Magrath Store News (January 24, 1974)

An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. PHONESs STORE HCJDRSs •Ti'ICE 758-3033 GROCERIFS 7$8 3535 DRV GOODS 7J8-3252 HARDWARE 750-3065 MONDAY, TUESDAYp TfflJRSD/V & SA...

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Main Author: Magrath Trading Store
Format: Journal/Newspaper
Published: J. A. Ririe 1974
Online Access:
Summary:An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. PHONESs STORE HCJDRSs •Ti'ICE 758-3033 GROCERIFS 7$8 3535 DRV GOODS 7J8-3252 HARDWARE 750-3065 MONDAY, TUESDAYp TfflJRSD/V & SATURDAY . . u i * i i. « « .8 A* Mj to 6 P.M. WEDNESDAY ,e>l(,<l>e>.(t(l,tgi«>»<MtUkUHe»htólHÍiU3 AtM* to 1 P.M. THURSHAYp JANU-AR^ bacflOftoceooooeoe&M ■e-X-î'-'KS-i! r-K Ü flfl ÎHHHfflflflflflflflfl »flflfl'Kfl M flflflfl flflflfl« flflflfl HAR ** ONLY. STARTER SET - service for 4, Blu» predom inating color. Reg. $11.88 MALAGA 46 piece set in white with green figure. (1 only) l/Q rAPiZ REG. $55.88 . I/O kJ I I 7 piece Chrome Set - ranch stylo tabic with 2 leaves, 6 chairs upholstered in attractive metalie enhanced vinyl. Erase trim. Table extends to 72” REGULAR . I2995 5 piece Kitchen Chrome Set - smartly styled arborite table with 4 vinyl covered chairs. Table extends to 7495 1/3 OFF POTTERY - Georgian Bay Vases, Figurines. Swans in pearlized pottery» MEIMAC “ cups & saucers, plates, etc» RUBBERMAID SPACESAVER DRAWERS SCATTER MATS, COCO MATS - asst, sizes» \ RUBBER STAIR TREADS MANrS SHAVING KIT I FONDU SETS CARAFE SET - for coffee, I COOKWARE 1 8 piece ’’Masterbilt” Tangerine Cookware, I porcelain exterior, super tough Teflon I interior. An handsome set for the new I bride° REGULAR $49.95 . I / 3 OFF niilllliiilllllliilllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIlIlIlllIllIllllillIlltllillllllllltlliillllHilIllIllllllIlltllllilllllllllllllllilllllllUIIIIIIU ^|| 3 HUMIDHF8ERS WGOOL SPRAY1* Humidifier " 2 gallon capacity Enjoy the comfort of proper humid4ty in year home, office, den, etc,, ’’ELECTRCHCMiF Humidifier - for home or office. A real boon to proper living. REGULAR $19 .98 . 1/3 OFF SHARPENERS Philips combination Knife & Scissor Sharpener, neat and compact. Keeps your knives, etc. in shape. RCMP HISTORY BOOKS,. I Complete history of the Royal Canadian = Mounted Police• ONLY .,.|5 | riHIlUHUinnniHlttitlUIHIIHlHIMIIIIIilllUltUHIHIilHIIIiniHIIIIIIIHtHllilllllltllllUillllHHIiinilllKIHUIUIIIillllllhlinUIHUiiai HAMPERS CLOTHES HAMPERS in Olive Green shade with Vinyl clovered padded top. REGULAR $14.95. |/3 OFF MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. MENS = Now 85% Fortrel, 15% Wool KNIT SUITS Regular $85.00 6900 Smart Styled Co­Ordinates, Sizes range from 38 to 44 Counter DENIM "PACIFIC” Chocolate Brown Jacket and beige pant or Navy Jacket and Grey pants. MENS * BOYS WEAR OCC«90«o 9 » Q 5 SMOCKS., Sizes 38 100% Cotton - Navy color to .¿.6 i: REGULAR $9.98 : JU BY TOMMY KNIGHT AND' JANTZEN : In the ever popular "Pullover" Stvle. 100% "¿-'-Ó Acrylic - machine wash and dry. "V" Neck, Round Neck and Turtle Neck. Red, Wine, Navy. y Black, brown, Green. ■ REGULAR $J-2.00 . ea 5 ■ .