Lethbridge Collegiate Institute Spotlite 1961

The annual publication of the students of Lethbridge Collegiate Institute, Lethbridge, Alberta.(1960-61) Ri A <9 laA Message From The Principal Sir Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626) did much writing in the field of science and philosophy. He left a vast work, the "Magna Insfauratio." The firs...

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Main Author: Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Lethbridge Collegiate Institute 1961
Online Access:http://digitallibrary.uleth.ca/cdm/ref/collection/haig/id/3531
Summary:The annual publication of the students of Lethbridge Collegiate Institute, Lethbridge, Alberta.(1960-61) Ri A <9 laA Message From The Principal Sir Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626) did much writing in the field of science and philosophy. He left a vast work, the "Magna Insfauratio." The first part of this the "De Augmentis" is an enlargement of his book on "The Advancement of Learning." while the second part is the famed "Novum Organum." His most popular work, however, is his "Essays", published for the first time in London, England, in 1597. His shrewd observations and richly condensed utterances on men and affairs as a guide in the field of conduct are richly illustrated in the following extract from his essay on "Studies." "Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition of business. For expert men can execute, and perhaps judge of particulars, one by one; but the general counsels, and the plots and marshalling of affairs, come best from those that are learned. Crafty men condemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them; for they teach not their own use; but that is a wisdom without them, and above them, won by observation. Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly and with diligence and attention. Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. And therefore, if a man write little, he had need have a great memory; if he confer little, he hod need have a present wit: and if he read little he had need have much cunning, to seem to know that he doth not." To use Lord Bacon's own words, "these comments still come home to men's business and bosoms." These essays arc just as deserving of careful perusal today as they were nearly four hundred years ago. All the best to the graduands and to the rest a happy holiday. PrincipalEditoria CW8 None of the usual utterances of parting can make us oblivious to the fact that wc must now leave behind us all friends, objectives, and the way of life which have been so familiar and pleasing to us during the past few years. It can no longer be delayed. We hove to turn the page and sec what life has in store for us once we are outside the protective walls of the l. C. I. Those who try to slip cautiously past the doors of the Collegiate into adult life will slip into obscurity. But those who plunge headlong into the new frontier will find success, for "life springs like a geyser for those who drill through the rock of inertia." For us, the big jump occurs June 30, 1961. This is a feat we are all capable of executing if the mind is willing. Others have done it before us, others will do it after us, and, most important, we will do it. We hope that this yearbook will serve its purpose and recall the pleasant memories to its owner after he has reached his goal. We are indebted to Mr. Aoki and all others who co-operated with us in preparing this yearbook. We wish you all success and happiness. NEIL EVERNDEN Page Three FACULTY W. L. NEVILLE. B. A. K. V. ROBIN, o. CO. ASSISTANT-PRINCIPAL ASSIST AN T-I'UINC ll'AL T. C. SEGSWORTH B. A. F. A. RUDD B. A. LL.B. M.A. MRS. K. SUTHERLAND 0. A. MISS E. PARSONS o. A., n. ED. D. A. ROSE a. cd. MISS M. SHORTREED B. SC. B. CD MISS C. MacEACHERN n. a. MRS. M. SKELTON o. A., a. CD. T. T. AOKI D. COMM. fl. CO. W. N. THOMAS B. CO. J. WHITELAW B. CO. M. SC. MISS A. KUNST B. CD. VV. A. REA n. A. O. B. ERITSLAND A. W. RIDERFACULTY J. G. STEAD MISS M. CLARK MRS. G. WILSON W. R. ERICKSON MRS. O. MCPHERSON O. A. B. CD. D. CO. B. CO. B. CO. M. CO. D. A. A. KUETBACH KS. SC. W. T. THOMPSON F. SIMON O. CO. C. E. CONNORS O. CO. B.A. B. JORDAN B. CO. E. L. LONGAIR O. SC. B. CO R. W. DUNN O. SC. B. CD DR. I. WILKINS M. A., n. A. PH. O. T. MITSUNAGA u. sc. B. D. STEED B. CO. M. SC. MRS. K. L. WATERS M. A. MISS H. JAMES B. A.FACULTY G. MANN n. cd. U. L. MADIUK D. SC. MISS C. CHRISTOU B. CO. R. HROMNYSKY O. A. MR. A. W. RIDER In 1917, Mr. Rider took up residence near Lethbridge with his parents. After completing his public schooling, he went on to obtain a journeyman's licence in the electrical trade. Two years later he was successful in obtaining his Master Electrician's Certificate. From this point in his career, Mr. Rider took teacher-training courses at the Provincial Institute of Technology and Art in Calgary, the Colorado A. & M. College, Hamilton Training College, and the Stout Institute of Wisconsin. As a result of his efforts, Mr. Rider now holds one of the few Permanent Vocational Certificates in Alberta. It was this extensive training that Mr. Rider brought to Lethbridge school shops, then very poorly equipped. Over the twenty-five years that followed, he did much to see that the necessary tools were installed in the Lethbridge schools, and with these continued to help students find their way into careers associated with electricity. But Mr. Rider has now seen fit to take leave of the L. C. I. and retire to enjoy o much-deserved rest. The Lethbridge Collegiate will be sorry to see him leave, after so many years of service to the students. But we can do no more than to thank Mr. Rider for the devotion he has shown to the L. C. .1 in helping to make it the fine school it is today. We hope that he will long cherish the memory of his stay in the Collegiate. MISS A. MICHELSON L.LC »m; T ARY MRS. P. KYLLO LIBRARIAN MISS M. BOLOKOSKI IKCMTAKY MR. J. MACKINTOSH HEAD CARETAKER Page Six MR. AOKI ADVISOR KENT ELLIOTT LAYOUT EDITOR URIAN THOMPSON nOYO' SPORTS LINDA MILLAR ART GARY HODGSON noYs* niooRAPMirs SPOTLITE STAFF DOUG CRAPO CO-EOITOR MARY LOU NIVEN GIRLS' SPORTS TIM JOHNSTON PHOTOGRAPHY PAT DOWNS GIRLS' IIIOGRAPHirS LAURENCE JONES PHOTOGRAPHY DIANE HATCH BUSINESS MANAGER NEIL EVERNDEN EDITOR CAROL SMITH ACTIVITIES DIANE SHREEVE FEATURES LYNN HILLCOAT CANOIDS KATHY STRINGAM ADVERTISING Page Seven From The President DAVE WILKINS eWa Here wo arc again! The time to part has come. We look back at the mem­ories of our years in the l. C. I. and wish that we didn't have to go. We are all proud to have gone to our school and have enjoyed being a part of the school's life. I am especially proud because you have given me the honor of heading your council for the past year. I want to thank you very much for the whole executive for giving us this privilege. I sincerely hope that we have helped make this a wonderful year for the L. C. I. We have had a great deal of action at the school this year. We started in a new way with night football, and we are proud that the Rams went through the season without a defeat. In basketball the Green and Gold showed championship style as the "A" Boys captured the Stone Trophy and Provincial Championship again. In addition to sports we have enjoyed a full program of social activities. All the dances, especially the proms, were wonderful successes and we salute our hard­working committee for their work. Also we have had numerous well-attended skating parties, a drama show, and a musical presentation which rounded out the program. Besides these and other school-wide events, we can all recall hours of pleasure spent with extra-curricular clubs. Our thanks to the teachers and assistants who made these activities possible last year. We owe them a debt of gratitude for their unselfish assistance. I would like to thank everyone for the way you supported the council this year and hope that you will continue to be as co-operative in years to come. My heartfelt thanks and best wishes to all. Page Eight STUDENTS' COUNCIL MR. NEVILLE ADVISOR JIM TENNANT VICE-PRESIDENT FLO ST. LOUIS SECRETARY MARY LOU MATKIN SECRETARY