Magrath Store News (November 25, 1955)

An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. Hardware 34 Dry Goods 124. Phones: Office 21, Groceries 4, .MAGRATH, ALBERTA Choose A nice FRIEDT .ND r 65¿ 1 LB 4 31.07 SATURDAY, NOVEM...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Magrath Trading Store
Format: Journal/Newspaper
Published: J. A. Ririe 1955
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Summary:An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. Hardware 34 Dry Goods 124. Phones: Office 21, Groceries 4, .MAGRATH, ALBERTA Choose A nice FRIEDT .ND r 65¿ 1 LB 4 31.07 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25TH & 26TH, 1955 NESTLES QUICK 1 LB. CAMPBELL’S SOUP 3 Tonato «. 93¿ 3 Vogete;ble 4# Tin SWANS DOWN C^KE FLOUR 43¿ PURE PLUM J.JÍ CHRISTIE SODAS 2 POUÏ© PARAGES PABLUM SPECIAL P u B L U M 16 OZ. Rice or Mixed Cereal 39í 8 Oz. Rice or Mixed Cereal. 23ÿ 1 # DUCHESS H(DUSE BROOMS.___ .a.89 SHREDDED COCONUT MILK DIPPING CHOCOLATE 40ç li.-.’ht dark ■'U 79¿ 81¿ SHERRIFF’S JELLIED MINT SAUCE FRESH FRUI i VEGE i ABLES CR AN BL RR I LS--pkg.32^ BRUSSEL SPROUTS. 39f- ¡LEMONS. 57? RADI SEI ES APPLES. .Handipak. .31.79 EGG PLAN i S .JUST IN. GREEN PEPPERS. PORK O CUBED SEASONED SAUSAGEMJ-Funeral services for the late George a. Racking wore held in the alberta Stake Chapel Wednesday afternoon with Bishop Robert Low officiating. Speakers were Eld C. J. Wright and Elder M. Elmer Ririe. Invocation was by Patriarch E. J. Leavitt and benediction by Elder -xlonzo Lamb. Int­ernment took place in the Magi nth cemetery with Elder George Gurney giving the grave­side prayer. 1 vocal trio, "I Need Theo Every Hour1' was rendered by Orson Bridge, Grant Crookston and Rulon Harker. Pall­bearers were Thainc Ernest Brings, Mark Wood. Saturday, November 19th, Miss Tan Kuninoto and Mr. Kciki Torakita of Welling wore unit­ed in marriage ?.t a 2 p.n. ceremony in the Raymond Budhist Temple. Rev. Nakoda offici­ated. The bride, attired in beautiful white bridal satin entrain, was given in marriage by her brother, Mr, Steve Kuninoto, Miss Peggy Kadanag. was bridesmaid while Mr. Tad Kawasaki supported the groom. liittlo Misses Judy Mikado and Joanne Torakita wore dainty little flower girls. a . ,. v , r., ■ At five p.n. rrcjption for 175 guests D, or-,1_ TWT oo.l!, oG ran□t. Woojd , anVd I w' as noeld m the Lotus Inn Banquet Roon. 7 ? !Mrs. Robert Mikado was in charge of the guest book and Mr. Mike Ohnshi and Mrs. K. Khga wore masters of ceremonies, after an extoneranoous program, the bride and groom, attired in notching suits, loft on a motor trip to B. C. and parts of the U. S. I! Mr. and Mrs PATIENTS II' THE MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL THIS WEEK ARE: Frank J. Miller, Violet Cole: Mrs. A. B. Critchfiold, Mrs. Laura .^nderson, Mrs. Julia Ririe, Mrs. Sadie Rico, Bernie Powlosland, Steve- Engbon, Mrs. Schmidt and baby, Mr, a. Ft. Robinson, Mrs. John Boev.r, 1 Mrs. Ralph Thrall Betty Boswick, Donna Bennett and Noli Lohnet.dinner ct their ranch hon i ' ‘ " — --- 1 I i t i .n, 2. bachelor is a ffoo:llow with no ties-except those that need cleaning. BE DIFFERENT THIS YEAR, DO YOUR SHOPPING NOW J THE MIGRATE TRADING COMPANY LIMITED. n Good Plico To Trade " entertained at Thursday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. -indy Noel. Guests present wore: Mr, and Mrs. Noel, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Godionton, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Strato. Mr. and Mrs. Thrall showed pictures of their European Tour as well as pictures of Washington, D. C., Lethbridge and pictur­es taken on the McIntyre Ranch and Fam, Mr. and Mrs. Noel arc leaving the McIntyre Ranch the end of November. arowarG MC CLARY DELUXE GAS RANGE. This attractive range features automatic oven timer and clock control, automatic oven heat control, wide 20" oven which features "CLEiARVU" glass oven door, (no I more burnt products) automatic oven lighter,SUNBEAM COOKER HEATING ELEMENT in warning oven, storage compartment. This is a real beauty. .