Dostop delodajalca do podatkov o zdravstvenem stanju delavca in ravnanje z njimi

V sodobnem času se osebnim podatkom kot delu zasebnosti človeka namenja veliko pozornosti. Osebni podatki so sami po sebi občutljiva tematika, še bolj pa to postanejo v primeru, ko gre za občutljive osebne podatke, med katere sodijo podatki o zdravstvenem stanju. Občutljivost se stopnjuje tudi v pri...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Čurin Tacer, Katja
Other Authors: Senčur Peček, Darja
Format: Master Thesis
Published: [K. Čurin Tacer] 2016
Online Access:
Summary:V sodobnem času se osebnim podatkom kot delu zasebnosti človeka namenja veliko pozornosti. Osebni podatki so sami po sebi občutljiva tematika, še bolj pa to postanejo v primeru, ko gre za občutljive osebne podatke, med katere sodijo podatki o zdravstvenem stanju. Občutljivost se stopnjuje tudi v primeru, ko gre za te podatke v delovnem razmerju, kjer je razmerje med strankama zaradi hierarhije med njima občutljivejše kot pri drugih pogodbenih razmerjih. Navedeno narekuje nameniti veliko pozornosti varovanju delavca in kandidata pred delodajalčevimi vdori v podatke o njegovem zdravstvenem stanju, torej varstvu njune zasebnosti. V magistrski nalogi je preko preučevanja slovenske pravne ureditve s poudarkom na aktualnih situacijah prikazano, na kakšen način in v kakšni meri lahko delodajalec v cilju izpolnjevati svoje dolžnosti in uresničevati pravice delavca in kandidata, dostopa do podatkov o njunem zdravstvenem stanju in jih obdeluje. Temelji cilj naloge je bil ugotoviti, ali in če, kje so v slovenski pravni ureditvi meje pri delodajalčevem dostopanju in ravnanju z opisanimi podatki delavca in kandidata. Navedena problematika je v Sloveniji normirana s številnimi pravnimi akti, drugo vprašanje pa je, ali je obstoječa ureditev dovolj jasna z vidika varstva informacijske zasebnosti delavca in kandidata. Za primerjavo in v cilju najti morebitne ustrezne rešitve je podana tudi nemška pravna ureditev navedene tematike. Kot izhaja iz ugotovitev magistrske naloge, je v splošnem ugotoviti, da meje z predpisi niso jasno določene. Ob preučevanju virov in literature s tega področja je mogoče nedvomno ugotoviti, da seznanitev delodajalca z diagnozo obolelega ali poškodovanega delavca oziroma delavca invalida pomeni poseg v njegovo zasebnost, torej korak čez mejo. Delodajalec delavca tudi v nobenem primeru ne more (fizično ali psihično) prisiliti k testiranjem, katerih namen je ugotoviti posebnosti glede zdravstvenega stanja delavca, v določenih primerih (ko za testiranje obstaja upravičen razlog in to zahtevajo zahteve delovnega mesta, na primer sum na bolezen odvisnosti)pa ima lahko odklonitev le-teh določene posledice v delovnem razmerju. In modern times the personal data privacy as part of a human pays a lot of attention . Personal data are inherently sensitive topic, even more so this becomes the case when it is by nature more sensitive personal data, which includes data on health status. Above, it is all the more potentiated in employment relationships, where the relationship between the parties is more sensitive than other contractual relationships. Stated dictates a lot of attention to the protection of workers and candidates against employers intrusion information about his health condition, to the protection of their privacy. The thesis is through studying the Slovenian legal system with an emphasis on current situations shown in what way and to what extent can an employer with the goal to fulfill their duties and exercise their rights worker and candidate access to information about their health condition and how it should be handled. The main aim of the thesis was to answer the question, are there some limits an to determine the limits of the employer's access to and processing of data described the worker and the candidate. Mentioned problems in Slovenia numerically highly regulated, but the question is whether the arrangements are sufficiently explicit with regard to the protection of the information privacy of the worker and the candidate. For comparison and the objective to find an appropriate solution is given the German legal system of that topic. As is apparent from the findings of the master's thesis, it is generally held that the restrictions of existing regulations are not clearly defined. In considering the sources and literature with this type of areas, on the other hand, held that the employer's acquaintance with the diagnosis of diseased or injured worker or the disabled person is an interference with his privacy, and meanstep across the restriction. The employer of a worker in any case can not (physically or mentally ) to compel the testing, in some specific circumstances (when there is specific reason for testing an this is in accordance with the conditions of the specific workplace, for example suspection on disease of addiction) the candidate's or employee's refusal has some consequences at workplace.