Primerjava kurikula predšolske glasbene vzgoje v slovenskem in finskem kurikularnem prostoru

Namen diplomskega dela je pridobiti in zapisati razlike med posameznima kurikularnima glasbenima področjema. Podrobneje so razčlenjeni slovenski in finski izobraževalni sistem, predšolska vzgoja in kurikul. Opredeljeni in podkrepljeni so z ustreznimi zakonskimi akti in predstavljeni v integraciji z...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Dežman, Miha
Other Authors: Denac, Olga
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: M. Dežman 2018
Online Access:
Summary:Namen diplomskega dela je pridobiti in zapisati razlike med posameznima kurikularnima glasbenima področjema. Podrobneje so razčlenjeni slovenski in finski izobraževalni sistem, predšolska vzgoja in kurikul. Opredeljeni in podkrepljeni so z ustreznimi zakonskimi akti in predstavljeni v integraciji z vzgojno-izobraževalnimi pristojnim organi. Razlike se prično pojavljati že v sami strukturi izobraževalnega sistema med državama, poglavitna razlika pa je v sestavi kurikula in razdelitvi glasbenega kurikularnega segmenta glede na posamezno državo. Ugotovljeno je, da je finski kurikul bolj razdelan in doslednejši, z vrsto poglavij in podpoglavij, medtem ko je slovenski kurikul skromnejši, saj vsebuje le štiri poglavja, in sicer cilje, načela, otrok v vrtcu in področja dejavnosti. Ugotovljeno je tudi, da je na Finskem predšolska vzgoja na področju glasbe drugačna od slovenske, saj ciljev, načel, vsebin in glasbenih dejavnosti ni mogoče razdeliti na isti način. Finski kurikul se pri glasbeni vzgoji bolj osredotoča na otrokovo učno okolje, pridobitev kulturnih kompetenc, interakcijo z drugimi otroki in izražanje čustev preko glasbe. Prav tako je poudarek na kulturni raznolikosti in jezikovni ozaveščenosti, področja učenja pa so tista, kjer je glasbena vzgoja v kurikulu najbolj prisotna. Lahko bi rekli, da je glasbena vzgoja v slovenskem prostoru bolj sistematično zasnovana v fazi načrtovanja, izvajanja in vrednotenja posameznih glasbenih dejavnosti. Finski sistem prav tako več pozornosti posveča doživljanju in izražanju doživetij oziroma čustvenemu občutenju glasbenih vsebin. The purpose of this thesis is to obtain and note the differences between individual curricular music fields in the two countries. We further elaborated Slovenian and Finnish education system, pre-school education and curriculum. Curriculum is defined and supported by appropriate legal acts and presented in the integration with educational authorities. The differences already begin to appear in the very structure of the education system between the countries, the main difference being in the composition of the curriculum and the division of the musical curriculum segment in each country. It has been established that the Finnish curriculum is more structured and consistent with several chapters and subsections, while the Slovenian curriculum is more modest, as it contains only four chapters, namely goals, principles, children in kindergarten and areas of activity. It is also revealed that in Finnish pre-school education the field of music is different from the Slovene, since the goals, principles, contents and music activities cannot be divided in the same way. In the music education, the Finnish curriculum focuses more on the child's learning environment, the acquisition of cultural competences, the interaction with other children and the expression of emotions through music. The emphasis is on cultural diversity and language awareness and the areas of learning are those where music education in the curriculum is most present. We could claim that music education in Slovenia is systematically based more on the planning, implementation and evaluation of individual musical activities. The Finnish system also devotes more attention to experiencing and expressing experiences or to the emotional sensation of musical content.