¿299.00. WHAT WOULD YOU GET ? After considerable school teacher decided to to a pupil for his answer probion. The question: "If your pounds of wool for Al.00 : he got?" Tho answer: "A new car." reflection, a rural give full credit to an arithmetic ■ father sold 1500 a pound what wohld Mr. and Mrs. Andy Noel wore pleasantly surprized Friday evening when members and staff of tho McIntyre Ranco and McIntyre Farm called at their homo to bid "farewell" to tho Noels. They wore presented with a lovely mantel clock in Western design by tho staff members. television came lO LII-E in_souti- ERN ALBERTA SUNDAY WE HANDLE R.C.A. VICTOR TELEVISION SETS. In the Consumers Report Magazine they state "In tho last two tests of 21" receivers, R.C.A. Victor Models received the highest ratings anong all brands tested". Mr, and Mrs. Ken Balderson and family wore Sunday guests at tho hone of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. G. V. Baldorson of Lethbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Strato are holidaying in Montana. . DEEP FRYER ND DEEP FRYER. LOOK AT ALL THE DELICIOUS FOODS IT CuN PREPARE FOR YOU EASIER al© BETTER. DOUGHNUTS, POT ROAST 11© STEW, FRENCH FRIED POTATOES, SEa FOOD Al® SHRIMP, BAKED BEANS, ROLL OR BUN WARMER. WHAT A LOVELY CHRISTMAS GIFT THIS '.C JI I REGUL.R. ,’41,00 .SPEC LxL.¿31.00. Mrs, Geraldino Anderson of Salt Lake City, Utah, wis a recant Magrath visitor. CONGOLEUM WE HdVE JUST RECEIVED SOME NEW PATTERNS IN CONGOLEUM RUGS. ALSO THE LATERST PATTERNS IN CONGOLEUM YARD GOODS ~S WELL AS THE LATEST PATTERNS IN INL1ID LINOLEUM. SMITH CORONA PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS. WHAT WOULD MAKE A NICER GIFT FOR THAT STUDENT TILN A PORTABLE TYPEWRITER. SMOOTH OPERA­TING, SMARTLY DESIGNED.¿74.50 DELUXE MODEL. ¿106.95 When you open a can of salmon,.tuna fish, sardines, or any other fish, do not throw the oil away. The oil is energizing like all food fats, and what is more, it contains valuable citamins, Servo it with tho fish. POP CORN POPPER Charles Matkin, assistant provincial commissioner of the Alberto Boy Scout Assoc­iation will bo awarded tho Silver Acorn by the Chief Scout of Canada, Governor General Vincent Massey in Ottawa December 1st. Mr. Matkin is receiving the award for his cont­ribution to Scouting in Alberto; and the North West Territories. Ho has made severe" trips into the NWT os far as the arctic Ocean, establishing Boy Scout groups in tho North. Ho holds tho long service modal and MADE OF POLISHED ALUMINUM WITH PYRED LID, BAKELITE HANDLES RECESSED BOTTOM TO TR1.P Al© HOLD HEaT. STOVE IS DETACHABLE. PLEASE THE KIDDIES BY LETTING THEM MAKE THEIR ,OWN POP CORN.