Magrath Store News (August 19, 1955)

An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. Phones-Office 21-Hardware 34-Dry Goods 124 Groceries.4 . Friday Aug.19th./55 We have a New Assort­ment of Beautiful Towels accentuated w...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Magrath Trading Store
Format: Journal/Newspaper
Published: J. A. Ririe 1955
Online Access:
Summary:An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. Phones-Office 21-Hardware 34-Dry Goods 124 Groceries.4 . Friday Aug.19th./55 We have a New Assort­ment of Beautiful Towels accentuated with lovely floral.designs in all col­ors. Each 4.25 COLORED TOWEIS IN YELLOW, AQUA, CORAL, PEACH AND GREEN. A splendid,980 “THE MAGRATH.TRADING.COMPANY LIMITED” Boy's Shirts Childrens Jewelry SINGLE STRANDS OF PEARLS in HEART SHAPED JEWEL BOXES. Reasonably priced at 690 LITTLE GIRL’S (Open-up) LOCKETS— in Gold and Silver GOLD BRACELETS IN COLORFUI BOX.690 Ideal for Birthday Gifts. PONY TAIL HOLDERS -Large size.250 A NEW SHIPMENT OF BOY’S SHIRTS FOR SCHOOL ANDJE3ESS WEAR — In the latest shades of Pink and Charcoal, Plaid etc. There are also some colorful Western Styles. . .42.29 & $2.79 BLANKETS --- BLANKETS --- BLANKETS THE TIME IS RUNNING SHORT ON THE LAY AWAY PLAN FOR BUYING BLANKETS. GET IN ON THIS SALE RIGHT AWAY. Prints SOME LOVELY PRINTS HAVE JUST ARRIVED IN BEAUT­IFUL FLORAL PATTERNS, PLAIDS AND PLAIN. Reasonably priced from 490 tc 790 WHITE WAFFLE CLOTH AT . 850 yd. LADIE’S WALLETS IN NAVY, WHITE, GOLD, STRIPE, RED, PALE GREEN AND BEIGE. 2/79c A GOOD BUY FOR ONLY . 790 A lovely wedding was solemnized in the Alberta Temple on Wed. ,.ug. 17th. at 10 a.M. when Barbara Joan Harker, oldest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Elaine -larkur and Lorenzo S.Davie Jr. were united in marriage with President Heber MatZsin performing the ceremony. Following which jj?. A. Mrs Cardston and i.r. 0. irs. C.I.Merkley of Magra' were hosts and hostesses at a wedding break­fast for members of the immediate families and Bishop and Mrs. Horace Ririe. In the evening a pretty reception was held Mr. & .rs. C.L.Mcrkloy and Mr. & Mrs.C.G. Merkley received the guests. Mr. Don Card of Cardston acted as best man. Diana Robinsofi and Sylvia Jensen wore bridesmaids with Jill and Patsy Harker as flower girls. The bride wore a floor length southern style wedding dross of lace and net over satin and carried a boquet of white baby mums and pink roses. The bridesmaids wore pink and white flowered ballerina length dresses and carried hoops of flowers. The flower g iris wore gre taffeta and carried sweet peas the bride wore a silver grey dress with a c J corsage of _,lads and mums. The gifts were arranged by Christis illor and Sue Saga. Elaine Harrison had charge of the guest book Beatrice Harker and Avil and Vinessa Hamilton had charge of a delight ful program. J-l. C-, REMEMBER THE EÀ THE SECOND ’L4BD PRIZES PHOTOS PLEaSE ■ FOR SsiLE- One oil burning B.T.U's. Used two FOR SALE new. ■nace .