LYNN LEONG TREASURER Page Nine ifn iHpnmrutm eWs This year was destined to be the lost to receive the services of one of Lethbridge's most highly respected pioneer educators, Mr. A. J. Watson. On his seventy fifth birthday. May 20, 1961, Mr. W'atson passed away. Mr. Watson was a scholar, an Honours Graduate and Gold Medallist in Classics at the University of Toronto. Some years after graduation, he became associated with students in Alberta. Prior to coming to Lethbridge, he served with distinction as a school principal in Calgary, as a high school principal in Edmonton, and shortly after as inspector of schools in High River. To the students of the L. C. L, the mention of Mr. Watson's name has perhaps even more significance than to others because of his long association with the school. Mr. Watson was the principal of the L. C. I. and superintendent of schools from 1924 to 1936, when he relinquished the office of principal to become secretary treasurer. Mr. Watson did not lose interest in the Collegiate even after ending his close association with it. He was the key man in the planning of the present L. C. I. building. Over the years, Mr. Watson continued to take on more and more responsibilities in making the Lethbridge School System the efficient organization it is today. Yet despite his over-burdening, he was never heard to complain. Mr. Watson will be missed by students who are attending our schools which he helped to plan. He will be missed by the City of Lethbridge as he was a good citizen. He will be missed by us all because he was a good man. Page Ten Last Year's Graduates UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA Carolyn Arnold Robert Bobki - Jr. College Ann Bennett Warren Burbank - Calgary Linda Conlon Bev Culler Betty Davios • Jr. College Rhoda Duce John Ecclcston Robert Fletcher Martin Foss James Gamble • Jr. College Catherine Hay • Jr. College Leigh Hoysom Jack Heynen Judie Higa - Jr. College Tony Kircof Louise Kruchkywich - Jr. College Valerie Kwasnio - Jr. College Judy Kyllo • Jr. College Elaine Lang - Jr. College Phyllis Lester - Jr. College Lorraine Lyons • Jr. College Melissa Matkin Alan Meech James Meidinger Marilyn McAllister - Calgary Karen Odland • Calgary Raymond Opstand David Osccn - Jr. College Dennis Osoen • Jr. College Dirk Pastoor • Jr. College Gerald Perry Lloanne Purkis - Jr. College Diane Rae • Jr. College Marylou Rimsfad • Jr. College Marilyn Roelofs - Jr. College Dan Rout Gerald Schultz Eda Seeman Doug Smee Wes Stefan - Jr. College Reva Storfie • Jr. College Toni Strafehl • Jr. College Elaine Stringam - Jr. College Maybelle Strong Wayne Swanson - Jr. College Nancy Tanaka • Calgary Pot Thurston • Jr. College Diane Wait • Calgary Richard Wilkins - Jr. College Blanche Zeman OTHER SCHOOLS Carole Alexander • Comp. Hi., Edmon. Darwin Beierle - Army Arnold Bezeau • R.O.T.P. John Black - Missoula Ron Bore • Night School Elaine Botterill - Edmonton Don Corrigon - R.O.T.P. Brian Fournier • 8ozeman Lcs Galloway • Mt. Royal Morven Gentleman - McGill U. Bernard Giacomazzi • Missoula Stuart Groom - U.B.C. Mary Hegan • U. of Manitoba Allan Hcpplo • Army Keith Hcmbroff • U.B.C. Elaine Heninger . B.Y.U. Allan Hunt . U.B.C Arthur Johansen • B.Y.U. Lois Johnson - U. of Oklahoma Ed Kalau • Calgary Tech. Marvin Livingston • B.Y.U. Donald Livingstone • B.Y.U. Ron Mollor . B.Y.U. David Morgan - U. of Montana Nancy Morifa • Edmonton Bruce Murdoch - B.Y.U. Bill Nugent • U. of Missoula Marion Okutake • Beauty School David Palmer • B.Y.U. David Richards • U.B.C. Kazuo Sawada • Calgary Tech. Melanie Stanko • B.Y.U. Wayne Strong - Logan John Tennant - McGill Sharon Taylor • Taber School Linda Thompson • Logan Peter Townsend • R.O.T.P. Vorlie Vipond - Biblo Inst., Edmon. Nancy Wcstcott - Bible Inst., Edmon. Rocke Wilton - U.B.C. Janice Wilton - U. of Toronto Gunther Wirzba • Calgary Tech. Dick Yamamoto • Calgary Tech. L. C. I. Robert Adams William Allan Terry Banfield Peter Berry Gail Carrier Paul Ciesla Doug Crapo Joan Day Melvin Hart Peter Hornsby Doug Kipp Robert Kishimoto Brian McElgunn Larry Pizzey Jack Scotter Mildred Spencer Jim Strong Russ Wiber NURSING Margaret Aitkcn - Ponoka Judy Barrow - Toronto Carol Blais - Lethbridge Municipal Janice Day • Lethbridge Municipal Nanette Dcdels • Medicine Hat Dorothy Dwyer • Leth. Municipal Doloros Erickson - St. Michaels Gaile Fontana • Lethbridge Municipal Karen Kimbcr - Holy Cross, Calgary Lorna Matthews • Leth. Municipal Alice Mcllwaine - Edmonton Leona Parry . Holy Cross, Calgary Sandrea Rogers - Saskatchewan Michelle Snyder . Leth. Municipal LABORATORY TECHNICIAN Karen Duff • Lethbridge Betty Giles • Lethbridge St. Michaels Deanna Harker - Lethbridge Muni. Vivian Lee - Lethbridge St. Michaels WORKING John Allan • Sask Oil Tom Ashcroft - T. Eaton Gary Bartlett - Town Hall Shop George Burnett - Bank of N. Scotia Douglas Colder • Bank Doreen Capron- Calgary office Gordon Cargill - Watson Motors Estrid Carlson • Dr. Palmer Josephine Chollack • Clinic Victor Chrapo • Farming Wayne Clark • Krcsge Linda Colley - City Hall Pat Davies • Reitmans Evelyn DoVos • Secretary Kon Dorchak • Char. Accountancy George Drinkell • Bank of Montreal Auke Elzinga - Char. Accountancy Lawrence Falcon • General Electric Rose Marie Falcon • Gen. Electric Alan Gactz • Herald Ralph Galloway • Prueggor's teacher Connie Gepneris - Wilson Jr. High Steven Gillies - Curling rink Sharlene Hawkins • Mid-West Paper Connie Hirschc - City Hall Marjorie Houghton • C.P.Airlines Walter Huckvale - P.F.R.A. Robert Ikle - Lab., Catclli's Janet Lauraine Jones • Secretary Robert Kirkpatrick • Baird's Beatrice Lewis - Ellison Mills Harris Lust Arlene Magnusson • Enersons Sylvia Martin - Bonk of Montreal Rita McGcirty - Sparkle Cleaners Don McLaren . Beattie Sales Gordon McNobb - Barrett-Forrest Brenda Neville • Churchill School Beatrice Paterson • Herald Horry Pratt • Eaton's Dinna Richards - Rice & Paterson Barbara Robison • St. A. Sheep Br. Brent Seely - Wheeler's Roger Tewksbury • Eaton's Fred Umeris • Old Man PI. Com. Elgin Wells • Library Marlene Wester, Rice & Paterson Olive Wheeler • Kresge Dave White • Herald Bill Williams - Char. Accountancy Truman Williams • R.C.M.P. Eleanor Woodford • Bank of Com. Shirley Cajcik . Law Office SECRETARIAL COLLEGE Beverly Baker • Lethbridge Marjorie Gcttman - Calgary Linda Paskuski - Jr. College (Com.) Norma Schlaht • Lethbridge MARRIED Sigrid Bergthorson Martha Mueller Barbara Perkins HOME Ray Bcddington James Hogg Robort Hogg HOCKEY Robert Cox Harrison Gray Page Twelve GRADUATES Allan, Arthur Raymond Hunting, fishing, and flying oc­cupy much of Roy's spore time. He already holds a pilot's licence and upon completing high school, plons to enter the air force. Anderson, Elizabeth Joyce This active little blonde is well known for her participation on Bop ond Talk. Joyce includes lanny, sports, and dancing among her interests. Future plans are undecided. Anderson, Richard Melvin A very good basketball player, Rick played with the l.C.I. and with the l.D.S. church team. He plans to begin a career of ac­counting next year. Arthur, Gail Diane This attractive miss plans to enter nursing at the University Hospita in Edmonton. Gail fills her spare time with work on the Gazette staff, with the bowling and bad­minton club, and Tri-Y Teens. Asplund, Mary Kristine Kris is the redhead on the Stu­dents' Council. She likes sewing and dancing, and will probably go to B.Y.U. next year to take jour­nalism or education. Atkinson, Judy Petite Judy will be moving down to sunny Californio at the end of school. She plans to go to uni­versity, but which one is un­decided. Interests include John, dancing, and hockey. Baalim, Arthur George Art intends to go to university, but for this year at least, his in­terests centred around golf, water- skiing and curling. He was presi­dent of the curling club. Bailey, Margaret Edith "V/atcha doin'?" Marg's future plans include education courses at the Junior College. Badminton and Tri*Y Teens take up most of her spare time, but she also enjoys bowling and dancing. Beattie, Alan Frank Al, who moved here from Ed­monton just this year, has already become