The article deals with legal position of individuals who work in various nonstandard forms of employment in Slovenia. The author analyses labour law protection and social position of workers, carrying out the work in forms of temporary work (fixed-term employment, temporary and occasional work of st...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Senčur Peček, Darja
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Sveučilište u Rijeci, Pravni fakultet 2020
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Summary:The article deals with legal position of individuals who work in various nonstandard forms of employment in Slovenia. The author analyses labour law protection and social position of workers, carrying out the work in forms of temporary work (fixed-term employment, temporary and occasional work of students and retired people), in employment relationships with more than two parties (temporary agency work), and also the position of false self-employed and economically dependent persons. It is evident that these forms of work are not precarious on their own, since Slovenian legislation provides the workers with rather proper protection during the period, in which they work, and moreover,these workers are also entitled to rights from social insurance schemes (in narrower of broader scope). The situation is different in cases of abuse of these forms of work and in cases of false self-employed persons and other disguised employees, when workers are only entitled to a limited scope of rights in spite of working in relationships with elements of a standard employment relationship. In order to prevent these cases, not only additional legislation solutions and labour market measures are needed, but labour inspection will also have to be increased and furthermore, the awareness of employers and the societyregarding long-term impacts of use of such non-standard forms of work will have to be raised. Članak se bavi pravnim položajem osoba koje obavljaju rad u različitimnestandardnim oblicima rada u Sloveniji. Autorica analizira radnopravnu zaštitu i socijalnopravni položaj radnika koji rade u nekom od oblika privremenog rada (radni odnos na određeno vrijeme, privremeni i povremeni rad studenata i umirovljenika), s nepunim radnim vremenom (ugovor o radu s nepunim radnim vremenom), u radnim odnosima u kojima se javljaju više od dvije stranke (privremeni agencijski rad), kaoi položaj prividno samozaposlenih osoba i ekonomski ovisnih osoba. Očito je da ovi oblici rada nisu prekarni sami po sebi jer slovensko zakonodavstvo jamči ...