‘80,000 Completely automatic ’.nth tank, years. Like new. 1/2 price. Charles Harker o « a a * * -i * • . « • HI«»« — White enamel cock stove.Like Thos. Dudley C.G.Merkley of uh FOR RENT— 3 room apartment with bath. Up stairs in Hugh Pass eg’ hone. sec Kay Hannett WANTED TO BUY — Collapsible baby stroller Mrs. Ernest Driggs - R 118 CUCUMBERS FOR S.xiE- rs. Francis C ' * - • GOLDEN ROCKET CORR FOR SALE. 50g Geo. Gurney 224. Navratil per doz, on dotted swiss over The mother of I ?.a Harker decoration; Y SHOW FZ IDA Y ¿UG.19TH. IN CHURCH mT 2 O-CLOCK. FOR T~E BABES INCLUDING TWO 8 x 10" FROM A.3.CROSS STUDIOS. MOTHERS BE THERE AT 1.45 WITH BABIES. anotho people took McVeys on Hambley of Darrel formed of the The satin trime veil. The stones and car rosobuds. Thu of Lethbridge :ta f « A » • • • of interest at the home .13 ti .ribou to Magrath of hrs. Esther Miss Violet the bride of XOR Sale - 1945 o equipped with heater, and and ;brolct 4 door sedan custom built radio, sun visor. This car is in good condition priced fGr quick sals. W.J.Woeknitz - Phons R 117 FOR SALE — Books for Normal. Geneva Ogden se: tics. '»f.Law PEANO Sept. LESSONS - on Saturdays starting in £1.00 per lesson. .Ian Lndorson — ¿bout 2 or three wacks ago, a ■Srksrs. Francis llumel. we doing placo Sat. lug.13th. when ’ the Caribou became neon Passey, bishop Horace Ririe per- th^ ceremony with Colin Passey, broth groom giving; the bride away, bride was gowned in lovely slipper d with pearls and a full length tiara was of seed pearls and shine •ried a boquet of pink & white­brie osmaid, Miss Audrey Robins ’.’ore yellow nylon brocade net over taffeta and yellow tiara with sequins & carriedi carnations .and roses. Reid Gruningor was the best man. A lovely wedding supper was served to the immediate family after the ceremony. On Tues, evening a reception was held at the home of the grooms mother. Mr. & Mrs. Passey received, many lovely gifts. Mrs. Bill Ririe was in charge o:. the gifts.Out of towr guests wore the brides mother, Hrs.Don Love- let of Vanc.Wm.Hate,l;.rs.Doris Koma & Miss Audrey Robinson of Lethbridge,alvin Nate of Wrentham/Hr. . Mrs. A.W.Passey,Fred Hows,and Colin Passey of Lowness and Miss Margie Sugie of Raymond. 11 np ' -L >□ • U-i‘ Mary and Lawrence Tandy motored to Vernon l.G.recently to attend the funeral of her father Hr. Hike Lohocouski. FOUND baby's pink bonaot by hums see • % » * - - • 4 • CUCUMBERS FOR o.-s-EE at the hone. old Jim Smith S. BcznrozwaiUia 1ST LUNCH COUNTER SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY " "MEAT I ES " • » • • • • • en (nods Gibb) was owing friends at her home Mrs. Burns Lar - hostess to the fol in Cardston on Wednesday afternoon in honor on of Mrs. Nadine Dow Forsythe of Provo, Utah. Mcsdames fornice Anderson, Marjorie Colaman, Jean Coleman, Leitha Irishman,Hope Harker Jenson of Reymond, hrs. Marie Bevans of Cardston an; the honor guest. A delight­ful lunch was served h tic hostess. I in Mrs a . John Bozsjcski who has been a patien Lethbridge hospital has returned home. Passey, flowers, Ardella a^.1 the to the I wish to thank Mrs, Myrtle of the groom for the lovely Elsie Fclgor, Margie Sugio, their help and to id cakes irs. Darrel Passey.They Aunt Mrs. and Labina for friends who sent gifts an: reception for Hr. were much appreciated. ifs. Esth; iic'. oys SEE THE NEW STILLI ROPE DRESS. A VARIETY 0?< oOLO/RS iA.JS FOR EVERY ♦Beef Steaks ( TENDER AND TASTY). lb. 63/ Lamb Roasts (welltrimmed).lb.43/ Pork Sausage Meat G®isoiBD).lb.29£ I* > rill|,lHll* I II lllll l >1111 III* lUOH’ll’11 IM i i t * 11 Allitlllll I ll 1.1 ll <l I >111 iltlin.ll 11 III IIKI lull II11 > ll 111 ll ■ f.ll |l lllll*>lltHl.i|llllllllllll1i|ltt»-,IMaeillllllfll||lll I III 1(11 II II MIX > > • til •••' ■ ■ I Summer Sausage (BURN’S) UO t/ "t cig 6 -fio 11 lean- sliced ). lb.59b Beef Stew Meat (CUBED) lb.45^ IU' • * .