Friend, 1872-02

Published by the Rev. Samuel Chenery Damon from 1845 to 1885, The Friend focused on temperance and Christian mission to seamen. It began as a monthly newspaper that included news from both American and English newspapers, and gradually expanded to adding announcements of upcoming events, reprints of...

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Bibliographic Details
Other Authors: Damon, Samuel Chenery, 1815-1885
Format: Text
Published: 1872
Online Access:
record_format openpolar
institution Open Polar
collection The University of Utah: J. Willard Marriott Digital Library
op_collection_id ftunivutah
language English
topic Christians-Hawaii--Newspapers
spellingShingle Christians-Hawaii--Newspapers
Friend, 1872-02
topic_facet Christians-Hawaii--Newspapers
description Published by the Rev. Samuel Chenery Damon from 1845 to 1885, The Friend focused on temperance and Christian mission to seamen. It began as a monthly newspaper that included news from both American and English newspapers, and gradually expanded to adding announcements of upcoming events, reprints of sermons, poetry, local news, editorials, ship arrivals and departures and a listing of marriages and deaths. From 1885 through 1887, it was co-edited by the Revs. Cruzan and Oggel. The editorship then passed to Rev. Sereno Bishop, who held the post until the publication of the paper fell under the auspices of the Board of the Hawaiian Evangelical Association in April of 1902 where it remained until June 1954. Since then, it has continued in a different format under the Hawaii Conference-United Church of Christ up to the present day, making it the oldest existing newspaper in the Pacific. Note that there are some irregularities in the numbering of individual issues, so that two issues may have the same volume and number, but different dates will distinguish them. IN ~ ' The Pacific ~eiu ~eries, lot 21. lla. 2.} HONOLULU, FEBRUlRY I, 1872. · CONTE~TS Naval Officers look out for your Laurels. Gail Hamilton on tlie Sandwich Islands. For February, 1872. Taking " The North Paci§c Pilot," noticed in another column, and published by Imray & Son, of London, 1870, as authority, it discloses some facts not very creditable to the activity of the British and American Navies. This book brings out the record of explorations in remote parts of this ocean during the last half century. According ·to this book, the Missionaries of Micronesia i and the commanders of the Morning Star, have performed more exploration and pubFEBRUARY 1, 1872. lished the same to the world, than has been AMERICAN RELIEF FuND.-On the 22d of done by the ·British Navy since the days of this month--Washington's birth-day, will Cook and Vancorrver, and by the U. S. be held the annual meeting. We learn Navy since the days of Wilkes. According from A. J. Cartwright, Esq., that only sixty- to the recent estimate of the Rev. Dr. Anfive names have been upon the paying list, derson, the entire expense of the Microneduring the past year. Only sixty-five · sian mission, up to 1870, would not exceed Americans on the Hawaiian Islands willing $150,000 including the running of the to pay $12 per annum to aid their indigent Morning Star. This small amount would countrymen. We would suggest that the not keep a sloop-of-war in commission, one list be read on the 4th of July, and such year! verily, th.e church is very prudent, Americans as are not willing to contribute and good results, even to commerce, are for this object should not be allowed to par- apparent. We have long thought and -adticipate in the festivities. We would also vocated that more surveying ships ought to suggest that a list of all the non-paying be cruising in this ocean commerce and Americans be published in the newspapers. trade absolutely demand their presence. We know of some boastful Americans who Ships of the navy go from port to port, have never contributed a dollar to this fond. givmg all shoals and islands a. wide berth, When the annual meeting is heid, we trust unless they mn upon them in the night, or there will be a large addition to the list of are specially instructed to examine their paying members. locality. It is quite time there should be a thorough exploration of this whole ocean lr7' By the arrival of Mr. Waterhouse's under the auspices of the British and U. S. ship the city is supplied with fresh groceries Governments. of the best quality. Housekeepers had better take a look, for the prices are very ·e r From S. W. Partridge & Co., Paterreasonable. noster Row, London, we have received a large hand.bill sheet, printed in the Hawaii07 It is reported in the newspapers, that an language, with a fine engraving of the s~me twenty and perhap-s more, Japanese P10digal Son. Ir appears No. 1 of a series. young ladies from the first families of the Empire, are to be sent to the United States [(7' From E. Platz & Sons in Erfurt, to be educated. This will be the most im- Germany, we have received a catalogue of portant and unexpected movement of that flower, garden and tree seeds. Any person Empire. desirous of consulting will please cnll. PAGE Naval Officers lopk out for your laurels .••••••••••••••••••• 9 Ga.ii Hamilton oo the Sandwich Islands .•••.•••.•••••••. 9, 10 :tld1tor's Table .•••.••.•••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••.• 10 Cruise of the " Morning Star" ••••••••••••.••.••••.•••••• •11 Letter from a Guano I~land .•••.•••.•••.•••.•••.•••••••.• 11 '.l'he "Hawaiian" and other papers .•••••••••• . •••••••••••• 12 1'he Poet Cowpe1·. 12 XVIIth Annual Report Sailors' Home Society.•.••••••••••• 14 The Hossler l!:xpedition .•••••••••.•••••••.••••••••••••••• 14 Y. M. C. A . 16 THE FR IE ND This famous newspaper, magazine and book-writer, thus discourses in a late number of the New York lndependant : " There are tbe Sandwich Islands, which were the seat of a savage society, murderous, idolatrous, licentious. Now they are clothed and in their 1·ight mind. 'fhey are govel'Ued by a constitution, and they worship the true God. So too missionaries preach, and so we believe. But, on the other hand, infidels and unbelievers tell us that the natives are dying out. In the good old times, when they worshiped their own gods, and were not hampered by dress, they number.e d 400,000. Now they are but 65,000. The infidels admit, indeed, that this depopulation had . begun before the missionaries appeared upon the scene; but their appearance has not checked it, The rate of decrease bas even been higher than ever since the miss10n work and they attribute it to the fact that the missionaries have substituted for the natural dress and the natural amusement of the simple islanders, the cumberous dress and the severe manners of their own austei-.e clim-a.te. "It is tr~e the enemy hath saith this; but we want to know if what the enemy hath said is true, God maketh the wrath as well as the meekness of man to praise bim. Have we carried the Gospel and the arts of civilization to a nation that was rapidly dying out, .and has it been dying all tho more rapidly since it accepted us? If so~ is it good economy? ls there some offset of which we know nothing." It appears to be a great puzzle to "Gail Hamilton," and many other writers, why the depopulation of the Sandwich Islands, and other islands of Polynesia should go forward after all that has been done by the missionaries and others, for the evaogeHzation and civilization of the aboriginal inhabitants 1 She asks, u we want to know if what the enemy hath said is true 1" We may not answer this question to her satisfaction, and that of others equally puzzled. The following facts, however, may contribute to the solution of the pi:oblem, or the explanation of the puzile. From thirty years observation and extensive correspond . ence, with missionaries and others residing upon various islands of the South Seas, the following we believe to be the facts. In no part of all PoJy!Jesia, or Micronesia is the native populat-ion upon the incre~s~, IO THE FRIEND, FEBRUAR~, 1872. but rather upon the decrease. In some groups the decrease h&s be~n_ much more rapid than at others. On the Sandwich lslands the decrease ha:; been, upon an average about 1,000 per annum, since 1820, this decrease would include the _ravages of the small-pox, in 1853, and the influenza of a previous date. The sma 11-pox swept away about one half of the population of Ascension, or Ponape, in Micronesia, in 1853-4. Jn very many of the South Sea islands, the influenza, terminating in consumption is a terrible scourge among the natives. In speaking of the causes of the depopulation, we must mention the old and destructive wars among the Sandwich Islanders, and among the Ne\-v: Zealanders and Fijians, the constant wars which have been going forward for ages and are still in progres~. Among the causes of depopulation, must be Teckoned that disease which was brought by those who came in the ships of Capt. Cook, and this same disease has also gone forward, more or less depopulating all these islands of the Pacific. Its ravages has not as yet been arrested. Another cause of depopulation has been the large number of young men who have been taken away from their homes, and become seamen. They left at an age when they might have remained and reared families, but having wandered abroad, they have died and never contributed to the increase of the population. This cause is much more influential und wiJe-spread, than is at first apparent. In referring to the caus·es of depopulation, may be mentioned the rntrod uction of measels, whooping cough, fevers and the '' numberless ills which (civilized) flesh is heir to." All these have folJowed in the track of civilization and intercourse with foreigners. Now the idea, of attributing the depopulation of the Sandwich Islands, or any of the island.s of the Pacific to missions or Christianity, is just absurd as any thing which can possibly be imagined. Christianity ha:s no more depopulated the Sandwich Islands or Polynesia, than did the preaching of the Gospel depopulate Rome and the Roman Empire, eighteen hundred years ago. Nero was wont to charge the burning of Rome and the overflowing of the Tiber to the Christians! Hence arose the cry, "Away with Christians to the lions!" Christ.ianity has no more depopulated these "isles of the sea,'' than has Christianity caused the Qld} rinitan element or English Stock of New England to die out! This fact appears to be one conclusively established by Dr. Allen of Lowell. The fact is, the Polynesian race, appears to be destined finally to give place to the A,1glo Saxon and Chinese. We think no one Gan doubt th~ truthfulness Editor's Table. of the assertion. In the future the Chinese will supplant Po 1ynesians. The kalo patches of the natives are to become the NoRTH PACIFIC P1LoT: Part II. The Seamen'., rice fields of the Chinese, while the latter, Guide to the islands of the North Pacific, with fifty and a hundred years hence will become an Appendia: on the iuinds, weather, q-c., of the the cultivators of the soil throughout the PaNorlli and South Paez.fie. By W. fl. Rasser·. cific. James lmray q- So'I'/. 1870. " Gail Hamilton," asks in a subsequent part of the article from which we have copied the above: " ls there anything in the position of the Sandwich lsl_ands which makes it incumbent on us to have a Christian people thei·e, even though we slay the natives with the sword of the Spirit, and substimte for them a population transported from our own shores." This quertion is somewhat involved, but in answer to the first part of it, we unhesitatingly reply; yes , th ere is someilting in th e '[XJSZtzon of the Sandwich Isla nds, which makes it incumbent to have a Christian people here. We hold th at th ere is no spot on the face of 'JUr globe, where it is more necessary, there should be established a Christian community, than upon these islands, with Honolulu as a centre. We would call "Gail Hamilton's'' attention, and that of others interested in this subject, to the following rerna rks of the Hon. W. H. Seward, when a member of the United States Senate in 1852. 0 n the 29th of Ju I y of that year, he delivered his famous speech on "the commerce of the Pacific ocean." Durir.ig each subsequent year the truthfulness of his rema1·ks have become more and more apparent, while some paragraphs of his speech, were truly prophetic : ,, Even the discovery of this continent and its islands, ft.nd the organization of society and government upon them, grand and important as these events have been, were but conditional, preliminary and ancillary to the more sublime result now iri the act of consummation-the reunion of the two civilizations, which parting on the plains of Asia four thousand years ago, and traveling ever afterwards in opposite directions around the woi.'ld, now meet again on the coasts and u;lands of the Pacific ocean. Certainly no mere human event of equal dignity ft.nd importance lias ever occul'l'ed upon the earth. It will b~ followed by the equalization of the condition of society and the restoration of the unity of the human family. Who does not 1,ee that henceforth every year Europeon commerce, European politics, European thoughts and European ,activity, although actually becoming more intimate, will nevertheless ultimately sink in importance; WHILE TH;E PACIFIC OCEAN, ITS SHORES, rrs ISLANDS, AND THE VAST REGIONS BEYOND, WILL BECOME THE CHIEF 'fHEATRE OF EVENTS IN 'fHE WORLD'S GREAT HEREAFTER'!'' In view of these remarks, we would ask, '' Is there not something in the position of the Sandwich !~lands, which makes it incumbent on us to have a Chnstian people there 1" The apostles,-but especially the apostle Paul-are believed to have been guided by Heavenly wisdom, in establishing churches in Rome, Corinth, and various parts of Asia Minor. To employ a military term, ·those were strategical points, taken for the conquest of the Roman Empire. Just so Honolulu, and other points in the Pacific ought to be occupied by Christian Churches, at whatever cost of treasure and men. The above is the title to an important work, relating to the navigation of the North Pacific Ocean, and ought to be in the ha,nds of every shipmaster. In reading, we are surprized to learn how much the author is indebted to the publications of Honolulu, T1rn FRIEND, Commercial .Rdvfr· , tzser, an d Gazette, and yet these sheets are not once alluded to. \Vhile our humble l abors, as gleaners of marine - intelligence, are thus ignored, we rejoice that the commande:rs and missionaries, who have saifed • in the Morning Star and other vessels, are not overlooked. We find the names of Captains Moore, Brown, Gelett, Paty and James, daly mentioned as having contributed important information. The names also 7 of the Revs. Messrs. Gullck, Doane, Pearson, Bingham, are mentioned and credited with having contributed very largely to this work. Page after page, is copied from Dt. Gulick's memoranda of islands, reefs and shoals. Portions of lectures, delivered by him in Fort St. Church, are copied extensively. Abstracts of these were published in the I'olynesian, yet no mention is made of the source whence they were derived. English publishers and authors are very severe upon American publishers for reprinting, without giving due credit, but here we have a London publisher plagiarizing· no small portion of a volume, from Hawaiian periodicals, yet not mentioning the name of one ·of them! We positively know that Messrs. Imray & Son, publishers, and W. H. Rosser, compiler, could not have obtained this information except from these pu.blications. In this publication, numerous "Islands and Shoals," and their locality are copied verbatim, from a valuable communication, written by Capt. Daniel Smith, of. Honolulu, and published in the Adverti:~er, and also'"'in the FRIEND of June and July, 1868. We feel a little jealous for the honor of our friend Capt. Smith, who is so staunch a Britisher, and for 5leven years commanded a government vessel in the East India, ·and served for many years in the Honorable East India Company's service. Capt. Smith is authority upon all matters relating to the navigation of the Pacific, hence we would suggest, that before Imray & Son publish the second edition of their " North Pacific Pilot," they should open a correspondence with Capt. Daniel Smith, Harbor-master's Office, Ho-. nolulu. Cruise of the lllorning Star. '!'his vessel has just returned from an extensive and succesful cruise among the Micronesian Islands, touching at all , the Mis:5ion Stations, and establishing Missionaries at new stations. From the Rev. Mr. Snow's letter, our readers will be introduced to some of the "lights and shadows" of m1ssrnnary