«• .UM URIAH© BAUER Curii pg Oxford. Black with white trim. Sizes 7 to lOg-. REGULAR $23.95 . THANK YOU: The family of the late Ben Gagan wish to express their deepest app­reciation to their friends and neighbors for the lovely flowers, cands and food. Special thanks to the L.D.S. Church members for their ser\._ces, the Ladies Aid and the U.C.W. for the lunoh served to members of the family. Your thoughts and actions will be long remembered. The Gagan Family. THANK YOU: Rick and Mary Kaye Thomson wish to thank everyone very much who gave their New Year’s Baby - Melanie Lynn - such a nice array of gifts. Thank you, The Antelope Ridge W. I. held a most successful meeting Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Louise Bengry. Mr. John Moors of Moors’ Spinning and Carding gave a very interesting and informative talk on his business pertaining to it’s dera­tion and products which was much enjoyed by the women present. The W. I. members wish to thank Mr. Moors most sincerely for coming to their meeting and giving them such a worthwhile message. • e> • c «< • a- c COMPLETE HOME DEC CRATING - interior paint­ing, installing of Lino, floor tile, cer­amic tile, wall co wall carpets. Harold Brewer, Ph. 758-3225. NOTICE; Magrath 4 H Beef Club will be hosting a Whist Card Party at Farmhill Schoolhouse Friday, Feb, 1st at 7:30 P.M Everyone is invited to attend. FOR SALE CR RENT: New 3 bedroom Mobile home, unfurnished, fridge and stove includ­ed, Utility ro<'m. Located in Magrath Trailer Court« For further information contact Juliadean Bondy, Ph. 758-3511. WANTED: Coyotes and other furs skinned or unskinned. Fresh frozen good quality un­skinned coyotes - pale silkies $20, darks $5 less. Fresh frozen clean white Jack Rabbits 25# each. Pick up February 7th at 9:40 A.M. at Calgary Power Corner lot-. Stan Henders, Calgary. NOTICE •• to all Band Parents - there will be a meeting in the Band Room Wednesday, February 6th at 7:30 P.M, All Band Parents please plan to attend. = FCa SALE: J969 IHC half ton Green truck. I 304 motor, 4 speed transmission. Joe Gruninger, Ph. 6 53-“ 2345 <•••••«•»•« Courtship is that short space of time Ibetween lipstick and mopstick. MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. UPSTAIRS DEPT. SROCXX/GXi JAG CLEARANCE UPSTAIRS sweaters I 1 TABLE OF SWEATERS TO CLEAR, COAT TYPE I CARDIGANS AND PULLOVERS» REAL BARGAINS. i VALUES TO $14-00. Mrs. Irene Gruninger, President of the Hospital Auxiliary, Presented Melonie Lynn Thomson, daughter of Mr. & Mrs0 Richard Thomson, Magrath’s "New Year's" Baby, with gifts from the following merchants on Jan. 16th, 1974? Magrath Pharmacy; Arts & Crafts; Dr. Office Staff; Ladies Curling Club; Arndt Motors; Phil Sheer; Myrna's Lock Shop; Franks Barbershop; Tanners; Stevensons; Lila's Confectionary; Trading So.; Hospital Staff; Moors Woolcarding; U.C.W.; Ken's Electric; Carters; Butches Texaco; Millers Auction Service; 1st. Magrath Brwwnies and Guides; Town of Magrath. The Hospital Auxiliary would like to thank all the donors. DRESSES LONG PARTY: Dresses, Nov: is the time to save 111 1/3 OFF . i>*.|< «>(*■••>•»••••»• •• till H■ . .im.,.»»« g © a € § ALL WINTER COATS AND JACKETS - LADIES“ AND CHILDRENS. 1/3 OFF D 0 N'T MISS THESE TERRI F I SAVIN G S I C 1 TABLE CF SHOES TO CLEAR LADIES & CHILDRENS STYLES SALE 12 PRICE BASKETBALL NEWS Wednesday, Jan. 16th the Magrath Eagles played an exhibition game with the Warner Warriors. The Eagles topped the Warriors with a score of 54-33. Allan Wilde was top ■ scorer with 15 points and Paul Wolsoy and | Randy Haynes netted 9 points each. Friday the Eagles and Zeniths travelled | to Calgary for exhibition games. Eagles I played Sir Winston Churchill Bulldogs and i lost 47-41. Rod Ririe made 13 points