genre_facet Rainbow Lake
op_source scanned images
op_relation Southern Alberta Community News Collection
op_rights Magrath Museum
_version_ 1766174922168598528
spelling 2023-05-15T18:03:54+02:00 Magrath Store News (January 6, 1972) Magrath Trading Store Canada; Alberta; Magrath 1972-01-06 PDF eng eng J. A. Ririe Southern Alberta Community News Collection Yes Magrath Museum scanned images Magrath (Alta.) -- Newsletters Newsletter 1972 ftunlethbridgedc 2019-06-26T10:08:14Z An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. PHONES: STORE HOURS i OFFICE 758-3033 GROCERIES 758-3535 DRY GOODS 758^3252 HARDWARE 758-3065 TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY I.8 A.M. to S PJte WEDNESDAY U.U»i8 A|M4 to 1 P*Mi .¿.u**SATURDAY ¿¿¡.8 AJT. to 7 P.M. THURSDAY, JANUARY ¿th, 1972 .MAGRATH, ALBERTA Brpwna. ^iiiiiiiiiHiiiillliliiliiiiinuilii. .iiiiiiiiiiii„i„i„„i„ „„„„.„„„. „„„mi. . . | MEN’S CARDIGAN SWEATBRS IN HANDSOME STYLES AND COLORS. PLAIN I I OR FANCY CABIE KNIT FRONTS, MATCHING OR BRASS BUTTON TRIM. i I REGULAR $19.95.JANUARY CLEARANCE - $15.95 I ,1llUI„lllll„IHI„»UHIIIi„|1H|„|„„U»(1l(„1||ll„|llH1„1,„|U)„„,1„|||„„»„,. nil. MAGRATH TRAD ING COMPANY LTD. A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE . high school basketball news Sugar h^day^ Magrath Zeniths participated in the annual Raymond 637] rpl 0 urnament. In their first game, they were defeated by Regina Martin Monarchs 3"5 SC°rer f0r MaSrath «as ^hn Balderson with 18 points. monarchs final TaaS thSlr gamS Cardston 52-44 and advanced into the Consolation nsccr®rs were John Balderson with 15 and Bob Rice with U points? 72 38Ton Consolatl°n/jnal, Zeniths emerged victorious .ver Calgaiy with a score of M the end 24 and John telde^on with 15 pfints. John felder.on w^f t0Uma^nt Zeniths were presented with the’C.nsolation trophy. leSi^ Sophy. “ <LL"Star SWard and the MaSrath Cheerleaders won the Che^ days.SVSmberh2^hh Ma^’F1’ ?°^Basketball Tournament during the Christmas holi- ys. on December ¿8th, Magrath Eagles defeated St. Mikes by a score of 42-^7 Tim rtO±^SDecSbeJi29thC°-eriWith Brad Wilde brouSht x3 point!? high enoountered the WarriOTS and 1»A 77-47. Brad Wilde team XTTsSrXfT^ X-X against St. Marfa 22 points each. - Anderson’"sWpffor+« °hainPionshdP game, trophies were handed out. Xe Soph^f rSWarded A11 Star aWardS and the team bro^ht home bbird Franci^LvitationpX^21*31,11 f®"^3 traVel to CalSary to I^rticipate in the St. JaX rv i-r P 1 ToVrna"1®nb« The League game that was scheduled for this Friday, ^nuary 7th with Raymond will be rescheduled for Wednesday, January 12th and will take Place m the Big Gum with the ”B" game at 6 P.M. and the "A" garnering at 7:30 P.m! was — --- x --- —&xxtxxj^s Faun Again inn Rollingson and Brad Wilde were high scorers with Brad Wilde and Kevin A goodly number of interested citizens of Magrath and district were present in the £X Se Xnt for a Public Meeting. Mr. XhaEton X cX in questS ^ut to Min? XX "asfo™’ilated «d presented - not to condemn the man question, but to point out the peimissiveness in our judiciary system. , - , *.S* C’ hrewerton spoke of his experiences and that of others’ experiences within also addrlsfedathe°githiiiir trag^ies as MaSrath recently experienced. Other citizens Bp f ? gathering speaking of experiences or expressing opinions .f what should be done in situations that are becoming more prevelent in our society. was the opinion of those present that weaknesses in our iudicial s-rc+an ^XXf MrXr“ ’¿X'XT °eneral'S “d h0PefUUy iWe’tlgat- 01 tne meeting which were aired over the radio the fol lowing day. . Requests from many