life, in those remote isl:inds. The Rev. Mr. Sturges writes in his usually cheerful tone, respecting missionary labor on Ascension. From the Rev. Mr. Bingham, we have gleaned information respecting the missionaty enterprize on the Gilbert Islands. War and intemperance are their exerting their baleful influence, but, upon the whole, the work is progressing. The call for teachers and sale of books are upon the increase. Lelle~• .ft·om Rev. B. G. Snow. l\foRNHW STA.ti, A.T SJ;JA, November 6, 1871. REV. DR. DAMON, :MY DEAR BROTHER :-Accompanying tbi-s you will find a couplH of notes from Keduka's widow and daughter to yon. You will prnbably be surprised as we were to learn ot ~is cleatl.J. No one has passed away from among this people wl.Jom we s hall miss so much as Keduka. He was always among the first to greet ns on our y~arly visits. and the last to say ·' Good bye." He 1s tbe only one who bas known "and been with us through all the changes , trials and prosperities of om· work on Knsaie. Now that be is no more witll us, I was surprised to sec bow much I bad leaned upon him. For days aftPr our anival h seemed as though I.Je would drop in somewh~t·e and, we suould beat· his voice again eithel' about our house or in our meetings. We found much to sadden us during onr recent visit to Kusaie. Our lotJg ausceuce with no pastoral care tor the chnrcb. and much of untoward influence from without, !Jad led many of thvm to go astt·ay, and eight at ·one time had been carried off by kidnappers! But their cbmch discipline llad beeu kept up with their usua.l fidelity. Out· visit as usual did much to strengthen the things that remain and tone up tl.Je Christian feeling all over the island. Nine were admitted to the church. ten chil<lrnn baptized, a pasto1· ordained to take the place of George who bad died, as one of those wbo bad been a deacon, were among tbose who had been kidnapped. It is fearful to what ext,rnt slavery business is ca1Tied ou in these ieas. You may learn from Mr. Sturgis about one Capt-. W. H. Hayes who clefeatC'd a plan for landing Christian teachers on McAskill's Island by making 1:1. writ.ten agreement with the king not to allow any missionaries to land ti.Jere for ten years! This was done that the missionaries might not interfere with Lis making- money out of the uatives. You will be paineu to learn of the death of Dt>bora,h . .Aea's wife. She 1s t.hc last of the origi1rnl foUT wlio <;ume with us to Micronesia in 1852. You will learn mnch ot interest abont ber, her f!icknPss and death from ber husband who is on the Jl'ioi-ning Star. with bis little boys. It is a great loss to our mission to haye sncb a break in onr forces jnst at tlns time. He was just getting- a good bold of thinizs on :Mejuro, one oft.he most po1rnlous islands of this gaoup. It is a dark providence that takes him away from us at this time. Yon will be interested in his report ot that faithful Jeremaie and bis wife wbo ha,·e been snch faithful colaborers and such kind and faithful nursers dnrino- Aea's ~ickness from poison-fi.~h and during Deborah 's ~ickness. He ti.Jinks none of them would have been alive now had not Jeremaie and Likaji ueen with them. Aea also speaks in very high terms of J eremaie us a native preaclwr. This correspon<ls entin·ly with my own estiirntte of him as a preacher. I sonow greatly in the necessity or Kapali's ]Paving with his wife and family. This 11:'aves onr Hawaii~ fo~ce very smal,l. only two young men and thetr wives. And I !ear one of ti.Jose will be obliged to leve soon on account of his wife's eyes· I feat· she will be entirely blind! Our associates Mr. and Mrs. Whitney are meeting with great favor among the natives of Ebon. Mr. Whitney had made such progress in Lhe h.tngnage that he occupied the pulpit three Sabbaths. discoursing in the native language. This surely is a hopeful beginning for the missiona,·y work. In it all I exceedingly rejoice. Wonldn:t I like to see a late FltrKND or any other late papers? How <'!Hietly and silently the great worlcl moves to 11s out her~ · Most fraternally yours. B. G. Sxow. Letter Cro111 Rev. A. A. St111·geE1• • PoNAPE, September 23, 1871. REV. DR. DAMON :-It is now late, Saturday evening, and I am to go on board the Morning Star early Monday morning, to take some of our Ponape teachers to the small atolls east of the McA.skill Islands and Wellingtons. We had a delightful and prosperous passage down the Hawaiian missionaries generally well and doing well we reached anchorage in the " Mission Harbor," Ona, on the 13th of this month. I was glad to meet such a kind recept.ion from our people, they were evidently very glad to see their old teacher, and I am very glad to be at home and at work. I called at McA.skil's on our way down and made a::-rangements for sending there some of our native teachers I was surprised at the swarms of natives there it is a hopeful field for our Christians it is good to give them work this early. We dedicatad a very good house of worship the other day at one of my out stations the people have erected it during my absence and it shows quite considerable skill and much industry. Our people are trying to develop themselves, and I am very happy to be with them to assist in this matter. It is rather sad to feel myself so all alone, but the dear ones are cared for with kind friends, and I am where Jesus would have me. The visit of the Jamestown to Pon ape was a success I think all friends of this poor people and our mission will rejoice with us. My dear place and home at Kiti where you visited us in '61, and which "Pease" took possession of, and occupied by quite a company of foreigners is now quite clear of incumance, and a good deed given for it all owing to the good work of the Jamestown. Capt. Truxton did a good work here, and has left a good impression on our natives we shall long remember him. Yours &c., A. A. STURGES. FACTS IN Hull-IAN 11 I 8 7 2. 1'11E FRIEND, FEBRUARY, LIFE.-There are about 3,064 languages spoken in the world, and its inhabitants profess more than 1,000 dif- ferent religions. The number of men is about equal to the number of women. The average of human life is about 33 years. One-quarter die previou~ to the age of 7 years, one-half before reaching 17, and those who pass this age enjoy a felicity rPfused to one-half of the human species. To every lO00persons,only 1 reaches 100 years of life; to every 100, only 6 reach the age of 65; and not more than 1 in 500 lives to 80 years of age. There are on earth 1,000,000,000 inhabitants, n nd of these 33,333,333 die every year, 91,824 every dny, 3,730 every hour, and 60 every minute, or one every second. The married are longer lived than tbe single, and above all, tho::;e who observe a ·sober and industrious conduct. Tall men live longer than short ones. Women have more chance of life in their favor previous to their being 50 years of age than men have, but fewer afterwards. The number of marriages is in the proportion of 75 to every 1,000 rndividuals. Marriages are more frequent after the equinoxes, th1-1t is, durlng the months of June and December. Those born in the spring are generally more robust than others. Births and deaths are more frequent by night than by day. The number of men capable of bearing arms is calculated at one-fourth of the population. Letter from a Guano Island. ENDERBURY's ISLAND, December 25, 1871. REV. s. 0. DAMON, DEAR Sm :-Being fully aware of the fact that you are alwayti glad to lie,tr news concerning veBsels and their crews after leaving Honolulu for a, voyage, I send you a line or two that may sen·c insertion in the marine journal. 'rhe Hawaiian bark Mauna Lua, Bri~gR, arrived at this island on Nov. 22nd, 1871, 19 days from Honolulu. 'l'he passage down was a very pleasant one. 'l'he cruise were mainly from the wrecked fleet in the Arctic many of the foremast hands having been officers in the whaling fleet, a,nd they were the mmit ablebodie<l, efficient, and orderly ship'B crew it has ever been my pleasure to sail witli. They could sing well too, Mr. Editor, I like to bear men sing heartily on shipboard. It is an infallible sign of a cheerful heart; and where a cheerful heart beats in the bosom of a man he entertains a sense of his own superiority and realizes what is due alike to bis Maker and his fellowman. I always think there 1s something radically wrong on board of the ship whose crew does not sing and if there is one place more tban another "where music hath charms" it is rnund a rusty windlass when the anchor grips hard. I found on board a number of the bound volumes of the FRIEND, and found them very v21.luable indeed, not only for tbe interesting articles contained in them, but as works of reference, and it seems to me that no better Directory or Guide .Book to the Hawaiian Kingdom could be purchased and as a Record of past events fraught with the greatest of interest to the nation I hardly know how the resident of Honolulu can du without it. I have derived more information from its columns concerning the commercial advancement in the islands than I could possibly have done by a long residence at them, after the more important~events had transpired. A perusal of the column headed Missing too tells its own tale. H0w many anxious hearts look to it for relief from years of agonized suspense, and this too seems to be one of the most gratifying proofs to me of its va1ue that its worth, as a medium of communication between loved oneB and those who have wandered away from home and its sweet influence, should be folt the world over, and a glance at these anxious en qui res breathing love in every letter prove that it it! S tJ. Long may it flourish and be the bearer of good tidings as a true friend always should do. The Mauna Loa, after landing :Mr. Geo. E. Wes ton and some supplies, sailed for Baker's li:;land, at which place Abe wal:l to land 25 native laborer;;, and pToceed on her cruise. On Dec. 9th the bark Lagoda, Capt. Swirt, arriYed off tbe i'3land crui:-;ing Captain reported all well on board had sprung bis topmast in a gale on Dec. 2nd bad seen nothing but one hurnpback since leaving Honolulu 20 days before she sailed f"ur the westward the same day and would touch at Baker's !island. On the 10th of Dec. the wbaling bark Progres$ Capt. Dowden, a.rrived off the ir;;land and just after maki1w land, sicrhted a verv laro-e school of sperm whale close shore; struck four and saved three of them turning out one hundred barrels. After standing· off and on the island until the 22nd, she sailed for the westward and would touch at the King Mills group for wo,Jd and fruit. I boarded this vessel in company with Capt. Hempstead just after sbe made the island , and in the cabin lying on an open chart I noticed a volume of the FRrnND open and the Captain inform ed me that, had it nut been for the !"ailing VEsTor, . Chemist PJu:e n.i1; Guano Co. a 1Z 'f II E F R I E N D, Ir E B R U ! R Y, I 8 7 2 . THE FRIEND. mirably fit him for the office of an editor. Then too, he is sd highly gifted and skilful 1'.EBRUARY 1, l 8'12. in writing original poetry in Hawaiian, and in making translations, that the columns of 'The Hawaiian. the Alaula will always be supplied with It is gratifying to learn that we are to good poetry. have on the 15th of each month, "A home '· KA LAU OLIVA'' (The· Olive Leaf.)-literary, social and scientific journal." The publishers of this journal have sketched a This is the title of a monthly sheet in the goo<l beau-ideal, which mo~t earnestly we Hawaiian language, edited and published hope may be filled out. This number gives by the 'Rev. H. Parker, pastor of the Stone indications that we have buried talent which Church in Honolulu. It appears to be the only needs to be called forth. The writer official organ of that church. We notice of "A Base Line for a Noble Use," is capa- that one page is devoted to advertisements, ble of writing in a scientific style, and we It has long been a matter of surprise·to us only wish he had made the scientific more that . our foreign merchants, who are partialprominent and left the wit out of his article. ly dependent on native trade, did not adverThe intelligent _readers on the islands desire tise more extensively in the native newsa good common sense notice of Prof. Alex,- . papers. We see that Dillingham & Co., antler's efforts to run a "Base Line." \Ve and others, have commenced. We should want science and wisdom, but not science think an advertisement in n~tive would be and wit. 'The wit and humor we want "In equally important as one in the Euglish newspapers. the Verandah." The Editor opens the di8cussion of Secret Societies-their necessity and usefulness, together with some objections thereto. We do not propose to enter upon the discussion of this subject, only to remark that we appreciate their eleemosynary and charitable character, but we desire to see the Church of Christ do all the great and grand work, wt1ich it is proposed to be accomplished by these associations. Let no one join such associations thinking that no more is required of him by the demands of God's law, or the claims of the Gospel of our Lord Saviour Jesus Christ. These associations boast that many Christians have joined them, very well, now what we want to see is, that these Christians should do through the channel of the church, what they propose to do through these secret societies. We hold that every church ought to a id the poor as well as provide for the religious wants of the community. Success to The Hawaiian, and may it erelong grow into a periodical like the old Haw:ziian Spectator. There were some writers of genius in the Ptmch Bowl, and we hope they have not left the kingdom but will let us read more of their quiet and humorous communications, as they may appear in The Hawaiian. " KE ALA ULA," ( Tlze Daw11 of the Morning.)-'l'his is the title of the Child's Paper published in the Hawaiian language, and extensively circulated among Hawaiian chHdren, throughout tne islands. The Rev. L. Lyons, of Waimea, is editor for the current year. Most heartily we congratulate the young people of Hawaii nei, in having so beautiful a monthly sheet. Mr. Lyons' perfect knowledge ot the Hawaiian language, a_nd his known love for children, must ad- The Poet Cowper. A memorial to the poet Cowper is proposed in England and subscriptions from the lovers of his verse m the United States are desired to the beautiful object. If all who have been cheered by his pen should lay a trifle on his grave, the monument would be great.-Exchange. The Late Bishop Patteson. The Australian newspapers received by the Nevada contain full particulars respecting the lamentable death of Bishop Patteson, Our object in again calling the attention of our readers to this subject is to bring out a remarkable paragraph found written among the Bishop's private papers. He thus writes: "I desire to ·protest, by anticipation. against any punishment being inflicted upon natives of these islands who may cut off vessels of kill boats' crews until it is clearly shown that these acts are not done in the way of retribution for outrages first comrriittrd by white men. Only a few days ago a report reached me that a boat's crew had been killed at Espirito Santo. Nothing is more likely. I expect to hear of such things. lt is the white man's fault, and it is unjust to punish the colored man for doing what, untler such circumstances, he may naturally be expected to do. People say an<l write inconsiderately about the treachery of these islanders. I have experienced no instance of anything of the kin<l during fourteen years' intercourse with them, and I may fairly claim the right to be believed when I say that if the Melanesian native is treated kindly he will reciprocate such treatment readily. The contact of many of these traders arouses all the worst suspicions and passions of the wild untaught man. · It is not difficult to find an answer to the question, Who is the savage, and who is the heathen man ? " RELIGIOUS AWAKENING IN HoNoLULu.