Magrath Store News (October 27, 1938)

An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. 8 WED. SAT. FANCY PRINTED Heavy FLANNELETTE . Think of all the cosy night attire that you can make the family with a good supply of this...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Magrath Trading Store
Format: Journal/Newspaper
Published: J. A. Ririe 1938
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Summary:An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. 8 WED. SAT. FANCY PRINTED Heavy FLANNELETTE . Think of all the cosy night attire that you can make the family with a good supply of this warm fabric! Cosy cotton weaves in gaily 'colored designs of flor als, stripes and juvenile effects . splashed on white or pastel backgrounds ;t 34 inch Plain Pink and Blue Flannelette The very thing for babies’ woer and children’s nighties. 19^' a yard. f t You can’t get any more out of a stove than its makers put into it — and you ban gauge rather accurate­ly what * s ahead of a thing by what’s behind it. Me Clary Royal’ Charm THE GREATEST ADVANCE IN DESIGN SINCE THE FIRST RANGE LAS .MANUFACTJRLD. It will bring and pleasure. You will find, a firebox that knows how to burn coal and wood with eoonomy . . an aven that will bake evenly . . a top that is a table and a 'cocking top all in one . a reservoir that is equipped with a swing faucet. Do not fail to see this master range before you buy. $120.50. STORE HOURS A. M. to 6 P. M 8 A. M. to 1 P 8 A. M. to 9 P and World’s finest make. Perfect fit. Colors: Green, Blue, Brown, Hod. WOOL GLOVES /'/ : Fancy colored short . gauntlot cuffs. 75/ pair. Children1s Wool Mitts - shug-fitting ribbed wrists. In colo-rs of Sand., Brown, Red and Blue. They ar© priced 25/, 29/ and 35/. — — --- m —, --- - Men’s Melton Cloth WINDBREAKERS Naw Feature — Mackinaw Vpste© which buttons up fet the neck, affording warmth and protection from wind and storm. Two slush pockets and one breat pocket adorn.the front. Zipper opening. They cbm© in a rich win® shade in sizes 36, 38, 40 fend 42. Priced Extra Trousers/ t i Very good looking dress trousers of Natty Tweeds, Checked, and Striped Worsteds and Plain Flannels-. Many sizes and colors Priced tje Hallowe’en __________ _______ _______ __-_u—: --- M --- - --- — --- --- — It will soon be Hallowe’en. Let’s celebrate. We have a large assortment of Hallow©’ en Masks at l/f 3/ and 5/ each. . Moisemakors sell at 5/,.Hallows’en Suckers at 1/ each, Black and Orange Jelly Beans at 25/ a pound. . . --- - --- —- --- ■ --- — --- — M —* --- --- --- --- BUTTEHICK PATTERNS, also 311.1 LI CITY PATTERNS may be Secured here at- all times. Consult us for your requirement©._____ ___ __________________________________________ ____ i Page 2 --- ffiOuGIUÏHTTWTWS; Cotton Chenille RUGS Size 22/34. Colors:- Green, Ros©, Rust Will add beauty to any room. Priced. Mrs, L. A. Inman, Mrs. W. Kabeary, Mrs. E. L. Inman and son Donald of Spring Coulee were Magrath visitors Friday. --- .-a—- m.— --- Mr. & Mrs. T. J. Norton and ’children of LeGrande, Oregon, visited relatives and friends in Magrath a few days this weak --- - --- M --- — .Mr. & Mrs. Ben Matkin, Wayne, and Mr j Levi Harker returned last week from Utah Since returning Mr. Harker has been ill —.————— M ■. --- —— Crystal Glasses TOMATO JUICE GLASSES, bell shaped. 70 eai WATER GLASSES, same design as above 90 ea* --- --- M.-.