¿5.95 / bar, for fifteen years of service, and the Modal of Merit for Good Services to Scout­ing. THE MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LIMITED. "A Good Place To Trade" 9 Curling interest was at a high peak in the closing stages of our last season. Wo are sincerely hoping to begin this current year where wo loft off last April. To realize our hbjectivo in regards to interest, sociability, fun and membership, wo earnestly welcome all our pant members back again and hope wo can also bring many now ones into the club this year. Our success as a club rests entirely with it’s curlors, not their skill or adaptness but their support. Our season will start with a big "Slide" Monday, Docomber 5th, when the opening Mixed BonspiOl gets underway, "Everybody Invited." We hope to have at least throe events. Entry foes will bo as follows: Men’s Foes- $5.00, -M-,00 of which apply on the year's membership. Ladies Foo - $5.00, of which apply likewise. Long Tons Members Foe - $1,00. Season tickets for 1955—56 season $25.00 plus $1.50 broom foe. Please post your ontrj^sby Saturday, Doc. 3rd in order that rinks and draws nay be arranged for Monday. Post your entries with any of the following: 1. any Executive Member, 2. Floyd Toomer- Pool Hall, 3. L,N. Turner, Trading Co. 4. Effie Bennett, Bennett's 5. Curling Rink - Ken Anderson Elhert. 6-, Dave Russell - Boaver "NOTE" Let's make this the best . P.S. Anyone wanting to play aes on Sunday, November 27th and so. The ice should apparel or L Lumber Co. year of it scratch go; fron then on, nay do be ready by then. Dave Russell NOTICE: The Hospital Auxiliary are holding a pantry sale Saturday, December 3rd in Sherba’s Cafe at 3 p.n. Baking and aprons will be on display. We sincerely ask your support Lottie Harker, Pres NOTICE: Will the person who exchanged rubbers with me by mistake at the Hospital Friday evening, please leave mine Upstairs in the Trading Company, yours w»ro loft at the Hospital Elsie Owens. NOTICE: The ^dult Club of the United Church will neat Friday evening in the Church Hall. Guest speaker for the even­ing will bo Mr. Clifford of the Gas Co. Lethbridge. Dr. Scott will conclude the evening with films of the Canadian Rockies,, Dorothy Minor. NOTICE: The Evening Auxiliary are holding a pantry sale in the Co-Op Saturday, Nov. 26th at 3 p.m. Baking, aprons and cook­books will be on display. Members please have your donations in by 2 p.n. so they nay be priced. Myrtle Matkin FOR BALE: Boys atlas Power Saw. Practical1 ly now. Also a tricycle. Lottie Harker. NOTICE TO SQUARE DANCERS; There will bo an open dance on November 30th at 8 p.n, in the Assembly Hall. Admission $1.00 per couple. Lunch will bo served. Everyone welcome. novad to town, cow, i. Ken's feria is six It wasn’t the it was When Ken Balderson • dog and cat went also niles North East of Town, chickens that went hone to roost, the pussy cat. It is a zig-zag route. A few days ago Ray Harker delivered calves to our f-. ed lot on the river. One calf got out of the corral and went hone, a distance of six or seven niles. a young collie dog "Pat” of ours returned to the ranch at Twin Rivers, a distance niles. We have Labor Day, dozen other days. Why not a to show a little more of the milk of human kindness toward the animal kingdon Cl of 50 Gordon Doglow. Pros FOR S.-.LE: Girl's C.C.M. bicycle. 430.00. Sharleno Whitehead. FOR S.rLE: Girl’s Winter Coat in good condition. Darlene Whitehead WANTED TO BUY: Child's crib. Grace Sheridan Boxers Day day FOR SALE; Baby budgies. Can supply cages Bill Zimmerman, Phone 128r5 Spring Coulee. FARMERS NOTICE: applications for power nust bo in by Dec. 15th, for next years construction. Pio’.so got then in at once. Estimates of the cost for each farm will then be nade. If these costs prove accep­table contracts will bo signed. A down payment of at least 15% of the cost nust then be made, a loan for the balance nay ed for at 3$> interest. For the following directors. Minor, Robt. Iiormos, W.J Long, o. • c-Tr-a a s. R-617 NOTICE; The Lutheran Ladies