Oral Assessment of English in the Third Cycle of Slovene Elementary Schools

The thesis Oral Assessment of English in the Third Cycle of Slovene Elementary Schools consists of two sections – theoretical and empirical. The aim of the former was to analyse the various factors that contribute to successful oral assessment. Oral assessment differs from others in its execution, s...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Pobežin, Martin
Other Authors: Javornik Krečič, Marija, Plemenitaš, Katja
Format: Master Thesis
Published: M. Pobežin 2019
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=72821
Summary:The thesis Oral Assessment of English in the Third Cycle of Slovene Elementary Schools consists of two sections – theoretical and empirical. The aim of the former was to analyse the various factors that contribute to successful oral assessment. Oral assessment differs from others in its execution, since it is conveyed by word of mouth. This creates authentic communication between the two groups of participants – learners and the teacher. However, both have to fulfil their roles. Firstly, the learners’ task is to prepare well for the assessment and act respectfully towards the assessor. Secondly, the teacher must produce adequate criteria and tasks which meet the principles of reliability and validity. In the empirical section, we present how the oral assessment of English is executed in the third cycle of Slovene elementary schools by examining two groups of participants – teachers of English and third-cycle learners. It was established that learners prefer oral assessment, whereas teachers either remained undecided or claimed that they preferred written assessment. The general dislike of the oral form among teachers can be explained by their observations about lack of time. Consequently, many learners reported the common use of writing of the answers as a form of oral assessment, whereas the majority of teachers denied such claims. Interviews and presentations remain the two most commonly used forms of oral assessment in addition, they are also the most popular among both groups of participants. All in all, a significant body of the learners claimed they would not change anything about the current process of oral assessment, which suggests that many curricular elements are adequately selected and executed. Zaključno delo Ustno ocenjevanje angleščine v tretji triadi slovenskih osnovnih šol je sestavljeno iz dveh delov – teoretičnega in empiričnega. Namen prvega je bil analizirati različne dejavnike, ki pripomorejo k uspešnemu procesu ustnega ocenjevanja. Ustni način se od ostalih razlikuje v svoji izvedbi, saj je nujna prisotnost govora. To ustvari pristno komunikacijo med dvema skupinama udeležencev – učenci in učiteljem. Obe morata izpolniti svoje vloge, namreč naloga učencev je, da se temeljito pripravijo na ocenjevanje in, da vzdržujejo spoštljiv odnos do ocenjevalca, medtem ko morajo učitelji pripraviti primerne ocenjevalne kriterije in naloge, ki izpolnijo zahteve zanesljivosti in veljavnosti. V empiričnem delu smo skozi analizo odgovorov učiteljev angleščine in učencev tretje triade predstavili, kako je ustno ocenjevanje angleščine izpeljano v tretji triadi slovenskih osnovnih šol. Ugotovili smo, da je med učenci v večini najbolj priljubljeno ustno ocenjevanje, medtem ko so učitelji v največjem deležu ostali neodločeni ali pa celo izrazili večjo priljubljenost pisnega ocenjevanja. Splošen odpor učiteljev do ustnega načina ocenjevanja lahko razložimo z njihovo pripombo o pomanjkanju časa. Posledično so mnogi učenci poročali o pogosti uporabi zapisovanja odgovorov v pisni obliki kot obliko ustnega ocenjevanja, medtem ko je večina učiteljev to zanikala. Intervju in predstavitev ostajata dve najpogosteje uporabljeni obliki ustnega ocenjevanja, zraven tega sta tudi najbolj priljubljeni tako med učenci kot učitelji. Pomememben delež učencev je trdil, da ni ničesar, kar bi sami spremenili pri obstoječem procesu ustnega ocenjevanja angleščine. To nam pove, da so mnogi kurikularni elementi primerno zastavljeni in izpeljani.