- Water Sets •, of thin blown crystal with bright stripe decorations. Set consists of an ice-lip­ped pitcher and Bix tall tumblers. Colors:- Orange, Green, Blue and Red. Set of. 7 - $1*45i Mrs. Mabel Anderson and children bf Ray*1 mond are visiting Mrs. Doris Jensen* Mr. & Mrs, '3.- E* Reithman and daughter Susie and Misfe. Jeanette Heninger of Raymond spent Friday Evening in Magrath. --- — m --- Menl When your shoes pair of Oak Solos. They on. Priced 100, 150.and --- —--- ,k — Moran remarked "You know, we bought pigs at $4.00 each in the fall. We fed them all winter and fattened them up, and then we sold them in th© spring for $4.00.” "Well," said Mack, ”you sure couldn’t make any money doing that." "No," replied Moran, "we found that out.'! It looks like that may be the lot of the lamb feeders this season by the price of fat lambs now. "The Lethbridge Breweries are enlarging their building and. adding new equipment to the amount of $150,000,00" says the News Dispatch. . ’3 $3.75 gal. JE j\ r-*. r Evereedy "B” Batter ies I MM wear out buy a are ' easy to put 250. Globelite 2-volt "A" Batteries $4^50 Ab » mm — R.-U mm Mr* W. Jaoobs is a patinât in ths Galt Hospital, Lethbridgej where he underwent an operation for appendicitis J&turday^ Mr, Albert Green,, Taber, (man in Canada, was a Magrath visit ( --- - -. --- - m ———. __ Miss Tonri Heninger left. Tuesday fpp ^plt ¡Lake City, Utah, to visit her ©isters.and. brother. Medicine All inetti with mirror Priced ? Chests on th© fjfcon^ $2.40. j Mrs. Carl, Loose has been a patie i St. Michael’s Hospital for three t _ 'Gangrehe started in her foot [not be bheok'ed so it became n©p©s» \ amputate hor leg on Saturday lai She is getting along as well I expected. j ** "Ik** 1 : _ . . Now if things were on a cooperative basi^, . You 0^1 Jbuy a lovely tream colored! Caki^ what share would Magruth own? Probably 75/ \ Tin size 10X14X8 for $1.20, of that new stookr* . ______ _ The Magrath Trading Co. W*« "A gocd place to trade." - Priced Also Brown down front Black Calfskin Oxfords with cut-outs at side and perforations on toe. Same quality as above and they »@11 at the same price — $3.50 : i i i i\ $2.75. Girls’ Brown Oxfords with low rubber heels» They’re stitched. and perforated in a most interesting manner. Sood Wlue, indeed. Classy Brown Calfskin Oxfords — fancy per£ forations — shiny patent trim — gold colored eyelets. Walking heel with rubber uplift. An ideal school or work shoe Just as irnart as bei Attractive ties lasted from Black Calfskin leather with Black Patent' leather «ver* lay. Bickel-led eyelets and smart perforations add to their style imp­ortance. Tongue! ç> as Oxfords with raised seem and fancy stitchings ' Priced - $2.75. --- — M --- — —-—— We carry Gracia & Gloria Dress Shoes in a variety of styles, sizes and widths., and in gleaming browns and blacks. Try them for perfect fit and smart ap­pearance. They are priced from $4.75 to $5.75. We may have just the shoes you.desire. Before you buy elsewhere, tail and see us. Motherej Do your with so much working they do, try Comfort give you the oomfort ______, v made from black kid leather. - The leather i soles are attached by the turned sole method making a 'very flexible sole. The built-up heels are’ about one inch high., St ran shoes Price -- $2.75. The Magrath Trading Co. Ltd., A good place to trade." Styled for active feet Qomfort ws one of the first considerations Brown Suede Slippers with strap -- built up front with flap • f calfskin. Sensible dress •f walking shoes Priced If 'you have a •‘keen »y©" for , smart appearance and good value, these shoes of black sued| ■*' Wtrrn 1i l1l "bU e o~ f i\ great interest to you. Smart perforations on toa. Large nick»lad eyelets Priced .i.