-ln As with Shakespeare and Milton, so with our last issue we published the programme Cowper; the age and century of his birth of the week of prayer. Meetings were held did not fully recognize his geniu'3 and true in accordance, and such was the, interest merits. Cowper was unquestionably the awakened, that union meetings were conEnglish Poet of the 18th century, others tinued every week-day evening during the secured a temporary and ephemeral fame, two following weeks. It is sincereJy to be vastly superior at the time of the publication hoped much good has been the result; the of their poems, but many of them have long meetings have been numerously attended, since been forgotten, while Cowper still live~ and many of them solemn and impressive. and will live as long as the English language The members of our churches have found shall be written and spoken. We do not their religious affections awakened, and we remember to have seen a tablet even, to his trust some have really commenced a new memory, in the Poet's corner of W estmin- aml religious life; "By their fruits," saith ister Abbey, but his beautiful hymns and our Saviour, "ye shall know them." This choice Jines are engraven upon the memories was the test eighteen hundred years ago, of millions of English reading people in all and it remains the same now. parts of the world. We have long been NAVAL ENTERTAINMENT WITHOUT WINE anxious to fall in with n copy of Cowper's AND LIQUORs.-Among the receptions~iven Homer, and our desire was gratified a few to the Grand Duke Alexis non·e have been days smce, in vi::;iting an auction room more honorable than that of Admiral Smith, where some old books were to be sold. •vv e of the Brooklyn Navy Yard. A handsome entertainment was spread on the occasion, secured the prize, and have been delighted in which but one omission was noticed, and in reading his translation of the Odyssey, that was the feature of the reception, a testiconsidering it vas_tly snperior to Pope ! We mony to the principle and courage Qf the hope erelong to be able to compare it ·with host. It was the absence of all kinds of in• Bryant's, which is announced among the toxicating liquors.-Exchange. We are glad to learn that there is a grownew books just issuing from the press in ing disposition among those occupying posiBoston. '!'here is an indescri-bable charm about Cowper's -prose as well as his poetry, tions of official trust, to give entertainments which will ever place him as a writer and without the use of intoxicating drinks. We poet among the masters of the English !an- cannot see why semi-intoxication is the guage, when its beauty, strength and purity, necessary accompaniment or intercourse in fashionable life and at pllblic entertainmantr. are under review. 'l' 11' E ft R I E N D , F E B R U A R Y , Information Wnuted. Information wanted respecting John Harris, by Richard Delleridge, steward of Royal Naval Ho11pital, Yokohama, J a.pan. Said Harris ia thus described : He has a finger short on one hand to the best of my knowl~dge he settled at Honolulu, about or 12 year11 ago. He wrote to hi~ mother for some time since her death, I have not heard of him. He was married to a native woman on Sandwich ldlands, and had two children. Information wanted respecting Benjamin Robins, who is supposed to have died on the Sandwich hlands, ~fter visiting Australia. Any information will be gl~dly received by U.S. Consul at Honolulu, or by his son Louis Robins of North Topeka, Shawnee Co., Kansas, or by the editor. Information wan!ed respecting William Jt'rancis Good by William Seton Ogden of Portland, Oregon. Said Good is thus described : A tall strong Englishman from London, who was by turns, sailor, s~ldier and baker, was married in the Sandwich Islands at·out 1843-4; at any rate a son named James Francis Good was horn to them on the islantls on the 9th of November 18-16. Wm. Francis , to Oregonandis reµorted to have left here as• steward of some vessel bound ;o China, since when nothing has been heard from him. Of George Francis Vaughan, who sa.iled from New Bedford in 1855. Any information concerning him will be gratefully l'eet!ived by bis father, residing in Springfield, Mass., or at the office of this paper. or Reuben Sherman, who left his home some years past, and has never been Ilea.rd from since. Ile Is about 65 years of age. Supposed to have been in Honolulu. Any information concerning him will be thankfully received by the Kclitor or by H. A. Royce, 336 East 17th Street, New York City. Respecting Leverett F'ullir, formerly of Butrulo, New York. lie 1vas ID Honolulu ten or fifteen years ago; eng~ged as a Feaman on board of some whale ship. Any information will be gladly received by Dr. G. P. Ju(ld, or by the editor. io M .I. Wagon and Carriage Builder, 74 and 76 King Street, Jlonolulu. lO' Island orders p1omptly executed at lo west rates. I. O. IOllN 1111 CR.l.KEN MERRILL, J. C. ~IER_RILL & Co., Commission Merchants and Auctioneers, 201 and 206 California Street, San F r a n c i s c o . ALSO, AGENTS OJ!' TIIE San Francisco and Honolulu Packets. ·'f l'a.rticu.laratteution gi'len to the sale and purGh&se ot mer chandiae, ships' business, supplving wbaleships, negotia.tin 8 exchange. &c. ,a All freight arriving at Saa Francisco, by or to the Honolulu Line of Packets, will be forwarJed FREE OF IJOM.MISSION. It]" Exchauge on Honolulu bought and sold • .£1) -REFl>llENO~S:Me1:1srs. c. L. Rir.hards & Co . Ilonolulu " IL Ilackfchl & Co. " C. Brewer & Cc, ••••.•••.••••••••••••••••• Bishop & Co . . Dr. lt. ,v. "'ood . . . Ilon.E.H. Allen . . d2 ly ALL N & C ff 1 L L I N . G ,v O R T H Kawaihae, Hawaii, Will continue the General Me1'chandise and Shipping business at the above port, where they are prepared to furnish the jllstly celebrated Ka waihae Potatoes. and such ~ther recruits as 11re required by whaleships, at the shortest notice, and on the wost reasonable terms. It]" Fh·ewoocl on Hnncl . .DJ Carrial".le lUaldng and Trimming ! I WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM YOU THAT I now employ the best Mechanics in the liue of Oarriage Maki,n g, . . Uarriage and General Blacksmithing, Painting . Repafring, &c., On the Hawaiian Group; and it is a well est;iblisbed fact that oar C, Ti·imminl!, hy Mr. R. Whitman, is as well executed 1u1 any iu New York City or .elsewhere. I therefore feel warranted in saying that we c:i.n manufacture as good a class of wo1·k in Honolulu as can be found in any part of the world. I will also state here that we fully intend to work at tbe lowest possible ratee. M BENFIELD. Honolulu, Nov. 20th, 1871. Bound Volumes at Reduced Price FURNJSII BOUND VOLUMES VV ofE theWIT,[, Friend at one dolliir per an11nm •(snbscriptiot> price $2), for any number of years from 1852 to the prc~ent time. iJ7 Adding the cost of binding. PORT· OF HONOLULU, S. I. ARRIVALS. I>ec. 81-Nor Ger brig Peter, 67 days from Newc;istle, NS W. Jan. 3-Haw bk R W Wood, Weeks, 22 dayl!i from S,tn Francisco. 3-Haw MChr Kamaile, 64 days from Guano lslandis. 4-Am bktn A P Jon.Ian, 31 days from lJumboldt. 9-Brit ship Nicoya, Jones, 122 flzys from London. 9-Hrit ship Devonshire, Watters, 33 days from Puget Sound, en route for Callao, 11-Am schr Sovereign, Cl1ambers, 51 days from Tahiti. 15-Am stmr Nevada., Blethen, 15 days from Auckland. 16-Am bk Camden, Robinson, 36 days from Port Townsend. l'i-Am Missionary brig Morning Star, Matthews, 27 days from Micronesia. 19-Am bktn Free Trade, _B uddington, 50 days from Port Townsend. 19-Brit brig Robert Cowan, Ravely, 28½ days from Victoria, B C. 20-Am strnr Moses Taylor, NT Bennett, 11 days from San Francisco. 22-Brit brig Susan, J W Hughes, 21 days from Tahiti. 25-Ara;~!:\~l:~d~ard, Rickman, !5½ days from How25-Am brig L P Foster, James 1\lills. 23 days from Mazatlan, Mexico. 26-Am bk Comet, A Fuller, 27'daye from Sau Francisco. DEPARTURES. Jan. BEN l<'IELD, • 11AllINE JOUl{NAL. 3-Am bk DC Murray, Shepherd, for San Francisco. 3-U S steam frigate California, ro·r Tahiti. 6-Nor Ger brig Peter, Bundguard, for Maiden's Is. 10-Nor Ger bk Ingertha, for Sta,huck Island. 14-Brit bk Duke of Edinburgh, Hill, for 1'1ewcastle1 N S W, in ballast. 19-Ifaw schr Kamaile, Bridges, for Jarvis Island. 2l-Am stmr Nevada, lllethen, for Auckland. 2•1-Am stmr Moses Taylor, l:ltenuett, for San Francisco. Jan. 2'i-Am 3-masted ·s chr AP Jordan, Perry, for San Francisco. 27-Am bk Camden, Robinson, for Victoria. 28-U S S Narragansett, Mead, for Navigator's Islands. 29-Haw bk R W Wood, Weeks, for San ]'rancisco. MEMORANDA. US, N Z & A.MS S LINE.-The Nevada arrivccl at Auckland Dec 8, and at Sydney Dec 15. Returning left Sydney Dec 23, 7 p. m., and arrived at Auckland Dec ~9. Left there Dee 30. Jan 3, at 5:30 p. m., met steamer Nebraska, exchanged papers with her in lat. 22 ° 23' son th, long. 174 o 39' west. Jan 6, 3 a. m., arrived off the ltarbor (If Paga Pagn in the Island of Tutiulla (Navigators.) Landed .Mr. Seed, on government business for New Zealand. ,ve have 3 passengers for Honolulu and 89 for San Franci;sco; and 40 tons freigllt for Honolulu, 660 tons measurement for San Francisco, and large mail. Have had head winds and a great deal of rain the greater part of the voyage from Sydney. Arrived at Honohllu Jan 16 at 'l o'clock a. m. REPORT OF BRIG RonF.RT COWAN, FROM VICTORIA.Left Royal Road on the evening of Dec 21st, 1871. and Cape Flattery Dec 22d. Had heavy N E and N W gales with snow to 40 ° N; then had a succession ot S W gales to 25 o N, long 136 ° W from tbece to port had light variable winds. llark Delaware, hence, arrived at llurrard's Inlet Dec 16th, to load for this port. REPOKT OF BAilKENTINE FREE TRADE, CAP"!;, l\I. J. BuDDINGTON .-Lel't Port •rownsend Nov 30th; when within a few miles of Cape ClassiL encountet·ed heavy gale. Split and lost sails, and returned to Port Angelos. Left Port Angelos Dec 6th had heavy southerly gales to latitude of San Francisco, then ligl1t and battling airs and calms to the islands. No trades during the passage. THE steamship Moses Taylor, N T l:lennett, Commander, left ~an Francisco Jan 9th at 12:30 PM. Had strong S E wind with very bad cross sea for 48 hours-made lit tie or no headway. Jan 12th at 11 P l\1 passed steamship America bound in-had light southerly wind from the 11th until reaching port. .Ian 18th at 2 P 1\I passed a bark steering N E, wiud light. Jan 20th at 4 A M sighted Molokai; passed a brig heating up the channel off Mdlol\ai; arrived at Honolulu at 2 P l\l. A. K. ULARK, Purser. REPOil'f OF Bnrn -L. P. FOSTER, CAPT, JA~IES MILLS.Left Mazatlan Dec :l9th; had very smooth sea and light wiurl varJ iug from northwest 10 north. Afterward very light trade winds until Jan 20lb. In sight of Maui Jan 20th; had a very heavy gale from the westward, with a trcmenclous sea and heavy rain squalls. 'l'he gale reached its height on l\londay night, Jan 22d, when the barometer fell to 29.28. 'fhe wind then moderated and drew to the northward. the port in 28 day~ from Mazatlan. REPOllT 01' SCHOONER c. M. ,vAnD, CAPT. RICKMAN.Left Honolulu Dec 16th, 1871, with the wind from the southeast, veering to the westward. Ilad the wind light up Lo lat 16 ° north, long 158 ° 38' west took the trades in lat 14 ° 30' north, long 159 ° 00' wei,t, Arrived at Phrenix Island Dec 29th. Lett Phrenix for En<lerbury',; Dec 30th. Arriv<--d at Enderbury's at 4 P ni same day. Left Enderbury's Jan 2d, 1872, for Baker'8 Island. Arrived at Baker's Island Jan 5th. Left Baker's for Howla.rnl's on the 6tl, .January. Arrived at Howland's hland on the 7th. Left Howland',i Islancl for Honolulu on the 8th of .January. In long 171 ° 48' west took the wind light from the southward, veering to the westward, weather looking very thre.ttening. On the night of the 20th January blowing hard from the westward, with heavy sea running. On the 22d wind h,\Ule<l to the northwest, with heavy ·:,quall and min; sleet blowing hard with heavy sea. At 2 A M on the 23d, weath er more moderate. Arrived off Diamond Head after a patisage of l5f dayti fro111 IIowla.ntl'b ls!- 13 I 8 7 2. and, and a round trip of 38½ days. At Enderbury's Island :,poke whaling barks l'rogre~s with 100 barrels sperm, and Lagoda, clean. Found everything working satisfactorily at the islands visited. REPORT OF BARK COMET, CAPT. A. FULLER.-Left San Francisco Dec 30th. In cros~ing the bar took several Heas on board, it breaking at the time. The first 16 days out a continuation of heavy gales from SSE to SSW with a great deal of rain. Then had 4 days' light winds from NE to ESE. From Jan 21st to 24Lh had a very heavy gale of wind witn plenty min from SSE Lo WSW, blowing heaviest when it reached SW with a very heavy ~well from WNW. After the gale tltc wind spnrng up from NW to NNW and remained so, when we made the east end of Maui .Jan 26th at 4 AM. Report f'1•on1 E11derb111•y'~ l1daud. The Hawaiian bark l\1auna Loa arrived here Nov. 17th, after a passage of 19 days from Honolulu, and after lancling stores aud one pa~senger, proceeded on her cruise the same d rrels of oil. The captains of the above vessels report all well on bmtrd. PASSENGEHS. --- F~OM SA-; -F1t-;;,c1sco-Per R. W. Wood, Jan. 2d-3 native seamen from bark "Cambriuge." F.on SAN FnANC1sco-Per D. C. Murray, Jan. 3d-.James Proser, T N Noble, .John G ,vood, Robert Windfielu, A J Powers. .F110M JAnv1s ISLAND-Per Kamaile, Jan. 4th-)lr A J Kinney, 1 native laborer. Foa ST.-1.nuucK ISLAND-Per Ingertha, Jan. 6th-Mr Arundel, and 52 Hawaiian laborers. FROM l'onT GAMDLE-l'er Devonshire, Jan. 9th-Mr Kelly, 1\11· Lawson. FR0~1 TAHrr1-Per Sovereign, Jan. lltb-'l'hos Laurens. FROM MICRONESIAN ISLANJJs-Per Morning Star, Jan. 17th -Rev II Hingham and wife, from Apaiang, Giluert lsland11; Rev II Aea and 4 children, from l\lijro, Marshall Islands; Rev D Kapali, wife and 4 children, and assist3:nt. from Ebon; Re:v J W Kanoa, wife and 5 children, and assistant, from . llutantari, Gilbert Islands; Mr 'l'eboko. assistant to Mr Dmgham, and Miss Hattie K Haina, from Apaiang. Per steamer Nevada, from Sydney .Jan 16-T Jlayselden, G Pully Ching Pot, and 89 tor San Francisco. Fon jARVIS IsLAND-Per Ifamaile, Jan. 19th-J Blakely, and 2 native laborers. FROM PoR·r TOWNSEND-Per Free Trade, Jan. 19th-famuel Willo«ht'>y, DA Tlmyer, AD Barrister, wife and son, ·wm Waters Chas D Ford and wife. l\Jiss Ellen A Buddington. FRO~t' SAN FRANCISCO-Per .Moses Taylor, ,Jan. 20th-If W Severance, W H Dimond, S T Alexander, WR Bliss,_A Herbert wife and daugltter, Mrs Purcelle, R Newcomb, w1te and child Mrs S E Morrison, 3 chi'dren and servant, Wm Donnelly, 'G G Garther, F Kaye, and 27 in transitu for New Zealand and Australia. FOR AUCKLA~D AND SYDNEY-Per Nevada, Jan. 21stLou,s Hasclmcyer, C Reinhardt, and 27 in transitu from San Francisco. FRO~! TAHITI-Per Susan, Jan. 22d-Capt Schneider, P Ilonnefln, Mr and Mrs Golf, and 4 Chinese. Fon SAN FRANCISCO-Per Moses Taylor, .Jan. 24th-S Magoin, wife and 2 children, l\I Eckart, Mrs _c Billiugs, Y Adams, R W Kirkham and 2 daughter~, Mrs Hastings, daughter and servant. V Link Fred Stoll, ~lrs R Hitchings, Bans Lar,;sen David Kelly. F J Ross, .John l\1 Ross. W Farley, R G Cas, tilo: Chas Luce, ·w Ahsee, T Wellt1, J W l\lateer, S S Gage, amt 89 in transitu from A.ustralia and New Zealand. FROM GUANO lsLANDs-Per C. M. Ward, .Jan. 25th-John Ross, J M Holland, C .J Maston, Jos Vicorine, L Wohlers, e.nd 5-i Hawaiians. FR0~1 MAZATLAN-Per L. P. Foster, Jan. 2f>t.h~'.\'1r and Mrs Wilson, lfm Tl1 nnpson, Mrs Thompson, Omar Kingsley, ,James Roy, Daniel Crow, .Joe ,Villiums, Geo Sharp, Eugene Lee, Master Romeo, Master Johnny Uooke, Fre.J Storrer, Mr Fritz, N White, D Halpruner, James People, Uhas Dunlap, John Lawless, Harry DeWitt. FnoM SAN FRANOisco-Per Comet, Jan. 26th-l\1rs Franklo and ison. Fon SAN FRA:o.c1sco-Per R. W. \Vood, Jan. 29th-Robert Foster, wift: and 5 children, E L •raylor, Chas l\larl!ten, J l\I Holland. Fon KoLOA-Pcr .Tenny, .Jan. 30th-.Tudge l\JcBryde and wife, Miss Luce, l\ln; Ilindt, .Ino Wright, Capt Wright. MARRIED. SPENCER-DANIELS-At Wailuku, Maui, on the llth imit., by the Rev. Arcluleacon Mason, Francis Spencer, E~q., District Justice of South Kohala, Hawaii, to Miss Martha Daniels, daugMer of W. Daniels, Esq., District Justice of Wailuku . lIARTWKLL-8~11Tn-At Koloa, Kauai, .January 10th, by Rev. J. W. Smith, a£sisted by Rev. D. Dole, Hon. ALI'RED S. HARTWELL, FirRt Assistant Justice Supreme Cou_rt, to LOT• Tm E., daughter of Rev. J. W. Smith. lhLLING-STonv-ln San Francisco, Cal., December 3J, at the Episcopal Church, corner of Howard and Twen1y-first streets, by th<:: Rev. Dr. Bro1hering, l\lr. PETEii S. 0. BILLING to Miss E~MA STonv, second daughter of Mrs. Rachel l'licShane, of Honolulu, li. I. DJED. MORGAN-In this city, January 22d, REllECCA . youn:;c~t Ud.Ughter of the late Rouert Jlorgau, aged 4 yea1s and 4 d,l)~. 