Lethbridge Collegiate Institute Spotlite Reunion 1971-1974

Dedicated to the students who attended the Lethbridge Collegiate Institute during the years of 1971 - 1974, Lethbridge, Alberta.(1987) Dedicated to tfie students who attended the Lethhvidqe Codeqiate Institute during tfie years of 1971 - 1974 Reunion July 17, 18, 19 1987 Lethbridge., AlbertaYOV3 . „...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Lethbridge Collegiate Institute 1972
Online Access:http://digitallibrary.uleth.ca/cdm/ref/collection/haig/id/3518
Summary:Dedicated to the students who attended the Lethbridge Collegiate Institute during the years of 1971 - 1974, Lethbridge, Alberta.(1987) Dedicated to tfie students who attended the Lethhvidqe Codeqiate Institute during tfie years of 1971 - 1974 Reunion July 17, 18, 19 1987 Lethbridge., AlbertaYOV3 . „ a reunion . .,e planning <* t 0f «' j, former st'“le,’,, fO! !>" LC.I. i9’! 1 Wu 0m Jul v Oat es- a-19, t981 S1/ ,, ue reac^e^ "J ^>°Gt 80* 078 TU.i rcceWcd an it njr%.coniact us inv'tatio^ be there s or be are! Trlsh Brayne, Lifestyles EdHor 328-1411 betwaan 8.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. A10 - THE LETHORIDQE HERALD - Thur»day. January 15. 1987 Wheels set in motion for LCI By TRISII BRAYNE ol The Herald Questions like: "! wonder what hap­pened to so and so", will be answered, often in person at the l-ethbridge Colle­giate Institute's school reunion July 17. 18 and 19 The reunion, open to 1.600 ex-students who attended LCI in 1971,1972,1973 and 1974. is expected to draw about 750. "You don’t have to hav c been a gradu­ate to attend the reunion." said Barbara Cole tr.ee Riehl) who. along with former classmate Madeline Balia (nee Ray). formed the core committee to set reunion wheels in motion. Invitations were mailed out before Christmas and responses arc gathering momentum. Former students have been tracked down far from Lcthbndge and may con­sider a July vacation here from places like Guatemala. New Zealand. Nicuar gua and Australia. Cole says one of the most positive aspects of a school reunion is thechar.cc to keep in touch with former friends. "You find out what happened to them. Even people living in tow n don’t realize who also lives in the same street." Cole said Twenty Lethbridge businessmen, all reunion chgiolcs. have pitched sn to donate funds for advertising and initial expenses. They’ll be acknowledged in a reunion display bulletin and in a special commemorative book. Events, to be held at the Exhibition Pavilion, during reunion week include a social July 17. July 18sees a tour of LCI. The reunion registration form reads: (talk about Future Shock!). reunion There's a dinner and dance July 18 and a family picnic July 19 at Indian Baltic Park. Kates arc a person with a $10 reduction if paid before April i Registration and social only, cost SIS a person and the Saturday dinner and dance only, is $23 a person. The reunion book w ill be available for $12. Cole soys anyone who's been missed from the invitation list should call Nancy Dawson (nee Simmons) at 381- 2011. 1 We were in the. news ‘es ■ U*cf*r* ~£i*f ihrt ** 2't*f vttt prfCi*" ^ S§§ii« ^f|f: sggggg *25J5afttSrtfia _ _ A%/# !•/ Former LCI sludonfa Jano (CasseH) Sc.'.ey. 1074 and GaJ (PlMfciaM) G4K>. 1972. dusty stuff envelopes at Looker Office Egjpmen: for iho uocomng 1971-74 LCi school reunen Letters arc bong sent to ovary studoot who attended the school during trut pared t'thoogh. as organxer Mc»do*na (Wray; Rob says, the rococo o for orryooo who hung otfntho hate n those years “Asa resort rv^-Siara aro aiso tev>bng forrrer Cathofic Contra) and -hi Studaott to Che Jv/y 17-19 event ?*»amU KUaUv a. - — * - - uhooi — CnroA** . tr^Ud «W« l£l »0* rafty w. t*o iSm hit* J&S/fft**'*** jM 19. c*2ftuL. at thr ^ 7 L.i A-rrff af4«r« »* “ ►.***-.* than 750 people take part in r ^KSSSHS&a ■£sHb5H*- ^co. bi - ,n the cUsj _ . pcupie in LCI reunion A l*t> aii, — *• --- •ft^asw*5 jtwgSssMS ^_____ •ants to C* ****** ^ class -***fci *-Td di vr /•ft --- Sandra Cordon * ^ «-*•> «. yat ta4 a realty rood Wfelr this a the ISth «v-»rrv»r> for respco»e." u»d ocfjftatr Barb Cole 0* p»^L-a clau <4 ttn. Coie uJ (Vtxtall of l/ttlndcr. LCI (Um cf crpruim drodtd to eieond the 1172 mxjon beyond 1772. to lachrir ipoun Ortaaim atterr.pted to inwie the frt*n other (Uum 1400 former «*^VnU *ho attended LCI LCI >*u c.U» helwd »»th rr*It:r JLoo uc.eee tn 1774 aad -ere aUe lo fee the m*uc*i and led eluauu un thn/ **•*— --- 1 Cole oM t^js KhocI wa 6irc* the baa ‘ qort LCI reunion attracts 650 I 1971-74 reunen began Fndey at the LethCndpe E*J«bW i. at Whoop-Up P** Gal Foster, ten. and Barb Cote wore j those who helped decorate for th© event. whch begin wth abon and a social Friday rvght Toraghl. acbrffiea nebdo a 7 vnoMl and program, and a dance, begrnng at 10 p m . al at '**' 650 paid regatrantt. but about 60 o*tra from Lothbr»dgo — ere “-*•*•* iioan ».-"=SK— tivOK-seu^wcriru. KELLEY MALLARD (CLARK). CLASS OF 1972, regale** for the LCi rwavoo Aith her husband Dob. iKSAtod by M^do4no Rob (Wray). also a 1972 graduate (sooted) The Spruce Grovo eoupte were among mere than 700 poopte tvng pert n the weekend revnen n the Whoop Up Pov*on 2 L.C.I. Reunion Invitation — 1371, 1972, 1973, 1974 Where. Were You . In 1972 . . Wfien . . . Deposit on a Keg of Beer was only $75.00 Jethro Tull recorded “Aqualung”, and Alice Cooper declared “School’s Out Forever” Mr. Simpson missed the P.A. Speaker with his dictionary so he ripped it off the wall You could meet anyone and everyone at the Outrider for Bar 30 THIS IS THE GET - TOGETHER WE’VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR SO WHOSE IDEA WAS THIS ANYWAY? Everyone has been asking if it was worth all the work we put in. It certainly was worth attending a few (dozen) meetings and juggling some schedules to rekindle the old friendships from way hack when, and especially to get to know so many friends who were probably right under our noses in school, if wed only been looking. Jane Solvey said it the very best, “Its just like Christmas, you wait, then you blink and it's over!” Even the meetings were just like Christmas — we never knew what to ex­pect, who would be there, what laughs were awaiting us, and there were many. Colly Arscne said she wouldn’t have missed it for the world, and that’s the way I felt. That weekend, the only thing missing were some of the faces, and you could hear from every corner, “have you seen so-and-so? I hope they come.” If we succeed in com­piling a Book that will be too good to put down, they'll come to the next one (I can’t believe I said that.) So whose idea was this anyway? It was in the backs of the minds of everyone who ever attended LCI. All we did was set a goal and work towards it. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world either. See you all in a few years. — Barb (Riehl) Cole LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Putting together this book after such a successful reunion was the icing on the cake for me. I hope all those who patiently awaited its arrival will feel the same. Each turn of the page is like reliving the weekend. Due to limited space, some pictures received after October 15th were not included. Also, some of the mug shots taken at the reunion were under or overexposed. This was not the fault of our printer. After seeing the candid shots in color, it was nearly im­possible to minimize their effect by printing them in black and white. Fortunately, we had the funds to con­sider printing color sections, due to refreshment sales on Friday night. If you thought the weekend was fun, then you can ap­preciate how much we enjoyed it for a whole year. — Gail (Paskuski) Gibb There is little I can say that would add to our reunion. It was great! If you were there, well, you already know how much fun it was. If you weren’t able to make it, we sure missed you. but to help alleviate your loss, here are some great pictures! We had hundreds of photos taken and were limited as to how many we could use, so here’s hoping you approve of our choices. It was great. Let’s do it again sometime! — Jane Solvey 3“The reunion sounds great so far. I admire your courage and energy. Again