involved in many activi­ties, notably YMCA work. Benjamin, Lynne Frances Music and skating are Lynne's main interests. She is a member of Job's Daughters and B'nai Brith Youth Organization. Future: B.A. at U. of A. Benningfield, Donna Donna will enter nursing at the Municipal Hospital next year. She is a member of the I.S.C.F. and the Alliance Youth Fellowship. Donna is noted for her red hair and for accompanying Shirley. Bikman, Gary W. Gary's interests in sports ranges from curling to tennis. After five years at B.Y.U. he plans to be a civil engineer. Birrol, Sharon Ruth Sharon plans to take nursing at the Municipal Hospital, where she now works on weokends. Her interests include reading and music. Blackburn, Connie Marie Connie is a happy, easy-going girl who gets along with all. This year she played with the Clipper Queens. Next year she may take Education courses at U. of A. Page Thirteen i 4 we ni List (ooL in two clirecti onS. us an Blais, Myra Elizabeth Myra is presently the secretory of the 6th Lethbridge Ranger Com­pany. She would like to enter nurses' training at the Municipal Hospital after graduation. Blais, Walter Edward Walter plans to study nuclear physics in Edmonton or McGill University next year. An avid member of the electronics and chess clubs, Walter has also achieved the rank of Queen Scout. Burnham, Marilyn Patricia Working as cashier at the Capitol Theatre takes up most of Marilyn's spare time, but during leisure time she enjoys having a lot of fun! Next year she will attend U. of A. in the faculty of Phar­macy. Burt, John Frederick His performances on the football and basketball teams show that Jack's main interests, ond perhaps skills, lie in sports. He plans to take refrigeration or air condition­ing at Calgary Tech. Boal, Ronald Wayne As skip of the Briar team, Ron led the boys to the Southern Al­berta championship this year. He anticipates studying chartered ac­countancy in Calgary next year. Bosman, Hendrick This winter Henry curled in the men's league but his summer ac­tivities will encompass only hard work and swimming. Engineering at the U. of A. next year. Bowie, Douglas Boyd Doug played quarterback for the football team this year as well as playing on tho basketball team. Next year he plans to take business administration at B.Y.U. Breckcnridgc, Kathleen Ann Ann plans to enter speech therapy work aftor training at the Junior College and at Toronto or Mon­tana State. Activities: Manager of Clipper Queens, bowling, house league basketball, and Glee Club. Brown, Angus Dari Dari kept quite busy participating in the functions of tho I.S.C.F club during the past year. His interest in animals seems to be leading him towards study as a veteri­narian. Butler, Kenneth Charles In his spore time Ken lifts weights and bowls, among other things. For the future, he is contemplating both photography and the business world. Campbell, Mac Donald Mac plays in the orchestra and belongs to the badminton club. He likes Math problems, girls, and plans to attend the U. of A. next year. Capton, George Paul George is a fervid and skilful hockey player who hopos to go to Calgary Tech next year. Carlson, David E. Meakin Dave is a man who likes to think for himself, as is evidenced by his answers to the physics questions. After graduation, Dave will go to U. of A. and then to Guelph, Ont., to study for veterinary work. Chapman, Linda Anne Linda will go to the U. of Western Ontario for a B. Ed. in modern languages. She works part time in Eaton's, is in church and city choirs, has a Sundoy School class, and won an award for dramatics this year. Page fourteen mJ are u 1P> aru fil> 0W5 A up Christianson, Garth Hilmon Garth came to us from Magrafh. Most of his spare time has been taken up working in the Marquis Restaurant. Clark, Telford John Tel has many interests: music, public speaking, cars, and draughtmanship. The latter led him to contemplate architecture as a profession. Clemis, Karen Suzanne Karen is going to enter nursing at St. Michael's Hospital. She en­joys good music and playing the piano. In the school, Karen is known for her school spirit and support. Cook, Diane Evelyn Diane is a member of the art staff of the Gazette. She teaches Sun­day School and enjoys reading and art. Nurses' training at the Municipal Hospital next year. Dunn, Karrcn Theresa Karen, always with a different hair do, models on TV. She enjoys bowling, swimming, and water skiing. In the future, she plans to be a pharmacist. Cornock, Mavis Mavis will go to U. of A. to take medicine. She likes horseback rid­ing and music. Other activities include swimming, skating, and acting as secretary of Young Peoples. Coutts, Avril Anne Avril is going to join the W.A.C.s. Bowling, eating, and dancing are Avril's favorite activities. She is also a member of Hi-C. Cranstoun, Beverly Erin Bcv has many interests and achievements, among which are a pilot's licence and a Civil Defence certificate. Next year she will begin study at the Junior College for a degree in sociology. Dickie, Edward Owen Star halfback of the Rams, Ed delights in rolling cars with Ken. Next year he will article for ac­countancy in Edmonton. His main interest is in Magrath. Dickicson, Allan Francis Working keeps Al busy on Satur­days, but he manages to curl, golf, and bowl in his spare time. Commerce at the U. of A., Calgary for him next year. Dogterom, Naomi Harriet Naomi's long, dark hair and her warm smile are her trademarks. Her future plans are uncertain, but she is interested in reading, classical music, progressive jazz, and swimming. Domier, Lois Marilyn Lois is a member of the Bowling Club, Young Peoples, and the senior choir. This fall she will enter nursing at the Lethbridge Municipal Hospital. Dong, Urania Caroline Urania astounds other girls with her ability to understand chcm- istry and physics. Next year to U. of A. for Physiothorapy. Doolittle, Wayne Raymond After completing high school, Wayne plans on entering the air force, but for the present takes part in many school activities and entertains those who know him with his pranks. Page fifteen and planned routes and La it memories Dow, Allen John Allen is an ardent member of the 4-H Club and the Archery Club. He has also won awards for his boxing. Future: Mount Royal to study to be a shop teacher. ■■■■ Ehlert, Joanne Joanne's future plans are pres- enently undecided, but she will probably attend Montana State University. She enjoys bowling in her spare time. Dow, Cheryl Suzanne One of the few to get good Marks in French, Cheryl plans to go to the Junior College and to become an elementary school teacher. She enjoys badminton, knitting, sewing, and reading, and teaches Sunday School. Downs, Patricia Jacqueline Pat's beautiful blonde hair and vivacious personality are two reasons why she is well liked by all. She is a member of the Gazette and Spotlite staff, and next year will attend the U. of A. Dunbeck, William Van Although Bill likes hunting and fishing, baseball is his favorite sport. At the present time, his future is undecided. Dunn, Robert Campbell Bob participates in curling, hunt- ing, cadet rifle shooting, and air cadots. He has received a flying training scholarship through his participation in cadets. Next year: U. of A., Engineering. Duval, Robert Edward Bob is a sports fan from way back. Hockey, his favorite sport, and armories keep him busy. He plans to join the Royal Canadian Mount­ed Police upon completing high school. Easton, Andrea Lynne Tho "pearl" in the Drama Class play, Lynne confusos everyone be­cause half know her as Andrea. Future plans might include teach­ing. Elliott, O. Kent Besides working on the yearbook staff, Kent participates in sports and plays the piano. He is inter­ested in production research and plans to take commerce at U. of A. next year. Ellison, Eva Lynne Lynne is a treasurer of the Stu­dents' Council, an organist, and a music teacher. She claims her interests arc buying clothes, social­izing, music, and Darryl. She will go to B.Y.U. to take history. Erfis, Bernard Peter A band member, Bcrnie hopes to become a teacher after attending the University of Toronto. Ertis, Ingrid Lydia Out of