< • Mr» &. Mrs, Grant C^den:is?.Stirling attJBf od the wedding roq.ption .ci Mri ¡S> Mrs. Lori Davies. on'Wcd.t . 0. , •' • •*» " ‘ ! TO-DAYS RECIPE - Mrs. C. McDonald 4 cups ground onions 1 medium head cabbage ( 4 cups when ground) 10 green tomatoes 12 green peppers 6 sweet rod poppers 1/2 cup salt. Put all vegetables through food chopper. Sprinkle salt over all and let stand overnight. Rinse and drain. Combine - 6 cups sugar - 1 tsp. celery seed 2 tsps, mustard seed 1-^ tsp. tumeric 4 cups vinegar 2 cups water. Pour over vegetables. Heat to boiling point and siimier 3 minutes. Bottle. HOSPITAL PATI3NTS Sadie Rice, Mr. Joo Wilcinsky, Johnson end Mrs. Katie A tragic accident occurred on Sunday at Park Lake when John Paulikat, youngest son of Mr. & Mrs. John Paulikat of 'iagrath was drftwned while swimming in the lake with fris The accident took place about 4.30 p.m. and morn-and Door nds. parents, was not recovered until the following ing. John was an employee of the Sash Factory. Ho leaves to mourn his loss, his two brothers ano one sister. Funeral services wore held in the Mag-rath Lutheran Church on Wednesday, Aug.17th. with Rev. Eiohenlaub officiating. Pallbearer were; Horace Burgess, Sai?, mikado, Eddie Nyman, Charlie '«Iger, Arthur Arndt and Alex Gepner. Interment was in the hagrath oem-etery c minutes : Mosdames Julia Ririe, Laura Anderson, Eliza Rich, Greenwood,Herbert Ford, August Beverley Holladay, Mrs. Don daughter, 'rs.Wm.Lee & son hz-nikowski and baby. • 1 ’•••<>•■»«♦ Friend of ours back home bad luck in meeting a black pends on whether you're a man or a mouse writes that the cat really de- YOUNG AND-(kt)’ When all the world is young lad, And all the trees are green; And every goose a swan, lad, And every lass a queen; They hey for boot and horse lad, And round the world away; Young blood must have its course, lad, And every dog his day. When all the world is old, lad, And all the trees are brown; And all the sport is stale, lad, And all the wheels run down; Creep h»me, and take your place there, The spent and maimed among; grant you find one face there, You| loved when all was young. God -Charles Kingsley Itili til HH ■ 111111ll 111 II I <■ 111111t 11111 ■ . III.11*1.It. .1 • < • hi. .•» i. I.I •• • * . 1'1 'HI i i.llH". . . . . . . . . I. . . . . ubili tilWWI. .n.-«. ««.««••« tn. <niilii>|i««ii.iii"l • ll■l|<l■l■l■H«|«1. '.111*411 • "• linn.II. -muni |*i . |U«<<! iGHi.allll ll•HII■lll '• 111. «IH « • I ' *.« ■ ' 11IJI "'I ' " ' t HI'< Il I. < < ' • *'t • » < ■ 111 H **.'11 * " • * " HH'I. HI . II«. . .• ■ *|.H|I I.«Hl. «Lit. . Il . I mill.l.lHII. >>■>. . . .-‘.H,. . • ■ *. IH«'.A.|Hi»H«i. .i . I. • ■ iH.H i HI .1.1 . I. H'll .•• i««lii> limi. . . ‘“HI»'*- ■ .*■ ‘ 'l.n* H««H. 1.1 ■>( .•»»»«»« l><>. . ,, . . . .i . . / . Í k Cardigans & Pullovers . ’ .-HH I I--. ,., i. KiUl . 20% off 1 only winter coat- Size 14 1 only Summer coat-Size 16 - ¿OW-?; n 1 only Blue Suedine coat set a 1 only Girls tweed coat set. Size 2- ,u4c95 Table of reduced items. Look them over. NOTICE — THE LUTHERAN LADIES AID WILL NOT BE HELD THIS MONTH. Mrs. A.J.Ruzas. THE FLOWER SHOW WHICH WAS TO HAVE BEEN HELD IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL ON WEDNESDAY AUG. 24th. ikS BEEN INDEFINITELY POST­PONED. Douglas O’Connor grandson of Mr, & Mrs. A.Wilcinsky who was injured in a plane nrash some time agp is progressing favor­ably. " SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE" Pants "BABY BOY" STRIPED RAYON COVERED PLASTIC PANTS in Blue, Croon and Maize.98$ TERRY CLOTH KIDNAPPERS- Infant size. White, Yellow, Coral, Blue and Acqua.L2.98 BARGAIN TABLE OF SHOES, DRASTICALLY REDUCED. Sweaters . "LADY ANNE" CARDIGAN SWEATERS IN 2 - 4 - and 6 yr. sizes in colors, White, red,yellow, and Pink.