places in Southern Alberta to have **pies of the petition sent to heir particular town and city for signatures have been sent to Magrath. Mr. Hamilton bioaSst Mr PaJfclCtPate °n the ”Phone Bill11 show Tuesday morning and fillowing ?he sent to H^b°n received numerous phone calls for copies of the petition to be ‘ sent to various places including Monarch, Barons, Fort Macleod and lethbridge. who h ve X SSTai P^1*10115 in the Town Magrath at local businesses and those f J already done so are invited to sign their names. These petitions will be gathered and sent to the Attorney General’s office for his consideration. • <-uA ^esid®"t °f Del Bonita for a number of years, Mrs. Florence Foggin passed awav Su^teiS^giiS^he^t^^ DeC?nber 3Jst at the a§e of 83 years. Bern, raised and bridgeMrs. Foggin became a Registered Nurse. She came to Leth- -J nfn ? I?12 a ahort tlme kter to’k up residence with her husband en a homestead D p wbe£e they resided until 1947, retiring then to Lethbridge. n-f* n ec®ascd by her husband Joseph, she is survived ly three sons P.well and George R»v AX Tl;Vl.^d “ So^tainster United Church Wednesday afternoon with XA1SX? »«iciatmg. Interment took place in the family plr^ of ArctaX A former Spring Coulee resident Maurice Marsden, passed away in Lethbridge Fr-iHpv December 31st at the age of 53 years. Survivors include three daughters Donna Rae StX>“ XhXX SiSte™ A °ne brother- Funeral services were held TuXdiy officu^e-MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. DRY GOODS DEPT. HOUSECOATS & DUSTERS: Quilted Nylons and Orlon Piles in assorted styles and «olors, DON’T MISS THIS BIG CLEARANCE ON FaHRICS, AT.T. OUR SUITINGS, dress Fabrics, corduroys, velveteens, arneis, bonded fabrics, FORTREIS, etc. (with the exception of Nylon Tricot) NOW ON SALE O 0 / I- £“ ‘ CLEARING AT. C. U /O U 1“ I" REGULaR $12.95 PRICE SALE I HERE ARE BARGAINS GALORE Hl I Children’s T Shirts.Leotards I KIDDIES PYJAMAS.LADIES SLIPPERS Kids’ Pants,.,.Boys’ Shirts, I And Many, Many More Items. ¿.ItlllUultllllllllllHHIIIlUitinillltlKHUIIillllllluUHlHHtHHIUUllinitllltimiHUtlHIUHItUulUHU"» DON’T MISS THE HALF PRICE SAIE ON NOTIONS - SaNITaRY ITEMS INCLUDED. ORLON PHE & (______________ deep piles, becoming style . . • • REGULAR $1,00 - $1.25 uHiiHiHiiiuiihiHihiMHimiititiiHiNHiiiHiMiiiuiiiHnhtittiiiimimmHiiumiwiiiiimiiupiiiiimfiii DUSTERS CORDaNa dusters: Beautifully floral patterned corded cotton in becoming styles. REGULAR $3.98 . REGULAR $9.95 QUILTED NYLON DUSTERS: Lovely Ql 9 'ecoming styles. REGULaR $12,95. Ladies & Misses Stretch Denim Slacks featuring the new saddle stitching on pocket Children’s, Misses and Ladies Wool and Orlon Blended Toques in assorted styles. Misses and Ladies Tams and Soarfs in fashion­able colors. JHIIliinihlHnhllltUIIIHIIIUIIllHIUnnHUllilHIIUllllHUIHUIIUhllHIHIIIUIIiUHIlHlHtlUnilllUiiiniHIUlHIIIIIIHi ! MITTS AND GLOVES FOR CHILDREN, MISSES I I AND LADIES CIEARING AT 20% OFF. dHIUHUtllllllllHIIHHIIIIIII Ladies Nylon Panties - assorted styles - plain and lace trimmed. Assorted sizes. MAGRATH .RADINO COI., PA N Y LTD. A GOOD PLACE TOTRADE The Lion’s Club draw for the Steer donated, by Mr» Ralph Thrall of the McIntyre Ranch was made by Mayor E, Pingree Tanner at the New Year’s Eve dance held in Magrath on December 31st* The holder of the lucky ticket, number 208f was Mr; Tom Perry of Magrath. Mr. Perry has been invited to attend the next meeting of the Lions Club in Mag­rath when he will be presented with the steer by Lion H. C, Poulsen, President of the Magrath Lions Club. We wish to thank one and all for their support to the Club in this venture