Volume 93, Issue Number 3, pp. 445-726

BEHAVIOR Parasite-Related Pairing Success in an Intermediate Host, Caecidotea intermedius (Isopoda): Effects of Male Behavior and Reproductive Physiology. SONYA M. BIERBOWER and TIMOTHY C. SPARKES - 445 Isopod (Asellus aquaticus) Size and Acanthocephalan (Acanthocephalus lucii) Infections. TUNA HASU...

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Main Author: The Journal of Parasitology
Format: Text
Published: DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln 2007
Online Access:https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/jrnlparasitology/779
Summary:BEHAVIOR Parasite-Related Pairing Success in an Intermediate Host, Caecidotea intermedius (Isopoda): Effects of Male Behavior and Reproductive Physiology. SONYA M. BIERBOWER and TIMOTHY C. SPARKES - 445 Isopod (Asellus aquaticus) Size and Acanthocephalan (Acanthocephalus lucii) Infections. TUNA HASU, JOHN C. HOLMES, and E. TELLERVO VALTONEN - 450 DEVELOPMENT Ultrastructural Study of Spermiogenesis and the Spermatozoon of Crepidostomum metoecus (Digenea: Allocreadiidael, a Parasite of Salmo trutta (Pisces: Teleostei). YANN QUILICHINI, JOSEPHINE FOATA, ANTOINE ORSINI, and BERNARD MARCHAND - 458 Spermiogenesis and Spermatozoon Ultrastructure of Nicolla wisniewskii (Digenea: Opecoelidae), an Intestinal Parasite of Brown Trout Salmo trutta (Pisces: Teleostei). YANN QUILICHINI, JOSEPHINE FOATA, ANTOINE ORSINI, and BERNARD MARCHAND - 469 Ultrastructure of the Gregarina niphandrodes Nucleus Through Stages From Unassociated Trophozoites to Gamonts in Syzygy and the Syzygy Junction. MARC A. TOSO and CHARLOTTE K. OMOTO - 479 ECOLOGY-EPIDEMIOLOGY Helminth Communities of Three Sympatric Species of Shorebirds (Charadrii) From Four Summer Seasons at Bristol Bay, Alaska. ALBERT G. CANARIS and JOHN M. KINSELLA - 485 Epidemiological Characteristics of an Invading Parasite: Dicrocoelium dendriticum in Sympatric Wapiti and Beef Cattle in Southern Alberta, Canada. CAMERON P. GOATER and DOUGLAS D. COLWELL - 491 Microfilariae in Galapagos Penguins (Spheniscus mendiculus) and Flightless Cormorants (Phalacrocorax harrisi): Genetics, Morphology, and Prevalence. JANE MERKEL, HUGH 1. JONES, NOAH K. WHITEMAN, NICOLE GOTTDENKER, HERNAN VARGAS, ERIKA K. TRAVIS, R. ERIC MILLER, and PATRICIA G. PARKER - 495 Patterns of Gastrointestinal Parasitism Among Five Sympatric Prairie Carnivores: Are Males Reservoirs? AARON J. WIRSING, FERNANDO C. C. AZEVEDO, SERGE LARIVIERE, and DENNIS 1. MURRAY - 504 ECTOPARASITOLOGY The Role of Lizards in the Ecology of Lyme Disease in Two Endemic Zones of the Northeastern United States. SEAN T. GIERY and RICHARD S. OSTFELD - 511 Ectoparasites in an Urban Population of Big Brown Bats (Eptesicus fuscus) in Colorado. ROGER D. PEARCE and T. J. O'SHEA - 518 Interspecific and Intraspecific Associations of Two Species of Hard Ticks, Haemaphysalis longicornis and Haemaphysalis megaspinosa, in Relation to Questing Site. TAKASHI TSUNODA - 531 A New Genus of Dactylogyrid From the Gills of Galaxias maculatus (Osmeriformes: Galaxiidae) in Maullin Basin, Patagonia, Chile. GUSTAVO P. VIOZZI, SANDRA 1. MARIN, JUAN CARVAJAL, NORMA BRUGNI, and MELINKA MANCILLA - 542 FUNCTIONAL MORPHOLOGY Mesocestoides