£3.98 INFANTS SWEATERS OF CREiP SET NYLON. Pink, Blue and White with rosebud cmb.$2.98 Mrs. Rose McDonald and children and Mrs. Iris Ruff all of Medicine Hat were guests of Mrs. Mac (-lice) Munroe. Mrs. Edith Sheffield and son of Kays­ville, Utah visited at the home of Mrs. Amelia Briggs last week. Master Robert Laurie of Springville, Utah is a guost at the Waldon Gurney home. GOODNESS ’ A notice on the cash register of a Minn, hotel reads: "Don't smoke in bed. The ashes that fall may be your own." tao***a,*,*,2 "BUY AT HOME Al® SAVE" Miss Marilyn Toomcr has returned home after spending a holiday with hiss Glee :: Sollens in Calgary A new shipment of Fall dresses,blouses? and : skirts have just arrived See them up stairs. LEFT IN THE STORE — AQUA SATIN BATHING SUIT AND TOWEL.School Books WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES INCLUDING SCRIBBLERS, LOOSE LEAFS,TABLETS, ERASERS,PENCILS, PENS RULERS ETC. AT THE PARK THEATRE THS WEEK:- "EASY TO LOVE" with Esther Williams, Van Johnson and Tony Martin. (Vista Vision) Fri. & Sat. Aug. 19th, and 20th. "BENGAL BRIGADE" in Technicolor. Mon. & Tues.Aug. 22nd. L 23rd. SON OF BELLE STARR" in Cinecolor with Keith Larsen, Peggie Castle and Dona Drake. Wed. & Thurs. Aug. 24th. 1 25th. Garth and Carol Christensen who have been spending their holidays with their grand parents and atrar relatives at Robshart, Sask, have rrturrou home. WE STILL HA 1 . L eTIC LOSE AT 20% OFF. • • • • ••*««•»» Spring Scale HANSON SraRING SCALE. Weighs up to 200 lbs. Jane and Diane Taylor of Ralkirk, Alta., are visiting their aunt and uncle, Mr. & Mrs. Dan Ruder and family. Hammond LOUNGE AND ARMLESS CHAIR in GREEN FREIZE $77.50 Hammond LOUNGE AND LARGE ARM CHAIR in RED FREIZE $129.50 (T.IROK) i'jR. 1 MRS. BEDROOM SUITE. Double dresser, Chest of drawers and divided head board.$179.50 f i i • • • • • • »••••••*•>• • «•••coaaaaavaa Guests at the 'Jack Flarsan ‘home are Mr. L hrs. p. Tw rzlun and family of Flin Flon,Kian., Nr. rs. frank Flaman of Chilliwack, .C. an' rs. Jensen and ■* *i ~«t daughter of Rosedale, .C. Mr. £ rs. Clive rston 0 Boseman,Mont. and their chillr.n ¿-.nd .ur. hrs. Stanley Gold and baby of Jody, Wyoming visited the rBinghar. and Halladay fami"! s last we k. WE L-.E „ TER -Lite LD.BLE FOR ANY ROOM IN THE HOUSE. ALL COLORS. ASS'T. PRICES. For what avail tic plough or sail, or land, or life, . .r, dam fail. Shredder PLASTIC SnREJ.uER AUK SLICER- 3 way adjust­able blade. Ideal for shredding cabbage, slicing fruits, vegetables and cold cuts. .$2.00 c»aovoease '»i^tio>ocoi.aoooooBo Mr. x-re. -Arthur Johnson and daughter of Long Prairie, Minn.,visited relatives at the H.O.Bly home last Sunday evening. GAS FIXTURES INCLUDING HEATERS, COOK STOVES WATER HEATERS, STOVE PIPES AND ELBOWS. THE GAS WILL SOON BE TURNED IN TO THE LAINS. BE READY NOR IT. ccoaaasoaoava Some folks maize monkeys out of themselves just by carrying talcs. Do-Hut Liaker DO-NUT MAKER. Eliminates rolling, cutting and forming do-nuts by hiind. .\.