Aid will moot at the hone of Mrs. Pearl Wakefield Wednes­day, November 30th at 2:30 P.M. Mrs. .1. J, Ruzas. NOTICE: I wish to thank all those who sent cards and letters to me while I was a pBtient in Baker Memorial Sanitorium. It certainly made my stay more pleasant. Elsie Foll/er. be arrrn further det ils s E.M. Potter, W.G. Wocknitz, or E.w. nt Sprin Coule . : WANTED TO BUY: Cool range in good condition S. Soniec - Matt Schneyder house. E.W. Long FOR SAJj&j Natural Gas "Beach" range Connie Harker. • tJ * NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE Kffl""’"’ The Store News. LITTLE GIRIS’ PYJAMAS IN FLANNELETTE, PLEASING STYLES, ATTRACTIVE COLORS. WHITE BACKGROUNDS WITH COLORED DESIGNS OH COLLARS CUFFS, ETC. SIZES 2-6; 6-10; 10-14. COLORS RED. GREEN, BLUE, YELLOW, ROSE. 31.98 Al® UP. Mrs. Olive Janes, who has 8p<nt the last two months in Edmonton returned to her homo in Magrath last wook. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hocking and Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Ririe wore in Edmonton last week to attend tho Road Masters convention of Sugar City Municipal District #6, BLANKETS PURE HIGHLANDER PLAID BLANKETS WITH FRINGED ENDS. A GIFT SUGGESTION FOR CAR ROBES, TO PROTECT CHESTERFIELDS AND CHAIRS, ETC. COLORS - GREEN ¿MID BLUE.39.95. INDIAN BLANKETS - SMART DESIGNS ON THICK, WARM COTTON WITH A SOFT DOWNY NAP. COLORS BROWN, BLUE, GREEN. 33.50 Mr. Janes Ririe left Thursday for Tremont, Utah, where ho will reside. GIFT SLTS SEE THE ATTRACTIVE DISPLAY OF COSMETIC GIFT SETS FOR LADIES AiJD GENTS. WELL KNOWN BRANDS SUCK AS WOODBURY, PAIMOLIVE, JEROENS, CASHMERE BOUQUET.89$ TO 32,35 A McIntyre bull, Advance Notice MRC 100 brought top price at Friday’s sale at tho Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, 31525.00. CHRISTMAS WRAP SOMETHING NEW IN GIFT WRAPPING PAPER. BUY IT BY THE ROLL. JUST TUR OFF WHAT YOU NEED FOR EACH ITEM.$1.00 BOX. THE MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LIMITED. FANCI-PANTS NYLON S-T-R-E-T-C-H-Y PANTIES, Ma.DE BY ORIENT THE UNTIE TUT FITS .NY SIZE ¿ND L-.STS A LIFE-TIME. COLORS; yellow, pin!:, blue gregn, red, block, nauve, and white. 01.75 Mrs. Genova Ogden end daughtais, who have been visiting at tho horn of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E, T. lew for the past month, returned to their hone in Sterling Sunday. A CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION GIVE a SET OF ATTRACTIVE VANITY SCARVES. CONSISTS OF FIVE PIECES. PLEASING SHADES OF BLUE, YELLOW, AID WHITE NYLON, ALL HAVE WHITE FROSTED DESIGN. $1,35 Mr. Junior Johnson of Calgary visited relatives over tho week-end. KIDDIES PURSES JUST THE THING TO FILL TUT CHRISTMAS STOCK­ING. PURSES IN VARIOUS SHAPES AND SIZES. COLORS: RED, NAVY, BROWN, BLACK. .79$ & 98$ Mrs. Emma Lou Price and son, who have been staying with her mother, Mrs. Enelia Briggs, loft recently fo reside in Oxbow, Saak, whore Mr. Price is employed by Gulf Oil Co. WOOL IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO DO THAT LAST-MINUTE KNITTING FOR CHRISTMAS GIFT GIVING. WE HAVE BOUQUET SWEATER WOOL AND A VARIETY OF POP­ULAR PATTERNS . .CURLING SWEATER WOOL. a. skein.98$ OTHER WOOL. CHOOSE ONE OF THESE ATTRACTIVE NYLON TRICOT NIGHT GOWNS FOR CHRISTMAe GIFT GIVING. GATHERED LACE FRITES, YOKED INSET MIDRIFF WITH SELF-. WalST TIES. COLORS; PINK, ELUE, AND YELLOW WITH WHITE LACE TRIM. SIZ J J - SIU LL, MEDIUM, AND LUGE. 33.98 WE HAVE LOVELY SLIPS a. HD PANTIES TUT WOULD MAKE PLEU ING GIFTS uS WELL. SHOP NOW WHILE A GOOD CHOICE IS AVAILABLE. LIE ADVANTAGE OF THE BARGAINS. IN -LL THE