school, Ingrid teaches Sun­day School and participates in church choirs. Her future plans are undecided, but she is fond of music. Evernden, Lome Leslie Neil This year Neil has been kept busy with yearbook work, but still found time for bowling and pho­tography. Next year. Zoology at the Junior College. Ewing, Sharon Gail Sharon's favorite extra-curricular activity is bowling. Next year she plans to go to a Secretarial Col­lege. Page Sixteen . . . ahead\ perhaps friendship, certainly unplanned routes and unexpected, trial . . . Falconer, Robert Charles This year Bob was the capable president of the I.S.C.F. Club. He is a little follow, but makes up for this with quiot determination. Bob was one of our half-day stu­dents. Fisher, Sharon Jean Sharon is interested in almost all sports. Participation in track and field won her aggregate trophies in Junior High and other track meets. She will enter nursing at Edmonton or the Municipal Hos­pital. Fleming, Harold Robert Hal excels in all sports, but prob­ably best known for his efforts as defenceman on the Lethbridge Native Sons. Ganske, Dwight Judson A career in engineering awaits Dwight offer attending U. of A. Dwight received an all-star award for his performance in Stone Trophy Tournament. Georgcson, Sharon Gail Sharon is active in Job's Daugh­ters and housclcague basketball. She works at Bert & Mac's Record Bar. Interests include hockey and swimming. Next year: Nursing at St. Michael's Hospital. Gibson, Diane Gayle Mademoiselle Gibson and her French, eh Diane? Diane plans to take nursing at the Lethbridge Municipal Hospital. Interests in­clude Smitty, sewing, Smitty, cook­ing, and last, but not least, Smitty. Ford, Lawrence John Badminton and Militia take up most of Lawrence's spore time, but his main concern is maintaining high grades. Next year: U. of A. Forster, Edgar Michell Michcll enjoys swimming and basketball, and he was on the winning houseleague team this year. Next year he plans to take law at U. of A. Freel, James Winston The summer secs Jim on the golf fairways taking divots, while dur. ing the winter he plays basketball. His future plans arc undecided. Fritzler, Marvin Jacob Besides working part-time, Mar­vin is enthusiastic over hockey. Portland's Cascade College can expect him noxt year. Gillespie, Joyce Marilyn Joyce's ambition is to become a teacher. Personality along with vigor and vitality make Joyce popular with all. Grey, Sandra Ruth Although she has no definite chosen caroer, Sandra plans on attending the Banff School of Fine Arts this summer. A very talented artist, she also likes sew­ing and good music. Groves, Douglas Walter Doug belongs to the Lethbridge Flying Club and received a flying scholarship in the Air Cadets. After attending U.B.C., he is con­sidering joining the R.C.M.P. Halvorson, Betty Jean A pleasant smile is one of Betty's many assets. Future plans: office work. She is interested in golf and travelling and she enjoys dancing, skating and reeding. Page Seventeen ot liYiawiny in what cove wo. .shadfind shelter or on what reefwe ihaltao dt own Hamblin, Thomas Munro VE6TM ond tho electronics club fill what time Tom has not de­voted to his studies. An ace mathematician, Tom expects to enter McGill or U. of A. in the elec­tronic engineering field. Hannan, Ross Donald Ross is a regular participant in the Army Reserves. His future plans are uncertain, but he is considering entering Calgary Tech, after completing high school. Hardie, Ron Drummon Ron is always ready with a lough, even if one isn't called for. His future plans are a little uncertain, but he has decided to become a dentist or to work his way around the world. Harris, Patricia Ann Pat hopes to be a lab technician in the future. She enjoys and is interested in music. Hatch, Shirley Diane "Di" is a very likeable miss who has completed one year at the Banff School of Fine Arts studying speech and drama. She is busi­ness manager for the Yearbook, active in the church and likes sewing and reading. Welfare work ond counselling at B.Y.U. Hector, Donald Dennis Don has a wide range of interests. He is a member of the Badminton Club, Hi-C and the Fish ond Game Association. He plans on the air force or commercial airlines flying after high school. Hcdenstrom, Joanne Irene A member of the L.C.I. cheer­leaders, Joanne always seems to possess that right-out-of-a-fashion- magazine look. She enjoys horse­back riding, painting and music. Studies in art or interior deco­rating are included in her future plans. Holwig, Dianne Lois Dionne plans to attend the Junior College and to take a B.A. degree majoring in History. She enjoys horseback riding and bowling. Hermann, Harry Harry's interests range from clas­sical music to mathematics, and from badminton to chess. He plans to take engineering ot the U. of A. Higgins, Donald James Besides arguing with his physics teacher ond carrying the desk- book, Don participates in golf and swimming. Hotel Management is his aim for a life's work. Hill, James David Jim, one of the big fellows on the football line, enjoys skiing and renewing antique automobiles. He plans to attend the U. of A. after graduation. Hill, Sherman Wilfred Warren Warren spends much of his spare time working on his Model T roadster. Although his future is as yet undecided, he is interested in ranching. Hillcoat, Patricia Lynn Popular with all, pleasant to all, Lynn works as a cashier at the Paramount Theatre. At school Lynn divides her talents between the Yearbook staff ond Glee Club. Next year: Nursing ot St. Mi­chael's. Hodgson, Gary Gary excels in physics and math, and he plans to take Engineering at U. of A. A golfer and curler of notable repute, he also finds time for music. Page Eighteen cjuicleJ It bif past experience anc / til e c ompc i.i.J of ec lucati on Holberfon, Hazel Lorna Haxel plant to take ptychiatric nursing at the Oliver Institute in Edmonton. She is interested in sewing and is a member of the Amateur Swim Club. Holland, Lowell Roger Bowling and part-time work oc­cupy Lowell's spare time. He hopes to return to Lethbridge after taking Education at U. of A. Holt, Gordon Thomas Middle distance running in the track and field club keeps Gordon in shape. He hopes to go to Royal Rhodes on the R.O.T.P. plan next year. Hopp, Joe Philip Gilbert Joe is very quiet and reserved, but manages to achieve high grades in all his subjects. He will attend university next year to take Medicine. House, Shirley Ann Shirley is a member of the L.C.I. Bowling Club, the I.S.C.F. Club, and the Alliance Youth Fellowship. She will enter nursing next year. Hubbard, Carol Lorrain Carol enjoys horseback riding, sewing, dancing, and modelling on TV. She won a fabric and dress 20, Wilks & Cranstoun Award. Future plans include Dale. Ingoldsby, Barbara Joan Joan is one of the few girls in the L.C.I. to hold a private pilot's license. She enjoys pleasure flying, badminton and is editor of the Flying Club Bulletin. She plans to work in Public Relations as a reservation or ticket agent with T.C.A., or other airlines. Herman, Gary Easy going Gary gets along well with everyone. He manages to keep his car in the same excellent shape that he himself is. Jarvis, Joan Lorraine Lorraine, like her sister, is going to go into nursing at the Galt School of Nursing at the Muni­cipal. She is an alto in the Glee Club and a member of Young Peoples. She also enjoys sewing. Jelfs, Karen Edna Karen has no trouble with math, only the teacher, right Mr. Thomas? She is in the Curling and Glee Clubs, McKillop Church Choir and is assistant secretory of the Sunday School. Karen plans to get a B.Ed. Jetz, Waldcmar Excelling in the "sciences," Walde- mar plans to begin a B.Sc. pro­gram at the Junior College next year. Additionally, ho likes danc­ing, skating and aquosports. Johnson, Lawrence Perley Larry is an enthusiastic supporter of the Air Cadets and the L.C.I. Badminton Club. After taking summer training at Comp Bordon, he plans to work towards a B.Se. in Education. Johnson, Patricia Florence Pat either wants to take a two- year education course or psychi­atric nursing at the Oliver Mental Institute. She is a member of Hi-C and tho Glee Club. Greatest