assistance if needed. Thanks.” - Gloria (Sumption) hoggin We hope that the reunion is a huge success!” - Randy & Joan (Danielson) Oravec "We’re looking forward to seeing you soon. Hope things are coming together well. Thanks again!” - Sherri (Williams) Gerlock Looking forward to the Reunion Rosemarie Buchanan I "Hope you have a very successful reunion, and that 1 will be able to attend next time. Thank you.” - Sharon (Cave) Takahashi “I'm looking forward to attending the reunion organize the event.” • Jim Nolan (72) “1 wish this reunion could have been either last summer or next. I’d love to be able to be there.” - Jan (Erickson) Mason (sorry, can’t please everybody)Rev. Kert Weds, with grace: The Lord our God, author of all creation, we give you thanks for this gathering tonight, for the opportunity to come together in fellowship, to renew old acquaintances, and to meet new friends. We thank you for all the blessings that the last 15 or so years since graduating from High School, and we lift up the hard times that might have been, that we might see your working through them, and we remember before you, all those who cannot be here tonight, especially those who have passed away. As we gather tonight, they are all present with us in our hearts, and in our memories of years past. And now, we pray that you might bless this food to our use, and us to your service. Amen. f>1 9 7 1 - 1 9 7 4 WELCOME EVERYONE ! The Reunion Committee invites you to stake the most of this weekend to renew old friendships and make some new ones. (Remember to make the spouses and guests feel welcome too.) There is a list of who i_s attending at the Registration Area, beside the Photographer's corner. Please make an effort to have your "MUG SHOT" taken for the Commemorative 3ook. If you have not ordered a book (they were NOT included in the package price), stop by the INFO DESK and place your order. There are some "samples" from past reunions. Also, copies of any and all snapshots you take this weekend would be appreciated for the book. Just send them, and/or any written comments on the Reunion to: L.C.I. Spotlite Reunion box 831, Lethbridge, Alta. T1J 3Z3 or drop them off at Jane (Cassell) Solvey's (1613 - 13 Avenue South) or Barb (Riehl) Cole's (249 Eagle Place North) before August 30/87 SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES Friday: Registraticn/Social § 7:00 pm with Cash 3ar Don't forget your "Mug Shots" for the 3cok Light luncheon 3 9:00 pm / Music & lots of prizes Saturday: Registration desk s "Mug Shots" for those missed, starting a 7:00 pm Cash Bar opens 9 7:00 pm Dinner is served @ 8:00 pm Dancing from 10:00 pm to 1:00 am A drive-home service is available - check at the INFO DESK. Sunday: Family picnic at High Noon - Location is the Indian Battle Park, weather permitting, and in the Exhibition Pavilion if not. Food at a nominal charge - activities for kids courtesy of the YMCA. PLEASE WEAR YCUR NAME TAGS AT ALL TIMES: SO WE CAN RECOGNIZE EACH OTHER, AND SO YOU CAN GET INTO THE ACTIVITIES Any Questions: The INFO DESK, or Committee Members with ribbons car. help you, .Oh, by the way.Do you Remember.old so and so?.that time. HAVE FUN 1 “Please say hello to Madeline Wray for me, who I understand is on the committee. Hope it is a success • It would be nice to sec good old LCI again." • Darlene Howard (f“Here comes the HA RONS HUS!!" Doris! You haven’t chang “1 am disappointed in not being able to attend the LCI reunion! Thank you to those who thought of the idea - and continued into the planning.” - Norma (Collins) Barsness Are those two still out there???!! Friday night • The Exhibition was buzzing with anticipation. The Photographer and the kids at registration areas were ready, the decorations were superb, Sam the Ram roamed around the room, everything was as ready as it could be. When people started streaming in the “magic" began. There was a chorus of “1-ook who’s here". “What have you been doing with yourself." “Its great to see you again", and all the planning paid off. Hut the real “magic" happened on the dance floor when the first few bars of Pink Floyds “Smoke on the Water" rose above the general hum of visiting voices, and everybody started cheering . . . we were with the people, listening to the music, reliving the old memories.Cindy (Cann) Huculak was talked into wearing the costume but swore us to secrecy because she’s tried to lose that image since the days of pep rallies. Half way through Friday night there was Cindy, still in costume minus the Ram’s head, sharing a beer with some old friends, caught up in the spirit. .So much for that “image". It just wouldn’t have been the same without Sam the Ram."It would have been fun to see everyone again, though I'll lie there in spirit. . . along with everyone else with their spirits. Have a good time.” - Phil Christou (London, England)"I regret that I am unable to attend this reunion . . . you all. Good luck and best wishes.” - Jim Bolokoski And The. Winner Is "I hope the reunion is a success. It sounded like a great idea when I first heard about it. It would be great to see old classmates again, and to re-establish communication with them . I would like to get a copy of the Book (to see what a great time I missed and to hopefully have a source from which I can locate former friends and classmates).” • Richard QuonGreetings & best wishes” lion Fazio (Jakarta, Indonesia) * pvmmiiD EfiTERtninmEnr\ 0i V '{“CfMaster of Ceremonies "George Virtue, C.A. and partner at Young, Parkyn McNab, married io Carole Ann (Lastuka), with two boys. An avid skier, interested in game bird hunting, fly fishing, golf, windsurfing and onology. For those of you who have been gone from Lethbridge to too long, that’s the study of the wind, and we are pretty good at that around here.” — Madeline Balia For those of you who weren’t here Friday night, it was indeed a good time, and carried on until about 1:30 but that wasn’t quite enough, because there were various contingencies throughout the City after­wards. I fulfilled my duty and went to the Cadillac. There was some more action over at the Wild Rose, and of course a party at Jake’s. For the person who came the farthest to attend the reunion, and we’ll assume that she just came to see us; Debbie (Hansen) Oddershede, all the way from somewhere in Denmark. We have a flight bag to take back your smuggled goods. We also have an unusual award, one that was certainly well-deserved, for the most paid registrations. We only had one individual who actually registered twice, filled out all the information twice, even sent in his money twice — a refund for Keith Seeley. As you may remember, there was a discount deadline, so if you registered by midnight April 1st, you received a substantial discount. The very last registration, to the minute, receives 4 Taco Time vouchers and the good thing about those is there is no expiry date, so they don’t have to worry about when they get there. Phil and Sherri Gerlock had the last registration before the discount deadline, and because it’s the I.Cl SPOTLITE REUNION, they promptly delivered their registration form at 1.1:30 p.m. to SPOTLITE ESSO. The gas station attendant was thrilled to receive it. George Virtue reprinted from The Herald, July 18 George Virtue, n Lethbridge chartered accountant, is one of the organizers of the Lethbridge Collegiate Institute reunion here. July 17 • 19. How did you get involved in this project? Unbeknownst to me, at first. Barb Cole phoned me to look up speakers for the reunion, then asked me to come to a meeting. Then I found they’d put me down as emcee. When ore you doing the emcee duties? Both the Friday and Saturday nights. On Friday, I'll just tell them a few stories, share a few memories. Then Saturday, I'll be emceeing the formal part of the program, and introducing the speakers. Who do you have lined up as speakers? We have “Uncle” Ab Paskuski. I le used to be our vice-principal and he was a great fritnd of the students^HeH' lie relating some of his stories from those days. It should be quite a hoot. Then well also have Madeline Balia reading some of the comments people have writ­ten in. when they