and 1 Tom Alston and Vince Harker made 9 points i each. In the "A" game, Sir Winston Churchill I Bulldogs beat the Zeniths 64-41. Kevin | Anderson netted 12 points and Ron Harker | chipped in with 9® On Saturday night, both teams played Catholic Central in league games in Magrath, Catholic Central Flyers took a slim victory over the Eagles with a score of 51-47" ' Vince Harker was high with 20 points and Barry Mehew was next with 10 points. The Zeniths won over the Catholic Central Cougars 52-35o Tim Rollingson made 11 points. Friday night, Eagles and Zeniths travel to L.C.I. for league games. TOURNA?“ENT: On Thursday, -January 24th and on Sat., Jan 26th, there will be a Magrath High i School Tournament (Junior Varsity). : Thursday I 4:30 P.M. Picture Butte vs Magrath Jr. Varsiy j6:00 P.M. Cardston vs. Grassy Lake I 7:30 P.M. Magrath Eagles vs Taber I 9:00 P.M. Raymond vs Warner. I The losers cancel out and the winners ] advance to games on Saturday. I Saturday j 2:00 P.M. Winners of 4:30 & 7:30 Thurs. games ■i 3:30 P.M. Winners of 6:00 & 9:00 Thurso games The third place and champiohship games i will be played at 7:00 P.M. & 8:30 P.M. on |Saturday. See You At The Games. ¡WANTED: Collapsible wooden play pen. Ph. 758-6666-Mrs. Anderson, 1 TABLE RACK OF DRESSEt; DUSTERS, SLACKS & BLOUSES . GREY WOOL, GREY TWEED. BRIGHT PLAIDS. Values to $14.00 'AGRATH TRADING COMPANY LIMITED DRY GOODS . J 1 rack of Ladies' Tops 3=95 to 7.95 TO CLEAR NO RETURNS, ■»■p******* ****** 1 rack of Ladies' Tops -■ assorted sizes and patterns Rogul-r 6.95 and 7.95. _ _ SAU. 495 DEPT. MAGRATH PARK THEATRE NEWS: Friday & Saturday, January 25th & 26th 'Lady Sings the Blues" starring Diana Ross» A story about a girl who starts tak­ing drugs and her life story after until she dies in her thirties. Show time 8 P.M. SATURDAY MATINEE - "Tar­zan and the Jungle Boy"= Show time 2 P.M. FOR SALE: Recorded polled Hereford, polled Charoláis, ¿-French two year old Bull. Come see his calvesc Ph. 758-3543. WANTED: Used outboard boat motor, 10 h.p. to 35 h.p. Late model in good condition. S. Landy. Ph. 758-3270« NOTICE: For steam cleaning of Carpets call 758-3027 after 3 P.M. PILLOWS - FOAM Pillow'1 Regular - 1.98 Each SALE f / 9 ■ WANTED: From pioneer families - exp~r iences related to attendance at our early schools to contribute to the Historical record. Will publish it as submitted. Let's all get in on this. Please leave at the Post Office at Ifegrath, No delays please. Bert Dew. JANUARY LINK HARDWARE SPECIAL '. '. VAPORIZER - Regular $5.98 JANUARY SPECIAL .ONLY . =$3.98 ( Watch for Link Hardware Monthly Specials each month). HUDSON BAY MOHAIR THRCWS - Imported from Scotland. 48" X 72". 75/ MoWr and 25% Wool, Wide assortment of beautiful colors REGULAR $26,00 u An early morning fire Thursday, Janu^-y 17th destroyed the main living and dining area of Rockport Colony south of Magrath- Estimated damage and loss $50,000« Fire brigades from Lethbridge, Cardston. Raymond and Magrath andwered the call at approximately 12:35 A.M. BLANKETS "Surprise" Blankets 50% Nylon 50% Rayon. Gold, Blue and Green. Non allergic. Warmth without weight. Lovely for that extra or an extra blanket for bed. 70" X bed Now Only own Made in Canada. Regular 5=99 j 9 9 I your 90" Mrs. The!ma Bailey of Camrose was a visitor during the week at the home of her brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. A, W. Owens. Mrs. Owens returned to Camrose with Mrs. Bailey for the weekend. 