— Misses* Blue Suede Oxfords with pin psint perforations, brown leather soles and walking heels with rubber uplift. They’re .right in both style and price Priced . liilitary Heel<. Step into Fashion with a pair of Brown Calfskin Shoes with bUede trim Fancy lapped pver front with strap fastening ' Same style in a black patent leather with suede. Narrow widths. -- $3.65. feet evbr' get tired around the home? If Welts and they will you desire. These are > l s : > n pupil's were progross and fortunate in .6 bindings* and other Afternoon dresses of orspe» A ' lovely n«w lot. All very smart. of rust, green, black * ;h Trading Co. Ltd 1 /■» o 4* 4- v* o a U Superb in style Satisfying in variety Low in price Short sleeves. Tuck«, button trims. Colors brown, blue & t. v 7 S>. O' A, Silk lining Ascot' et/les, Modernistic pattern«, Vivid eoXor« en bMk« ground« ef gr«>n, blue & brown, // Relief Society Social - Continued. The program included» Violin Solo by Nyal Fletcher, aeeempanied by Mrs. J. A. Ririe;, f.vo Male Quartettes by Messrs. Paul Redd, Frank Taylor, Bert Coombs and Ira Mc­Bride, Raymond, accompanied by Mrs. Bnma Dahl; President T. Georgo Jood, who »poke words of appreciation for the unfailing ef­forts of the retiring officers; Relief Soe-iety President Joyce Harker made presentation of gifts to the retiring members and each responded* Refreshments wore served by Mrs, Alvira Bridge, Mrs. Ireta Matkin and helpers Balance of the evening was spent in dance mixers directed by Mr, & Mrs. Glen Miller with Pat'Edgar and Howard Fletcher furnishir the music Sizes 13 to 40 e; y ■JP* f1 JjAy St 'A/v r:MR Mr. Leon Baker of Los Angeles, California, inspector.for nineteen states in the United States and the province of Alberta for the Nation­al Institute of Music & Arts, in­spected Magratli’s twenty-two Violin and Hawaiian Guitar pupils Thursday evening in class. He stated that the making very favorable that they were indeed having the supervision of suoh a capable instructor as Mr. Ozol, who is giving them modern group instruc­tion. Miss Leda Jensen received the best report which he had bean'able to give throughout the provinooj all points being E except one which was G. Inspector Baker said that she was endowed with outstanding talent and natural ability. .— --- M — --- \ An enjoyable social was held \ Monday evening in the Assembly Hall \ honoring the retiring Stake Relief I Society President, Allie R.- Jensen, \ and the retiring Stake Officers, Maude Ririe, Ruth Purnell, Welling, Sadie Taylor and Nellie Ririe. About 150 guests from Raymond, . . Welling, Stirling, Tyrell’s Lake and Magrath were present. (Continued above) 25/\a ball AUSTRALIE — 15?; ball. IHISTLEBIDOM «- . - See Hive-LLSTRS CREPE •- jjjfe ball ■ ' • ¿boucle de. laine yarn — ' 33/0^1» o page 5 THE MAGRAffl STORE NEWS, THURSDAY, OC^.27, 1938. W A NT,. ADS . . | . WANT A D S’ , LOST:- One beet knife Magrath Beet Dump. Also one yearling heife? Jersey blood branded 2S on right hip. Lloyd --- - --- -- M - NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS All property owners wishing to take ad­vantage of the Discount on Current Taxes must do so on or before October 31st, 1938, as all discounts expire on that date, J. T. Steel®, Secretary-Treasurer. __________ _________ _ M --- - --- — --- Men’s Overshoes are down in price. Four-buckle Overshees which used to sell1 at $3.25 are now $2,85. ——.m --- . For Remembrance Day, Novembor 11, The Canadian Legion is appealing to the people of thia district to buy wreathes as a token of thanksgiving for peace at this time. See Ray Harris or A. Capewell for prices. Orders must be in by Nov. 4th. between home and Sabay. : : 'Lifebuoy Soap 18Y each. 2/ Í c • I Ladies’ Handkerchiefs I QOO® QUALITY. I 6 for ÍII \ t Girdles & Corselettes Special $1’69. Boucle de Laine Yarns NO RESERVES. Special”- 29^f. A Milk Cow for th© winter for Lucinda Rich. 9 WANTEDt her keep. Mrs.' -______________— M , LOST:- Neat’ Bradshaw on highway a 32X6 Firestone Truok’Tir©, ten ply. Reward. Notify Pocouk Grain Co., i 605 Herald Bldg., Calgary. --- ——- M —— --- . Will the person whe borrowed my book "Life Begins at Forty" kindly return the same to me, ’ . I still haw® two purebred Tamworth bears for s&la. ‘Would ¡like to trad® one far a . purebred Tamworth or purebred York'unrelat® te mine. See me at onoe. Indz R, Bennett r Í , IN STRAY IEN;- Black and White Cow with "I. No. visible brand. Owner please oall. J. A. 3pencer, -. .M. . - ANNOUNCEMENT All those desirous of renewing or purch­asing. a Llodical Contract with r e for the coming year, please make arrangements for same at my office or with Mr. Bert Dow. Sale of these contracts will close prtmp« tly on November 1st. M. Schreiber, M. D., Physician & Surgeon. . STRAYED to our Place; Buck Sheep. Owner please call. A. B, Passey. . We carry Self-help Combinations for both fboys and girls. They have a fl'eecy nap on the inside fond come in half sleeve and knee length style. Priced a suit! —• 8®0, ’ --- --- m --- ;--i— . LOST:- Small Red Cow branded O6> *n left ribs. Elden Christensen ? Swansdown Cake Flour' r> z* z i CHURCHILL Suede Shirting Pawn, Blue and Green. 36* wide. Per Yard * Fancy Batiste Suitable for fancy tea aprons and little girls’’ dresses. Bright ant colorful. Special 29¿.yd. Doeskin Windbreaker Red and Blue. Sizes 8 to 14. ■ .Special □ $1.79. • — — M —-i—— —- — j Mr. & Mrs1, Goo. Coleman Sr, will celebrati their Golden Wedding Anniversary on Monday, - October 31st, They will" be at home frem 3 f. M. to 6 P, M. to receive all relatives and friends who may oar© to call, --- »——. --- M --- --- Mrs, C. H, Dudley left Saturday for Chinook, Montana, to visit h»f lister« ¡-’ --- -—---m ——-—— ——— i \ \ t T r \ rr Short Ribs INDIVIDUAL PUMPKIN p j E g. Pot Roasts CHOICE BABY ROW 10/ lb. 12/ & 15/#. EXTRA GOOD LAMB Tender Chops 16/ lb Legs & Loins trimmed. VEAL Roasts Fresh” SALMON” Tel^phon© No, 32 for your meat orders. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6-tube Battery Set 7-tube Electric in Al shape. R. C. A. MANTLE RADIO — 5-tube Battery Set --- $30<00. MARCONI CONSOL RADIO — 5-tube. ■ $27.50. PHILCO MANTLE RADIO — 5-tube with Vibrator --- $39.50. WESTINGHOUSE CONSOL — 7-tube Bat­tery Set --- $37.50. SPARTON CONSOL — 6-tube Battery Set --- — $32.75. PHILCO CONSOL — $22.50. PHILCO CONSOL — $69.50. These machines are Call in and look them over. Mr. George Olifton celebrated'his 84th birth^aiid Relief Society held -a joint part' day Friday, October 21. That evening Mrs. Aim» ¡“ ‘ ‘ . Miller entertained Mro & Mrs, Geo, Clifton, Mrs. Marinda Bfradshaw and daughter ’Dorothy.' it was Thelma Miller’s birthday as well. Mr.' Clif^anJ3,a.E now come to th© 5-year mile­stone ef