registered. There are some really hilarious ones. How many people do you expect? It's for all the grads from 1971 to 197-1, and already 560 people have signed up. including spouses. We anticipate it will be 650 to 700. What are some of the other activities? On Sunday, there’s a picnic for all the families, at Indian Battle Park. On Friday night, we'll be making presen­tations for achievements, like having the most kids or travelling the furthest — we have one girl bringing her family nil the way from Denmark. Then we'll also have some fun contests, like with beer caps. Are most of the people still living in Southern Alberta? No. they’re now literally all over the world. We’ve had some replies from people who can’t come, who are now in Africa, in Europe, and all over North America. What have been your biggest surprises so fur? It’s the response we've had — we’ve got 50 per cent more people than we had expected — and the amaz­ing things that some of the people are doing now. Is it too late for LCl grads to get involved now? No. we're still accept­ing applications. I think we'll do it probably right up to the Friday night. We’d encourage people to get in touch with .Jane Solvcy, 329-0172, if they haven’t registered yet. 17 ‘Thanks for all your efforts” - Andrew Lonseth"Hello everyone! I’m sure you will all have a great time at the reunion. Know that I will he there, in spirit at least! I want to send a special Hi to Darcy, Sally, Jean, Brynn, and Kelly. Where are you? I’d love to hear from you.” - Suzanne (Robinson) Schmidtke Please give my regards to the class of '71". • Greg Senda Together Again!!And Ate Aruf Ate!And the Award goes to . . Rae (Johnson) Steil Keith Seely Debbie (Rickaby) Hulstein * first to register - registered most times • most occupations Debbie (Hansen) Oddershede - coming from farthest (Denmark) Susan (McKnight) & Eugene Reron • married longest VSTATISTICS 1,269 students were contacted in the following locations: Madeline (Wray) Balia related a few of the more humorous registrations to us, here's one: ‘Tve lived in Edmonton for the last 14 years and have remained single as a favour to my married friends, who look upon me as a reminder of days gone by, when they too could stay out late, sleep 'til noon on weekends, eat leftover pizza for breakfast and watch endless hours of TV. sports.” — Brett McIntosh Crazy Canucks: 980 Alberta (700 in I.ethbri(lue) 144 B.C. 30 Saskatchewan 50 Ontario 5 Manitoba 4 Quebec 2 Yukon 1 New Brunswick 1 Nova Scotia 1 North West Territories Students in attendance: 1971 - 74 1972 - 109 1973 - 120 1974 - 118 Down South: 9 California 2 Delaware 7 Utah 1 New York 3 Colorado 1 Oregon 3 Idaho 1 Wyoming 3 Florida 1 Maryland 3 Hawaii 1 North Carolina 3 Texas 1 Nevada 2 Washington 1 Illinois Overseas: 1 London, England 1 Denmark 1 Holland 1 New Zealand 1 Waga Waga, New South Wales 2 Japan 1 Nicaragua 1 Guatemala City 76 Inter-Marriages (e.g. LCI student from 1971 married an LCI student from 1974) Schoof Song (to “Anchors Aweigh") To our dear LCI We will be true Well hold our colours high ’Cause LCI were all for you. We will fight all the way To spread your fame Our Banners will not sway ’Cause green and gold Will put the rest to shame. FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! Bruce Robin presented the LCI Chamber Choir (1987) a donation for $500 as thanks for managing the registration area throughout the weekend, as well as opening the Saturday night festivities with the “School Song.”i Kick Peake - Door Prize Madeline (Wray) Balia - lost most lbs. since registration John Fellows - least amount of hair Lori (Keister) Snell - having most children (she relinquished her crown to Redonna (Steed) and Flayne Byam (they had more)) Roy Cook & Dave Stephure - most years of educationAll the best to one and all - orry I can’t be there" • David Mann Sorry I am unable to attend! - Terry KorthHi to all old friends! Have a good time.” - Judy (Karpiak) Roelofs You can dress them up, 6ut you can't take them out! I - m. maHope you all have a wonderful time Terri Shephard “I would have loved to attend this reunion, hope to make it to the next one. A big III to everyone!” - Laurie (Ching) deBoer . . . Unfortunately we will be in Newfoundland instead of Lethbridge at that time. Wishing you success and loads of fun at the Reunion. Sorry I can’t he there. - Cheryl (Wingfield) Macleod"I am truly sorry to miss this reunion, having previously attended five LCI reunions and enjoyed every one. Another commitment for the same weekend required a definite answer by May 1st, and 1 had already accepted it when your invitation arrived. Thank you for inviting me and 1 am sure that your reunion will be a “Once in a Lifetime” affair and a tremendous success.” - Isabel Wilkins Mr. Mitsunaga’s CHEM .'10 was the most useful course I took in LCI (a belated thank you).” • Norman Kasting ASbWvff ihoutfd Tufki/ wit correct. “Sorry 1 can’t be there, but thanks for the invitation and hope you all have a great time!” - Fran Young "Best wishes to all - Anna KunstPart 1: “I have been waiting for a reunion for years - so sorry I cannot make it. Please do it again sometime — Hi to all." - E.B.S. Part 2: “I have changed my mind! I am coming! It is just sounding too fun to miss. See you next month.” - E.B.S. (Emily Beth Stringham Walton)“I’m really sorry we won’t be able to attend, and sure will miss seeing everyone again . Have some fun for me too!” - Alice (Harris) RomanchukWe Could Have Danced All Night “I miss everyone from LCI, especially Phyllis, Enzo, Edna, Fleetwood & Beeker. Wish I could he there!" - Chris Sumption Sorry to miss the reunion and sorry about the picture • looks like I had one too many.’ - Gayle Benjamin-Yamaki (ps: Gayle moved back to Canada from Tokyo in August/87.) Ancf Practically Did!yfm ATty miw Good luck & thanks.” Ron & Dawna (Ogden) Marker “I’m sad to be missing the reunion, but hope we don't have to wait another thirteen years for the next one.” • Elaine (King-Brown) Eorestell 1 * 1 j ^1from the folks on Foggin’s Mtn . . . A quick “Bio" on Foggin's Mountain: 1978 — Bought 47 acres of mountain, meadow and river frontage. Lived in a 14 ft. trailer with 10' x 12'cabin attached, on ncighlx>rs property while we started road and house. 1979 — Moved into “Little House on the Mountain" 20’ x 14’ with upstairs loft for bedrooms. We used coolers one year as a fridge as we had no electricity, then bought a propane fridge and finally got an electric one in 1981. We continue to use a $25 propane stove. We used kerosene lamps for light for four years. Our only heat source was a wood heater up until this past winter, when we installed electric wall heaters. 1984 — We had a well drilled 240 feet. We had been hauling water by 5-gallon buckets from a nearby waterfall. We bathed in a galvanized 8 ft. round tub heat­ed by an electric cattle trough warmer or boiling water on the stove. We emptied a slop bucket from wash water until we made a gravity drain system. We had no TV our first year, then got a 12-volt TV that we used with various antennas and boosters. We lost all picture 3 years ago so bought a satellite dish. We enjoyed radio up until 3 years ago, when the phone lines (our antenna) went underground. We had no telephone our first two years. I continue to use my treadle sewing machine even though we have power now. Our outhouse is still in use until we move into our “new Big house". Now in this one we’ll have all the con­veniences — we’re even talking “dishwasher"! We’ve come a long way. Baby!! — Gloria (Sumption) Foggin Susan left the Uni With teacher-training skills. Taught two years at Cards ton. Then seven at Innisfail. She finally packed her bags up And headed west to see What this quaint town had to offer, Victoria, B.C She settled by the ocean And even tried to sail. Found her way around the town. But hasn't found the male. Who fits the bill as Mr. Right And enjoys the things she likes — Like photography and restaurants. Fitness, and long hikes. Her family settled out here, She easily makes new friends. She loves her home above the beach And so to you she sends: An invite to Victoria. To our gardens and old homes. Our tourist sites on land and sea. As guests of Susan Holmes. (Melanie Perkins sent a lovely five-page letter, which we summarized): "I have not: 1) been arrested, 2) gained 100 lbs. 3) acquired any strange diseases, 4) developed more than 100 grey hairs. 