dif­ficulty: French 30. Kandel, Judith Francis Judy hopes to move to Winnipeg after the holidays where she will obtain a position as secretary or machine operator. She enjoys horseback riding, skating, swim­ming and baseball. Two certifi­cates in Stenography are among her achievements. Page Nineteen the men and women oj the teachin Kcitcin, Paulette Helene Paulette it a membor of the Photography and Bowling Clubs. She teachos Explorers and Sunday School and she plays the ac­cordion. Always worrying about something — French 31, Chem., or Math. First year Junior College, then U. of A. to become a teacher. Kaun, David Frederick Dave, equally at home on a diving board or trampoline, is active in Y.M.C.A. work. Next year he hopes to study chartered account­ancy at Calgary or Edmonton. Keys, Barbara Ellen Barb plans to toko nursing at the Galt School of Nursing. She is interested in sewing, basketball, baseball and getting good marks on projects in Social. Activities include working and babysitting. Kishimoto, Louise Mayumi Louise plans to take a two-year course with one year at the Junior College and one year in Calgary or Edmonton. She is a membor of the First United Hi-C Group. Koran, Betty Ruth 8etty plans to be a social worker for which first shell go to U. of A. for a B.A. degree and then to U.B.C. for a Bachelor of Social Work Degree. She is president of the 6th Lethbridge Ranger Company. Kovac, Anthony Tony, an A-Boys basketball star, also plays a good deal of bad­minton. He would like to join the R.C.M.P. or become a commer­cial artist. Kozak, Orcsta Little Oresta sings second soprano in the Glee Club, bowls in the Bowling Club and is a member of the Photography Club. Always cramming diligently, she gets side­tracked easily by gobbing with Paulette or other 2B'crs. U. of A., to study Home Ec. staff hawe been of great assist a nee — □ Lawson, Ernest Robert Ernie's spare time is filled with bowling, waterskiing, and girls. He plans to attend U. of A. or B.Y.U. after graduation. Lemke, Brigitte Gisela Brigitte participates in choir and church activities. She enjoys music, reading, sports and crafts. Future plans include a position as a secretory or bookkeeper. Leong, Lynn As treasurer of our Students' Council, likeable Lynn is kept quite busy, but still finds time to par­ticipate in many other activities. After graduating she would like to work for the Canadian govern­ment. Louis, Laidlaw Thomas Easy going Tom seems to be a permanent fixture in Mrs. Skel­ton's class. Tom can be seen in his spare time driving his master­piece. Little, Neil Gray Neil, a member of the school tramp, and tumbling clubs, is very active in the Y.M.C.A. He will further his studies in Physical Education at Chicago and will probably join the Y.M.C.A. staff later. Long, Valerie Ann Next year Valerie plans to attend university. She likes playing the piano. For highost marks in Grade IX she won the Enchant Home and School Scholarship. Lyckman, Norma Norma is going to take a two year education course with the first year at Junior College. Norma sews very well. Interests include Henry and curling. Page Twenty they Lave helped uA forward wi th confidt ence an d hope . MacLcan, Charlie Stanley Quiet Charlie, o member of the "Rope Club/' is always ready with a joke. At presont, his future plans arc undecided. Matchett, Mona-Marie Mona has had part-time jobs at the Candy Cano and Parks and Recreation Department. She teaches young girls at the YWCA. Future plans arc indefinite. Manning, Sandra Gail Sandra enjoys cooking, sewing and Wayne. She plans ot take an elementary education course with one year at the Junior Col­lege and one year in Calgary. Maughan, Milos Gordon Redheaded Miles gets along equal­ly well with both sexes. This year he was on active member of the L.C.I. Curling Club. Marchi, Bruna Bruna, the brunette with lovely dark eyes, is an avid curling en­thusiast. Her future plans are un­decided but she's interested in Social Work. Other activities in­clude bowling, horseback riding, dancing, and swallowing r's in French. Marshalsay, Myrna This toll commercial student works part time at t ho Paramount Theatre. She plans to work this year. Myrno enjoys dancing and swimming. McBlanc, Toni An active lass in the Junior Red Cross, Toni plans to become an X-Ray technician. She likes bad­minton and swimming. Toni is an avid supporter of school activi­ties. Marshalsay, Sandra Joanne Joanne's main interests are sew­ing, swimming and Ken. Besides school "Jo" is kept pretty busy with Hi-C and choir. Her future plans include a career as a laboratory technician. McCann, William Bill hopes to take Education at the U. of A. He likes reading and hunting, but Army Reserves occupy most of his time. Martin, Lyllian Dancing, bowling and baseball are Lyllian's main interests. After receiving her diploma, she plans a career in the business field as a stenographer. Maslen, Maurine Kathleen Maurine hopes to go to the Junior College to take the teacher train­ing course. She enjoys curling and is a member of CGIT and Hi-C. She teaches Sunday School. Mcllroy, Betty Marie Betty was scorekeeper for the Rams and Colts this year. She was one of the girls who went to Edmonton for the bowling finals. Her interests include bas­ketball, bowling and sowing. She plans to take Education at the Junior College. Page Twenty-one ■ ■ I m il L earns an McKenzie, Ross Watson On his free time, Ross enjoys basketball, badminton, fishing, and hunting. He plans to take up architecture. McKill, Larry Neil Larry is very interested in music, and is an organist at church. He also works part-time at A & W. He will take Honors Latin-English next year. McNabb, Thomas Gordon Tom spends much of his time in his Austin, but also enjoys hunt­ing, fishing and golfing. He is majoring in Psychology of U. of A. Mcdhurst, Bryan During the summer, Bryan spends a good deal of his time camping and fishing. His love for the outdoors has prompted him to seek a career in Forestry after attending U. of A. Meech, Aileen Reta The lovely loss, with flashing brown eyes and long hair—Aileen. She plans to attend the U. of A. to take a B.Sc. degree in Home Economics. Interests include sew­ing and curling, which sho does equally well. Michael, Judith Fern Judy's main activity lately has been her music, since she teaches piano. She also enjoys dancing and bowling. Junior College next year and then to U. of A. for Education. Millar, Linda Anne Linda shows the LCI that beauty and brains do mix. A member of the Spotlite staff, she is inter­ested in art and the latest fads and fashions. Next year she will attend University of Toronto to major in Political Economy. Mokoski, Bill Albert Bill participates in several sports and is very fond of physics. His future plans are undecided. Moore, Carole Lynne Fun-loving Carol usually can be found on Bop and Talk or prac­ticing for the Clipper Queens. Though her future plans are not dofinite, she is sure to succeed in the field of her choice. Morihira, Hiroshi David Besides physics probloms, Dave is also baffled by golf! He's consid­ering taking dentistry after gradu­ation. Moscovich, James Maurice Jim is highly successful at all his endeavors, from pinch-hitting in the school orchestra to playing on the Briar rink and obtaining top marks. Next year pre-law at U. of A. Mueller, Molly May Molly won the Wrentham Home and School Scholarship for highest marks in Grade IX. Her future plans are uncertain. Murray, Shirley Gale Badminton, choir and teaching Primary classes are among Shir­ley's many interests. Next year she would like to teach the three R i Murray, Wenda Lucille As a member of the YMCA, Wendy has developed a liking for all types of sports. She has chosen a vocation in the business world as a stenographer. Page Twenty-two . . . Lopci which L in twelve yean ofh am friendship; . . . nip; Nakcigama, Sue She plans to go further in the business field in a Business Col­lege. She enjoys skating, dancing and bowling. Nuttall, Barbara Elizabeth 8arb is one of the few girls who seem to understand Physics. She plans to enter the School of Physiotherapy at the University of Alberto. Barb likes talking, working