He tanga ngutu, he Tuhoetanga te mana motuhake o te ta moko wahine: The identity politics of moko kauae

Tā moko (Māori tattooing), especially facial moko (tattoo), has become a popular mechanism for the expression of self-determination. Many Māori people are adopting this art form as part of a renaissance of Māori culture in Aotearoa/New Zealand. This declaration of Māori self-determination is also an...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Higgins, Rawinia
Format: Thesis
Published: 2006
Online Access:http://hdl.handle.net/10523/5193
Summary:Tā moko (Māori tattooing), especially facial moko (tattoo), has become a popular mechanism for the expression of self-determination. Many Māori people are adopting this art form as part of a renaissance of Māori culture in Aotearoa/New Zealand. This declaration of Māori self-determination is also an assertion of the pride felt by the tangata whenua (people of the land) for their culture, their language and, more importantly, their identity. This thesis will illustrate how moko kauae (female chin tattooing) is a means of expressing Māori identity with specific reference to Tūhoe identity. Using an Indigenous theoretical framework this Māori Studies thesis examines the historical and contemporary political dimensions of moko kauae, the interface with the Māori worldview (inclusive of its cultural concepts), and its relationship to identity politics. 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