0 • • • • A car screeched to a halt at an inter­section, barely missing an elderly lady, But instead of giving him a tongue lashing he deserved, she smiled sweetly and pointed to a pair of baby shoes dangling from his rear view mirror. "Young man," she said, "you really shouldn't drive without your shoes on." » • 4» e DON'T MISS THE BIG STuCK CLEARNING SPECIALS NOW IN EFFECT IN THE DRY GOCES DEPT. MANY WORTHWHILE BUYS. SEE THEM THIS WEEKEND. Dry Goods Dept. MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. DRY GOODS DEPT. iqhtwe a r WHY THEY CAME May 11, 1899 First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. P.O, Box B, Salt Lake City, Utah. Eld. Wm. Hindley, Esq., American Fork. half in lands» In considera-contract, settlements are to be colonized by our people, is now going on as well as But it has been report- Dear Brother: On the 9th bf July, 1893> the First Presidency Of the Church entered into a contract to build a canal for the Alberta Irrigation Company near Cardston, Canada, receiving in payment therefore one half in cash and one tior. of this be formed to Colonization work on the canal. ed to us that some of the immigrants who have gone into that country are not, in every respect, the class of people best adapted to build up a new country and it therefore becomes necessary, in order that the contract might be satisfactorily fi 11eri to call a certain number of the more desir­able men (with their families) to settle on the»lands selected by us, and to work on the canal. We have therefore chosen you to be one of this number, and we shall be glad to hear from you as soon as poss­ible, stating how you feel in regard to this call. If you accept it, please inform us, giving your full name, and if the head of the family, the names and ages of your children. As the season is already well advanced and the terms of the contract require its fulfilment by a given date, and it being important that the full complement ef sett­lers be on the ground in the near future, we shall expect to receive your early and favorable reply to this call. With kindest regards, we are, Your Bretheren, Lorenzo Snow Jos. F. Smith. (Photostat copy (NOT THE ORIGINAL) sent in by Reed Hindley, Salt Lake City. Mayme Hindley Greene also sent a copy of the Dinner and Dance for War Veterans 1919. Both will be in the History., ''GASTROENTEROLOGY11 — the Subject at the Cardston Medical Conference - Physicians in the Cardston area are invited to attend a Regional Conference Program on "Gastro­enterology11 Wednesday, February 6 in the Cardston Clinic. Resource person for this program will be Dr. James K. Shephard, a member of the Calgrry Associate Clinic and Dept, of Medicine at Holy Cross and Foot­hills Hospitalso Interested physicians may obtain further information from Dr. Bo J. Larson, Cardston. Ph. 253-3331. SIZES: 4 to 12 vears. lADIES FUR Bonnetts. Large sizo 295 1 counter Ladio "Snuggledown" Long gowns for cozier sleeping. Acetate and nvlon. Rogul r o. S?1 lo ««•. GIRLS HOUSECOATS Li.dios cotton and quilVd housrco/tc, Regul r 5.95 to 16.95 1/2 PRICE NO RETURNS Regular 3.95 SALE **** **#*MMMMM**M KMMMMMMMMMNMMKMMXMMM****** RUGS "PRCM” Whisper S»ft bath rugs. 60$ acrylic 40$ nodacrylic. Assorted Colors. 