DEPARTMENTS* ÏIEIP KuaIuìj ±OUR CÎlîiISTMùS SHOPPING EASIER by SHOPPING -I. : V J THE M^GR-iTH TRADING COMPANY LIMITED, ~ BY FORSYTHE REGULAR HAVE TWO BOLTS OF PLAID TAFFETA FRIDAY GIEAMING YELLOW INTERIOR SPEC Lì L A LIMITED QUANTITY OF COUNTER SOILED SHIRTS MODERNISTICALLY DESIGNED REGULAR DRESS SHIR l S CHILDREN’S HOUSECOATS IN CHENILLE. THEATRE NEWS THIS WEEK: tonight,-Friday ?.nd Saturday, Novonbor 24th, &5th, & 26th - THE KENTUCKIAN with Burt Lancaster, in cine nascopc. Monday, Novonbor 28th, Tuesday, Novonbor 29th - TRnCK OF THE CAT with Robt, Mitchun, Teresa Wright, Diana Lynn^ Tab Hunter. Color. Wednesday, Novonbor 30th - DEVIL’S DOORWAY starring Robert Taylor, ZENITH X REFRIGERATO^ ’OMEN'S CHENILLE HOUSECOATS REG. 77.95 SPECIAL 05.95 NOTHING WOULD BE NICER THAN TO C-IVE HER A PAIR OF LOVELY WaRM HOUSE SLIPPERS FOR CHRISTMAS. WE HaVE . CHOICE OF SATIN IN BUCK AND BLUE WITH GOLD TRIM. PINK, BLUE LEATHER WITH FUR TRIM, ALSO FOAM TREADS. and SATURDAY SPECIAL 8-T CUBIC FOOT BIT OF CHRISTMAS DRESS TRIMMING, ETC. ens ano > ’A/ DU-VAL SUBURBAN SPORT COATS CHRISTMAS IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER. CHOOSE ONE OF THESE SPORT JACKETS OR COATS FOR THAT MAN OF YOUR CHOICE. THE DU-VAL SUBURBAN IS UP-TO-DATE IN FASHION AND STYLE«. made of carefully selected materials noted for their RUGGED APPEAL ¿ND GOOD WEAR. AMDE OF MILIUM INSULATED FABRIC FOR ALL-WEATHER COMFORT .-4® ECONOMY. MILIUM FABRICS are noted for 1. Keeping you. warrior in cold weather without added weight or bulk. 2. Keeping you cooler in the hot sun. 3. More comfortable many more months of the year. A. Have healthful porosity. COLORS: Camel and Charcoal. $22.50 ri-IE WAGON WHEEL THE WAGON WHEEL BLANKET CLOTH SUR COAT IS A THREE-QUaRTER LENGTH COAT OF HEAVY WEIGHT PURE WOOL STRIPED BLANKET WITH COMPLETE QUILTED LINING. FULL LAPEIS, WIDE COLLAR, DOUBLE BRE-STED.$39.50 THE SI-!AG THE SHaG COAT IS A COMFORTABLE, UP-TO-DATE STYLED SPORT f Jacket of warm long wearing pressed fleece, quilted satin LINING. COLORS: block with pink splash, brown with pink splash, or blue with rod splash.Sizes 38 to 44.$18.95 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harker entertained at a venison supper Friday evening. Guests present wore Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hindioy, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Taylor, Bishop and Mrs. Nyal Flotchorj Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Harker, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Harker, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Norton, Mr. Blair Passey, Mrs. Gladys Duffield, Mr. and Mrs Russell Blunoll, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hark­er, Mr. and Mrs. Garth Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Holoman, Mr. and Mrs. George T Dudley, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thomson, Bishop and Mrs. Emerson Blunoll, Mr. Bort Gibb, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackroyd. FOR THAT NEAT APPEARANCE CHOOSE A WILLIAM'S SHOE WITH BANKER LASTS. A TRIM LOOKING SHOE OF KIP LEATHER. AVaIUDLE IN BUCK OR BROWN.$12.50 BATA BOYS' SHOES. SIZES 10-13, 1-5. CHOOSE A PAIR OF THESE COMFORTABLE-FITTING SHOES FOR YOUR SON.$3.95 & UP. BE COMFORTABLE IN A PAIR OF THESE CARLTON a BENCH-MADE WELLINGTONS SLIP ON EASILY. LONG WEARING SOLES. HANDY BATA OXFORDS FOR MEN. NEST DRESS OXFORDS AVAILABLE IN EITHER BUCK OR BROWN ¿1® ECONOMICALLY PRICED. $4.95 & UP. BUCK LEATHER LOAFERS.$10.95 MALIY OTHER STYLES uLL TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. DROP IN A SEE THEM.__________________