14 THE FRIEND, FFJBRU!Rt, 1872, Seventeenth Annual Repol't of the Hono• lulu Sailor's Home Society. missions, etc., and on leaving, left the following statement respecting the Home : " Here we have an excellent Home for the wayfarers of the 5iea, and situated as Honolulu is, for its central position a great number of seamen find it an invaluable institution for their convenience and comfort. Both the lodging and boarding departments appear to be of the very best dr~scription,-even to the beds .of ·the ordma ry sailor being furnished with the luxury of mosquito curtains, and the well spread tables fully adequate to the more fastidious taste of the officers as well as the demand for the 'good and plenty ' of the man before the mast. At this season .when shipwrecked seamen are fl.owing ,fo in such large numbers from various parts, it is impossible to fully appreciate the benefits of this Sailor's Home. Hundreds, nay thousands of sailors, no doubt wiff'c arry a grateful recollection of this institution throughout their lives, nay long as eternity shall roll. Could the benevolent parties who have rendered special assistance towards this institu~ tion witness its usefulness, they could not b•1t feel the utmo~t pleasure in thus ~eeing the happy result of their labors and contributions. The excellent lady who has the management of the establishment seems eminently fitted for her post." We are happy to report that the arrangement made with the Young Men's Christian Association has been continued during the past year, and the reading room in _tbe Home (the only public and free reading room in Honolulu) has been sustained very much to the pleasure and usefulness of seamen and the traveling community. In closing this report, the Executive Committee cannot refrain from testifying to the exceeding usefulness of .Mr. Dunscombe as the superintendent of the reading room, depository, and general oversight over the establishment. S. U. DAMON, The closing of another year reminds us that a report must be made respecting the history and usefulness of the Sailor's Home during the year 1871. As during rormer years, so <luting the one just past, the Home has , been sustained and its original design carried out. Soon after the year opened, Mrs. Crabbe, who had for nearly five years managed the institution with much skill and good judgment, retired and made over the management to Mrs. Whitius. This lady having been a boarder in the Home for many months, entered the establishment fully aware of the peculiar duties required of a manager, and of the perplexities attending its successful career. We are most happy to report that J\tlrs. Whitius ha.; fully complied with her engagements, and admirably succeeded in meeting the wants of seamen and the transient community seeking the Home for lodging and boarding. She has fully acquired the confidence of the community, so that the Home to-day is in successful operation. We are happy to report that since the l;;;t of October, Mrs. Whitiu$ has paid a rent of $25 per month, which amount added to the annual rent from the Hawaiian Missionary Society, and that of the cellar, has enabled the Executive Committee to make all the necessary repairs, and close the year with a small balance in the Treasurerjs hands. In reviewing the financial history of the Home during the last six years, it has been proved nearly, if not quite, a self-sustaining institution. At the close of one or two years a small debt was paid by the Trustees, but no appe,d for funds has been made to the Chairman Ex. Committee. public since 1866. It is to be hoped that , Honolulu, Dec. :30, 1871. hereafter, by prudent management, no appeal will be required to be made, unless in CJ1a1·les R. Bi . hop ns T1·ea,.mrc1·, i• nccount cu1•1•ent ,vitb Honolulu Sai101•'s Ho111e some very extraordinary emergency. Society. 1870. Dn. During the past year the Committee has Dec. 21-To cash on hand as per acct. rendered $102 91 ]871 received $47 from the ladies of Falmouth, Mch 28-Amt. donation from Messrs. Wilson & Bros. of San Francisco, by hand Mass., to keep in good condition the room of Dowsett & Co. . • . . • • . . . • . . . . . . J 8 00 Ang 11-To amt. fot· rent of Depository for 18il. 100 OU known by the nflme of "Falmouth," and so Nov 24-To amt. for rent of Home for October and November . 50 00 called when the Home was opened. Dec. 26-To amt. for rent of cellar 6 months to 31st inst. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • 36 00 About one hundred and seventy-five sailor 27-To amt. for rent of Home for Dec. :25 00 boarders and lodgers have been accommo$331 91 Cct. dated during the pa~t year. This is entirely Jan.1871 J2-By paid F. H. & G. Segelken's account. . $ 13 75 paid J. G. Osborne's account. 6 55 exclusive of the numerous shipmasters, offi- Mch l'l-By 25-By paid L. L. To, bert's account. • . . . . ]8 0-1 28-lJy paid .1. Nott & Co.'s account. 48 50 cers and their wives and families who have Apl. 25-By paid F. II.&. G. Segelken's account. 1 00 been accommodated in the private depart- Oct. 14-By paitl Lucas & Wiggin's account. 23 83 20-By paid E. 0. Hall & Son's account. 33 80 ment. Reviewing the Home as a boarding Nov 14-By pai<\ .Judah 1\1. Gates' account. 37 00 Dec. 4-lly paid Oabu Prison's acconnt . ;. 25 50 and lodging establishipent during the past 18-By pa;d J. G. Osborne's account. 16 50 21-By paid Lewers & Dickson's account. 17 28 yeart it has occupied a position of great use27-fly paid Ed. Dunscombe's account. 29 20 28-By paid Ila.waiian ·G ;izette Ot!ice's account. 1 50 fulness in this community, and we can hardly 28-By paid Dillingham & Co.'s account. 4 25 see h~w it could have been dispensed with. To balance, cash on hand . ,. 55 21 A few weeks since the Rev. G. Smiles, a Dec. 30-To balance brought down .••.••. $55 21. $331 91 or the a._mount expended ($286 '70) all but $15 70 has been gentleman from New Zealand, spent some for material and labor userl in repairs upon the premises, and days in Honolulu, making inquiries rei-:pect- the remainder. $15 70 for stationery, postages, etc . etc. , CHAS. R. llISHOP, Treasurer. _jng Hqnolulu, the _Hawaiian government, Honolulu, Dec, 30th, 1871. The Hassler Efpedit.ion. A new e.x'.pedit.ion of great importance to the interests of Science if not Commerce, has ~ailed from Boston jn connection with the United States Coast Survey. A new steamer, the Hassler, of 436 tons, provided· with a steam launch to rttA in shoal water, has been built and is to saft''for . the Pacific Ocean, where it will l::ie }J~rmanently employed, but the voyage oul:'is made the occa . sion for important :scientific explorations. On leaving Boston tbe Hassler will sail direct for the West Indies, where the new apparatus for deep sea dredging will be tested near the Island of St. Thomas. The vessel will ·go· outside the West India Islands to investigate the great current that enters the gulf of Mexico, and how the gulf stream is supplied then eastward, seeking the greatest depths of the Atlantic Ocean; next to Rio Janeiro, the east coast of Patagonia and the Falkland Islands, where investiga-tion will he made of the currents that come from the South Pole into the Atlantic. The llassler will then pass through the Straits of Magellan into the Pacific, exploring the Straits on the way, and then through the archipelago of Chiloe, striking out into the ocean toward the Islands of San Juan Fernandez. This will be during the month of Februarv. Next summer will be devoted to the expl~ration of the coast from Panama to San Francisco, the islands west of Lower California, and the voyage may extend as far north as Puget's Sound. A scientific party has been organized under the direction of Prof. Pierce, Superintendent of the Coast Survey, to make investigations and form collection~ that shall subserve _the general objects of science. Of this party, Prof. Agassiz will be the chief, and will devote himself principally to natural history. The expenses of this part of the expedition are defrayed by private funds and not by the Government. 'l'he party will be occupied about a year in its investigations and the vessel will remain on the Pacific coast to carry on the survey.-N. Y. Observer. DEATHS FROM DRINK.-Doctor Edward Jarvis, statistician of the General Life Insurance Company of London, furnishes the following statement, as ~bowing the death of persons wbo are intemperate as .c ompared with an equal number of persons of temperate habits. He says that if 100,000 intemperate persons be taken from fifty to seventy years, and an equal number of corresponding ages, who are not intemperate, 32 of the former \vill die as often as ten of the latter. Out of 100,000 of each, 15,907 of the intemperate will be dead before fifty of age, but of those not intemperate, 4 .266 only will be dead. From fifty to sixty years, the comparative number of deaths will be 6,419 and 2,254, and from sixty to seventy they will be 55,175 and 33,280, Here is an argument ad rem which should be much more potential than any prohibitory laws to check the suicidal growth of habits whose fatal results ;:ire thus mathematically demonstrated. 07" The following persons will find letters for them in care of the Chaplain, Martin Kelley, D,a niel Kershaw, George W. Hulse, and Heuben Sherman. I 15 'l'IIE .lfRIEND, FEBRUARY, I 8 7 2. MASTERS OF SHIPS DESIRlNG TRADE ADVERTISEMENTS. c. s. BARTOW, Auctioneer. Sales Room on Queen Street, one door from Kaahumanu Street • E. .HOFFM.\.NN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Corner Merchant anu Kaahumanu Sti·eets, near the Post Office : C. BREWER & co . Commission and Shipping Merchants, E. tit . Ilonolulu, Oallu, H. I. P. ADAMS. • .auction and Commission l',r[erchant, Fire-Prnof Store, in Robinson's Building, Qlleen Slreet. A, W. PIERCE. SHOlJLD fJALL AT TIIE HARDWARE STORE, No. 95 King Street, -w-here they can get DOUBLE AND SINGLE .BARREL SHOT GUNS, HENRY'S CARBINES ANJ? RIFLES, PARLOR RIFLES, POWDER, ' CARTRJDGES for Henry's Rifles, the Parlor Rifles and Revolvers, SHO"r of a.11 sizes, Shot Pouches, Powder Flasks, Percussion Caps, Eley 1s Best. Cheap Files, all sizes and kincls. Butcbet· KniYes, got or1t expressly for trade, Butchers' Steels, 8 to 16 inch. An Endless Variety of Pocket Cutlery, Sail Needles & Hooks, Sewing & Roping Palms, lfarlin Spikes, Sail Twine, Best Copper Tacke, Ship's Thick Steel Scrapers, Connecting Links, Topsail Chains, Coopers' Hammers aod Drivers, and othet· Tools 1 A Full Assortment of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, . Brushes of Every Description! ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD at PRICES THAT WILL GIVE SATISFACTION DILLINCHAM & CO., NO. 95 KING STREET. .January, 1872. CASTLE & COOKE . ~GENTS FOR WHEELER & WILSON'S FAMILY SEWING MACHI ENS, -WITH ALL- THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS l The HIGHEST PREMIUM GOLD MEDAL Over all Others? AWARDED AT THE GREAT WORLD'S EXPOSITION s. JOHN McGREW, M. n .• Late Surgeon V. S. Army, Can be consulted at his residence)on Hotel street, between Alakea and Fort streets. c. H. -WETMORE, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Hilo, Hawaii, S. I. N. B.-Medicine Chests carefully replenished at the 6 tf Hilo Drug Sto1•e. TH\JS. G. THRUM'S STATIONERY AND NEWS DEPOT, AND CIRCULATING LIBRARY, No. 19 Merclannt Stt•eet, • P • • Houolul11. ACKAGES OF READING MATTER-OF Papers and Magazines,.Jnck numbers-put up to order at reduced rates for parties going to sea. ly A. l, R. Pli:TERSOlll"- & C O •• (Succesors to C. L. F.icharus & Co.) '\)\T • PIERUE Slzip Clwndlers and General Commission Mer chants, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands. Agents Pnnloa Salt Wol'ks, Brand's Bomb Lances, And Pe1•ry Davb' J>niu Killer. Rare Subscription Books ! 'I~HE UNDERSIGNEO, DURING HIS AB• sence at the East, made arrangements to 1·eeeive subscriptions fot• tile following valuable works, which are sold only by subscription and tlifficult to obtain from regular publishing houses : ZELL'S POPULAR ENCYCLOPEDIA. AND UNIVERSAL DICTION.ARY, It tceats on every ·subject, and is embellished with ovel' 5,000 illustrations. Complete in two imperial volumes. Pri.ce $35.00. « It minutely describes every disease flesh is heh: t0; explains every legal term or phrase gives the geography of the entire world acquaints you with all not~d men anu women living or dead; describes every country, city and town; defines every word in the English langua~e! plc_tures the birthplace and gives portraits of many d1stmgmshed personages; teaches the correct pronunciation of proper names; is a biographical dictionary uf ail nations; a biblical dictionary; describes every animal known to exist; acq_uaintii you with authors, sculptors, travelers, warriors, painters, ilivioes, historians, naturalists, &e •• of ancient and modern times; spellks of all the battles and heroes of the late war i and explores the whole vast vegetable kingdom." BEF.cHitR'S ,, LIFE OF JESUS THE CHRIST." 1 volume, superbly illustrated. This work is issued in crown octavo, price $5.00, $5.60, $7.50; and in imperial, with over fifty steel plate engravings and maps. Price $10, $15, and $18, according to style of binding. THE PIOTORIAL FAMILY REGISTER of Husband, Wife ,-nd Children, adapted to recording full particulars of every member of the family. Prices from $2.50 to $4.00 each. TEN YEARS IN WALL STREET, or Revelations of Inside Life and Experience on Change. Pi-ice $3.76. LIBRARY oF PoETRY .u,rn SoNG, by Wm. Cullen Bryant, being choice selections from the best authors. Price $5.00. TODD'S COUNTRY HoMES, and How to Save Money. tical book t>y a practical man, Price $4.00. A prac- FLEETWOOD'S LIFE OF CHRIST, illustrated, and most superbly illustrated. Price $7 .00. THE CIVILIZED RACES OF TBE WORLD, by Rev. J. G. Wood. 2 vols. illustrated. Price $10.00. HUMAN LIFE PROLONGEP, or 5,000 Faets fo1• Physical Existence. Price $5.00. AGENTS, ALSO, FOR TRIUMPHS oF ENTERPRISE, Ingenuity and Public Spirit, by ONTINl.:ES THE BUSINESS ON HIS OLD . James Pal•ton. $4.60. Plan of settling with Officers and Seamen immecliately on their Shipping at his Office. Haviog no connection, either MARK TWAIN'S INNOCENT.S A-»ROAD, or the New Pilgrim', Progress, illustrated. $4 50 direct or inuirect, with any outfitting establishment, and allow ing no debts to be collected at his office, he hopes to give as SACRED HEROES AND MARTYRS, by JS Headley. 1 vol. 8 vo., A LABOR-SA. VING AND ·~ood satisfaction in the future as he has in the past. b11autifully illustrated, $4 50. o::r Offiee on J as. Robinson & Co.'s Wharf, near the U S. 666 gm Cnosulate. THE YEAR OF BATTLES, being a history of the Franeo-Geri»a.q HEALTH-PRESERVING INVENTION! War of1870-l, by LP Brockett. With maps and illustrations. $3.50. SCENES AND INCIDENTS IN THE LIFE OF TllE A,-'OS'.ff,E PAU~. J3f Can be nttnclaed to nil Sewing Macl1iues I Albert Barnes. l vol. $2,'f5, · MPROVEMENT IS TH)l} ORDER OF the day. Having constructed a new Sky-light, and made GR!i:4T FORTUNES and How They were Ma4e, or the Struggles various other improvements, I hope now to be able to auit the and Triumphs of our Self-made Men, 1 vol. & vo. illustrated RECOMMENDED BY THE LADIES moat fastidious with $UO . THE PHYSICAL LIFE OF WOlPil~, or Adyice ~o the Maiden, .A. Ph.o1;oc;iraph., On account of the perfect ease with which it operate, the very Wife and Mother, by Dr. Niwhe;vs. l vol. 12 mo. t2.50 ,alight pressure of the foot that sets it in motion, its simplicity Of any Size.from a Gr·ystal to a Mammoth, taken in Any of the above wor~s will be_ Qrq.ereq and deliv~red_ to the best /:3tyle of the Art, cf construction and action, its practical durability. subscribers in any part pf ~andw1c)l Isjapds, on apphcat1on And on roost reasonable terms. ALSO, for sale Views of the to .fl• l\f • WHITNEY. Islands, ·eortraits of the Kings, Queens, and other Notables, &c Honolulu, H. I , d25 Don't forget to Call an(l Examine for lTourselves? 689 ly H. L. CHASE, Fol't Slreet. AT PARIS. 186""--7 I CEORCE WILLIAMS, LICENSED SHIPPING AGENT. ~. THE HALL TREADLE C Photography. I 16 THE FRIEND, FEBRUARY, 18
author2 Damon, Samuel Chenery, 1815-1885
format Text
title Friend, 1872-02
title_short Friend, 1872-02
title_full Friend, 1872-02
title_fullStr Friend, 1872-02
title_full_unstemmed Friend, 1872-02
title_sort friend, 1872-02
publishDate 1872
op_coverage Hawaii
long_lat ENVELOPE(141.604,141.604,-66.775,-66.775)
geographic Arctic
San Juan
Sandwich Islands
New Zealand
South Pole
The Monument
New Bedford
Guano Island
Edinburgh Hill
geographic_facet Arctic
San Juan
Sandwich Islands
New Zealand
South Pole
The Monument
New Bedford
Guano Island
Edinburgh Hill
genre Arctic
Guano Island
South pole
Sperm whale
genre_facet Arctic
Guano Island
South pole
Sperm whale
_version_ 1766353060307664896