hard and looking for­ward to university. Okamura, Violet Sumirc Quiet Vi is a whiz at sewing. She will enter Nurses' Training in the fall. Violet is a mmeber of the Bowling Club, works part- time, and is a member of YBA. Ott, Verl A man of few words, Verl is active in hunting, fishing, swim­ming and bowling. Next year, he plans to join the R.C.M.P. Perkins, Carol Joan A smile for everybody. Joan was a member of the championship bowling team this year. Future plans arc uncertain. Peters, Vangy Margaret Vangy is graduating from the L.C.I. after only ten terms in school, which is a great accomp­lishment in itself. This blonde haired, blue eyed miss will attend Junior College next year to ob­tain her B.Sc. in Nursing. Phaff, Marjorie Ann Marj. is well known for her ef­forts for Teen Chatter in The Herald, and as editor of the Gazette. Most often heard talk­ing about Jake. She plans to go to U. of A. to continue in French. Phillips, Janice Lynn This tall blonde, seems to have a happy outlook on life and is often heard giving advice to some­one. Janice plans to take Com­merce at the U. of A. in Calgary. Plant, Bob Bob likes all sports and ploys them well. He is a senior leader at the "Y" and plans to take physical education at Montana State University. Ponech, William McColl Bill's many interests include house- league basketball, hunting, fish­ing, and Armories. He is plan­ning on a Geology course at U. of A. Purdy, Russell Mather Russ curled most of the winter, but still found time to sing in the "Creation" and play some chess. He plans to attend Junior College next year on an arts-law program. Puzey, Sandra Sandra wants to go into nursing at the Municipal Hospital. She is interested in swimming and sewing and has wone five piano awards. She attends the L.D.S. seminary and is active in the church. Quittenbaum, Brian Fred Brian likes boating, mechanics, and stereo music. This year he played on the Briar team. He is going to study retail lumber and con­struction at Eugene, Oregon. Randma, Heli A nursing course in Edmonton is Heli's goal for next year. She is a member of the L.C.I. Bowling Club and Young Peoples Union. Heli also likes reading and good music. Pago Twenty.three hope which (les in the true meatun 9 of ch emocracit Reetlyk, Wilhelmino Wilma won first in on oratorical contest sponsored by the Christian Reformed Church for which she received a scholarship at Calvin College in Michigan where she plans to go in for education. She enjoys music, reading and skating and is a member of I.S.C.F. Riehl, Jeanette Diane Half of that inseparable pair, Diane and Jeanette, she always is ready with a quick "HI." In­terests other than Don include sewing and cooking. Jeanette plans to study education at the U. of A. Rout, Bawne Arlene Bawne says she wants to be a nurse. She consequently trudges down to get the shots. She is a member of Job's Daughters. Bowling and working part-time at Kresges takes up the rest of her time. Rowe, Bradford Masson One of the very few avid pros­pectors left in this part of the country. Brad has spent several summers prospecting. He would like to further his interest with training at the U. of Alaska. Roelofs, Maynard John Maynard enjoys curling, badmin­ton, and bowling. He achieved the highest average in the bowling league this year. Moynard hopes to go to Royal Rhodes on R.O.T.P. Roemmele, Dennis Mervin A new arrival from Carmangay, Dennis bolstered our curling club this year. However, we lose him next year to Calgary Tech., where he will take agricultural mech­anics. Rolfe, Gordon Thomas Gord is a "Y" leader and a mem­ber of the Gym Club. He excel* in both swimming and gymnastics. He plans to take agriculture at U. of A. next year. Rossitcr, Donna Patricia Skill in horsemanship is one of Donna's prime accomplishments. She also enjoys badminton and is known for her bright friendly smile. Next year she will enter Municipal Hospital for a labora­tory Technician Course. Sabo, Sharon Faye Sharon is one of our half day students. Her bright blonde hair is her main claim to fame. Work in the secretarial field interests her. Sakamoto, Irene Hisaye Irene is another half day student. She plans to join the girls in white os a nurse. She is a member of IYBA. Irene also enjoys bowling. Salt, Douglas Reginald Doug is a badminton fan from way back. He is a member of the L.C.I. Badminton Club, and of the Lethbridge junior and senior clubs. He plans to further his education with a general arts and science course of U. of A. Sandburg, Douglas Sven Doug works half days, bowls, and watches TV. He hopes to take surveying at Calgary Tech, next year. Sanford, James Rodney Every morning Jim can be seen keeping fit by lifting weights. He defies his reddish hair by possess­ing an easy temperament. Next year he hopes to attend U. of A. Page Twenty-four . . . we mu. ' . ROOM 108 MR. STEED Front Row: Jean Young, Janice Nilsson, Linda Plomp, Mr. Steed, Margaret Frame, Joanno Goo dor, Noreen Smith, Andrea Smart. Second Row: Irene Sameshima, Hetty Van Benthcm, Donna Forry, Merrilyn Susman, Cheryl Russell, Jane Bennett, Judy Robins, Janet Moore. Third Row: Murray Shapiro, Lynda Berent, Hope Schindler, Robert Dog- terom, Jerry Fox, Craig Stephen, Mar­lene Babino, Patricio McCreo, Janice Gaetz. Back Row: Cliff Cook, Murray Craig, Bob Cormack, Patrick Davison, Bill Gil­lespie, M a r t i n Jorgenson, Wesley Barnaby. GRADE X ROOM 25 MR ROSE Front row: Christie Straphael, Kathy Bene­dict, Sandra Russell, Mr. Rose, Barbara Elliot, Diane Holobiski, Bev Moody. Second Row: Florence Kanashiro, Wendy Murdock, Alice Ford, Marilyn Mac- Indoe, Pat Boal, Sharon Lannon, Mari­lyn Head, Linda Spencer. Third Row: Lynn Brandle, Beverly Atkin, Sandra Ottcn, Darlene Taylor, Shirley Thompson, Dorothy Capri, Norman Lundquist. Back Row: Rosiland Musson, Cheryl Cal­houn, Ruth Kozak, Judy Katanchuk, Wilma Brandle, Kay Wiggill, Sandra Kandel. p, j , - ^ A* ► S 1 mmK. k Vk l A & nf m \ | 1 ' - 1 1 ivv<;i \ y i ISMR. HROMNYSKY ROOM 15 Front Row: Sandro Jobagy, Donna Came­ron, Yvonne Pierson, Betty Mellor, Mr. Hromnysky, Colleen Scott, Nellie Wev. ers, Fay Poskuski. Second Row: Diane Goshimon, Diane Wiebe, Vera Sookorukoff, Barbara Negrollo, Judy Worth, Elaine Christen­sen, Valeric Campbell, Wayne Harvey. Third Row: Ron Hiscox, Ken Rothe, Ted Keys, Stove Kyllo, Brian Jacobson, David Fairfield, Wayne Leong, Don Santo. Back Row: Doug Fletcher, Glen Bolo- koski, Don Hatch, Al Hunt, Glen Le- Baron, Ken Isbisfcr, Ian Glendinning, Bill Hacker, Al Domcicr. Missing: John Scott. GRADE X ROOM 23 MISS JAMES Front Row: Janice Jacobson, Yvonne Paulence, Lynne Carpenter, LaReo Cropo, Miss James, Raelene Hallan, Roxy Campbell, Lily Doering. Second Row: Bryan Dorren, Pat Reid, Dove Smith, Sherrie Johnston, Diane Lamb, Janet Wcbor, Gordon Miller, Don Ndzimek. Third Row: Dean McFadden, Rick Orstcn, Bob Palmer, Bill Wong, Craig Mont­gomerie, Ed Lee, Harold Palmer, Bob Gommio, Brian King. Bock Row: Bill Stcrritt, Brian Dunbeck, Don Rigby, Grant Macintosh, Jim Tewksbury, Jim Neufcld, Gary Tun­bridge, Dave Hornsby. GRADE X ROOM 21 H. W. DEWAR Front Row: Trudy Fazio, Barbara Kwas- nie, Donna Anderson, Beverley Hill- coat, Mr. Dewar, Judy Christensen, Janet Henry, Donna Smith. Second Row; Robert Whitfield, Alberta Bilcsky, Sheila Hawn, Barbara Kerfoot, Joan Gingrich, Lorraine Nowlin, Jacqueline Aubert, Sandra Dupen, Wil­liam Shaw. Third Row: Victor Hiebert, Lloyd Godfrey, Arthur St. Lewis, Douglas Wilkins, Frazer Edwards, Kenneth Fisher, How­ard Watson, Bryan Wilson, Robert Blais, David Leishman. Back Row: Trevor Williams, Andrew Dickie, Marvin Storfie, Dennis Carrier, James Waugh, Richard Ehlcrt, Robert Cook, Ronald Thurston, Gary Niemi.ROOM 211 MISS E. UNDERDAHl Front Row: Joanne Pittman, Goilcnc Me- Kague, Ron Merriman, Janice Salberg, Mitt E. Underdahl, Jill Stroh, Heather Roberts, Arlene Baxter. Second Row: Mary Smith, Pat Johnton, Dwight Culler, Loren levy, Alec Purdy, Aiko Takahashi, Georgia Wood, Darrel McKenzie. Third Row: Denys Grant, Jim Rislcr, Robert Fournier, Gerard Toetert, Bill Byrne, Brian Hamilton, Bob Daku, Roger Perry. Back Row: Bill Maughan, John Lepp, Charlet Strong, John last, Roger Whcatcroft, Marion Guthowaty, Ron Charlcsworth, Don Moore. GRADE X ROOM 215 MRS. MacPHERSON Front Row: Anne Ferguson, Kay Malchow, Sue Dickey, Darolyne Dudley, Mrs. MacPherson, Dianne Deak, Karen Larko. Christine Muttart. Second Row: Joanne Waters, Janice Kimber. Judy Cottroll, Phyllis Moore, Karen Dockery, Donna Dunbeck, Pa­tricia Davison. Third Row: Maureen McLean, Jan Hol­land, Harold Ing, Randy Gilbert, Leslie Healy, Glody Elaschuk, Donna Patter­son, Joy Evans. 