which was quite successful, and to all the Lions for their co—operation. Again our best thanks to one and all, Magrath Lions Club, Mr, and Mrsi Robert Wooknitz and daughters of Logan* Utah have been holiday visitors at the homes «f their parents Mr* and Mrs* Wm, Wocknitz and Mr* and Mrs* Dean Wilde of Welling* Mr, and Mrs, Earl Wocknitz were Calgary visitors during the holiday season* guests of their son-in-law and daughter* Mr, and Mrs, Grant Fyfe, Mr, and Mrs, Orville Hillmer accomp­anied by son-in-law and daughter Mr, and Mrs, Terry Graham and family tf Milk River spent Christmas in Rainbow Lake with son and daughter-in-law Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Hillmer, Enroute home, they spent New Years in Calgary with son-in-law and daughter Mr, and Mrs, Roy Cook and family* Mr, and Mrs. Rulon Thomson have as their guest her sister Mrs, Millie Dyson of Kelowna, B.C, Also visiting at the Thomson home dur­ing the holiday season was larry Christensen -'f Milad, Idaho, Miss Arlene Reil of Logan, Utah spent the holiday season visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs, Fred Reil, Mr, and Mrs, Ron Ehlert and family of Calgary were holiday visitors at the homes of their parents Mr, and Mrs, Leonard Mehew of Welling and Mr, and Mrs, Lawrence Ehlert in Magrath, Mrs, Nylene Morrison and son of Diegft <> are visiting at the heme of her par­ent s’Mr, and Mrs, Nyal Fletcher* Mr. and Mrs. Brian Balderson are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son bom in the Magrath Municipal Hosp­ital Sunday, December 26th. Proud grandparents are Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Coleman and Mr. and Mrs, Forrest Balderson. Mr, and Mrs. Keith Braithwaite and family of Blaiimore were holiday guests at the home of his mother Mrs, Ethel Braithwaite, Mr. and Mrs, Len Whitt had as their Sunday dinner guests his brother-in-law and sister Mr, and Mrs, Sheldon Weatherhead and family of Claresholm; Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Handley of Branbrook, B.C, and Mr, and Mrs, Lester Handley of Coaldale. Miss Adeline Schmidt, nurse-in-train­ing at Foothills Hospital, Calgary, is visiting friends and relatives in Magrath, a guest at the hvme of Mr, and Mrs, Mark Passey, DON’T MISS THIS BIG SALE UPSTAIRS: $5 SALE RaCK WHICH INCLUDES LABYBIRD BLOUSES, GIRLS’ DRESSES (good quality including Panda brand) SLACKS AND HOUSEDRESSES, Mr. and Mrs, George Minor had as their guests for the New Year’s holiday their son-in-law and daughter Mr, and Mrs. Colin Risk and son Jason of Calgary, MISSES, GIRIS? AND LADIES DRESSES - $10,00 RaCK, SMART STYLES AND FABRICS. Upstairs. Mr, and Mrs, Loren Hansen of North Bay, Saskatchewan were New Year’s visitors at the hemes ,^f Mr, and Mrs, Walt Pashuk and Mr, and Mrs, H. C, ^Eustin, Mr? Hansen is a nephew jf Mrs, Austin, « M • l CHIEF MOUNTAIN HEALTH CLINIC NEWS; Regular pre-school and Adult Clincis for the month of January will be held in CARDSTON - Thurs­days from 10 te 11;3J AJI. and 1:30 to 3;3O P.M, at the M.D, Building in the Clinic Off­ice, MAGRATH - Tuesdays from 10;00 to ll;30 ají. at the Clinic Office* FOUND: A pair of Child’s red mitts. Owner may claim at News Office. FOUND: 3 keys (one broken) on 1965 key tag, ('Ford car key) News Office, Mr. and Mrs, Mark Pasley are enjoying a holiday in California, Nevada and Mexico. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Long <f Lethbridge are proud parents of a baby daughter bom Tuesday, January 4th. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Allan Long of Magrath and Mr, and Mrs, Workman of Hillspring. . / CAPSULE SEBMON: The smallest deed is better than the grandest intention.MAGRATH TRADING CC’IPANY LTD UPSTAIRS DEPT Dont m.iss these Sales 1/3 OFF FASHIONABLE PANT SUITS AND DRESSES - THE SEASON’S MOST BECOMING AND SMARTEST STYLES - IN THE LATEST FABRICS - FORTREIS, KNITS - CLEARING AT THIS GREAT REDUCTION. 1 RACK ONLY - MANY ITEMS YOUR CHOICE . REMAINING DRESSES & PANT SUITS 20$ OFF ~ JACKETS CHILDRENIS, LADIES & MISSES JACKETS IN PILES, NYLONS, WOOIS. OfA G/ P]|_|Z JANUARY SALE. . £- kJ /0 V I HANDSOME' - DRESSY BRITISH TWEED COATS MIDI COATS WITH FUR TRIM. LATEST STYLES AND COLORS SALE TABLE LINGERIE,.SWEATERS,,, PANTS T SHIRTS,,,SLEEPWEAR, etc. I UIIIIIIIUlillllUIHIIIIIIIIIIll SHOE SALE 1 Table of Shoes including Ladies and Children’s styles. 1/2 PRICE lllllhHIIIIIHHIItlHUIUIIHiMHHIHlHIilHililllilllliit liilHHIHIHIIIfllif HIHIIHIIH111 Snow Boots 0“ Curling Boots including Kaufman "Sno Belles’1 and ’’Drifters. Pile lined for wairoth and comfort REGULAR $9.00; $12.95: $21.00 1 DON'T MISS THE BIG I SAVINGS ON THE 1/2 PRICE | TaBLE - Playtex Girdles, | Blouses, Sweaters and f T Shirts. . PLAYTEX A good stock of PLAYTEX 18 HOUR GIRDLES and PLAYTEX "CROSS YOUR HEART" BRA’S. "FREE SPIRIT" STRETCH BRA - with the underwire cup support. MAGRATH TRADING CO' 'PA NY LTD HARDWARE DEPT ’ AQUA-PORE rfeowffl DRINK [Ul r a b »m grain of talc water. p~| inn Tri n TASTS/ODOR FILTER : Hkmu mu ij “LW u_£ ~ YOU DON’T HAVE TO PUT UP WITH BAD WATER ANY i MORE! . ¿¡-he best pair of Heine Water Filters in the whole wide world! Jj jRT/RUST FILTER: Water enters filter and flows down and all around outside S^ace cartridge. Water flows through cartridge where cartridge wfije t^PpTng the larger particles. Water then flows deepfr into p01r!S get trapping fine articles - some as small as a single Frrplipnf1 ^terS dr?P Of water entering the home* Producing sparkling clean -axxx but also a necessary protection for all your XXAUUTcSt j( Ur> . -V --- , ?ad tasting, bad-smelling water enters the filter cartridge and pass­es through a pure white pre-filter disc, then a special grade of activated charcoal, water continues through a post-filter disc and flows up the center column and out, fresh, nd good tasting. It removes the chlorine, sulphur or other chemicals which cause bad tastes or odors. This filter makes water taste like mountain-fresh bottled water.,. Qf!! Lfhere isQtftware, Laundry Bags, ^Novelty Sttems, etc. you wont want tc miss. ALUMINUM TRELLIS.- MELNOR TRAVELLING Winds up the hose as it waters, matically (with optional shut - Light weight, sturdy. Ideal for your flower garden this coming Spring. REGULAR $4.98 each. SPRINKLERS , Will water off valve). - : Travels as it waters your garden, any shape, any size lawn. Shuts off auto­REGULAR $29.95 ■ ' L- ' Tt RS : HERE IS A REAL BUY. Popular makes of Electric Hair Setters including Samson - Dominion, "Kindness 20", "Kurl Stylist" by Venus. Assorted sized included111 aSS°rted sized sets* Conplete with case - some with handy carrying case ’ REGULAR PRICE: $11.88 to $39.88 MORE ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. NEW ITEMS ARE BEING ADDED HOURLY AS STOCK-TAKING PROGRESSES. WATCH THE SALE TA RTFS, WW2/ Included in the JUTOARY SUNBEhM SaIE is this SUNBEAM MIX MASTER with heavy duty stand, 2 heavy duty bowls. REGULAR $59.98 . 