Pe>fJot Attendance at.: Sunday School* A special program was presence^ Sunday morn* ing at the First’Ward Sunday School honoring children and groat grandchildren were in anoe. Out-of-town Visitors Sunday included: this achievement, Twenty-two children, grand­children attend- __ Miss Hilda Walker,'‘Mrs. Elsie .Murray and sons Harold and Blair, Mr. & Mrs. W. 3. Clifton, Mr. & Mrs. Lorraine Clifton end family. After Sunday Schoell they all met at Mr. Clifton’s home and enjoyed a "turkey dinner together, Mr. & Mrs, (J(lifton have 7 30ns living, 1 dead,1 2 daughters living, 1 dead; 27 grandchildren -Agreat grandchildren. Mr, A. Trey rotu^ed“ ho”e_-Su^day“fronT’^'tirx^"^ week ’ s trip tc_Naw York oity© _ ___________ j A$ great grandchildren. t i 10^f 9 deceased and his'family. Sunday aftem©«n in th© Assembly Hall funeral rites war© conducted over the remains of Bro. James Parkinson, • "A large crowd of sympethetie P#i„ atives and friends wore in attendant^ Beautiful cut flower© adorned th® ? ■'"L ©offin'and stage, tokens of r©gpect ffie following speakers ©poke words j of consolation and hopei Elder» J, H i Bridge, Z. W, Jacobs, Cardston, J, ¡Evans, Raymend.and Bishop M, Elmer _jMr{Le, . ■ | Musicals included tiire© numbers by i the choir, led by Orson B'ridge with \ Mrs, D, H, Keeler at the piano, "I know \ That my Redeemer Lives,” 'SZy Father Knowji" and '”0 My Father;.” Violin.Sol© "Goin’ Home”, by Nyal Fletcher aocompanied by Mrs,.'J, A. Ririe and a Vooal Duet ”Go»d I Night' and Good Morning” by Bros, J, H, \ and J. C, Bridge, \ * \ Pallbearers were grandsons of the de-s ceased: Rex Miller, tfayn© Singleton, Lee ft Jerald Leiehmanj Melvin French «md 21 se'forth Workman, ¡trayers were offered by Bros, J. T, Steele, A. M, Merkley And I, p. Tanner. •Interment took place in the Magrath I cemetery. Ladies’ and Kiddies’ Coat» ar© 20^ •ff. (One, rack). All sizes and eolorji and mostly fur-trimmed. \ ' Th© Sunshine Committee of the First «fwcuu. Quuxouy ©. ¿JOXHT partV ¡Friday fefternoon at the home of Mrs, A, R. Bennett honoring her' birthday, Mrs.* L. Alston’s, Mrs. 0. A, Wodll©y’s and* Mrs, .E, Palmer’s, \ Th© ladies who gathered had an enjoy-| able afternoon together. - - - - -r- - _ . _ _ SEEN & HEARD — Around Town, | Mr. Groundwater and Miss Toomer on th* verge of going to jail. 'Cliff Spene© • J taking money from a widow, .¡A large ■ [ crowd1 attending the Free1 Dance Friday evening given by Mr.tJ. J, Strang. , Rondo' Robinson wanting to demonstrate th| electric razor to th© Mendenhall Mennon-\ 'ite Colony, , Mayzie Lawlor running through the.Store in search of son Jerry| and finally found that h© had locked him4 self in Myatt’s barn,/. Martin Miller (the Mayor of. Twin River) and Meade Wbodi . Waiting at St. Mary’s Sohfael Sunday. - Sweet Potatoes 6#/35/ Cranberries -- 24/ lb Hallowe'en Apples $1.49 case. Hallowe’en J<slly Beans --- 19/ lb. Peanuts 2 ’lbs. 18jz'\ Lemons — 28/ doz. 11/ £ Î i pkg. Walnut Pieces 26/#. ■ n{>HI 1. LU IL H LI L iiuiwti Limi 1111J11 I>»nw>! ■ WWW*» mi l'rmi1 11 IW iVilinmi *1 .w».n • Break 0' Morn Coffee 3 2 Corn Beef ,4 Lux Soap 23/. i 10 bars of Pearl ' White 41/1 Makes Cuoyhcs Uast Lon«ck Reminder Store will be closed Friday, Oct 7 BAKR'S CHOCOLATE Ì lb. 21/. Green Plume Prunes 5 lb. 47/. Pink Salmon 2 tall tins 27/1 Jello 4 - — 25/, Corn Meal 5 Ito -> 27/. BLU1 RIBBON Black Tea 497 a lb. * MINUTE tapioca’ ■ X*" 2 for 28. 14/. The Magrath Trading-.Co., "A goodplace to trade.