$1.49 • VSOoavonvvova Week 2nd Specials-for Friday 2c Saturday. Mis- Ann Olson of Glenwood is visiting her aunt and uncle Mr, & Mrs, Steele Blumel Boy1s.i!T“ shirts Reg» ,1.75 for 98/ Limited quantity TO PARENTS OF BEGINNERS School readiness Tests will be given to all beginners who did not take them in June. These will be adminstcred Thursday Aug,25th, at 10.00 ^„i.SHSiRP in Room 1 - Public School . ’.low - Prinoiral. The Red Cross Society wish to thank all the donors from Hag-rath, Welling • nJ Tuin Rivers ,Del- Sonita .And the Old and New Elm­spring, Rockport and Huttorville Colonies for their blood donations at the recent clinic held in Welling. A family reunion of the Miller family 7.1 th 36 'members present was held at the Kay Bennett recently. Members of the family from Salt Lake City, Provo, Corvallis, Ore. Orton, Lethbridge and Wrentham wore present. Mr. & Mrs. Urquhart of Georgetown are the guests of her sister and brother-in-law, Rev. S. Hrs. Stanley Scott. Sgt. Sz Lrs. Dean Bly and son David left for their home in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, after visiting relatives in the Magrath district, Mr. Firs. Elmer Ririe and Kenneth Bindley loft on ionday for Salt Laks City. Half Slips- Plisse with Pylon Flounce 20 -/o off SCULPTURED NYLON III GREEN AND WHITE AND RED Afj WHITE.YD. $1.98 IDEAL FOR 30LSECGATS ABD DUSTERS. REQUIRES x.'O IRONY'G. Mr. jg. J.T.Law and family were visitor in Stirling last weak ¿nd. Loma and .elbs who have be -n visiting there returned with them. . For the Up stairs specials see the. Ladies wear page.It will be to your ad­vantage to look these bargains over. C.1II 3GL.13 20/o off PLASTIC ORANGE CRaTE COVERS IN BLUE,gREEN ORhNGE AND RED. . . Each 79$. SOME FOLKS DO, SOME FOLKS DO, BUT THATS NOT ME NOR YOU. Some folks get their greatest pleasure from a used car but not so with Mrs. L.E. Pharis. Her pleasure is a beautiful flower and vegetable garden. !'Your inspection is invited." Mr. & hrs. Orson Mayfield and son of Salt Lake City are visitors at the Blaine Harker home. SATunDax SFECxaL m TLE nUNCH COUNTER. "MEnT PIE.?/’: Repossessed! "Why wouldn’t I feci blue I I’ve lost my new car." "Why don’t you report it to the ' "Not necessary. He’s the one who came and got it." . Miss M. Parkinson and hrs. Ethel Braith­waite have returned from a holiday in the U.S. Wizard Wax —43/ ■ tin PENMANS 100% NYLON WORK SOCKS HaVE JUST ARRIVED. WEAR LIKE BUCKSKIN — SHRINK PROOF­MOTH PROOF- DONG WRING - N0 DARNING. (STRETCHIE) .pr. §1.00 SOCKS PENMANS NYLON WORK SOCI© 100% NYLON. 01.00 PENMANS COTTON WORK SOCKS « • • • ,pr• <50'x COTTON WORK SOCIS REINFORCED WITH 85f The OPEN ROAD by Sit ISON Stetson Hats for Fall. Sanforized. ,,$2.89 P^UL BUNYAN FLANNELETTE SHIRT Sanforized. $2.79 MONARCH WEAR SHIRTS IN SUNTAN Al© GUNMETAL . .$3.95 LEE RIDER DENIM WORK SHIRTS WITH SNAP BUTTONS. .44.95 Watson Gloves ‘"Ihe wear is A ,r there " ¿fork Gloves. 4.35 to 4.60 ECONOMIZING The Scottish farmer had fallen into the well. Treading water vigorously, he shouted ifor his wife. ¿"Hold on I she cried. I'll call the men from the field, "Wait a minute, he called, ,rWhat's the time ?" "Eleven thirty", "Then bide a wee. I’ll swim roon’ till their dinner time. Visitors at the Cliff Miller and Kay Bennott home recently have boon, Mr. & Mrs. Glen Miller and son of Salt Lake City, Mr. & Mrs,. Martin Miller and, family of Provo, Utah and} Mr, & Mrs. Darrel Miller and family of Corvallis,, fo: v , Mrs, Dan Rusler entertained a few ladies on Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mrs, Urquhart of Georgetown, Ont