5) lost all my mental faculties. I have: 1) a degree in Civil Engineering, 2) travelled all over every place, 3) continued working on a PhD at the University of Waterloo. Stephanie has: 1) a new husband named Don Beaton. 2) a Masters degree in Computer Science 3) travelled all over also. Good luck with the Reunion!” — Melanie Perkins ". I attended the U. of Sash, and have continued playing basketball on provincial teams, competing in the Canadians several times, and have won Western Canada Summer Games Gold Medals. Had to miss the reunion be­cause the ball provincials were on the same weekend. / hope it was terrific, and l am looking forward to the Com­memorative Hook. Host regards," Debby (Borzoi) Steacy BETTER LATE THAN NEVER . . . BRIAN MAI.ACKO KIM (GRAY) HAMMERSTEDT JANET (FINDI.EY) FARRIES “. . Since high school, and after varied further education attempts, I am presently a warehouse supervisor, and an avid bowler, placing first in the B.C. Master’s tournament in '84. Watch for me on the C.B.C. tournament televised in Janu­ary one of these years. 1 am into Yoga and Tai- Chni. and drive the same old Volkswagen Van (since '78) although its on its last legs. You know how it is when you are 15 years old and feel like you are 90. I enjoy Burnaby, B.C., and am still an eligible bachelor if anybody out there is in­terested in being on the coast. Wish I could have attended.” — Kim Kovacs 34 Thank You to the following businesses for various items and services Lethbridge Exhibition Board Stafford Drive Mini Mart Value Village Canbra Foods Ltd. Southern Stationers Homer’s Barn (Photography) Lethbridge Country Club Alpenland Ski & Sports Herrons Jewellery Yamnuska Mountain School Time Air Zaks Establishment Gold ’n Gold Promotions Bernie’s Automotive Dos Amigos 'Ihco Time Lethbridge Herald Lethbridge Flying Club Fort Whoop-Up Interpretive Centre Dawson Bcrezan (Data) Ltd Treasury Branch Canadian Western Natural Gas Palliser Distillers Limited Lethbridge City Police Dept. Canada Safeway Graphcom Printers Ltd. Looker Office Equipment Pyramid Entertainment CILA-FM & Mark Campbell CHEC, CJOC. CHQR Andrew Hilton Wine Merchants Ltd. Business Specialties Western Ltd. Milne, Hepburne & McCallum Watkinson, Hanhart, Duda, Dorchak Dawson, Berezan & Partners Lethbridge Sportsj>lex Chinook Country Tourist Assn. Alberta Meat Market Art Pozzi & the LCI AGT, Edmonton Delta Photo Merle Norman Boutique Bob Noss/Molsons Brewery Doug’s Sports Paramount Theatre O’Riley’s Restaurant Streatside Restaurant Eatons Travel Peter ’n Clarkes Hair Co. McGuire’s Men’s Wear Ltd. Buffalo Bills Golden Acres Garden Centre Woolco Kids Town Alpha Dairy Treats Eatery Lethbridge Optimists Club Bunsmaster Bakery McDonalds Special thanks to the YMCA Leaders who organized activities for our “next generation” during the Sunday Picnic, free of charge. THANKS FOR ALL YOUR VOLUNTEER HELP!Sunday Picnic“Wasn’t that, a great weekend? Everyone was so impressed with the organization and the events that were planned.” - Susan Holmes Reunion Committee Burnout 1ftPage 4: Page 5: Page 8: Page 9: Page 10: Page 11: Page 12: Page 13: Page 14: Page 15: Page 16: Page 18: Page 19: Page 22: Page 26: Who's Who in the Candid Pages (basically left to right) Leslie Linn; Max Baines/Lynn Goughnour/Lorna Baines; Lindsay Cole; Bruce Robin/Karen McKenzie; Gail & Andrew Foster/Jane Solvcy/Gail Gibb; Eve Petcrson/Unknown/Carol Bailey; Kevin Goughnour; Leslie Linn/Bruce Ainscough/Gail Foster/Rob Niven; Jim Dawson/Veronica Freel; Rob Niven/Bob Cole. Lorna Baines; Bruce Robin/Belinda Mason; Bruce Robin; Peggy Mezei/Bruce Ainscough/Lorna Baines; Peggy Mezei/Rosemarie Buchanan; Fraser Stewart/Licorice; Cindy Cole; Robbin Gibb/Madeline Balla/Gail Gibb; Mark Nelson/Bob Cole. Ron & Jane Jacob/Madelinc Balia; Joe Montgornery/Tom Hamilton; LCI Chamber Choir/Unknown/ Veronica Freel; Claude & Carol Giurissevich; Marlene & Jack Matteotti/Rob & Shannon Mossey. Bill Atkinson; Bev Davids; Soo Solvey/Jerry & Heather Nugent; Madeline Balla/Barb Cole; Sandi Smith/Gail Gibb; Mary Harty/Roger Carrier. Sam and: Barb Cole; Linda Onofrychuk/Karen Marker; David Okamura; Cindy Huculak; Jane Solvey; Davlyn Last/Roslyn Block; Lea & Mark Switzer. Val Paterson/Laura Doenz/Carla Samuels; Sandi Sander/Carol Swager; Marianne & Terry Roberts/Gayle Varzari; Bev Davids/Brenda Jespersen; Miles Godlonton/Kevin Keith; Deb Chenery/Fraser Stewart; Cary Goodman; Dave Blakeley/Roger Barnes; Carol Bailey/Eve Peterson/Gail Gibson/Carol Dand/Leigh Hackson. Dennis Takahashi; group shot; Doug McCallum/Peter MacLean; Fraser Stewart/Arlene Strandquist/Sandy Zobell; Barb Gibb/Tim McElroy; Randy Dunlop/Gary Adams; Unknown/Colly Arsene; Dena Trofanenko/ Andrea Sheridan/Kathy Parkins. Marcy Baceda; Unknown/Mark Switzer/John McColl; John McColl/Sandy Zobell; Barb Cole/Lyal Sakamoto; Ross Jacobson; Dee Ott; Gary Adams/Janice Millar; Arlene Strandquist/Sandy Zobell/Bob Cole; Roger Carrier. Brenda Laycock/Peggy Mezei; Rick Lastuka/Gary Ketler; George Virtue; Tom Schultz/Gail Gibb; Glenn Bright; Vern & Anneliese Dorge; Kyra Medlicott/Unknown; Bill Gibb/Gordon Klack; Madeline Balla/Glenn Carbert/Bob Held. Randy Dunlop; Kevin Goughnour/Unknown/Lynn Goughnour; Doreen Forczek; Bette & Wayne Murray; Sharon Peat; Richard Andreachuk; Bill Cousins/Carmen Hall; Larry Markus; Betty & Charlie Cutforth/Yvonne & Dan Cutforth; Craig Hoselton; Kyra Medlicott/Andrea Andreachuk/Colin Simmons; Fraser Stewart; Rene & John McColl; Sherry Bennett; Mary Ann Platt; Cicine Smith; Unknown/ Unknown/Bruce Doenz; Libby Day. Bea Niven/Sandi Smith/Rob Niven/Barb Cockburn; Barb Hill/Sandy Swailes; Lori Williams/Judy Molcak; Linda Onofrychuk/Karen Marker; Bill Gibb; Gail Gibb/George Virtue/Milcs Godlonton/Carole Virtue/ Robbin Gibb; Diane Peterson/Leslie Linn. Soo & Dale Solvey; Robbin Gibb; Sharon Cleland; Dennis & Jerry Machacek; Rosemarie & Katherine Buchannan; Jacki Gustafson/Carla McLean; Rick & Marcy Baceda/Judy & Rod Baccda; Larry & Bill Gibb; Penny Machacek/Bob Lyon; Bob Foster/Peggy Mezei/Neil Foster; Jim & Doug Anderson; Shannon Mossey/I-ori Williams; Roger & Len Barnes; Marlene Light/Jcri Miltenberger. Diane Peterson/Soo Solvey/Heather Nugent; Les Irvine/Geri Bronson; Kevin Goughnour/Darcy Robertson; Dawna Coslovi/Dalyce Forster; Deb Oddershede/Debbie Lebeau/Jane Solvey; 'Ferry Tanaka/Bill King/Doug McCallum/Jerry Nugent; Bruce Ainscough/Doug Paterson/Margaret & Craig Hoselton/Colly Arsen e/G era Id Heibert; Susan Holmes/Colly Arsene; Cindy Baird/Pat Shackleford/Gerald Heibert. Lee & Joanne Salmon; Laura DeHeer/Jack DeHeer; Barons table; Belinda Mason/Diane Peterson; Belinda & Bill Mason/Allyn & Larry Nelson; Leslie Linn/Dirk Degraaf. Bill Hirsche; Bob Held/Lance Carnine/Unknown/Doug Anderson; Jim Vickers; Dave Hamilton; Dave Stephure; Terry Pocza; Bruce Ainscough/Reyn Johnson; Dan Cutforth; Mark Switzer; Greg Nicas. 