lineatus (Goeze, 1782) (Mesocestoididae): New Data on Sperm Ultrastructure. JORDI MIQUEL, CATARINA EIRA, ZDZISLAW SWIDERSKI, and DAVID BRUCE CONN - 545 GENETICS-EVOLUTION The Complete Mitochondrial Genome of the Bird Schistosome Trichobilharzia regenti (Platyhelminthes: Digenea), Causative Agent of Cercarial Dermatitis. BONNIE 1. WEBSTER, JITKA RUDOLFOV A, PETR HoRAK, and D. T. J. LITTLEWOOD - 553 IMMUNOLOGY Neutrophils and Inducible Nitric-Oxide Synthase Are Critical for Early Resistance to the Establishment of Tritrichomonas foetus Infection. MELANIE R. RUTKOWSKI, LYNNELLE A. McNAMEE, and ALLEN G. HARMSEN - 562 INVERTEBRATE-PARASITE RELATIONSHIPS Genetic Diversity and Expanding Nonindigenous Range of the Rhizocephalan Loxothylacus panopaei Parasitizing Mud Crabs in the Western North Atlantic. INKEN KRUSE and MATTHEW P. HARE - 575 Effects of Temperature on the Development of Gregarina cubensis (Apicomplexa: Eugregarinida) Parasitizing Blaberus discoidalis (Blattaria: Blaberi~a,e). AUTUMN J. SMITH, TAMARA J. COOK, and WILLIAM 1. LUTTERSCHMIDT - 583 LIFE CYCLES-SURVEY Paleoparasitological Report on the Stool From a Medieval Child Mummy in Yangju, Korea. MIN SEO, SANG-MEE GUK, JAEHYUP KIM, JONG-YIL CHAr, GI DAE BOK, SUNG SIL PARK, CHANG SEOK OH, MYEUNG JU KIM, YANG SU YI, MYUNG HO SHIN, IN UK KANG, and DONG HOON SHIN - 589 Evolutionary Avenues For, and Constraints On, the Transmission of Frog Lung Flukes (Haematoloechus Spp.J in Dragonfly Second Intermediate Hosts. MATTHEW G. BOLEK and JOHN JANOVY, JR - 593 MOLECULAR-CELL BIOLOGY The Expression of Tubulin and Tektin Genes in Dicyemid Mesozoans (Phylum: Dicyemida). KAZUTOYO OGINO, KAZUHIKO TSUNEKI, and HIDETAKA FURUYA - 608 Characterization of Subtilase Protease in Cryptosporidium parvum and C. hominis. XIAOCHUAN FENG, DONNA E. AKIYOSHI, GIOVANNIE WIDMER, and SAUL TZIPORI - 619 PATHOLOGY Gametocytemia and Fever in Human Malaria Infections. F. ELLIS McKENZIE, GEOFFREY M. JEFFERY, and WILLIAM E. COLLINS - 627 Interaction of Eimeria ten ella with Intestinal Mucin In Vitro. J. B. TIERNEY, E. MATTHEWS, S. D. CARRINGTON, and G. MULCAHY - 634 SYSTEMATICS-PHYLOGENETICS Two New Heterakid (Nematoda) Species From Kinixys erosa (Schweigger, 1812), (Chelonii: Testudinidae) in the Democratic Republic of Congo. SALAH BOUAMER and SERGE MORAND - 639 A New Cucullanid Species (Nematoda) From the Freshwater Fish Vieja intermedia (Gunther, 1862) (Cichlidae) in Mexico. GUILLERMINA CABANAS-CARRANZA and JUAN MANUEL CASPETA-MANDUJANO - 646 A New Genus and Species of Acuarioid Nematode (Acuariidae: Seuratiinae) in Petrels Pterodroma externa and P. neglecta From the Juan Fernandez Islands, Chile. JULIA 1. DIAZ, MARIA S. SEPULVEDA, and JOHN M. KINSELLA - 650 A New Microsporidian Infecting the Musculature of the Endangered Tidewater Goby (Gobiidae). KATIE R. McGOURTY, ANDREW P. KINZIGER, GARY L. HENDRICKSON, GREG H. GOLDSMITH, GRA A New Species of Dipetalonema (Filarioidea: Onchocercidae) From Ateles chamek From the Beni of Bolivia. JULIANA NOTARNICOLA, F. AGUSTIN JIMENEZ, and SCOTT L. GARDNER - 661 Intragenotypic Variations in the Cryptosporidium Sp. Cervine Genotype From Sheep with Implications for Public Health. MONICA SANTIN and RONALD F AYER - 668 Redescription of Haemoproteus