20"X 34" Regular 5.00 Qr SALE.O U J * X X X X X X X X X X XX X X X X X X X X X X X X** X *X'M X X X X X X X X* Ladies "Snuggios" of 75$ Viscose and. 25$ Wool. Warn and confortablc for cold weather wearing. By Kayser and Watson, Regular 1.89 to 2.29 NO RETURNS. S.M. LG. XLG. KIDDIES’ Black and Brown Purses. REGULAR 2.95 „ I MAGRATH ■ TRADING COMPANY LTD. WINTER Jackets. Sone with pile colors, hoods, / -< S WEAR M E N 1 S and plein, and plain collars. REGULAR 24.95 to 49,95., *x#xxkxx-k-*-*-> NOW. x-xxxxx-x-x-x-xxxx xx* PRICE ■JW-X-SHOES Table Men's and Ends, NOTICE: The annual "Dinner Meeting" of the Lethbridge Women's Progressive Con­servative Association will be held at the Henderson Lake Golf Clubhouse Monday, February 4th at 6:45 P.M. with Ken Hurl - burt, M. P. as guest speaker. All ladies of the area and their partners are welcome. Tickets are available from Sheer's Insur­ance or LeVaun Thompson, 758-6672 at $4.25 each. NOTICE: St. Joseph's Catholic Church will hold Worshi;'' Services for the month of January Saturday evenings at 5 P.M, NO RETURNS YOUTHS Youths Pants sone Baggies", "High Rise" in cotton, wool, and flannel. MEN S Men's Plain Fortrel Pants. Blue and Brown. REGULAR $14,95 and $15,95 ,895 NOTICE: Magrath United Church Annual Meeting will be held Sunday, January 27th A brief Worship Serivce will be held at 11:30 A.M. followed by the meeting, A "Pot Luck" dinner will conclude the meet­ing. All members, adherents and interest­ed persons are invited to attend. Please bring an item for the dinner table. ADULT RECREATION - for all interested Men and Women will be held every Wednes­day evening in the Big Gym from 8 P.M, to 10:15 P.M. Volleyball, Badminton and Table Tennis. Fee of $1.00 for this season. No racquets necessary. ATTENTION: Keep in mind "Payne Construct­ion" for your building needs. Ph. 758­3493. ATTENTION CATTLEMEN: Please order your Ear Tags for the Twin River Community Pasture from the Hardware Dept, as soon as possible. REMINDER - the Bank of Montreal wishes to remind customers to use their own cheques when paying accounts, etc. which are designed for computer use. The supply of counter (loose) cheques is very low and no more will be available when the supply is exhausted. P.S. (The Magrath Trading Co.’s supply of loose cheques is completely gone). / Men's Leather-like Vinvl outer Skidoo Mitts (Down filled. I OQA REGULAR $15.95,,. . I U J UNDERWEAR BOYS pccke t White. REGULAR $2.19 & $2,95 LONGS: Thermal with air insulation. In Blue, Gold, Sizes 6 to 14. and 79 a group or call at your home and MAGRATH’S HISTORY We do appreciate the response we have had. People have sent us some very imp­ortant original pictures, some of them are at the printers right now and we hope to have them copied soon. But it is not necessary to send originals. Arrangements have been made with Norman Robinson and David Bly who will be pleased to arrange a place for a group or call at your home and take a copy of your pictures at no cost to you. Do it soon for old time pictures. Pfergaret Ririe sent in a picture of the Harker - Head Delivery Rig full of good looking girls in 1900 costumes, Laverna ' Ackroyd supplied a copy of the 1899 Gibby + id Tou know the amalgamated Fleto antile oie^U1rJ7terit was ?e ^Fath Merch-an- uiie.-u’.,? Get your pictures in now, J. A. Spencer, ( ’ •T MAGRATH TRADING GOMPANY LTD. f ¿.Gel LB a pkg .Ill'ltfll ¡BACON I . . 