Študija primera: Volkswagnova afera Diesel-gate

Namen diplomskega dela je osredotočiti se na primer »Diesel-gate«, škandal z goljufanjem emisijskih testov, ki je izbruhnil lansko leto in v katerega je bil vpleten Volkswagen. Naš glavni cilj diplomskega dela je analizirati razloge za nastali škandal in preučiti posledice, ki jih Volkswagnovo ravna...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Hočevar, Gregor
Other Authors: Eman, Katja
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: G. Hočevar] 2016
Online Access:https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=62296
Summary:Namen diplomskega dela je osredotočiti se na primer »Diesel-gate«, škandal z goljufanjem emisijskih testov, ki je izbruhnil lansko leto in v katerega je bil vpleten Volkswagen. Naš glavni cilj diplomskega dela je analizirati razloge za nastali škandal in preučiti posledice, ki jih Volkswagnovo ravnanje prinaša. Poleg same študije primera smo v diplomskem delu pozornost namenili tudi gospodarski kriminaliteti kot področju, kamor bi lahko uvrstili Volkswagnovo ravnanje, ter goljufijo oz. potrošniško goljufijo kot glavno kaznivo dejanje, ki je bilo izvršeno pri omenjenem škandalu. Ob pisanju tega dela nas je najbolj zanimalo, ali so vodilni v podjetju vedeli za goljufanje na testiranjih, kar je bila ena izmed naših hipotez. Poleg tega nas je zanimalo tudi, kakšne posledice bo imel primer tako na stanje samega podjetja kot tudi na širše okolje. V ta namen smo analizirali primarne in sekundarne vire, iz katerih smo pridobili vse potrebne informacije. Ugotavljamo, da kljub temu da uradne preiskave še niso povsem končane, trenutni dokazi kažejo na to, da so bili vodilni v Volkswagnu vseskozi obveščeni o goljufanju in da so pred slabim desetletjem celo sami odobrili vstavljanje odklopnih naprav. Zaradi dušikovih oksidov, ki so glavni produkti Volkswagnovih izdelkov in zelo nevarni onesnaževalci okolja, bo največ posledic utrpelo okolje oz. narava, posledice pa so lahko hude tudi za ljudi. Kar pa se tiče posledic za samo podjetje, se jim za njihove »napake« obeta nemalo tožb in plačevanje vrtoglavih zneskov odškodnin. Da bi v prihodnosti preprečili podobne malverzacije, je potrebno zaostriti zakonodajo, ki ureja dovoljene nivoje emisij tako na državni kot tudi na mednarodni ravni. Potrebno bi bilo izvajati tudi pogostejša in podrobnejša testiranja produktov avtomobilskih proizvajalcev, na kar so že opozorili strokovnjaki. Če lahko sklepamo iz Volkswagnovega primera, bodo proizvajalci, očitno pa tudi politični organi, odločno proti takšnemu nadzorovanju, saj tovrstna testiranja predstavljajo finančni zalogaj, v primeru odkritja goljufanja, pa tako kot pri Volkswagnu tudi ogromne finančne izgube za podjetje, državo in ostale vpletene. The aim of the thesis is to focus on scandal "Diesel-gate", a scandal of cheating emission tests, which broke out last year and was caused by Volkswagen. Our main goal in this thesis is to analyze the reasons that led to the scandal and to consider the consequences caused by the Volkswagen management. In addition to the case study, we also paid attention to economic crime as an area, in which we could place the »Diesel-gate« affair and consumer fraud, as a principal offense that was committed in the scandal. While writing the thesis, we were the most interested in finding out, if the top executives in the company knew about the cheating, which was also one of our hypotheses. In addition, we were interested in the consequences the scandal will have on the state of the company and on the environment. To achieve our goals, we analyzed primary and secondary sources, from which we obtained all the necessary information. We note that despite the fact that the official investigations are not concluded, the current evidence suggests that the Volkswagen's top executives were constantly informed about cheating and that they approved the insertion of defeat devices themselves. Because of the nitrogen oxides, the main products of Volkswagen cars and very dangerous environmental pollutants, the biggest effects will be seen in the environment, but the consequences can also be serious for people. As for the consequences for the company itself, their "mistakes" will cost them huge amounts of compensation money and a great deal of lawsuits. In order to prevent similar cases in the future, it is necessary to tighten up the legislation that governs the permitted levels of emissions, both at national and international level. It would be necessary to implement more frequent and more detailed testing of car manufacturers' products, which have been already pointed out by experts. If we can conclude, manufacturers and politicians will be strongly against such control, since this kind of tests represent a financial burden and when detecting fraud like Volkswagen's, also huge financial losses for the company, the state and other parties involved.