8ack Row: Bob Jeacock, Ron Dutchison, Garry de Boer, Robert DeMarsh, Ron Coghlin, Mike Thompson, Don Dewar. GRADE X ROOM 17 MR. SAINT Front Row: Judith Hollowoll, Charlotte Nilsson, Andrea Armit, Kaye Mac­Donald, Mr. Saint, Mary Orosx, Adeline Losichuk, Donna Cassin. Second Row: Judith Brownfield, Allan Hopp, Harvey Krause, Ron Pratt, Rich ard Blacker, Mike Rout, Rick Solvey, Sheryl McMurray. Third Row: Don Erdmann, Bob 8ennetf, Bob Allison, lamaunt Bailey, Phil Buhr, Larry Christopher, Wayne Nyhof, Doug Allan, Bob Sindlinger. Back Row: Bruce Davies, Dennis Popp or, John Card, Paul Sephton, Arie de- Klork, Roger Reich, Ron Watson, Mike King-Brown.MR. CONNORS Front Row: Pot Golding/ Vicky Walker, Diane Brennan, Ardise Conn, Mr. Connors, Marylou Matkin, Donna Win- fonyk, Kathy McDonnell. Second Row: Margaret Platt, Kathleen Rennie, Carrol-Lynne Hamilton, Harvey Lloyd, Bud Chcrlenko, Norman Saka­moto. Kirstio Gentleman, Avis Hunter. Back Row: Doug Schow, Bob Skelton, Jim Stewart, Jerry Kanewischer, Dave Matthews, Gary Michelson, Gary Hagen, John Bocssenkoal, Cameron Atwood. ROOM 206 GRADE XI ROOM 218 MR. ERICKSON Front Row: Susan Lancaster, Sharon Gray, Dorinda Emery, Joyce Schaffer, Mr. Erickson, Judio Hoysom, Diane Shrcevo, Sylvia Trovers. Second Row: Harvey Davids, Danny Kanashiro, Bob Adamson, Marlonc 8crgh, Carlotta Harvey, Darilyn Wil­liams, Mike Moscovich, Grant Lang, Keith Redding. Back Row: Richard Davidson, 8arry Snowden, Bob Christie, Doug Purkis, Richard Kendall, Rod Orlans, Barry Kirkham, Brian Thompson, Geoff Gardiner. Missing: Jim Tennant. vrV LMf /* . py ,r i I' K - u M •. A ii • ’ y i rnVflk GRADE XI «VArj. m. M m n • k * j, mi •* ■ i , iw * K* ' I ■ #A i! - - £ . 1 , m) • • a 5 CL! ROOM 24 MR. MITSUNAGA Front Row: Diane Olofson, Penny Allan, Marsh Burnand, Mr. Mitsunaga, Vivi­enne Lambert, Nina Hughes, Carole Sorensen, Joanne Rac. Second Row: Gordie Duncombe, Bruce Beattie, Jack KabatofF, Sharon Devar- nichuk, Mory Hasegowa, Marie Hol­land, Terry Allan, Robert Stromsmoe, John Westra. Back Row: Brian Walker, Bill Forward, John Tahl, Dennis Frayne, Bill Pang- man, Jack Brown, Gerald Foder, Rich­ard Culler. Missing: Tina Horwood.MISS KUNST ROOM 16 Front Row: Audrey Flickinger, Loretta Manser, Karen Green, Miss Kunst, Mar­garet McCullough, Anne Ross, Peggy Giacomo**!, Georgia Holberton. Second Row: Carolyn Smith, Barbara Cullen, Pat Garrett, Terry Reuter, Sharon Oseen, Bonnie Knowldcn, Janet Clark, Linda Davioi. Third Row: Jim Kyllo, Keith Nugent, Bob Melrose, Keith Smith, Arthur Danielson, Ken Okamura, Larry Hunter. 8ack Row: Jim Nome, Bob Faulds, Mel Willis, Gary Simmons, Dave Smith, Tim A. Johnston, Bob Moore, Tom DcMaoro. Missing: Monte Kendall, Bob Stevenson, Lynn Foulger. l # Mct A 1 1 w , V Lmpr J B ' 1 TiAaI H MAlSk ■ *, “r / / v \ GRADE XI ROOM 6 MISS PARSONS Front Row: Sharon Robulak, Lorraine Lor- combe, Donna Todd, Peggy Fredericks, Miss Parsons, Becky Pierson, Karen Bourne, Louise Shields. Second Row: Toshi Tamagi, Edward Chcssor, Grant Ncidig, Vern Vollendorf, Doug McClean, Ken Wong, Bob French, Albert Tatebe. Bock Row: Jim Kirkpatrick, Wynn Rim- stad, Dwainc Ingarfield, Gary Barr, Hans Schamp, Spencer Williams, Bob Spencer, Cliff Chapman, Lome Gray. GRADE XI ROOM 118 MR AOKI Front Row: Rox Russell, Gayle Matkin, Donna Slovak, Mr. Aoki, Jaunice Davies. Pat Long, Joan Drinkcll. Second Row: Curtis Enerson, Maureen Steen, Deanna Young, Carol Smith, Mary Lou Niven, Gloria McDonald, Ken Bezeau. Third Row: Les Hunt, Roger Charles, Eddy Carpenter, Len Thiorman, Robert Revak, John Den Hoed, Byron Kuns- man. Back Row: Dick Pittman, Dave Larson, Ken Rollag, Joe Brookor, Tony S*cxesny, Dorsey Asplund, Kendall Russell. Missing: Hardy Umcris, Ken Hutton.MRS. WATERS Front Row: Geraldine Jensen, Donna Rayo Spankie, Pat Qually, Mrs. Waters, Sherry Danielson, Lorraine Hiebcrt, Cheryl Pilling. Second Row: Gorric Kost, Carol Ogden, Barbara Jones, Gloria Kaszas, Sharon Lcishman, Yvonne Okita, Sheralle Meroniuk, Joanne Brooks. Third Row: Karen Martin, 8eth Olson, Ann Anderson, Lannic Tarjonyi, Pat Bur­rows, Carolyn McLean, Myra Bell. Back Row: Carol Delmark, Maureen Pow- ley, Maureen Pinkerton, Jan Grcgson, Margaret Draper, Jackie Troyanek, Sue Hoyf, Pat McCollum. ROOM 27 GRADE XI ROOM 14 C. CHR1STOU Front Row: Isabel Henderson, Carol Had- ford, Diane Dash, Marsha Guminy, Miss Christou, Cheryl Eltom, Sharon Whyte, Sally Scott. Second Row: Gail Simper, Sharon Tillot- son, Sheryl Oseen, Jennifer Erickson, Diane Capri, Dolly Adachi, Jean Oku- take. Third Row: Kent Terry, Jock Whimstor, Mike Proctor, Glen Gurr, Stan Takaki, Doug Aspcslot, Richard Banting, Sol Attai. Back Row: Rick Ovcrn, Gerald Davies, Phil Gold, Terry Kitchener, Bob Dep- ncr, Leonard Herring, Robert Ranson, Ron Kucheron. Missing: Marian Train. h ♦ ' Vy-> « w r 1; J GRADE XI J Ml % •TRwFf 1 i. 1 \ 1 1. . ROOM 208 MISS SHORTREED Front Row: Judy Arner, Sylvia Tarnava, Adrienne Day, Miss Shortreed, Anne Chapman, Jeannie Caswell, Connie Michaelis. Second Row: Gary Bohne, Bill Elliott, Ken Moriyoma, Ruth Meyer, Jane Findlay, Carl Taylor, Graham Homes, Rick Danielson. Third Row: Jim Reaman, Charlie Wyld, Dale Codd, Ken Hunt, Larry Rowe, Dan Schiolke, Jerry Sillifo, Dennis Scott, Brian Black.GRADE XI ROOM 117 MR. STEAD Front Row: Olympic Spoulos, Cheri Wiest, lorno Ashcroft, Mr. Stead, Franceno Schuler. Pat McLean, Linda Dwyor, Marilyn Draffin. Second Row: Denise Humphreys, Susie Hunter, Anita Jones, Geoff Howard, Stuart McNab, Dennis Haibeck, Tom Yip, Judy Bcningficld, Marlene Chow, Heidi Wiehler. Back Row: Ashfag Khan, Mark Neils, Stan Fruet, Lloyd Burton, Alvin Carlson, Tracy Dow, Brian Manson, Gory Plant, Doug Brown, Dove Sneddon. ' 1 v' ^/Jl Ml m * w fej( j [1 • W M l GRADE XII ROOM 219 MISS McEACHERN Front Row: Lillian Martin, Marjorie Yama- gishi, Connie Johnson, Miss Mac- Eachern, Lynn Leong, Judy Kandcl, Lucy Skikiewich. Second Row: Myrna Marshalsay, Sandra Grey, Brigitte Lomke, Lois Duff, Mar- lenc Burns, Doreen Sorensen, Karren Willoughby. Third Row: George Capton, Bill Waldie, Ken Martin, Sheran Ewing, Pot Kar- piak. Bill Hunt, Tim Buhr. Back Row: Jason Ronney, Lorry Pizzey, Brian Worth, Jack Dow, Bill Dunbeck, Robert Sauerwein, Jack Doran, Bob Barber. Missing: Betty Halvorson, Wendy Mur­ray, Sharon Umber, Elizabeth Sjokwist, Bill Watt. GRADE XII ROOM 216 MRS. SKELTON Front Row: Diane Gibson, Flo St. Louis, Carol Hubbard, Mrs. Skelton, Cynthia Johnson, Barbara Keys, Nan Soice. Second Row: Toni McBlane, Aileon Mooch, Myrna Clark, Hazel Holberton, Sandra Manning, Kirstine Asplund, Jeanette Riehl, Karen Murdock. Third Row: Hans Winckler, Marvin Living­ston, Catherine Willoughby, Elaine Law­rence, Darrel Rosaine, Dennis Sorensen, Ray Crellin. Back Row: Bill McCann, Allan Dickioson, Miko Hamilton, Allan Todd, Garry Palmer, Doug Fleming, Jim Marshall. Missing: Garry Hermann, Bill Cooper, Alex long, Andrea Easton.ROOM 217 W N. THOMAS B7f ■ j K 'L kit-lML v A ' J Mr y /A , Front Row: Borboro Nuttall, Karon Jelfs, Jean Witting, Mr. Thomas, Carol Amundson, lorclio Woodward, Cheryl Dow. Second Row: Garry lamb. Laurel Paul, Joe Hopp, Mona-Marie Mafehetf, Joanne Ehlert, Pat Stcnbeck, Ed Peter­son, Guy Baker. Third Row: Ted Clark, Charlie Maclean, George Klaus, Ken Smith, Ron Hardie, 8erni Ertis, Jim Moscovich, Don Hector. Back Row: Ross Hannan, Kent Oliver, Reid Schindler, Gordon Holt, Potor Malloff, Hielke Visscr, Neil Evernden, Matf Siry. Missing: Bev Cranstoun. GRADE XII ROOM 107 MR. SEGSWORTH Front Row: Bruna Marchi, Marilyn Burn­ham, Avril Coutts, Mr. Scgsworth, Joanne Hedenstrom, Karren Dunn, Shirley House, Sharon Birrell. Second Row: Joyce Anderson, Joan Gor- rie, Louise Whitehead, Lois Domeicr, Kathy