spelling 2023-05-15T15:22:24+02:00 Friend, 1872-02 Damon, Samuel Chenery, 1815-1885 Hawaii 1872-02 application/pdf eng eng Christians-Hawaii--Newspapers Missions--Hawaii--Newspapers Sailors-Hawaii--Newspapers Temperance--Newspapers Text 1872 ftunivutah 2021-06-03T18:53:35Z Published by the Rev. Samuel Chenery Damon from 1845 to 1885, The Friend focused on temperance and Christian mission to seamen. It began as a monthly newspaper that included news from both American and English newspapers, and gradually expanded to adding announcements of upcoming events, reprints of sermons, poetry, local news, editorials, ship arrivals and departures and a listing of marriages and deaths. From 1885 through 1887, it was co-edited by the Revs. Cruzan and Oggel. The editorship then passed to Rev. Sereno Bishop, who held the post until the publication of the paper fell under the auspices of the Board of the Hawaiian Evangelical Association in April of 1902 where it remained until June 1954. Since then, it has continued in a different format under the Hawaii Conference-United Church of Christ up to the present day, making it the oldest existing newspaper in the Pacific. Note that there are some irregularities in the numbering of individual issues, so that two issues may have the same volume and number, but different dates will distinguish them. IN ~ ' The Pacific ~eiu ~eries, lot 21. lla. 2.} HONOLULU, FEBRUlRY I, 1872. · CONTE~TS Naval Officers look out for your Laurels. Gail Hamilton on tlie Sandwich Islands. For February, 1872. Taking " The North Paci§c Pilot," noticed in another column, and published by Imray & Son, of London, 1870, as authority, it discloses some facts not very creditable to the activity of the British and American Navies. This book brings out the record of explorations in remote parts of this ocean during the last half century. According ·to this book, the Missionaries of Micronesia i and the commanders of the Morning Star, have performed more exploration and pubFEBRUARY 1, 1872. lished the same to the world, than has been AMERICAN RELIEF FuND.-On the 22d of done by the ·British Navy since the days of this month--Washington's birth-day, will Cook and Vancorrver, and by the U. S. be held the annual meeting. We learn Navy since the days of Wilkes. According from A. J. Cartwright, Esq., that only sixty- to the recent estimate of the Rev. Dr. Anfive names have been upon the paying list, derson, the entire expense of the Microneduring the past year. Only sixty-five · sian mission, up to 1870, would not exceed Americans on the Hawaiian Islands willing $150,000 including the running of the to pay $12 per annum to aid their indigent Morning Star. This small amount would countrymen. We would suggest that the not keep a sloop-of-war in commission, one list be read on the 4th of July, and such year! verily, th.e church is very prudent, Americans as are not willing to contribute and good results, even to commerce, are for this object should not be allowed to par- apparent. We have long thought and -adticipate in the festivities. We would also vocated that more surveying ships ought to suggest that a list of all the non-paying be cruising in this ocean commerce and Americans be published in the newspapers. trade absolutely demand their presence. We know of some boastful Americans who Ships of the navy go from port to port, have never contributed a dollar to this fond. givmg all shoals and islands a. wide berth, When the annual meeting is heid, we trust unless they mn upon them in the night, or there will be a large addition to the list of are specially instructed to examine their paying members. locality. It is quite time there should be a thorough exploration of this whole ocean lr7' By the arrival of Mr. Waterhouse's under the auspices of the British and U. S. ship the city is supplied with fresh groceries Governments. of the best quality. Housekeepers had better take a look, for the prices are very ·e r From S. W. Partridge & Co., Paterreasonable. noster Row, London, we have received a large hand.bill sheet, printed in the Hawaii07 It is reported in the newspapers, that an language, with a fine engraving of the s~me twenty and perhap-s more, Japanese P10digal Son. Ir appears No. 1 of a series. young ladies from the first families of the Empire, are to be sent to the United States [(7' From E. Platz & Sons in Erfurt, to be educated. This will be the most im- Germany, we have received a catalogue of portant and unexpected movement of that flower, garden and tree seeds. Any person Empire. desirous of consulting will please cnll. PAGE Naval Officers lopk out for your laurels .••••••••••••••••••• 9 Ga.ii Hamilton oo the Sandwich Islands .•••.•••.•••••••. 9, 10 :tld1tor's Table .•••.••.•••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••.• 10 Cruise of the " Morning Star" ••••••••••••.••.••••.•••••• •11 Letter from a Guano I~land .•••.•••.•••.•••.•••.•••••••.• 11 '.l'he "Hawaiian" and other papers .•••••••••• . •••••••••••• 12 1'he Poet Cowpe1·. 12 XVIIth Annual Report Sailors' Home Society.•.••••••••••• 14 The Hossler l!:xpedition .•••••••••.•••••••.••••••••••••••• 14 Y. M. C. A . 16 THE FR IE ND This famous newspaper, magazine and book-writer, thus discourses in a late number of the New York lndependant : " There are tbe Sandwich Islands, which were the seat of a savage society, murderous, idolatrous, licentious. Now they are clothed and in their 1·ight mind. 'fhey are govel'Ued by a constitution, and they worship the true God. So too missionaries preach, and so we believe. But, on the other hand, infidels and unbelievers tell us that the natives are dying out. In the good old times, when they worshiped their own gods, and were not hampered by dress, they number.e d 400,000. Now they are but 65,000. The infidels admit, indeed, that this depopulation had . begun before the missionaries appeared upon the scene; but their appearance has not checked it, The rate of decrease bas even been higher than ever since the miss10n work and they attribute it to the fact that the missionaries have substituted for the natural dress and the natural amusement of the simple islanders, the cumberous dress and the severe manners of their own austei-.e clim-a.te. "It is tr~e the enemy hath saith this; but we want to know if what the enemy hath said is true, God maketh the wrath as well as the meekness of man to praise bim. Have we carried the Gospel and the arts of civilization to a nation that was rapidly dying out, .and has it been dying all tho more rapidly since it accepted us? If so~ is it good economy? ls there some offset of which we know nothing." It appears to be a great puzzle to "Gail Hamilton," and many other writers, why the depopulation of the Sandwich Islands, and other islands of Polynesia should go forward after all that has been done by the missionaries and others, for the evaogeHzation and civilization of the aboriginal inhabitants 1 She asks, u we want to know if what the enemy hath said is true 1" We may not answer this question to her satisfaction, and that of others equally puzzled. The following facts, however, may contribute to the solution of the pi:oblem, or the explanation of the puzile. From thirty years observation and extensive correspond . ence, with missionaries and others residing upon various islands of the South Seas, the following we believe to be the facts. In no part of all PoJy!Jesia, or Micronesia is the native populat-ion upon the incre~s~, IO THE FRIEND, FEBRUAR~, 1872. but rather upon the decrease. In some groups the decrease h&s be~n_ much more rapid than at others. On the Sandwich lslands the decrease ha:; been, upon an average about 1,000 per annum, since 1820, this decrease would include the _ravages of the small-pox, in 1853, and the influenza of a previous date. The sma 11-pox swept away about one half of the population of Ascension, or Ponape, in Micronesia, in 1853-4. Jn very many of the South Sea islands, the influenza, terminating in consumption is a terrible scourge among the natives. In speaking of the causes of the depopulation, we must mention the old and destructive wars among the Sandwich Islanders, and among the Ne\-v: Zealanders and Fijians, the constant wars which have been going forward for ages and are still in progres~. Among the causes of depopulation, must be Teckoned that disease which was brought by those who came in the ships of Capt. Cook, and this same disease has also gone forward, more or less depopulating all these islands of the Pacific. Its ravages has not as yet been arrested. Another cause of depopulation has been the large number of young men who have been taken away from their homes, and become seamen. They left at an age when they might have remained and reared families, but having wandered abroad, they have died and never contributed to the increase of the population. This cause is much more influential und wiJe-spread, than is at first apparent. In referring to the caus·es of depopulation, may be mentioned the rntrod uction of measels, whooping cough, fevers and the '' numberless ills which (civilized) flesh is heir to." All these have folJowed in the track of civilization and intercourse with foreigners. Now the idea, of attributing the depopulation of the Sandwich Islands, or any of the island.s of the Pacific to missions or Christianity, is just absurd as any thing which can possibly be imagined. Christianity ha:s no more depopulated the Sandwich Islands or Polynesia, than did the preaching of the Gospel depopulate Rome and the Roman Empire, eighteen hundred years ago. Nero was wont to charge the burning of Rome and the overflowing of the Tiber to the Christians! Hence arose the cry, "Away with Christians to the lions!" Christ.ianity has no more depopulated these "isles of the sea,'' than has Christianity caused the Qld} rinitan element or English Stock of New England to die out! This fact appears to be one conclusively established by Dr. Allen of Lowell. The fact is, the Polynesian race, appears to be destined finally to give place to the A,1glo Saxon and Chinese. We think no one Gan doubt th~ truthfulness Editor's Table. of the assertion. In the future the Chinese will supplant Po 1ynesians. The kalo patches of the natives are to become the NoRTH PACIFIC P1LoT: Part II. The Seamen'., rice fields of the Chinese, while the latter, Guide to the islands of the North Pacific, with fifty and a hundred years hence will become an Appendia: on the iuinds, weather, q-c., of the the cultivators of the soil throughout the PaNorlli and South Paez.fie. By W. fl. Rasser·. cific. James lmray q- So'I'/. 1870. " Gail Hamilton," asks in a subsequent part of the article from which we have copied the above: " ls there anything in the position of the Sandwich lsl_ands which makes it incumbent on us to have a Christian people thei·e, even though we slay the natives with the sword of the Spirit, and substimte for them a population transported from our own shores." This quertion is somewhat involved, but in answer to the first part of it, we unhesitatingly reply; yes , th ere is someilting in th e '[XJSZtzon of the Sandwich Isla nds, which makes it incumbent to have a Christian people here. We hold th at th ere is no spot on the face of 'JUr globe, where it is more necessary, there should be established a Christian community, than upon these islands, with Honolulu as a centre. We would call "Gail Hamilton's'' attention, and that of others interested in this subject, to the following rerna rks of the Hon. W. H. Seward, when a member of the United States Senate in 1852. 0 n the 29th of Ju I y of that year, he delivered his famous speech on "the commerce of the Pacific ocean." Durir.ig each subsequent year the truthfulness of his rema1·ks have become more and more apparent, while some paragraphs of his speech, were truly prophetic : ,, Even the discovery of this continent and its islands, ft.nd the organization of society and government upon them, grand and important as these events have been, were but conditional, preliminary and ancillary to the more sublime result now iri the act of consummation-the reunion of the two civilizations, which parting on the plains of Asia four thousand years ago, and traveling ever afterwards in opposite directions around the woi.'ld, now meet again on the coasts and u;lands of the Pacific ocean. Certainly no mere human event of equal dignity ft.nd importance lias ever occul'l'ed upon the earth. It will b~ followed by the equalization of the condition of society and the restoration of the unity of the human family. Who does not 1,ee that henceforth every year Europeon commerce, European politics, European thoughts and European ,activity, although actually becoming more intimate, will nevertheless ultimately sink in importance; WHILE TH;E PACIFIC OCEAN, ITS SHORES, rrs ISLANDS, AND THE VAST REGIONS BEYOND, WILL BECOME THE CHIEF 'fHEATRE OF EVENTS IN 'fHE WORLD'S GREAT HEREAFTER'!'' In view of these remarks, we would ask, '' Is there not something in the position of the Sandwich !~lands, which makes it incumbent on us to have a Chnstian people there 1" The apostles,-but especially the apostle Paul-are believed to have been guided by Heavenly wisdom, in establishing churches in Rome, Corinth, and various parts of Asia Minor. To employ a military term, ·those were strategical points, taken for the conquest of the Roman Empire. Just so Honolulu, and other points in the Pacific ought to be occupied by Christian Churches, at whatever cost of treasure and men. The above is the title to an important work, relating to the navigation of the North Pacific Ocean, and ought to be in the ha,nds of every shipmaster. In reading, we are surprized to learn how much the author is indebted to the publications of Honolulu, T1rn FRIEND, Commercial .Rdvfr· , tzser, an d Gazette, and yet these sheets are not once alluded to. \Vhile our humble l abors, as gleaners of marine - intelligence, are thus ignored, we rejoice that the commande:rs and missionaries, who have saifed • in the Morning Star and other vessels, are not overlooked. We find the names of Captains Moore, Brown, Gelett, Paty and James, daly mentioned as having contributed important information. The names also 7 of the Revs. Messrs. Gullck, Doane, Pearson, Bingham, are mentioned and credited with having contributed very largely to this work. Page after page, is copied from Dt. Gulick's memoranda of islands, reefs and shoals. Portions of lectures, delivered by him in Fort St. Church, are copied extensively. Abstracts of these were published in the I'olynesian, yet no mention is made of the source whence they were derived. English publishers and authors are very severe upon American publishers for reprinting, without giving due credit, but here we have a London publisher plagiarizing· no small portion of a volume, from Hawaiian periodicals, yet not mentioning the name of one ·of them! We positively know that Messrs. Imray & Son, publishers, and W. H. Rosser, compiler, could not have obtained this information except from these pu.blications. In this publication, numerous "Islands and Shoals," and their locality are copied verbatim, from a valuable communication, written by Capt. Daniel Smith, of. Honolulu, and published in the Adverti:~er, and also'"'in the FRIEND of June and July, 1868. We feel a little jealous for the honor of our friend Capt. Smith, who is so staunch a Britisher, and for 5leven years commanded a government vessel in the East India, ·and served for many years in the Honorable East India Company's service. Capt. Smith is authority upon all matters relating to the navigation of the Pacific, hence we would suggest, that before Imray & Son publish the second edition of their " North Pacific Pilot," they should open a correspondence with Capt. Daniel Smith, Harbor-master's Office, Ho-. nolulu. Cruise of the lllorning Star. '!'his vessel has just returned from an extensive and succesful cruise among the Micronesian Islands, touching at all , the Mis:5ion Stations, and establishing Missionaries at new stations. From the Rev. Mr. Snow's letter, our readers will be introduced to some of the "lights and shadows" of m1ssrnnary life, in those remote isl:inds. The Rev. Mr. Sturges writes in his usually cheerful tone, respecting missionary labor on Ascension. From the Rev. Mr. Bingham, we have gleaned information respecting the missionaty enterprize on the Gilbert Islands. War and intemperance are their exerting their baleful influence, but, upon the whole, the work is progressing. The call for teachers and sale of books are upon the increase. Lelle~• .ft·om Rev. B. G. Snow. l\foRNHW STA.ti, A.T SJ;JA, November 6, 1871. REV. DR. DAMON, :MY DEAR BROTHER :-Accompanying tbi-s you will find a couplH of notes from Keduka's widow and daughter to yon. You will prnbably be surprised as we were to learn ot ~is cleatl.J. No one has passed away from among this people wl.Jom we s hall miss so much as Keduka. He was always among the first to greet ns on our y~arly visits. and the last to say ·' Good bye." He 1s tbe only one who bas known "and been with us through all the changes , trials and prosperities of om· work on Knsaie. Now that be is no more witll us, I was surprised to sec bow much I bad leaned upon him. For days aftPr our anival h seemed as though I.Je would drop in somewh~t·e and, we suould beat· his voice again eithel' about our house or in our meetings. We found much to sadden us during onr recent visit to Kusaie. Our lotJg ausceuce with no pastoral care tor the chnrcb. and much of untoward influence from without, !Jad led many of thvm to go astt·ay, and eight at ·one time had been carried off by kidnappers! But their cbmch discipline llad beeu kept up with their usua.l fidelity. Out· visit as usual did much to strengthen the things that remain and tone up tl.Je Christian feeling all over the island. Nine were admitted to the church. ten chil<lrnn baptized, a pasto1· ordained to take the place of George who bad died, as one of those wbo bad been a deacon, were among tbose who had been kidnapped. It is fearful to what ext,rnt slavery business is ca1Tied ou in these ieas. You may learn from Mr. Sturgis about one Capt-. W. H. Hayes who clefeatC'd a plan for landing Christian teachers on McAskill's Island by making 1:1. writ.ten agreement with the king not to allow any missionaries to land ti.Jere for ten years! This was done that the missionaries might not interfere with Lis making- money out of the uatives. You will be paineu to learn of the death of Dt>bora,h . .Aea's wife. She 1s t.hc last of the origi1rnl foUT wlio <;ume with us to Micronesia in 1852. You will learn mnch ot interest abont ber, her f!icknPss and death from ber husband who is on the Jl'ioi-ning Star. with bis little boys. It is a great loss to our mission to haye sncb a break in onr forces jnst at tlns time. He was just getting- a good bold of thinizs on :Mejuro, one oft.he most po1rnlous islands of this gaoup. It is a dark providence that takes him away from us at this time. Yon will be interested in his report ot that faithful Jeremaie and bis wife wbo ha,·e been snch faithful colaborers and such kind and faithful nursers dnrino- Aea's ~ickness from poison-fi.