38 Page 27: Page 28: Page 29: Page 30: Page 31: Page 32: Page 33: Page 35: Page 36: Page 37: E.J. Lonsdale/John Fellows/Gordon Pilling; Dennis Machacek; Dan Cutforth; Gordon Thomas; Andrea Sheridan/Brenda & Dean Slater; Terry & Don Noss/Guy Simon/Unknown/E.J. Ixmsdale; Dave Howe; John Milroy. Bill Hirsche/Lome Kemmet; Sandi Smith/Carol Giurissevich/Gail Gibb; Lynn McCallum/Carol Andreachuk; Shane Bikman; Unknown/Annette Small/Unknown; Terry Illingworth; Dawn & Lyal Sakamoto/Bruce Twa; Rhona Talbot/Janice Millar. Jack Stead/Brenda & Dick Schuler; Bill Cousins; Ken Wells/Shane Porter; Ab Paskuski; Gordon & Fred Thomas/Dave Blakeley/Doug Anderson/Kim Blakeley; Muriel Shortreed/Evelyn Johnson/Fred Thomas/Ken & Valeric Sauer/Bessie McCully; Len Simpson/Len Barnes. Karen McKenzie/Gary Adams; Phil & Sherri Gcrlock; George Virtue/Tiin Crumley/Nancy Yates; Fraser Stewart/Madcline Balia; Janet Ainscough/Gerald Heibert; Eleanor & Glenn Mills; Bill Mason/Diane Peterson; Stephen McDavid/Les Irvine; Bob & Jan Foster; Sharon and Brad Cleland; Jane Solvey/Dick Dragland. Carla McLean; Bob Held/Sandy McKay; Judy Noss; Roger Barnes; Janice Wotski; Bonnie Trenholm/Kim Robinson/Vesta Holtorf; Heather Nugent, Dave Hamilton; Dwight McKague/Gary Adams; Ross & Karen McKenzie, Alf Gurr; Joe Meli. Carol Atkinson/Larry Gibb; Donna Dodson/Gerald Heibert; Unknown/Brian & Lauren Baker/ Unknown/Carla & Karl Samuels; Bill & Barb Gibb/Robbin Gibb & Bob Shearer; Teresa & Jim Vickers; Betty & Glenn Carbert; Dave Howe/Karen McDonald; Gwen & Tim Burk; Unknown; Lynn & Kevin Goughnour. Max Baines; Anne-Marie Maegaard; kids; Dylan Solvcy-White; Dale Solvey; Jo Henry; Dwight McKagucl Steven McDavid; John Maegaard. YMGA Kids; Deborah Southworth; Blair Nyrose/Karen Paskuski; Unknown/Lori & Darren Brown. Bruce, Jeffrey & Janet Ainscough; Unknown; Unknown; Rebecca, Soo & Dylan Solvey; the Clark & Michelson kids; Lori & Dan Williams & family; Erin Metzger; Jared & Rob Mossey; Dorothy & Arnold Follinglo & Kari; Katherine, Daniel & Molly Jacob; Mary Lou Fellows; Michael Solvey; the Ross & Karen McKenzie clan; Lynn McCallum/Jane McMullin. Les Stanek/Pat Robb/Jo Henry; Bob McCutcheon/Barry Michelson/Jim Clark; Bruce Robin; Dave Blakeley/Keith Seely/Kathryn Scott/Roger Barnes; Jane Solvey/Barb Cole; Pat & Greg Anderson/Madeline Balia & Neil Foster; Shane & Diane Porter/Karcn McKenzie. 39 1987 L.C.I. Reunion Committee •* — *r liaK-, v ^ • J T >' —-—-Mi s? *wl iV . BJL. * if * * V * v.I Mr ih.a I * •- A"' ROW 1: Gail Foster/Lorna Baines/Karen McKenzie/Barb Cole/Madeline Balia. HOW 2: Peggy Mezei/Fraser Stewart/Jane Shcen/Diane Peterson. ROW 3: Dale Solvey/Nancy Dawson/Gail Gibb/Jane Solvey/George Virtue. ROW 4: Bruce Ainscough/Rob Niven/Jim Dawson/Bob Cole/Bruce Robin/Mark Switzer. ROW 5: Joey Shackleford Missing: Carol Bailey Commemorative Book Committee: Gail (Paskuski) Gibb, Jane (Cassell) Solvey, Barb (Riehl) Cole, Madeline (Wray) BaliaWELCOME 1 IM M 1 hjl fll ^ Qjf{ -• <$* ■ |FJA" H 1 } fcgeiWr Ml ’ :JrM • hBk 1 I . / B ^■krnl I 0 IQf fi & Ivk S'~M JBf | • ■r.V' /H- ™ * 1 > w ' A ( r JpB > t m - ;■ f lip* imd |#\av \T Ml! r ri ' ft ^ S0 m R'.r J ° 1 V: V ':V "S'- ■ ol , J j 1 H y | j ^ < J J ^ • rlj AAj fljnlrl 4 • M nfiik «J| \ ’T/ JP/EI ¥ ^ 1 A ^ pH 1 I Ml ■ ■L * 41 4^1;., i * Ir? « A ^ 5*^ |K,2P > ^ /if Igg^, ^ • *“ \ i ?Vra. ■ W^m*' m v p dH V i HU rw> OHM tA i ^ 1 c, w • N v* -Jm in 2mk’ ■ Ml Mr iMf P«y /lla f. ^ 1 *¥A ■ £■ li • /iff * IB W HI 71 flj ■ 111 ' IB ^ * i 'x * t BB VQ| tV». • * ^ ^ 1 * - -Ai - ' HOW 7: John Moser, I«arry Gibb, Brent Cann. I>ouk McCallum, Doug Anderson. I-mce Camine, Hob Davidson, Brett McIntosh. Bruce Trainer HOW 6: Dennis Machacck. Jack DcIIoer. Nestor Wheeler, Bob Shearer. Jim Bell, Guy Norman. Dale Solvey, Hob Mosscy, Dave Blasco. David Robertson, Arnold Follinglo HOW Bob Lvon. I-arry Kirkpatrick. Doug Howes. Gory Adams. Ken Jack. Murray Mason, Dalton Howe, Flaync Byam. Roger Barnes HOW I: Hon Noss. Peter Maclean. Boss McKenzie. Dick WclLs, Kathryn (Nelson) Hinman. Brenda (Weatherup) Fr«xlrick, Debbie (Thorlacius) Baker. Dianne (Venables) Porter. Valeric (Oakes) White. Alf Gurr. Phil Gcrlock ROW 3: Kenneth Heinrich. Beverly Davids. Ralph Gast. Dave Stephure, Kathryn (Anderson) Scott. Lauretta (Ross) Manering. Gail (Cunningham) Gibson, Barbara (Williams) MncFurquahr. Lynn (Edwards) Goughr.our. Linda (Harrison) Oliver. Ray Roxnses ROW 2: Marilyn (Conrad) Nikkei. Nancy (Hudson) Wolsey. Gloria (Hawley) Silsl**. Deidra Ott. Deb (Blcnnor-Hassett) Shimek. Keith Seely. Carol (Christie) Dand. Carol (Ix>wry) Bailey. Karen (Clclhnd) Tysowski. Deb (Smith) Gordichuk. Lucille (Heinrich) Hatt ROW I; Limb (Morris)Seitz. Pat (Higgins) Anderson. Joan (Slovack) Metzger. Ruth K. Mills. Gwen (Monner) Burk. Marcy (Prosk) Baceda. Brenda (McIntyre) Jespersen, Kim (Bradford)Schilo. Janinc Andrews. I-ori Andreachuk. Pat (Robinson) Hamage. Marcia tFooks) Sommerfeldt ■»HOW 8: HOW 7: ROW G; ROW 5 ROW I ROW 3 ROW 2 ROW 1 Bruce Robin. Michael Burden, Randy Andrcachuk, Richard Andrcachuk, John Fellows. Colin Simmons. Jim Vickers. Jess Brooks. Greg Anderson. Dale Munro, Kevin Goughnour, Ix>nny Peterson. Norbert Bohnert. Dirk Dragland. Randy Kligh. Darrell Zapemick. Jack Syme Micky Perverse//. Kandy Foggin. Jerry Machacek. John Quon. Bob Foster. Doug Ross. Hartley Ixppard. George Span. Charlie Cutforth, Greg Kovacs. Dan Cutforth. Barry Peat. Rick Baccda. Doug Balia Roy Cook, Janice (Williams) MinnUs, Peggy (Sleightholm) McKitrick. Teresa (Jones) Bauer. Linda (Morris) Seitz. Corinne (Kometz) Giduk. Reyn Johnson. Jcri (Coulter) Miitenberger. Pat Spanns. Tom Dudley. Brent Mcl>ean. Jack Matteotti. Rod Baceda Gloria (Sumption) Foggin, Bonnie (Cockroft) Voss. Jean (Johansen)Tonioli. Sandi (Teteris) Smith. Kva (Matkin) Anderson. Fraser Stewart, Brian Holmbcrg, Brynn (Malmberg) Forai, (Jordon Secretan, Rob Niven. George Virtue, Hill BlennerJlasscU. Trevor Cook. Handy Dunlop Donna (Matkin) Wood. I-cnora (Bailey) Kambcitz. Gail (Paskuski) Gibb. Paulino (Bartosek) Blenner-Hassett. I-orna (Watmough) Musick. Kelley (Clark) Mallard, Sandi (Cramer) Sander. Peter Dawson. Darcy (Graham) Robertson. K.J. Ixmsdale, Libby (Comock) Day. Orrie (Gumming) Whitford. Jane McMullin Gave (Williams) Metz. Rcdonna (Steed) Byam. Gayle (Hamilton) I-ow, I-oreno (Bowden) Bullock. Margaret (Gregory) Chubb. Patricia (Pragnel!) Reay. Geri (Knibbs) Bronson, (’aria (Doyle) Mda an. Marla (White) I^irgary. Susan Morgan. Debra Baldrey, Nancy (Simmons) Dawson. Carol (Smith) Giurissevich, Mary Ix>u (O’Neil) Fellows. Terri Illingworth. Penny (Lyon) Machacek. Karen (ilinatau) Thomas. Lynn (Hunt) McCallum. Sharon (Valgardson) Cleland. Jane (Paterson) Jacob. Cathie (Orr) Soice, Mor.ir.i Cast. Lee Montgomery. Terry (Bergman) Tollin Judy (Collier) Noss, Susan (McKnight) Heron, Darlene (Winters) Sullivan. Koslyn (List) Block. Valerie (Ross) Davis. Madeline (Wray) Balia. Lana (Grover) Nakamura, Ca ine (McAdam) Smith. Heather Dawson. Margaret (Lppard) Nonni, Brenda (McCready) ('lark. Brenda (Sallenbach) Masuda. Barb (Richl) ColeWtLUU/VIt ROW 8: Michael Day. John Milroy. Glenn Mills. Harold Mark. Randy Stevens. Gordon Thomas. Bill Gibb. Jim Bums. Brian Tollin. Jim Dawson. Bob McCutehcon. Ron Kalicum. Ken Wells, Ross Jacobson. Brian Oliver. Bob Held. Cary Goodman ROW 7: tarry Markus. Rod Pocza. Gcordic Peat. Willie Hcbenik. Alan Luca. Lval Sakamoto. Tom Little. Joey Shackleford. Gary Becker. Dave Keiver. Craig Hosdton. Gordie Klack. tayne Whipple. Richard Peak, Darrell Zapernick. Tim McKlroy ROW <>: Lome Kemmet. Janet (Finley) Fames. Laurin Mann. Allyn (Greenway) Nelson. Rodney Dixson. Roger Carrier, Sally (Marker) Hampton. Bruce Ainscough, Doug Paterson, Gary Fong. Dave Howe, Glenn Carbert, Gary Kenna, Gerald Heibert ROW 5: Maureen (Chambers) Palmer. Linda (Starner) Onofrychuk. Birthe (Maegaard) Mills. Sherry tac (Johnson) Hoggedal. Gayle Varzari, Bill Mason. Barb (Allan) Layton. Bobbin (Valgardson) Gibb. Emily lleth (Stringam) Walton. Janet Russell. Karin (Labuhn) Seaman. Darlene (Bradford) Gieshecht. Liura-Marie (Kirchner) Doonz, Corby Pankhurst ROW 4: Neil Foster. Cindy (Frouws) Baird. Kim (Gray) Hammerstedt. Susan Mack. Virene (Hamilton) French, Cindy (Price) Mason. Sandra (Knight) Smith. Soo Solvey. Heather (Dick) Nugent. Bette-Ann (VanEgteren) Peat. Jolene (Adams) Dunsdon. Bill llirsche. Rosemarie Buchanan. Miles Godlonton ROW 3: Jeanette Sandstra. Wendy (Carney) Turnbull. Cidnee (Johnson) Chalmers, Susan Holmes, Janet (Holmes) Savage, Debbie Robison. Jane (Gunn) Zarn. Peggy (Foster) Mezei. Karen (Magdeburg) King, Valerie (Skretting) Paterson. Judy (Blakeley) MeinUer. Colly Arsene. Laurie (McCready) Michelson. Linda (Redekopp) Willms. Lynda (McBurney) Schuler ROW 2: Judy (Pickett) Byam, Sandy (Kanius) Kemmet. Karen (Krammer) Iwassa. Sherry (Pratt) Bennett, Sherri (Williams) Gcrlock. Lorraine (Fontana) Martell. Veronica Fred. taslie Linn. Pat (Band) Shackleford, Carol And reach uk. Debbie (Voir) Visser. I-orel! (Lilja) Znnolli, Mary (Ross) Franko. Jacki (Doyle) Gustafson. Annette (Smith) Small. Linda (Adam) Hamilton. Bcv (Christensen) Hennig ROW l: Sue (Snell) Markus. Barbara (Corbet) Kinahan. Barb Allsop, Karen (Moffott) MacDonald. Judy (Cheyne) Dawson. Judy (Hnusauer) Mokak. Carol (Baker) Swagar. Ix»r; (Fooks) Williams, Marion (Kolk) Voth. Marilyn (Dragland) Spurrill, Diane (Shirley) Peterson. Belinda (Samuels) Mason. Carla (Currie) Samuels>* *1 jf1 I a - 4" j ■ y m lv . J _ ROW 8: Brucv Ixiok, Gordon McIntosh. Karl Samuels. Allan Raymond. Barry Byam. Wes Cockburn. Don Noss. Bruce Deconincksmith. John Maegaard. Greg Nicas, Raymond Payne. Ray Heathcote, Don Johnston. Doug Florence. Ron Shemanchuk. Wayne Murray ROW 7: Hill Minniss. David Petersen. Richard Gough. Stephen McDavid. Guy Simon. Mark Switzer. Dave Hamilton. Brad Cox. Randy Lowe. Vernon Dorgc. Dave Hougen. Rob Hawkins. Robert 1\ Harrison ROW 6: Bart Mallinson. Peter Greendale. Don Mvers. Len Barnes. Chris Meintzer, Ixh' Salmon. Dwight McKague. Marlene (Coulter) Light. Brian Baker. Aric VUmt. Greg Babino. Mark Nelson. Kelly Wilde ROW 5: Karen Follinglo. Janet (Stein) Ainscough. Carol Virtue. Jane (Cassell) Solvey. Leslie Irvine. Nancy Vandonbrink-Yates. Gordon Pilling. Jean (Gregory) Sorgord. I)ona (Bailey) Dodson. Doug Smith. Brian Mabtcko. Craig Brack. Kevin Keith. Tim Crumley. Graydon Gehm ROW 4: Paula (Steed) Hendry. JoAnne Compton. Cindy Bartosek. Dalyce (Martin) Forster. Susan (Appelt) Whipple. Denise (Bailey) Flak. Barbara Gibb. Jacqueline (Hare) Lisowski. Jennifer (Hare) Burke. Pamela (Smith) Pennington. Barb (Vair) Visscr. Davlyn List. Colleen (Zuehlke) Tollcfson, Jim Anderson. Dennis Takahashi. Deb (O'Sullivan) Patey ROW 3; Dawna (Senda) Coslovi. Linda (Watmough) Woods. Leslie (Innes) SUtnek. Trudy (KUis) Mallinson. Robin (Haufe) King. Marianne (Delleer) Janie. Valerie (Trainer) Bidniak. Wendy (Grant) Wolfe. Linda (McCutcheon) Hill. Bonnie (Kiause) Taniguchi. Darlene Terry-Franklin. Marilyn (Lees) Jensen. Linda (Bland) Wilde. Valerie (Leslie) Snodgrass. Rne (Johnston) Steil ROW 2: Sheila Lyndc. Sheina (Kuntz) Russell. Brenda (Graham) Slater. Dianne (Williams) Pearce. Laraine (Gray) Hougen. Katherine Buchanan. Debbie (Hansen) Oddomhcdo. Janice (Longair) WoUke. Kathy (Kerr) Hamilton. JoAnne (Meidinger) Wells. Loma (Bennett) Patterson. Kathy (Toth) Chenger. Debbie (Riekaby) Hulstein. Vera-Lynn (Baker) Smella. Kim (Kasperson) Hubbard. Carol Joan (McKenzie) ilyshka. Mary Jane (Mozalewski) Bishop ROW l: Karen (Goughnour) McKenzie. Marlene (Matkin) Matteotti. Gail (Kirkm.m) Foster. Brenda Liycock. Andrea Sheridan, Jnnicc Millar. Mary Ann (Irishman) Platt. Bonnie Trenholm. Betty (MrAdam) Gnrbcrt. Shelley Tobo-Gaudreau, Ix**lie (Andreachuk) Meli. Ix>ri (Jack) L>weRams ROW 4: Jim Dawson, John Fellows, Bill Gibb, Bryce Thomson, Larry Gibb, Don Johnston ROW 3: Tom Little. Bob Lyon, Rob Mossey, Rick Lastuka, Mike Day, Jim Burris, Craig Brack ROW 2: Shane Porter, Bill Atkinson, Trevor Cook, Dave Stephure, Doug Howes, Jerry Nugent, Kelly Wilde ROW 1: Joey Shackleford, Richard Andreachuk, Dalton Howe, Terry Pocza, Dave Howe, Corby Pankhurst Barons Boys ROW 2: Gord Secretan, Bob Shearer, Dan Cutforth, Bill Giblx Willie Hebenik, Bill Atkinson ROW 1: Larry Gibb, Dennis Machacek, Bob Lyon, Jerry MachacekThis Reunion has Been brought to you byI would like to thank the Committee for organizing such a great party! A lot of work and dedication went into it. and 1 know from everyone 1 talked to it was a great success. With great appreciation. — Carla (Currie) Samuels The mere fact that this Reunion is going on at all is amazing. And it came off very well with the help of a number of people, who are: Our fearless leader Barb (Riehl) Cole, whose mottos were “Who’s idea was this anyway?” and “Time Out!” Madeline (Wray) Balia, who armwrestled with the Exhibition Board to have turkey and then didn’t eat any. Fraser Stewart, who’s setting up a date right now with the Choir out in the registration area, brought the beer and arranged for all the memorabilia those pretty girls are selling (it was the only way he could get them to come). “Head-Hunters, (in charge of finding everyone) were Nancy (Simmons) Dawson, Jane (Dogterom) Sheen, Carol (Lowry) Bailey, Ross Jacobson, and: Jane (Cassell) Solvey, who installed another telephone just for the Reunion, and had some fast explaining to do when Dale saw their phone number blip across the Sportsplex electronic sign. Gail (Pnskuski) Gibb came in on the bus tonight, and is Editor of the Commemorative Book. We only wanted her so we could get to Uncle Ab. Bruce Robin keeps a tight hold on our bank account, and had to stage a honeymoon to be excused from a couple of meetings. Gail (Kirkman) Foster, in charge of decorations, got a lot of stuff donated, or so she told us. Rob Niven, Dale Solvey, Bob Cole and about a dozen others stood on ladders and followed Gail’s orders until all hours of the night this week. Karen (Goughnour) McKenzie picked up all the gifts and prizes for giveways and goody bags. Mark Switzer raised a bunch of money to get us off the ground, and built the “Brag Board” Oops, pardon me, the “Corporate Sponsor Board.” Diane (Shirley) Peterson, who smiles all the time, arranged for our drive-home service. Lorna (Mueller) Baines and Peggy (Foster) Mezci organized the picnic, arranged for free everything, then sweet- talked the guys into cooking. Each of these people did dozens of other jobs, attended tons of meetings and put together a terrific weekend with the help of many others. They got me involved to be M.C. because 1 talk the funniest and I was the only one with a tux. — George Virtue Dear Committee: What a wonderful weekend! Thanks for a job well done. There was a tremendous amount of work done by your volunteers from registration to decorating and everything in between. Thanks for taking time from your busy schedules for all the rest of us. We appreciate it. Enjoy the rest of the summer. — Rod and Carol (Christie) Dand L rjjg * '3Teachers Marian Bolokoski •1G. 1261 • 1 AVENUE SOUTH LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA TlJ 0P9 Miss Bolokoski loft LCI in 1975 and took one year off. She has worked at the U of L as a clerk typist in the Office of Administration and Financial Affairs in the Dean's Office, Faculty of Arts and Science. Anna Kunst 728 • 15 STREET SOUTH LETHBRIDGE. ALBERTA TlJ 3A2 Miss Kunst retired in 1976 and has spent her time travelling extensively to the Soviet and East Bloc countries. South America. Europe, South Africa, India, Singapore, The British Isles, China, the Yukon and Alaska as well as travelling in Canada, just to mention a few. A. F. “Ab” Paskuski 2503 - 18 AVENUE SOUTH LETHBRIDGE. ALBERTA TlK 1E1 Mr. Paskuski became Vice-Principal at Fleetwood-Bawden Elementary School after leaving the LCI in 1984. Ab is presently at Lakeview Elementary School as Vice-Principal. He and his wife Jeanne attended our reunion. Ah's speech is featured in our Commemmorative Book. He was the guest speaker. Shane Porter 128 LAFAYETTE BLVD. LETHBRIDGE. ALBERTA TlK 3Y6 Mr. Porter is presently teaching at the Lethbridge Community College. He is married to Dianne (Venables) and they have two children, Tom who is nearly 13 and Laura, 9. Shane and Dianne were in attendance at the reunion Saturday night. •18 Dr. Ken C. Sauer 271-1 STREET S.E. MEDICINE HAT. ALBERTA T1A 0A3 I)r. Sauer left LCI in 1974 to become Superintendent of Schools for Medicine Hat Public School District #76. a position which he still holds. He has been an Alderman for City Council since 1977. He and his wife Valerie were in attendance at the reunion Friday evening. Leonard Simpson BOX 636 COALHUKST. ALBERTA TOLOVO Mr. Simpson is presently teaching at LCI. He and his wife. Donna, attended our reunion Friday night. Jack Stead 833 - 8 STREET SOUTH LETHBRIDGE. ALBERTA TlJ 2K6 Mr. Stead retired from teaching after 35 years. After attending a travel counsellors course at S.A.I.T., he became a travel agent with Scott’s Travel in Lethbridge. He travels in his spare time and is enjoying “retirement". We were glad to see him at our reunion Friday and Saturday evenings. W. N. (Fred) Thomas 330 • 26 STREET SOUTH LETHBRIDGE. ALBERTA TlJ 3P9 Mr. Thomas retired from the staff of LCI in 1979 after a 38‘/2 year career. After 1977, Fred taught math at the Lethbridge Community College. Presently he enjoys his retirement and family. Fred was a welcome attendee at our ceremonies Friday and Saturday. Attended — No Photo Available Bill Cousins 1039 LAKEWAY BLVI). S. LETHBRIDGE. AB. Evelyn, Johnson 526 • M STREET SOUTH LETHBRIDGE. AB. TlJ 2X9 Bessie McCully 638 • 14 STREET SOUTH LETHBRIDGE. AB. Muriel Shortreed 2324 • 20 STREET SOUTH LETHBRIDGE. AB. TlK 2G9 49 Gary Adams Bruce Ainscough Susan Ainscough Doug Anderson Greg Anderson Holly Adams Janet (Stein) Ainscough cJo 1617 - 15th Ave. S. 2031 - 32nd St. S.V7. Pat (Higgins) Anderson 1050 • 14th Street South Lethbridge. Alberta T1K 1T7 3007 • 10m Ave. "A" S. Lethbridge. Alberta I IK 0G8 Lethbridge. Alberta Calgary. Alberta 1812 • 7th Ave. S. Lethbridge. Alberta T1J 1M2 LA 107 Advertising Rep tawyer/Tcachor. Momemjfc.er Teacher Rud o Ne wscaster Dept Mgr. • Woodward’s Jim Anderson Karen Anderson 1923 • 17th Avo. S. Lethbridge, Alberta Mg'- • Loth. Animal Shelter Lori Andreachuk 14 Kings Road S. Lethbridge. Alberta T1K0H3 Lawyer Richard Andreachuk Andrea Andreachuk 165 Oxlord Road Lethbridge. Alberta T1K 4V6 Dentist Carol Andreachuk 1623 • 7 -A” Si N.VV. Calgary. Alberta T2M 3P2 Randy Andreachuk *43. 