mesnili (Apicomplexa: Plasmodiidae) and Its Meronts, with Description of a Second Haemosporidian Parasite of African Cobras. SAM R. TELFORD, JR - 673 Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis of Circumnuclear Hemoproteids (Haemosporida: Haemoproteidae) of Sylviid Birds,with a description of Haemoproteus parabelopolskyi sp. nov. GEDIMINAS VALKIUNAS, ASTA KRIZANAUSKIE, TATJANA A. IEZHOVA, OLOF HELLGREN, and STAFFAN BENSCH - 680 THERAPEUTICS-DIAGNOSTICS Sensitivity of Leishmania braziliensis Promastigotes to Meglumine Antimoniate (Glucantime) Is Higher Than That of Other Leishmania Species and Correlates with Response to Therapy in American Tegumentary Leishmaniasis. RILZA B. GAYOSO AZEREDO-COUTINHO, SERGIO C. F. MENDON Scriptaid and Suberoylanilide Hydroxamic Acid Are Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors with Potent Anti-Toxoplasma gondii Activity In Vitro. JEANNINE S. STROBL, MEREDITH CASSELL, SHEILA M. MITCHELL, CHRISTOPHER M. REILLY, and DAVID S. LINDSAY - 694 RESEARCH NOTES IGM and IGG Response to 29-35-kDa Toxoplasma gondii Protein Fractions in Experimentally Infected Goats. M. M. CONDE de FELIPE, J. M. MOLINA, E. RODRIGUEZ-PONCE, A. RUIZ, and J. F. GONZALEZ - 701 Microsatellite Markers for the Human Nematode Parasite Ascaris lumbricoides: Development and Assessment of Utility. CHARLES D. CRISCIONE, JOEL D. ANDERSON, KYLE RABY, DAN SUDIMACK, JANARDAN SUBEDI, DEV R. RAI, RAM P. UPADHAYAY, BHARAT JHA, SARAH WILLIAMS-BLANGERO, and TIMOTHY J. C. ANDERSON - 704 Abnormal Morphology of an Adult Rocky Mountain Wood Tick, Dermacentor andersoni (Acari: Ixodidae). SHAUN J. DERGOUSOFF and NEIL B. CHILTON - 708 Isolation and Genetic Characterization of Toxoplasma gondii From Striped Dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) From Costa Rica. J. P. DUBEY, J. A. MORALES, N. SUNDAR, G. V. VELMURUGAN, C. R. GONZALEZ-BARRIENTOS, G. HERNANDEZ- MORA, and C. SU - 710 Discrimination of Leishmania braziliensis Variants by kDNA Signatures Produced by LSSP-PCR. GERMANO A. FERREIRA, FABIA C. S. SOARES, SLANNEY A. VASCONCELLOS, EDUARDO H. G. RODRIGUES, ROBERTO P. WERKHAuSER, MARIA EDILEUZA F. de BRITO, and FREDERICO G. C. ABATH - 712 Gregarina niphandrodes (Eugregarinorida: Septatorina): Oocyst Surface Architecture. J. JANOVY, JR., M. G. BOLEK, J. DETWILER, S. SCHWANK, A. KNIPES, and G. J. LANGFORD - 714 Helminths of Hudsonian Godwits, Limosa haemastica, from Alaska and Manitoba. JOHN M. KINSELLA, ANDY S. DIDYK, and ALBERT G. CANARIS - 716 First U.S. Record of the Hard Tick Ixodes (Pholeoixodes) gregsoni Lindquist, Wu, and Redner. CHARLES B. LUBELCZYK, TRISH HANSON, ELEANOR H. LACOMBE, MARY S. HOLMAN, and JAMES E. KEIRANS - 718 Ixodes philipi (Acari: Ixodidae): Phylogenetic Status Inferred From Mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit I Gene Sequence Comparison. H. MITANI, M. TAKAHASHI, M. MASUYAMA, and M. FUKUNAGA - 719 Cryptosoporidiosis in Patients with Colorectal Cancer. V. SULZ-YC-BIELICKA, W. KUZNA-GRYGIEL, L. KOLODZIEJCZYK, D. BIELICKI, J. KLADNY, M. STJ;:PIEN-KORZONEK, and B. TELATyNSKA-SMIESZEK - 722 DNA Probes for Identifying Chromosomes 5, 6, and 7 of Schistosom'a mansoni. T. TAGUCHI, Y. HIRAI, P. T. LoVERDE, A. TOMINAGA, and H. HIRAI - 724