Stringom, Norma Lyckman, Sandra Todd, Judy Atkinson. Third Row: Allan Beattie, Art Simmonds, Miles Maughan, Donna Bcningfield, Dennis Wilkins, Jack Scotter, Dennis Goshinmon. Back Row: 8ill Mokoski, Brian Schcirman, Gary Douglas, Herman Visser, Dave Carlson, Gary McNair, Bruce Dunlop. Missing: Jean Wellman, Roger Livingston, Ernie Lawson. s GRADE XII ROOM 11 MR. KUETBACH Front Row: Myra Blais, Sharon Sabo, Sandra Puzey, Mr. Kuetbach, Irene Sakamoto, Joan Ingoldsby, Betty Koran, Pat Sillito. Second Row: Lawrence Ford, Lewis Chow, Colin Sharpe, Gail Carrier, Pat John­son, Wilfred Bradley, Bryan Medhurst. Third Row: Michell Forster, David Mori- hira, Don Higgins, Lome Darlington, Gregg Pilling, Harold Fleming, Jim Hill, Brian McElgunn. Back Row: Larry Johnson, Mike Suther­land, Wayne Winters, Tell Stephen, Bob Shippobotham, Ross MacKenzie, Stuart Bastedo.ROOM 116 MR. REA Front Row: Lorraine Jarvis, Joyce Gil­lespie, Joan Day, Joan Perkins, Mr. Rea, Janice Phillips, Linda Millar, Eleanor Urch. Second Row: Bill McDonald, Dave Kaun, Gary Ashmcad, Russ Purdy, Mac Camp­bell, Barry Lewis, Ken Tanaka, Dove Wilkins, Barry Kimcry. Third Row: Kent Snow, Jim Sanford, Gary Hodgson, Tom Hamblin, Bill Goodfcl- low. Bill Cox, John Lawson, Walter Blais, Dennis Roemmele. Back Row: Neil Topping, Melvin Irwin, Brian Bell, Waldemar Jetz, Jim Freel, Peter Berry, Larry Wyatt, Marvin Fritzler, Neil Wittmann, Gerry Wheat- croft. ;; \\\ • 4 • i // ' uVjv U \ / 1 W l I Jr i ■T>i • Hi * L 1 11 *. I ' Ji GRADE XII ROOM 205 MR. DUNN Front Row: Sharon Bolen, Wilma Rccdyk, Heli Randmo, Mr. Dunn, Vangy Peters, Karen Clemis, Marj Thornton, Connie Blackburn. Second Row: Marilyn Wheeler, Lorraine Watts, Sharon Fisher, Marian Tono- mura, JoAnnc Marshalsay, Lynne Elli­son, Urania Dong, Jane Watkinson, Pat Harris. Third Row: Garth Christianson, Ed Gor- zitza, Dari Brown, Lynne Benjamin, Pat Harker, Larry McKill, Bob Falconer. Ken Furukowa. Back Row: Steve Kotch, Jack Wessolman, Jim Simmons, Jim Strong, Jim Ring- land, Dune Gillespie, Brad Rowe, George Wohlgemuth. Missing: Rick Steadman, Diane Cook. Herb Wilcox. GRADE XII ROOM 213 MRS. SUTHERLAND Front Row: Jo Ann Williams, Diane Hatch, Margaret 8ailey, Mrs. Sutherland, Gail Arthur, Gail Smith, Judy Michael. Second Row: Marjorio Phaff, Sue Naka- game, Mary Menxie, Pat Downs, Paul­ette Katan, Oresta Kozak, Betty Me- llroy, Janet Clack. Third Row: Jeffrey Williams, Albert Leong, Tom Fredericks, Dwight Ganske, Dennis Martin, Ed Dickie, Tom Ascroft. Back Row: Laurence Jones, George Hart, Bob Plant, Ron Boal, David Martin, Tom Cameron. Missing: Lynne Hillcoat, Ray Allen, Don Oland, Robert Peake, Brian Quittcn- bourn.ROOM 106 MR. JORDAN Front Row: Valeric Long, Linda Chapmon, Leslie Van Horne, Mr. Jordan, Terry Wright, Lorcno Mowers, Judy Kirk, Joan Cook. Second Row: Ron Paulence, Doug Salt, Bob Kishimoto, Molly Mueller, Luclla Penner, Art Baalim, Dennis Jones, Terry Banfield. Third Row: Glenn Little, Garry Bartlett, Dennis Flifton, Henry Bosman, Cecil Murakami, Fred Schuchardt, Doug Groves, Gerry Wirxba. Bock Row: Doug Sandberg, Maynard Roelofs, Dale loffingwcll, Tom Wheeler, Dennis Riley, Jack Williamson, Doug Bowie, George Walker, Wayne Doo­little. Missing: Tony Mauxa, Russ Wiber. GRADE Xil ROOM 207 E. LONGAIR 8ack Row: Ted Cuell, Norma McKill, Ann Breckenridge, Carolyn Cowan, Mr. Longoir, Mavis Cornock, Dianne Helwig, Warren Hill. Second Row: Lowell Holland, Jack Burt, Kent Elliott, Alex Watts, Gordon Healy, Frank Walper, Gordon Rolfe. Third Row: Jack McCuaig, Harry Her- mann. Garth Hughes, Ken Worboys, Bill Ponech, Bob Dunn, Tony Walker, Bill Allen. Back Row: Tony Kovac, Tom McNabb, Ken Boyse, Lome Reid, Doug Kipp, Gary Bikman, Bob Duval, Bryon Rown- treo. Missing: Gory Erickson. < GRADE XII ROOM 119 wjf i&yCt ■ i 7 Mlj jv ► , / Bill MRS. WILSON Front Row: Pat Wilks, Bawne Rout, Carol Strong, Mrs. Wilson, Gail Teruya, Carole Moore. June Waugh, Naomi Dogtcrom. Second Row: Joan Zasadny, Donna Ros- siter, Ingrid Ertis, Margaret Clark, Shirley Murray, Violet Okamuro, Louise Kishimoto, Maurine Maslen. Third Row: Tom Lewis, Ken Butler, Noil little, Diana Yukawa, Marcy Stephens, Sharon Georgeson, Wilma Santo, Dole Baxter, Bob Adams. Back Row: Ross Williams, Phil Edmundson, Cloy Olson, Peter Hornsby, Paul Ciesla, Rick Andarson, Dennis Byrno, Verl Ott, Bill Kimcry.Farewell Grads ! Appreciation We wish to express our thanks to the following for their help assembling this yearbook ADVERTISING STAFF Cathy Stringam, Chief Charlotte Nillson Hope Schindler Flo St. Louis Cheryl Dow Shirley Murray Louise Whitehead Catherine Willoughby Barry Snowden Mike Moscovich Jim Tennant Karen Murdoch and co-operation in Brian Thompson Keith Redding Carol Smith Diane Shrecve Richard Davidson L. C. I. PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB MR. KYLE AND THE OFFICE STAFF Page Sixty-three ranlook to the future! With A Course >■ m, ■ AFTER HIGH SCHOOL Improve your qualifications for success in business, professional or cultural fields. Enrol now in one of Mount Royal College's specialized courses. SECRETARIAL SCHOOL * Executive Secretarial * Petroleum Secretarial * Medical Dental Secretarial * Stenographic JUNIOR COLLEGE * Combined Matriculation and First Year Arts and Science * Business Administration • Engineering * Geology • Social Welfare * Radio-Tclevosion * Librarian Assistant CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC ENRICHED HIGH SCHOOL COURSES * Grades X, XI, XII • Fall and Spring Semesters RESIDENTIAL DAY STUDENTS VARIED ATHLETIC PROGRAM of ■ % For a froo copy of our Prospectus, write The Registrar, Mount Royal Collcgo Mount Royal College W CALGARY - ALBERTA KLINGER'S Men's and Boys' Wear Walk Another Block and SAVE 10% 108 Fifth Street South Phone FA 7-3003 CONGRATULATIONS La Kay's Ladies & Children's Wear A Complete Line of Clothing for Ladies, Teens and Children In Two Locations To Serve You Better Shoppers' World and 312 13th St. N., Lethbridge FA 8-1651 - FA 7-5077 Compliments of the Lethbridge Herald Job Printing Department PRINTERS OF YOUR YEARBOOK PHONE FA 7-3203 Page Sixty-five The Pause That Refreshes PURITY BOTTLING WORKS (Authorized Bottlers of Coca-Cola under contract with The Coca-Cola Co. Ltd.) OUR GRADUATION WISH FOR YOU We hope that you will always Achieve the goals you set, And each succeeding year will prove The very best one yet! "KEEP THE SOUTHERN HABIT" Southern Stationers Limited FA 7-4316 - Phone - FA 7-4116 316 Seventh Street South LETHBRIDGE Utah's 'l/Kens 'iMeart FRASER'S FOR FINER FABRICS LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA STAN PESZAT PHONE FA 7-3730 320 7th Street South RES. FA 7-4772 Phone FA 7-4400 MAYFAIR VOGUE LTD. 313 Fifth Street South "EVERYTHING FOR MILADI" LETHBRIDGE - ALBERTA OPEN A TEEN CHARGE ACCOUNT Pago Sixty-jix "LEATHER GOODS OF DISTINCTION" Congratulations To The Grads of '60 v a^fT FROM /'SHOESiUmR GOODS LTt GORDIE'S PHONE FA 7-3764 306 FIFTH STREET SOUTH LETHBRIDGE GROCERY COMPLIMENTS OF "Clothes from John Black don't cost more - - they just look that way" COMPLIMENTS OF CONGRATULATIONS MacARTHUR'S LADIES' GRAD CLASS OF '61 WEAR "Where Style-Conscious Women Like To Shop" BON TON SHOE STORE 509 4th Avenue South FA 7-2655 504 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTH Page Sixty-seven COMPLIMENTS OF The Rossiter Agencies General Insurance Fire - Auto Liability Phone FA 7-1541 McFarland Bldg. Lethbridge Watch and Jewellery Repairs - Trophies 513 4th Avenue South Phone FA 7-4429 "Your Record Centre" TAPE RECORDERS RECORD PLAYERS Paramount Theatre Bldg. Phone FA 7-4080 COMPLIMENTS OF ftuniors d PETITE SHOP 609 4th Avenue South LEADERS IN LADIES' WEAR PHONE FA 7-2678 McFarland Building Lethbridge Sizes 7 to 24Vi CONGRATULATIONS TO THE SUCCESS TO THE 1961 GRADS! GRADS KITSON'S PHARMACY JSaia Waterman, ScheafFer, Parker Fountain Pens SHOE STORE 319 FIFTH STREET SOUTH Pago Sixty-eight WHERE YOU CAN MAKE SHOPPING A CONVENIENCE TO YOUR BUDGET FA 7-3297 Corner 6th Avenue and 13th Street South FA 7-4297 PHONE FA 7-7711 BASTEDO FURNITURE CHESTERFIELDS MADE-TO-ORDER AND RE-UPHOLSTERED - CAR UPHOLSTERY 417 5th Street South LETHBRIDGE CONGRATULATIONS!