9G MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD NOTICE: The Yemen’s Hospital auxiliary will hold it’s regular meeting Thursday after­noon, January 13th at 2 p.M. in the hospital, n good attendance is requested. NOTICE: Worship Services in the Del Bonita United Church will be held each Sunday morn­ing at 11 A.M, LOST: Long white, grey and tan mix crocheted scarf. Finder please contact Mrs. I^la Harker, Phone 758-3110. FOR SALE: Electric Cream Separator. Mrs. Evelyn Bourne. Ph. 758-3501 NOTICE: Worship Services in the Magrath United Church are at 11:30 A.M. each Sunday morning with Sunday School at this same hour. LaDLES KEEP FIT CLASSES — each Monday night in the Big Qym, 8 P.M. sharp. Beauty hints, Badminton. All interested ladies welcome. ' LOST: A pair of Men’s stretchy rubbers size S. at the Public Meeting in the Big Gym last Wednesday night. Initial "W" on instep. Finder please contact Wm. Wocknitz. Phone 758-6596. Get all you can without hurting your soul, your body, or your neighbor. — John Wesley. °H0E SALES, DRESS SALES, COAT SaLES UPSTAIRS. SKATING SCHEDULE: The Skating Rink is now open. PUBLIC SKATING: Weekdays - 4 to 6 P.M. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday - 7 to 9 P.M. Monday and Thursday - 7:30 to 9 P.M. Weekends and Holidays - 2 to 4 P.M. and 7 to 9 P.M. Junior Hockey Practise - Mondays & Thursdays 6 to 7:30 P.M. - Boys 12 to 15 years of age. FEES: Family - $6 per season. Individual - $3 per season, Per Session - 250. ATTENTION SNOWMOBILERS: The Magrath Golf Club, with the help of God, has been 25 years building the present course to it’s obvious excellent condition. For this reason the Club would sincerely appreciate it if all snowmobilers would stay off the Golf course until summer. We would then invite you to come and enjoy, with us, this excellent facility, so that you too, would appreciate the supreme effort of past members. Thank you. The Executive. MAGRATH PARK THEATRE NEWS: Friday and Saturday, January 7th and Sth "DON'T LOOK NOW, WE’RE BEING SHOT aT" starring Terry Thomas Bourvil in an uproarious Wartime adventure. Family. Running time - 117 minutes. Coming - "Boatniks". Ichabod came home from his first day in kinderga rt en• MOTHER: "Did my little man learn many things today?" & ICH: "Not enough - that fussy old teacher says I got tr> go back trmorrow. MAGRATH TRAD I Nu CC 'IRAN/ LTD. w I . . . . . .imHnmi.iinin. i i I TOMATO CATSUP CAMPBELL'S Ki SOUP S 11 oz 4 for 100 : TOMATO or VEGETABLE nn< 6/890 PORK BEANS LIBBY’S 32 OZ 79 0 FLAKED TUNA TOMAIO JUICE OZo 2/850 : AYLMER £ 48 oz. 2/8 9 0 R E OJ y X? A G A L APPLE St ST R A W B E R R Y 48 o z • • • • gg c W L_ _ FRESH PL ORANGES -wcrop. PINK GRAPEFRUIT JUMBO ONIONS . TURNIPS - local. TOMATOLS -totes. KING fe I \ 7 V- "J 2 PLY 4 Cx © ß> tin ROLL PACK LARGE OLO BOXES 4 lb. bags 780 48’s 8/890 ea. 43 0 Journal/Newspaper Rainbow Lake University of Lethbridge Digitized Collections Alta Austin Canada Coleman ENVELOPE(163.400,163.400,-77.533,-77.533) Maurice ENVELOPE(-55.817,-55.817,-63.133,-63.133) Christensen ENVELOPE(47.867,47.867,-67.967,-67.967) Homestead ENVELOPE(-119.369,-119.369,55.517,55.517) Venus ENVELOPE(-57.842,-57.842,-61.925,-61.925) Evelyn ENVELOPE(-127.270,-127.270,54.883,54.883) Morrison ENVELOPE(-63.533,-63.533,-66.167,-66.167) Lester ENVELOPE(-62.583,-62.583,-64.900,-64.900) Marsden ENVELOPE(66.067,66.067,-67.867,-67.867) McIntyre ENVELOPE(-153.000,-153.000,-87.283,-87.283) Macleod ENVELOPE(-61.966,-61.966,-64.091,-64.091) Orville ENVELOPE(-63.000,-63.000,-75.167,-75.167) Loren ENVELOPE(-171.669,-171.669,65.509,65.509) Workman ENVELOPE(-65.683,-65.683,-66.392,-66.392) Nyal ENVELOPE(32.120,32.120,69.076,69.076) Heine ENVELOPE(167.450,167.450,-78.083,-78.083) Fyfe ENVELOPE(155.167,155.167,-82.533,-82.533) North Bay ENVELOPE(-37.690,-37.690,-54.040,-54.040) Rae ENVELOPE(-116.053,-116.053,62.834,62.834) Regina ENVELOPE(154.846,154.846,64.939,64.939)