28 Berwick Crcs. NVV Calgary. Alberta T3K 1Y7 ► Janine Andrews 9701 • 85th Ave. Edmonton. Alberta T6E 2J3 U. of A Muscorn Colleen (Colly) Arsene *310 - 2230 Lawrence Ave. 6. Scarborough. Onl. M1P 2R1 Tc*f*v»:.ion Producer Bill Atkinson Carol Atkinson 7014 Poplar Drive Grande Prairie. Alberta Mgr Westward Patti Missionary • Child Cate Pro Elcctnc'.'in Greg Austring Apartado 786 A Guatamala City. Guatamala Greg Babino Denise Babino 7104 • 59th Avo. Red Deer. Alberta T4P 1B7 Rick Bacoda Marcy {Prosk) Baceda 42 Ojlbwa Road W. Lcthbridgo. Alberta T1K 5L3 Electrician Rod Bacoda Judy Baceda Box 3361 High River. Alberta T0L 1B0 Carol Bailey 2108 • 26th St. S. Lethbridge. Alberta T1K 2N9 Lorna (Mueller) Baines Max Baines 2005 • 16th St. N. Lethbridge. Alberta T1H 4W6 Robert Baird Patricia Baird 31 Shiolds St. Winnipeg. Man. R2C 4C9 Andrew Milton Wine Merchant Construction Mgr. 50 Cindy (Frouws) Baird 56 Decrbrooke Cres. S.E. Calgary. Alberta T2J 6G3 Homemaker Debbie (Thorlacius) Baker Richard Baker 113 Paddock Place Victoria. B.C. V9B 5G2 Social Worker Brian Baker Lauren Baker Box 35 Waterton Park. Alberta TOK 2M0 Tourism Industry Debbie Baldroy Carey Jackson 933 • 21st Avo. Coaldale. Alberta TOK OLO Receptionist Doug Balia Madeline (Wray) Balia Box 831 Lethbridge. Alborta T1J 328 AG T./Accountant Lon Barnes do 1737 • 13th Ave. S. Lethbridge. Alberta T1K 0S1 Roger Barnes 2525 Cavendish Apt 9C6 Montreal. Oue. H4B 2Y6 Diverse Student B.Y.U. Customs 4 Excise Cindy Bartosok 1201 • 9th Ave. S. Lethbridge. Alberta T1J 1V3 Stephanie (Perkins) Beaton do 3450 West 36 A Vancouver. B.C. V6N 2R9 Mgr. - Flowetshop Dave Bechdholt »304 - 65 Temple Blvd. Lethbridge. Alberta T1K 5M2 Gary Becker 1604 • 8th Ave. "A" N. Lethbridge. Alberta T1H 1C6 Shane Bikman *6 Kit Circle St. Anthony. Idaho. U.S.A 83445 Radio Station Mgr. Shorry (Pratt) Bennett 48 Lafondo Crescent St. Albert. Alberta T8N 2N6 ECS Tcachor Mary (Mozalewski) Bishop Dave Bishcp Box 304 Barons. Alberta TOL 0G0 Tcachcr/Bistiop Service Val (Serbu) Boutler Box 955 820 McLeod Trail High River, Alberta tai David Blakeley Kim (Aldred) Blakeley Box 101 Beaumont. Alberta TOC OHO Supervisor • W.C.B. 51 Kathy (Erdman) Beveridge 2310 Grconlands Road Victoria. B.C. V5N 4T4 Crystallography Valeric (Trainer) Bidniak Clarence Bidniak 9024 • 138IH Ave. Edmonton. Alberta T5E 2A9 Commercial S»fln Writer David Blasco Edith Blasco 3810 Forestry Ave. S. Lethbridge. Alberta TlK 4J5 Ettrch Tiro Derrick Blasco 1818 Elm Road S. Lethbridge. Alberta T1K 4X3Michaol Burden Ml 203 • 343-14|h Avc. SW Calgary. Alberta T2R 0M5 Gwen (Monnor) Burk Tim Burk 2438 • 10th St. N. Lethbridge. Alberta T1H 4T3 Bill Blenner-Hassett Karen Fuhrrnann Box 742 Magrath. Alberta TOK 1J0 Insuranco Appraiser Paulino (Bartosek) Blenner-Hassett 1732 - 10th Ave. "A" S. Lethbridge. Alberta Office Manager Norbcrl Bohnert Box 727 Lethbridge. Alberta T1J 3Z6 Craig Brack Diane Brack 2113 • 12th Ave. N. Lethbridge. Alberta T1H 1R9 Jr. Mich Teacher Karen (Hazuda) Brownlee Lethbridge. Alberta Professional Artist Katherine Buchanan rrt • 1276 Contro Road Victoria. B.C. V8T 1K3 Freelance Printer Joanne (MacDonald) Bobinec Box 42 Wrentham, Alberta TOK 2P0 Farmers Jess Brooks Lisa Brooks 2314 - 15th Ave. S. Lethbridge. Alberta Firelighter Lorene (Bowden) Bullock Drew Bullock Box 269 Tabor. Alberta TOK 2G0 Homemaker C\ each cr Aria Caiman 180 Yorston Street Williams Lake. B.C. V2G 321 Ooctor Roslyn (Last) Block Jack Block 154 Pensacola Court Lothbndge. Alberta T1K 4R6 Banking Flayno Byam Redonna {Steed) Byam Box 430 Okotcks. Alberta TOL 1T0 Komcmakcr.’Doctor 52 Geri (Knibbs) Bronson 195 Acadia Drive Airdrie. Alborta T4B 1G5 Nurse Jacky (Hall) Buckland Gary Buckland 293 - 7 -A" Ave. S. Lothbridge. Alberta T1J 1N3 Chartered Accountant Barry Byam Judy (Pickoll) Byam 42 Cayuga Crcs. W. Lethbridge. Alberta OifCCtor • High Touch Sports Computer Technician Glenn Bright 278 McMaster Blvd W. Lethbridge. Alberta T1K 4R4 Ken Bright Adjustors Rosomarie Buchanan 3635 • 8th Avo. Port Alberni. B.C. V9Y 4R6 Handicapped Counsellor Randy Bligh 512 Alhlone Road S.E. Calgary. Alberta T2H 1V7Gary (K.P.) Capewell 1318 - 17th Ave. S. Lethbridge. Alberta T1J 1K4 Cidnee (Johnson) Chalmers Jim Chalmers 19865 • 50th "A" Ave. Langley. 8.C. V3A 7L1 NufSO Bront Clark Beverly Clark Rox 1133 Raymond. Alberta TOK 2C0 Engineer. Technologist Joanne Compton *2. u\fc -<&wsi. N. Lethbridge. Atbctta TIM 4Y6 Woodward's Glenn Carbert Betty (McAdam) Carbert 45 Hawthorne Place N. Lethbridge. Alberta T1H 4L7 Insurance Ad; ;Homemakcr Maureen (Palmer) Chambers 140 Hunlwick Way N.E. Calgary. Alberta T2K 4H5 Travel Co ordinate? Brad Cloland Sharon (Valgardson) Cleland 1215 • 48th Ave. N.W. Calgary. Alberta I2K 0J6 Bank Operations Otticcr Roy Cook Mary Rasmussen 283 Hawkview Manor Clr. NW Calgary. Alberta T3G 2N6 Dr.; I.C.U. Director Lance Carnine Box 323 Lethbridge. Alberta Cattle Pcedcr Roger Carrier Mary Harty 419 • 9th Ave. S. Lethbridge. Alberta T1J 1S8 Painter ♦ k H Kathy (Toth) Chenger 1G05 • 2nd Ave -A" N. Lethbridge. Alberta T1H 0G2 Seamstress. Cashier Philip Christou 17 Tanza Road Hamstcad. London England NW3 2VA Architech Wos Cockburn General Delivory Coaldale, Alberta TOK 0L0 Barb (8arne$) Cockburn 103 Algonguln Road Lethbridge. Alberta T1K 5B3 Legal Secretary Trevor Cook 1572 Logan Montreal. PQ H2L 1X8 Dawna (Sonda) Coslovi 934 ■ 20th St. S. Lethbridgo. Alberta T1J 3J9 Student; formerly CUSO Woodward's Supervise 53 George Castles #403. 207-25th Ave. S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2S 0L2 Geologist Margaret (Gregory) Chubb Richard Chubb 5703 • 60th Ave. Rocky Mtn. House Alberta R.N. AMIJSocr.nl Worker 8arb (Riohl) Cole Bob Cole 249 Eagle Place N. Lethbridge. Alberta T1H 4X1 NctwOffc Marketing 8rad Cox Claire White 24 Lafayette Blvd. Lethbridge. Alberta Insurance AgentHal Crow Box 66 Batons. Alberta TOL OGO Tim Crumloy 3613 • 10th Ave. "A" S. Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 0H5 Owner • Welding Business Bov Davids do 644 • 13th St. S. Lethbridge. Alberta General Electric. Toronto Bob Davidson Wendy Davidson 1066 Lakoviow Drive S. Lethbridge. Alberta T1K 3E8 Ounlop Ford Sales Jim Dawson Nancy (Simmons) Dawson 171 Chippewa Crcs. W. Lethbridge. Alberta T1K 5B4 0.vncr • Dawson Bros Tile Peter Dawson Judy (Choyno) Dawson 87 Deerlane Close S.E. Calgary, Alberta T2J 5X8 Supv. B.oIMJMgr. G T.E Roslyn (Alberts) DeGroot Steenbeek 20 GLD NijKcrk. Holland 386 1LH Homemaker Jack DoHccr Laura (Kohler) DeHeer 757 Columbia Blvd Lethbridpo. Albcrla T1K 4T8 B.M A Stu<Jcrt! Charlie Cutforth Box 3199 Athabasca, Alberta TOG 0U0 County Manager Bart Davies Cynthia Davies 1414 -13 St. S. Lothbridge. Alberta Heather Dawson 204, 2231 Southviow Dr. S.E. Medicine Hat. Alberta T1B 1R5 Sales Manager Rodney Dixson General Delivery Foremost. Alberta TOK 0X0 54 Dan Cutforth Yvonne Cutforth Box 244 Barons. Alberta TOL OGO FarmerrCan Wheat Board Carol (Christie) Dand Rad Dand Box 1192 Stettlor. Alberta TOC 2L0 Ed Davies 9544 Oakland Way S.W. Calgary. Alberta T2V 4G5 Electrical Engineer Valerie (Ross) Davis Lyle Davis 160 Hawkview Manor Circle N.W. Calgary. Alberta T2G 2M7 Flight Attendant Mike Day Libby (Cornock) Day 124 Kings Cres. S. Lethbridge. Alberta TlK 5G5 Jr High TeachcnDoctor Bruce Dcconicksmith Connie Morrison 1124 • 18th St. S. Lcihbridge. Alberta T1K 2A5 Decontcksmilh Drafting l < Karen (Lonseth) Dodds David Dodds Box 1516 Moosomin. Sask. C.ittlo A Gram Farmers Dona (Bailey) Dodson Al Dodson P.O. Box 351 Montrose. 