~h and during Deborah 's ~ickness. He ti.Jinks none of them would have been alive now had not Jeremaie and Likaji ueen with them. Aea also speaks in very high terms of J eremaie us a native preaclwr. This correspon<ls entin·ly with my own estiirntte of him as a preacher. I sonow greatly in the necessity or Kapali's ]Paving with his wife and family. This 11:'aves onr Hawaii~ fo~ce very smal,l. only two young men and thetr wives. And I !ear one of ti.Jose will be obliged to leve soon on account of his wife's eyes· I feat· she will be entirely blind! Our associates Mr. and Mrs. Whitney are meeting with great favor among the natives of Ebon. Mr. Whitney had made such progress in Lhe h.tngnage that he occupied the pulpit three Sabbaths. discoursing in the native language. This surely is a hopeful beginning for the missiona,·y work. In it all I exceedingly rejoice. Wonldn:t I like to see a late FltrKND or any other late papers? How <'!Hietly and silently the great worlcl moves to 11s out her~ · Most fraternally yours. B. G. Sxow. Letter Cro111 Rev. A. A. St111·geE1• • PoNAPE, September 23, 1871. REV. DR. DAMON :-It is now late, Saturday evening, and I am to go on board the Morning Star early Monday morning, to take some of our Ponape teachers to the small atolls east of the McA.skill Islands and Wellingtons. We had a delightful and prosperous passage down the Hawaiian missionaries generally well and doing well we reached anchorage in the " Mission Harbor," Ona, on the 13th of this month. I was glad to meet such a kind recept.ion from our people, they were evidently very glad to see their old teacher, and I am very glad to be at home and at work. I called at McA.skil's on our way down and made a::-rangements for sending there some of our native teachers I was surprised at the swarms of natives there it is a hopeful field for our Christians it is good to give them work this early. We dedicatad a very good house of worship the other day at one of my out stations the people have erected it during my absence and it shows quite considerable skill and much industry. Our people are trying to develop themselves, and I am very happy to be with them to assist in this matter. It is rather sad to feel myself so all alone, but the dear ones are cared for with kind friends, and I am where Jesus would have me. The visit of the Jamestown to Pon ape was a success I think all friends of this poor people and our mission will rejoice with us. My dear place and home at Kiti where you visited us in '61, and which "Pease" took possession of, and occupied by quite a company of foreigners is now quite clear of incumance, and a good deed given for it all owing to the good work of the Jamestown. Capt. Truxton did a good work here, and has left a good impression on our natives we shall long remember him. Yours &c., A. A. STURGES. FACTS IN Hull-IAN 11 I 8 7 2. 1'11E FRIEND, FEBRUARY, LIFE.-There are about 3,064 languages spoken in the world, and its inhabitants profess more than 1,000 dif- ferent religions. The number of men is about equal to the number of women. The average of human life is about 33 years. One-quarter die previou~ to the age of 7 years, one-half before reaching 17, and those who pass this age enjoy a felicity rPfused to one-half of the human species. To every lO00persons,only 1 reaches 100 years of life; to every 100, only 6 reach the age of 65; and not more than 1 in 500 lives to 80 years of age. There are on earth 1,000,000,000 inhabitants, n nd of these 33,333,333 die every year, 91,824 every dny, 3,730 every hour, and 60 every minute, or one every second. The married are longer lived than tbe single, and above all, tho::;e who observe a ·sober and industrious conduct. Tall men live longer than short ones. Women have more chance of life in their favor previous to their being 50 years of age than men have, but fewer afterwards. The number of marriages is in the proportion of 75 to every 1,000 rndividuals. Marriages are more frequent after the equinoxes, th1-1t is, durlng the months of June and December. Those born in the spring are generally more robust than others. Births and deaths are more frequent by night than by day. The number of men capable of bearing arms is calculated at one-fourth of the population. Letter from a Guano Island. ENDERBURY's ISLAND, December 25, 1871. REV. s. 0. DAMON, DEAR Sm :-Being fully aware of the fact that you are alwayti glad to lie,tr news concerning veBsels and their crews after leaving Honolulu for a, voyage, I send you a line or two that may sen·c insertion in the marine journal. 'rhe Hawaiian bark Mauna Lua, Bri~gR, arrived at this island on Nov. 22nd, 1871, 19 days from Honolulu. 'l'he passage down was a very pleasant one. 'l'he cruise were mainly from the wrecked fleet in the Arctic many of the foremast hands having been officers in the whaling fleet, a,nd they were the mmit ablebodie<l, efficient, and orderly ship'B crew it has ever been my pleasure to sail witli. They could sing well too, Mr. Editor, I like to bear men sing heartily on shipboard. It is an infallible sign of a cheerful heart; and where a cheerful heart beats in the bosom of a man he entertains a sense of his own superiority and realizes what is due alike to bis Maker and his fellowman. I always think there 1s something radically wrong on board of the ship whose crew does not sing and if there is one place more tban another "where music hath charms" it is rnund a rusty windlass when the anchor grips hard. I found on board a number of the bound volumes of the FRIEND, and found them very v21.luable indeed, not only for tbe interesting articles contained in them, but as works of reference, and it seems to me that no better Directory or Guide .Book to the Hawaiian Kingdom could be purchased and as a Record of past events fraught with the greatest of interest to the nation I hardly know how the resident of Honolulu can du without it. I have derived more information from its columns concerning the commercial advancement in the islands than I could possibly have done by a long residence at them, after the more important~events had transpired. A perusal of the column headed Missing too tells its own tale. H0w many anxious hearts look to it for relief from years of agonized suspense, and this too seems to be one of the most gratifying proofs to me of its va1ue that its worth, as a medium of communication between loved oneB and those who have wandered away from home and its sweet influence, should be folt the world over, and a glance at these anxious en qui res breathing love in every letter prove that it it! S tJ. Long may it flourish and be the bearer of good tidings as a true friend always should do. The Mauna Loa, after landing :Mr. Geo. E. Wes ton and some supplies, sailed for Baker's li:;land, at which place Abe wal:l to land 25 native laborer;;, and pToceed on her cruise. On Dec. 9th the bark Lagoda, Capt. Swirt, arriYed off tbe i'3land crui:-;ing Captain reported all well on board had sprung bis topmast in a gale on Dec. 2nd bad seen nothing but one hurnpback since leaving Honolulu 20 days before she sailed f"ur the westward the same day and would touch at Baker's !island. On the 10th of Dec. the wbaling bark Progres$ Capt. Dowden, a.rrived off the ir;;land and just after maki1w land, sicrhted a verv laro-e school of sperm whale close shore; struck four and saved three of them turning out one hundred barrels. After standing· off and on the island until the 22nd, she sailed for the westward and would touch at the King Mills group for wo,Jd and fruit. I boarded this vessel in company with Capt. Hempstead just after sbe made the island , and in the cabin lying on an open chart I noticed a volume of the FRrnND open and the Captain inform ed me that, had it nut been for the !"ailing VEsTor, . Chemist PJu:e n.i1; Guano Co. a 1Z 'f II E F R I E N D, Ir E B R U ! R Y, I 8 7 2 . THE FRIEND. mirably fit him for the office of an editor. Then too, he is sd highly gifted and skilful 1'.EBRUARY 1, l 8'12. in writing original poetry in Hawaiian, and in making translations, that the columns of 'The Hawaiian. the Alaula will always be supplied with It is gratifying to learn that we are to good poetry. have on the 15th of each month, "A home '· KA LAU OLIVA'' (The· Olive Leaf.)-literary, social and scientific journal." The publishers of this journal have sketched a This is the title of a monthly sheet in the goo<l beau-ideal, which mo~t earnestly we Hawaiian language, edited and published hope may be filled out. This number gives by the 'Rev. H. Parker, pastor of the Stone indications that we have buried talent which Church in Honolulu. It appears to be the only needs to be called forth. The writer official organ of that church. We notice of "A Base Line for a Noble Use," is capa- that one page is devoted to advertisements, ble of writing in a scientific style, and we It has long been a matter of surprise·to us only wish he had made the scientific more that . our foreign merchants, who are partialprominent and left the wit out of his article. ly dependent on native trade, did not adverThe intelligent _readers on the islands desire tise more extensively in the native newsa good common sense notice of Prof. Alex,- . papers. We see that Dillingham & Co., antler's efforts to run a "Base Line." \Ve and others, have commenced. We should want science and wisdom, but not science think an advertisement in n~tive would be and wit. 'The wit and humor we want "In equally important as one in the Euglish newspapers. the Verandah." The Editor opens the di8cussion of Secret Societies-their necessity and usefulness, together with some objections thereto. We do not propose to enter upon the discussion of this subject, only to remark that we appreciate their eleemosynary and charitable character, but we desire to see the Church of Christ do all the great and grand work, wt1ich it is proposed to be accomplished by these associations. Let no one join such associations thinking that no more is required of him by the demands of God's law, or the claims of the Gospel of our Lord Saviour Jesus Christ. These associations boast that many Christians have joined them, very well, now what we want to see is, that these Christians should do through the channel of the church, what they propose to do through these secret societies. We hold that every church ought to a id the poor as well as provide for the religious wants of the community. Success to The Hawaiian, and may it erelong grow into a periodical like the old Haw:ziian Spectator. There were some writers of genius in the Ptmch Bowl, and we hope they have not left the kingdom but will let us read more of their quiet and humorous communications, as they may appear in The Hawaiian. " KE ALA ULA," ( Tlze Daw11 of the Morning.)-'l'his is the title of the Child's Paper published in the Hawaiian language, and extensively circulated among Hawaiian chHdren, throughout tne islands. The Rev. L. Lyons, of Waimea, is editor for the current year. Most heartily we congratulate the young people of Hawaii nei, in having so beautiful a monthly sheet. Mr. Lyons' perfect knowledge ot the Hawaiian language, a_nd his known love for children, must ad- The Poet Cowper. A memorial to the poet Cowper is proposed in England and subscriptions from the lovers of his verse m the United States are desired to the beautiful object. If all who have been cheered by his pen should lay a trifle on his grave, the monument would be great.-Exchange. The Late Bishop Patteson. The Australian newspapers received by the Nevada contain full particulars respecting the lamentable death of Bishop Patteson, Our object in again calling the attention of our readers to this subject is to bring out a remarkable paragraph found written among the Bishop's private papers. He thus writes: "I desire to ·protest, by anticipation. against any punishment being inflicted upon natives of these islands who may cut off vessels of kill boats' crews until it is clearly shown that these acts are not done in the way of retribution for outrages first comrriittrd by white men. Only a few days ago a report reached me that a boat's crew had been killed at Espirito Santo. Nothing is more likely. I expect to hear of such things. lt is the white man's fault, and it is unjust to punish the colored man for doing what, untler such circumstances, he may naturally be expected to do. People say an<l write inconsiderately about the treachery of these islanders. I have experienced no instance of anything of the kin<l during fourteen years' intercourse with them, and I may fairly claim the right to be believed when I say that if the Melanesian native is treated kindly he will reciprocate such treatment readily. The contact of many of these traders arouses all the worst suspicions and passions of the wild untaught man. · It is not difficult to find an answer to the question, Who is the savage, and who is the heathen man ? " RELIGIOUS AWAKENING IN HoNoLULu.-ln As with Shakespeare and Milton, so with our last issue we published the programme Cowper; the age and century of his birth of the week of prayer. Meetings were held did not fully recognize his geniu'3 and true in accordance, and such was the, interest merits. Cowper was unquestionably the awakened, that union meetings were conEnglish Poet of the 18th century, others tinued every week-day evening during the secured a temporary and ephemeral fame, two following weeks. It is sincereJy to be vastly superior at the time of the publication hoped much good has been the result; the of their poems, but many of them have long meetings have been numerously attended, since been forgotten, while Cowper still live~ and many of them solemn and impressive. and will live as long as the English language The members of our churches have found shall be written and spoken. We do not their religious affections awakened, and we remember to have seen a tablet even, to his trust some have really commenced a new memory, in the Poet's corner of W estmin- aml religious life; "By their fruits," saith ister Abbey, but his beautiful hymns and our Saviour, "ye shall know them." This choice Jines are engraven upon the memories was the test eighteen hundred years ago, of millions of English reading people in all and it remains the same now. parts of the world. We have long been NAVAL ENTERTAINMENT WITHOUT WINE anxious to fall in with n copy of Cowper's AND LIQUORs.