1« •••• Bun H„ Gagan passed away in the Vulcan at the age of 84 years® LEAN SHOULDER.LB. 890 ip SUMMER sSnlioceeda s SAUSAGE eoz. 5 90 Municipal Hospital Tuesday, January 15th Born in Polk County, Nebraska, November 8, 1889, he was the second to the youngest . —children of the late James and Julie Gagan. In 1911 Ben, his father and mother and sister Alice moved to Magrath with his -^--her and Alice coming ahead and renting the former home next t® Prides home while Ben aa\ his father brought their belongings and stock by freight which took 2% They hauled lumber to build the Gagan farm south >f Magrath, end with the help of Peter Dow, carpenter, the home was built. ' In 1914 Ben and his father each took adjoining homesteads at Del Bonita -running 1000 head of sheep. Many young men of the Migrath area helped at the ranch at different times. On July 4, 1915 Ben was married to Lillian Miy Smith of Wei Bonita who predeceased aim October 13, 1965„ Mr. and Mrs.- Gagan lived on the ranch from 1915 to 1921, moving up to the farm at Magrath, residing there until Mrs. Gagan's passing, Ben then retired to Lethbridge in < '-967, „ n?e •1-?cYe3 to nourn his passing two daughters Mrs. Wm. (Ruby) Beaumont of Magrath, Glon (Blanche) Deglow of Vulcan, 5 grandchildren and four great grandchildren» One brother Fred Gagan lives in North Platte, Nebraska. . _ Funeral services for the late Mr. Gagan were held in the Magrath L.D.S. Chapel i-r-.^ay afternoon with Bishop Tyler Alston officiating. He also offered the family prayer in the Relief Society room prior to the service. Mrs. Afton Keeler presided at the organ for che prelude and postlude, and accompanied the choir in the opening hymn "Not . jw, But in the Coming Years" with L. B. Tanner an chorister; Invocation was offered naMar Bennett. Speaker for the service was Cal Alston. Special musical renditions v.~re an organ-cello duet "Sweet Hour of Prayer" by Maude Ririe and Marjorie Balderson ?’i'.a.VG2u1 14y by L’ B’ Tanner accompanied by Vinessa Hamilton. Closing c vhe choir was 'Abide With Me, 'Tie Eventide" and the benediction was offered by Harker Honorary pallbearers were R. D. Bradshaw, John Wellman, Edward Clifton, .unlace Dualey and Ervin Harris. Active Pallbearers were James Cook, Robert hfenzke, .°y.ens’ Davi^ Taylor, Carlos Harris. Don Johnson was usher for the J and Bob Mikado presided at the register which was signed by friends and xi.auiresP Interment took place in the Magrath Cemetery with Kenneth Harker giving the graveside prayer. i./. ■ ui • - . & T . T»e/1OMaV-rinJteE WSPe carried bF friends, neighbors and members of the Ifegrath La.ies Aid. Martin Bros, were in charge of funeral arrangements. ATTENTION; Dr. Goodman will conduct th^‘c^t’fend in a Band Performance February 20th ■ uie nig Gym au 8 P.M. Adults $1.00, Students 50^. Everyone welcome. MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. LT ENTER NOW • •»*»»*•••••• a I It 11111111'■Illitfill II Iffit 111«III I I If II II Until* tiff.l.llUllll, I 1.1 |j|<MlV>lll I lllll I •«»««»«« miU»»l<»llll««|llllU»UIIUl Ik II« I .«««• II' Militili** It Im.« •••■ I Ikllll« Illi ilalllli 11 (> ill. Il 11*1 Illi 11 a I la . a,,iaiflal< «>««■■ i»M»II|’M»»m* •lUVUia.*'«illlMi um *■••••• ' 1 MAYONAI SE ’ TOMATO JUI i KRAFT 24 OZo 7 O O i 1 / ^7 V I | LIBBYS19 cz. 4for SCREAM CORN ! LIBBYS 14 oz.>14 FCR SAUERKRAUT LIBBYS 14 oüi : 1*11 S PAG H E T T I - libbys In Tonato Sauce 19 cz2 fcr 750 BOSTON BLUE - 1# pkg. 890 ' J 24 es.,. and n p o i 00 LIBEYS 19 oz.C R I 09 A.&. 3# bcx « LIBBYS 48 oz. FRESH PRODUCE 88’s dos 99 0 Mexican each 230 GEMS 1# lbs LETTUCE CALIFORNIA LB 270 EMPEROR LB 430