8.C. VOG IPO Homomakor/R C M PLaura-Marie (Kirchner) Doenz Bruce Doenz Box 328 Warner. Alberta TOK 2L0 Home Eeonomisl/Fairrer Jolene (Adams) Ounsdcn Ken Dunsdon Box 1224 Coaldale. Alberta TOK OLO Farmers Randy Foggin Gloria (Sumption) Foggin Box 148 Yahk. B.C. VOB 2P0 Ocp't ol Highways/ Outy Free Store Gary Fong 2855 PatksidC Drive Lethbridge. Alberta T1K 2S2 Oeotist Vorn Gorge Anneliese Dorge 1958 Lawrence Ave. West Toronto. Ontario M9N 1H2 Professional Musician Gary Dyck Nicki Dyck 1055 Tataryn Rd. Kelowna. B.C. V1X 1N6 Roofer Dick Dragland 1815 • 18 Ave. S. Lethbridge. Alberta Vo Tires John Fellows Mary Lou (O'Neil) Fellows •: Coachgato Court S W. Calgary. Alberta T3H 126 Architectural Oesigncr/Systems Co ord Tom Dudley Yvonne Dudley Box 1138 Blairrnore. Alberta TOK OEO t Denise (Bailey) Flak Dave Flak 100 Ermmedaie Blvd Lethbridge. Alberta TiH 5T1 Teller. Homcrrukcr Randy Dunlop 519 1G S: S. Lethbridge. Alberta T1J 3B1 Sales Mgr -Dunlop Ford Doug Florence Evelyn Florence 2114 - 20 Street S. Lethbridge. Alberta T1K 2G8 Locomotive Engincman Sharon (Davies) Fogtm3nn Paul Fogtmann 1603 Scenic Drive Lethbridge. Alberta TtK 1M5 Ron Fazio c/o Jaylin Dr Scharjo 232 Jakarta Seiatin Indonesia Arnold Follinqlo Dorothy Follinglo 205 Jerry Potts Blvd. W Lethbridge. Alberta T1K 5P2 Karen Follinglo J205. 1919 Universily Drive N.W. Calgary. Alberta T2N 4L2 Homemaker. Former Golf Pro Partner m C A F.rm Brynn (Malmberg) Forai Jim Fcrai 4203 • 74 St. CarmosO. Alberta T4V 3T7 Homemaker Jacquie (Beattie) Ford Derek Ford Box 57 lundbrcck, Alberta TOK 1H0 Elaine (King-Brown) Foresioll 6019 Da I Ion Dr. N.W. Calgary, Alberta T3A 1C9 Anaesthesiologlji Dalycc (Marlin) Forsler Mich Forsler 210 Jerry Polls Blvd. Lethbridge, AB T1K 5P3 English Language Instructor/ Principal 55 Bob Foster Box 23349 STN. AMF Vancouver. B C V7B 1V1 Veronica Frool 950- 11 St. S. Lethbridge. Alberta T1J 2P8 OrcsserRand s Phil Gorlock Sherri (Williams) Gerlock 145 Eagle Road Lethbridge. AB T1H 4Y3 0*n Comfcrlron Heating A Air Conditioning Darlene Giesbrecht 431 Walsho Trail Swift Current. Sask S9H 4V6 Dietary Technology. Homemaker Neil Foster Gail (Kirkman) Foster 77 Wildwood Rd. Lethbridge, Alberta Fosters Jewel lory,'Nurse Virene (Hamilton) French Dave French Stirling. Alberta Psychology M.iior Barbara Gibb Box 131 Barons. Alberta TOL OGO Graph C Arts Carol (Smith) Giurissevich Claude Giurissevich 1617 • 25 Avo. N. Lethbridge. Alberta T1H 4N8 Domestic Engineer Lois (Rea) Franklin 129 Veterans Or. Dauphin. Manitoba R7N 3J3 Clerk • Can. Empoymcnt Monica Cast 164 Lafayette Blvd. W. Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 323 Bill Gibb Robbin (Valgardson) Gibb Box 272 Barons. AB. TOL C30 Carpentori Research Techn cian Psychology Miles Godlonton Carol (Jollil(e) Godlonton 57 Queens Rd. W. Lethbridge. Alberta T1K 3W1 Realtor!Ballet Instructor 56 Mary (Ross) Franko Ed Franko 51 Temple Vale Way N.E Calgary. Alberta T1Y 4V1 R.N <Neonatai) Ralph Gast Rosemary Gast 152 Latayotte Blvd. W. Lethbridge. Alberta T1K 3Z3 designer's Futnituie Gallery Larry Gibb Gail (Paskuski) Gibb Box 174 Barons. Alberta TOL OGO Farmcr/lnsu'ancc Broker Cary Goodman 1332 Lakemont Blvd. Lethbridge. Alberta TtK 3M6 Brenda (Woathcrup) Fredrick Ron Gust Box 1507 Lethbridge. AB Ttj 4K2 Professional Aftist Graydon Gehm 101 Sherwood Place Lcthbridgo. Alberta Appiaisai Corinne (Komotz) Giduk Walt Giduk 12336 • 152 Ave. MCM Edmonton. Alberta T5X 1Z2 Oor-Wal Consulting Ltd. Dobbio (Smith) Gordichuk 16935 - 111 St Edmonton, Alberta T5X 2N9 Homomakcf. Mom. TaxiRick Gough Susan Gough 66 Warwick Or. S.W. Calgary. Alberta T3C 2R4 Ivaco (Stool Co) Jackie (Doyle) Guslalson Gary Gustafson 66 Melville Or. Nepean. Ont. K2J 2E1 Customs & Excise Tom J. Hamilton 290a • 11 Avo. S. Lethbridge. AB T1K 0L5 A’pcnlanu / Richard Hare 3534 West • 2nd Ave. Vancouver. B.C. V6R 1J4 Artist Kevin Goughnour Lynn (Edwards) Goughnour 1705 Cedar Rd. S Lethbridge. AB. T1K 4P7 fUoMXxJ Motors/Nurso Denise (Clark) Gustrum 112th A Ave. Greenbrooke Dr. 8rooks. Alberta TOJ 0J0 Business Administration Robert Hamilton 41 Mountford Drive Guelph. Cnt. N16 6E7 Karen (Mathoson) Harker 105 Ojibwa Place Lethbridge. Alberta T1K 5K5 Homemaker. Ski Instructor Linda (Harding) Gould 3507 Forestry Ave. S. Lethbridge. Alberta T1K3L2 Paiiiscr Oistillencs I Carmen Hall 99 Beaver Ridge Nepean. Ont. K2A 6E5 Spociai Assistant to Ex Director of Airports Ron Hammerstodt 216 Warwick Crcs. Edrnonlcn. Alberta T5X 5M9 Technical Advisor Ron Harker Dawna (Ogden) Harker 631A - 42 St. S.W. Calgary. Alberta T3C 1Y7 ElcctriciaruMomemjker 57 Peter Greendale 1028 • 12 "A" St. S. Lethbridge. Alberta T1K JR4 Artiit Dave Hamilton Kathy (Kerr) Hamilton 626 -12 St. S. Lethbridge. AB. TtJ 2S2 Loth. Morale/Instructor D Goode f Campus Sally (Harker) Hampton 9619 • 52 St. Edmonton. Alberta T6B 1G8 Alberts Oep't ol Education Robert Harrison Connie Harrison 2911 • 130 Avo. Edmonton. Alberta T5A 3M1 Engineering Consultant * I Alf Gurr Joyce Gurr 9 Meadowlark Place N Lethbridge. Alberta T1H 4R6 OAncr-Esso Pius Foods Linda (Adam) Hamilton Box 324 Kalcdcn. B.C. VOH 1K0 Stove Hanhart Jola Hanhart Box 1877 Hanna. AB TOJ 1PO Urban & RcQional Planner Lucille (Heinrich) Hatt Rick Hatt Box 257 Irricana. AB TOM 1B0 Day Care Operator. HomemakerRob Hawkins Mary Hawkins 310. 9925 • 91 Ave. Edmonton. Alberta T6E 2T7 Ray Heathcoto »207. 2207 • 8 Avc. S. Lethbridge. Alberta Tlj 4G1 Owner • Taco Time Willie Hebenik Diana Hebenik 505 • 18th SI. N. Lethbridge. AB. T1K 0N4 Oaoci Ou.Vity Conduction A Bobcat Service Sherry Lee (Johnson) Heggedal Bob Heggedal General Delivery ’.Vostorose, AB. TOC 2V0 Homemaker. Craftmaker/ Gulf Canada Gerald Hcibert 3. 1549 Haro St. Vancouver. B.C. V6G 1G3 Federal Gov't Employee Ken Heinrich Sheila Heinrich 148 Cedar Park Green SW Calgary. Alberta T2W 2T9 Bob Held *23 Hartford Rd. N.W. Calgary. Alberta T2K 2A4 Bov (Christensen) Hennig 64 Berwick Hill N.W. Calgary. Alberta T3K 1C5 Electronic Engineering Teen Student / i Cathy (Lynde) Herian Sian Herian 1426 - 7 Ave. N. Lethbridge. Alberta T1H 0Y2 Darlene Howard P.O. Box 446 Key West. Florida, U S A 33040 Linda (McCulchoon) Hill 1747 Shannon Court Coquitlam. B.C. V3J 6C7 Construction Offico Coordinator Barbara (Grigg) Hill Robin Hill 1047 Haylhorno Rd. Sherwood Park. Alberta I BA 1B6 Kathryn (Nelson) Hinman 135 Silvorgrove Dr. N.W. Calgary. Alberta T3B 4G6 Bill Hirsche #301 • 1718 Henderson Lk. Blvd. Lethbridge. Alberto T1K 3C2 Captain Charles Hobbs 79 Woodborough Cres. S.W. Calgary. Alberta T2W 5A0 P*ano Teacher Irrigation Oiv. cl Alccria Canadian Forces Susan Holmes 208. 628 Dallas Road Victoria. B.C. V8V 185 Teacner Craig Hosolton Margaret Hosellon 13807 • 91 Ave. Edmonton. Alberta T5R 4X8 Laraino (Gray) Hougon Dave Hougen Box 177 Foremost. Alberta T0K 0X0 MomemakefJFarmer Dave Howe SSI-3-73 Lethbridge. Alberta T1J 4B3 Coc«*r.of Key Re!>ance Agencies Dalton Howe Sheri Howe 13 Hawthorne Place N Lethbridge. AB T1H 4L7 Coc^ner Key Reliance Agencies 58 Doug Howos Lissa Howes 562 Ross Glon Dr. S.E. Medicine Hal. Alberta TIB 3K3 Kim (Kasporson) Hubbard General Delivery Lethbridge. Alberta Debbie (Rickaby) Hulstein Box 385 Coaidaie. Alberta TOK OLO Carol McKenzie Hyshka Bill Hyshka 17616 • 94th Ave. Edmonton, Alberta T5T 3M7 Terry lllingsworth Robert Wilkinson 4507 - t4 A St. S.W. Calgary. Alberta T2T 3Y4 Opiomotrist Farming Fleming Motors Lab Scirntist/Economist Freelance Fibre Artist Monica (Noulcld) Iverson Box 206 Frontier. Sask. SON OWO Farming Karen (Krammer) Iwaasa »1. 1220 Balmoral St. S.E. Medicine Hat, Alberta T1A 0S7 E.S L. Teacher Ken Jack Lorraine Jack 18 Chippewa Cres. Lethbridge. Alberta T1K 5B5 Jane (Paterson) Jacob Ron Jacob 1448 Moorcrolt Rd S.W. Calgary. Alberta T2V 0K8 Mom to TnplotS. Synagogue Adm r.istrator Ross Jacobson 1513 Lakeshoro Rd. Lethbridge. Alberta Ja