-Among the receptions~iven Homer, and our desire was gratified a few to the Grand Duke Alexis non·e have been days smce, in vi::;iting an auction room more honorable than that of Admiral Smith, where some old books were to be sold. •vv e of the Brooklyn Navy Yard. A handsome entertainment was spread on the occasion, secured the prize, and have been delighted in which but one omission was noticed, and in reading his translation of the Odyssey, that was the feature of the reception, a testiconsidering it vas_tly snperior to Pope ! We mony to the principle and courage Qf the hope erelong to be able to compare it ·with host. It was the absence of all kinds of in• Bryant's, which is announced among the toxicating liquors.-Exchange. We are glad to learn that there is a grownew books just issuing from the press in ing disposition among those occupying posiBoston. '!'here is an indescri-bable charm about Cowper's -prose as well as his poetry, tions of official trust, to give entertainments which will ever place him as a writer and without the use of intoxicating drinks. We poet among the masters of the English !an- cannot see why semi-intoxication is the guage, when its beauty, strength and purity, necessary accompaniment or intercourse in fashionable life and at pllblic entertainmantr. are under review. 'l' 11' E ft R I E N D , F E B R U A R Y , Information Wnuted. Information wanted respecting John Harris, by Richard Delleridge, steward of Royal Naval Ho11pital, Yokohama, J a.pan. Said Harris ia thus described : He has a finger short on one hand to the best of my knowl~dge he settled at Honolulu, about or 12 year11 ago. He wrote to hi~ mother for some time since her death, I have not heard of him. He was married to a native woman on Sandwich ldlands, and had two children. Information wanted respecting Benjamin Robins, who is supposed to have died on the Sandwich hlands, ~fter visiting Australia. Any information will be gl~dly received by U.S. Consul at Honolulu, or by his son Louis Robins of North Topeka, Shawnee Co., Kansas, or by the editor. Information wan!ed respecting William Jt'rancis Good by William Seton Ogden of Portland, Oregon. Said Good is thus described : A tall strong Englishman from London, who was by turns, sailor, s~ldier and baker, was married in the Sandwich Islands at·out 1843-4; at any rate a son named James Francis Good was horn to them on the islantls on the 9th of November 18-16. Wm. Francis , to Oregonandis reµorted to have left here as• steward of some vessel bound ;o China, since when nothing has been heard from him. Of George Francis Vaughan, who sa.iled from New Bedford in 1855. Any information concerning him will be gratefully l'eet!ived by bis father, residing in Springfield, Mass., or at the office of this paper. or Reuben Sherman, who left his home some years past, and has never been Ilea.rd from since. Ile Is about 65 years of age. Supposed to have been in Honolulu. Any information concerning him will be thankfully received by the Kclitor or by H. A. Royce, 336 East 17th Street, New York City. Respecting Leverett F'ullir, formerly of Butrulo, New York. lie 1vas ID Honolulu ten or fifteen years ago; eng~ged as a Feaman on board of some whale ship. Any information will be gladly received by Dr. G. P. Ju(ld, or by the editor. io M .I. Wagon and Carriage Builder, 74 and 76 King Street, Jlonolulu. lO' Island orders p1omptly executed at lo west rates. I. O. IOllN 1111 CR.l.KEN MERRILL, J. C. ~IER_RILL & Co., Commission Merchants and Auctioneers, 201 and 206 California Street, San F r a n c i s c o . ALSO, AGENTS OJ!' TIIE San Francisco and Honolulu Packets. ·'f l'a.rticu.laratteution gi'len to the sale and purGh&se ot mer chandiae, ships' business, supplving wbaleships, negotia.tin 8 exchange. &c. ,a All freight arriving at Saa Francisco, by or to the Honolulu Line of Packets, will be forwarJed FREE OF IJOM.MISSION. It]" Exchauge on Honolulu bought and sold • .£1) -REFl>llENO~S:Me1:1srs. c. L. Rir.hards & Co . Ilonolulu " IL Ilackfchl & Co. " C. Brewer & Cc, ••••.•••.••••••••••••••••• Bishop & Co . . Dr. lt. ,v. "'ood . . . Ilon.E.H. Allen . . d2 ly ALL N & C ff 1 L L I N . G ,v O R T H Kawaihae, Hawaii, Will continue the General Me1'chandise and Shipping business at the above port, where they are prepared to furnish the jllstly celebrated Ka waihae Potatoes. and such ~ther recruits as 11re required by whaleships, at the shortest notice, and on the wost reasonable terms. It]" Fh·ewoocl on Hnncl . .DJ Carrial".le lUaldng and Trimming ! I WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM YOU THAT I now employ the best Mechanics in the liue of Oarriage Maki,n g, . . Uarriage and General Blacksmithing, Painting . Repafring, &c., On the Hawaiian Group; and it is a well est;iblisbed fact that oar C, Ti·imminl!, hy Mr. R. Whitman, is as well executed 1u1 any iu New York City or .elsewhere. I therefore feel warranted in saying that we c:i.n manufacture as good a class of wo1·k in Honolulu as can be found in any part of the world. I will also state here that we fully intend to work at tbe lowest possible ratee. M BENFIELD. Honolulu, Nov. 20th, 1871. Bound Volumes at Reduced Price FURNJSII BOUND VOLUMES VV ofE theWIT,[, Friend at one dolliir per an11nm •(snbscriptiot> price $2), for any number of years from 1852 to the prc~ent time. iJ7 Adding the cost of binding. PORT· OF HONOLULU, S. I. ARRIVALS. I>ec. 81-Nor Ger brig Peter, 67 days from Newc;istle, NS W. Jan. 3-Haw bk R W Wood, Weeks, 22 dayl!i from S,tn Francisco. 3-Haw MChr Kamaile, 64 days from Guano lslandis. 4-Am bktn A P Jon.Ian, 31 days from lJumboldt. 9-Brit ship Nicoya, Jones, 122 flzys from London. 9-Hrit ship Devonshire, Watters, 33 days from Puget Sound, en route for Callao, 11-Am schr Sovereign, Cl1ambers, 51 days from Tahiti. 15-Am stmr Nevada., Blethen, 15 days from Auckland. 16-Am bk Camden, Robinson, 36 days from Port Townsend. l'i-Am Missionary brig Morning Star, Matthews, 27 days from Micronesia. 19-Am bktn Free Trade, _B uddington, 50 days from Port Townsend. 19-Brit brig Robert Cowan, Ravely, 28½ days from Victoria, B C. 20-Am strnr Moses Taylor, NT Bennett, 11 days from San Francisco. 22-Brit brig Susan, J W Hughes, 21 days from Tahiti. 25-Ara;~!:\~l:~d~ard, Rickman, !5½ days from How25-Am brig L P Foster, James 1\lills. 23 days from Mazatlan, Mexico. 26-Am bk Comet, A Fuller, 27'daye from Sau Francisco. DEPARTURES. Jan. BEN l<'IELD, • 11AllINE JOUl{NAL. 3-Am bk DC Murray, Shepherd, for San Francisco. 3-U S steam frigate California, ro·r Tahiti. 6-Nor Ger brig Peter, Bundguard, for Maiden's Is. 10-Nor Ger bk Ingertha, for Sta,huck Island. 14-Brit bk Duke of Edinburgh, Hill, for 1'1ewcastle1 N S W, in ballast. 19-Ifaw schr Kamaile, Bridges, for Jarvis Island. 2l-Am stmr Nevada, lllethen, for Auckland. 2•1-Am stmr Moses Taylor, l:ltenuett, for San Francisco. Jan. 2'i-Am 3-masted ·s chr AP Jordan, Perry, for San Francisco. 27-Am bk Camden, Robinson, for Victoria. 28-U S S Narragansett, Mead, for Navigator's Islands. 29-Haw bk R W Wood, Weeks, for San ]'rancisco. MEMORANDA. US, N Z & A.MS S LINE.-The Nevada arrivccl at Auckland Dec 8, and at Sydney Dec 15. Returning left Sydney Dec 23, 7 p. m., and arrived at Auckland Dec ~9. Left there Dee 30. Jan 3, at 5:30 p. m., met steamer Nebraska, exchanged papers with her in lat. 22 ° 23' son th, long. 174 o 39' west. Jan 6, 3 a. m., arrived off the ltarbor (If Paga Pagn in the Island of Tutiulla (Navigators.) Landed .Mr. Seed, on government business for New Zealand. ,ve have 3 passengers for Honolulu and 89 for San Franci;sco; and 40 tons freigllt for Honolulu, 660 tons measurement for San Francisco, and large mail. Have had head winds and a great deal of rain the greater part of the voyage from Sydney. Arrived at Honohllu Jan 16 at 'l o'clock a. m. REPORT OF BRIG RonF.RT COWAN, FROM VICTORIA.Left Royal Road on the evening of Dec 21st, 1871. and Cape Flattery Dec 22d. Had heavy N E and N W gales with snow to 40 ° N; then had a succession ot S W gales to 25 o N, long 136 ° W from tbece to port had light variable winds. llark Delaware, hence, arrived at llurrard's Inlet Dec 16th, to load for this port. REPOKT OF BAilKENTINE FREE TRADE, CAP"!;, l\I. J. BuDDINGTON .-Lel't Port •rownsend Nov 30th; when within a few miles of Cape ClassiL encountet·ed heavy gale. Split and lost sails, and returned to Port Angelos. Left Port Angelos Dec 6th had heavy southerly gales to latitude of San Francisco, then ligl1t and battling airs and calms to the islands. No trades during the passage. THE steamship Moses Taylor, N T l:lennett, Commander, left ~an Francisco Jan 9th at 12:30 PM. Had strong S E wind with very bad cross sea for 48 hours-made lit tie or no headway. Jan 12th at 11 P l\1 passed steamship America bound in-had light southerly wind from the 11th until reaching port. .Ian 18th at 2 P 1\I passed a bark steering N E, wiud light. Jan 20th at 4 A M sighted Molokai; passed a brig heating up the channel off Mdlol\ai; arrived at Honolulu at 2 P l\l. A. K. ULARK, Purser. REPOil'f OF Bnrn -L. P. FOSTER, CAPT, JA~IES MILLS.Left Mazatlan Dec :l9th; had very smooth sea and light wiurl varJ iug from northwest 10 north. Afterward very light trade winds until Jan 20lb. In sight of Maui Jan 20th; had a very heavy gale from the westward, with a trcmenclous sea and heavy rain squalls. 'l'he gale reached its height on l\londay night, Jan 22d, when the barometer fell to 29.28. 'fhe wind then moderated and drew to the northward. the port in 28 day~ from Mazatlan. REPOllT 01' SCHOONER c. M. ,vAnD, CAPT. RICKMAN.Left Honolulu Dec 16th, 1871, with the wind from the southeast, veering to the westward. Ilad the wind light up Lo lat 16 ° north, long 158 ° 38' west took the trades in lat 14 ° 30' north, long 159 ° 00' wei,t, Arrived at Phrenix Island Dec 29th. Lett Phrenix for En<lerbury',; Dec 30th. Arriv<--d at Enderbury's at 4 P ni same day. Left Enderbury's Jan 2d, 1872, for Baker'8 Island. Arrived at Baker's Island Jan 5th. Left Baker's for Howla.rnl's on the 6tl, .January. Arrived at Howland's hland on the 7th. Left Howland',i Islancl for Honolulu on the 8th of .January. In long 171 ° 48' west took the wind light from the southward, veering to the westward, weather looking very thre.ttening. On the night of the 20th January blowing hard from the westward, with heavy sea running. On the 22d wind h,\Ule<l to the northwest, with heavy ·:,quall and min; sleet blowing hard with heavy sea. At 2 A M on the 23d, weath er more moderate. Arrived off Diamond Head after a patisage of l5f dayti fro111 IIowla.ntl'b ls!- 13 I 8 7 2. and, and a round trip of 38½ days. At Enderbury's Island :,poke whaling barks l'rogre~s with 100 barrels sperm, and Lagoda, clean. Found everything working satisfactorily at the islands visited. REPORT OF BARK COMET, CAPT. A. FULLER.-Left San Francisco Dec 30th. In cros~ing the bar took several Heas on board, it breaking at the time. The first 16 days out a continuation of heavy gales from SSE to SSW with a great deal of rain. Then had 4 days' light winds from NE to ESE. From Jan 21st to 24Lh had a very heavy gale of wind witn plenty min from SSE Lo WSW, blowing heaviest when it reached SW with a very heavy ~well from WNW. After the gale tltc wind spnrng up from NW to NNW and remained so, when we made the east end of Maui .Jan 26th at 4 AM. Report f'1•on1 E11derb111•y'~ l1daud. The Hawaiian bark l\1auna Loa arrived here Nov. 17th, after a passage of 19 days from Honolulu, and after lancling stores aud one pa~senger, proceeded on her cruise the same d rrels of oil. The captains of the above vessels report all well on bmtrd. PASSENGEHS. --- F~OM SA-; -F1t-;;,c1sco-Per R. W. Wood, Jan. 2d-3 native seamen from bark "Cambriuge." F.on SAN FnANC1sco-Per D. C. Murray, Jan. 3d-.James Proser, T N Noble, .John G ,vood, Robert Windfielu, A J Powers. .F110M JAnv1s ISLAND-Per Kamaile, Jan. 4th-)lr A J Kinney, 1 native laborer. Foa ST.-1.nuucK ISLAND-Per Ingertha, Jan. 6th-Mr Arundel, and 52 Hawaiian laborers. FROM l'onT GAMDLE-l'er Devonshire, Jan. 9th-Mr Kelly, 1\11· Lawson. FR0~1 TAHrr1-Per Sovereign, Jan. lltb-'l'hos Laurens. FROM MICRONESIAN ISLANJJs-Per Morning Star, Jan. 17th -Rev II Hingham and wife, from Apaiang, Giluert lsland11; Rev II Aea and 4 children, from l\lijro, Marshall Islands; Rev D Kapali, wife and 4 children, and assist3:nt. from Ebon; Re:v J W Kanoa, wife and 5 children, and assistant, from . llutantari, Gilbert Islands; Mr 'l'eboko. assistant to Mr Dmgham, and Miss Hattie K Haina, from Apaiang. Per steamer Nevada, from Sydney .Jan 16-T Jlayselden, G Pully Ching Pot, and 89 tor San Francisco. Fon jARVIS IsLAND-Per Ifamaile, Jan. 19th-J Blakely, and 2 native laborers. FROM PoR·r TOWNSEND-Per Free Trade, Jan. 19th-famuel Willo«ht'>y, DA Tlmyer, AD Barrister, wife and son, ·wm Waters Chas D Ford and wife. l\Jiss Ellen A Buddington. FRO~t' SAN FRANCISCO-Per .Moses Taylor, ,Jan. 20th-If W Severance, W H Dimond, S T Alexander, WR Bliss,_A Herbert wife and daugltter, Mrs Purcelle, R Newcomb, w1te and child Mrs S E Morrison, 3 chi'dren and servant, Wm Donnelly, 'G G Garther, F Kaye, and 27 in transitu for New Zealand and Australia. FOR AUCKLA~D AND SYDNEY-Per Nevada, Jan. 21stLou,s Hasclmcyer, C Reinhardt, and 27 in transitu from San Francisco. FRO~! TAHITI-Per Susan, Jan. 22d-Capt Schneider, P Ilonnefln, Mr and Mrs Golf, and 4 Chinese. Fon SAN FRANCISCO-Per Moses Taylor, .Jan. 24th-S Magoin, wife and 2 children, l\I Eckart, Mrs _c Billiugs, Y Adams, R W Kirkham and 2 daughter~, Mrs Hastings, daughter and servant. V Link Fred Stoll, ~lrs R Hitchings, Bans Lar,;sen David Kelly. F J Ross, .John l\1 Ross. W Farley, R G Cas, tilo: Chas Luce, ·w Ahsee, T Wellt1, J W l\lateer, S S Gage, amt 89 in transitu from A.ustralia and New Zealand. FROM GUANO lsLANDs-Per C. M. Ward, .Jan. 25th-John Ross, J M Holland, C .J Maston, Jos Vicorine, L Wohlers, e.nd 5-i Hawaiians. FR0~1 MAZATLAN-Per L. P. Foster, Jan. 2f>t.h~'.\'1r and Mrs Wilson, lfm Tl1 nnpson, Mrs Thompson, Omar Kingsley, ,James Roy, Daniel Crow, .Joe ,Villiums, Geo Sharp, Eugene Lee, Master Romeo, Master Johnny Uooke, Fre.J Storrer, Mr Fritz, N White, D Halpruner, James People, Uhas Dunlap, John Lawless, Harry DeWitt. FnoM SAN FRANOisco-Per Comet, Jan. 26th-l\1rs Franklo and ison. Fon SAN FRA:o.c1sco-Per R. W. \Vood, Jan. 29th-Robert Foster, wift: and 5 children, E L •raylor, Chas l\larl!ten, J l\I Holland. Fon KoLOA-Pcr .Tenny, .Jan. 30th-.Tudge l\JcBryde and wife, Miss Luce, l\ln; Ilindt, .Ino Wright, Capt Wright. MARRIED. SPENCER-DANIELS-At Wailuku, Maui, on the llth imit., by the Rev. Arcluleacon Mason, Francis Spencer, E~q., District Justice of South Kohala, Hawaii, to Miss Martha Daniels, daugMer of W. Daniels, Esq., District Justice of Wailuku . lIARTWKLL-8~11Tn-At Koloa, Kauai, .January 10th, by Rev. J. W. Smith, a£sisted by Rev. D. Dole, Hon. ALI'RED S. HARTWELL, FirRt Assistant Justice Supreme Cou_rt, to LOT• Tm E., daughter of Rev. J. W. Smith. lhLLING-STonv-ln San Francisco, Cal., December 3J, at the Episcopal Church, corner of Howard and Twen1y-first streets, by th<:: Rev. Dr. Bro1hering, l\lr. PETEii S. 0. BILLING to Miss E~MA STonv, second daughter of Mrs. Rachel l'licShane, of Honolulu, li. I. DJED. MORGAN-In this city, January 22d, REllECCA . youn:;c~t Ud.Ughter of the late Rouert Jlorgau, aged 4 yea1s and 4 d,l)~. 14 THE FRIEND, FFJBRU!Rt, 1872, Seventeenth Annual Repol't of the Hono• lulu Sailor's Home Society. missions, etc., and on leaving, left the following statement respecting the Home : " Here we have an excellent Home for the wayfarers of the 5iea, and situated as Honolulu is, for its central position a great number of seamen find it an invaluable institution for their convenience and comfort. Both the lodging and boarding departments appear to be of the very best dr~scription,-even to the beds .of ·the ordma ry sailor being furnished with the luxury of mosquito curtains, and the well spread tables fully adequate to the more fastidious taste of the officers as well as the demand for the 'good and plenty ' of the man before the mast. At this season .when shipwrecked seamen are fl.owing ,fo in such large numbers from various parts, it is impossible to fully appreciate the benefits of this Sailor's Home. Hundreds, nay thousands of sailors, no doubt wiff'c arry a grateful recollection of this institution throughout their lives, nay long as eternity shall roll. Could the benevolent parties who have rendered special assistance towards this institu~ tion witness its usefulness, they could not b•1t feel the utmo~t pleasure in thus ~eeing the happy result of their labors and contributions. The excellent lady who has the management of the establishment seems eminently fitted for her post." We are happy to report that the arrangement made with the Young Men's Christian Association has been continued during the past year, and the reading room in _tbe Home (the only public and free reading room in Honolulu) has been sustained very much to the pleasure and usefulness of seamen and the traveling community. In closing this report, the Executive Committee cannot refrain from testifying to the exceeding usefulness of .Mr. Dunscombe as the superintendent of the reading room, depository, and general oversight over the establishment. S. U. DAMON, The closing of another year reminds us that a report must be made respecting the history and usefulness of the Sailor's Home during the year 1871. As during rormer years, so <luting the one just past, the Home has , been sustained and its original design carried out. Soon after the year opened, Mrs. Crabbe, who had for nearly five years managed the institution with much skill and good judgment, retired and made over the management to Mrs. Whitius. This lady having been a boarder in the Home for many months, entered the establishment fully aware of the peculiar duties required of a manager, and of the perplexities attending its successful career. We are most happy to report that J\tlrs. Whitius ha.; fully complied with her engagements, and admirably succeeded in meeting the wants of seamen and the transient community seeking the Home for lodging and boarding. She has fully acquired the confidence of the community, so that the Home to-day is in successful operation. We are happy to report that since the l;;;t of October, Mrs. Whitiu$ has paid a rent of $25 per month, which amount added to the annual rent from the Hawaiian Missionary Society, and that of the cellar, has enabled the Executive Committee to make all the necessary repairs, and close the year with a small balance in the Treasurerjs hands. In reviewing the financial history of the Home during the last six years, it has been proved nearly, if not quite, a self-sustaining institution. At the close of one or two years a small debt was paid by the Trustees, but no appe,d for funds has been made to the Chairman Ex. Committee. public since 1866. It is to be hoped that , Honolulu, Dec. :30, 1871. hereafter, by prudent management, no appeal will be required to be made, unless in CJ1a1·les R. Bi . hop ns T1·ea,.mrc1·, i• nccount cu1•1•ent ,vitb Honolulu Sai101•'s Ho111e some very extraordinary emergency. Society. 1870. Dn. During the past year the Committee has Dec. 21-To cash on hand as per acct. rendered $102 91 ]871 received $47 from the ladies of Falmouth, Mch 28-Amt. donation from Messrs. Wilson & Bros. of San Francisco, by hand Mass., to keep in good condition the room of Dowsett & Co. . • . . • • . . . • . . . . . . J 8 00 Ang 11-To amt. fot· rent of Depository for 18il. 100 OU known by the nflme of "Falmouth," and so Nov 24-To amt. for rent of Home for October and November . 50 00 called when the Home was opened. Dec. 26-To amt. for rent of cellar 6 months to 31st inst. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • 36 00 About one hundred and seventy-five sailor 27-To amt. for rent of Home for Dec. :25 00 boarders and lodgers have been accommo$331 91 Cct. dated during the pa~t year. This is entirely Jan.1871 J2-By paid F. H. & G. Segelken's account. . $ 13 75 paid J. G. Osborne's account. 6 55 exclusive of the numerous shipmasters, offi- Mch l'l-By 25-By paid L. L. To, bert's account. • . . . . ]8 0-1 28-lJy paid .1. Nott & Co.'s account. 48 50 cers and their wives and families who have Apl. 25-By paid F. II.&. G. Segelken's account. 1 00 been accommodated in the private depart- Oct. 14-By paitl Lucas & Wiggin's account. 23 83 20-By paid E. 0. Hall & Son's account. 33 80 ment. Reviewing the Home as a boarding Nov 14-By pai<\ .Judah 1\1. Gates' account. 37 00 Dec. 4-lly paid Oabu Prison's acconnt . ;. 25 50 and lodging establishipent during the past 18-By pa;d J. G. Osborne's account. 16 50 21-By paid Lewers & Dickson's account. 17 28 yeart it has occupied a position of great use27-fly paid Ed. Dunscombe's account. 29 20 28-By paid Ila.waiian ·G ;izette Ot!ice's account. 1 50 fulness in this community, and we can hardly 28-By paid Dillingham & Co.'s account. 4 25 see h~w it could have been dispensed with. To balance, cash on hand . ,. 55 21 A few weeks since the Rev. G. Smiles, a Dec. 30-To balance brought down .••.••. $55 21. $331 91 or the a._mount expended ($286 '70) all but $15 70 has been gentleman from New Zealand, spent some for material and labor userl in repairs upon the premises, and days in Honolulu, making inquiries rei-:pect- the remainder. $15 70 for stationery, postages, etc . etc. , CHAS. R. llISHOP, Treasurer. _jng Hqnolulu, the _Hawaiian government, Honolulu, Dec, 30th, 1871. The Hassler Efpedit.ion. A new e.x'.pedit.ion of great importance to the interests of Science if not Commerce, has ~ailed from Boston jn connection with the United States Coast Survey. A new steamer, the Hassler, of 436 tons, provided· with a steam launch to rttA in shoal water, has been built and is to saft''for . the Pacific Ocean, where it will l::ie }J~rmanently employed, but the voyage oul:'is made the occa . sion for important :scientific explorations. On leaving Boston tbe Hassler will sail direct for the West Indies, where the new apparatus for deep sea dredging will be tested near the Island of St. Thomas. The vessel will ·go· outside the West India Islands to investigate the great current that enters the gulf of Mexico, and how the gulf stream is supplied then eastward, seeking the greatest depths of the Atlantic Ocean; next to Rio Janeiro, the east coast of Patagonia and the Falkland Islands, where investiga-tion will he made of the currents that come from the South Pole into the Atlantic. The llassler will then pass through the Straits of Magellan into the Pacific, exploring the Straits on the way, and then through the archipelago of Chiloe, striking out into the ocean toward the Islands of San Juan Fernandez. This will be during the month of Februarv. Next summer will be devoted to the expl~ration of the coast from Panama to San Francisco, the islands west of Lower California, and the voyage may extend as far north as Puget's Sound. A scientific party has been organized under the direction of Prof. Pierce, Superintendent of the Coast Survey, to make investigations and form collection~ that shall subserve _the general objects of science. Of this party, Prof. Agassiz will be the chief, and will devote himself principally to natural history. The expenses of this part of the expedition are defrayed by private funds and not by the Government. 'l'he party will be occupied about a year in its investigations and the vessel will remain on the Pacific coast to carry on the survey.-N. Y. Observer. DEATHS FROM DRINK.-Doctor Edward Jarvis, statistician of the General Life Insurance Company of London, furnishes the following statement, as ~bowing the death of persons wbo are intemperate as .c ompared with an equal number of persons of temperate habits. He says that if 100,000 intemperate persons be taken from fifty to seventy years, and an equal number of corresponding ages, who are not intemperate, 32 of the former \vill die as often as ten of the latter. Out of 100,000 of each, 15,907 of the intemperate will be dead before fifty of age, but of those not intemperate, 4 .266 only will be dead. From fifty to sixty years, the comparative number of deaths will be 6,419 and 2,254, and from sixty to seventy they will be 55,175 and 33,280, Here is an argument ad rem which should be much more potential than any prohibitory laws to check the suicidal growth of habits whose fatal results ;:ire thus mathematically demonstrated. 07" The following persons will find letters for them in care of the Chaplain, Martin Kelley, D,a niel Kershaw, George W. Hulse, and Heuben Sherman. I 15 'l'IIE .lfRIEND, FEBRUARY, I 8 7 2. MASTERS OF SHIPS DESIRlNG TRADE ADVERTISEMENTS. c. s. BARTOW, Auctioneer. Sales Room on Queen Street, one door from Kaahumanu Street • E. .HOFFM.\.NN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Corner Merchant anu Kaahumanu Sti·eets, near the Post Office : C. BREWER & co . Commission and Shipping Merchants, E. tit . Ilonolulu, Oallu, H. I. P. ADAMS. • .auction and Commission l',r[erchant, Fire-Prnof Store, in Robinson's Building, Qlleen Slreet. A, W. PIERCE. SHOlJLD fJALL AT TIIE HARDWARE STORE, No. 95 King Street, -w-here they can get DOUBLE AND SINGLE .BARREL SHOT GUNS, HENRY'S CARBINES ANJ? RIFLES, PARLOR RIFLES, POWDER, ' CARTRJDGES for Henry's Rifles, the Parlor Rifles and Revolvers, SHO"r of a.11 sizes, Shot Pouches, Powder Flasks, Percussion Caps, Eley 1s Best. Cheap Files, all sizes and kincls. Butcbet· KniYes, got or1t expressly for trade, Butchers' Steels, 8 to 16 inch. An Endless Variety of Pocket Cutlery, Sail Needles & Hooks, Sewing & Roping Palms, lfarlin Spikes, Sail Twine, Best Copper Tacke, Ship's Thick Steel Scrapers, Connecting Links, Topsail Chains, Coopers' Hammers aod Drivers, and othet· Tools 1 A Full Assortment of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, . Brushes of Every Description! ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD at PRICES THAT WILL GIVE SATISFACTION DILLINCHAM & CO., NO. 95 KING STREET. .January, 1872. CASTLE & COOKE . ~GENTS FOR WHEELER & WILSON'S FAMILY SEWING MACHI ENS, -WITH ALL- THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS l The HIGHEST PREMIUM GOLD MEDAL Over all Others? AWARDED AT THE GREAT WORLD'S EXPOSITION s. JOHN McGREW, M. n .• Late Surgeon V. S. Army, Can be consulted at his residence)on Hotel street, between Alakea and Fort streets. c. H. -WETMORE, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Hilo, Hawaii, S. I. N. B.-Medicine Chests carefully replenished at the 6 tf Hilo Drug Sto1•e. TH\JS. G. THRUM'S STATIONERY AND NEWS DEPOT, AND CIRCULATING LIBRARY, No. 19 Merclannt Stt•eet, • P • • Houolul11. ACKAGES OF READING MATTER-OF Papers and Magazines,.Jnck numbers-put up to order at reduced rates for parties going to sea. ly A. l, R. Pli:TERSOlll"- & C O •• (Succesors to C. L. F.icharus & Co.) '\)\T • PIERUE Slzip Clwndlers and General Commission Mer chants, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands. Agents Pnnloa Salt Wol'ks, Brand's Bomb Lances, And Pe1•ry Davb' J>niu Killer. Rare Subscription Books ! 'I~HE UNDERSIGNEO, DURING HIS AB• sence at the East, made arrangements to 1·eeeive subscriptions fot• tile following valuable works, which are sold only by subscription and tlifficult to obtain from regular publishing houses : ZELL'S POPULAR ENCYCLOPEDIA. AND UNIVERSAL DICTION.ARY, It tceats on every ·subject, and is embellished with ovel' 5,000 illustrations. Complete in two imperial volumes. Pri.ce $35.00. « It minutely describes every disease flesh is heh: t0; explains every legal term or phrase gives the geography of the entire world acquaints you with all not~d men anu women living or dead; describes every country, city and town; defines every word in the English langua~e! plc_tures the birthplace and gives portraits of many d1stmgmshed personages; teaches the correct pronunciation of proper names; is a biographical dictionary uf ail nations; a biblical dictionary; describes every animal known to exist; acq_uaintii you with authors, sculptors, travelers, warriors, painters, ilivioes, historians, naturalists, &e •• of ancient and modern times; spellks of all the battles and heroes of the late war i and explores the whole vast vegetable kingdom." BEF.cHitR'S ,, LIFE OF JESUS THE CHRIST." 1 volume, superbly illustrated. This work is issued in crown octavo, price $5.00, $5.60, $7.50; and in imperial, with over fifty steel plate engravings and maps. Price $10, $15, and $18, according to style of binding. THE PIOTORIAL FAMILY REGISTER of Husband, Wife ,-nd Children, adapted to recording full particulars of every member of the family. Prices from $2.50 to $4.00 each. TEN YEARS IN WALL STREET, or Revelations of Inside Life and Experience on Change. Pi-ice $3.76. LIBRARY oF PoETRY .u,rn SoNG, by Wm. Cullen Bryant, being choice selections from the best authors. Price $5.00. TODD'S COUNTRY HoMES, and How to Save Money. tical book t>y a practical man, Price $4.00. A prac- FLEETWOOD'S LIFE OF CHRIST, illustrated, and most superbly illustrated. Price $7 .00. THE CIVILIZED RACES OF TBE WORLD, by Rev. J. G. Wood. 2 vols. illustrated. Price $10.00. HUMAN LIFE PROLONGEP, or 5,000 Faets fo1• Physical Existence. Price $5.00. AGENTS, ALSO, FOR TRIUMPHS oF ENTERPRISE, Ingenuity and Public Spirit, by ONTINl.:ES THE BUSINESS ON HIS OLD . James Pal•ton. $4.60. Plan of settling with Officers and Seamen immecliately on their Shipping at his Office. Haviog no connection, either MARK TWAIN'S INNOCENT.S A-»ROAD, or the New Pilgrim', Progress, illustrated. $4 50 direct or inuirect, with any outfitting establishment, and allow ing no debts to be collected at his office, he hopes to give as SACRED HEROES AND MARTYRS, by JS Headley. 1 vol. 8 vo., A LABOR-SA. VING AND ·~ood satisfaction in the future as he has in the past. b11autifully illustrated, $4 50. o::r Offiee on J as. Robinson & Co.'s Wharf, near the U S. 666 gm Cnosulate. THE YEAR OF BATTLES, being a history of the Franeo-Geri»a.q HEALTH-PRESERVING INVENTION! War of1870-l, by LP Brockett. With maps and illustrations. $3.50. SCENES AND INCIDENTS IN THE LIFE OF TllE A,-'OS'.ff,E PAU~. J3f Can be nttnclaed to nil Sewing Macl1iues I Albert Barnes. l vol. $2,'f5, · MPROVEMENT IS TH)l} ORDER OF the day. Having constructed a new Sky-light, and made GR!i:4T FORTUNES and How They were Ma4e, or the Struggles various other improvements, I hope now to be able to auit the and Triumphs of our Self-made Men, 1 vol. & vo. illustrated RECOMMENDED BY THE LADIES moat fastidious with $UO . THE PHYSICAL LIFE OF WOlPil~, or Adyice ~o the Maiden, .A. Ph.o1;oc;iraph., On account of the perfect ease with which it operate, the very Wife and Mother, by Dr. Niwhe;vs. l vol. 12 mo. t2.50 ,alight pressure of the foot that sets it in motion, its simplicity Of any Size.from a Gr·ystal to a Mammoth, taken in Any of the above wor~s will be_ Qrq.ereq and deliv~red_ to the best /:3tyle of the Art, cf construction and action, its practical durability. subscribers in any part pf ~andw1c)l Isjapds, on apphcat1on And on roost reasonable terms. ALSO, for sale Views of the to .fl• l\f • WHITNEY. Islands, ·eortraits of the Kings, Queens, and other Notables, &c Honolulu, H. I , d25 Don't forget to Call an(l Examine for lTourselves? 689 ly H. L. CHASE, Fol't Slreet. AT PARIS. 186""--7 I CEORCE WILLIAMS, LICENSED SHIPPING AGENT. ~. THE HALL TREADLE C Photography. I 16 THE FRIEND, FEBRUARY, 18 Text Arctic Guano Island South pole Sperm whale The University of Utah: J. Willard Marriott Digital Library Arctic Patagonia San Juan Sandwich Islands Anchorage Pacific New Zealand South Pole Guano ENVELOPE(141.604,141.604,-66.775,-66.775) Hayes ENVELOPE(-64.167,-64.167,-66.833,-66.833) Moses ENVELOPE(-99.183,-99.183,-74.550,-74.550) Fuller ENVELOPE(162.350,162.350,-77.867,-77.867) Sion ENVELOPE(13.758,13.758,66.844,66.844) Morrison ENVELOPE(-63.533,-63.533,-66.167,-66.167) Milton ENVELOPE(-84.800,-84.800,-78.800,-78.800) Tive ENVELOPE(12.480,12.480,65.107,65.107) Dee ENVELOPE(-59.767,-59.767,-62.433,-62.433) Fernandez ENVELOPE(-62.233,-62.233,-63.250,-63.250) Bryant ENVELOPE(-60.942,-60.942,-71.236,-71.236) Bedford ENVELOPE(-67.150,-67.150,-66.467,-66.467) Brooklyn ENVELOPE(-62.083,-62.083,-64.650,-64.650) Daly ENVELOPE(63.761,63.761,-67.513,-67.513) Bingham ENVELOPE(-63.400,-63.400,-69.400,-69.400) Hastings ENVELOPE(-154.167,-154.167,-85.567,-85.567) Reinhardt ENVELOPE(177.200,177.200,-84.200,-84.200) Eternity ENVELOPE(-64.567,-64.567,-69.767,-69.767) Deacon ENVELOPE(-59.987,-59.987,-73.248,-73.248) The Monument ENVELOPE(162.250,162.250,-72.583,-72.583) Farley ENVELOPE(-152.500,-152.500,-86.583,-86.583) Billing ENVELOPE(160.900,160.900,-75.717,-75.717) Donnelly ENVELOPE(-117.105,-117.105,55.728,55.728) Romeo ENVELOPE(-59.927,-59.927,-62.376,-62.376) Royce ENVELOPE(-118.836,-118.836,56.217,56.217) DeWitt ENVELOPE(159.833,159.833,-77.200,-77.200) New Bedford ENVELOPE(-61.250,-61.250,-73.367,-73.367) Oliva ENVELOPE(-60.783,-60.783,-62.450,-62.450) Ula ENVELOPE(-57.139,-57.139,-64.086,-64.086) Martyrs ENVELOPE(140.015,140.015,-66.669,-66.669) Nero ENVELOPE(159.833,159.833,-71.200,-71.200) Tiber ENVELOPE(-66.983,-66.983,-68.392,-68.392) Maki ENVELOPE(-179.078,-179.078,67.632,67.632) Judah ENVELOPE(-117.319,-117.319,56.150,56.150) Guano Island ENVELOPE(141.604,141.604,-66.775,-66.775) Kershaw ENVELOPE(-66.986,-66.986,-67.532,-67.532) Paga ENVELOPE(70.833,70.833,73.267,73.267) Wetmore ENVELOPE(-63.583,-63.583,-74.633,-74.633) Fjall ENVELOPE(-19.092,-19.092,65.769,65.769) Haina ENVELOPE(-132.034,-132.034,53.212,53.212) Utmo ENVELOPE(18.186,18.186,68.798,68.798) Edinburgh Hill ENVELOPE(-60.019,-60.019,-62.542,-62.542) Gage ENVELOPE(-118.503,-118.503,56.133,56.133) Cartwright ENVELOPE(-57.018,-57.018,53.708,53.708)